STAT- GIS of Thailand by Ms. Ruamporn Sirirattrakul Statistical Geo-Informatics Bureau, National Statistical Office of Thailand International Seminar on Modernizing Official Statistics : Meeting Productivity and New Data Challenge 24- 26 October ,2013 , Tienjin , People ‘s Republic of China Outline 1. Vision of NSO Thailand and Strategies 2. Using GIS technology in - Statistical Data Production - Data Dissemination 2 VISION All public society use statistics and information as guiding light for the country development and benefits of the Thai people. Missions 1. Manage and organize national statistical and information system to support national development and competitiveness 2. Develop statistical production and service to better serve the users’ needs. 3 NSO Strategies 1. Development of integrated and standardized statistics and information management. 2. Conduct Census or Sample Survey or facilitate so as to obtain national database of statistical information on socio-economic and information technology and other statistical sectors. 3. Provide statistical information service to all users. 4. Organize statistical training courses. 5. Cooperate and coordinate with international organizations in statistical work. 4 Statistical Production Business Process Design, Planning & Preparation Data Collection Data Processing and Analysis Reporting and Dissemination Upstream Process : Preparing Map of Enumeration Area + Census Frame Paper Map for Field Operation Enumeration Area Mapping Past Update EA boundary and building block s paper map by field survey Present Digital EA Mapping in some municipal Areas + Future EA Mapping and house location data by using GPS and GIS application in Tablet and PC Ex. Suphanburi province Map + EA Digital Map EA 005 สัญลักษณ์ แสดงตำแหน่งที่ตงของครั ั้ วเรื อนที่ทำกำรสำรวจ ขอบเขตพื ้นที่แจงนับ ( EA ) Enumeration Area Mapping 1. EA data layers EA 001 EA 001 Ortho Photo + EA 004 Notebook EA 005 EA 009 EA 006 EA 007 EA 008 PC EA digital map Sattellite image from Google Map House Location Mapping Data Layers of House Location - by using GPS and GIS application in Tablet Ortho Photo + Tablet House Location Satellite image from Google Map Using GPS Technology in 2013 Agricultural Census Collection Enumerators Location + Tablet Enumerators during field work of 2013 Agricultural Census GPS Interviewing and Geocoding Map of EA 005 in Nachaleang Municipality , Nongpai District , Phetchaboon Province Nachaleang Subdistrict Municipality EA 005 EA 005 Subdistrict Municipality Enumeration Area ( EA ) EA 005 of Nachaleang Municipality House Location Address House no. Street Subdistrict District Province : : : : : : Attribute Data 371 Kang Longlean Nachaleang Nongpai Phetchaboon Symbol Lat/Long of household location by using GPS in Tablet Enumeration Area (EA ) Using for Location- based Management and Monitoring Prototype of House Location of disability Students 21/3/2545 Reporting and Dissemination Present Past STAT-GIS Web based Ver.1 Statistical Report GIS web map service STAT-GIS Web based Ver.2 Integration of OS and spatial data Framework Social Data Economic & Environment Data Base Map shapefile Base Map 7 layers STATGIS Layer of Economic data such as - Industry - Building - Hotel And Guest House Layer of social data such as -Population and demography - Labor -Income and expenditure -Poverty Spatial Data 1. Google Map : Styled Map , Road Map ,Terrain Map ,Satellite Map, Hybrid Map , Open Street Map 2. Administrative Boundary ( Region , Province , District , Sub district) List of 21 Sectoral Statistics Social Statistics 1. Demographic, population and housing statistics 2. Labour statistics 3. Education statistics 4. Religion, Arts, and Culture statistics 5. Health statistics 6. Social security statistics 7. Gender statistics 8. Statistics of household income and expenditure 9. Justice and other social statistics Economic Statistics 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. National accounts Agricultural statistics Industrial statistics Energy statistics Trade statistics and price statistics 6. Transportation statistics 7. Information communication and technology statistics 8. Tourism statistics 9. Money, finance and insurance statistics 10. Fiscal statistics 11.Statistics of science and technology Natural Resources and Environment Statistics 1. Natural resources and environment statistics (including Meteorology statistics) 14 Statistical Geographic Information System (STAT- GIS) 1. Statistical Data Base : 2,800 items in series ( shown by sub district level for Census and Provincial level for survey) classified by • Census and Survey Projects 20 Projects – – 3 Censuses (Population ,Agriculture , Business and Industry) 17 Surveys ( ie., Labor Force , socio-economic, Construction Migration , ICT, etc. • Sectoral Statistics 17 sectors : – – – – – – STAT- GIS – Household Income Labor & Expenditure Education – National Account Religion & Culture – Agriculture & Health Fisheries Social welfare – Industry Gender – Trade & Price – Transportation & Logistics ICT Tourism & Sports – Science , IT & Property Right – Natural Resources & Environment – – STAT-GIS : NSO-GIS Web Map Service MAP Comparison Can choose for displaying a thematic map and comparing of 4 maps from different projects and years Can display Table & Graph by ranking and locating area with condition of indicators value. Table & Graph Web Map Service PC. tablet WMS for STATGIS data users STAT- GIS by Web Map Service Over lay with spatial data Can overlay spatial data layers from other agencies with WMS for analysis such as Flood Example : Search Location in Stat-GIS Search “Suvarnabhumi Airport” in Find Location Capacity of Google Geocode to search location of places or interested area Example : Searching indicators for Location A. Ranking of Indicators selected 1. Table ผลการค้นหา 2. Graph 3. Highlight for Location Example : Searching indicators for Location B. Search Indicators by data value in combination with other indicators 1.Table Search result 2. Graph 3. Highlight for Location Overlay Flood Data Layer on Base Map Flood Map , 2013 District Flood Map of Prajinburi Province ,2013 1/ ประจันตคาม นาดี เมือง บ้ านสร้ าง กบินทร์ บุรี ศรีมโหสถ Prajinburi province Severity of Flood at 3 Oct. 20131/ บ้ านสร้ าง 1/ From GISTDA วันที่ 3/10/2013 เวลา 01.00 น. ศรีมหาโพธิ Example : Display Information with Chloropleth Map Flood Map of District in Prajinburi Province , 2013 No. of Household by District of Prajinburi , 2010 ประจันตคาม นาดี เมือง บ้ านสร้ าง household อ.ศรีมหาโพธิ์ 35,413 คร. กบินทร์ บุรี ศรีมโหสถ อ.บ้ านสร้ าง 9,111 คร. ศรีมหาโพธิ อ.ศรีมโหสถ 7,872 คร. Severity of Flood at October 3 , 2013 1/ No. of Population by District of Prajinburi , 2010 จานวนประชากร person อ.ศรีมรายอ หาโพธิ์ าเภอ จ.ปราจีนบุรี ปี 2553 100,562 คน บ้ านสร้ าง อ.บ้ านสร้ าง 38,245 คน อ.ศรีมโหสถ 18,903 คน 1/ ข้ อมูล GISTDA ณ วันที่ 3/10/2013 เวลา 01.00 น. Example : Searching information No. of Households in subdistricts of Bansang District Flood Map of subdistricts in Bansang District ,2013 ต.บ้ านสร้ าง ต.บางเตย ต.บางกระเบา ต.บางพลวง ต.บางยาง ต.บางปลาร้ า ต.บาง แตน ต.บาง ขาม ต.กระทุ่ม แพ้ ว household Example : Searching Top and Below Value of indicators Mapationof Dependency Ratio , 2010 Top Loc 5 Provinces Dependency Ratio Map Highlight Location 4. Roiet 5. Uthaitani 2. Buriram 3. Sisaket 1. Surin % Top 5 Provinces of Dependency Ratio , 2010 THANK YOU FOR ATTENTION 24