Modernization of Statistical Business Process via a World Bank Project at

Modernization of Statistical Business
Process via a World Bank Project at
General Statistics Office of Vietnam (GSO)
International Seminar on Modernizing Official Statistics
Meeting Productivity and New Data Challenges
24-26 October, 2013 Tianjin, China
Brief overview of GSO
Old way of statistical process implementation at GSO
Overview of WB “Modernization of GSO” Project
Benefits/deliverables from Project
Challenges/Further activities
Brief overview of GSO
Statistical system in Vietnam is a combination of
centralized and decentralized mode:
GSO’s main function and duties:
coordinator of statistical activities in the country
responsible for producing major official social-economic
statistics (142 out 350 National Statistical Indicators, covering
various subject matter areas)
GSO’s staff:
General Statistics Office (GSO) is vertically organized with 3
levels: central (HQ in Hanoi), provincial (63 PSOs) and district
(700 DSOs)
Statistics Offices/units in line ministries
around 6000 persons, of which 300 working at HQ
Old implementation way of statistical
process at GSO
Before 2009, GSO produced statistics by the following
Vehicle of data collection:
Method of data captures :
Keyboard entries
Modes of data dissemination :
Surveys and reporting system: mainly used
Administrative data: rarely used for statistical purposes
Printing papers
Overview of WB sponsored “Modernization
of GSO” Project
Since 2006, under sponsor of World Bank and the
Government of Vietnam, GSO has been granted a
project named “Modernization of GSO” Project.
It is one of five sub-projects under the Project “ICT
Development in Vietnam” funded by World Bank with
5 Project Implementation Units:
Hanoi People’s Committee
Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee (then moved to
Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
Da Nang People’s Committee
Ministry of Information and Communications
General Statistics Office (GSO)
Overview of Project (DCA – Development
Credit Agreement)
DCA has come into effect since 01 June 2006.
Closing date of the project: 30 June 2013, then
extended to 31 December 2013
The total fund for “ICT Development in Vietnam” is
about USD 88.6 million
The budget of GSO Modernisation Project is around
USD 21.7 million
– ODA : USD 21.2 million
– Government of Vietnam: USD 0.5 million
Overview of Project (Category)
Goods (installation, operating,
Training and workshop
Consultancy service
Fund (Mil. USD)
Overview of Project (the role)
The Project plays an crucial role in GSO
It is one of major pillars for the organization development, for
success of the Strategy for Development of Vietnam Statistics
Period 2011- 2020 with a Vision up to 2030.
It offers business tools and environment for GSO to improve
its products and services for public so that data is more
reliable, transparent, timely, and accessible.
Benefits/deliverables from Project
An Enterprise Architecture (EA) is build in 2010
• Business architecture (BA)
• Information architecture (IA)
• Application architecture (AA)
• Technology architecture (TA)
• Governance system
GSO is considered as the first government agency in Vietnam to
create EA
Benefits/deliverables from Project…
An ICT – Assisted business process is introduced
A seven stage – business process model (Stat requirement
identification, preparation (design and build), collection, processing,
analysis, dissemination, archiving) is setup
An application named SSIC (System for Statistical Information
Collection) covers the first 3 stages of business process model
An application name SH (Statistical Hub) covers the 4 last stages of
business process model
SSIC and SH integrated into one unified system to give highly ICT supported vehicle for production business, at first at 2 pilot domains:
ICP survey and Enterprise survey.
Data Mining and Business Intelligence Tools is provided
Benefits/deliverables from Project…
ICT network infrastructure is installed within GSO
An Wide Area Network network (VPN) for the whole system
connects HQ, 3 ICTs and 63 PSOs together as one intranet system
A dissemination portal
collection and processing solution are supported
Scanning technique applied to reduce overall period of data
processing for Censuses:
 2009 Population Census : 8 months reduced (with support from
 2011 Rural and Agriculture Census: 10 months reduced (without
support from outsource)
 E-form and Web-form piloted at some subject matter departments
Benefits/deliverables from Project…
and software are upgraded
Acquisition of windows-based 1806 PCs, 100 notebooks and 79
printers for 3 local ITCs and 63 PSOs
Installation of up-to-date Office softwares (MS Exchange 2012,…)
Application Support Mapping Administration Field
Database in Vietnam is developed
Challenges/further activities
New concepts and methods -> changing of perception of GSO staff
Only GSO as a governmental agency has established EA: Experiences
and updating of GSO’s EA
capacity building to adapt to the new system
Staff technical transfer and training in order to manage/control and run
the system (ICT/Network infrastructure).
Staff training to have good knowledge and practices to follow the SSIC
and SH systems, namely to work in a new environment (high ICTsupported process)
development for the major domains to follows soon
SSIC and SH systems
The Project have pilots on 3 domains: ICP survey, Enterprise survey
and Population survey
There are about 35 surveys left need to be continuously developed in
2014 – 2015 -> Require time, money and staff for doing this task
Challenges/further activities…
of data collection to maximize the efficiency of
the new system
GSO Modernization Project not focus so much on modernizing data
ICT – Assisted methods for data collection should be applied, such as
PDA, tablet for ICP, labor force surveys… and census
use of administrative data for statistical purpose to
reduce the burden for data provider and data producer
Difficult to access administrative data sources from line-ministries
Agreement with high-level persons at line-ministries for cooperation:
sharing data for both organizations
Thank you very much for your attention!
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