Protocol Exchange Meeting Feb 1-2, Naval Postgraduate School SeRLoc: Secure Range-Independent Localization for Wireless Sensor Networks Radha Poovendran Network Security Lab University of Washington Graduate Student: Loukas Lazos Outline • • • • • • Motivation Secure Localization Problem SeRLoc Threats and defenses Performance Evaluation Conclusions Radha Poovendran Seattle, Washington 2 Why do we need location in WSN? Location-dependent services Network Access functions Control Monitoring Apps Radha Poovendran Seattle, Washington 3 Localization Problem Localization: Sensor Location Estimation • How do sensors become aware of their position under non-deterministic deployment? • Choice of localization algorithm is based on: • Resolution required • Region of deployment • Resource constraints of the devices Radha Poovendran Seattle, Washington 7 Classification of Loc. Schemes • Indoors vs. Outdoors: • GPS, Centroid (outdoors). • RADAR, Active Bat, AhLos (indoors). • Infrastructureless (I-L) vs. Infrastructure based (IB): • AhLos, Amorphous, DV-Hop (I-L). • RADAR, Active Bat, AVL (I-B). • Range-based (R-B) vs. Range-Independent (R-I): • RADAR, Ahlos, GPS, Active Bat (R-B). • APIT, DV-Hop, Amorphous, Centroid (R-I). • Active vs. Passive • Dv-hop, APIT (Active). • RADAR (Passive). Radha Poovendran Seattle, Washington 8 Localization in un-trusted environment • WSN may be deployed in hostile environments. • Threats in sensor localization: • External • Replay attacks. • Node Impersonation attacks. • Internal • Compromise of network entities. • False location claims. Radha Poovendran Seattle, Washington 9 Secure Location Services • Secure Verification of Location Claims [Sastry et al. WISE 2002]. • Location Privacy Privacy-aware Location Sensor Networks [Gruteser et al. USENIX 2003]. • Secure Localization: Ensure robust location estimation even in the presence of adversaries. SeRLoc: [Lazos and Poovendran, WISE 2004]. S-GPS: [Kuhn 2004]. SPINE: [Capkun & Hubeaux, Infocom 2005]. Radha Poovendran Seattle, Washington 10 Outline • • • • • • Motivation Problem Description SeRLoc Threats and defense Performance Conclusions Radha Poovendran Seattle, Washington 11 Our Approach: SeRLoc • SeRLoc: SEcure Range-independent LOCalization. • SeRLoc features • Passive Localization. • No ranging hardware required. • Decentralized Implementation, Scalable. • Robust against attacks - Lightweight security. Radha Poovendran Seattle, Washington 12 Network Model Assumptions (1) Two-tier network architecture Sensor range r Directional Locators: Known Location, Randomly deployed Orientation Antennas (X2, Y2) r Omnidirectional Sensors: Randomly deployed, unknown Antennas location (X4, Y4) (X3, Y3) (X1, Y1) θ R (X5, Y5) Beamwidth θ N Locator Sensor Locator range R W E S Radha Poovendran Seattle, Washington 13 Network Model Assumptions (2) • Locator deployment: Homogeneous Poisson point process of rate ρL (ρL: Locator density). • Sensor deployment: Poisson point process of rate ρs independent of locator deployment (ρs: sensor density). • Or can be seen as random sampling of the deployment area with rate ρs (ρs >> ρL). PLH s R k 2 k L k! e LR 2 LHs: Locators heard at a sensor s. Radha Poovendran Seattle, Washington 14 The Idea of SeRLoc Locator Sensor ROI L4 L1 L3 • Each locator Li transmits information that defines the sector Si, covered by each transmission. s • Sensor defines the region of intersection (ROI) from all locators it hears. L3 ROI (0, 0) LH s S i i 1 Radha Poovendran Seattle, Washington 15 Outline • • • • • • • Motivation Problem SeRLoc Threats and defense Performance High resolution localization: HiRLoc Conclusions Radha Poovendran Seattle, Washington 21 Threats • Attacker aims at displacing the sensors (false info is worse than no info). • We do not address DoS attacks. • We do not address jamming of the communication medium. [Lazos & Poovendran, IPSN 2005] s L1 Jamming f Radha Poovendran Seattle, Washington 22 How can a sensor be displaced? • In SeRLoc: Sensor gets false localization information. • A) Replay beacons from a far-away region. • B) Impersonate locators and fabricate beacons. How can we protect broadcasted localization information? Radha Poovendran Seattle, Washington 23 SeRLoc - Security mechanisms • Message Encryption: Messages encrypted with a symmetric key K0. ID authentication • Beacon Format: Synchronization var Li : { (Xi, Yi) || (θi,1, θi,2) || (Hn-j(PWi)), j } Locator’s coordinates PWi H H0(Pwi) H Slopes of the sector H1(Pwi) H K0 Shared symmetric key H Hn(Pwi) Hash chain function •one-way Every hash sensor stores the values Hn(PWi) for all the locators. • A sensor can authenticate all locators that are within its range (one-hop authentication). Radha Poovendran Seattle, Washington 24 SeRLoc – Wormhole Attack sensor Locator Attacker THREAT MODEL • The attacker records beacon information at region A L4 L3 L1 • Tunnels it via the wormhole link at region B, and replays the beacons. Region B • Sensor is misled to believe it hears the set of locators LHs: {L1 - L8}. L2 Wormhole link Region A • No compromise of integrity, L8 L7 L5 authenticity of the communication or crypto protocols. Record beacons • Direct link allows replay of the beacons L6 in a timely fashion. Radha Poovendran Seattle, Washington 25 Wormhole attack detection (1) Accept only single message per locator sensor Locator Attacker obstacle R R Ac Wormhole link Multiple messages from the same locator are heard due to: –Multi-path effects; –Imperfect sectorization. –Replay attack. R: locator-to-sensor communication range. PSM P LH A 1 1 e L Ac c Radha Poovendran Seattle, Washington 26 Wormhole attack detection (2) Locators heard by a sensor cannot be more than 2R apart sensor Locator 2R Ai Attacker Aj R Li R Li L j 2 R Lj Wormhole link R: locator-to-sensor communication range. PCR 1 e Radha Poovendran Seattle, Washington L Ai 1 e L Aj 27 Wormhole attack detection (3) Probability of wormhole detection sensor Locator Attacker 2R Ai Aj Ac The events of a locator being within any region Ai, Aj, Ac are independent (Regions do not overlap). Wormhole link Pdet P SM CR PSM PCR P( SM ) P(CR) 1 e L Ac e L Ac 1 e L Ai 2 Radha Poovendran Seattle, Washington 28 Wormhole attack detection (4) Probability of wormhole detection 99.48% L Radha Poovendran Seattle, Washington 29 Resolution of location ambiguity A sensor needs to distinguish the valid set of locators from the replayed ones. Attach to Closest Locator Algorithm (ACLA) Closest Locator L4 L1 Region B L2 L3 1. 2. Sensor s : Broadcasts a nonce η. Locator Li : Reply with a beacon + the nonce η, encrypted with the pair- wise key Ks,Li. 3. Sensor s : Identify the locator Lc with the first authentic reply. 4. Sensor s : A locator Li belongs to the valid set, only if it overlaps with the sector defined by the beacon of Lc. L8 L5 Wormhole link Region A L7 L6 Radha Poovendran Seattle, Washington 30 SeRLoc – Sybil Attack THREAT MODEL • The attacker impersonates multiple locators (compromise of the globally shared key K0). L2 L3 L1 L4 Collect hash values Impersonator • Attacker can fabricate arbitrary beacons. • Hence, compromise the majority-based scheme, if more than |LHs| locators impersonated. Radha Poovendran Seattle, Washington 31 Sybil Attack detection (1) • In a Sybil attack, the sensor hears at least twice the number of locators it would normally hear. • Define a threshold Lmax as the maximum allowable number of locators heard, such that: P(| LH s | Lmax ) , Lmax P(| LH s | ) 1 2 Probability of false alarm Probability of Sybil attack detection • Design goal: Given security requirement δ, minimize false alarm probability ε. Radha Poovendran Seattle, Washington 32 Sybil Attack detection (2) • Random locator deployment we can derive the Lmax value: P LH s k 1 k i 1 R e 2 i L LR 2 i! 99% Detection probability 1 52 locators 26 locators 5% False alarm Probability Radha Poovendran Seattle, Washington 33 Sybil Attack defense • Once a Sybil attack is detected, i.e. More than Lmax locators are heard: • Execute ACLA to attach sensor’s position to the closest locator. • Attacker needs to compromise the pairwise key between a locator and the sensor under attack to compromise ACLA. What if a locator is compromised? Radha Poovendran Seattle, Washington 34 SeRLoc – Compromised Locators • Compromise of a locator Li reveals K0, seed PWi to the hash chain of the locator. • Attacker can • Impersonate the Closest Locator. • Compromise the ACLA algorithm. • Displace any sensor that uses ACLA. • Need an Enhanced version of ACLA Radha Poovendran Seattle, Washington 35 Enhanced location determination algorithm 1. The sensor transmits a nonce with its ID 2. Locators within r from and set LHs the sensor relay the nonce. L1 L7 3. Locators within R reply with a beacon + the nonce. L2 4. Sensor accepts L9 first Lmax replies. L6 L3 L5 • Attacker has to compromise more than Lmax/2 locators, AND L4 L8 • Replay before authentic replies arrive at s. Radha Poovendran Seattle, Washington 36 Outline • • • • • • Motivation Secure Localization Problem SeRLoc Threats and defenses Performance Evaluation Conclusions Radha Poovendran Seattle, Washington 37 Performance Evaluation • Simulation setup: ― Random locator distribution with density ρL. ― Random sensor distribution with density 0.5. • Performance evaluation metric: 1 LE S S siest si i 1 r est • s i : Sensor location estimation. • si : Sensor actual location. • r : Sensor-to-sensor communication range. • |S| : Number of sensors. Radha Poovendran Seattle, Washington 38 Localization Error vs. Avg. LH • M number of antenna sectors. • Each locator is equivalent to M reference points. • In our simulation set up, SeRLoc outperforms most of the schemes. LH: Locators Heard Radha Poovendran Seattle, Washington 39 Localization error vs. sector error • Sector error: Fraction of sectors falsely estimated at each sensor. • Even when 50% of the sectors are falsely estimated, LE < r for LH 6 • SeRLoc is resilient against sector error due to the majority vote scheme. Radha Poovendran Seattle, Washington 41 Localization error vs. GPS error • GPS Error (GPSE): Error in the locators’ coordinates. • For GPSE = 1.8r and LH = 3, LE = 1.1r. • DV-hop/Amorphous: LE = 1.1r requires LH = 5 with no GPSE. • APIT: LE = 1.1r requires LH = 15 with no GPSE. Radha Poovendran Seattle, Washington 42 Summary and Conclusions SeRLoc is a two-tier network architecture: Locators: Known coordinates, sectored antennas, fixed transmission range. Sensors: Passively determine their position, by intersecting the antenna sectors heard. Resistance to attacks in WSN using: Cryptographic primitives (encryption, hashing). Geometric properties (Range of transmission). Analytically evaluated level of security via spatial statistics. Current developments: Characterize wormhole Problem [UW+NRL; WCNC 2005] Resistance to jamming attacks, analytical evaluation of error bounds [Lazos & Poovendran; ROPE 2005] Radha Poovendran Seattle, Washington 45 Workshop Announcement Workshop on Secure Localization of Wireless Sensor Networks: June 2005, University of Washington. Radha Poovendran Seattle, Washington 47