Publications for David Currow 2016


Publications for David Currow


Langton, J., Reeve, R., Srasuebkul, P., Haas, M.,

Viney, R., Currow, D., Pearson, S. (2016).

Health service use and costs in the last 6 months of life in elderly decedents with a history of cancer: A comprehensive analysis from a health payer perspective. British Journal of Cancer ,

114(11), 1293-1302. <a href="">[M ore Information]</a>

Crane, M., Scott, N., O'Hara, B., Aranda, S.,

Lafontaine, M., Stacey, I., Varlow, M., Currow,

D. (2016). Knowledge of the signs and symptoms and risk factors of lung cancer in

Australia: Mixed methods study. BMC Public

Health , 16(1), 1-12. <a href="

1-8">[More Information]</a>

Yee, J., Davis, G., Beith, J., Wilcken, N.,

Currow, D., Willis, K., Kilbreath, S. (2016).

Physical activity preferences, barriers and benefits in women with metastatic breast cancer.

Journal of Cancer Survivorship , in press.

Yee, J., Davis, G., Hackett, D., Beith, J.,

Wilcken, N., Currow, D., Emery, J., Phillips, J.,

Martin, A., Harrison, M., Segelov, E., Kilbreath,

S. (2016). Safety and efficacy of a physical activity program for women with metastatic breast cancer: A randomized controlled trial.

Archives of Physical Medicine and

Rehabilitation , in press.

Currow, D., Abernethy, A., Allcrof, P., Banzett,

R., Bausewein, C., Booth, S., Carrieri-Kohlman,

V., Davidson, P., Disler, R., et al (2016). The need to research refractory breathlessness.

European Respiratory Journal , 47, 342-343. <a href="

-2015">[More Information]</a>


Dobbins, T., Badgery-Parker, T., Currow, D.,

Young, J. (2015). Assessing measures of comorbidity and functional status for risk adjustment to compare hospital performance for colorectal cancer surgery: a retrospective data-linkage study. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making , 15(1), 1-7. <a href="

5-1">[More Information]</a>

Swetenham, K., Tieman, J., Butow, P., Currow,

D. (2015). Communication differences when patients and caregivers are seen separately or together. International Journal of Palliative

Nursing , 21(11), 557-563. <a href="

.557">[More Information]</a>

Publications for David Currow

Dobbins, T., Creighton, N., Currow, D., Young,

J. (2015). Look back for the Charlson Index did not improve risk adjustment of cancer surgical outcomes. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology ,

68(4), 379-386. <a href="

2.002">[More Information]</a>

Disler, R., Inglis, S., Newton, P., Currow, D.,

MacDonald, P., Glanville, A., Donesky, D.,

Carrieri-Kohlman, V., Davidson, P. (2015).

Patterns of technology use in patients attending a cardiopulmonary outpatient clinic: a self-report survey. Interactive Journal of Medical Research ,

4(1). <a href="">[Mor e Information]</a>

Sanderson, C., Quinn, S., Agar, M., Chye, R.,

Clark, K., Doogue, M., Fazekas, B., Lee, J.,

Lovell, M., Rowett, D., et al (2015).

Pharmacovigilance in hospice/palliative care: net effect of gabapentin for neuropathic pain. BMJ

Supportive & Palliative Care , 5(3), 273-280. <a href="

000699">[More Information]</a>

Clark, K., Quinn, S., Doogue, M., Sanderson, C.,

Lovell, M., Currow, D. (2015). Routine prescribing of gabapentin or pregabalin in supportive and palliative care: what are the comparative performances of the medications in a palliative care population? Supportive Care in

Cancer , 23(9), 2517-2520. <a href="

7-z">[More Information]</a>

Chen, T., Morrell, S., Thomson, W., Baker, D.,

Walton, R., Aranda, S., Currow, D. (2015).

Survival from breast, colon, lung, ovarian and rectal cancer by geographical remoteness in New

South Wales, Australia, 2000-2008. Australian

Journal of Rural Health , 23(1), 49-56. <a href="">[Mor e Information]</a>

Currow, D., Clark, K., Kamal, A., Collier, A.,

Agar, M., Lovell, M., Phillips, J., Ritchie, C.

(2015). The Population Burden of Chronic

Symptoms that Substantially Predate the

Diagnosis of a Life-Limiting Illness. Journal of

Palliative Medicine , 18(6), 480-485. <a href=""

>[More Information]</a>

Soeberg, M., Rogers, K., Currow, D., Young, J.

(2015). Trends in incidence and survival for anal cancer in New South Wales, Australia,

1972-2009. Cancer Epidemiology , 39(6),

842-847. <a href="

008">[More Information]</a>

Young, J., O’Halloran, A., McAulay, C., Pirotta,

M., Forsdike, K., Stacey, I., Currow, D. (2015).

Publications for David Currow

Unconditional and conditional incentives differentially improved general practitioners’ participation in an online survey: randomized controlled trial. Journal of Clinical

Epidemiology , 68(6), 693-697. <a href="

9.013">[More Information]</a>


Clark, K., Lam, L., Currow, D., Agar, M. (2014).

A Prospective Study to Investigate Contributory

Factors That Lead to Constipation in Palliative

Care Patients. Journal of Pain and Symptom

Management , 47(6), e1-e4. <a href="

014.01.005">[More Information]</a>

Young, J., Stacey, I., Dobbins, T., Dunlop, S.,

Dessaix, A., Currow, D. (2014). Association between tobacco plain packaging and Quitline calls: a population-based, interrupted time-series analysis. Medical Journal of Australia , 200(1),

29-32. <a href="">[

More Information]</a>

Dunlop, S., Dobbins, T., Young, J., Perez, D.,

Currow, D. (2014). Impact of Australia's introduction of tobacco plain packs on adult smokers' pack-related perceptions and responses: results from a continuous tracking survey. BMJ

Open , 4(12), 1-10. <a href="

05836">[More Information]</a>

Tracey, E., Watt, H., Currow, D., Young, J.,

Armstrong, B. (2014). Investigation of poorer bladder cancer survival in women in NSW,

Australia: a data linkage study. BJU

International , 113(3), 437-448. <a href="">[Mo re Information]</a>

Phillips, J., Lam, L., Luckett, T., Agar, M.,

Currow, D. (2014). Is the Life Space Assessment

Applicable to a Palliative Care Population? Its

Relationship to Measures of Performance and

Quality of Life. Journal of Pain and Symptom

Management , 47(6), 1121-1127. <a href="

013.06.017">[More Information]</a>

Yee, J., Davis, G., Beith, J., Wilcken, N.,

Currow, D., Emery, J., Phillips, J., Martin, A.,

Hui, R., Harrison, M., Kilbreath, S., et al (2014).

Physical activity and fitness in women with metastatic breast cancer. Journal of Cancer

Survivorship , 8(4), 647-656. <a href="

8-y">[More Information]</a>

Creighton, N., Smith, R., Currow, D. (2014).

Survival, mortality and morbidity outcomes after oesophagogastric cancer surgery in New South

Wales, 2001-2008. Medical Journal of Australia ,

201(8), 447-447. <a href="">[

More Information]</a>

Smith, R., Creighton, N., Lord, R., Merrett, N.,

Keogh, G., Liauw, W., Currow, D. (2014).

Survival, mortality and morbidity outcomes after oesophagogastric cancer surgery in New South

Wales, 2001-2008. Medical Journal of Australia ,

200(7), 408-413. <a href="">[

More Information]</a>

Young, J., Currow, D., Dunlop, S. (2014). The association between tobacco plain packaging and

Quitline calls. Medical Journal of Australia ,

200(6), 315-315. <a href="">[

More Information]</a>


Magnusson, R., Currow, D. (2013). Could a scheme for licensing smokers work in Australia?

Medical Journal of Australia , 199(3), 181-184.

<a href="">[

More Information]</a> van Zandwijk, N., Clarke, C., Henderson, D.,

Musk, A., Fong, K., Nowak, A., Loneragan, R.,

McCaughan, B., Boyer, M., Feigen, M., et al

(2013). Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of malignant pleural mesothelioma.

Journal of Thoracic Disease , 5(6), E254-E307.

<a href="

2013.11.28">[More Information]</a>


Shelby-James, T., Butow, P., Davidson, G.,

Currow, D. (2012). Case conferences in palliative care: A substudy of a cluster randomised controlled trial. Australian Family

Physician , 41(8), 608-612.

Dear, R., Barratt, A., Askie, L., Butow, P.,

McGeechan, K., Crossing, S., Currow, D.,

Tattersall, M. (2012). Impact of a cancer clinical trials web site on discussions about trial participation: a cluster randomized trial. Annals of Oncology , 23(7), 1912-1918. <a href=""

>[More Information]</a>

Disler, R., Currow, D., Phillips, J., Smith, T.,

Johnson, M., Davidson, P. (2012). Interventions to support a palliative care approach in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: An integrative review. International Journal of

Nursing Studies , 49(11), 1443-1458. <a href="

2.004">[More Information]</a>

Clark, K., Smith, J., Lovell, M., Currow, D.

(2012). Longitudinal pain reports in a palliative care population. Journal of Palliative Medicine ,

15(12), 1335-1341. <a href=""

>[More Information]</a>

Disler, R., Inglis, S., Currow, D., Davidson, P.

(2012). Palliative and Supportive Care in

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease:

Research Priorities to Decrease Suffering. Open

Access Scientific Reports , 1(6), 301-301. <a href="

301">[More Information]</a>

Disler, R., Green, A., Luckett, T., Newton, P.,

Inglis, S., Currow, D., Davidson, P. (2012).

Unmet Needs in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary

Disease:A Metasynthesis Protocol. International

Journal of Research in Nursing , 3(1), 15-20.


Lobb, E., Swetenham, K., Agar, M., Currow, D.

(2011). A collateral benefit of research in palliative care. Journal of Palliative Medicine ,

14(9), 986-987. <a href=""

>[More Information]</a>

To, T., Greene, A., Agar, M., Currow, D. (2011).

A point prevalence survey of hospital inpatients to define the proportion with palliation as the primary goal of care and the need for specialist palliative care. Internal Medicine Journal , 41(5),

430-433. <a href="

1.02484.x">[More Information]</a>

Dear, R., Barratt, A., Askie, L., McGeechan, K.,

Arora, S., Crossing, S., Currow, D., Tattersall,

M. (2011). Adding value to clinical trial registries: insights from Australian Cancer Trials

Online, a website for consumers. Clinical Trials ,

8(1), 70-76. <a href="

392">[More Information]</a>

Du, H., Newton, P., Zecchin, R., Denniss, A.,

Slamonson, Y., Everett, B., Currow, D.,

Macdonald, P., Davidson, P. (2011). An intervention to promote physical activity and self-management in people with stable chronic heart failure The Home-Heart-Walk study: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials ,

12, 1-6. <a href="

3">[More Information]</a>

Clark, K., Lam, L., Currow, D. (2011). Exploring the Relationship Between the Frequency of

Documented Bowel Movements and Prescribed

Laxatives in Hospitalized Palliative Care

Patients. American Journal of Hospice and

Palliative Care , 28(4), 258-263. <a

Publications for David Currow href="

548">[More Information]</a>

Hegarty, M., Abernethy, A., Olver, I., Currow,

D. (2011). Former palliative caregivers who identify that additional spiritual support would have been helpful in a population survey.

Palliative Medicine , 25(3), 266-277. <a href="

225">[More Information]</a>


Currow, D., Agar, M., Plummer, J., Blyth, F.,

Abernethy, A. (2010). Chronic pain in South

Australia - population levels that interfere extremely with activities of daily living.

Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public

Health , 34(3), 232-239. <a href="

0.00519.x">[More Information]</a>

Abernethy, A., McDonald, C., Frith, P., Clark,

K., Herndon II, J., Marcello, J., Young, I., Bull,

J., Wilcock, A., Booth, S., et al (2010). Effect of palliative oxygen versus room air in relief of breathlessness in patients with refractory dyspnoea: a double-blind, randomised controlled trial. The Lancet , 376(9743), 784-793. <a href="

61115-4">[More Information]</a>


Agar, M., Currow, D., Plummer, J., Chye, R.,

Draper, B. (2008). Differing management of people with advanced cancer and delirium by four sub-specialties. Palliative Medicine: a multiprofessional journal , 22(5), 633-40. <a href="

691">[More Information]</a>

Clayton, J., Hancock, K., Parker, S., Butow, P.,

Walder, S., Carrick, S., Currow, D., Ghersi, D.,

Glare, P., Hagerty, R., Tattersall, M., et al

(2008). Sustaining hope when communicating with terminally ill patients and their families: A systematic review. Psycho-Oncology , 17,

641-659. <a href="


&list_uids=18022831">[More Information]</a>


Currow, D., Plummer, J., Cooney, N., Gorman,

D., Glare, P. (2007). A Randomized,

Double-Blind, Multi-Site, Crossover,

Placebo-Controlled Equivalence Study of

Morning Versus Evening Once-Daily

Sustained-Release Morphine Sulfate in People with Pain from Advanced Cancer. Journal of

Pain and Symptom Management , 34(1), 17-23.

<a href="

Publications for David Currow fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract

&list_uids=17601560">[More Information]</a>

Parker, S., Clayton, J., Hancock, K., Walder, S.,

Butow, P., Carrick, S., Currow, D., Ghersi, D.,

Glare, P., Hagerty, R., Tattersall, M. (2007). A systematic review of prognostic/end-of-life communication with adults in the advanced stages of a life-limiting illness: patient/caregiver preferences for the content, style, and timing of information. Journal of Pain and Symptom

Management , 34(1), 81-93. <a href="


&list_uids=17531434">[More Information]</a>

Clayton, J., Hancock, K., Butow, P., Tattersall,

M., Currow, D. (2007). Clinical practice guidelines for communicating prognosis and end-of-life issues with adults in the advanced stages of a life-limiting illness, and their caregivers. Medical Journal of Australia ,

186(12), S77-S108. <a href="


&list_uids=17576171">[More Information]</a>

Hancock, K., Clayton, J., Parker, S., Walder, S.,

Butow, P., Carrick, S., Currow, D., Ghersi, D.,

Glare, P., Hagerty, R., Tattersall, M. (2007).

Discrepant Perceptions About End-of-Life

Communication: A Systematic Review. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management , 34(2),

190-200. <a href="


&list_uids=17544247">[More Information]</a>

Clayton, J., Butow, P., Tattersall, M., Devine, R.,

Simpson, J., Aggarwal, G., Clark, K., Currow,

D., Elliott, L., Lacey, J., Noel, M., et al (2007).

Randomized controlled trial of a prompt list to help advanced cancer patients and their caregivers to ask questions about prognosis and end-of-life care. Journal of Clinical Oncology ,

25(6), 715-723. <a href="


&list_uids=17308275">[More Information]</a>

Clayton, J., Hancock, K., Butow, P., Tattersall,

M., Currow, D. (2007). Reply to Mark T Clayer

[Clinical practice guidelines for communicating prognosis and end-of-life issues with adults in the advanced stages of a life-limiting illness, and their caregivers]. Medical Journal of Australia ,

187(8), 478.

Clayton, J., Hancock, K., Parker, S., Butow, P.,

Walder, S., Carrick, S., Currow, D., Ghersi, D.,

Glare, P., Hagerty, R., Olver, I., Tattersall, M.

(2007). Sustaining hope when communicating with terminally ill patients and their families: a systematic review. Psycho-Oncology , DOI:

10.1002/pon.1288(DOI: 10.1002/pon.1288),

1-19. <a href="


&list_uids=18022831">[More Information]</a>

Hancock, K., Clayton, J., Parker, S., Walder, S.,

Butow, P., Carrick, S., Currow, D., Ghersi, D.,

Glare, P., Hagerty, R., Tattersall, M. (2007).

Truth-telling in discussing prognosis in advanced life-limiting illnesses: a systematic review.

Palliative Medicine: a multiprofessional journal ,

21(6), 507-517. <a href="


&list_uids=17846091">[More Information]</a>


Hall, W., Christie, M., Currow, D. (2005).

Cannabinoids and cancer: causation, remediation, and palliation. Lancet Oncology ,

6(1), 35-42. <a href="


&list_uids=15629274">[More Information]</a>


Toye, C., Kristjanson, L., White, K., Sullivan,

K., Currow, D., Cordingley, S., Oldham, L.,

Hearn, L., Leavesley, S., Cook, P., et al (2004).

The Volunteering in Palliative Residential Aged

Care Project. Australasian Journal on Ageing ,

23(Supplement 1), A3-A3.
