Publications for Cristyn Davies 2015

Publications for Cristyn Davies
Publications for Cristyn Davies
Robinson, K., Davies, C. (2015). Children's
Gendered and Sexual Cultures: Desiring and
Regulating Recognition through Life Markers of
Marriage, Love and Relationships. In Emma
Renold, Jessica Ringrose, R. Danielle Egan
(Eds.), Children, Sexuality and Sexualization,
(pp. 174-190). Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan.
Burns, K., Davies, C. (2015). Constructions of
young women's health and wellbeing in
neoliberal times: A case study of the HPV
vaccination program in Australia. In Katie
Wright, Julie McLeod (Eds.), Rethinking Youth
Wellbeing: Critical Perspectives, (pp. 71-89).
Singapore: Springer. <a
8-6_5">[More Information]</a>
Skinner, R., Davies, C., Cooper, S., Stoney, T.,
Marshall, H., Jones, J., Collins, J., Hutton, H.,
Parrella, A., Zimet, G., McCaffery, K., Leask, J.,
Kang, M., McGeechan, K., et al (2015). study protocol: A cluster randomised
controlled evaluation of education, decisional
support and logistical strategies in school-based
human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination of
adolescents. BMC Public Health, 15(1), 1-9. <a
8-5">[More Information]</a>
Davies, C., Knox, S. (2014). Cultural Studies of
Law. Abingdon: Routledge.
Robinson, K., Davies, C. (2014). Doing sexuality
research with children and young people: Ethics,
theory, methods and practice. Global Studies of
Childhood, 4(4), 250-263. <a
0">[More Information]</a>
Davies, C., Burns, K. (2014). Mediating healthy
female citizenship in the HPV vaccination
campaigns. Feminist Media Studies, 14(5),
711-726. <a
830632">[More Information]</a>
Davies, C. (2013). Constructing 'decency':
Government subsidized cultural production
during the culture wars. Cultural Studies, 27(1),
92-114. <a
722300">[More Information]</a>
Davies, C., Burns, K. (2013). Imagining Queer
Community in The L Word. In Dana Heller
(Eds.), Loving the L Word: The Complete Series
in Focus, (pp. 173-190). London: I.B. Tauris.
Davies, C., Semann, A. (2013). In Conversation
with Jonathan Silin. Contemporary Issues in
Early Childhood, 14(1), 1-7. <a
">[More Information]</a>
Semann, A., Davies, C., Silin, J. (2013). In
conversation with Jonathan Silin: past, present
and future. Contemporary Issues in Early
Childhood, 14(1), 8-11. <a
">[More Information]</a>
Burns, K., Davies, C. (2013). Producing Girl
Citizens as Agents of Health: An
Analysis of HPV Media Campaigns in the
United States. In Kate Harper, Yasmina
Katsulis, Vera Lopez, Georganne Scheiner Gillis
(Eds.), Girls Sexualities and the Media, (pp.
139-154). New York: Peter Lang Publishing.
Davies, C., Robinson, K. (2013).
Reconceptualising Family: Negotiating sexuality
in a governmental climate of neoliberalism.
Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 14(1),
39-53. <a
9">[More Information]</a>
Knox, S., Davies, C. (2013). The Force of
Meaning: Cultural studies of Law. Cultural
Studies, 27(1), 1-10. <a
722288">[More Information]</a>
Cooper, S., Davies, C. (2013), <i>‘Storks,
Cabbage Patches, and the Birds and Bees—Our
Broken Sex Education System’, The
Conversation, 30th January</i>.
Davies, C. (2012). 'It's not at all chic to be denied
your civil rights': Performing sexual citizenship
in Holly Hughes's Preaching to the Perverted.
Sexualities, 15(3-4), 277-296. <a
470">[More Information]</a>
Robinson, K., Davies, C., Saltmarsh, S. (2012).
Conclusions: Rethinking School Violence:
Implications for Theory, Policy and Practice. In
C. Davies, K. Robinson and S. Saltmarsh (Eds.),
Rethinking School Violence, (pp. 184-194).
United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan.
Davies, C. (2012). Imagining Otherwise:
Performance Art As Queer Time And Space. In
Kerry H. Robinson, Cristyn Davies (Eds.), Queer
and Subjugated Knowledges: Generating
Subversive Imaginaries, (pp. 23-48). Sharjah:
Bentham Science Publishers.
Payne, R., Davies, C. (2012). Introduction to the
special section: Citizenship and queer critique.
Sexualities, 15(3-4), 251-256. <a
Publications for Cristyn Davies
461">[More Information]</a>
Robinson, K., Davies, C., Saltmarsh, S. (2012).
Introduction: The case for rethinking school
violence. In C. Davies, K. Robinson and S.
Saltmarsh (Eds.), Rethinking School Violence,
(pp. 1-18). United Kingdom: Palgrave
Robinson, K., Davies, C. (2012). Queer and
Subjugated Knowledges: Generating Subversive
Imaginaries. Sharjah: Bentham Science
Robinson, K., Davies, C., Saltmarsh, S. (2012).
Rethinking School Violence. United Kingdom:
Palgrave Macmillan.
Davies, C., McInnes, D. (2012). Speaking
Violence: Homophobia and the Production of
Injurious Speech in Schooling Cultures. In C.
Davies, K. Robinson and S. Saltmarsh (Eds.),
Rethinking School Violence, (pp. 131-148).
United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan.
Davies, C., Knox, E. (2011), <i>'An easy
alliance', Artistic Bedfellows: History &
Discourse in Collaborative Art Practices, ed. by
H. Crawford and L. Fellmann, New York: UPA/
Roman and Littlefield,108-115</i>.
Madden, L., Davies, C. (2011). Rethinking
inclusion: Reading for success. Every child : the
magazine of the Australian Early Childhood
Association, 17(3), 34-35.
Davies, C., Robinson, K. (2010). Hatching
Babies and Stork Deliveries: Risk and
Regulation in the Construction of Children's
Sexual Knowledge. Contemporary Issues in
Early Childhood, 11(3), 249-262. <a
49">[More Information]</a>
Saltmarsh, S., Davies, C. (2010). Risky
Childhoods in Uncertain Times. Contemporary
Issues in Early Childhood, 11(3), 230-233. <a
30">[More Information]</a>
Robinson, K., Davies, C. (2010). Tomboys and
Sissy Girls: Exploring Girls' Power, Agency and
Female Relationships in Childhood Through the
Memories of Women. Australasian Journal of
Early Childhood, 35(1), 24-31.
Burns, K., Davies, C. (2009). Producing
Cosmopolitan Sexual Citizens on The L Word.
Journal of Lesbian Studies, 13(2), 174-188. <a
5353">[More Information]</a>
Robinson, K., Davies, C. (2008). 'She's kickin'
ass, that's what she's doing!': deconstructing
childhood 'innocence' in media representations.
Australian Feminist Studies, 23(57), 343-358. <a
3294">[More Information]</a>
McInnes, D., Davies, C. (2008). Articulating
Sissy Boy Queerness Within and Against
Discourses of Tolerance and Pride. In S Driver
(Eds.), Queer Youth Cultures, (pp. 105-121).
New York: State University of New York Press.
Davies, C. (2008). Becoming Sissy. In
Bronwyn Davies (Eds.), Judith Butler in
Conversation: Analysing the Texts and Talk of
Everyday Life, (pp. 117-133). New York:
Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis.
Robinson, K., Davies, C. (2008). Docile Bodies
and Heteronormative Moral Subjects:
Constructing the Child and Sexual Knowledge in
Schooling. Sexuality & Culture, 12(4), 221-239.
7-7">[More Information]</a>
Davies, C., Payne, R. (2008). Introduction:
Cultures of Panic. Cultural Studies Review,
14(2), 11-13.
Davies, C. (2008). Proliferating panic: regulating
representations of sex and gender during the
culture wars. Cultural Studies Review, 14(2),
Davies, C., Robinson, K. (2007). Boy nerds, girls
nerds: constituting and negotiating computing
and information technologies and peer groups as
gendered subjects in schooling. In Julieanne
Lynch (Eds.), Gender and IT: ongoing
challenges for computing and information
technology in Australian secondary schools.
Australia: Australian Curriculum Studies
Davies, C., Knox, E. (2007). Disturbing the
dialectics of the public toilet with the water
closet. Hecate: an interdisciplinary journal of
women's liberation, 33(2), 120-134.
Gannon, S., Davies, C. (2007). For Love of the
Word: English Teaching, Affect and Writing.
Changing English, 14(1), 87-98.
Davies, B., Davies, C. (2007). Having, and Being
Had By, "Experience" Or, "Experience" in the
Social Sciences After the Discursive/
Poststructuralist Turn. Qualitative Inquiry, 13(8),
1139-1159. <a
Publications for Cristyn Davies
228">[More Information]</a>
Davies, C. (2007), Review: Cultural Studies'
Affective Voices. By Melissa Gregg, London:
Palgrave Macmillan, 2006. Cultural Studies
Review, 203-208.
Robinson, K., Davies, C. (2007). Tomboys and
Sissy girls: young girls'
negotiations of masculinity and femininity.
International Journal of Equity and Innovation
in Early Childhood, 5(2), 17-31.
Robinson, K., Davies, C. (2007). Tomboys and
Sissy Girls: young girls' negotiations of
femininity and masculinity. International
Journal of Equity and Innovation in Early
Childhood, 5(2), 17-31.
Davies, C. (2006), Review: Performance In
America: Contemporary U.S Culture and the
Performing Arts. By David Roman, Duke
University Press, Durham and London,
2005.Australasian Journal of American Studies
(AJAS), 25(2), 111-114.
Davies, C., Knox, E. (2006), <i>‘Holes in Our
Maps: An Interview with
Elizabeth Knox’ by Cristyn Davies’, HEAT, 11
(New Series), Sydney: Giramondo
Davies, C. (2005). Encountering Identity: Affect,
Writing and the Feminist Scholar. MP Online,
1(2), 13-19.
Davies, C. (2004). The poetics of Hip Hop:
Elena Knox in dis Miss!. Southerly, 64(3),