Publications for Antony Basten 2013

Publications for Antony Basten
Publications for Antony Basten
7.02772.x">[More Information]</a>
Gardam, S., Sierro, F., Basten, A., Mackay, F.,
Brink, R. (2008). TRAF2 and TRAF3 signal
adapters act cooperatively to control the
maturation and survival signals delivered to B
cells by the BAFF receptor. Immunity, 28(3),
391-401. <a
1.009">[More Information]</a>
Berbic, M., Ng, C., Black, K., Markham, R.,
Russell, P., Basten, A., Fraser, I.,
Hey-Cunningham, A. (2013). A Novel Pilot
Study of Endometrial Stromal Cells and Immune
Cell Populations in Sentinel Uterine-Draining
Lymph Nodes During the Menstrual Cycle and
in Endometriosis. Reproductive Sciences, 20(11),
1339-1348. <a
298">[More Information]</a>
Chan, T., Wood, K., Hermes, J., Butt, D., Jolly,
C., Basten, A., Brink, R. (2012). Elimination of
Germinal-Center-Derived Self-Reactive B Cells
Is Governed by the Location and Concentration
of Self-Antigen. Immunity, 37(5), 893-904. <a
7.017">[More Information]</a>
Berbic, M., Hey Cunningham, A., Ng, C.,
Basten, A., Markham, R., Fraser, I. (2010). A
novel approach into better understanding of the
role of uterine leukocytes during the time of
menstruation and in presence of endometriosis.
XI International Congress of Reproductive
Immunology, Australia: Palm Cove.
Basten, A., Silveira, P. (2010). B-cell tolerance:
mechanisms and implications. Current Opinion
in Immunology, 22(5), 566-74. <a
1">[More Information]</a>
Cox, S., Stolp, J., Hallahan, N., Counette, J.,
Zhang, W., Serreze, D., Basten, A., Silveira, P.
(2010). Enhanced responsiveness to T-cell help
causes loss of B-lymphocyte tolerance to a b-cell
neo-self-antigen in type 1 diabetes prone NOD
mice. European Journal of Immunology, 40(12),
3413-3425. <a
[More Information]</a>
Lee, C., McGuire, H., Basten, A., King, C.,
Christ, D. (2010). Expression, purification and
characterization of recombinant interleukin-21.
Journal of Immunological Methods, 362(1-2),
185-189. <a
8">[More Information]</a>
Basten, A., Fazekas de St Groth, B. (2008).
Special regulatory T-cell review: T-cell
dependent suppression revisited. Immunology,
123, 33-39. <a
Basten, A. (2007). The evolution of clinical
immunology and allergy in Australia.
Immunology and Cell Biology, 86(1). <a
&list_uids=18040282">[More Information]</a>
Paus, D., Phan, T., Chan, T., Gardam, S., Basten,
A., Brink, R. (2006). Antigen recognition
strength regulates the choice between
extrafollicular plasma cell and germinal center B
cell differentiation. The Journal of Experimental
Medicine, 203(4), 1081-1091. <a
&list_uids=16606676">[More Information]</a>
Phan, T., Paus, D., Chan, T., Turner, M., Nutt,
S., Basten, A., Brink, R. (2006). High affinity
germinal center B cells are actively selected into
the plasma cell compartment. The Journal of
Experimental Medicine, 203(11), 2419-2424. <a
&list_uids=17030950">[More Information]</a>
Phan, T., Gardam, S., Basten, A., Brink, R.
(2005). Altered migration, recruitment, and
somatic hypermutation in the early response of
marginal zone B cells to T cell-dependent
antigen. The Journal of Immunology, 174(8),
4567-4578. <a
&list_uids=15814678">[More Information]</a>
Ismail, N., Basten, A., Briscoe, H., Bretscher, P.
(2005). Increasing the foreignness of an antigen,
by coupling a second and foreign antigen to it,
increases the T helper type 2 component of the
immune response to the first antigen.
Immunology, 115(1), 34-41. <a
&list_uids=15819695">[More Information]</a>
Grech, A., Gardam, S., Chan, T., Quinn, R.,
Gonzales, R., Basten, A., Brink, R. (2005).
Tumor necrosis factor receptor 2 (TNFR2)
Publications for Antony Basten
signaling is negatively regulated by a novel,
carboxyl-terminal TNFR-associated factor 2
(TRAF2)-binding site. Journal of Biological
Chemistry, 280(36), 31572-81. <a
&list_uids=16020544">[More Information]</a>
Phan, T., Paus, D., Chan, T., Gardam, S.,
Amesbury, M., Crosbie, J., Basten, A., Brink, R.
(2005). Visualising B Cell Responses to Protein
Antigens of Varying Affinity in Vivo. 35th
Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australasian
Society for Immunology 2005, Denmark:
Blackwell Munksgaard.
Thien, M., Phan, T., Gardam, S., Amesbury, M.,
Basten, A., Mackay, F., Brink, R. (2004). Excess
Baff Rescues Self-Reactive B Cells From
Peripheral Deletion And Allows Them To Enter
Forbidden Follicular And Marginal Zone Niches.
Immunity, 20(6), 785-798. <a
5.010">[More Information]</a>
Grech, A., Amesbury, M., Chan, T., Gardam, S.,
Basten, A., Brink, R. (2004). Traf2 Differentially
Regulates The Canonical And Noncanonical
Pathways Of Nf-Kappab Activation In Mature B
Cells. Immunity, 21(5), 629-642.
Phan, T., Amesbury, M., Gardam, S., Crosbie, J.,
Hasbold, J., Hodgkin, P., Basten, A., Brink, R.
(2003). B cell receptor-independent stimuli
trigger immunoglobulin (Ig) class switch
recombination and production of IgG
autoantibodies by anergic self-reactive B cells.
The Journal of Experimental Medicine, 197(7),
Sze, D., Brown, R., Yang, S., Gibson, J., Ho, J.,
Fazekas de St Groth, B., Basten, A., Joshua, D.
(2003). Prediction of high affinity class
I-restricted multiple myeloma idiotype peptide
epitopes. Leukemia and Lymphoma, 44(9),
Cook, A., Oganesian, L., Harumal, P., Basten,
A., Brink, R., Jolly, C. (2003). Reduced
switching in SCID B cells is associated with
altered somatic mutation of recombined S
regions. The Journal of Immunology, 171(2003),
Sze, D., Giesajtis,, G., Brown, R., Raitakari, M.,
Gibson, J., Ho, J., Baxter, A., Fazekas de St
Groth, B., Basten, A., Joshua, D. (2001). Clonal
cytotoxic T cells are expanded in myeloma and
reside in the CD8+Cd57+CD28- compartment.
Blood, 98(9), 2817-2827.
Ho, J., Basten, A., Gibson, J., Joshua, D., Brown,
R., Pelka, G. (2001). Illegitimate switch
recombinations are present in approximately half
of primary myeloma tumors, but do not relate to
known prognostic indicators or survival. Blood,
97, 490-495.
Basten, A., Cook, M., Korner, H., Winkler, T.,
Sedgwick, J., Rolliinghoff, M. (2001).
Recirculating and marginal zone B cell
populations can be established and maintained
independently of primary and secondary
follicles. Immunology and Cell Biology, 79,