IFCS/FSC/07.06 rev1 74th Forum Standing Committee meeting 2 March 2007 MEETING REPORT PARTICIPANTS Member: Officer/Government/Organization Participants & Co-workers President: Hungary Dr Z. Szabó Vice-Presidents: Africa: Tanzania Prof. J. Katima SAICM Regional Focal Point Iran Mrs A. Olanipekun, Nigeria M G. Dehghani Mr N. Neidari Mr Eisaku Toda , Japan "Co-worker" Asia & Pacific: "Co-worker" CEE: SAICM Regional Focal Point Slovenia Participated Absent Dr Marta Ciraj Mrs Karmen Krajnc Ms R.E. Morohoi, Romania Dr J. De Kom SAICM Regional Focal Point Switzerland Mr G. Entenza, Argentina Dr G. Karlaganis SAICM Regional Focal Point Ms Jane Stratford, United Kingdom Past President: Thailand Dr S. Wibulpolprasert Partial participation Africa Region: Burkino Faso Prof. Abdouraman Bary Partial participation due to technical problem and disconnection Zambia Mr M. Musenga China Ms Yu-Fei Ms Shen Yingwa Republic of Korea Dr Kyung-Hee Choi Thailand Dr S. Tiptarodol Dr D. Hongsamoot "Co-worker" "Co-worker" LAC: "Co-worker" WEOG: "Co-worker" Asia & Pacific: "Co-worker" SAICM Regional Focal Point Suriname "Co-worker" CEE: Belarus Dr I. Zastenskaya Latvia Mr A. Ludborzs -1- IFCS/FSC/07.06 LAC: WEOG: Brazil Ms M.M. Cerqueira Chile HE Carman Hertz Austria Germany Dr T. Jakl Ms B. Perthen-Palmisano Ms M. Luxem USA Ms Hodayah Finman UNEP Dr M. Younes IOMC Secretariat Dr T. Meredith Ms C. Vickers Industry Ms K. Kunzer, ICCA Public Interest Dr R.F. Quijano, PAN Mr G. Wiser, CIEL Mr B. Erikson, ITUC Dr L. Corra, ISDE Mr N. Sylla Dr M. Gubb Dr J.A. Stober "Co-worker" IOMC Chair, IOCC: "Co-worker" NGOs "Co-worker" Labour Science Other Participants SAICM Secretariat IFCS Secretariat: Senegal - Forum VI host (proposed) UNEP -2- IFCS/FSC/07.06 rev1 1. Opening The President welcomed members and participants to the teleconference. 2. Acceptance of Agenda (IFCS/FSC/07.03) The Agenda was adopted as proposed. 3. Acceptance of Record of 73rd Meeting (IFCS/FSC/06.47rev1) The draft record of the 73rd FSC meeting was accepted. 4. FSC - designation of representatives status report The Secretariat informed the FSC that the designation of a representative to the FSC was awaited from China, Republic of Korea, Belarus and Suriname. Follow-up letters had been sent to the governments concerned in February 2007 and it was hoped that the official designations would be received soon. 5. Forum VI 5.1 Topics for future forum (IFCS/FSC/07.01 and IFCS/FSC/07.02) The President reviewed the process agreed by the FSC at its last meeting for collecting input on possible topics for the Forum VI agenda. The Secretariat in cooperation with G. Karlaganis prepared a questionnaire to solicit the views of the FSC on the list of topics for the future Forum session. The submitted completed questionnaires and other input are compiled in document IFCS/FSC/07.01. A summary report of the responses to the questionnaire and other input received is contained in document IFCS/FSC/07.02. The President thanked those responding to the questionnaire and said it was important to consider the information received. FSC members expressed appreciation for the valuable input received especially from developing countries. The information will provide guidance for the planning for Forum VI. The President noted that concern regarding duplication of efforts should be addressed and that IFCS should make a distinct and added contribution to topics being addressed by one or more other organizations. K. Kunzer expressed the view that the future of IFCS should be evaluated first and information made available before planning for Forum VI proceeded to avoid wasting time and effort. The President stated that the work on the future of IFCS, although relevant to the work of the FCS, was a separate endeavour and that the FSC had a responsibility to guide the planning of a programme for Forum VI. G. Karlaganis proposed that the agenda for Forum VI include two plenary sessions on nanotechnology, nanoparticles and nanomaterials and offered to prepare a paper on how a session could be organized. He invited others to work with Switzerland on the proposal. J. Stratford and K-H Choi expressed support for the topic and volunteered for the work. M. Luxem offered to contribute to the extent possible given other work commitments. The Secretariat stated that she had been contact by R. Visser, OECD, who offered to work with any group established on the topic. He had provided the Secretariat with OECD documents describing the organizations on going work in the area. The participation of the OECD secretariat and members of OECD should ensure informed planning and avoid duplication of effort. M. Luxem said that Germany viewed three topics as high priority: substitution/alternatives, lead and cadmium and Table C referred to in the SAICM Global Plan of Action. Concerning substitution, P. Chemin, France, was interested in contributing to the work to prepare a proposal on the topic. Germany is willing to take the lead to prepare a proposal for lead and cadmium which will build on the work of -3- IFCS/FSC/07.06 UNEP. Given the global concern, it found merit in addressing aspects of lead and cadmium in the context of the IFCS. Table C referred to in the SAICM Global Plan of Action should be examined to consider which issues needed to be further looked into. M. Ciraj noted that 8 countries from the CEE region had responded to the questionnaire and that two topics were give high priority: nanotechnology/nanomaterials/nanoparticles and PBTS. In addition Slovenia viewed the topic of substitution/alternatives as important. H. Finman stated that a substantive amount of time would be needed at Forum VI to address the future of IFCS and that it would not be possible to include all the topics on the agenda. She expressed concern on duplication of work in other fora, for example work on nanotechnology in OECD and heavy metals in UNEP. Given the timing of the next Forum and ICCM2, addressing the list of chemicals cited in SAICM OPS and GPA may not be a good use of time. The US has concerns on how the topic of substitution would be approached, particularly the sub items listed, and would be sending comments. M. Younes stated that the IOMC organizations supported the concerns expressed by the US on duplication of efforts and the members would be willing to report on their work to Forum VI. J. Katima said the evaluation of duplication issues must examine who is involved in activities and ongoing work and that topics must be addressed by all concerned. In the case of OECD’s work on nanotechnology and nanomaterials, participation was limited and restricted. G. Wiser on behalf of IPEN supported the topics listed by Germany as high priorities noting that Forum VI is scheduled to be held in Africa and the interest of African countries should carry significant weight in determining the agenda. For NGOs working in Africa, substitution is a priority that covers a range of issues and a practical session on how to apply substitution would be beneficial. Concerning the question of duplication, he supported the statement made by J. Katima emphasizing that the OECD does not include the full range of stakeholders and a significant amount of important work is done outside OECD. He noted that OECD offers NGOs limited opportunities to participate and confidentiality rules often prevent NGOs from distributing documents to their networks in a timely manner. Therefore OECD can not be compared with IFCS and IFCS has every right and a mandate to address the topic of nanotechnology and nanomaterials. N. Heidari stated that the summary report on topics for the agenda of Forum VI would be further discussed in Iran and suggested that the Secretariat might consider possible ways of further streamlining the summary report. Concerning the issues of duplication, he said that the FSC should ask what was meant by the concept noting that OECD was not a universal organization and that in the EU many fora address a given topic which aids in understanding. All the topics listed could be considered of high priority and there was much to be gained by learning of the experience of others. Ecologically sound and integrated pest and vector management was an important topic for Iran in view of the incidence of malaria in neighbouring countries. He will discuss with national experts the possibility of preparing a proposal for a session on the topic at Forum VI and inform the President and Secretariat on the decision. Iran also placed high importance on precaution and OHS and would further consider these topics. G. Karlaganis said Switzerland’ proposal for nanotechnology & nanomaterials would not be a duplication of OECD work in which Switzerland was actively participating. In non-OECD countries, different conditions and issues needed to be addressed, e.g. SMEs, worker safety. H. Finman expressed concerns that IFCS would be working at cross purposes if it addressed nanotechnology. OECD had the technical expertise while IFCS addresses the broad spectrum of issues when taking decisions. The US had a preference not to discuss certain types of issues at IFCS. -4- IFCS/FSC/07.06 rev1 L. Corra said that science NGOs valued IFCS as a forum to interact directly with governments. She supported addressing topics that affect implementation of measures in developing countries, i.e. poverty, the widening gap, illegal traffic. These together with topics such as children and chemical safety were cross cutting issues. J. de Kom expressed agreement that the future role of IFCS needed to be clarified. The IFCS work should be complementary not duplicative of work elsewhere. He noted that topics are not comprehensively dealt with by any one organization. J. Stratford noted that the future of IFCS will be a substantive topic at Forum VI. She understood that Forum V had been particularly beneficial for developing countries and NGOs offering opportunities not found elsewhere. What countries really wish to consider and what information is lacking and needed should be main considerations. She expressed the view that a topic being addressed by one organization does not preclude it from being considered by other fora. Substitution and alternatives is an important topic. T. Jakl noted the importance substitution and alternatives has in the EU and volunteered to take the lead to prepare a proposal for a Forum VI session on the topic. M. Luxem asked the Secretariat if it could provide information on what work is being done on Table C referred to in the SAICM Global Plan of Action. The Secretariat offered to collect information on ongoing work from IOMC organizations and the SAICM Regional Focal Points. In response to a question, M. Gubb stated that the SAICM Secretariat was not doing any work on Table C as it was considered a non paper with no status. The FSC acknowledged that the Future of IFCS will be a substantive Forum VI agenda topic. The preparatory work for this is being undertaken by a working group established by the Forum. It agreed to consider a number of the possible topics in further detail at its 18-20 June 2007 face to face meeting. The preparatory work would be done following the established practice. A lead sponsor and interested supporting parties volunteering to contribute to the work will prepare a brief paper on each topic proposed. The paper should provide information on issues that would be considered by the Forum, objectives of a plenary session on the topic, possible Forum actions and how the plenary session documents (decision, information and/or thought starter) will be prepared. Poverty reduction, widening gap, illegal traffic and children as cross cutting issues should be taken into consideration as relevant for each topic. Papers should be submitted to the IFCS Secretariat by 25 May 2007. The lead for each topic together with the initial list of contributing members is listed in the Annex. The FSC requested additional time to consult with colleagues and constituents to seek volunteers for the groups. M. Younes said the relevant IOMC organizations secretariats will be involved in the work on a topic from the start. They will inform the discussions so that the Forum can add to ongoing work and avoid duplication. Working/drafting groups preparing brief papers/proposals for Forum plenary topics are open. The names and full contact details of additional volunteers/contributors for the drafting groups should be sent to the IFCS Secretariat no later than 26 March 2007. The Secretariat reminded the FSC that any IFCS participant or group of participants may propose a topic for the agenda of a session of the Forum. Proposals will be considered when submitted. In view of the necessary time to ensure adequate preparation, IFCS participants are requested to submit proposals as soon as possible, preferably by 31 May 2007 so that the FSC may consider it at its face-to-face FSC meeting 18-20 June 2007. -5- IFCS/FSC/07.06 5.2 Scheduling - host/venue, date The Secretariat referred to the statement by the Government of Senegal at Forum V confirming its interest and offer to host Forum VI in Senegal. The Secretariat and IFCS VP African Region have communicated with and held discussions with the representative of Senegal to ensure the government is informed on the host government requirements and responsibilities as well as the process for submission of an official proposal. In order to ensure adequate planning and organization time for Forum VI, the Secretariat requested the FSC to consider a time frame for taking a decision on the host for Forum VI so that this information could be conveyed to the Government of Senegal. The President proposed a deadline of May 2007. C. N. Sylla expressed agreement with this timeline and requested the Secretariat to send a letter to his Government conveying the information. The Secretariat recalled that IFCS participants have expressed strong support for convening Forum VI in the African region, the only region yet to host a session of the Forum. She informed the FSC on alternative backup meeting arrangements should Senegal or another African country not be able to make the necessary arrangements to host Forum VI. The President, with the assistance of the Executive Director, UNEP and M. Younes, Head, Chemicals Branch, UNEP, reserved the UN conference facilities at the UN Gigiri Compound in Nairobi for 13-19 September 2008. 6. INFOCAP The Secretariat provided background information on the origins of INFOCAP, the mandate given to the IFCS Secretariat and FSC during the start-up phase of INFOCAP and the advice and recommendations concerning the future operation and permanent host made by the ICCM and in the SAICM OPS and GPA. The SAICM Secretariat is seeking clarification and assurances on several matters concerning the FSC’s role and responsibility for INFOCAP. The SAICM Secretariat has indicated to that it would not be in a position to replicate the governance arrangements that applied when INFOCAP was administered by IFCS including reporting obligations to the FSC as that would be inappropriate for the SAICM secretariat, maintaining the current INFOCAP steering group and INFOCAP focal points network. The Secretariat requested the FSC to consider and take a decision on its future role and responsibility for INFOCAP. The IFCS Secretariat recommends that the FSC relinquish any authority and responsibility for INFOCAP, recognizing that the IFCS role was on an interim basis during the start up phase of INFOCAP and those interests of governments and organizations will be dealt with by the ICCM in the new international framework for chemicals management. G. Wiser sought clarification on the statement by UNEP that the intention of the SAICM Secretariat was to administer INFOCAP on a trial basis. M. Gubb stated that the SAICM Secretariat would report to ICCM2 on its experience administering INFOCAP as part of the clearing house function and ICCM2 may make recommendations on its future operation. M. Luxem suggested that the letter to UNEP state that it was understood that the SAICM Secretariat shall endeavour to host, operate and administer the INFOCAP system in the most efficient and practical way to achieve the overall goal and objectives of the network. This would address what was understood as concerns of the SAICM Secretariat. The FSC agreed to relinquish its authority and responsibility for INFOCAP. The President requested that the Secretariat finalize the letter and send a copy for information to the FSC. 7. Working Group on the future of IFCS The President noted that the Working Group on the Future of IFCS was established by Forum V as a separate distinct WG and it was not under the responsibility of the FSC, although its work was relevant to -6- IFCS/FSC/07.06 rev1 the preparations of the agenda for Forum VI. The 1st meeting of the WG would immediately follow the 74th FSC teleconference. He asked the FSC if there were any questions. There were none. 8. SAICM implementation – update M. Gubb informed the FSC that a draft business plan for the SAICM Quick Start Programme (QSP) is currently under development and will be submitted to the QSP Executive Board at its next meeting on 2324 April 2007. A first draft of the business plan is now available on the SAICM web site: http://www.chem.unep.ch/saicm/qsp/business_plan.htm and comments are invited on the draft by 9 March 2007. A meeting for Arab countries on implementation of SAICM will be held in Cairo, Egypt, from 1 to 2 April 2007. Information and documents are available on the SAICM website 1. The second round of applications to the Quick Start Programme Trust Fund is now open for applications and the deadline for their submission is 16 April 2007. 9. Other Business K. Kunzer announced that she would be retiring from ICCA prior to the FSC meeting in June. She expressed appreciation for the opportunity to work with the FSC. Her replacement is not yet been selected. The information will be communicated when available. 10. Next Meeting The FSC considered the need and feasibility of scheduling a teleconference prior to the FSC face-to-face meeting in June. The FSC agreed not to schedule a teleconference prior to the June meeting to allow sufficient time for the small drafting groups preparing papers on proposed topics for Forum VI to complete their work. G. Karlaganis stated that the Government of Switzerland was pleased to host the FSC meeting 18-19 June 2007. The meeting will be held at a conference facility in Jongny, Switzerland, easily accessible from Geneva or Zurich via train. Letters of invitation and information on local arrangements will be sent by the Secretariat in the next several weeks. 1 http://www.chem.unep.ch/saicm/meeting/arabsubreg/april07/default.htm -7- IFCS/FSC/07.06 Annex IFCS Forum VI – Proposed Topics Working List Based on list of possible topics for future Forums agreed by Forum V Topic1 Nanoparticles, nanomaterials, nanotechnology: opportunities and challenges Lead Georg Karlaganis, Switzerland georg.karlaganis@buwal.admin.ch Lead & Cadmium Monika Luxem, Germany monika.luxem@bmu.bund.de Substitution/alternatives Thomas Jakl, Austria thomas.jakl@lebensministerium.at Ecologically sound and integrated pest and vector management Nassereddin Heidari, Islamic Rep. Iran nheidari@mfa.gov.ir To be confirmed Precaution – sharing experiences in implementation Nassereddin Heidari, Islamic Rep. Iran nheidari@mfa.gov.ir To be confirmed OHS Nassereddin Heidari, Islamic Rep. Iran nheidari@mfa.gov.ir To be confirmed -8- Drafting Group members/contributors2 Monika Luxem, Germany monika.luxem@bmu.bund.de (will contribute as possible/times allows) K-H Choi, R. Korea Jane Stratford, UK Rob Visser, OECD nierchoi@me.go.kr nierchoi@unitel.co.kr Jane.Stratford@defra.gsi.gov.uk robert.visser@oecd.org Philippe Chemin, France Philippe.CHEMIN@ecologie.gouv.fr IFCS/FSC/07.06 rev1 Table C referred to in the SAICM Global Plan of Action Collect information on Ongoing work & activities on topics 1 2 IFCS Secretariat ifcs@who.int Poverty reduction, widening gap and illegal traffic as cross cutting issues to be taken into consideration as relevant for each topic IOMC member organizations invited to participate in groups drafting proposals on topics in which their organization is actively working to inform discussion and avoid duplication of work -9-