IFCS/FSC/07. 08 rev 3 6 June 2007 75th Forum Standing Committee Meeting Proposed Annotated Agenda 18-20 June 2007 Hôtel et Centre de formation du Léman Jongny, Switzerland Commencing at 9h00 on the first day Monday 18 June 2007 9h00-9h30 1.0 Opening President Introductory Remarks 9h30-11h00 President Representative of the Government of Switzerland Introduction of members and other participants President Switzerland All Local arrangements for FSC meeting Secretariat 2.0 Adoption of Agenda President 3.0 Acceptance of the Record of the 74th FSC Meeting President 4.0 FSC - designation of representatives status report Secretariat 5.0 Forum VI President 5.1 Host/venue - update 5.2 Forum VI Theme President/ Secretariat President 10h30-11h00 11h00-13h00 Refreshment Break 5.3 Agenda and programme President 5.3.1 Plenary agenda topics President 5.3.1.a Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials: opportunities and challenges G. Karlaganis 5.3.1.b Lead & Cadmium M. Luxem 13h00-14h30 14h30-16h00 Lunch 5.3.1.c Substitution/alternatives T. Jakl 1 IFCS/FSC/07. 08 rev 3 6 June 2007 16h00-16h30 16h30-18h00 Refreshment Break 5.3.1.d Table C referred to in the SAICM Global Plan of Action Secretariat 5.3.1.e Other topics All 18h00 Close of Day 1 19h00 Dinner Tuesday 19 June 2007 9h00-9h10 Introduction Review of progress from day 1 and overview of agenda for day 2 9h10-10h30 Follow-up to items taken up on Day 1 as needed 5.3.2 Opening Session President 5.3.3.a Keynote speaker(s) President 10h30-11h00 11h00-13h00 Refreshment Break 5.3.3.b Awards Secretariat 5.3.3.c Monitoring Progress President/ Secretariat 13h00-14h30 14h30-16h00 Lunch 5.3.4 Side Events 5.3.5 Time schedule for Forum VI 16h00-16h30 16h30-18h00 President Secretariat Refreshment Break 5.3.6 Time schedule for FVI preparations Secretariat 6.0 Financial Report - Status report Secretariat 18h00 Close of day 2 19h00 Dinner 2 IFCS/FSC/07. 08 rev 3 6 June 2007 Wednesday 20 June 2007 9h00-9h10 Introduction Review of progress from Day 2 and overview of agenda for Day 3. 9h10 -10h30 Follow-up to any outstanding agenda item business 10h30-11h00 Refreshment Break 11h00-12h00 12h00 7.0 SAICM - Implementation update (verbal report) 8.0 Other business 9.0 Closure of the meeting President UNEP SAICM Secretariat/ SAICM Regional Focal Points President 3 IFCS/FSC/07. 08 rev 3 6 June 2007 Annotations 2.0 Adoption of Agenda The Proposed Annotated Agenda (IFCS/FSC/07.08) is presented to the FSC for its consideration and adoption. The main focus of the meeting is to initiate detailed planning for Forum VI. The FSC as specified in its Terms of Reference has a responsibility to guide the process of preparing meeting materials and documents for sessions of the Forum following a lead country/sponsor/organization approach. Document: IFCS/FSC/07.08 Ref: IFCS/FSC/07.09 rev 2 3.0 Acceptance of the Record of the 74th FSC Meeting The Draft Record of the 74th FSC Teleconference (IFCS/FSC/07.06 rev 1) was distributed to the FSC and other participants on 9 March 2007 for review and comment. One member submitted suggested revisions that are incorporated in the revised draft (see section 5.1) .The revised Draft Record is presented to the FSC for its acceptance. Document: IFCS/FSC/07.06 rev 1 4.0 FSC - designation of representatives status report The Secretariat will provide an update on the official designation of representatives to the FSC. The current list of members indicates the members and alternates for whom the official representative designation is awaited (marked “interim”). Follow up communications have been sent to all concerned. The current list of FSC members/representatives is available on the IFCS website: http://www.who.int/ifcs/standingcommittee/members/en/index.html 5.0 Forum VI 5.1 Host/venue - update The Secretariat will update the FSC on proposals for hosting and scheduling for Forum VI. Forum IV adopted guidelines for hosting meetings of the Forum and criteria for selection of hosts. “The honour of hosting a Forum meeting is entrusted by the Forum Standing Committee (FSC) to a country, which is designated as the host country.” (IFCS/FORUM-IV/16w Annex 10). At Forum V, the Government of Senegal confirmed its interest and offer to host Forum VI in Senegal. In order to ensure adequate planning and organization time for forum VI, at its 74th meeting the FSC requested that the Government of Senegal submit a formal proposal by May 2007. The Secretariat sent a letter to the Minister of Environment, Senegal in March 2007 conveying the request. IFCS participants have expressed strong support for convening Forum VI in the African region, the only region yet to host a session of the Forum. Should Senegal or another African government not be able to make the necessary arrangements to host Forum VI, the President, with the assistance of the Executive Director, UNEP and M. Younes, Head, Chemicals Branch, UNEP, has reserved the UN conference facilities at the UN Gigiri Compound in Nairobi for 13-19 September 2008. Special funds to cover the organizational costs for convening Forum VI at the UN conference facilities at the UN Gigiri Compound in Nairobi funds (400,000 to 450,000 USD) would need to be raised from donors. 4 IFCS/FSC/07. 08 rev 3 6 June 2007 Ref: IFCS/FORUM-IV/16w Annex 10 5.2 Forum VI Theme The FSC is requested to consider and decide on a theme for Forum VI. Themes for sessions of the Forum provide the organizing focus for the Opening plenary session (keynote speakers) and any special events. Themes for previous sessions were: Forum II Forum III Forum IV Forum V In Partnership for Global Chemical Safety In Partnership for Global Chemical Safety Chemical Safety in a Vulnerable World Chemical Safety for Sustainable Development 5.3 Agenda and programme 5.3.1 Plenary agenda topics The FSC is requested to review and provide guidance on proposals for plenary agenda topics and consider other topics that may be suggested by FSC members and IFCS participants. The FSC Terms of Reference includes as a role and responsibility for the FSC that it will guide the process of development of meeting materials and documents following the practice of lead country/sponsor/organization approach to preparing materials for agenda item. The FSC is requested to consider topics for the plenary agenda of Forum VI. At its 73rd Meeting on 7 November 2006, the FSC agreed that a questionnaire to solicit the views of the FSC on the list of topics for the future Forum session compiled by Forum V should be used to assist the FSC in its work. The responses received are summarized in document IFCS/FSC/07.02 rev1. Individual submissions are available in a separate document (IFCS/FSC/07.01). At the 74th Forum Standing Committee meeting held 2 March 2007, members reviewed the information received in response to the Questionnaire on Topics for Forum VI. Members proposed a number of topics for plenary sessions and volunteered to serve as lead sponsors. The FSC agreed to consider a number of the possible topics in further detail at its 18-20 June 2007 face to face meeting. Following the established practice, the lead sponsor and interested supporting parties volunteering to contribute to the work have prepared a proposal for each topic providing information on: background, goals/objectives of a plenary session on the topic, issues that would be considered by the Forum, possible Forum actions, plenary session structure (format, presentation(s), time (e.g. 90, 180 mins), process for preparing – how the plenary session documents (decision, information and/or thought starter) will be prepared. The FSC requested that poverty reduction, widening gap, illegal traffic and children as cross cutting issues should be taken into consideration as relevant for each topic. The lead sponsors for proposed topics together with group members are listed in document IFCS/FSC/07 05 rev 4. IOMC member organizations were invited to participate in groups drafting proposals on topics in which their organization is actively working to inform discussion and avoid duplication of work. Information on the types and organization of official meeting documents for sessions of the Forum is presented in document IFCS/FSC/01.63 rev 2. Lead sponsor and rapporteur responsibilities for the preparation of plenary sessions and drafting of the meeting report are presented in document IFCs/FSC/07.18 . 5 IFCS/FSC/07. 08 rev 3 6 June 2007 Ref: IFCS/FORUM-V/05w, IFCS/FSC/07.01 rev 1,IFCS/FSC/07.02 rev 1, IFCS/FSC/07.05 rev 4, IFCS/FSC/01.63 rev 2, IFCS/FSC/07.18 , Letter to IFCS President from IOMC/IOCC Chair (5 June 2007) 5.3.1.a Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials: opportunities and challenges The FSC is requested to review and provide guidance on the proposal for the topic of Nanotechnology, Nanomaterials, Nanoparticles: opportunities and challenges as a plenary agenda topic for Forum VI (IFCS/FSC/07.10). Document: IFCS/FSC/07.10 5.3.1.b Lead and cadmium The FSC is requested to review and provide guidance on the proposal for the topic of lead and cadmium as a plenary agenda topic for Forum VI (IFCS/FSC/07.11). Document: IFCS/FSC/07.11 5.3.1.c Substitution/alternatives The FSC is requested to review and provide guidance on the proposal for the topic of substitution/alternatives as a plenary agenda topic for Forum VI (IFCS/FSC/07.12). Additional information has been provided by France in the document “The non-chemical alternatives A French contribution” (IFCS/FSC/07 INF 1). Document: IFCS/FSC/07.12¨ Ref: IFCS/FSC/07 INF 1 5.3.1.d Table C referred to in the SAICM Global Plan of Action The list of topics for future Forum sessions compiled by Forum V includes the preparation of an objective information report to support ICCM consideration of topics and items in Table C referred to in the SAICM Global Plan of Action (SAICM/ICCM.1/7) that is available in document SAICM/ICCM.1/4 (http://www.chem.unep.ch/ICCM/meeting_docs/default.htm ). SAICM Global Plan of Action Executive summary 4. Participants in the process to develop the Strategic Approach were unable to conclude their discussions on a number of activities, as reflected in table C of document SAICM/ICCM.1/4, which can be found at the website http:www.chem.unep.ch/saicm. Bearing in mind that the Global Plan of Action is an evolving tool to assist in achieving the objectives of the Strategic Approach, stakeholders may wish to discuss these items. In the period between the first and second sessions of the International Conference on Chemicals Management, activities such as regional meetings could be pursued. The SAICM Secretariat informed the FSC that it is not undertaking any work on Table C as it is considered a non paper with no status. The FCS requested the IFCS Secretariat to collect information on ongoing or 6 IFCS/FSC/07. 08 rev 3 6 June 2007 planned work in the areas and activities listed in Table C from IOMC organizations and SAICM Regional Focal Points. Letters requesting brief information on ongoing and planned work relevant to the areas and activities listed in Table C were sent to the IOMC/IOCC Chair and SAICM Regional Focal Points. Information was collected using a standard reporting form. A compilation summary report of the information received has been prepared for the FSC (IFCS/FSC/07.13). A draft of the report was sent to those volunteering to work with the Secretariat on collection of information for comment and further input. Document: IFCS/FSC/07.13 rev 2 5.3.1.e Other topics The FSC is invited to consider other possible topics for the plenary agenda of Forum VI. Any IFCS participant or group of participants may propose a topic. Ref: IFCS/FORUM-V/05w, IFCS/FSC/07.01 rev 1,IFCS/FSC/07.02 rev 1, IFCS/FSC/07.05 rev 4 5.3.2 Opening Session For sessions of the Forum, the FSC has assumed the lead responsibilities for preparing the programme for the Opening session. 5.3.2.a Keynote speaker(s) The FSC is requested to consider the content and organization of the Opening Session. (e.g. keynote speaker(s)) for Forum VI and the process for its preparation. 5.3.2.b Awards The Secretariat will review the types of IFCS Awards and the nomination and selection process. Ref: IFCS/FSC/07.19, IFCS/FSC/07.20 5.3.2.c Monitoring Progress The IFCS Terms of Reference state that the Forum is “to provide analysis and report on progress of governments, international organizations and intergovernmental bodies in achieving the sound management of chemicals, …” . To assist in carrying out this mandate, Forum IV adopted Guidelines for IFCS National Focal Points (NFP) that include an annual reporting requirement: "The National Focal Point should report at least once a year to the IFCS Secretariat on the progress in the implementation of the Priorities for Action and other matters concerning relevant chemical safety issues at the national level." The NFP report for each year is requested in the first quarter of the following year. Prior to previous sessions of the Forum a summary report has been prepared compiling the information received. The summary report provides information for the President’s Progress Report that has been prepared for Forums. The summary reports, completed questionnaires, as authorized, and a tracking table listing submitted reports are available on the IFCS web site. http://www.who.int/ifcs/focalpoints/indicators/en/index.html 7 IFCS/FSC/07. 08 rev 3 6 June 2007 The IFCS Priorities for action beyond 2000 and the Bahia Declaration were the basis for SAICM and together with and Forum IV Recommendations have been incorporated into the SAICM OPS and GPA. During the SAICM negotiations some of the IFCS priorities, recommendations and/or targets may have been revised or updated. ICCM has been mandated to monitor progress on the implementation of SAICM and efforts are under way to establish the process for this (http://www.chem.unep.ch/saicm/Reporting/reporting.htm ). The FSC is requested to consider and provide advice on what type of progress report, if any, should be prepared for Forum VI so as not to duplicate efforts. Ref. IFCS Simple Indicators of Progress Questionnaire and Summary Reports, President’s Progress reports (http://www.who.int/ifcs/focalpoints/indicators/en/index.html ), Canadian-led project on reporting on SAICM implementation (http://www.chem.unep.ch/saicm/Reporting/reporting.htm ) 5.3.4 Side Events The FSC is requested to consider possible side events and sponsors and to submit proposals to the Secretariat. 5.3.5 Time Schedule for Forum VI The FSC is requested to consider the scheduling of plenary sessions, allocation of time for agenda topics and programme items. Document: IFCS/FSC/07.15 5.4 Time schedule for Forum VI preparations The FSC is requested to consider a time schedule for Forum VI preparations (IFCS/FSC/07.16) taking into account its decisions during the meeting. The schedule will be kept in constant review by the FSC as preparations progress and updated as necessary. Document: IFCS/FSC/07.16 6.0 Financial Report The Secretariat will provide a summary report on the IFCS Trust Fund and Twinning Funds . An FSC role and responsibility is to “assist the Secretariat of the IFCS in fund raising for the Trust Fund and for funds to support participation in IFCS activities ("twinning" arrangements).” The FSC is requested to consider fund raising for IFCS to support its work for the preparation of Forum VI and also participation in Forum VI Document: IFCS/FSC/07.17 7.0 SAICM – Implementation update The SAICM Secretariat and SAICM Regional Focal Points are invited to update the FSC on SAICM implementation efforts. 8 IFCS/FSC/07. 08 rev 3 6 June 2007 8.0 Other business The FSC may wish to discuss any other items of business. 9.0 Closure of the meeting It is expected that the meeting will be closed by the President by 12 noon on Wednesday 20 June 2007. Note: Lunch will be served to participants (12h30) WG Future IFCS – Small Drafting Group Meeting 14h00-18h00 9