SPC/WHO 5 (10)
Inforrmal 2
04 – 07 May 2010, Nadi, Fiji Islands
American Samoa
Ms Mereamo Delana
Medical Laboratory Technician
LBJ Tropical Medical Center, Faga alu
P.O. Box 3957
American Samoa 96 799
Tel: (684) 633 4486
Fax: (684) 633 1869
Email: delanam2007@gmail.com
Cook Islands
Ms Nukutau Pokura
NTP Coordinator
P.O. Box 109, Avarua
Rarotonga, Cook Islands
Tel: (682) 29110 ext 314
Fax: (682) 29100
Email: n.pokura@health.gov.ck
Ms Meleaone Tumii
Laboratory Officer Responsible for TB
P.O. Box 109, Avarua
Rarotonga, Cook Islands
Tel: (682) 22664
Fax: (682) 29100
Email: m.tumii@health.gov.ck
Federated States of Micronesia
Ms Rupihner Defang
Pohnpei TB Program Coordinator
P.O. Box 189
Kolonia, Pohnpei
FSM 96941
Tel: (691) 320 2217 / 6489
Fax: (691) 320 8382
Email: rdefang@fsmhealth.fm
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Dr Mayleen Ekiek
National TB Manager
P.O. Box PS 70
Palakir Pohnpei
FSM 96941
Tel: (691) 320 2619
Fax: (691) 320 8632
Email: mekiek@fsmhealth.fm
Ms Adesina Maruame
Pohnpei State TB Laboratory Technician/Microscopist
P.O. Box 189
Kolonia, Pohnpei
FSM 96941
Tel: (691) 320 2216 / 2215
Fax: (691) 320 8382
Email: jandald@yahoo.com
Fiji Islands
Dr Iobi Batio
Department of Public Health & Primary Care
College of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences
Fiji National University
Tamavua Campus, Princess Road
Suva, Fiji
Tel.: (679) 323 3286
E-mail: i.batio@fsm.ac.fj
Dr Geremias Caguingin
Acting Medical Superintendent
PJ Twomey Hospital
P.O. Box 12435
Suva, Fiji
Tel.: (679) 332 1066
Fax : (679) 332 1364
E-mail: drgeremias@yahoo.com
Dr Josefa Koroivueta
Deputy Secretary Public Health
Ministry of Health
Box 2223 Government Buildings
Suva, Fiji
Tel.: (679) 330 6177
Fax : (679) 330 6163
E-mail: josefa.koroivueta@health.gov.fj
Dr Sakiusa Mainawalala
TB Medical Officer - Western
Lautoka Hospital
Lautoka, Fiji
Tel.: (679) 666399
Fax : (679) 6665423
E-mail: sakiusabqdogo@yahoo.com
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Ms Vasiti Nawadra-Taylor
Grant Manager for Global Funds
Ministry of Health
P.O Box 2223, Gvt Buildings
Suva, Fiji
Tel. no.: (679) 3221 425 / 6727696 / 9241664
Fax no.: (679) 330 6163
E-mail: vnawadra@health.gov.fj / vasititaylorfj@gmail.com
Ms Maopa Raikabula
Laboratory Technician
PJ Twomey Hospital
P.O. Box 12435
Suva, Fiji
Tel. no.: (679) 332 1066
Fax no.: (679) 332 1364
E-mail: mratuvuki@yahoo.com
Sr Raijieli Ritova
Nursing Sister
PJ Twomey Hospital
TB Unit
P.O. Box 4306
Suva, Fiji
Tel. no.: (679) 332 1066
Fax no.: (679) 332 1364
E-mail: chelly-ritova@yahoo.com
French Polynesia
Dr Ngoc Lam Nguyen
Institut Louis Malardé
B.P. 30
Papeete, Tahiti 98713
Tel: (689) 416452
Fax: (689) 416496
Email: nnlam@mail.pf
Dr Cecilia Arciaga
TB/HD Programme Manager
Bureau of Communicable Disease Control
Department of Public Health and Social Services
123 Chalan Kareta
Mangilao 96913, Guam
Tel. no.: (671) 735 7145
Fax no.: (671) 735 7318
E-mail: Cecilia.arciaga@dphss.guam.gov
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Ms Lea Nisay
Microbiologist 1
Bureau of Communicable Disease Control
Department of Public Health and Social Services
123 Chalan Kareta
Mangilao 96913, Guam
Tel. no.: (671) 735 7170
Fax no.: (671) 735 7318
E-mail: lea.nisay@dphss.guam.gov
Ms Berenateta Boutu
Laboratory Technician
Ministry of Health
P.O. Box 268
Tarawa, Kiribati
Tel: (686) 28100 ext 236
Fax: (686) 29835
Email: bboutu@gmail.com
Dr Takeieta Kienene
QTBEC Project Coordinator
Ministry of Health
P.O. Box 268
Tarawa, Kiribati
Tel: (686) 29835
Fax: (686) 29835
Email: takeieta.kien123@gmail.com
Ms Bereka Reiher
NTP Coordinator
Ministry of Health
P.O. Box 268
Tarawa, Kiribati
Tel: (686) 29835
Fax: (686) 29834
Email: bereka_1958@yahoo.com
Ms Lavender George
NTP Nurse
Ministry of Health
P.O. Box 268
Tarawa, Kiribati
Tel: (686) 29835 / 90635
Fax: (686) 29834
Email: vinnytimeon@gmail.com
Ms Jane Amwano
TB DOTS Worker
Communicable Disease, Public Health
Nibok District Nauru
Tel: (674) 5556074
Email: jane.amwano@nauru.gov.nr
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Ms Jane Dowabobo
TB DOTS Coordinator
Communicable Disease, Public Health
Nibok District Nauru
Tel: (674) 5569108
Email: jane.dowabobo@nauru.gov.nr
New Caledonia
Ms Noémie Bargeolle
Espace Centre Médico-Polyvalent
BP 660, 98845 Noumea cedex
New Caledonia
Tel: (687) 27 73 73
Fax: (687) 28 55 28
Email: noemie.bargeolle@province-sud.nc
Dr Bernard Rouchon
Agence Sanitaire et Sociale de NC
BP P4, 98851 Noumea cedex
New Caledonia
Tel: (687) 25 07 60/ 25 07 61 (direct)
Fax: (687) 25 07 63
Email: bernard.rouchon@ass.nc
Ms Minemaligi Pulu
MCH Nurse, TB Coordinator
Health Department
P.O. Box 33, Niue
Tel: (683) 4100
Fax: (683) 4265
Email: phcnurse@mail.gov.nu
Dr Waimanu Pulu
TB Doctor
Health Department
P.O. Box 33, Niue
Tel: (683) 4100
Fax: (683) 4265
Email: waimanu81@gmail.com
Northern Mariana Islands
Dr Richard Brostrom
Medical Director / TB Control Programme
Commonwealth Health Center
Lower Navy Hill
P.O. Box 500409 CK
Saipan MP 96950, CNMI
Tel: (670) 285 5730
Fax: (670) 236 8736
Email: Richard.brostrom@gmail.com
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Mr Albert Gurusamy
CHC Laboratory Manager
Commonwealth Health Center
Lower Navy Hill
P.O. Box 500409 CK
Saipan MP 96950, CNMI
Tel: (671) 647 5357
Fax: (671) 647 5358
Email: albertgurusamy@yahoo.com
Mr Trusty Boisek
Laboratory Technician
P.O. Box 6027, Koror
Palau 96940
Tel: (680) 488 2552 ext 196
Fax: (680) 488 1211
Email: t_boisek@palau-health.net
Ms Connie Olikong
TB Program Manager
P.O. Box 6027, Koror
Palau 96940
Tel: (680) 488 2925 / 1360/7252
Fax: (680) 488 4800
Email: bolikong@gmail.com
Papua New Guinea
Dr Paul Aia
National TB Program Manager
P.O. Box 807, Waigani, NCD
Papua New Guinea
Tel: (675) 301 3738
Fax: (675) 325 0568
Email: paul-aia@health.gov.pg
Dr Margaret Kal
Medical Officer and Regional TB Coordinator
P.O. Box 7737, Boroko, NCD
Papua New Guinea
Tel: (675) 301 3808
Fax: (675) 325 0568
Email: margaretpkal@gmail.com
Republic of Marshall Islands
Ms Risa Bukbuk
TB Program Supervisor Nurse
P.O. Box 3257, Majuro
Marshall Islands 96960
Tel: (692) 625 5660
Fax: (692) 625 3432
Email: ribuk89@hotmail.com
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Ms Mareta Hauma
TB Program Coordinator
Ebeye Hospital
P.O. Box 16, Majuro
Marshall Islands 96960
Tel: (692) 329 8029
Fax: (692) 329 3385
Email: rmimohe@ntamar.net
Mr Paul Lalita
TB Laboratory Supervisor
P.O. Box 16, Majuro
Marshall Islands 96960
Tel: (692) 625 3355 ext 2376
Fax: (692) 625 4543
Email: paul_lalita@yahoo.com
Mr Pati Peteru
Laboratory Technician
Samoa Ministry of Health
Private Mail Bag,
Apia, Samoa
Tel: (685) 21 212
Fax: (685) 23 592
Dr Viali Lameko
TB Medical Officer
Samoa Ministry of Health
Private Mail Bag,
Apia, Samoa
Tel: (685) 30422
Fax: (685)
Email: vlameko@yahoo.com
Ms Serafi Mulumulu
Samoa Ministry of Health
Private Mail Bag,
Apia, Samoa
Tel: (685) 68100 ext 171
Email: serafim@health.gov.ws
Solomon Islands
Dr Henry Daiwo
TB Medical Officer
Disease Prevention and Control Unit
Ministry of Health and Medical Services
P. O. Box 349
Tel.: (677) 20930
Fax: (677) 20085
E-mail: edwinhenry_daiwo@yahoo.com.au
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Mr Noel Itogo
National TB/Leprosy Coordinator
Disease Prevention and Control Unit
Ministry of Health and Medical Services
P. O. Box 349
Tel.: (677) 20930
Fax: (677) 20085
E-mail: nitogo@moh.gov.sb
Mr Paul Mauriwai
National TB/ Laboratory Coordinator
P. O. Box 349
Tel.: (677) 23600 ext 309
Fax: (677) 20085
E-mail: pauliweo@gmail.com
Mr Sitanilei Hoko
Senior Medical Scientist
Vaiola Hospital
P.O. Box 59
Nukualofa, Tonga
Tel: (676) 7732703
Email: sitanileihoko@hotmail.com
Mr Sosaia Penitani
TB Coordinator
Vaiola Hospital
P.O. Box 59, Tonga
Tel: (676) 23200 ext 73
Fax: (676) 24291
Email: penitanisaisa@yahoo.com / spenitani@health.gov.to
Ms Puaese Falavi
Assistant Laboratory Technician TB
Princess Margaret Hospital
Ministry of Health
Funafuti, Tuvalu
Tel: (688) 20480
Email: puaesewillyfalavi@gmail.com
Ms Nese Ituaso-Conway
TB Manager
Princess Margaret Hospital
Ministry of Health
Funafuti, Tuvalu
Tel: (688) 20480
Email: n_ituaso@yahoocom
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Ms Temilo Seono
TB Coordinator
Princess Margaret Hospital
Ministry of Health
Funafuti, Tuvalu
Tel: (688) 20480 ext 1291
Email: temilo_seono@yahoo.com
Mr Mandre Nathnaour
Provincial TB / Leprosy Officer
Pengma Provincial Health
Lolowai, East Ambae
Tel: (678) 38302
Fax: (678) 38302
Mr Raymond Seule
National TB Laboratory Officer
Vila Central Hospital, PMB 9013
Port Vila, Vanuatu
Tel: (678) 22100 ext 60
Fax: (678) 26721
Email: rseule@vanuatu.gov.vu
Mr Markleen Tagaro
National TB / Leprosy Coordinator
Public Health Department PMB 9009
Ministry of Health
Port Vila, Vanuatu
Tel: (678) 22512 ext 237
Fax: (678) 25438
Email: mtagaro@vanuatu.gov.vu
Wallis and Futuna
Mr Fiteli Mani
Hôpital de Kaleveleve
B. P.
Sigave, Futuna
Email: secadm-futuna@adswf.org
Auckland City Hospital
Dr Mitzi Nisbet
Infectious Diseases and Respiratory Physician
2 Park Road
Auckland 1010
New Zealand
Tel.: (64) 93074949
E-mail: nisbetm@gmail.com
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Australian Respiratory Council
Ms Pamela Banner
Clinical Nurse Consultant (Tuberculosis)
Australian Respiratory Council
GPO Box 102
Sydney NSW 2001
Tel.: (61) 2 98443 3132
Fax: (61) 2 9223 3044
E-mail: Pam_Banner@wsahs.nsw.gov.au
Ms Kerrie Shaw
Executive Director
GPO Box 102
Sydney, NSW 2001
Tel.: (612) 9223 3166
Fax: (612) 9223 3044
E-mail: kerrieshaw@thearc.org.au
Burnet Institute
Ms Eman Aleksic
Centre for virology
Research Assistant
Clinical Research Laboratory
GPO Box 2284
Australia 3001
Tel.: (61) 3 9282 2273
Fax: (61) 3 9282 2254
E-mail: eman@burnet.edu.au
Centre for Disease Control Department
Dr Victoria Krause
P.O. Box 40596
Casuarina, Darwin, Northern Territory 0811
Tel: (61) 7 88 922 8510
Fax: (61) 7 88 922 8310
Email: vicki.krause@nt.govt.au
Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention
Mr Andrew Heetderks
Team Leader, Program Consultant, Project Officer
Division of Tuberculosis Elimination
Mailstop E-10, 1600 Clifton Road
Atlanta, GA - 30333
Tel: 1 (404) 639 8130
Fax: 1 (404) 639 8958
Email: ajh1@cdc.gov / aheetderks@cdc.gov
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Dr Sundari Mase
Team Leader for Medical Affairs
Field Services and Evaluation Branch
Division of Tuberculosis Elimination
National Center for HIV, Hepatitis, STD and TB Prevention
Mailstop E-10, 1600 Clifton Road
Atlanta, GA - 30333
Tel: 1 (404) 639 5336
Fax: 1 (404) 639 8958
Email: fyy0@cdc.gov
Diagnostic Laboratory Services, Inc.
Dr Matthew Bankowski
Vice President and Technical Director
Clinical and Molecular Microbiology and Infectious Disease
650 Iwilei Road, Suite 300
Honolulu, Hawaii
USA. 96817
Tel.: 1 (808) 589-5242
Fax: 1 (808) 589-5215
E-mail: mbankowski@dlslab.com
Ms Sandie Newton
Technical Specialist
Mycobacterial Reference Laboratory
PO Box 110031
Auckland City Hospital
Auckland 1148
New Zealand
Tel: (64) 9 09 307 4949 ext 2041
Fax: (64) 9 307 8922 (int 5922)
Email: sandieN@adhb.govt.nz
Pacific Islands Health
Officers Association
Ms Vasiti Uluiviti
Regional Laboratory Coordinator
P.O. Box 5314, UOG Station
Mangilao, Guam 96923
Tel.: (671) 734 3338
Fax: (671) 734 3338
E-mail: vasitiu@pihoa.org
Mr David Dawson
Laboratory Consultant
67 Biggs Avenue
Beachmere, Queensland
Tel.: (61) 7 5496 8204
E-mail: deedaw@bigpond.net.au
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Queensland Health
Dr Anastasios Konstantinos
Queensland TB Control Centre
Specialised Health Services
Tel: (61) 7 3896 3937
Fax: (61) 7 3896 3984
Email: anastacios.konstantinos@health.qld.gov.au
Queensland Mycobacterium
Reference Laboratory
Ms Robyn Carter
Chief Scientist
Pathology Queensland, Central Laboratory
Floor 5, Block 7, Royal Brisbane and Women's
Hospital, Herston Road, Herston QLD 4029
Tel.: (61) 7 3636 0032
Fax: (61) 7 3636 1336
E-mail: robyn_Carter@health.qld.gov.au
Royal Adelaide Hospital
Dr Richard Stapledon
Royal Adelaide Hospital Services Chest Clinic
SA Tuberculosis
257 North Terrace
Tel: (61) 7 88 222 5307
Fax: (61) 7 88 222 5398
Email: Richard.stapledon@health.sa.gov.au
Ms Maree Gillies
Technical Head – Microbiology
PO Box 110031
Auckland City Hospital
Auckland 1148
New Zealand
Tel: (64) 9 09 307 8995 ext 6086
Fax: (64) 9 021 938 072
Email: mareeG@adhb.govt.nz
Hunter New England
Area Health Service
Mr Peter Massey
Program Manager Health Protection
Clinical Nurse Consultant
Hunter New England Population Health – Tamworth Office
Locked Bag 9783
Tel: (61) 2 676 48000
Fax: (61) 2 6766 3003
Email: peter.massey@hnehealth.nsw.gov.au
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International Union against
Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
(The Union)
Dr Karen Bissell
Health Policy Research Unit
Deputy Coordinator, Asthma Drug Facility
P.O. Box 28862
Remuera, Auckland 1541
New Zealand
Tel: (33) 1 44 32 03 60
Fax: (33) 1 43 29 90 87
Email: kbissell@theunion.org
Looking Glass Analytics
Dr Joe Kabel
215 Legion Way SW
Olympia, WA 98501
Tel: (360) 570 7531
Fax: (360) 570 7533
Email: joe.kabel@lgan.com
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS,
Tuberculosis and Malaria
Ms Olga Fontanellaz
Programme Officer
East Asia and the Pacific Team, Country Programs Cluster
Chemin de Blandonnet 8, 1214 Vernier
Tel: (41) 58 791 1659
Fax: (41) 58 791 1701
Email: olga.fontanellaz@theglobalfund.org
Ms Qi Cui
Fund Portfolio Manager
East Asia and the Pacific Team, Country Programs Cluster
Chemin de Blandonnet 8, 1214 Vernier
Tel: (41) 58 791 1479
Fax: (41) 58 791 1701
Email: qi.cui@theglobalfund.org
World Health Organisation
Dr Chen Ken
WHO Representative
Office of the WHO Representative in the South Pacific
Level 4 Provident Plaza One
Downtown Boulevard
33 Ellery Street
Suva, Fiji
Tel. no.: (679) 323 4106
Fax no.: (679) 3234 177
E-mail: chenk@wpro.who.int
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Dr Daniel Sagebiel
Medical Officer, Stop TB Unit
World Health Organization
Regional Office for the Western Pacific
United Nations Avenue
Manila, Philippines
Tel: (632) 528 9720
Fax: (632) 526 0279
Email: sagebield@wpro.who.int
Dr Nguyen Nhat Linh
Medical Officer, STB
WHO Representative
Level 4 Provident Plaza One
Downtown Boulevard
33 Ellery Street
Suva, Fiji Islands
Tel: (679) 3234 106
Fax: (679) 3234 166/177
Email: nguyenli@wpro.who.int
Ms Lynette Evans
WHO Office Suva
Level 4 Provident Plaza One
Downtown Boulevard
33 Ellery Street
Suva, Fiji
Tel: (679) 3234 111
Fax: (679) 3234 166/177
Email: evansl@wpro.who.int
Dr Fuatai Maiava
Technical Officer for Communicable Diseases
Office of the WHO Representative
4th Floor Ioane Viliamu Building
Beach Road, Tamaligi
P O Box 77
Apia, Samoa
Tel: (685) 24976 / 23756 / 23757
Fax: (685) 23765
Email: maiavaf@wpro.who.int
Secretariat of the Pacific Community
Dr Janet O’Connor
Head of Section
TB Control Section
B.P. D5 98848, Noumea cedex
Tel: (687) 26 20 00
Fax: (687) 26 38 18
Email: janeto@spc.int
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Dr Axel Wiegandt
Medical Officer
TB Control Section
B.P. D5 98848, Noumea cedex
Tel: (687) 26 01 42
Fax: (687) 26 38 18
Email: axelw@spc.int
Ms Kerri Viney
TB Systems Specialist
TB Control Section
B.P. D5 98848, Noumea cedex
Tel: (687) 26 20 00 ext 214
Fax: (687) 26 38 18
Email: kerriv@spc.int
Mr Jovesa Saladoka
Prevention Officer
HIV & STI Section
Public Health Division
B.P. D5 98848, Noumea cedex
Tel: (687) 26 20 00
Fax: (687) 26 38 18
Email: jovesas@spc.int
Ms Salanieta Elbourne
Laboratory Specialist
Public Health Surveillance & Communicable Disease Control
B.P. D5 98848, Noumea cedex
Tel: (687) 26 20 00 ext 418
Fax: (687) 26 38 18
Email: salae@spc.int
Ms Adelle Khan
Project Assistant
Adolescent Health & Development Program
Pacific Legislatures on Population and Governance (PLPG)
Private Mail Bag
Suva, Fiji
Tel: (679) 3370733 ext 246
Fax: (679) 3385480
Email: adellek@spc.int
Ms Béryl Fulilagi
Project Administrator
TB Control Section
B.P. D5 98848, Noumea cedex
Tel: (687) 26 09 55
Fax: (687) 26 38 18
Email: berylf@spc.int