Publications for Alison Poulton 2016


Publications for Alison Poulton


Poulton, A. (2016). Attitudes of Australian neonatologists to resuscitation of extremely preterm infants. Journal of Paediatrics and Child

Health , 52(1), 98-99. <a href="">[Mo re Information]</a>

Poulton, A. (2016). Does Metformin Really

Increase Height or Is There Some Problem With the Controls? JAMA Pediatrics , 170(6), 620-621.

<a href="

015.4962">[More Information]</a>

Poulton, A., Chen, F., Nanan, R. (2016).

Epinephrine administration and pediatric in-hospital cardiac arrest. JAMA , 315(4),

416-417. <a href="

">[More Information]</a>

Poulton, A., Bui, Q., Melzer, E., Evans, R.

(2016). Stimulant medication effects on growth and bone age in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: A prospective cohort study. International Clinical

Psychopharmacology , 31(2), 92-99. <a href="

0000109">[More Information]</a>

Poulton, A., Hibbert, E., Champion, B., Nanan,

R. (2016). Stimulants for the control of hedonic appetite. Frontiers in Pharmacology , 7, 1-8. <a href="

5">[More Information]</a>


Poulton, A., Zehetner, A. (2015). Cardiovascular

Safety of Stimulants in Children with

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.

Journal of Child and Adolescent

Psychopharmacology , 25(10), 824-824. <a href="">

[More Information]</a>

Poulton, A., Oakeshott, P., Hunt, G. (2015).

Mortality after Bladder Augmentation in

Children with

Spina Bifida. The Journal of Urology , 194(4),

1169-1171. <a href="

9">[More Information]</a>

Oakeshott, P., Reid, F., Poulton, A., Markus, H.,

Whitaker, R., Hunt, G. (2015). Neurological level at birth predicts survival to the mid-40s and urological deaths in open spina bifida: A complete prospective cohort study.

Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology ,

57(7), 634-638. <a

Publications for Alison Poulton href="">[

More Information]</a>

Poulton, A., Hibbert, E., Champion, B., Cook,

T., Alais, D., Coulshed, D. (2015). Piloting a new approach to the treatment of obesity using dexamphetamine. Frontiers in Endocrinology , 6,

1-6. <a href="

4">[More Information]</a>

Oakeshott, P., Poulton, A., Hunt, G. (2015). Re:

Cross-sectional study of determinants of upper and lower urinary tract outcomes in adults with spinal dysraphism - New recommendations for urodynamic followup guidelines? The Journal of

Urology , 194(6), 1827-1828. <a href="

3">[More Information]</a>

Poulton, A. (2015). Therapy for ADHD Directed

Towards Addressing the Dual Imbalances in

Mental Effort and Reward as Illustrated in the

Mental Effort-Reward Imbalances Model

(MERIM). In Jill M Norvilits (Eds.), ADHD -

New Directions in Diagnosis and Treatment , (pp.

303-330). Rijeka: InTech Publishers.


Tripp, N., Hainey, K., Liu, A., Poulton, A., Peek,

M., Kim, J., Nanan, R. (2014). An emerging model of maternity care: Smartphone, midwife, doctor? Women and Birth , 27(1), 64-67. <a href="

.001">[More Information]</a>

Poulton, A., Nanan, R. (2014). Drugs for the treatment of obesity. JAMA , 311(17), 1807-1807.

<a href=""

>[More Information]</a>

Poulton, A. (2014). Review: no evidence that stimulant medication for ADHD influences lifetime risk of substance use or dependence.

Evidence-Based Mental Health , 17(1), 16-16. <a href="

">[More Information]</a>

Poulton, A., Nanan, R. (2014). The attention deficit hyperactivity disorder phenotype as a summation of deficits in executive functioning and reward sensitivity: does this explain its relationship with oppositional defiant disorder?

Australasian Psychiatry , 22(2), 174-178. <a href="

949">[More Information]</a>

Poulton, A., Sudarsanam, A. (2014). The New

INCLEN Diagnostic Tool - A Comment. Indian

Pediatrics , 51(6), 448-449.

Poulton, A., Rai, D., Venter, K. (2014).

Treatments for pediatric status epilepticus.

JAMA , 312(9), 962. <a


>[More Information]</a>


Poulton, A., Melzer, E., Tait, P., Garnett, S.,

Cowell, C., Baur, L., Clarke, S. (2013). Growth and pubertal development of adolescent boys on stimulant medication for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Medical Journal of

Australia , 198(1), 29-32. <a href="">[

More Information]</a>


Poulton, A., Liu, A., Nanan, R. (2012).

Budesonide in preschool-age children with recurrent wheezing. The New England Journal of

Medicine , 366(6), 570-570. <a href="

">[More Information]</a>

Nanan, R., Poulton, A., Champion, B. (2012).

Clinical pathways: a departure from the art of medicine. Medical Journal of Australia , 196(2),

96-96. <a href="">[

More Information]</a>

Suresh, A., Liu, A., Poulton, A., Quinton, A.,

Amer, Z., Mongelli, M., Martin, A., Benzie, R.,

Peek, M., Nanan, R. (2012). Comparison of maternal abdominal subcutaneous fat thickness and body mass index as markers for pregnancy outcomes: A stratified cohort study. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and

Gynaecology , 52(5), 420-426. <a href="

2.01471.x">[More Information]</a>

Poulton, A. (2012). Growth Monitoring on

Psychotropic Medication. In Victor R. Preedy

(Eds.), Handbook of Growth and Growth

Monitoring in Health and Disease , (pp.

1737-1754). London, England: Springer.

Oakeshott, P., Hunt, G., Poulton, A., Reid, F.

(2012). Open spina bifida: birth findings predict long-term outcome. Archives of Disease in

Childhood , 97(5), 474-476. <a href="

1-300624">[More Information]</a>

Poulton, A., Briody, J., McCorquodale, T.,

Melzer, E., Herrmann, M., Baur, L., Duque, G.

(2012). Weight loss on stimulant medication: how does it affect body composition and bone metabolism? -- A prospective longitudinal study.

International Journal of Pediatric

Endocrinology , 30(1), 1-9. <a href="

-30">[More Information]</a>


Poulton, A., Babajanyan, A., Nanan, R. (2011).

Publications for Alison Poulton

Restricted elimination diet for ADHD. The

Lancet , 377(9777), 1567-1568. <a href="

60634-X">[More Information]</a>

Eysbouts, Y., Poulton, A., Salmelainen, P.

(2011). Stimulant medication in pre-school children in New South Wales. Journal of

Paediatrics and Child Health , 47(12), 870-874.

<a href="

1.02107.x">[More Information]</a>

Delsing, C., van den Wittenboer, E., Liu, A.,

Peek, M., Quinton, A., Mongelli, M., Poulton,

A., Nanan, R. (2011). The relationship between maternal opiate use, amphetamine use and smoking on fetal growth. Australian and New

Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology ,

51(5), 446-451. <a href="

1.01342.x">[More Information]</a>


Poulton, A. (2010). Oral megadose methylphenidate ingestion for suicide attempt.

Pediatrics International , 52(5), 852. <a href="

0.03222.x">[More Information]</a>

Maheshwari, R., Nair, A., Poulton, A., Nanan, R.

(2010). Smoking and brain development in preterm infants. The Journal of Pediatrics ,

157(2), 346-347. <a href="

43">[More Information]</a>

Poulton, A. (2010). Time to redefine the diagnosis of oppositional defiant disorder.

Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health , 47,

332-4. <a href="

0.01736.x">[More Information]</a>


Poulton, A., Nanan, R. (2009). Age-related changes in motor subtle signs among girls and boys with ADHD. Neurology , 73(15),

1248-1249. <a href="


&list_uids=19822879">[More Information]</a>

Oakeshott, P., Hunt, G., Poulton, A., Reid, F.

(2009). Expectation of life and unexpected death in open spina bifida: a 40-year complete, non-selective, longitudinal cohort study.

Cerebrospinal Fluid Research , 6(Suppl 2),

S4-S4. <a href="

S4">[More Information]</a>

Oakeshott, P., Hunt, G., Poulton, A., Reid, F.

(2009). Expectation of life and unexpected death

Publications for Alison Poulton in open spina bifida: a 40-year complete, non-selective, longitudinal cohort study.

Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology ,

52(8), 749-753. <a href="

9.03543.x">[More Information]</a>

Poulton, A., Nanan, R. (2009). Stimulant medications and growth. Journal of the

American Academy of Child and Adolescent

Psychiatry , 48(5), 574-576. <a href="


&list_uids=19395905">[More Information]</a>


Poulton, A., Nanan, R. (2008). Effects of

Prolonged and Exclusive Breastfeeding on

Childhood Behavior and Maternal Adjustment:

Evidence From a Large Randomized Trial.

Pediatrics , 122(2), 474. <a href="


&list_uids=18676572">[More Information]</a>

Poulton, A., Nanan, R. (2008). In the long run, skills are as good as pills for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Medical Journal of

Australia , 189(5), 295-296. <a href="


&list_uids=18759734">[More Information]</a>

Poulton, A., Nanan, R. (2008). Measurement of

Growth in Stimulant-Naive Children With

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder by

Using Cross-sectional and Longitudinal

Approaches. Pediatrics , 122(1), 221. <a href="


&list_uids=18596017">[More Information]</a>

Nanan, R., Liu, A., Poulton, A. (2008). Nasal

CPAP for Very Preterm Infants. New England

Journal of Medicine , 358(23), 2520-2521. <a href="


&list_uids=18525055">[More Information]</a>

Poulton, A., Kwok, S., Nanan, R. (2008).

Overweight in Children and Adolescents in

Relation to Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity

Disorder. Pediatrics , 122(4), 910. <a href="


&list_uids=18829824">[More Information]</a>

Poulton, A., Nanan, R. (2008). Prior treatment with stimulant medication: A much neglected confounder of studies of growth in children with

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.

Journal of Child and Adolescent

Psychopharmacology , 18(4), 385-387. <a href="">

[More Information]</a>

Nanan, R., Singh, G., Poulton, A. (2008).

Reductions in Incidence of Invasive Group B

Streptococcal Disease in the United States.

JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical

Association , 300(14), 1649-1650. <a href="

9-b">[More Information]</a>

Nanan, R., Poulton, A. (2008). Routine

Measurement of Head Circumference as a Tool for Detecting Intracranial Expansion in Infants.

Pediatrics , 121(6), 1298. <a href="


&list_uids=18519509">[More Information]</a>

Poulton, A. (2008). To the editor: efficacy of oral iron for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children with low ferritin levels. Pediatric Neurology , 39(1), 74-74.

<a href="


&list_uids=18555182">[More Information]</a>


Poulton, A., Melzer, E. (2007). Changes in body composition on stimulant medication in 13 children (12 boys) with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Archives of Disease in

Childhood , 92(Supplement 1, G/TUES/END5),


Poulton, A. (2007). Effect of long-term treatment with stimulant medication on growth? Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent

Psychiatry , 46(3), 305 (Letters to the

Editor)-305. <a href="


&list_uids=17314713">[More Information]</a>

Poulton, A. (2007). Mistakes and misconduct in the research literature: retractions just the tip of the iceberg. Medical Journal of Australia ,

186(6), 323-324. <a href="


&list_uids=17371220">[More Information]</a>


Poulton, A. (2006).

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, stimulants, statistics, and methodology. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology ,

16(4), 507-508. <a href="


&list_uids=16958579">[More Information]</a>

Poulton, A. (2006). Growth and sexual

Publications for Alison Poulton maturation in children and adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Current

Opinion in Pediatrics , 18(4), 427-434. <a href="


&list_uids=16914999">[More Information]</a>

Poulton, A. (2006). Long-term outcomes of stimulant medication in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Expert Review of

Neurotherapeutics , 6(4), 551-561. <a href="


&list_uids=16623654">[More Information]</a>


Poulton, A. (2005). Growth on stimulant medication; clarifying the confusion: a review.

Archives of Disease in Childhood , 90(8),

801-806. <a href="


&list_uids=16040876">[More Information]</a>


Poulton, A., Halasz, G., Vance, A. (2003).

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder:

Divergent perspectives (multiple letters).

Medical Journal of Australia , 178(5), 247-248.

Poulton, A., Cowell, C. (2003). Slowing of growth in height and weight on stimulants: A characteristic pattern. Journal of Paediatrics and

Child Health , 39(3), 180-185.
