Publications for Glenn Hunt 2016

Publications for Glenn Hunt
Publications for Glenn Hunt
Wand, A., Wood, R., Macfarlane, M., Hunt, G.
(2016). Comparison of consultation-liaison
psychiatry services for inner-city, district or
regional general hospitals using a common tool:
Does one size fit all? Journal of Psychosomatic
Research, 84, 13-21. <a
6.03.007">[More Information]</a>
Karanges, E., Ramos, L., Dampney, B., Suraev,
A., Li, K., McGregor, I., Hunt, G. (2016).
Contrasting regional Fos expression in
adolescent and young adult rats following acute
administration of the antidepressant paroxetine.
Brain Research Bulletin, 121, 246-254. <a
16.02.008">[More Information]</a>
Light, E., Robertson, M., Kerridge, I., Boyce, P.,
Carney, T., Rosen, A., Cleary, M., Hunt, G.,
O'Connor, N. (2016). Re-conceptualising
involuntary outpatient psychiatric treatment:
From "capacity" to "capability" (Forthcoming).
Philosophy, Psychiatry and Psychology.
Light, E., Kerridge, I., Robertson, M., Boyce, P.,
Carney, T., Rosen, A., Cleary, M., Hunt, G.,
O'Connor, N., Ryan, C. (2015). Involuntary
psychiatric treatment in the community: general
practitioners and the implementation of
community treatment orders. Australian Family
Physician, 44(7), 485-489. <a
Lai, H., Cleary, M., Sitharthan, T., Hunt, G.
(2015). Prevalence of comorbid substance use,
anxiety and mood disorders in epidemiological
surveys, 1990-2014: A systematic review and
meta-analysis. Drug and Alcohol Dependence,
154, 1-13. <a
5.05.031">[More Information]</a>
Wood, R., Wand, A., Hunt, G. (2015).
Relationship between timeliness of contact and
length of stay in older and younger patients of a
consultation-liaison psychiatry service. BJPsych
Bulletin, 39(3), 128-133. <a
0">[More Information]</a>
Light, E., Robertson, M., Boyce, P., Carney, T.,
Rosen, A., Cleary, M., Hunt, G., O'Connor, N.,
Ryan, C., Kerridge, I. (2015). The Many Faces of
Risk: A Qualitative Study of Risk in Outpatient
Involuntary Treatment. Psychiatric Services,
66(6), 649-652. <a
09">[More Information]</a>
Wand, A., Thoo, W., Sciuriaga, H., Ting, V.,
Baker, J., Hunt, G. (2014). A multifaceted
educational intervention to prevent delirium in
older inpatients: A before and after study.
International Journal of Nursing Studies, 51(7),
974-982. <a
1.005">[More Information]</a>
Hunt, G., Siegfried, N., Morley, K., Sitharthan,
T., Cleary, M. (2014). Psychosocial interventions
for people with both severe mental illness and
substance misuse. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 40(1),
18-20. <a
More Information]</a>
van Nieuwenhuijzen, P., McGregor, I., Chebib,
M., Hunt, G. (2014). Regional Fos-expression
induced by γ-hydroxybutyrate (GHB):
Comparison with γ-butyrolactone (GBL) and
effects of co-administration of the GABAB
antagonist SCH 50911 and putative GHB
antagonist NCS-382. Neuroscience, 277,
700-715. <a
014.07.056">[More Information]</a>
Koder, D., Hunt, G., Davison, T. (2014). Staff's
views on managing symptoms of dementia in
nursing home residents. Nursing Older People,
26(10), 31-36. <a
8">[More Information]</a>
Light, E., Robertson, M., Boyce, P., Carney, T.,
Rosen, A., Cleary, M., Hunt, G., O'Connor, N.,
Ryan, C., Kerridge, I. (2014). The lived
experience of involuntary community treatment:
a qualitative study of mental health consumers
and carers. Australasian Psychiatry, 22(4),
345-351. <a
759">[More Information]</a>
O'Connor, N., Hunt, G., O'Hara-Aarons, M.,
Hall, A., Snars, J., Storm, V., Lambert, T.
(2014). The Sydney Mental Health Client
Mortality Audit: what does it tell us and what are
we to do? Australasian Psychiatry, 22(2),
154-159. <a
690">[More Information]</a>
Hunt, G., Walter, G., Malhi, G. (2013). 'Open for
business': Do open-access psychiatry journals
provide value for money? Australian and New
Publications for Glenn Hunt
Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 47(5), 407-411.
556">[More Information]</a>
Contemporary Medical Education, 1(3),
163-169. <a
44909">[More Information]</a>
Hunt, G., Jackson, D., Watson, R., Cleary, M.
(2013). A citation analysis of nurse education
journals using various bibliometric indicators.
Journal of Advanced Nursing, 69(7), 1441-1445.
re Information]</a>
Cleary, M., Horsfall, J., O'Hara-Aarons, M.,
Hunt, G. (2013). Mental health nurses' views of
recovery within an acute setting. International
Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 22(3),
205-212. <a
2.00867.x">[More Information]</a>
Cleary, M., Horsfall, J., Muthulakshmi, P.,
Happell, B., Hunt, G. (2013). Career
development: graduate nurse views. Journal of
Clinical Nursing, 22(17-18), 2605-2613. <a
ore Information]</a>
Cleary, M., Happell, B., Walter, G., Hunt, G.
(2013). Obtaining higher research degree
qualifications: key strategies to consider.
Contemporary Nurse, 44(2), 196-203. <a
96">[More Information]</a>
Bowen, M., Kevin, R., May, M., Staples, L.,
Hunt, G., McGregor, I. (2013). Defensive
Aggregation (Huddling) in Rattus Norvegicus
toward Predator Odor: Individual Differences,
Social Buffering Effects and Neural Correlates.
PloS One, 8(7), 1-15. <a
8483">[More Information]</a>
Hunt, G., Siegfried, N., Morley, K., Sitharthan,
T., Cleary, M. (2013). Psychosocial interventions
for people with both severe mental illness and
substance misuse. Cochrane Database of
Systematic Reviews, 2013 (10), 1-258. <a
1088.pub3">[More Information]</a>
Hunt, G., McGregor, I., Malhi, G. (2013). Give
me a hi-5! An additional version of the h-index.
Australian and New Zealand Journal of
Psychiatry, 47(12), 1119-1123. <a
506">[More Information]</a>
Cleary, M., Horsfall, J., Jackson, D.,
Muthulakshmi, P., Hunt, G. (2013). Recent
graduate nurse views of nursing, work and
leadership. Journal of Clinical Nursing,
22(19-20), 2904-2911. <a
ore Information]</a>
Wand, A., Thoo, W., Ting, V., Baker, J.,
Sciuriaga, H., Hunt, G. (2013). Identification and
rates of delirium in elderly medical inpatients
from diverse language groups. Geriatric
Nursing, 34(5), 355-360. <a
05.004">[More Information]</a>
Cleary, M., Horsfall, J., Hunt, G. (2013).
Reflective assignments in mental health nursing
courses: factors to consider. Journal of
Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health
Services, 51(2), 37-41. <a
109-05">[More Information]</a>
Cleary, M., Siegfried, N., Jackson, D., Hunt, G.
(2013). Making a difference with research:
measuring the impact of mental health research.
International Journal of Mental Health Nursing,
22(2), 103-105. <a
ore Information]</a>
Cleary, M., Horsfall, J., Happell, B., Hunt, G.
(2013). Reflective Components in Undergraduate
Mental Health Nursing Curricula: Some Issues
for Consideration. Issues in Mental Health
Nursing, 34(2), 69-74. <a
722171">[More Information]</a>
Walter, G., Soh, N., Jaconelli, S., Lampe, L.,
Malhi, G., Hunt, G. (2013). Medical students'
subjective ratings of stress levels and awareness
of student support services about mental health.
Postgraduate Medical Journal, 89(1052),
311-315. <a
12-131343">[More Information]</a>
Snowdon, J., Halliday, G., Hunt, G. (2013). Two
types of squalor: findings from a factor analysis
of the Environmental Cleanliness and Clutter
Scale (ECCS). International Psychogeriatrics,
25(7), 1191-1198. <a
032X">[More Information]</a>
Soh, N., Jaconelli, S., Lampe, L., Hunt, G.,
Malhi, G., Walter, G. (2013). Mental distress in
Australian medical students and its association
with housing and travel time. Journal of
Watson, R., Cleary, M., Hunt, G. (2013). What
gets highly cited in JAN? Can editors pick which
articles will contribute to a journal's impact
factor? Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing,
69(11), e60-e34. <a
Publications for Glenn Hunt
re Information]</a>
e Information]</a>
Cleary, M., Horsfall, J., O'Hara-Aarons, M.,
Hunt, G. (2012). Leadership, support and
acknowledgement of registered nurses work in
acute mental health units. International Journal
of Mental Health Nursing, 21(5), 445-452. <a
1.00804.x">[More Information]</a>
Hunt, G., Watson, R., Jackson, D., Cleary, M.
(2012). A bibliometric review of the Journal of
Advanced Nursing, 1976-2010. Journal of
Advanced Nursing, 68(3), 492-495. <a
1.05931.x">[More Information]</a>
Hunt, G., Happell, B., Chan, S., Cleary, M.
(2012). Citation analysis of mental health
nursing journals: How should we rank thee?
International Journal of Mental Health Nursing,
21(6), 576-580. <a
2.00815.x">[More Information]</a>
Hunt, G., Marsden, R., O'Connor, N. (2012).
Clinical handover in acute psychiatric and
community mental health settings. Journal of
Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 19(4),
310-318. <a
1.01793.x">[More Information]</a>
Soh, N., Ma, C., Lampe, L., Hunt, G., Malhi, G.,
Walter, G. (2012). Depression, financial
problems and other reasons for suspending
medical studies, and requested support services:
findings from a qualitative study. Australasian
Psychiatry, 20(6), 518-523. <a
737">[More Information]</a>
Horsfall, J., Cleary, M., Hunt, G. (2012).
Developing a pedagogy for nursing
teaching-learning. Nurse Education Today,
32(8), 930-933. <a
22">[More Information]</a>
Cleary, M., Jackson, D., Walter, G., Watson, R.,
Hunt, G. (2012). Editorial: Location, location,
location - the position of authors in scholarly
publishing. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 21(5-6),
809-811. <a
1.04062.x">[More Information]</a>
Cleary, M., Horsfall, J., Jackson, D., Hunt, G.
(2012). Ethical conduct in nurse education:
Creating safe staff-student boundaries. Nurse
Education Today, 32(3), 320-324. <a
13">[More Information]</a>
Soh, N., Walter, G., Touyz, S., Russell, J., Malhi,
G., Hunt, G. (2012). Food for Thought:
Comparison of Citations Received from Articles
Appearing in Specialized Eating Disorder
Journals versus General Psychiatry Journals.
International Journal of Eating Disorders, 45(8),
990-994. <a
Cleary, M., Horsfall, J., O'Hara-Aarons, M.,
Jackson, D., Hunt, G. (2012). Mental health
nurses' perceptions of good work in an acute
setting. International Journal of Mental Health
Nursing, 21(5), 471-479. <a
1.00810.x">[More Information]</a>
Cleary, M., Horsfall, J., O'Hara-Aarons, M.,
Hunt, G. (2012). Mental health nurses' views on
therapeutic optimism. International Journal of
Mental Health Nursing, 21(6), 497-503. <a
1.00805.x">[More Information]</a>
Motbey, C., Hunt, G., Bowen, M., Artiss, S.,
McGregor, I. (2012). Mephedrone
(4-Methylmethcathinone, "Meow"): Acute
Behavioural Effects and Distribution of Fos
Expression in Adolescent Rats. Addiction
Biology, 17(2), 409-422. <a
1.00384.x">[More Information]</a>
Cleary, M., Hunt, G., Horsfall, J., Deacon, M.
(2012). Nurse-patient interaction in acute adult
inpatient mental health units: a review and
synthesis of qualitative studies. Issues in Mental
Health Nursing, 33(2), 66-79. <a
622428">[More Information]</a>
Watson, R., Cleary, M., Jackson, D., Hunt, G.
(2012). Open access and online publishing: a
new frontier in nursing? Journal of Advanced
Nursing, 68(9), 1905-1908. <a
2.06023.x">[More Information]</a>
Baracz, S., Rourke, P., Pardey, M., Hunt, G.,
McGregor, I., Cornish, J. (2012). Oxytocin
directly administered into the nucleus accumbens
core or subthalamic nucleus attenuates
methamphetamine-induced conditioned place
preference. Behavioural Brain Research, 228(1),
185-193. <a
8">[More Information]</a>
Cleary, M., Horsfall, J., Jackson, D.,
O'Hara-Aarons, M., Hunt, G. (2012). Patients'
views and experiences of pro re nata medication
in acute mental health settings. International
Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 21(6),
Publications for Glenn Hunt
533-539. <a
2.00814">[More Information]</a>
Roxanas, M., Hunt, G. (2012). Rapid Reversal of
Corticosteroid-Induced Mania with Sodium
Valproate: A Case Series of 20 Patients.
Psychosomatics, 53(6), 575-581. <a
06">[More Information]</a>
Cornish, J., Hunt, G., Robins, L., McGregor, I.
(2012). Regional c-Fos and FosB/δFosB
expression associated with chronic
methamphetamine self-administration and
methamphetamine-seeking behavior in rats.
Neuroscience, 206, 100-114. <a
012.01.004">[More Information]</a>
Cleary, M., Mackey, S., Hunt, G., Jackson, D.,
Thompson, D., Walter, G. (2012). Reputations: a
critical yet neglected area of scholarly enquiry.
Journal of Advanced Nursing, 68(10),
2137-2139. <a
2.06058.x">[More Information]</a>
Hicks, C., Jorgensen, W., Brown, C., Fardell, J.,
Koehbach, J., Gruber, C., Kassiou, M., Hunt, G.,
McGregor, I. (2012). The Nonpeptide Oxytocin
Receptor Agonist WAY 267,464:
Receptor-Binding Profile, Prosocial Effects and
Distribution of c-Fos Expression in Adolescent
Rats. Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 24(7),
1012-1029. <a
2.02311.x">[More Information]</a>
Cleary, M., Horsfall, J., Hunt, G. (2012). Top
tips for PhD thesis examination: Nurse
clinicians, researchers and novices. Nurse
Education Today, 32(1), 7-9. <a
04">[More Information]</a>
Cleary, M., Horsfall, J., O'Hara-Aarons, M.,
Mannix, J., Jackson, D., Hunt, G. (2012). Views
and experiences of mental health nurses working
with undergraduate assistants in nursing in an
acute mental health setting. International Journal
of Mental Health Nursing, 21(2), 184-190. <a
1.00784.x">[More Information]</a>
Hunt, G., O'Hara-Aarons, M., O'Connor, N.,
Cleary, M. (2012). Why are some patients
admitted to psychiatric hospital while others are
not? A study assessing risk during the admission
interview and relationship to outcome.
International Journal of Mental Health Nursing,
21(2), 145-153. <a
1.00778.x">[More Information]</a>
Hunt, G., van Nieuwenhuijzen, P., Chan-Ling,
T., McGregor, I. (2011). 'When an old rat smells
a cat': a decline in defense-related, but not
accessory olfactory, Fos expression in aged rats.
Neurobiology of Aging, 32(4), 737-749. <a
2009.03.014">[More Information]</a>
Horsfall, J., Cleary, M., Hunt, G., Walter, G.
(2011). Acute Care. In Phil Barker (Eds.),
Mental Health Ethics: The Human Context, (pp.
197-204). Abingdon: Routledge imprint of
Taylor & Francis.
Cleary, M., Horsfall, J., Hunt, G., Escott, P.,
Happell, B. (2011). Continuing challenges for
the mental health consumer workforce: A role
for mental health nurses? International Journal
of Mental Health Nursing, 20(6), 438-444. <a
1.00757.x">[More Information]</a>
Cleary, M., Hunt, G., Jackson, D. (2011).
Demystifying PhDs: A review of doctorate
programs designed to fulfil the needs of the next
generation of nursing professionals.
Contemporary Nurse, 39(2), 273-280.
Horsfall, J., Cleary, M., Hunt, G. (2011).
Developing Partnerships in Mental Health to
Bridge the Research-Practitioner Gap.
Perspectives in Psychiatric Care: journal for
advanced practice psychiatric nurses, 47(1),
6-12. <a
0.00265.x">[More Information]</a>
Ferguson (Sokolic), L., Long, L., Hunt, G.,
Arnold, J., McGregor, I. (2011). Disruptive
effects of the prototypical cannabinoid
Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol and the fatty acid
amide inhibitor URB-597 on go/no-go auditory
discrimination performance and olfactory
reversal learning in rats. Behavioural
Pharmacology, 22(3), 191-202. <a
345c82b">[More Information]</a>
Hunt, G., Cleary, M., Jackson, D., Watson, R.,
Thompson, D. (2011). Editorial: Citation
analysis - focus on leading Australian nurse
authors. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 20(23-24),
3273-3275. <a
1.03917.x">[More Information]</a>
Cleary, M., Hunt, G., Robertson, M. (2011).
Editorial: Improving research cultures in nursing.
Journal of Clinical Nursing, 20(9-10),
1213-1214. <a
0.03247.x">[More Information]</a>
Hunt, G., Cleary, M. (2011). Editorial: Quality is
Publications for Glenn Hunt
better than quantity when it comes to
publications. Journal of Clinical Nursing,
20(1-2), 70-72. <a
0.03238.x">[More Information]</a>
Cleary, M., Hunt, G., Horsfall, J., Deacon, M.
(2011). Ethnographic Research into Nursing in
Acute Adult Mental Health Units: A Review.
Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 32(7), 424-435.
563339">[More Information]</a>
Hunt, G., Walter, G., Cleary, M., Soh, N.,
Martin, A., Malhi, G. (2011). Fields of interest
and influence: a new method for sourcing and
ranking journals in psychiatry. Australian and
New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 45(8),
614-618. <a
603286">[More Information]</a>
Walter, G., Hunt, G., Soh, N., Cleary, M.,
Martin, A. (2011). Fifty Years and Counting:
Celebrating Citations to the Journal. Journal of
the American Academy of Child and Adolescent
Psychiatry, 50(7), 636-639. <a
6">[More Information]</a>
Hunt, G. (2011). Making sense of bibliometrics.
Acta Neuropsychiatrica, 23(2), 80-81. <a
1.00534.x">[More Information]</a>
Hunt, G., McGregor, I., Cornish, J., Callaghan,
P. (2011). MDMA-induced c-Fos expression in
oxytocin-containing neurons is blocked by
pretreatment with the 5-HT-1A receptor
antagonist WAY 100635. Brain Research
Bulletin, 86, 65-73. <a
11.06.011">[More Information]</a>
Cleary, M., Deacon, M., Hunt, G. (2011). Mental
health nursing role models: what is valued?
Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental
Health Services, 49(8), 6-7. <a
705-03">[More Information]</a>
Hunt, G., Walter, G., Soh, N., Cashman, E.,
Malhi, G. (2011). Patting your head while
rubbing your tummy. Australian and New
Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 45(6), 444-448.
581646">[More Information]</a>
Boucher, A., Arnold, J., Hunt, G., Spiro, A.,
Spencer, J., Brown, C., McGregor, I., Bennett,
M., Kassiou, M. (2011). Resilience and Reduced
C-FOS Expression in P2X7 Receptor Knockout
Mice Exposed to Repeated Forced Swim Test.
Neuroscience, 189, 170-177. <a
011.05.049">[More Information]</a>
Cleary, M., Horsfall, J., O'Hara-Aarons, M.,
Jackson, D., Hunt, G. (2011). The views of
mental health nurses on continuing professional
development. Journal of Clinical Nursing,
20(23-24), 3561-3566. <a
1.03745.x">[More Information]</a>
Cleary, M., Hunt, G., Horsfall, J. (2011). Turning
Mental Health Nursing Problems into Quality or
Research Projects. Issues in Mental Health
Nursing, 32(4), 228-233. <a
547655">[More Information]</a>
Cleary, M., Hunt, G., Walter, G., Tong, L.
(2010). A guide for mental health clinicians to
develop and undertake benchmarking activities.
International Journal of Mental Health Nursing,
19(2), 137-141. <a
9.00654.x">[More Information]</a>
van Nieuwenhuijzen, P., Kashem, M.,
Matsumoto, I., Hunt, G., McGregor, I. (2010). A
long hangover from party drugs: Residual
proteomic changes in the hippocampus of rats 8
weeks after gamma-hydroxybutyrate
(MDMA) or their combination. Neurochemistry
International, 56(8), 871-877. <a
002">[More Information]</a>
Horsfall, J., Cleary, M., Hunt, G. (2010). Acute
inpatient units in a comprehensive (integrated)
mental health system: a review of the literature.
Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 31(4), 273-278.
5944">[More Information]</a>
Cleary, M., Hunt, G. (2010). Building
community engagement in nursing. Journal of
Continuing Education in Nursing, 41(8),
344-345. <a
726-04">[More Information]</a>
Walter, G., Byrne, S., Griffiths, O., Hunt, G.,
Soh, N., Cleary, M., Duffy, P., Crawford, G.,
Krabman, P., Concannon, P. (2010). Can young
people reliably rate side effects of low-dose
antipsychotic medication using a self-report
survey? Acta Neuropsychiatrica, 22(4), 168-173.
Cleary, M., Hunt, G., Walter, G. (2010).
Delivering Difficult News Views of Mental
Health Staff in Inpatient Settings. Journal of
Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health
Publications for Glenn Hunt
Services, 48(6), 32-39. <a
504-02">[More Information]</a>
212(4), 663-674. <a
6-5">[More Information]</a>
Cleary, M., Hunt, G., Walter, G., Jackson, D.
(2010). Fostering real-world clinical mental
health research. Journal of Clinical Nursing,
19(23-24), 3453-3458. <a
0.03487.x">[More Information]</a>
Cleary, M., Hunt, G. (2010). Response to alchin.
International Journal of Mental Health Nursing,
19(2), 149-150. <a
0.00677.x">[More Information]</a>
Cleary, M., Hunt, G., Horsfall, J. (2010).
Identifying and addressing bullying in nursing.
Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 31(5), 331-335.
8531">[More Information]</a>
Cleary, M., Hunt, G. (2010). Mental health
nursing needs to lift its game in the citation
stakes. International Journal of Mental Health
Nursing, 19(4), 221-222. <a
0.00685.x">[More Information]</a>
Byrne, S., Soh, N., Walter, G., Hunt, G., Cleary,
M., Malhi, G. (2010). Observations from postal
research involving families of young people
taking antipsychotic medication. Acta
Neuropsychiatrica, 22(2), 102-102. <a
0.00454.x">[More Information]</a>
Carson, D., Cornish, J., Guastella, A., Hunt, G.,
McGregor, I. (2010). Oxytocin decreases
methamphetamine self-administration,
methamphetamine hyperactivity, and relapse to
methamphetamine-seeking behaviour in rats.
Neuropharmacology, 58(1), 38-43. <a
09.06.018">[More Information]</a>
Hunt, G., Cleary, M., Walter, G. (2010).
Psychiatry and the Hirsch h-index: The
Relationship Between Journal Impact Factors
and Accrued Citations. Harvard Review of
Psychiatry, 18(4), 207-219. <a
493742">[More Information]</a>
Cleary, M., Hunt, G., Escott, P., Walter, G.
(2010). Receiving Difficult news Views of
Patients in an Inpatient Setting. Journal of
Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health
Services, 48(6), 40-48. <a
504-01">[More Information]</a>
van Nieuwenhuijzen, P., Long, L., Hunt, G.,
Arnold, J., McGregor, I. (2010). Residual social,
memory and oxytocin-related changes in rats
following repeated exposure to
gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB),
3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)
or their combination. Psychopharmacology,
Cleary, M., Hunt, G., Walter, G. (2010).
Seclusion and its context in acute inpatient
psychiatric care. Journal of Medical Ethics,
36(8), 459-462. <a
2">[More Information]</a>
Byrne, S., Walter, G., Hunt, G., Soh, N., Cleary,
M., Duffy, P., Crawford, G., Krabman, P.,
Concannon, P., Malhi, G. (2010). Self-reported
side effects in children and adolescents taking
risperidone. Australasian Psychiatry, 18(1),
42-45. <a
3381">[More Information]</a>
Horsfall, J., Cleary, M., Hunt, G. (2010). Stigma
in mental health: clients and professionals. Issues
in Mental Health Nursing, 31(7), 450-455. <a
7167">[More Information]</a>
Carson, D., Hunt, G., Guastella, A., Barber, L.,
Cornish, J., Arnold, J., Boucher, A., McGregor,
I. (2010). Systemically administered oxytocin
decreases methamphetamine activation of the
subthalamic nucleus and accumbens core and
stimulates oxytocinergic neurons in the
hypothalamus. Addiction Biology, 15(4),
448-463. <a
0.00247.x">[More Information]</a>
Cleary, M., Hunt, G., O'Connor, N., Snars, J.
(2010). The Concord Centre for Mental Health's
new 'phase of illness' model of care: are we on
the right track? Australasian Psychiatry, 18(3),
246-249. <a
6755">[More Information]</a>
Boucher, A., Hunt, G., Micheau, J., Huang, X.,
McGregor, I., Karl, T., Arnold, J. (2010). The
schizophrenia susceptibility gene neuregulin 1
modulates tolerance to the effects of
cannabinoids. International Journal of
Neuropsychopharmacology, 14(5), 631-643. <a
091X">[More Information]</a>
Horsfall, J., Cleary, M., Hunt, G. (2010). Why Is
Better Mental Health Care So Elusive?
Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, 46(4),
279-285. <a
Publications for Glenn Hunt
0.00264.x">[More Information]</a>
Cleary, M., Hunt, G., Walter, G. (2009). A
comparison of patient and staff satisfaction with
services after relocating to a new purpose-built
mental health facility. Australasian Psychiatry,
17(3), 212-217. <a
1693">[More Information]</a>
Cleary, M., Hunt, G., Horsfall, J. (2009).
Conducting Efficient Literature Searches:
Strategies for Mental Health Nurses. Journal of
Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health
Services, 47(11), 34-41. <a
930-03">[More Information]</a>
Cleary, M., Hunt, G., Walter, G., Robertson, M.
(2009). Dealing with bullying in the workplace:
toward zero tolerance. Journal of Psychosocial
Nursing and Mental Health Services, 47(12),
34-41. <a
103-03">[More Information]</a>
Cleary, M., Hunt, G., Horsfall, J. (2009).
Delivering difficult news in psychiatric settings.
Harvard Review of Psychiatry, 17(5), 315-321.
&list_uids=19832045">[More Information]</a>
Cleary, M., Hunt, G., Malins, G., Matheson, S.,
Escott, P. (2009). Drug and alcohol education for
consumer workers and caregivers: a pilot project
assessing attitudes toward persons with mental
illness and problematic substance use. Archives
of Psychiatric Nursing, 23(2), 104-110. <a
04">[More Information]</a>
Cleary, M., Hunt, G., Walter, G., Robertson, M.
(2009). Locked inpatient units in modern mental
health care: values and practice issues. Journal of
Medical Ethics, 35(10), 644-646. <a
8">[More Information]</a>
Thompson, M., Hunt, G., McGregor, I. (2009).
Neural correlates of MDMA ("Ecstasy")-induced
social interaction in rats. Social Neuroscience,
4(1), 60-72. <a
5042">[More Information]</a>
Cleary, M., Hunt, G., Matheson, S., Walter, G.
(2009). Psychosocial treatments for people with
co-occurring severe mental illness and substance
misuse: systematic review. Journal of Advanced
Nursing, 65(2), 238-258. <a
8.04879.x">[More Information]</a>
Horsfall, J., Cleary, M., Hunt, G., Walter, G.
(2009). Psychosocial treatments for people with
co-occurring severe mental illnesses and
substance use disorders (dual diagnosis): a
review of empirical evidence. Harvard Review of
Psychiatry, 17(1), 24-34. <a
4599">[More Information]</a>
van Nieuwenhuijzen, P., McGregor, I., Hunt, G.
(2009). The distribution of
gamma-hydroxybutyrate-induced Fos expression
in rat brain: Comparison with baclofen.
Neuroscience, 158(2), 441-455. <a
008.10.011">[More Information]</a>
Cleary, M., Hunt, G., Matheson, S., Walter, G.
(2009). Views of Australian mental health
stakeholders on clients' problematic drug and
alcohol use. Drug and Alcohol Review, 28(2),
122-128. <a
8.00041.x">[More Information]</a>
van Nieuwenhuijzen, P., Li, K., Hunt, G.,
McGregor, I. (2009). Weekly
gamma-hydroxybutyrate exposure sensitizes
locomotor hyperactivity to low-dose
3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine in rats.
Neuropsychobiology, 60(3-4), 195-203. <a
ore Information]</a>
Staples, L., McGregor, I., Hunt, G. (2009).
Long-lasting FosB/delta-FosB immunoreactivity
in the rat brain after repeated cat odor exposure.
Neuroscience Letters, 462(2), 157-161. <a
069">[More Information]</a>
Staples, L., McGregor, I., Apfelbach, R., Hunt,
G. (2008). Cat odor, but not trimethylthiazoline
(fox odor), activates accessory olfactory and
defense-related brain regions in rats.
Neuroscience, 151, 937-947. <a
007.11.039">[More Information]</a>
Robertson, T., Walter, G., Soh, N., Hunt, G.,
Cleary, M., Malhi, G. (2009). Medical students'
attitudes towards a career in psychiatry before
and after viewing a promotional DVD.
Australasian Psychiatry, 17(4), 311-317. <a
4298">[More Information]</a>
Cleary, M., Matheson, S., Walter, G., Malins, G.,
Hunt, G. (2008). Demystifying research and
evidence-based practice for consumers and
carers: development and evaluation of an
educational package. Issues in Mental Health
Nursing, 29(2), 131-143. <a
Publications for Glenn Hunt
2340">[More Information]</a>
McGregor, I., Callaghan, P., Hunt, G. (2008).
From ultrasocial to antisocial: a role for oxytocin
in the acute reinforcing effects and long-term
adverse consequences of drug use? British
Journal of Pharmacology, 154, 358-368. <a
More Information]</a>
Cleary, M., Walter, G., Hunt, G., Clancy, R.,
Horsfall, J. (2008). Promoting dual diagnosis
awareness in everyday clinical practice. Journal
of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health
Services, 46(12), 43-49. <a
&list_uids=19133494">[More Information]</a>
Cleary, M., Hunt, G., Matheson, S., Siegfried,
N., Walter, G. (2008). Psychosocial interventions
for people with both severe mental illness and
substance misuse. Cochrane Database of
Systematic Reviews, 1, 1-268. <a
1088.pub2">[More Information]</a>
Cleary, M., Hunt, G., Matheson, S., Siegfried,
N., Walter, G. (2008). Psychosocial treatment
programs for people with both severe mental
illness and substance misuse. Schizophrenia
Bulletin, 34(2), 226-228. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Staples, L., Hunt, G., van Nieuwenhuijzen, P.,
McGregor, I. (2008). Rats discriminate
individual cats by their odor: Possible
involvement of the accessory olfactory system.
Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 32(7),
1209-1217. <a
.05.011">[More Information]</a>
Thompson, M., Callaghan, P., Hunt, G.,
McGregor, I. (2008). Reduced sensitivity to
MDMA-induced facilitation of social behaviour
in MDMA pre-exposed rats. Progress in
Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological
Psychiatry, 32(4), 1013-1021. <a
014">[More Information]</a>
Walter, G., DeLaroche, A., Soh, N., Hunt, G.,
Cleary, M., Malhi, G., Lambert, T., Correll, C.,
Rey, J. (2008). Side effects of second-generation
antipsychotics: the experiences, views and
monitoring practices of
Australian child psychiatrists. Australasian
Psychiatry, 16(4), 253-262. <a
8549">[More Information]</a>
Cleary, M., Hunt, G., Matheson, S., Walter, G.
(2008). The Association Between Substance Use
and the Needs of Patients With Psychiatric
Disorder, Levels of Anxiety, and Caregiving
Burden. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 22(6),
375-385. <a
01">[More Information]</a>
Thompson, M., Callaghan, P., Hunt, G., Cornish,
J., McGregor, I. (2007). A role for oxytocin and
5-HT(1A) receptors in the prosocial effects of
3,4 methylenedioxymethamphetamine
("ecstasy"). Neuroscience, 146(2), 509-514. <a
&list_uids=17383105">[More Information]</a>
Hodgkinson, K., Butow, P., Hunt, G.,
Pendlebury, S., Hobbs, K., Wain, G. (2007).
Breast cancer survivors' supportive care needs
2-10 years after diagnosis. Supportive Care in
Cancer, 15(5), 515-523.
Horsfall, J., Cleary, M., Walter, G., Hunt, G.
(2007). Conducting mental health research: Key
steps, practicalities, and issues for the early
career researcher. International Journal of
Mental Health Nursing, 16(S1), S1-S20. <a
&list_uids=17316290">[More Information]</a>
Boucher, A., Hunt, G., Karl, T., Micheau, J.,
McGregor, I., Arnold, J. (2007). Heterozygous
neuregulin 1 mice display greater baseline and
Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol-induced c-Fos
expression. Neuroscience, 149(4), 861-870. <a
&list_uids=17905522">[More Information]</a>
Hargreaves, G., Hunt, G., Cornish, J., McGregor,
I. (2007). High ambient temperature increases
3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA,
"ecstasy")-induced Fos expression in a
region-specific manner. Neuroscience, 145(2),
764-774. <a
&list_uids=17289273">[More Information]</a>
Hodgkinson, K., Butow, P., Hunt, G., Wyse, R.,
Hobbs, K., Wain, G. (2007). Life after cancer:
couples' and partners' psychological adjustment
and supportive care needs. Supportive Care in
Cancer, 15, 405-415.
Clemens, K., McGregor, I., Hunt, G., Cornish, J.
(2007). MDMA, methamphetamine and their
combination: possible lessons for party drug
users from recent preclinical research. Drug and
Alcohol Review, 26(1), 9-15. <a
Publications for Glenn Hunt
&list_uids=17364831">[More Information]</a>
&list_uids=17027072">[More Information]</a>
Clemens, K., Cornish, J., Hunt, G., McGregor, I.
(2007). Repeated weekly exposure to MDMA,
methamphetamine or their combination:
Long-term behavioural and neurochemical
effects in rats. Drug and Alcohol Dependence,
86(2-3), 183-190.
Cleary, M., Freeman, A., Hunt, G., Walter, G.
(2006). Patient and carer perceptions of need and
associations with care-giving burden in an
integrated adult mental health service. Social
Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 41(3),
208-214. <a
&list_uids=16435079">[More Information]</a>
Cleary, M., Hunt, G., Freeman, A., Walter, G.
(2007). Staff and patient perceptions of research
in an integrated mental health service. Issues in
Mental Health Nursing, 28(4), 341-358. <a
&list_uids=17454287">[More Information]</a>
Hodgkinson, K., Butow, P., Hobbs, K., Hunt, G.,
Lo, S., Wain, G. (2006). Assessing unmet
supportive care needs in partners of cancer
survivors: the development and evaluation of the
Cancer Survivors' Partners Unmet Needs
measure (CaSPUN). Psycho-Oncology, 16(9),
805-813. <a
e Information]</a>
Hodgkinson, K., Butow, P., Hunt, G.,
Pendlebury, S., Hobbs, K., Wain, G. (2006).
Breast cancer survivors' supportive care needs
2-10 years after diagnosis. Supportive Care in
Cancer, 15(5), 1-9. <a
&list_uids=17120068">[More Information]</a>
Clemens, K., Cornish, J., Hunt, G., McGregor, I.
(2006). Intravenous methamphetamine
self-administration in rats: Effects of intravenous
or intraperitoneal MDMA co-administration.
Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, 85,
454-463. <a
&list_uids=17112571">[More Information]</a>
Hodgkinson, K., Butow, P., Hunt, G., Wyse, R.,
Hobbs, K., Wain, G. (2006). Life after cancer:
couples' and partners' psychological adjustment
and supportive care needs. Supportive Care in
Cancer, , 1-11. <a
&list_uids=17043776">[More Information]</a>
Hodgkinson, K., Butow, P., Fuchs, A., Hunt, G.,
Stenlake, A., Hobbs, K., Brand, A., Wain, G.
(2006). Long-term survival from gynecologic
cancer: Psychosocial outcomes, supportive care
needs and positive outcomes. Gynecologic
Oncology, 104(2), 381-389. <a
Clemens, K., Cornish, J., Hunt, G., McGregor, I.
(2006). Repeated weekly exposure to MDMA,
methamphetamine or their combination:
Long-term behavioural and neurochemical
effects in rats. Drug and Alcohol Dependence,
86(2-3), 183-190. <a
&list_uids=16884865">[More Information]</a>
Hodgkinson, K., Butow, P., Hunt, G.,
Pendlebury, S., Hobbs, K., Lo, S., Wain, G.
(2006). The development and evaluation of a
measure to assess cancer survivors' unmet
supportive care needs: the CaSUN (Cancer
Survivors' Unmet Needs measure).
Psycho-Oncology, 16(9), 796-804. <a
e Information]</a>
Cleary, M., Hunt, G., Walter, G., Freeman, A.
(2006). The patient's view of need and caregiving
consequences: a cross-sectional study of
inpatients with severe mental illness. Journal of
Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 13(5),
506-514. <a
&list_uids=16965468">[More Information]</a>
Cleary, M., Walter, G., Hunt, G. (2006). The
quest to fund research: playing research lotto.
Australasian Psychiatry, 14(3), 323-6. <a
6.02286.x">[More Information]</a>
Cleary, M., Freeman, A., Hunt, G., Siegfried, N.
(2006). The trials and tribulations of performing
within the research arena. Journal of Psychiatric
and Mental Health Nursing. <a
&list_uids=16608482">[More Information]</a>
Cleary, M., Freeman, A., Walter, G., Hunt, G.
(2005). Making evidence based practice a reality
for mental health nursing. Contemporary Nurse,
20(2), 278-289. <a
Publications for Glenn Hunt
&list_uids=16393109">[More Information]</a>
Clemens, K., Cornish, J., Li, K., Hunt, G.,
McGregor, I. (2005). MDMA ('Ecstasy') and
methamphetamine combined: order of
administration influences hyperthermic and
long-term adverse effects in female rats.
Neuropharmacology, 49(2), 195-207. <a
&list_uids=15993443">[More Information]</a>
Staples, L., Hunt, G., Cornish, J., McGregor, I.
(2005). Neural activation during cat
odor-induced conditioned fear and 'trial 2' fear in
rats. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews,
29(8), 1265-1277. <a
&list_uids=16111751">[More Information]</a>
Cleary, M., Walter, G., Hunt, G. (2005). The
experience and views of mental health nurses
regarding nursing care delivery in an integrated,
inpatient setting. International Journal of Mental
Health Nursing, 14(2), 72-77. <a
&list_uids=15896253">[More Information]</a>
Cleary, M., Freeman, A., Hunt, G., Walter, G.
(2005). What patients and carers want to know:
an exploration of information and resource needs
in adult mental health services. Australian and
New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 39(6),
Freeman, A., Malone, J., Hunt, G. (2004). A
Statewide Survey Of High-Support Services For
People With Chronic Mental Illness: Assessment
Of Needs For Care, Level Of Functioning And
Satisfaction. Australian and New Zealand
Journal of Psychiatry, 38(10), 811-818.
Psychopharmacology, 173(38445), 318-325. <a
6-x">[More Information]</a>
McGregor, I., Hargreaves, G., Apfelbach, R.,
Hunt, G. (2004). Neural Correlates Of Cat
Odor-Induced Anxiety In Rats: Region-Specific
Effects Of The Benzodiazepine Midazolam. The
Journal of Neuroscience, 24(17), 4134-4144.
Suwanprathes, P., Ngu, M., Ing, A., Hunt, G.,
Seow, F. (2003). C-Fos immunoreactivity in the
brain after esophageal acid stimulation. The
American Journal of Medicine, 115(Supplement
3A), 31S-38S.
Cleary, M., Horsfall, J., Hunt, G. (2003).
Consumer feedback on nursing care and
discharge planning. Journal of Advanced
Nursing, 42(3), 269-277.
Walter, G., Bloch, S., Hunt, G., Fisher, K.
(2003). Counting on citations: a flawed way to
measure quality. Medical Journal of Australia,
178(6), 280-281.
Cleary, M., Hunt, G., Walter, G., Horsfall, J.
(2003). Guidelines for presentations and
publications. International Journal of Mental
Health Nursing, 11, 158-159.
Cornish, J., Shahnawaz, Z., Thompson, M.,
Wong, S., Morley, K., Hunt, G., McGregor, I.
(2003). Heat increases
self-administration and social effects in rats.
European Journal of Pharmacology, 482(1-3),
339-341. <a
060">[More Information]</a>
Freemand, A., Hunt, G., Evenhuis, E., Smith, D.,
Malone, J. (2003). High support accommodation
for people with psychiatric disabilities. Australia
and on web: Aftercare.
Morley, K., Li, K., Hunt, G., Mallet, P.,
McGregor, I. (2004). Cannabinoids Prevent The
Acute Hyperthermia And Partially Protect
Against The 5-Ht Depleting Effects Of Mdma
('Ecstasy') In Rats. Neuropharmacology, 46(7),
McGregor, I., Clemens, K., Van Der Plasse, G.,
Li, K., Hunt, G., Chen, F., Lawrence, A. (2003).
Increased Anxiety 3 Months after Brief Exposure
to MDMA ('Ecstasy') in Rats: Association with
Altered 5-HT Transporter and Receptor Density.
Neuropsychopharmacology, 28, 1472-1484.
Thompson, M., Li, K., Clemens, K., Gurtman,
C., Hunt, G., Cornish, J., McGregor, I. (2004).
Chronic Fluoxetine Treatment Partly Attenuates
The Long-Term Anxiety And Depressive
Symptoms Induced By Mdma ('Ecstasy') In Rats.
Neuropsychopharmacology, 29(4), 694-704.
McGregor, I., Gurtman, C., Morley, K.,
Clemens, K., Li, K., Blokland, A., Cornish, J.,
Hunt, G. (2003). Increased anxiety and
"depressive" symptoms months after MDMA
("ecstasy") in rats:
Clemens, K., van Nieuwenhuijzen, P., Li, K.,
Cornish, J., Hunt, G., McGregor, I. (2004).
Mdma ('Ecstasy'), Methamphetamine And Their
Combination: Long-Term Changes In Social
Interaction And Neurochemistry In The Rat.
drug-induced hyperthermia does not predict
long-term outcomes. Psychopharmacology,
168(4), 465-474. <a
2-8">[More Information]</a>
Allen, K., McGregor, I., Hunt, G., Singh, M.,
Publications for Glenn Hunt
Mallet, P. (2003). Regional differences in
nalaxone modulation of Delta 9 - THC induced
Fos expression in rat brain. Neuropharmacology,
44(2), 264-274.
Snowdon, J., Hunt, G. (2002). Age, period and
cohort effects on suicide rates in Australia,
1919-1999. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica,
105(4), 265-270.
Hunt, G., McGregor, I. (2002). Contrasting
effects of dopamine antagonists and frequency
reduction on Fos expression induced by lateral
hypothalamic stimulation. Behavioural Brain
Research, 132(2), 187-201.
Gurtman, C., Morley, K., Li, K., Hunt, G.,
McGregor, I. (2002). Increased anxiety in rats
after 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine:
association with serotonin depletion. European
Journal of Pharmacology, 446(1-3), 89-96.
Hunt, G., Bergen, J., Bashir, M. (2002).
Medication compliance and comorbid substance
abuse in schizophrenia: impact on community
survival 4 years after a relapse. Schizophrenia
Research, 54, 253-264.
Dielenberg, R., Hunt, G., McGregor, I. (2001).
'When a rat smells a cat': The distribution of fos
immunoreactivity in rat brain following exposure
to a predatory odor. Neuroscience, 104,
Arnold, J., Hunt, G., McGregor, I. (2001).
Effects of the cannabinoid receptor agonist CP
55,940 and the cannabinoid receptor antagonist
SR 141716 on intracranial self-stimulation in
Lewis rat. Life Sciences, 70, 97-108.
Morley, K., Gallate, J., Hunt, G., McGregor, I.,
Mallet, P. (2001). Increased anxiety and
impaired memory in rats 3 months after
administration of
("Ecstasy"). European Journal of Pharmacology,
433(1), 91-99.
Arnold, J., Topple, A., Hunt, G., McGregor, I.,
Mallet, P. (2001). The distribution of
cannabinoid-induced Fos expression in rat brain:
differences between the Lewis and Wistar strain.
Brain Research, 921, 240-255.