Facilities Services Professional Staff Performance & Competency Evaluation Employee Name: Title: Division: Evaluator name: Title: Review Period (from/to): Evaluation Date: ROLE COMPETENCIES / EXPECTATIONS See page 4 for definitions of competencies 1. Job Knowledge/Job Criteria [key functional criteria from job description]: Describe: 2. Planning/Workload and Resource Management: Describe: successfully met needs improvement successfully met needs improvement 3. Decision-making/action initiation: Describe: successfully met 4. Service Orientation: Describe: successfully met needs improvement needs improvement 5. Communication: Describe: 3-31-08 / kz successfully met needs improvement 1 6. Delegation/Developing staff: Describe: successfully met needs improvement PERFORMANCE GOALS/OBJECTIVES – For current evaluation period Objective #1: Task: Timeframe: Outcome (measurable): Objective #2: Task: Timeframe: Outcome (measurable): Objective #3: Task: Timeframe: Outcome (measurable): (attach additional pages as needed) ACHIEVEMENTS (during evaluation period) 3-31-08 / kz 2 EMPLOYEE INPUT Self-evaluation [optional – attach copy, if prepared separately] Comments: PERFORMANCE GOALS/OBJECTIVES – For the coming year, beginning . Objective #1: Task: Timeframe: Outcome (measurable): Objective #2: Task: Timeframe: Outcome (measurable): Objective #3: Task: Timeframe: Outcome (measurable): (attach additional pages as needed) _______________________________________________ Supervisor signature _____________________________ Date _______________________________________________ Employee signature _____________________________ Date copy to employee Half-year check-in completed: [enter date above] Supervisor: __________________________________ Employee: ___________________________________ 3-31-08 / kz 3 Performance & Competency Evaluation Definitions ROLE COMPETENCIES/ EXPECTATIONS 1. Job Knowledge/Criteria Performs in accordance with expectations contained in the employee’s job description. The supervisor and employee should review the job description. The evaluation should reflect consideration of strengths and weaknesses of performance of duties and job expectations. To the extent possible, commentary in this section should not overlap with competencies/expectations following, but it is understood that some overlap exists. 2. Planning/Workload and Resource Management Identifies and communicates priorities. Develops realistic work schedules and reviews with staff. Sets schedule and time goals when needed and follows up to ensure goals are met. Anticipates and identifies problems; communicates with team to develop and execute solutions. Promotes safety programs and safe work practices at all times. 3. Decision-making/Action Initiation Gathers and interprets information, involving appropriate parties. Develops plans to implement decisions and policies with focus on priorities, goals, outcomes and impacts. Shows initiative and flexibility in overcoming obstacles, creating new approaches, and making changes. Evaluates options and make tough decisions. 4. Service Orientation Makes excellent service the first priority by anticipating, assessing, and responding to the needs of diverse customers. Demonstrates active listening to and understanding of customers and colleagues. Creates a climate of mutual problem-solving to accommodate different or challenging customer situations. Proactively communicates with customers as well as other departments to meet needs in timely and effectively fashion. 5. Communication Actively listens, uses feedback and exchanges information to achieve mutual understanding. Responds respectively to criticism and to input from others. Communicates successfully to coordinate work, within Facilities Services, across other UW units, and with external entities. Shares decisions and work-plan rationale to enhance team understanding and cooperation. Combats rumors and negative commentary in the workplace. 6. Delegation/Staff Development Provides opportunities for staff to perform duties and responsibilities that support the mission and operation of the department/division. Places staff on committees and task forces. With staff input, plans programs to provide opportunities for professional development, enhanced effectiveness and improved morale. Provides opportunities for independent work to improve decision-making, teamwork and confidence. Discusses professional development with staff as part of performance evaluation and regular feedback. 3-31-08 / kz 4 PERFORMANCE GOALS/OBJECTIVES FOR THE CURRENT EVALUATION PERIOD Use this section to document how well the employee met his or her performance objectives/goals for the evaluation period. These objectives should have been defined and discussed with the employee near the start of the evaluation period. List a minimum of three (3) significant objectives for comment. List additional as needed. The objectives should relate to achievement of departmental, divisional, and/or unit Strategic Objectives. Task calls for not only the title of the objective, but a description of what was intended to be accomplished. Timeframe is the specific deadline or, for an on-going objective, the parameters of progress milestones or target dates. Outcome should be measureable to ensure clarity about whatever success has been achieved. If needed, provide narrative addressing the actual outcome compared to the desired outcome. Extraordinary circumstances may occur. PERFORMANCE GOALS / OBJECTIVES FOR THE COMING YEAR Use this section to record a minimum of three strategic objectives/goals for the coming year. The objectives should support the department, division or unit Strategic Objectives as developed as part of the Balanced Scorecard process and/or support the employee’s continuous performance improvement, reflecting how the employee performs his/her duties (not necessarily directly related to the BSC). Be sure to define the timeframe for achieving the objective. Objectives/goals for the coming year need to be discussed with the employee and finalized within the first month of the start of the evaluation period. 3-31-08 / kz 5