ANNUAL REPORT 2015-16 Department Name:

Department Name:
Phone Number:
Web Site:
Director’s Name:
Number of Staff:
Staff Type
Your numbers should reflect those staff
who worked a majority of the 2015-16
academic year
Staff Diversity:
Your numbers should reflect those staff
who worked a majority of the 2015-16
academic year
Full-time Professional/Classified Staff:
Part-time Professional/Classified Staff:
Graduate Assistants:
Student Staff on Payroll:
Student Interns:
Practicum Students:
Staff with Disabilities:
Your numbers should reflect those staff
who worked a majority of the 2015-16
academic year
No. of Staff
A. Mission:
Please include the most recent version of your department’s mission statement.
B. Department Overview:
Please include a three to six sentence narrative that captures the essence of your department’s
services, programs and activities.
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C. Points of Pride (2015-16):
Short Title
Please list three to five ‘points of pride’ for your department from the past year. This can include
initiatives, programs or recognitions.
Please add more space for additional points of pride as warranted. .
D. Collaborative Efforts:
Short Title
Please describe any initiatives, programs or activities that your department has collaborated with
one or more other University and/or community partners.
Please add more space for collaborative efforts as your department’s activities warrant.
E. Diversity & Inclusion:
Short Title
Please describe any initiatives, programs or activities that your department undertook that
supported diversity and inclusion
Please add more space as needed.
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F. Professional Development:
Please describe professional development activities your staff participated during 2015/2016
(i.e.: committee work, recognition, leadership roles, conference attendance and/or presenting at a
conference) and breaking it out to each individual staff. This can include professional
development/training within the division, institution, state, region, nationally, or internationally.
Indicate this with the following structure:
Staff Member Name & Title
Conferences attended/presentation/speaking opportunities/trainings
Professional Association memberships
Professional Association leadership/volunteer roles
G. Academic Courses taught
by staff:
List courses taught as an adjunct instructor by staff in your department during 2015-16
Staff Member/Semester Taught
H. Community Service and
Civic Engagement Activities:
Course Taught/Academic Dept.
List community service or civic engagement initiatives, programs or activities your department
undertook during 2015-16
Short Title
I. Department Scholarships
Please list any student scholarships provided by your department
during 2015-2016
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J. Division of Student Affairs Student Learning Outcomes
This section is designed to highlight your department’s process for identifying connectivity to the divisional student
learning outcomes, incorporating them into programs, assessing the outcomes, and using the findings to improve the
programs (closing the loop). You department may or may not have programs, activities, or initiatives that connect
with each of the Divisional Student Learning Outcomes.
Divisional Student Learning Outcomes:
1. Students will demonstrate a sense of purpose through development of their own personal understanding,
social responsibility and connectedness to others.
2. Students will identify and apply the most appropriate campus services and activities to support their retention
and graduation.
3. Students will apply critical thinking skills.
Division of Student Affairs Student Learning Outcomes (con’t)
Division Student Learning Outcome 1
Students will demonstrate a sense of purpose through development of their own personal
understanding, social responsibility and connectedness to others.
Departmental Support of Student Learning Outcome 1.1
List your department’s programs, activities or initiatives and describe how they were designed to support Division
Student Learning Outcome 1
Measure 1.1.1
Indicate what measure(s) you used to determine students’ achievement of your department’s support of student
learning outcome 1.1
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Target 1.1.1
Indicate the target that describes a specific, quantifiable behavioral expectation of students’ collective performance
related to each measure of your department’s support of student learning outcome 1.1
Finding 1.1.1
Indicate the finding for each measure. By identifying target(s) in the previous section, you then should indicate in your
finding whether the target was met or exceeded
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Division of Student Affairs Student Learning Outcomes (con’t)
Division Student Learning Outcome 2
Students will identify and apply the most appropriate campus services and activities to support their
retention and graduation.
Departmental Support of Student Learning Outcome 2.1
List your department’s programs, activities or initiatives and describe how they were designed to support Division
Student Learning Outcome 2
Measure 2.1.1
Indicate what measure(s) you used to determine students’ achievement of your department’s support of student
learning outcome 2.1
Target 2.1.1
Indicate the target that describes a specific, quantifiable behavioral expectation of students’ collective performance
related to each measure of your department’s support of student learning outcome 2.1
Finding 2.1.1
Indicate the finding for each measure. By identifying target(s) in the previous section, you then should indicate in your
findings whether the target(s) was met or exceeded
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Division of Student Affairs Student Learning Outcomes (con’t)
Division Student Learning Outcome 3
Students will apply critical thinking skills.
Departmental Support of Student Learning Outcome 3.1
List your department’s programs, activities or initiatives and describe how they were designed to support Division
Student Learning Outcome 3
Measure 3.1.1
Indicate what measure(s) you used to determine students’ achievement of your department’s support of student
learning outcome 3.1
Target 3.1.1
Indicate the target that describes a specific, quantifiable behavioral expectation of students’ collective performance
related to each measure of your department’s support of learning outcome 3.1
Finding 3.1.1
Indicate the finding for each measure. By identifying target(s) in the previous section, you then should indicate in your
findings whether the target(s) was met or exceeded
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K. Continuous
Improvement/Action Plan
Based on the previous section and the assessment activities connect to
division Student Learning Outcomes, please list your department’s action
plans that provide evidence of ‘closing the loop’ by utilizing the findings to
indicate strategies for continuous program improvement to enhance student
learning and the student’s experience.
Action Plan Items (2015-16):
ITEM #1:
ITEM #2:
ITEM #3:
ITEM #4:
ITEM #5:
L. Department Strategic Goals
Based on what is submitted in your Annual accomplishments for the Provost,
please list your department’s strategic goals for 2016/2017
Strategic Goal Items (2016-17):
ITEM #1:
ITEM #2:
ITEM #3:
Please add more space for items as your department’s activities warrant.
L. CLAWS Activities:
List some findings from your usage of CLAWS with new student
staff within your department 2015-16.
M. Issues and Challenges:
List issues or challenges you anticipate your department
addressing in 2015-16.
Number of New Staff
Participating in CLAWS during
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Please Attached These Additional Materials to Your Report
N. Performance Metrics
Please attach your updated Performance Metrics for 2015-16. Additions welcome.
O. Organizational Chart
Please provide an up to date organizational chart for your department (electronically in whatever
form you prefer).
P. Staff List
Please provide an electronic list of student staff who were employed by your department this year
that includes their UofL ID number. This can be generated by PeopleSoft.
Please submit this annual report by July 1, 2016.
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