Publications for Lynette Mackenzie 2016

Publications for Lynette Mackenzie
Publications for Lynette Mackenzie
Lim, J., Honey, A., Du Toit, S., Chen, Y.,
Mackenzie, L. (2016). Experiences of
international students from Asian backgrounds
studying occupational therapy in Australia.
Australian Occupational Therapy Journal. <a
7">[More Information]</a>
Sim, I., Mackenzie, L. (2016). Graduate
perspectives of fieldwork placements in
developing countries: Contributions to
occupational therapy practice. Australian
Occupational Therapy Journal, In press. <a
2">[More Information]</a>
Byles, J., Vo, K., Thomas, L., Mackenzie, L.,
Kendig, H. (2016). Partner status and mental and
physical health of independently living men aged
70 years and older. Australasian Journal on
Ageing, 35(2), 143-146. <a
ore Information]</a>
Smidt, K., Mackenzie, L., Dhillon, H., Vardy, J.,
Lewis, J., Loh, S. (2016). The perceptions of
Australian oncologists about cognitive changes
in cancer survivors. Supportive Care in Cancer,
In press. <a
5-y">[More Information]</a>
Kielich, K., Mackenzie, L., Lovarini, M.,
Clemson, L. (2016). Urban Australian general
practitioners’ perceptions of falls risk screening,
falls risk assessment, and referral practices for
falls prevention: an exploratory cross-sectional
survey study. Australian Health Review. <a
re Information]</a>
Lewis, J., Chapparo, C., Mackenzie, L., Ranka, J.
(2016). Work after breast cancer: Identification
of cognitive difficulties using the Perceive,
Recall, Plan, and Perform (PRPP) system of task
analysis. British Journal of Occupational
Therapy, 79(5), 323-332. <a
983">[More Information]</a>
Romli, M., Mackenzie, L., Lovarini, M., Tan,
M., Clemson, L. (2015). A systematic review of
the psychometric evidence supporting home
hazard assessments to identify older people at
risk of falls. Occupational Therapy Australia's
26th National Conference and Exhibition,
Melbourne, Australia: Occupational Therapy
Romli, M., Mackenzie, L., Tang, M., Lovarini,
M., Clemson, L. (2015). Home Hazards
Evaluation for Falls in Older People:
Non-Clinical Raters' Experience. The 10th IAGG
Asia/Oceania Regional Congress, Chiang Mai,
Grant, A., Mackenzie, L., Clemson, L. (2015).
How do general practitioners engage with allied
health practitioners to prevent falls in older
people? An exploratory qualitative study.
Australasian Journal on Ageing, 34(3), 149-154.
ore Information]</a>
Arblaster, K., Mackenzie, L., Willis, K. (2015).
Mental health consumer participation in
education: A structured literature review.
Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 62(5),
341-362. <a
5">[More Information]</a>
Mackenzie, L., Curryer, C., Byles, J. (2015).
Narratives of home and place: findings from the
Housing and Independent Living Study. Ageing
and Society, 35(8), 1684-1712. <a
0476">[More Information]</a>
Romli, M., Mackenzie, L., Tan, M., Lovarini,
M., Clemson, L. (2015). Non-Clinical Raters’
Experience. The 10th IAGG Asia/Oceania
Regional Congress, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Clemson, L., Kendig, H., Mackenzie, L.,
Browning, C. (2015). Predictors of Injurious
Falls and Fear of Falling Differ: An 11-Year
Longitudinal Study of Incident Events in Older
People. Journal of Aging and Health, 27(2),
239-256. <a
716">[More Information]</a>
Arblaster, K., Mackenzie, L., Willis, K. (2015).
Service user involvement in health professional
education: is it effective in promoting
recovery-oriented practice? The Journal of
Mental Health, Training, Education and
Practice: issues for workforce development,
10(5), 325-336. <a
5-0016">[More Information]</a>
White, K., Mackenzie, L. (2015). Strategies used
by older women with intellectual disability to
create and maintain their social networks: An
exploratory qualitative study. British Journal of
Occupational Therapy, 78(10), 630-639. <a
419">[More Information]</a>
Romli, M., Mackenzie, L., Lovarini, M.,
Clemson, L. (2015). Use of the Home Falls and
Accidents Screening Tool (HOME FAST) by
Publications for Lynette Mackenzie
Malaysians without a health background. 6th
Asia-Pacific Occupational Therapy Congress,
New Zealand: New Zealand Association of
Occupational Therapists.
Romli, M., Mackenzie, L., Lovarini, M., Tan, M.
(2014). A Preliminary Investigation of Cultural
Influences on Home Hazards among Older
People in Malaysia. IMAG!NE. U - CREATING
THE FUTURE, Sydney: University of Sydney.
Romli, M., Mackenzie, L., Lovarini, M., Tan, M.
(2014). Analysis of hazards in the homes of older
people in Malaysia: A pilot study. OT Australia
NSW & ACT Conference, Sydney: OT Australia.
Mackenzie, L., Hinitt, J., Lee, V. (2014).
Australian occupational therapy students'
understandings of indigenous health and the
needs of indigenous clients. 16th International
Congress of the World Federation of
Occupational Therapists, Yokohama: 16th
International Congress of the World Federation
of Occupational Therapists.
Mackenzie, L., Clemson, L. (2014). Can Chronic
Disease Management plans including
occupational therapy and physiotherapy services
contribute to reducing falls risk on older people?
Australian Family Physician, 43(4), 211-215.
Selamat, M., Loh, S., Mackenzie, L., Vardy, J.
(2014). Chemobrain Experienced by Breast
Cancer Survivors: A Meta-Ethnography Study
Investigating Research and Care Implications.
PloS One, 9(9), 1-12. <a
8002">[More Information]</a>
Coniglio, F., Honey, A., Mackenzie, L. (2014).
Dual diagnosis recovery: integrating multiple
processes of recovery into service provision. III
International Congress Dual Disorders
Addictions and other Mental Disorders.
Mackenzie, L., Adamczuk, S. (2014). Prevention
of falls: promoting independence and autonomy.
In Amanda Johnson and Esther Chang (Eds.),
Caring for older people in Australia, (pp.
203-256). Milton: John Wiley & Sons.
Byles, J., Mackenzie, L., Redman, S., Parkinson,
L., Leigh, L., Curryer, C. (2014). Supporting
housing and neighbourhoods for healthy ageing:
Findings from the Housing and Independent
Living Study (HAIL). Australasian Journal on
Ageing, 33(1), 29-35. <a
2.00646.x">[More Information]</a>
Clemson, L., Mackenzie, L., Roberts, C.,
Sherrington, C., Peiris, D., Willis, K., Pit, S.,
Poulos, R., Lam, M., Lovarini, M. (2014). Using
Theory to Inform Implementation Research:The
iSOLVE Project. 2nd Biennial Australian
Implementation Conference, Sydney: 2nd
Biennial Australian Implementation Conference.
Player, L., Mackenzie, L., Willis, K., Loh, S.
(2014). Women's experiences of cognitive
changes or 'chemobrain' following treatment for
breast cancer: A role for occupational therapy?
Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 61(4),
230-240. <a
3">[More Information]</a>
Mackenzie, L., Froude, E. (2013). Achieving
quality occupational therapy practice: Enhancing
your thinking and critical review skills.
Inaugural Conference for OT Australia
NSW-ACT 2009, Australia: OT Australia NSW.
Mehraban, A., Mackenzie, L., Byles, J., Gibson,
R., Curryer, C. (2013). Can the International
Classification of Functioning, Disability and
Health (ICF) be used to understand risk factors
for falls in older Australian women? Health,
5(12A), 39-48. <a
A006">[More Information]</a>
Mackenzie, L., Byles, J. (2013). Circumstances
of falls leading to fractured hips in older people
living in residential care in the Hunter Region of
Australia. Occupational Therapy Australia, 25th
National Conference and Exhibition, Adelaide,
Australia: Adelaide Convention Centre.
Kielich, R., Mackenzie, L., Lovarini, M. (2013).
Falls Prevention Knowledge, Attitudes and
Practices of General Practitioners: A
Cross-Sectional Survey Study. 46th Australian
Association of Gerontology National
Conference, Sydney, Australia.
Dow, B., Moore, K., Russell, M., Ames, D.,
Cyarto, E., Haines, T., Hill, K., Lautenschlager,
N., Mackenzie, L., Williams, S., et al (2013).
Improving Mood through Physical Activity for
Carers and Care recipients: Protocol for a
randomised trial (IMPACCT). Australian
Journal of Physiotherapy, 59(2), 125-125. <a
70165-6">[More Information]</a>
Player, L., Mackenzie, L., Willis, K. (2013). Like
parts missing from the jigsaw puzzle: Womens’
experiences of chemobrain or changes in
cognitive functioning following chemotherapy
treatment for breast cancer. Occupational
Therapy Australia, 25th National Conference
and Exhibition, Adelaide, Australia: Adelaide
Convention Centre.
Mackenzie, L., Clemson, L., Roberts, C. (2013).
Occupational therapists partnering with general
practitioners to prevent falls: Seizing
Publications for Lynette Mackenzie
opportunities in primary health care. Australian
Occupational Therapy Journal, 60(1), 66-70. <a
0">[More Information]</a>
Mackenzie, L. (2013). Outcomes for graduates of
the Sydney Master of Occupational Therapy
program: Findings from three years of follow up
data. Occupational Therapy Australia, 25th
National Conference and Exhibition, Adelaide,
Australia: Adelaide Convention Centre.
James, C., Mackenzie, L., Capra, M. (2013).
Quantification of the Safe Maximal Lift in
Functional Capacity Evaluations: Comparison of
Muscle Recruitment Using SEMG and Therapist
Observation. Journal of Occupational
Rehabilitation, 23(3), 419-427. <a
7-8">[More Information]</a>
Verbeek, M., Mackenzie, L., Matthews, L.
(2013). The place of vocational rehabilitation for
consumers with mental health issues.
Occupational Therapy Australia, 25th National
Conference and Exhibition, Adelaide, Australia:
Adelaide Convention Centre.
Mackenzie, L., Vo, K., Forder, P., Byles, J.,
Lam, M. (2013). What are the health needs of
older men living in the community? A study of
36,963 Australian men aged 70 years and over in
NSW. Occupational Therapy Australia, 25th
National Conference and Exhibition, Adelaide,
Australia: Adelaide Convention Centre.
Mackenzie, L., O'Toole, G. (2012). Occupation
Analysis in Practice. Chichester, UK:
Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.
Wales, K., Clemson, L., Lannin, N., Cameron, I.,
Salkeld, G., Gitlin, L., Rubenstein, L., Barras, S.,
Mackenzie, L., Davies, C. (2012). Occupational
therapy discharge planning for older adults: A
protocol for a randomised trial and economic
evaluation. BMC Geriatrics, 12, 1-7. <a
1.04005.x">[More Information]</a>
Kendig, H., Clemson, L., Mackenzie, L. (2012).
Older People: Well-Being, Housing and
Neighbourhoods. In SJ Smith, M Elsinga, LFox
OMahony, OS Eng, S Wachter and G Wood
(Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Housing
and Home, (pp. 150-155). Oxford: Elsevier.
Middlebrook, S., Mackenzie, L. (2012). The
Enhanced Primary Care program and falls
prevention: Perceptions of private occupational
therapists and physiotherapists. Australasian
Journal on Ageing, 31(2), 72-77. <a
1.00527.x">[More Information]</a>
Vu, T., Mackenzie, L. (2012). The inter-rater and
test-retest reliability of the Home Falls and
Accidents Screening Tool. Australian
Occupational Therapy Journal, 59(3), 235-242.
2.01012.x">[More Information]</a>
Mehraban, A., Mackenzie, L., Byles, J. (2011). A
self-report home environment screening tool
identified older women at risk of falls. Journal of
Clinical Epidemiology, 64(2), 191-199. <a
2.013">[More Information]</a>
Waugh (nee Plummer), E., Mackenzie, L.
(2011). Ageing well from an urban Indigenous
Australian perspective. Australian Occupational
Therapy Journal, 58(1), 25-33. <a
0.00914.x">[More Information]</a>
McCabe, P., Sheepway, L., Farrington, S.,
Kenny, B., Bandler, L., Pont, L., Holliday, V.,
Mackenzie, L., Morrison, S., Brown, L. (2011).
Communicating effectively with Indigenous
people: A resource for health science students to
learn culturally safe interviewing practices, (pp.
1 - 16). Strawberry Hills, Sydney, Australia:
Australian Learning and Teaching Council.
Froude, E., Mackenzie, L. (2011). Enhancing
occupational therapy practice: Reviewing for a
peer reviewed journal. 24th Occupational
Therapy Australia National Conference 2011,
Richmond/Victoria/AUS: Wiley-Blackwell
Smith, E., Mackenzie, L. (2011). How
occupational therapists are perceived within
inpatient mental health settings: The perceptions
of seven Australian nurses. Australian
Occupational Therapy Journal, 58(4), 251-260.
1.00944.x">[More Information]</a>
James, C., Mackenzie, L., Capra, M. (2011).
Inter- and intra-rater reliability of the manual
handling component of the WorkHab Functional
Capacity Evaluation. Disability and
Rehabilitation, 33(19-20), 1797-1804. <a
548896">[More Information]</a>
Mackenzie, L. (2011). Occupation analysis and
falls prevention. In Lynette Mackenzie, Gjyn
OToole (Eds.), Occupation Analysis in Practice,
(pp. 177-194). Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell
Mackenzie, L. (2011). Occupation analysis and
leisure occupations. In Lynette Mackenzie,
Gjyn OToole (Eds.), Occupation Analysis in
Publications for Lynette Mackenzie
Practice, (pp. 115-130). Chichester, UK:
Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.
Mackenzie, L. (2011). Occupation analysis and
the home and community environment. In
Lynette Mackenzie, Gjyn OToole (Eds.),
Occupation Analysis in Practice, (pp. 81-98).
Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.
Middlebrook, S., Grant, A., Mackenzie, L.,
Clemson, L. (2011). Perceptions of private
occupational therapists, physiotherapists and
general practitioners about Team Care
Arrangements offered through the Enhanced
Primary Care system for older people at risk of
falls. 24th Occupational Therapy Australia
National Conference 2011,
Richmond/Victoria/AUS: Wiley-Blackwell
Mackenzie, L., Clemson, L., Usherwood, T.,
Sherrington, C. (2011). Pilot study to test the
feasibility of providing occupational therapy and
physiotherapy falls prevention services through
the Enhanced Primary Care program for older
people at risk of falls. 24th Occupational
Therapy Australia National Conference 2011,
Richmond/Victoria/AUS: Wiley-Blackwell
Macens, K., Rose, A., Mackenzie, L. (2011).
Pressure care practice and occupational therapy:
Findings of an exploratory study. Australian
Occupational Therapy Journal, 58(5), 346-354.
1.00962.x">[More Information]</a>
Rose, A., Mackenzie, L., Veitch, C. (2011).
Pressure Ulcer Prevention and Management:
Health Professional's Experiences and
Perceptions Regarding Multidisciplinary
Practice. 24th Occupational Therapy Australia
National Conference 2011,
Richmond/Victoria/AUS: Wiley-Blackwell
cushion': a study of occupational therapists'
perceptions of their role and clinical decisions in
pressure care. Disability and Rehabilitation,
32(13), 1099-1108. <a
0748">[More Information]</a>
James, C., Mackenzie, L., Capra, M. (2010).
Test-retest Reliability of the Manual Handling
Component of the WorkHab Functional Capacity
Evaluation in Healthy Adults. Disability and
Rehabilitation, 32(22), 1863-1869. <a
4466">[More Information]</a>
James, C., Mackenzie, L. (2009). Health
Professional's Perceptions and Practices in
Relation to Functional Capacity Evaluations:
Results of a Quantitative Survey. Journal of
Occupational Rehabilitation, 19(2), 203-211. <a
4-3">[More Information]</a>
Mackenzie, L., Byles, J., D'Este, C. (2009).
Longitudinal study of the Home Falls and
Accidents Screening Tool in identifying older
people at increased risk of falls. Australasian
Journal on Ageing, 28(2), 64-69. <a
9.00361.x">[More Information]</a>
Mackenzie, L. (2009). Perceptions of health
professionals about effective practice in falls
prevention. Disability and Rehabilitation,
31(24), 2005-2012. <a
4121">[More Information]</a>
James, C., Mackenzie, L. (2009). The clinical
utility of functional capacity evaluations: The
opinion of health professionals working within
occupational rehabilitation. Work, 33(3),
231-239. <a
1">[More Information]</a>
Mackenzie, L., O'Toole, G. (2011). The
relationship of the International Classification of
Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) to
occupation analysis. In Lynette Mackenzie,
Gjyn OToole (Eds.), Occupation Analysis in
Practice, (pp. 35-50). Chichester, UK:
Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.
Chiarelli, P., Mackenzie, L., Osmotherly, P.
(2009). Urinary incontinence is associated with
an increase in falls: A systematic review.
Australian Journal of Physiotherapy, 55(2),
Seah, C., Mackenzie, L., Gamble, J. (2011).
Transition of graduates of the Master of
Occupational Therapy to practice. Australian
Occupational Therapy Journal, 58(2), 103-110.
0.00899.x">[More Information]</a>
Mackenzie, L., Marshall, E. (2008). Adjustment
to residential care: The experience of newly
admitted residents to hostel accommodation in
Australia. Australian Occupational Therapy
Journal, 55(2), 123-132. <a
7.00687.x">[More Information]</a>
Mehraban, A., Mackenzie, L., Byles, J., Gibson,
R. (2008). Application of the International
Rose, A., Mackenzie, L. (2010). 'Beyond the
Publications for Lynette Mackenzie
Classification of Functioning to factors
associated with falls in older women. 41st
Australian Association of Gerontology National
Hassani Mehraban, A., Mackenzie, L., Byles, J.
(2008). Development of a self-report version of
the Home Falls and Accidents Screening Tool
(HOME FAST). Occupational Therapy Australia
23rd National Conference & Exhibition 2008,
Melbourne, Australia: Australian Association of
Occupational Therapists.
Hassani Mehraban, A., Mackenzie, L., Byles, J.
(2008). Do occupational therapists and older
people assess home environments for falls
hazards differently? Occupational Therapy
Australia 23rd National Conference &
Exhibition 2008, Melbourne, Australia:
Australian Association of Occupational
Clemson, L., Mackenzie, L., Ballinger, C., Close,
J., Cumming, R. (2008). Environmental
Interventions to Prevent Falls in
Community-Dwelling Older People: A
Meta-Analysis of Randomized Trials. Journal of
Aging and Health, 20(8), 954-971. <a
672">[More Information]</a>
Lyons, M., Mackenzie, L., Bore, M., Powis, D.
(2006). Framing a set of non-academic selection
criteria for occupational therapy students: An
Australian study. Australian Occupational
Therapy Journal, 53(4), 284-292. <a
6.00591.x">[More Information]</a>
Mackenzie, L. (2006). Peer review revisited.
Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 53(4),
249-250. <a
6.00631.x">[More Information]</a>
Brown, K., James, C., Mackenzie, L. (2006). The
Practice Placement Education Experience: an
Australian Pilot Study Exploring the
Perspectives of Health Professional Students
with a Disability. British Journal of
Occupational Therapy, 69(1), 31-37.
Mackenzie, L., Byles, J., D'Este, C. (2006).
Validation of self-reported fall events in
studies. Clinical Rehabilitation, 20(4), 331-339.
7oa">[More Information]</a>
Mackenzie, L. (2008). Looking forward, looking
back. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal,
55(1), 1-1. <a
8.00740.x">[More Information]</a>
Snodgrass, S., Rivett, D., Mackenzie, L. (2005).
Perceptions of older people about falls injury
prevention and physical activity. Australasian
Journal on Ageing, 24(2), 114-118.
Lee, F., Mackenzie, L., James, C. (2008).
Perceptions of older people living in the
community about their fear of falling. Disability
and Rehabilitation, 30(23), 1803-1811. <a
9508">[More Information]</a>
Mackenzie, L., Byles, J., Mishra, G. (2004). An
occupational focus on falls with serious injury
among older women in Australia. Australian
Occupational Therapy Journal, 51(3), 144-154.
4.00424.x">[More Information]</a>
Chiarelli, P., Mackenzie, L., Osmotherly, P.
(2008). The association between falls and urinary
incontinence: A systematic review. 3rd
Australasian Falls Prevention Conference
White, J., Mackenzie, L., Magin, P., Pollack, M.
(2008). The Occupational Experience of Stroke
Survivors in a Community Setting. OTJR:
Occupation, Participation and Health, 28(4),
160-167. <a
901-05">[More Information]</a>
James, C., Mackenzie, L., Higginbotham, N.
(2007). Health professionals' attitudes and
practices in relation to functional capacity
evaluations. Work, 29(2), 81-87.
Steenbergen, K., Mackenzie, L. (2004).
Professional support in rural New South Wales:
Perceptions of new graduate occupational
therapists. Australian Journal of Rural Health,
12(4), 160-165.
Hirneth, M., Mackenzie, L. (2004). The Practice
Education of Occupational Therapy Students
with Disabilities: Practice Educators'
Perspectives. British Journal of Occupational
Therapy, 67(9), 396-403.
Mackenzie, L. (2003). Home hazards and falls
prevention in home-based health assessments for
older people in the community. Australian
Occupational Therapy Journal, 50(1), 49-49.
Lee, S., Mackenzie, L. (2003). Starting out in
rural NSW: The experiences of new graduate
Publications for Lynette Mackenzie
occupational therapists. Australian Journal of
Rural Health, 11(1), 36-43.
Mackenzie, L., Byles, J., Higginbotham, N.
(2002). A prospective community-based study of
falls among older people in Australia:
Frequency, circumstances and consequences.
OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health,
22(4), 143-152.
Mackenzie, L. (2002). Briefing and debriefing of
occupational therapy student fieldwork –
Exploring student concerns and
reflecting on practice. Australian Occupational
Therapy Journal, 49(2), 82-92.
Mackenzie, L., Byles, J., Higginbotham, N.
(2002). Professional perceptions about home
safety: Cross-national validation of the Home
Falls and Accidents Screening Tool (HOME
FAST). Journal of Allied Health, 31(1), 22-28.
Prigg, A., Mackenzie, L. (2002). Project
placements for undergraduate occupational
therapy students: design, implementation and
evaluation. Occupational Therapy International,
9(3), 210-236.
Mackenzie, L., Byles, J., Higginbotham, N.
(2002). Reliability of the Home Falls and
Accidents Screening Tool (HOME FAST) for
identifying older people at increased risk of falls.
Disability and Rehabilitation, 24(5), 266-274.
Crowe, M., Mackenzie, L. (2002). The influence
of fieldwork on the preferred future practice
areas of final year occupational therapy students.
Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 49(1),
Mackenzie, L. (2001). Falls amongst older
people in the community – A snapshot of
research and practice. World Federation of
Occupational Therapy Bulletin, 43, 13-17.