Unit Business Managers Information Exchange Human Resources Items of Interest

Unit Business Managers
Information Exchange
Human Resources
Items of Interest
Sam Connally
Vice President for Human Resources
July 26, 2010
HR Priorities
 Faculty & Staff are the University’s #1 Asset
 Faculty & Staff must be HR’s #1 Priority
 Exemplify a commitment to service
excellence, not just by improving our
interactions, but by improving processes.
 Move from a rule-based approach to a
judgment-based approach to HR admin.
 HR Items of Interest @
Shared Leave Proposal
 Effective July 1, 2010
 Enhancements
Permit Direct Transfers of Leave
Permit Administrators to Donate Vacation Leave
No Limit on Vacation Leave Donations
No Limit on Sick Leave Donations to Family Mbrs
Increase Award Limit from 320 to 480 Hours
Permit Personal Representatives to Request Leave
May us to augment WC or Disability Leave.
 Limitations
 Require 12 months of creditable service.
 Exclude illnesses less than 7 days.
 Permit alternative work assignments.
Bereavement Leave Proposal
 Approved Effective July 1, 2010
 Current Bereavement Leave – 3 Days
 New Use of Sick Leave Limitations
 If more than three days’ absence is
necessary to arrange for the disposition of
remains or to attend a funeral or memorial
service, including reasonable travel time,
employees may use accrued sick leave.
 Use of Additional Vacation Leave
 Supervisory approval will not be
unreasonably withheld.
Maximum Vacation Leave Accrual
 Effective July 1, increase maximum payperiod accrual from 44 days to 66 days.
 Reconcile Vacation Leave once per year,
on June 30.
 Will provide greater flexibility in
managing leave; reduce forfeitures.
 Two Times Annual Accrual Rate
 Max 44 days carry forward June 30 to July 1
 Max 44 days on transfer to new department
 Max 44 days payment on separation
Terminal Leave is Paid – Not exhausted.
FMLA Threshold Proposal
 Current Practice
 FMLA Requests are submitted for any absence
more than three consecutive days.
 35% of FMLA Request are for short-term absences.
 Proposed Practice Change
 Exclude all absences less than one full work-week
in duration (except intermittent leave).
 NEW: Eliminate need to apply for FMLA if
employee is using vacation or sick leave. Instead,
notify employee that leave counts as FMLA.
 Permit married/partnered employees to take FMLA
for birth/placement independent of one another.
 Proposed Policy Clarification
 Provide FMLA-equivalent benefits to domestic
partners / qualifying adults.
Salary Administration Proposal
 Approved July 1, 2010
 Eliminated fixed percentage thresholds in
promotion & reclassification salary policies.
 Permit In-Range & Lateral adjustments.
 Decisions Must Be:
Supported by facts & data.
Consistent with market values.
Recognize equity considerations.
Documented appropriately.
 Directors approve up to mid-point or salary
range differential. VPs/Deans approve above.
 HR Will Monitor & Report
$1200 Salary Payment Guidelines
 Must be Regular or Term Employee at .80
FTE or more as of July 1, 2010
 Must have continuous service (in regular
or term appointment at .40 FTE or more)
from Jan 4 – July 1, 2010.
 Performance must be deemed to be
satisfactory as of July 1, 2010.
 $1200 Payment prorated by FTE.
 Paid on July 23 & July 30 payrolls.
 President has committed to evaluate
Regular Part-Time Staff in Future.
Payroll Process Enhancements
 Payroll Start/Stop Dates on Job Data
Change form (separate from Assignment
Start/Stop Dates) will permit term
appointments to be processed with single
Job Data Change form.
 New 12-mo disbursement option for
incoming faculty will pay 2/12th in Aug.
 “Cash on Demand” is coming in Aug.
 Will provide 60% of gross salary on pay day
for employees who are not paid on time.
 Cash advance deducted on next check.
Parental Leave Proposal
Needs Further Study
 Proposal to increase Faculty benefit from
3 to 6 weeks.
 Proposal to maintain Staff benefit at 3
weeks, but permit advance vacation leave
up to 3 weeks.
 Deans Council strongly advocated
maintaining same faculty & staff benefits.
 Deans Council voice substantial concern
about creating an “unfunded mandate.”
 Referred back to HR for further study.
Next Priorities
 Grievance Policy Proposed Revisions
 Permit grievances on warning letters,
performance evaluations, and suspensions.
 Provide three levels of review (supervisor,
manager, director/department head).
 Require timely response at each level.
 Disciplinary Policy Proposed Revisions
 Establish commitment to progressive
 Distinguish between performance and
personal conduct issues.
 Clarify role & effect of PIPs.
Revise Performance Management Pgm