Rubric for Work Sample National Standards Components CAEP 1 INTASC 1,2,3 A.1 Teaching Context/ A.2 Describing the Work Sample A.2, A.3 Assessment/ Impact on Student Learning CAEP 1 INTASC 4,5,6 CAEP 1 INTASC 6,7,9 A.3, A.4, A.5, A.6 Assessment Plan CAEP 1 INTASC 4,5,6,7,8 A.7 Work Sample Lesson Plans CAEP 1 INTASC 4 A.7 Alignment Content Target Forms completed with detailed descriptions of classroom conditions. Acceptable Forms missing any information; vague description of classroom conditions. I have questions about the Work Sample Unacceptable Forms missing more than half the information; no classroom conditions described. Work Sample positively affects student learning. Describes multiple assessment tools aligned with objectives and instruction. Uses results of assessment to guide and modify instruction. Work Sample. Describe the preand post assessment method(s). Summative assessment is performance and requires HOTS. Pre- and post assessments are analyzed and efforts to remediate unsuccessful students included. Detailed information provided about communication and followup. All responses are detailed and logical. Five full lesson plans with printed materials, assessment, and rubrics attached. At least three lessons include hands-on activities. At least two lessons contain cooperative grouping as well as other valid teaching strategies other than lecture. All five lessons contain CCSS/ GLEs, objectives, activities, and assessment and all are aligned. Lessons are aligned with National Content Standards Work Sample positively affects student learning. Describes two assessment tools aligned with objectives and instruction. Uses results of assessment to guide instruction. Describe the assessment plan for the Work Sample. Describe the pre- and post assessment method(s). Summative assessment is not performance but requires HOTS. Pre- and post assessments are analyzed and efforts to remediate unsuccessful students included. Information provided about communication and followup. Four full lesson plans included or lessons are missing one key component. At least two lessons include hands-on activities. No cooperative grouping in any lessons. Lecture dominates 2 or more lessons. Other valid teaching strategies used. All five lessons contain CCSS/ GLEs, objectives, activities, and assessment and all are aligned. Any mis-alignment with National Content Standards. Work Sample does not positively affect student learning. Describes one assessment tool, but not aligned with objectives and instruction. Describe the assessment plan for the Work Sample. Describe the pre- and post assessment method(s). Summative assessment is not performance nor requires HOTS. Pre- and post assessments are analyzed but efforts to remediate unsuccessful students not included. Responses are vague with little supporting verbiage. Fewer than four lesson plans included or are missing more than one key component. Only one lesson includes hands-on activities. No cooperative grouping in any lessons. Lecture dominates lessons. Fewer than five lessons contain CCSS/GLEs, objectives, activities, and assessment or non-alignment noted in two or more lessons. III. Work Sample Entry A The Work Sample is a body of instruction in one subject area for one class. The Work Sample includes 1) plans for instruction and assessment that are aligned with the learning outcomes desired; 2) the teaching of the content; and 3) the collection, interpretation, and reflection upon evidence of student progress toward attainment of the desired learning outcomes. A 1. Teaching Context I. Class/Classroom Information Grade levels in class (list all that apply)______ Ages in class (list all that apply)____________ # Students enrolled_______________________ # Typically Present ______________________ Time available each day to teach content of work sample __________________ Place an X beside the phrase that describes the resources (equipment, technology, and supplies) available for this class. ___well-equipped/supplied ___ adequately equipped/supplied ____ poorly equipped/supplied Place an X beside the phrase that describes the number of teaching interruptions. ___few ___some ___many Place an X beside the phrase that describes the types of help available to you. ___instructional assistant(s) ___parent volunteers ___peer (student) tutors ___resource teachers ___other (Please specify.)____________________________ 2 II. Individual Differences Indicate the # of students in each category below. _____ ESL _____ # with IEPs or IFSPs _____ Title I _____ Gifted _____ # with 504 modifcations _____ Other Indicate the # of students for each pattern of achievement. _____ Low _____ Average _____ High Enter low (L), medium (M), or high (H) to describe the level of diversity for each category below. _____ Ages _____ Languages _____ Cultures _____ Achievement/Developmental Levels Enter the appropriate label(s) for the # of students with each learning style listed below. None (0) Few (1-3) Many (more than 3) ________ Print ________ Auditory ________ Interactive ________ Visual ________ Tactile _______ Kinesthetic _______ Other Describe any other classroom conditions (if any) that have caused you to adjust your instruction in some way. 3 A 2. Describing the Work Sample 1. Subject Area: Grade: 2. Length of Unit (# of days/class periods) 3. Learning Objectives/Outcomes to be accomplished by students. (List each day’s objective.) Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Additional days4. Rationale for Objectives/Outcomes- (How are objectives real and relevant to the students’ lives?) 5. Adjustments made to accommodate one or more of the categories of individual differences: VisualAuditoryKinestheticTactileOther- 4 A.3 The Assessment Plan 1. Describe the assessment plan for this Work Sample. (Describe pre-assessment, daily formal and informal assessment and post-assessment.) Note: A copy of the pre-assessment and postassessment must be attached. 2. How do you know that your objectives, pre-assessment, instruction, and post-assessment were aligned? Please explain. 5 A 4. Analyzing the Results Analyzing the Result Student (List students here. Do not use full names!) PreAsses s-ment PostAsses s-ment Gain + or - Did student meet objectives? Pre Ye s 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Attach additional pages to include all students. 6 Comments (If student showed any regression or significant gains, you must comment.) PreNo Post -Yes PostNo A 5. Reflecting on the Impact of Instruction Use Information from A4 in the synthesis and interpretation of the impact of instruction. A 5. Reflecting on the Impact of Instruction 1. How many students accomplished all of the objectives you established for this body of instruction? What % of students did not meet all objectives? What factors contributed to their success/failure? 2. Describe the circumstances/conditions that contributed to the poor achievement of students who did not meet the objectives or make substantial gains. 3. Since the conclusion of the Work Sample, what have you done to help students who did not accomplish/master the objectives to improve their learning in these areas? 4. What impact will the information gained from your reflection about your students’ performance have on future lessons? Describe specific adjustments you will make in your instruction. 7 A 6. Communication and Follow-Up 1. Describe several ways in which you will introduce and provide feedback about the work sample. What information will you provide to the groups listed below prior to instruction, during instruction, and after the post-assessment? How will you communicate that information? ■ Students ■ Parents/Caregivers 2. How will you use the information gained as a result of your communications? Be specific. (Don’t just tell me you will use it to plan future lessons.) A 7. Work Sample Lesson Plan A7 is used to provide data for many of the critical elements of instructional planning. All lesson plans that were taught as part of the Work Sample must be included as the final entry for the first section of your portfolio. You must include at least 5 full lessons submitted on the LSUS approved lesson plan template. 8 Teacher: Grade: Alignment to Standards Subject: Unit Theme: Date: Day 1 Write out CCSS standards Learner Objective(s) TLW: Be sure that objectives are aligned to the standards and they are measurable. Do not use “using” or “by”. Academic Vocabulary List the academic vocabulary that you will teach during this lesson. You may acknowledge if the words fall into Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3. There’s a link in Moodle for more information about Tiered Vocabulary. Lesson Materials and Resources Bell ringer – First Five M- what student use to learn Technology A-what teachers use to teach Hardware:-Active Board, document camera, etc S-items that are not a part of the adopted Software:-Star, Spelling City, Accelerated Math teacher materials A quick assignment that is completed at the start of class. Journal, Daily Oral Language, Math facts Instructional Activities-Introductory Question for prior knowledge Establishing Prior Knowledge Communicate Purpose and Relevance Restate Objective and explain why this information is important to students. Motivation 3-5 minute grab, variety here Instructional Input: Include Differentiation Modeling (I DO) 9 Introduce content to students. Demonstrate what is expected of the students. Checking for Understanding Guided Practice (WE DO) Independent Practice (YOU DO) Formal and Informal Assessment Questioning, monitoring progress, walking around Work through content with students. Allow students time to work and provide feedback as needed. FACTS sheet ideas, can’t be independent practice Assessment for Learning Remediation/Early Finishers Remediation is what the teacher will do. Early Finishers should be challenged with assignments that extend learning. Closure Question students Home Learning Involve family/community members Special Needs /Accommodations Class Demographics 10 Individual Accommodations: Highlight or star all accommodations used Independent Study Paired Learning Preferential Seating 504 Modifications Learning Styles Monitor Students Male: Female: Small Group Cooperative Groups Visual Aids Use of manipulatives Reduce Distractions Oral Reading Model/Repeat/Modify Shorten Assignment Review/Drill Study Guide/Outline Allow breaks Other: Caucasian: Hispanic: African American: Special Needs Students: (IEP, Gifted, 504) 11 Teacher: Grade: Alignment to Standards Subject: Unit Theme: Date: Day 2 Write out CCSS standards Learner Objective(s) TLW: Be sure that objectives are aligned to the standards and they are measurable. Do not use “using” or “by”. Academic Vocabulary List the academic vocabulary that you will teach during this lesson. You may acknowledge if the words fall into Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3. There’s a link in Moodle for more information about Tiered Vocabulary. Lesson Materials and Resources Bell ringer – First Five M- what student use to learn Technology A-what teachers use to teach Hardware:-Active Board, document camera, etc S-items that are not a part of the adopted Software:-Star, Spelling City, Accelerated Math teacher materials A quick assignment that is completed at the start of class. Journal, Daily Oral Language, Math facts Instructional Activities-Introductory Question for prior knowledge Establishing Prior Knowledge Communicate Purpose and Relevance Restate Objective and explain why this information is important to students. Motivation 3-5 minute grab, variety here Instructional Input: Include Differentiation Modeling (I DO) 12 Introduce content to students. Demonstrate what is expected of the students. Checking for Understanding Guided Practice (WE DO) Independent Practice (YOU DO) Formal and Informal Assessment Questioning, monitoring progress, walking around Work through content with students. Allow students time to work and provide feedback as needed. FACTS sheet ideas, can’t be independent practice Assessment for Learning Remediation/Early Finishers Remediation is what the teacher will do. Early Finishers should be challenged with assignments that extend learning. Closure Question students Home Learning Involve family/community members Special Needs /Accommodations Class Demographics 13 Individual Accommodations: Highlight or star all accommodations used Independent Study Paired Learning Preferential Seating 504 Modifications Learning Styles Monitor Students Male: Female: Small Group Cooperative Groups Visual Aids Use of manipulatives Reduce Distractions Oral Reading Model/Repeat/Modify Shorten Assignment Review/Drill Study Guide/Outline Allow breaks Other: Caucasian: Hispanic: African American: Special Needs Students: (IEP, Gifted, 504) 14 Teacher: Grade: Alignment to Standards Subject: Unit Theme: Date: Day 3 Write out CCSS standards Learner Objective(s) TLW: Be sure that objectives are aligned to the standards and they are measurable. Do not use “using” or “by”. Academic Vocabulary List the academic vocabulary that you will teach during this lesson. You may acknowledge if the words fall into Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3. There’s a link in Moodle for more information about Tiered Vocabulary. Lesson Materials and Resources Bell ringer – First Five M- what student use to learn Technology A-what teachers use to teach Hardware:-Active Board, document camera, etc S-items that are not a part of the adopted Software:-Star, Spelling City, Accelerated Math teacher materials A quick assignment that is completed at the start of class. Journal, Daily Oral Language, Math facts Instructional Activities-Introductory Question for prior knowledge Establishing Prior Knowledge Communicate Purpose and Relevance Restate Objective and explain why this information is important to students. Motivation 3-5 minute grab, variety here Instructional Input: Include Differentiation Modeling (I DO) 15 Introduce content to students. Demonstrate what is expected of the students. Checking for Understanding Guided Practice (WE DO) Independent Practice (YOU DO) Formal and Informal Assessment Questioning, monitoring progress, walking around Work through content with students. Allow students time to work and provide feedback as needed. FACTS sheet ideas, can’t be independent practice Assessment for Learning Remediation/Early Finishers Remediation is what the teacher will do. Early Finishers should be challenged with assignments that extend learning. Closure Question students Home Learning Involve family/community members Special Needs /Accommodations Class Demographics 16 Individual Accommodations: Highlight or star all accommodations used Independent Study Paired Learning Preferential Seating 504 Modifications Learning Styles Monitor Students Male: Female: Small Group Cooperative Groups Visual Aids Use of manipulatives Reduce Distractions Oral Reading Model/Repeat/Modify Shorten Assignment Review/Drill Study Guide/Outline Allow breaks Other: Caucasian: Hispanic: African American: Special Needs Students: (IEP, Gifted, 504) 17 Teacher: Grade: Alignment to Standards Subject: Unit Theme: Date: Day 4 Write out CCSS standards Learner Objective(s) TLW: Be sure that objectives are aligned to the standards and they are measurable. Do not use “using” or “by”. Academic Vocabulary List the academic vocabulary that you will teach during this lesson. You may acknowledge if the words fall into Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3. There’s a link in Moodle for more information about Tiered Vocabulary. Lesson Materials and Resources Bell ringer – First Five M- what student use to learn Technology A-what teachers use to teach Hardware:-Active Board, document camera, etc S-items that are not a part of the adopted Software:-Star, Spelling City, Accelerated Math teacher materials A quick assignment that is completed at the start of class. Journal, Daily Oral Language, Math facts Instructional Activities-Introductory Question for prior knowledge Establishing Prior Knowledge Communicate Purpose and Relevance Restate Objective and explain why this information is important to students. Motivation 3-5 minute grab, variety here Instructional Input: Include Differentiation Modeling (I DO) 18 Introduce content to students. Demonstrate what is expected of the students. Checking for Understanding Guided Practice (WE DO) Independent Practice (YOU DO) Formal and Informal Assessment Questioning, monitoring progress, walking around Work through content with students. Allow students time to work and provide feedback as needed. FACTS sheet ideas, can’t be independent practice Assessment for Learning Remediation/Early Finishers Remediation is what the teacher will do. Early Finishers should be challenged with assignments that extend learning. Closure Question students Home Learning Involve family/community members Special Needs /Accommodations Class Demographics 19 Individual Accommodations: Highlight or star all accommodations used Independent Study Paired Learning Preferential Seating 504 Modifications Learning Styles Monitor Students Male: Female: Small Group Cooperative Groups Visual Aids Use of manipulatives Reduce Distractions Oral Reading Model/Repeat/Modify Shorten Assignment Review/Drill Study Guide/Outline Allow breaks Other: Caucasian: Hispanic: African American: Special Needs Students: (IEP, Gifted, 504) 20 Teacher: Grade: Alignment to Standards Subject: Unit Theme: Date: Day 5 Write out CCSS standards Learner Objective(s) TLW: Be sure that objectives are aligned to the standards and they are measurable. Do not use “using” or “by”. Academic Vocabulary List the academic vocabulary that you will teach during this lesson. You may acknowledge if the words fall into Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3. There’s a link in Moodle for more information about Tiered Vocabulary. Lesson Materials and Resources Bell ringer – First Five M- what student use to learn Technology A-what teachers use to teach Hardware:-Active Board, document camera, etc S-items that are not a part of the adopted Software:-Star, Spelling City, Accelerated Math teacher materials A quick assignment that is completed at the start of class. Journal, Daily Oral Language, Math facts Instructional Activities-Introductory Question for prior knowledge Establishing Prior Knowledge Communicate Purpose and Relevance Restate Objective and explain why this information is important to students. Motivation 3-5 minute grab, variety here Instructional Input: Include Differentiation Modeling (I DO) 21 Introduce content to students. Demonstrate what is expected of the students. Checking for Understanding Guided Practice (WE DO) Independent Practice (YOU DO) Formal and Informal Assessment Questioning, monitoring progress, walking around Work through content with students. Allow students time to work and provide feedback as needed. FACTS sheet ideas, can’t be independent practice Assessment for Learning Remediation/Early Finishers Remediation is what the teacher will do. Early Finishers should be challenged with assignments that extend learning. Closure Question students Home Learning Involve family/community members Special Needs /Accommodations Class Demographics 22 Individual Accommodations: Highlight or star all accommodations used Independent Study Paired Learning Preferential Seating 504 Modifications Learning Styles Monitor Students Male: Female: Small Group Cooperative Groups Visual Aids Use of manipulatives Reduce Distractions Oral Reading Model/Repeat/Modify Shorten Assignment Review/Drill Study Guide/Outline Allow breaks Other: Caucasian: Hispanic: African American: Special Needs Students: (IEP, Gifted, 504)