Constitution Constitution of the LSU Shreveport Faculty Senate and Council

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Constitution of the LSU Shreveport
Faculty Senate and Council
Section 1: The Faculty Senate shall consist of members of the Faculty Council duly elected in accordance with
the provisions of this Constitution.
Section 2: The Faculty Senate shall possess all of the powers conferred upon the Faculty Council by regulations
of the Board of Supervisors and shall exercise such powers in a manner consistent with the stated expressions of
policy of the Faculty Council. Such powers shall be exercised by the Senate at any and all times when the
Faculty Council is not in session. The Senate shall represent the Faculty Council in all matters and shall be
deemed to voice the policies, opinions, and sentiments of the Faculty Council on any matter within its
Section 3: The Senate shall consider any matter within its jurisdiction on its own initiative or which is brought
to its attention by resolution of the Faculty Council; it may consider any matter within its jurisdiction at the
request of the University or of any member or members of the Faculty Council.
Section 4: The Senate shall maintain liaison with all other segments of the University community and with other
interested groups and individuals.
Section 5: The Senate shall present a report of its activities and actions to the Faculty Council at each regular
meeting of the Council and at such other time or times as the Faculty Council shall by resolution provide.
Section 6: The Faculty Council may, by vote of a majority of those present and voting, review modify, overrule,
or otherwise deal with any action taken by the Faculty Senate. Upon written request of twenty percent of the
Faculty Council, final action of the Senate shall be submitted to the Council for review. Upon written request of
a majority of the Senate, any pending matter may be referred to the Faculty Council for final action.
Section 7: There shall be no provision for proxy votes.
Section 1: Members of the Faculty Senate shall be elected by their respective School faculties on the basis of
one senator elected to the Faculty Senate for every nine full-time faculty members in that School and one
senator from the Library.
Section 2: The allocation of the number of representatives from each School shall be determined by a faculty
head count to be taken on March 1 of each academic year.
a. The Policy and Personnel Committee of the Faculty Senate will be responsible for determining the
precise allocation of faculty representatives from each School.
b. Any disputes arising from such allocation shall be determined [resolved] by the existing Faculty
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Section 3: All members of the Faculty Council shall be eligible for election to the Faculty Senate. In the event
that any member of the Senate shall resign membership in the Faculty Council or resign from the Senate, the
seat shall be declared vacant and appropriate steps shall be taken under the provisions of this Constitution to fill
the vacancy. The Senate may by resolution or bylaw create reasonable conditions for continued membership in
the Senate consistent with the provisions of this Constitution. The Executive Committee may declare a seat
vacant in the event of three undeclared absences per academic year.
Section 4: The term of office of members of the Faculty Senate shall be three years. Members elected to fill
unexpired terms shall serve until the expiration of such period. Terms of office shall begin on the first regular
class day of the fall semester.
Section 5: Members of the Faculty Senate will be limited to no more than two consecutive terms (six years) of
continuous service.
Section 6: The Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs or his/her designee shall be invited to attend all meetings
of the Faculty Senate as a resource and discussant in Senate proceedings, although he/she may not vote unless
voting as an elected member of the Senate.
Section 1: The procedures for nomination and election of members of the Faculty Senate shall be administered
by the Faculty Senate Policy and Personnel Committee. All disputes arising out of the nomination or election of
members shall be determined by majority vote of the Faculty Senate Policy and Personnel Committee.
Section 2: The election of members of the Faculty Senate shall be conducted during the months of March or
April in each year, with one-third of the membership to be elected each year. The Faculty Senate Policy and
Personnel Committee shall determine the method of nomination and election of the members of the Faculty
Senate, provided, however, that each member of the Faculty Council shall at all times be entitled to nominate
candidates and to vote for each Senate seat allocated to that member's School.
Section 3: The names of all persons elected to the Faculty Senate, together with their School affiliation, shall be
distributed campus-wide.
Section 4: The election of members of the Faculty Senate will be scheduled for April with the elected Senators
taking office at the beginning of the following Fall Semester.
Section 1: The Faculty Senate shall elect from its membership a president, a vice-president, a secretary, and a
parliamentarian. Officers of the Senate shall serve for a term of one year. The Senate shall enact procedures for
the nomination and election of its officers.
Section 2: The Faculty Senate may create such additional offices as may be deemed necessary or desirable.
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Section 1: The Faculty Senate shall hold monthly meetings during the period from September through May.
Section 2: Special meetings of the Faculty Senate may be called at any time by the president of the Senate. They
shall also be called by the president upon the written request of fifty percent of the members of the Senate.
Section 3: Fifty percent of the authorized membership of the Senate shall constitute a quorum for the transaction
of business of the Senate.
Section 4: The secretary of the Faculty Senate shall record minutes of the proceedings at all meetings. The
minutes of the meetings of the Faculty Senate shall be available for inspection upon request by any member of
the Faculty Council. The secretary of the Faculty Senate shall circulate to all members of the Faculty Council
the minutes of each meeting of the Faculty Senate within ten working days of that meeting.
Section 5: No action will be taken on any item at either a regular or special meeting of the Faculty Senate that
has not previously appeared on an agenda of the Faculty Senate, circulated at least five working days in advance
to all members of the Faculty Senate.
Section 6: Meetings of the Faculty Senate shall be open to all members of the Faculty Council and they shall be
eligible to speak at Faculty Senate meetings, provided their topic of discussion is contained in the meeting
agenda and they secure permission from the presiding officer to address that issue from the floor.
Section 1: There shall be an Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate composed of the president, vicepresident, secretary, parliamentarian, and two other members elected by the Senate. During any given year, not
more than two of the six members of the Executive Committee may be from those members of the Faculty
Senate representing the same School.
Section 2: Standing committees of the Faculty Senate are described in the bylaws of the Faculty Senate, Article
VIII, and include the following: Admissions and Standards, Courses and Curricula, Faculty Research and
Development, Instruction and Professional Development, Library, Policy and Personnel, Student Affairs, and
Student Conduct Board.
Section 3: The Faculty Senate shall have special committees as may from time to time be created by the
Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate, or by action of the Faculty Senate.
Section 4: The Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate shall appoint all members of special committees.
Section 5: Any member of the Faculty Council, Administrative Council, Council of Academic Deans, and the
student body is eligible for appointment to any special committee of the Faculty Senate.
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Section 1: Amendments to this Constitution may be proposed by the Faculty Senate or by any member of the
Faculty Council.
Section 2: A proposed Amendment must be distributed in writing to all members of the Faculty Council at least
five academic working days prior to consideration and discussion at a Faculty Council meeting.
Section 3: Once a proposed Amendment has been presented to the members of the Faculty Council, it will be
discussed at a duly authorized meeting (either regular or special), and may not come up for a vote of approval or
rejection until a second meeting held not less than ten (10) nor more than twenty (20) academic working days
after the meeting at which it was considered and discussed.
Section 4: The Constitution shall be amended after receiving a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the voting membership
of the Faculty Council present and voting at a duly constituted regular or special meeting.
Amendments to the Constitution shall become effective immediately upon adoption
by the Faculty Council.
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Bylaws of the Faculty Senate
1. Meetings of the Faculty Senate will be open to the public, but only members of the Faculty Council and
invited guests will be eligible to speak at Faculty Senate meetings, provided their topic of discussion is
contained in the meeting agenda, and they secure permission from the presiding officer to address that issue
from the floor.
2. The Faculty Senate reserves the right, upon majority vote, to go into closed session if sensitive or personal
items are to be discussed, but no final action can be taken in closed session.
3. The President, the Executive Committee of the Senate, and/or the Senate by majority vote, is authorized to
invite guests to speak or to testify about matters under consideration by the Senate.
4. The regular meetings of the Senate will take place alternately on all of the working days of the week in
order that no members of the Senate are excluded from attendance due to class schedule. The meeting schedule
and room reservations for the following year's meetings will be arranged by the President and Secretary. Notice
of scheduled regular meetings will be sent to all members of the Senate no later than the first week of the
academic year.
5. There shall be a written notice given to all members of the Senate in advance of any special meeting. A
receipt upon delivery of notice may be requested for each member of the Senate. The agenda of special
meetings shall be posted in all departments.
1. The agenda of meetings of the Senate shall include notice of the time and place of the meetings, and shall
be circulated to all members of the Faculty Council at least five days in advance of regular meetings.
2. The priority of topics on the agenda shall be established by the Executive Committee.
3. Final action on agenda items can be taken no sooner than the meeting after the one in which the item was
4. By a majority vote the Senate can change the order of the Agenda.
Approval or revision of minutes.
President's report.
Administrator's reports.
Old business.
New business.
Observations and concerns.
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1. The minutes of each meeting will be prepared by the secretary and distributed to the Faculty Senate
Executive Committee for tentative approval or correction.
2. After tentative approval by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee, the minutes will be distributed to the
faculty and administrative staff. The minutes will be distributed campus-wide within ten working days of the
3. The minutes will be approved or corrected at the meeting that follows their distribution. Corrections will
appear in the minutes of the meeting at which corrections were made.
4. Each standing committee of the Faculty Senate will submit a final report to the Faculty Senate President no
later than ten working days prior to the April Faculty Senate meeting. Written reports of special assignments
will be submitted by standing committees as the assignments are completed.
Reports from an Ad hoc Committee to the Faculty Senate:
5.1 Ad hoc committees will submit written reports when the committees' assignments are finished.
5.2 The original charge should be addressed and form the basis of the report.
5.3 The report should point out any potential problems, questions, etc. related to the area being investigated,
that were discovered during the committee's work.
5.4 As a result of this additional input from the committee, the Faculty Senate might find it necessary to
expand the original charge or establish another ad hoc committee.
1. President: The President shall be the presiding officer at meetings of the Faculty Senate. The President shall
have the primary responsibility for preparing the agenda for each meeting and shall see that notices of meetings
and agenda and minutes of previous meetings are properly circulated. As a representative from his/her School,
the President has the right to vote on any and all issues. In the case of a tie vote the motion fails.
2. Vice President: The Vice President shall assume the responsibility of the President whenever the President
is absent or otherwise unable to perform his/her duties.
3. Secretary: The Secretary shall edit, summarize, and prepare the minutes for distribution to the Faculty
Council and the Administrative Staff.
4. Parliamentarian: The parliamentarian shall be prepared to advise the Senate on points of order in
accordance with Robert's Rules of Order, except where these Rules have been suspended by the Constitution or
Bylaws of the Senate.
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1. The Senate President, Vice-President, Secretary, Parliamentarian, and two other members of the Executive
Committee of the Senate for an academic year will be elected in a meeting of the Senate in April; preceding the
semester that they are to take office.
2. Nominations for officers and members of the Executive Committee shall be made verbally on the floor of
the Senate.
3. Elections shall be held by secret ballot. If no one receives a majority vote on the first ballot, then there will
be a second balloting between the two persons receiving the largest number of votes.
4. In the event of a tie vote in the election of any officer, another balloting shall be held between the tied
candidates. If the tie is not broken after the second balloting; the tie shall be broken by the casting of lots. This
may be accomplished by the tossing of a coin.
1. Elections of members of the Faculty Senate will be carried out in accord with Article III of the constitution
of the Faculty Senate.
2. The Faculty Senate Policy and Personnel Committee will serve as the elections committee and shall be
responsible for keeping records of such elections on file for future reference.
3. Each faculty member may nominate as many persons as there are members of the Faculty Senate to be
elected from his/her School. The Policy and Personnel Committee will provide a list of persons eligible for
4. The number of nominees listed on the ballot must equal or exceed the number of Faculty Senate vacancies
to be filled from each School. All nominees will be listed on the ballot in alphabetical order.
5. Each eligible faculty member may vote for as many nominees as there are positions to be filled. The
nominees who receive a majority of the votes will be elected. Run offs will be held when necessary.
Any ballots not conforming to the proper election rules will be disregarded in the ballot count.
7. In the event of a tie vote in any election for the Faculty Senate, another balloting shall be held between the
tied candidates. If the tie is not broken after the second balloting; the tie shall be broken by the casting of lots.
This may be accomplished by the tossing of a coin.
1. There will be an Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate as outlined in Article VI of the Constitution of
the Faculty Senate.
Committee Membership
A. The Faculty Senate, upon recommendation of its Executive Committee, designates members to serve on all
ad hoc and standing committees of the Faculty Senate.
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B. No member shall serve on more than a total of two committees, including regular and ad hoc committees,
of the Faculty Senate. No member shall serve as chair for more than one Faculty Senate committee.
C. Representation on committees shall be established from these academic units: 1) School of Business
Administration, 2) School of Education and 3) School of Human Sciences, 4) School of Liberal Arts, 5) School
of Sciences, and 6) Library. A Faculty Council member's academic unit is determined by his/her academic
D. Standing committee appointments shall be for three years with the exception of the Student Conduct Board
whose members will be appointed for five years. Members of all committees except Policy and Personnel may
succeed themselves.
E. The chairs of standing committees for the following academic year will be elected by the members during
April. The term of office begins with the start of the fall semester.
F. The committee chair may declare a seat vacant in the event of three undeclared absences per academic year.
G. The chairs of ad hoc committees will be selected by the Faculty Senate, upon recommendation of its
Executive Committee.
3. Faculty Senate or Faculty Senate Committee Recommendations
Faculty Senate Committee recommendations approved by the Faculty Senate shall be implemented by the
appropriate administrator unless administrative or other parties establish a majority agreement of the Faculty
Senate for an alternate recommendation. As indicated in the Faculty Senate Constitution (Article 1, Section 6),
failure to resolve a difference concerning the implementation of a recommendation may be addressed to the
Faculty Council and resolved by a majority vote.
Ad Hoc Committees
4.1 The Faculty Senate may create and delegate specified powers to its ad hoc committees. Terms of members
of ad hoc committees will end when the committee's work is completed.
The Committee will receive the charge in writing.
4.3 Provided with the charge will be background information, such as the history of the situation, importance
of the issue, etc. Also included should be copies of any previous studies or materials relevant to the committee's
The committee will be given sufficient time to complete its work.
4.5 Should the ad hoc committee feel it necessary to go beyond its original charge, it should seek approval of
the Faculty Senate Executive Committee.
5. The Faculty Senate will receive its standing committee and ad hoc committee reports as stated in Article
IV. The standing or ad hoc committee shall be provided an opportunity to present and defend its
recommendations to the Faculty Senate before final action is taken by the Faculty Senate.
Standing Committees of the Faculty Senate shall be as follows:
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6.1 Admissions and Standards
A. Functions
1. To review and recommend policies and standards concerning admission requirements of the University.
To make recommendations designed to maintain and improve academic excellence among students.
3. To make periodic reports to the Faculty Senate and other appropriate administrators on the work of the
committee when requested or when deemed appropriate by the committee.
To serve as an appeals board for students on academic matters.
B. Composition
Seven voting members to serve three year terms: one senator from each School, one from the Library, and the
Faculty Senate President, ex officio. The Dean of Enrollment Services and Registrar will be asked to serve as a
nonvoting advisor on this committee.
6.2 Courses and Curricula
A. Functions
1. To review and make recommendations on proposed additions, changes, and deletions in courses and
curricula in the various departments.
2. To review issues and questions concerning courses and curricula and forward these concerns to the
appropriate university division for clarification or action.
3. To review the LSU Shreveport catalog to ensure that courses and curricula are current and to coordinate
with the Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs for the accuracy of this catalog.
B. Composition
Twelve voting members to serve three year terms: two from each School, one from the Library, and the Faculty
Senate President, ex officio. The Dean of Enrollment Services and Registrar will be asked to serve as a
nonvoting advisor on this committee.
6.3 Faculty Research and Development
A. Functions
1. To review practices and policies and recommend changes where needed regarding the awarding of faculty
research and/or development grants.
2. To evaluate research proposals and faculty research grants, to select the recipients of the grants, and to
award monies to the recipients.
To coordinate review of proposals with the Institutional Review Board.
4. To review policies regarding the distribution and use of indirect cost funds obtained by the University from
agencies funding faculty research programs.
5. To compare periodically the indirect cost policies of LSU Shreveport with the policies of other Louisiana
state universities and national institutions of similar size and mission. Such items as research services, in-house
grants for research and equipment, and release and/or part-time appointments will be included in this periodic
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B. Composition
Seven voting members to serve three year terms: one from each School, one from the Library, and the Faculty
Senate President, ex officio.
6.4 Policy and Personnel
A. Functions
1. To review, upon request from any member of the Faculty Council, implementation of the bylaws and
Regulations and Policies of the LSU Board of Supervisors and the Policy Statements of LSU Shreveport which
effect the faculty.
2. To receive, study, and make recommendations to the Faculty Senate on concerns or grievances expressed
by members of the Faculty Council, serving in effect, as an appeals body for personnel matters.
3. To evaluate and recommend procedures for the selection, retention, promotion, and tenure of faculty. Such
procedures will ensure faculty participation in recommendations to be transmitted by the department chair via
the College dean and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs to the Chancellor.
4. To formulate and recommend procedures for faculty participation in the selection and retention of academic
administrators, including department chairs.
5. To consult with the Chancellor and appropriate administrators in the determination of policies and
procedures concerning faculty salaries, including initial salary, merit, equity, and promotion increases.
6. To advise the Faculty Senate on matters not specifically designated as a duty of the Faculty Senate
7. To conduct nominations for and the election of Faculty Senate members in accordance with Article III of
the Constitution of the Faculty Senate.
B. Composition
Nine voting members to serve three year terms: one elected by each School, one elected by the Library, two
nominated at-large by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee, and the Faculty Senate President, ex officio.
Members must be full-time, tenured faculty. Those holding part-time or full-time administrative positions are
not eligible. Committee members may not succeed themselves. (Committee members will observe all federal,
state, and University regulations relative to the privacy of information.)
6.5 Student Affairs
A. Functions
To serve as a hearing body for all complaints related to Section 504, Title IX and Title VI.
To serve as a hearing body for disciplinary cases involving student organizations which are referred to
committee by the Director of Student Activities & Recreational Sports.
To serve in an advisory role to departments within the Division of Student Affairs regarding policy
development and other referred matters.
B. Composition
Nine voting members to serve three year terms: One from each School, one from the Library, two students, and
the Faculty Senate President, ex officio.
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6.6 Student Conduct Board
A. Functions
1. To consider formal charges of student misconduct referred to the committee by the Dean of Students.
2. To review the provisions of the Student Conduct Code, and to make recommendations to the Student
Affairs Committee for changes when such changes are considered to be in the best interest of the university.
B. Composition
Seven voting members to serve five year terms: One from each School, one from the Library, and the Faculty
Senate President, ex officio.
6.7 Instruction and Professional Development
A. Functions
1. To develop and periodically review a system for faculty evaluations on the teaching component of the
faculty performance appraisal.
2. To review the student evaluation of teaching forms and make recommendations concerning their
administration and use.
3. To enhance professional development through the establishment of a teaching center, workshops, and
B. Composition
Seven voting members to serve three year terms: one from each School, one from the Library, and the Faculty
Senate President, ex officio. A representative from the Technology Center will serve as a nonvoting advisor to
this committee.
6.8 Library
A. Functions
1. To advise the administrative officers on matters related to development and use of library resources and
To assist the Dean of the Library in the allocation of acquisition funds.
3. To initiate and carry out studies relative to Library policy and to make appropriate recommendations to the
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.
B. Composition
Nine voting members to serve three year terms: one from each School, one undergraduate student, one graduate
student, the Library Dean, and the Faculty Senate President, ex officio.
7. Reporting Channels
All standing and ad hoc committees of the Faculty Senate shall report directly to the Faculty Senate through the
Faculty Senate President. The Faculty Senate President will forward all routine reports to the appropriate
administrative officer after review. Committee reports that recommend any change in procedure, however, will
be reviewed by the Faculty Senate.
8. Relationship with University ad hoc and standing administrative committees.
A. The Faculty Senate shall receive reports from Administrative Committees for its information.
B. Whenever an ad hoc administrative committee is established to deal with items in Article II of the Faculty
Council bylaws, the Faculty Senate officers shall advise the Chancellor of appropriate Faculty Senate
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Committees to handle the matter. The Faculty Senate President shall direct any appropriate Senate committee to
also consider the matter.
1. Amendments to these bylaws may be proposed by the Faculty Senate or by any member of the Faculty
2. A proposed Amendment must be distributed in writing to all members of the Faculty Council at least five
academic working days prior to consideration and discussion at a Faculty Council meeting.
3. Once a proposed Amendment has been presented to the members of the Faculty Council, it will be
discussed at a duly authorized meeting (either regular or special), and may not come up for a vote of approval or
rejection until a second meeting held not less than ten (10) nor more than twenty (20) academic working days
after the meeting at which it was considered and discussed.
4. These bylaws shall be amended after receiving a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the voting membership present
and voting at a duly constituted regular or special meeting.
5. A mandatory review of these bylaws must be undertaken at the end of five years after their adoption or
Revised: April 30, 2012