Publications for Andrew White 2016

Publications for Andrew White
Publications for Andrew White
Soriano, C., Wechsler, D., White, A., Goldberg,
I., Pollard, G., Naunton, M. (2016). An
evaluation of Australian pharmacists' knowledge
of glaucoma: Effectiveness of continuous
professional development education events.
Pharmacy Education, 16(1), 42-47.
Burdon, K., Mitchell, P., Lee, A., Healey, P.,
White, A., Rochtchina, E., Thomas, P., Wang, J.,
Craig, J. (2015). Association of open-angle
glaucoma loci with incident glaucoma in the
Blue Mountains Eye Study. American Journal of
Ophthalmology, 159(1), 31-36. e1. <a
0">[More Information]</a>
Feng, L., Roufas, A., Healey, P., White, A.
(2015). Bilateral spontaneous aqueous
misdirection: it can happen!. Clinical and
Experimental Ophthalmology, 43(8), 771-773.
re Information]</a>
Keenan, J., Shahid, H., Bourne, R., White, A.,
Martin, K. (2015). Cambridge community
Optometry Glaucoma Scheme. Clinical and
Experimental Ophthalmology, 43(3), 221-227.
re Information]</a>
White, A., Green, C. (2015). Collaborative care:
the way of the future. Clinical and Experimental
Ophthalmology, 43(5), 401-402. <a
re Information]</a>
Roufas, A., Healey, P., White, A., Zheng, L.
(2015). Contact lens induced baerveldt tube
extrusion. Clinical and Experimental
Ophthalmology, 43(7), 690-692. <a
re Information]</a>
White, A., Cheruvu, S., Sarris, M., Liyanage, S.,
Lumbers, E., Chui, J., Wakefield, D.,
McCluskey, P. (2015). Expression of classical
components of the renin-angiotensin system in
the human eye. Journal Of The
Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System, 16(1),
59-66. <a
791">[More Information]</a>
White, A., Heller, J., Leung, J., Tassoni, A.,
Martin, K. (2015). Retinal ganglion cell
neuroprotection by an angiotensin II blocker in
an ex vivo retinal explant model. Journal Of The
Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System, 16(4),
1193-1201. <a
018">[More Information]</a>
Leahy, K., White, A. (2015). Selective laser
trabeculoplasty: Current perspectives. Clinical
Ophthalmology, 9, 833-841. <a
[More Information]</a>
Fitzgerald, J., Saunders, L., Ridge, B., White, A.,
Goldberg, I., Clark, B., Mills, R., Craig, J.
(2015). Severe intraocular pressure response to
periocular or intravitreal steroid treatment in
Australia and New Zealand: data from the
Australian and New Zealand Ophthalmic
Surveillance Unit. Clinical and Experimental
Ophthalmology, 43(3), 234-238. <a
re Information]</a>
Gharahkhani, P., Burden, K., Fogarty, R.,
Sharma, S., Hewitt, A., Martin, S., Law, M.,
Cremin, C., Cooke Bailey, J., Loomis, S., White,
A., Goldberg, I., Healey, P., Wang, J., Mitchell,
P., et al (2014). Common variants near ABCA1,
AFAP1 and GMDS confer risk of primary
open-angle glaucoma. Nature Genetics, 46(10),
1120-1125. <a
White, A., Graham, S., Casson, R., Crowston, J.,
Craig, J., Hewitt, A. (2014). Future Strategies for
Glaucoma Management. Mivision, , 1-4.
White, A., Goldberg, I., et al (2014). Guidelines
for the collaborative care of glaucoma patients
and suspects by ophthalmologists and
optometrists in Australia. Clinical and
Experimental Ophthalmology, 42(2), 107-117.
re Information]</a>
Wang, X., Crowston, J., White, A., Zoellner, H.,
Healey, P. (2014). Interferon-alpha and
Interferon-gamma modulate Fas-mediated
apoptosis in Mitomycin-C resistant Human
Tenon's Fibroblasts. Clinical and Experimental
Ophthalmology, 42(6), 529-538. <a
re Information]</a>
Leahy, K., Whittles, W., White, A. (2014). Novel
technique for posterior placement of
mitomycin-soaked sponges in glaucoma surgery.
Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 42,
883-905. <a
re Information]</a>
Jackson, D., Razai, M., Falama, R., Mongwa,
M., Mutapanduwa, M., Baemisi, C., Josiah, E.,
Publications for Andrew White
Nkomazana, O., Lehasa, A., Brealey, E., et al
(2014). The clinical characteristics of patients
with glaucoma presenting to Botswana
healthcare facilities: an observational study. BMJ
Open, 4(12), 1-7. <a
05965">[More Information]</a>
Zhekov, I., Janjua, R., Shahid, H., Sarkies, N.,
Martin, K., White, A. (2013). A retrospective
analysis of long-term outcomes following a
single episode of transscleral cyclodiode laser
treatment in patients with glaucoma. BMJ Open,
3(7), 1-7. <a
02793">[More Information]</a>
White, A., Mukherjee, A., Hanspal, I., Sarkies,
N., Martin, K., Shah, P. (2013). Acute transient
corneal endothelial changes following selective
laser trabeculoplasty. Clinical and Experimental
Ophthalmology, 41(5), 435-441. <a
re Information]</a>
White, A., Goldberg, I. (2013). Glaucoma in
Australia. Glaucoma Today, 2013, 30-31.
Skalicky, S., White, A., Grigg, J., Martin, F.,
Smith, J., Jones, M., Donaldson, C., Smith, J.,
Flaherty, M., Jamieson, R. (2013).
Microphthalmia, Anophthalmia, and Coloboma
and Associated Ocular and Systemic Features:
Understanding the Spectrum. JAMA
Ophthalmology, 131(12), 1517-1524. <a
2013.5305">[More Information]</a>
Fraser, C., White, A., Plant, G., Martin, K.
(2013). Optic Nerve Cupping and the
Neuro-Ophthalmologist. Journal of
Neuro-Ophthalmology, 33(4), 377-389. <a
00000080">[More Information]</a>
White, A., Orros, J., Healey, P. (2013).
Outcomes of combined lens extraction and
goniosynechialysis in angle closure. Clinical and
Experimental Ophthalmology, 41(8), 746-752.
re Information]</a>
White, A., Kelly, E., Healey, P., Crowston, J.,
Mitchell, P., Zoellner, H. (2013). P-glycoprotein
Blockers Augment the Effect of Mitomycin C on
Human Tenon's Fibroblasts. Translational Vision
Science and Technology, 2(5), 1-9. <a
e Information]</a>
White, A., Goldberg, I. (2013). Patient
satisfaction: the name of the game? Clinical and
Experimental Ophthalmology, 41(1), 1-2. <a
re Information]</a>
White, A. (2013). Spectral domain macular
optical coherence tomography: a new diagnostic
tool for glaucoma? Clinical and Experimental
Ophthalmology, 41(9), 823-824. <a
re Information]</a>
Jayaprakasam, A., Martin, K., White, A. (2012).
Phacomorphic intermittent angle closure in a
patient with retinopathy of prematurity and
lenticular high myopia. Clinical and
Experimental Ophthalmology, 40(6), 646-647.
1.02743.x">[More Information]</a>
Solomon, S., Lee, B., White, A., Rüttiger,
L., Martin, P. (2005). Chromatic organization of
ganglion cell receptive fields in the peripheral
retina. The Journal of Neuroscience, 25(18),
4527-4539. <a
21-04.2005">[More Information]</a>
Solomon, S., White, A., Martin, P. (2002).
Extraclassical receptive field properties of
parvocellular magnocellular and koniocellular
cells in the primate lateral geniculate nucleus.
The Journal of Neuroscience, 22(1), 338-349.
Solomon, S., Martin, P., White, A.,
Rüttiger, L., Lee, B. (2002). Modulation
sensitivity of ganglion cells in peripheral retina
of macaque. Vision Research, 42(27),
Martin, P., White, A., Solomon, S., Lee, K.,
Rüttiger, L. (2001). Chromatic sensitivity
of ganglion cells in the peripheral primate retina.
Nature, 410, 933-935.
White, A., Solomon, S., Martin, P. (2001).
Spatial properties of koniocellular cells in the
lateral geniculate nucleus of the marmoset
Callithrix jacchus. The Journal of Physiology,
533.2, 519-535.