Tulane University Staff Advisory Council Minutes of Thursday, September 10, 2009 ATTENDEES ATTENDEES OFFICERS UPTOWN CAMPUS Susan Barrera, Chair Gwen Chavez, Vice Chair Rob Platner, Election Coordinator Lisa Britton, Recording Secretary, Present Excused Present Present Kathy Bourgeois Linda Cantero Erin Coffey Liz Davey Present Present Present Present Present Absent Shirley Dymond Miriam Espinosa Mike Griffith Michael Harrison Cynthia Hayes,Immediate Past Chair Present Present Present Present Present Excused Present Present Excused Present Present Present Present Absent Absent Absent Present Member at Large Cheryl Sterling,Corresp. Secretary Jered Bocage, Parliamentarian DOWNTOWN CAMPUS Linzi Conners Cheryl Dempsey Glenda Folse Tami Jenniskens Paula Lucas Linda Miller Merisa Pasternak Patsy Stewart Shirley Tubre Tanya Ambrose (proxy) Ron Cail (proxy) Present Present Excused Present Present Absent Present Present Excused Absent Absent NORTHSHORE Scott Goings Corrie West Robert Johnson (proxy) Present Absent Romella Hodges Alysia Loshbaugh Suzanne Lossi Aaron Martin Lisa O’Dwyer Laurie Orgeron Kimberly Vega Judy Vitrano Emily Capdeville (proxy) Jeannine Coxen (proxy) Simon Dorfman (proxy) Jeanny Keck (proxy) INVITED GUESTS AND VISITORS Barbara Brauner, WFMO Darby Berthelot, American Heart Association Present Present * Via teleconference All Officers are serving the Staff Advisory Council term 2009 – 2010 Call to Order: Susan Barrera, SAC Chair, called the September 10, 2009 meeting of the Staff Advisory Council to order at 3:30 p.m. The meeting was held at the LavinBernick Center, the Rechler Room on the uptown campus. TU Staff Advisory Council Meeting September 10, 2009 Page 2 I. Review and Approval of the Minutes Chair Barrera called for a motion to approve the June 11, 2009 minutes, and the June minutes were approved. She then called for a motion to approve the July 9, 2009 minutes, and the July meeting minutes were approved. II. Guest Speaker Darby Berthelot with the American Heart Association gave a presentation on the upcoming Heart Walk. III. The Heart Walk is scheduled for Saturday, November 21, 2009 and will be held at Audubon Park. This is their largest fund raiser and Awareness Campaign. Dr. Ben Sachs and Dr. Robert Lynch are the co-chairs of the walk. Kick off was in May with the target goal of $500,000 to be reached at the November 21st walk. Since 1970’s, the Heart Association has funded approximately $13 million to Tulane researchers. Awareness Campaign – to create hope, inspire change and celebrate success -- is going on and stations will also be set up around the walking portion of Audubon Park. An area set up to honor heart attack and strokes victims that are participating in the walk. Those present will receive red caps as an acknowledgement. One goal of the Heart Association is to have an AED in every school across the state of Louisiana. Training has already begun for teachers to perform CPR and utilize the AED. The Kiwanis are helping make this goal a reality to reach every community and every school in Louisiana by the year 2012. Childhood obesity - encourage students to have at least 30 minutes of activities, and also teach healthy alternatives on eating. American Heart Association not just coming to us for donations. Looking to Tulane to continue the partnership as leaders to encourage healthy lifestyle. Report of the Chair, Susan Barrera No Report. IV. WFMO Liaison Barbara Brauner, Director, Employment & WFMO Administrative Services will answer questions submitted to WFMO regarding FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act) and sick leave. Question: If someone takes more than 3 days sick leave, does the FMLA policy state specifically they must go on FMLA or is it up to the department manager? If yes, is the TU Staff Advisory Council Meeting September 10, 2009 Page 3 policy specifically indicating they must submit FMLA paperwork or does Payroll notify HR when someone has taken more than 3 days to assure they have taken FMLA? Is there a system in place to capture this information? Is this same policy for exempt versus non-exempt employees? The policy exists for everyone, staff, faculty, exempt and non-exempt. Congress enacted the FMLA to protect our employment. FMLA guarantees unpaid leave and when you return, you will have a comparable position with the company. Tulane is generous employer. You will be paid while on leave and have your same position when you return from leave. If you need to take time off for yourself or for a family member needing constant medical care, you will return to the position that you had before you took leave. If you need to take off more than three days, you are required to complete Part 1 of the FMLA form and submit to your supervisor. Your supervisor needs to complete the form and submit to WFMO. Part 2 is completed by the practitioner and sent directly to WFMO for your personnel file. The completed Part 2 is not seen by your supervisor. If you are off for more than 3 days, your supervisor needs to call WFMO to discuss. For example if you are going to be out for 4 days with the sniffles, may not be necessary to complete the FMLA form. If you are going to be out for 4 days for surgery and recovery time, that may come under FMLA. It is the responsibility of the supervisor to contact WFMO and discuss. Payroll does not automatically put you on FMLA if you have taken more than 3 days sick leave. V. Officer Reports A. University Senate No report, meeting next week. B. Board of Administrators No report, meeting in a couple of weeks. VI. University Senate Committee Reports 1. Benefits Chair Barrera explained at the last Benefit Committee meeting, the 2010 health plan will continue to be with UnitedHealthCare. There is going to be a 4% increase but Tulane will bear the increase, no increase for employees. Open enrollment will be in October and everyone should be receiving information regarding enrollment. TU Staff Advisory Council Meeting September 10, 2009 Page 4 2. Budget Review No Report. 3. Information Technology No Report. 4. Equal Opportunity No Report. 5. Physical Facilities No Report. 6. Social Issues No Report. VII. SAC Sub-Committees 1. Election Committee No Report. 2. Electronic Technology and Information Mike Griffith is with Technology Services. Technology Services have been asked to add staff training to the services they provide. Mike is asking SAC members to inquire what kind of “training” are people interested in receiving. Are they looking for hour-long fundamentals of Microsoft Word, or are they more interested in a lab setting where someone would help trouble shoot problems? Please send suggestions to Mike (mgriffi@tulane.edu). Technology Services will then incorporate the requests to the other services they offer. “Tech Day” is September 25th and hope you can join us. 3. Staff Appreciation Lisa Britton and Rob Platner gave the following summary of their meeting just prior to our SAC meeting. Date has been scheduled for Saturday, February 27, 2010. TU Staff Advisory Council Meeting September 10, 2009 Page 5 Mary Brown has committed the Medical School to assist in the medical screenings. She is interested in participating and wants the Medical School represented. Will use the Tulane track for the walk. By doing this, we can keep the fun walk “contained” so we will not need to cross streets or spread out around the campus. For the children – have different types of prizes and kids games Give away’s – nothing decided yet since we do not have a budget. We need to meet with Anne Banos to get a budget. We do not know how much money we can have to purchase items. Will get Athletics involved, UnitedHealth would be involved. Judy Vitrano and Erica Taylor with the Wellness Group also want to participate. Entertainment – discussions about getting a DJ Food – will try to get as much donated as possible Need an official name. We continue to refer to it as “Fun Walk” but need a name. The Walk will be tied to the 2:00 pm baseball game and Scott Cowen is scheduled to attend. 4. Staff Issues No Report. 5. Health and Wellness Judy Vitrano was scheduled to give a report via teleconference. However, we were not able to borrow the phone today for teleconferencing. Judy will do a follow up at our next meeting. 6. Community Service Cynthia Hayes said SAC voted last year to continue working with the same community services for children. This will include the surrounding communities in St. Tammany, Orleans and Jefferson. Cynthia will work with Gwen Chavez to get something out to everyone soon. VIII. Old Business None. IX. New Business Aaron Martin proposed two draft resolutions SAC forward to Administration: TU Staff Advisory Council Meeting September 10, 2009 Page 6 Shuttle Promotion Resolution (Attachment 1) -- would also like to add to this resolution to include the shuttle go back and forth (in both directions) instead of just one direction. Commuter Savings Account Resolution (Attachment 2) – need to verify that the money can be rolled over into the next year. Laurie Orgeron is the chair of the Homecoming. She explained the “President’s Spirit Competition” which are decorated “Gumby’s” displayed the week of Homecoming. Gumby is a wood cutout you decorate in any way you like. To enter the competition, you must submit an application and the cost is $30.00. You can have your department decorate one, or have student workers decorate one to represent your department. The president’s office votes on the best Gumby. Last year there were approximately 20 entries and Laurie is hoping to have more entries this year. Next Meeting: The next meeting will be held on Thursday, October 15, 2009 in the Tidewater Building in the Dean’s Conference Room at 3:30 pm. X. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 pm. Respectfully submitted, Lisa M. Britton Recording Secretary ATTACHMENT 1 Shuttle Promotion Resolution Staff Advisory Council Resolution 2009-_______ Whereas, parking at the university is becoming less available. Whereas, the university shuttle ridership could be greatly increased to the benefit of all employees, students and guests. Whereas, the university has strived to upgrade the shuttle vans and now needs to upgrade the shuttle stops and provide more readily information about the shuttle hours. Whereas, the university is committed to being “green” as noted through the American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment. Encouraging use of shuttles between the uptown and downtown campuses would support those efforts. Whereas, potential riders of the university shuttle do not have confidence in the reliability of the shuttles hours or sometimes lack information at the point of service. Whereas, the current shuttle stops provide no information or comfort. See Freret for example: Resolved: The Staff Advisory Council recommends that Tulane University look into upgrading its shuttle stops as more functional spaces, while maintaining aesthetics, accessibility and safety. Recommendations: Benches with seated back supports. Covers for rain and extreme sun protection. At least one wall or sign to allow posting of shuttle hours, shuttle map and a contact phone number when shuttle is beyond 10 minutes late. This would require users to have a cell phone. Other options Call box for users to contact about shuttle delays. More posting space for event promotions. Perhaps have the architecture students design covers and or benches. ATTACHMENT 2 Commuter Savings Account Resolution Staff Advisory Council Resolution 2009-_______ Whereas, the university is committed to being “green” as noted through the American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment. Encouraging use of public transit, vanpooling and bicycling to work would support those efforts. Whereas, many organizations offer some form of a Qualified Transportation Benefit, or QTB program sometimes called a Commuter Savings Account, or CSA, or a Commuter Expense Reimbursement Account, or CERA, that lets employees put pretax dollars into accounts used to cover commuting expenses. Whereas, by setting aside money an employee would spend to commute anyway -- before taxes are taken out of the employee’s paycheck – an employee’s taxable income would be reduced, resulting in possible hundreds of dollars of savings a year. Here's a look at how one hypothetical commuter saves with a QTB account.1 Taxable income Less contributions of $110 per month Result in taxable income after contributions Less federal income and SS taxes withheld Results in net income Less commuting costs paid outside of account Results in spendable income Tax savings 1 With an account $40,000 $1,320 Without an account $40,000 $0 $38,680 $40,000 $9,053 $9,484 $29,627 $0 $30,516 $1,200 $29,627 $29,316 $431 $0 Added tax breaks for commuters, Bankrate, Inc., http http://www.bankrate.com/finance/moneyguides/added-tax-breaks-for-commuters-1.aspx Whereas, money left in these commuter accounts at year-end is rolled over to the next year, so employees don't lose the funds. Whereas, under Section 132 of the Internal Revenue Service Code, employees can contribute up to $120 a month for mass-transit passes this year, including vanpools, and $230 a month for qualified parking. New for 2009, employers can contribute $20 a month to cover biking expenses.2 Whereas, the university manages similar tax-advantaged financial accounts such as the Flexible Spending Account. Whereas, administration fees are the only cost to the employer, and these may be more than offset by tax savings, since funds are taken out before the FICA tax is applied. Employers who provide the benefit as a tax-free fringe benefit (paid by the employer) save on payroll taxes because the employer does not need to include the amount of the fringe benefit in the employee’s gross income. Resolved: The Staff Advisory Council recommends that Tulane University look into establishing a Commuter Savings Account, or CSA program for its employees, at least an employee-financed commuter benefit in which an employee designates a portion of salary before taxes (pretax income) to pay for qualified transit, vanpooling, or parking expenses. To encourage more bicycling to work and lessen the parking burden, the Staff Advisory Council recommends that Tulane University establish a Bicycle Commuter Expense Reimbursement Account or CERA program to reimburse employees up to $20 per month, tax free, for "reasonable" expenses related to their bike commuter expenses, including equipment purchases, bike purchases, repairs, and storage if the bicycle is used as a "substantial part" of the commuter's trip to work for the month. The bicycle benefit may not be funded by an employee’s pretax contributions; instead under the law, it would need to be reimbursed by the university as a fringe benefit. 2 Commuters' Fare Deal, The Wall Street Journal, Feb 1, 2009, http://www.filife.com/stories/commuters-fare-deal