Information Letter Template for Research Studies

Ratified by UFN/UFL 2009-04-02
Template for information letter
As part of the essay you may need to ask people if they want to take part in your
study. Then, what you must consider is that participants should be fully informed
about the investigation as well as what participation entails before being asked to
participate. The template for the information letter below is to be used. Words that are
mandatory are given in italics. However, in certain situations - for example, if the
letter is directed at children – it may be appropriate to reformulate these italicized
phrases to suit the target group.
The information is to be given in a neutral voice, be written in a clear, lucid language
and possibly form the basis of a question on informed consent. That is, it is to be
given in lay language and is not to contain any compelling or urgent request for
participation. Another important aspect of writing an information letter is to attempt
to put yourself in the place of the addressee. What would you want to know if you
received a similar request? Finally, do not forget to read through the letter very
carefully to be sure that the language is correct and easily read.
1. Heading and introductory information
It should be clear from the heading what the research is about and that the letter
provides information about the research in question. Following the header, it should
clearly state that the purpose of the letter is to request participation in the study.
Therefore, the following wording is obligatory:
a) In the heading: Information on …… (Describe the content of the study in a heading)
b) You are hereby asked to participate in this study.
2. Additional contents of the information letter
Begin the text itself with information about the objectives and content of the study.
Do not forget to explain why it is important that the study be conducted. Keep in mind
that it is the study itself that is to be presented, not those who are conducting it. In
some situations it may be appropriate to introduce yourself, but in such a situation this
should be done in the final paragraph (see point 3 below). After the objectives and
content have been presented, the practical issues should be explained, that is, which
methods for data collection will be used:
a) Begin with information about how many people are included in the study and how
the selection was made. Keep in mind that the participant would like to know why
s/he was asked to take part in the study.
b) Then, provide information about what is expected of the participant and what it
means in terms of possible pros, cons, and risks for the participants. Here is it
important to answer questions such as: How much time will participation require?
Might there be any inconvenience/discomfort? Will it be possible to examine the
results and/or the completed study?
c) Provide information about how the recorded information will be processed and
handled. The information should answer questions such as: With what degree of
confidentiality/secrecy (standard medical confidentiality or other agreements about
professional secrecy, coding, etc.) will any sensitive information be handled? Who
will have access to this information? Will material/tests containing sensitive
information be saved? If so, how, where, and for how long? How will the information
be disposed of?
In this part of the letter the following wording is obligatory:
a) Your participation in the study is completely voluntary. You may at any time end
your participation without stating your reasons.
Sometimes it may be appropriate to add that if the participant chooses not to
participate or discontinues participation it will not affect any future care (for medical
patients) or grades (for pupils/students). In this case, you should write “Your care will
be the same regardless of whether or not you participate in the study” or “Your
education will be the same regardless of whether or not you participate in the study”.
b) The study will be presented in the form of an essay at Högskolan Dalarna.
c) The study is reviewed by the Research Ethics Committee at Högskolan Dalarna.
Naturally, this is valid only when the university’s Research Ethics Committee has
reviewed the study.
3. Concluding information
In the conclusion, the place and date, as well as the names, titles, and contact
information of those responsible for the study are listed. The letter should be
personally signed. The following italicized wording and information is obligatory:
a) Further information supplied by responsible parties below
b) Place and date
c) Name, telephone number, and e-mail (of student/s and supervisor)
d) The students’ and supervisors’ signatures