Publications for Luke Henderson 2016

Publications for Luke Henderson
Publications for Luke Henderson
Alshelh, Z., Di Pietro, F., Youssef, A., Reeves,
J., Macey, P., Vickers, E., Peck, C., Murray, G.,
Henderson, L. (2016). Chronic Neuropathic Pain:
It's about the Rhythm. The Journal of
Neuroscience, 36(3), 1008-1018. <a
68-15.2016">[More Information]</a>
Youssef, A., Macefield, V., Henderson, L.
(2016). Cortical influences on brainstem circuitry
responsible for conditioned pain modulation in
humans. Human Brain Mapping, 37(7),
2630-2644. <a
ore Information]</a>
Meylakh, N., Henderson, L. (2016). Dorsal raphe
nucleus and harm avoidance: A resting-state
investigation. Cognitive, Affective and
Behavioral Neuroscience, 16(3), 561-569. <a
5-6">[More Information]</a>
Henderson, L., Fatouleh, R., Lundblad, L.,
McKenzie, D., Macefield, V. (2016). Effects of
12 Months Continuous Positive Airway Pressure
on Sympathetic Activity Related Brainstem
Function and Structure in Obstructive Sleep
Apnea. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 10, 1-11. <a
0">[More Information]</a>
Gustin, S., Burke, L., Peck, C., Murray, G.,
Henderson, L. (2016). Pain and Personality: Do
Individuals with Different Forms of Chronic Pain
Exhibit a Mutual Personality? Pain Practice,
16(4), 486-494. <a
ore Information]</a>
Youssef, A., Macefield, V., Henderson, L.
(2016). Pain inhibits pain; human brainstem
mechanisms. NeuroImage, 124, 54-62. <a
15.08.060">[More Information]</a>
Henderson, L., Akhter, R., Youssef, A., Reeves,
J., Peck, C., Murray, G., Svensson, P. (2016).
The effects of catastrophizing on central motor
activity. European Journal of Pain, 20(4),
639-651. <a
Wilcox, S., Gustin, S., Macey, P., Peck, C.,
Murray, G., Henderson, L. (2015). Anatomical
changes at the level of the primary synapse in
neuropathic pain: Evidence from the spinal
trigeminal nucleus. The Journal of Neuroscience,
35(6), 2508-2515. <a
56-14.2015">[More Information]</a>
Wilcox, S., Gustin, S., Macey, P., Peck, C.,
Murray, G., Henderson, L. (2015). Anatomical
changes within the medullary dorsal horn in
chronic temporomandibular disorder pain.
NeuroImage, 117, 258-266. <a
15.05.014">[More Information]</a>
Macefield, V., Henderson, L. (2015). Autonomic
responses to exercise: Cortical and subcortical
responses during post-exercise ischaemia and
muscle pain. Autonomic Neuroscience: Basic
and Clinical, 188, 10-18. <a
021">[More Information]</a>
Lundblad, L., Fatouleh, R., McKenzie, D.,
Macefield, V., Henderson, L. (2015). Brain stem
activity changes associated with restored
sympathetic drive following CPAP treatment in
OSA subjects; A longitudinal investigation.
Journal of Neurophysiology, 114(2), 893-901. <a
[More Information]</a>
Fatouleh, R., Lundblad, L., Macey, P.,
McKenzie, D., Henderson, L., Macefield, V.
(2015). Reversal of functional changes in the
brain associated with obstructive sleep apnoea
following 6?ÿmonths of CPAP. NeuroImage:
Clinical, 7, 799-806. <a
0">[More Information]</a>
Lundblad, L., Fatouleh, R., Hammam, E.,
McKenzie, D., Macefield, V., Henderson, L.
(2014). Brainstem changes associated with
increased muscle sympathetic drive in
obstructive sleep apnoea. NeuroImage, 103,
258-266. <a
14.09.031">[More Information]</a>
Youssef, A., Gustin, S., Nash, P., Reeves, J.,
Petersen, E., Peck, C., Murray, G., Henderson, L.
(2014). Differential brain activity in subjects
with painful trigeminal neuropathy and painful
temporomandibular disorder. Pain, 155(3),
467-475. <a
08">[More Information]</a>
Fatouleh, R., Hammam, E., Lundblad, L.,
Macey, P., McKenzie, D., Henderson, L.,
Macefield, V. (2014). Functional and structural
changes in the brain associated with the increase
in muscle sympathetic nerve activity in
obstructive sleep apnoea. NeuroImage: Clinical,
6, 275-283. <a
Publications for Luke Henderson
1">[More Information]</a>
Gustin, S., McKay, J., Petersen, E., Peck, C.,
Murray, G., Henderson, L. (2014). Subtle
Alterations in Brain Anatomy May Change an
Individual's Personality in Chronic Pain. PloS
One, 9(10), 1-9. <a
9664">[More Information]</a>
Gustin, S., Wrigley, P., Youssef, A., McIndoe,
L., Wilcox, S., Rae, C., Edden, R., Siddall, P.,
Henderson, L. (2014). Thalamic activity and
biochemical changes in individuals with
neuropathic pain after spinal cord injury. Pain,
155(5), 1027-1036. <a
08">[More Information]</a>
12.12.047">[More Information]</a>
Wilcox, S., Gustin, S., Eykman, E., Fowler, G.,
Peck, C., Murray, G., Henderson, L. (2013).
Trigeminal Nerve Anatomy in Neuropathic and
Non-neuropathic Orofacial Pain Patients. The
Journal of Pain, 14(8), 865-872. <a
14">[More Information]</a>
Gustin, S., Peck, C., Macey, P., Murray, G.,
Henderson, L. (2013). Unraveling the Effects of
Plasticity and Pain on Personality. The Journal of
Pain, 14(12), 1642-1652. <a
05">[More Information]</a>
Henderson, L., Peck, C., Petersen, E., Rae, C.,
Youssef, A., Reeves, J., Wilcox, S., Akhter, R.,
Murray, G., Gustin, S. (2013). Chronic Pain:
Lost Inhibition? The Journal of Neuroscience,
33(17), 7574-7582. <a
74-13.2013">[More Information]</a>
Brown, R., James, C., Henderson, L., Macefield,
V. (2012). Autonomic markers of emotional
processing: skin sympathetic nerve activity in
humans during exposure to emotionally charged
images. Frontiers in Physiology, 3, 1-6. <a
4">[More Information]</a>
Henderson, L., Macefield, V. (2013). Functional
imaging of the human brainstem during
somatosensory input and autonomic output.
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7, 1-8. <a
69">[More Information]</a>
Bhatia, K., Henderson, L., Ramsey-Stewart, G.,
May, J. (2012). Diffusion Tensor Imaging to Aid
Subgenual Cingulum Target Selection for Deep
Brain Stimulation in Depression. Stereotactic
and Functional Neurosurgery, 90(4), 225-232.
ore Information]</a>
Macefield, V., James, C., Henderson, L. (2013).
Identification of sites of sympathetic outflow at
rest and during emotional arousal: Concurrent
recordings of sympathetic nerve activity and
fMRI of the brain. International Journal of
Psychophysiology, 89(3), 451-459. <a
6.002">[More Information]</a>
Wrigley, P., Gustin, S., McIndoe, L., Chakiath,
R., Henderson, L., Siddall, P. (2013).
Longstanding neuropathic pain after spinal cord
injury is refractory to transcranial direct current
stimulation: A randomized controlled trial. Pain,
154(10), 2178-2184. <a
45">[More Information]</a>
James, C., Henderson, L., Macefield, V. (2013).
Real-time imaging of brain areas involved in the
generation of spontaneous skin sympathetic
nerve activity at rest. NeuroImage, 74, 188-194.
13.02.030">[More Information]</a>
James, C., Macefield, V., Henderson, L. (2013).
Real-time imaging of cortical and subcortical
control of muscle sympathetic nerve activity in
awake human subjects. NeuroImage, 70, 59-65.
Henderson, L., James, C., Macefield, V. (2012).
Identification of Sites of Sympathetic Outflow
During Concurrent Recordings of Sympathetic
Nerve Activity and fMRI. The Anatomical
Record, 295(9), 1396-1403. <a
e Information]</a>
Gustin, S., Peck, C., Cheney, L., Macey, P.,
Murray, G., Henderson, L. (2012). Pain and
plasticity: Is chronic pain always associated with
somatosensory cortex activity and
reorganization? The Journal of Neuroscience,
32(43), 14874-14884. <a
33-12.2012">[More Information]</a>
Rubin, T., Lake, S., van der Kooi, S., Lucas, N.,
Mahns, D., Henderson, L., Macefield, V. (2012).
Predicting the spatiotemporal expression of local
and referred acute muscle pain in individual
subjects. Experimental Brain Research, 223(1),
11-18. <a
6-z">[More Information]</a>
Henderson, L., Stathis, A., James, C., Brown, R.,
McDonald, S., Macefield, V. (2012). Real-time
Publications for Luke Henderson
imaging of cortical areas involved in the
generation of increases in skin sympathetic nerve
activity when viewing emotionally charged
images. NeuroImage, 62(1), 30-40. <a
12.04.049">[More Information]</a>
Gustin, S., Peck, C., Wilcox, S., Nash, P.,
Murray, G., Henderson, L. (2011). Different
Pain, Different Brain: Thalamic Anatomy in
Neuropathic and Non-Neuropathic Chronic Pain
Syndromes. The Journal of Neuroscience,
31(16), 5956-5964. <a
80-10.2011">[More Information]</a>
Henderson, L., Gustin, S., Macey, P., Wrigley,
P., Siddall, P. (2011). Functional Reorganization
of the Brain in Humans Following Spinal Cord
Injury: Evidence for Underlying Changes in
Cortical Anatomy. The Journal of Neuroscience,
31(7), 2630-2637. <a
17-10.2011">[More Information]</a>
Gustin, S., Wilcox, S., Peck, C., Murray, G.,
Henderson, L. (2011). Similarity of suffering:
equivalence of psychological and psychosocial
factors in neuropathic and non-neuropathic
orofacial pain patients. Pain, 152(4), 825-832. <a
33">[More Information]</a>
Nash, P., Macefield, V., Klineberg, I., Gustin, S.,
Murray, G., Henderson, L. (2010). Bilateral
activation of the trigeminothalamic tract by acute
orofacial cutaneous and muscle pain in humans.
Pain, 151(2), 384-393. <a
27">[More Information]</a>
&list_uids=21197510">[More Information]</a>
Rubin, T., Henderson, L., Macefield, V. (2010).
Changes in the Spatiotemporal Expression of
Local and Referred Pain Following Repeated
Intramuscular Injections of Hypertonic Saline: A
Longitudinal Study. The Journal of Pain, 11(8),
737-745. <a
07">[More Information]</a>
Sander, M., Macefield, V., Henderson, L. (2010).
Cortical and brain stem changes in neural
activity during static handgrip and postexercise
ischemia in humans. Journal of Applied
Physiology, 108(6), 1691-1700. <a
39.2008">[More Information]</a>
Keay, K., Henderson, L. (2010). Physical and
Emotional Pain. In George Koob, Michel Le
Moal, Richard Thompson (Eds.), Encyclopedia
of Behavioral Neuroscience: Three-Volume Set.
(pp. 54-63). United States: Elsevier.
Macefield, V., Henderson, L. (2010). Real-time
imaging of the medullary circuitry involved in
the generation of spontaneous muscle
sympathetic nerve activity in awake subjects.
Human Brain Mapping, 31(4), 539-549. <a
ore Information]</a>
Henderson, L., Rubin, T., Macefield, V. (2010).
Within-limb somatotopic representation of acute
muscle pain in the human contralateral dorsal
posterior insula. Human Brain Mapping, , 1-10.
ore Information]</a>
Gustin, S., Wrigley, P., Siddall, P., Henderson,
L. (2010). Brain Anatomy Changes Associated
with Persistent Neuropathic Pain Following
Spinal Cord Injury. Cerebral Cortex, 20(6),
1409-1419. <a
[More Information]</a>
Wrigley, P., Gustin, S., Macey, P., Nash, P.,
Gandevia, S., Macefield, V., Siddall, P.,
Henderson, L. (2009). Anatomical Changes in
Human Motor Cortex and Motor Pathways
following Complete Thoracic Spinal Cord Injury.
Cerebral Cortex, 19, 224-232. <a
[More Information]</a>
Gustin, S., Wrigley, P., Henderson, L., Siddall,
P. (2010). Brain circuitry underlying pain in
response to imagined movement in people with
spinal cord injury. Pain, 148(3), 438-445. <a
01">[More Information]</a>
Gustin, S., Wrigley, P., Siddall, P., Henderson,
L. (2009). Brain Anatomy Changes Associated
With Chronic Neuropathic Pain Following
Spinal Cord Injury. ANZCA Annual Scientific
Meeting 2009, New Zealand: Australian and
New Zealand College of Anaesthetists.
Nash, P., Macefield, V., Klineberg, I., Gustin, S.,
Murray, G., Henderson, L. (2010). Changes in
Human Primary Motor Cortex Activity During
Acute Cutaneous and Muscle Orofacial Pain.
Journal of Orofacial Pain, 24(4), 379-390. <a
Nash, P., Macefield, V., Klineberg, I., Murray,
G., Henderson, L. (2009). Differential activation
of the human trigeminal nuclear complex by
noxious and non-noxious orofacial stimulation.
Human Brain Mapping, 30(11), 3772-3782. <a
Publications for Luke Henderson
ore Information]</a>
Burton, A., Birznieks, I., Bolton, P., Henderson,
L., Macefield, V. (2009). Effects of deep and
superficial experimentally induced acute pain on
muscle sympathetic nerve activity in human
subjects. The Journal of Physiology, 587(1),
183-193. <a
2230">[More Information]</a>
Burton, A., Birznieks, I., Spaak, J., Henderson,
L., Macefield, V. (2009). Effects of deep and
superficial experimentally induced acute pain on
skin sympathetic nerve activity in human
subjects. Experimental Brain Research, 195(2),
317-324. <a
0-9">[More Information]</a>
Rubin, T., Gandevia, S., Henderson, L.,
Macefield, V. (2009). Effects of Intramuscular
Anesthesia on the Expression of Primary and
Referred Pain Induced by Intramuscular
Injection of Hypertonic Saline. The Journal of
Pain, 10(8), 829-835. <a
27">[More Information]</a>
Wrigley, P., Press, S., Gustin, S., Macefield, V.,
Gandevia, S., Cousins, M., Middleton, J.,
Henderson, L., Siddall, P. (2009). Neuropathic
pain and primary somatosensory cortex
reorganization following spinal cord injury.
Pain, 141(1-2), 52-59. <a
07">[More Information]</a>
Gustin, S., Wrigley, P., Siddall, P., Henderson,
L. (2008). Changes in brain activity during
mental allodynia. IASP 12th World Congress on
Pain, United Kingdom: Elsevier.
Henderson, L., Gandevia, S., Macefield, V.
(2008). Gender differences in brain activity
evoked by muscle and cutaneous pain: A
retrospective study of single-trial fMRI data.
NeuroImage, 39, 1867-1876. <a
07.10.045">[More Information]</a>
Wrigley, P., Press, S., Gustin, S., Gandevia, S.,
Middleton, J., Cousins, M., Henderson, L.,
Siddall, P. (2008). Neuropathic pain and primary
somatosensory cortex reorganization following
spinal cord injury. IASP 12th World Congress on
Pain, United Kingdom: Elsevier.
Buchbinder, R., March, L., Lassere, M., Briggs,
A., Portek, I., Reid, C., Meehan, A., Henderson,
L., Wengier, L., van den Haak, R. (2007). Effect
of treatment with biological agents for arthritis in
Australia: the Australian Rheumatology
Association Database. Internal Medicine
Journal, 37(9), 591-600. <a
&list_uids=17573817">[More Information]</a>
Gustin, S., Wrigley, P., Gandevia, S., Middleton,
J., Henderson, L., Siddall, P. (2007). Movement
imagery increases pain in people with
neuropathic pain following complete thoracic
spinal cord injury. Pain, 137(2), 237-244. <a
&list_uids=17942228">[More Information]</a>
Gustin, S., Wrigley, P., Nash, P., Macefield, V.,
Gandevia, S., Cousins, M., Henderson, L.,
Siddall, P. (2007). Movement imagery increases
pain in people with neuropathic pain following
complete thoracic spinal cord injury. The Second
International Congress on Neuropathic Pain
(NeuPSIG), on line: Elsevier.
Wrigley, P., Gustin, S., Nash, P., Macefield, V.,
Gandevia, S., Middleton, J., Siddall, P.,
Henderson, L. (2007). Structural changes
associated with pain in spinal cord injured
patients. European Journal of Pain, 11(1,
Supplement 1), 97-98.
Macefield, V., Gandevia, S., Henderson, L.
(2006). Discrete Changes in Cortical Activation
during Experimentally Induced Referred Muscle
Pain: A Single-Trial fMRI Study. Cerebral
Cortex, 17(9), 2050. <a
&list_uids=17101689">[More Information]</a>
Henderson, L., Bandler, R., Gandevia, S.,
Macefield, V. (2006). Distinct forebrain activity
patterns during deep versus superficial pain.
Pain. <a
&list_uids=16427198">[More Information]</a>
Henderson, L., Keay, K., Brown, H. (2006).
Hypotensive but not normotensive haemorrhage
increases tryptophan hydroxylase-2 mRNA in
caudal midline medulla. Neuroscience Letters,
398(3), 314-318. <a
&list_uids=16483717">[More Information]</a>
Macefield, V., Gandevia, S., Henderson, L.
(2006). Neural sites involved in the sustained
increase in muscle sympathetic nerve activity
induced by inspiratory capacity apnea: a fMRI
study. Journal of Applied Physiology, 100(1),
266-273. <a
Publications for Luke Henderson
&list_uids=16123207">[More Information]</a>
Henderson, L., Macey, K., Macey, P., Woo, M.,
Yan-Go, F., Harper, R. (2006). Regional brain
response patterns to Cheyne-Stokes breathing.
Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology,
150(1), 87-93. <a
&list_uids=16337439">[More Information]</a>
Henderson, L., Gandevia, S., Macefield, V.
(2006). Somatotopic organization of the
processing of muscle and cutaneous pain in the
left and right insula cortex: A single-trial fMRI
study. Pain, 128(1-2), 20-30. <a
&list_uids=17011704">[More Information]</a>
Macey, K., Macey, P., Woo, M., Henderson, L.,
Frysinger, R., Harper, R., Alger, J., Yan-Go, F.
(2005). Inspiratory loading elicits aberrant fMRI
signal changes in obstructive sleep apnea.
Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology,
151(1), 44-60. <a
&list_uids=15993658">[More Information]</a>
Henderson, L., Macey, P., Richard, C., Runquist,
M., Harper, R. (2004). Functional Magnetic
Resonance Imaging During Hypotension In The
Developing Animal. Journal of Applied
Physiology, 97(6), 2248-2257.
Henderson, L., Richard, C., Macey, P., Runquist,
M., Yu, P., Galons, J., Harper, R. (2004).
Functional Magnetic Resonance Signal Changes
In Neural Structures To Baroreceptor Reflex
Activation. Journal of Applied Physiology, 96(2),
Harper, P., Macey, P., Henderson, L., Woo, M.,
Macey, K., Frysinger, R., Alger,, J., Nguyen, J.,
Yan-Go, F. (2003). FMRI responses to cold
pressor challenges in control and obstructive
sleep apnea subjects. Journal of Applied
Physiology, 11, 1583-1595.
Henderson, L., Woo, M., Macey, P., Macey, K.,
Frysinger, R., Alger,, J., Yan-Go, F., Harper, P.
(2003). Neural responses during Valsalva
maneuvers in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.
Journal of Applied Physiology, 11, 1063-1074.
Potas, J., Keay, K., Henderson, L., Bandler, R.
(2003). Somatic and visceral afferents to the
'vasodepressor region' of the caudal midline
medulla in the rat. European Journal of
Neuroscience, 17(6), 1135-1149.
Henderson, L., Keay, K., Bandler, R. (2002).
[delta]- and [kappa]-opioid receptors in the
caudal midline medulla mediate
haemorrhage-evoked hypotension. NeuroReport,
13(5), 729-733.
Macey, P., Henderson, L., Macey, K., Alger,, J.,
Frysinger, R., Woo, M., Harper, R., Frisca, L.,
Harper, R. (2002). Brain morphology associated
with obstructive sleep apnea. American Journal
of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 166,
Henderson, L., Macey, P., Macey, K., Frysinger,
R., Woo, M., Harper, R., Alger, J., Yan-Go, F.,
Harper, R. (2002). Brain responses associated
with the valsalva maneurver revealed by
functional magnetic resonance imaging. Journal
of Neurophysiology, 88(6), 3477-3486.
Henderson, L., Yu, P., Frysinger, R., Galon, J.,
Bandler, R., Harper, R. (2002). Neural responses
to intravenous serotonin revealed by functional
magnetic resonance imaging. Journal of Applied
Physiology, 92(1), 331-342.
Keay, K., Clement, C., Matar, W., Heslop, D.,
Henderson, L., Bandler, R. (2002). Noxious
activation of spinal or vagal afferents evokes
distinct patters of fos-like immunoractivity in the
ventrolateral periaqueductal gray of
unanaesthetised rats. Brain Research, 948(1-2),
Harper, R., Richard, C., Henderson, L., Macey,
P., Macey, K. (2002). Structural mechanisms
underlying autonomic reactions in pediatric
arousal. Sleep Medicine, 3(Supplement 2), 53-56.