Publications for Reg Graycar 2015

Publications for Reg Graycar
Publications for Reg Graycar
Graycar, R., Morgan, J. (2015). On The Hidden
Gender of Law: A Public Talk. Australian
Feminist Law Journal, 40(1), 29-36. <a
1045110">[More Information]</a>
Graycar, R., Morgan, J. (2014).
Dietrich..Appellant; and The Queen..Respondent.
In Heather Douglas, Francesca Bartlett, Trish
Luker, Rosemary Hunter (Eds.), Australian
Feminist Judgments: Righting and Rewriting
Law, (pp. 75-82). Oxford: Hart Publishing.
Graycar, R. (2013). A Feminist Adjudication
Process: Is There Such a Thing? In Ulrike
Schultz, Gisela Shaw (Eds.), Gender and
Judging, (pp. 435-457). Oxford, United
Kingdom: Hart Publishing.
Graycar, R., Morgan, J. (2013). Feminist Legal
Theory And Understandings Of Equality: One
Step Forward Or Two Steps Back? In Julie
Goldscheid (Eds.), Gender and Equality Law,
(pp. 51-73). United Kingdom: Ashgate.
Graycar, R. (2012). Damaging Stereotypes: The
Return of 'Hoovering as a Hobby'. In J Glister
and P Ridge (Eds.), Feminist Perspectives on
Tort Law, (pp. 205-226). Oxon, United
Kingdom: Routledge.
Graycar, R. (2012). Family Law Reform in
Australia, or Frozen Chooks Revisited Again?
Theoretical Inquiries in Law, 13(1), 241-269. <a
">[More Information]</a>
Graycar, R. (2012). Gender, Race, Bias and
Perspective: OR how Otherness Colours Your
Judgment. In U Schultz & G Shaw (Eds.),
Women in the Judiciary. United Kingdom:
Graycar, R., Millbank, J. (2011). From
Functional Families to Spinster Sisters:
Australia's Distinctive Path to Relationship
Recognition. In Ruthann Robson (Eds.),
Sexuality and Law, Volume 1, Family and Youth,
(pp. 65-108). United Kingdom: Ashgate.
Graycar, R., Morgan, J. (2010). Equality
Unmodified? In Margaret Thornton (Eds.), Sex
Discrimination in Uncertain Times, (pp.
175-195). Canberra: ANU E Press.
Graycar, R. (2010). Gender, Race, Bias and
Perspective: Or, How Otherness Colours Your
Judgement. In Helen Irving, Jacqueline
Mowbray and Kevin Walton (Eds.), Julius Stone:
A Study in Influence, (pp. 130-144). Sydney: The
Federation Press.
Graycar, R. (2009). Juvenile Detainees in Adult
Prisons: Restraints on Involuntary Transfer. Law
Society Journal, 47(1), 49-52.
Graycar, R., Morgan, J. (2008). Equality Rights:
What's Wrong? In Rosemary Hunter (Eds.),
Rethinking Equality Projects in Law: Feminist
Challenges, (pp. 105-124). Portland, Oregon:
Hart Publishing.
Graycar, R. (2008). Gender, race, bias and
perspective: OR, how otherness colours your
judgment. International Journal of the Legal
Profession, 15(1-2), 73-86.
Graycar, R. (2007). From Functional Families to
Spinster Sisters: Australia's Distinctive Path to
Relationship Recognition. Washington
University Journal of Law and Policy, 24,
Graycar, R., Millbank, J. (2007). From
Functional Family to Spinster Sisters: Australia’s
Distinctive Path to Relationship Recognition.
Washington University Journal of Law and
Policy, 24, 121-164.
Graycar, R., Morgan, J. (2006). Feminist Legal
Theory and Understandings of Equality: One
step forward or two steps back? Thomas
Jefferson Law Review, 28(3), 399-422.
Graycar, R. (2006). Judicial Activism or
"Traditional" Negligence Law? Conception,
Pregnancy and Denial of Reproductive Choice.
In Ian Freckelton and Kerry Peterson (Eds.),
Disputes and Dilemmas in Health Law, (pp.
436-457). Sydney, Australia: The Federation
Graycar, R. (2005). Frozen Chooks Revisited:
the challenge of changing law/s. In Rosemary
Hunter & Mary Keyes (Eds.), Changing Law:
Rights, Regulation and Reconciliation, (pp.
49-76). Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.
Graycar, R. (2005). Gender Issues and the Law.
Legaldate, 17(4), 5-6.
Graycar, R., Morgan, J. (2005). Law Reform:
What's in it for Women? Windsor Yearbook of
Publications for Reg Graycar
Access to Justice, 23(2), 393-419.
Graycar, R. (2004). Claire L'Heureux-Dube:
Some Reflections From Down Under. In
Elizabeth A. Sheehy (Eds.), Adding Feminism to
Law: The Contributions of Justice Claire
L'Heureux-Dube, (pp. 81-107). Toronto: Irwin
Graycar, R., Morgan, J. (2004). One Step
Forward And Two Steps Back: Examining
Understandings Of Equality. Australian Feminist
Law Journal, 20(June), 23-42.
Graycar, R. (2004). Remembering Marlee Kline:
A voice against Anti-Semitism. Canadian
Journal of Women and the Law, 16(1), 221-225.
Graycar, R., Morgan, J. (2004). Thinking About
Equality. University of New South Wales Law
Journal, 27(3), 833-839.
Graycar, R. (2003), A Loved Baby can't cancel
out a Clear Case of Negligence.
Graycar, R. (2003). Law Reform by Frozen
Chook: Family Law Reform for the New
Millennium? In John Dewar, Stephen Parker
(Eds.), Family Law : Processes, Practices and
Pressures : Proceedings of the 10th World
Conference of the International Society of
Family Law, July 2000, Brisbane, Australia, (pp.
473). Portland, USA: Hart Publishing.
Graycar, R. (2003). Putting gender on the
damages agenda: Michael Chesterman's
contibution to accident compensation. In Kam
Fan Sin (Eds.), Legal Explorations: Essays in
Honour of Professor Michael Chesterman, (pp.
139-154). Sydney: Lawbook Co.
Graycar, R. (2003), Sex and High Court
Appointments: Must all Judges have been
Graycar, R. (2003). Teaching Torts as if the
world really existed: reflections on Harold
Luntz's contribution to Australian law school
classrooms. Melbourne University Law Review,
27, 677-696.
Graycar, R. (2002). Public Liability: A plea for
facts. University of New South Wales Law
Journal, 25(3), 810-818.
Graycar, R. (2002). Sex, Golf and Stereotypes:
Measuring, valuing and imagining the body in
court. Torts Law Journal, 10(2), 205-221.
Graycar, R., Morgan, J. (2002). The Hidden
Gender of Law. Sydney, Australia: Federation
Graycar, R., Morgan, J. (2002). Women. In
Michael Coper, Tony Blackshield, and George
Williams (Eds.), The Oxford Companion to the
High Court of Australia. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Graycar, R. (2002). Women's Work. In Michael
Coper, Tony Blackshield, and George Williams
(Eds.), The Oxford Companion to the High Court
of Australia. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Graycar, R. (2001). Complaints against Lawyers:
An interim report. NSW Law Reform
Commission Report, 99.
Graycar, R., Lovric, J., Johansson, R. (2001).
Guaranteeing Someone Else's Debts. Journal of
Banking and Finance - Law and Practice, 12(3),
Graycar, R. (2001). Law Reform: Concept of
Family under Review. Law Society Journal,
39(3), 64-68.
Graycar, R. (2001). Researching Family Law
Reform: The Authors Respond. Family Matters,
59, 68-75.
Graycar, R. (2001). The Family Law Reform Act
1995: The First Three Years. Australian Family
Lawyer, 15(1), 1-8.
Graycar, R. (2000). Review of the property
(relationships) act in 1984. Australian Journal of
Family Law, 14, 69-74.
Graycar, R., Harrison, M., Rhoades, H. (2000).
The Family Law Reform Act: The First 3 Years.
Sydney: Sydney University & Family Law Court
of Australia.