Publications for Pat O'Malley 2016

Publications for Pat O'Malley
Publications for Pat O'Malley
O'Malley, P. (2016). Risk, law and security
(Forthcoming). In C. Candlin, J. Crichton, A.
Firkins (Eds.), Communicating Risk. United
Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan.
O'Malley, P. (2015). Rethinking neoliberalism,
crime and criminal justice. International
Workshop on Neoliberalism and Criminal
Justice 2015: Universidad Nacionale de Litoral,
Santa Fe, Argentina: Presentation.
O'Malley, P. (2015). Revisiting the Classics:
'Policing the Risk Society' in the Twenty-first
Century. Policing and Society, 25(4), 426-431.
1031500">[More Information]</a>
O'Malley, P. (2015). Uncertainty Makes Us Free:
Insurance and Liberal Rationality. In Limor
Samimian-Darash, Paul Rabinow (Eds.), Modes
of Uncertainty: Anthropological Cases, (pp.
13-28). Chicago, United States: University of
Chicago Press.
Valverde, M., O'Malley, P. (2014). Criminology.
In Markus D Dubber, Tatjana Hornle (Eds.), The
Oxford Handbook of Criminal Law, (pp. 3-24).
Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University
O'Malley, P., Valverde, M. (2014). Foucault,
Criminal Law, and the Governmentalization of
the State. In Markus D. Dubber (Eds.),
Foundational Texts in Modern Criminal Law,
(pp. 317-333). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
O'Malley, P., Roberts, A. (2014). Governmental
Conditions for the Economization of
Uncertainty: Fire insurance, regulation and
insurance actuarialism. Journal of Cultural
Economy, 7(3), 253-272. <a
860390">[More Information]</a>
O'Malley, P. (2014). Prisons, neoliberalism and
neoliberal states: Reading Loic Wacquant and
Prisons of Poverty. Thesis Eleven, 122(1), 89-96.
068">[More Information]</a>
O'Malley, P. (2014). Telemetric Policing. In
Gerben Bruinsma, David Weisburd (Eds.),
Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal
Justice. United States: Springer Verlag.
O'Malley, P. (2013). Gubernamentalidad y
prevención del Crimen. Nova Criminis: Visiones
Criminológicas de la Justicia Penal, 6,
O'Malley, P. (2013). Las Politicas de Justicia
Preventiva de Masas [Policies of Mass
Preventive Justice]. Nova Criminis: Visiones
Criminológicas de la Justicia Penal, 5,
O'Malley, P. (2013). Monetized Justice: Money
and Punishment in Consumer Societies. In
Jonathon Simon, Richard Sparks (Eds.), The
SAGE Handbook of Punishment and Society, (pp.
375-391). London, United Kingdom: Sage
O'Malley, P. (2013). The Birth of Biopolitical
Justice. In Ben Golder (Eds.), Re-reading
Foucault: On Law, Power and Rights, (pp.
151-168). Oxon: Routledge.
O'Malley, P. (2013). The Politics of Mass
Preventive Justice. In Andrew Ashworth, Lucia
Zedner, Patrick Tomlin (Eds.), Prevention and
the Limits of the Criminal Law, (pp. 273-296).
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
O'Malley, P. (2013). Uncertain Governance and
Resilient Subjects in the Risk Society. Onati
Socio-Legal Series, 3(2), 180-195.
O'Malley, P. (2013). Uncertain Governance and
Resilient Subjects in the Risk Society. In Susan
Sterett (Eds.), Disaster and Sociolegal Studies,
(pp. 23-40). New Orleans, United States: Quid
Pro, LLC.
O'Malley, P., Hutchinson, S. (2012). Converging
Corporatization? Police Management, Police
Unionism, and the Transfer of Business
Principles. In D Palmer, M Berlin & D Das
(eds) (Eds.), Global Environment of Policing,
(pp. 237-255). USA: CRC Press.
O'Malley, P. (2011). Book review: Carceral
Notebooks Volume 4, Discipline, Security &
Beyond: Rethinking Michel Foucault's 1978 &
1979 College de France Lectures, (2008) B.
Harcourt (ed). Theoretical Criminology, 15(4),
O'Malley, P. (2011). Cuatro Posiciones. Nova
Criminis: Visiones Criminológicas de la
Justicia Penal, 2, 23-105.
O'Malley, P. (2011). From Risk to Resilience.
Technologies of the Self in the Age of
Catastrophes. Carceral Notebooks, 7, 41-68.
O'Malley, P. (2011). Security after Risk: Security
Strategies for Governing Extreme Uncertainty.
Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 23(1), 5-15.
Publications for Pat O'Malley
O'Malley, P. (2010). Crime and Risk. London:
Sage Publications.
O'Malley, P. (2010). Fines, Risks and Damages:
Money Sanctions and Justice in Control
Societies. Current Issues in Criminal Justice,
21(3), 365-382.
O'Malley, P. (2010). Governmental Criminology.
In Eugene McLaughlin, Tim Newburn (Eds.),
The Sage Handbook of Criminological Theory,
(pp. 319-336). United Kingdom: Sage
O'Malley, P. (2010). Jeremy Bentham. In Keith
Hayward, Shadd Maruna, Jayne Mooney (Eds.),
Fifty Key Thinkers in Criminology, (pp. 7-12).
United Kingdom: Routledge imprint of Taylor &
O'Malley, P. (2010). Resilient Subjects:
uncertainty, warfare and liberalism. Economy
and Society, 39(4), 488-509. <a
510681">[More Information]</a>
O'Malley, P. (2010). Simulated Justice. Risk,
Money and Telemetric Policing. The British
Journal of Criminology, 50(5), 795-807. <a
ore Information]</a>
O'Malley, P. (2009). "Uncertainty Makes Us
Free". Liberalism, risk and individual security.
Behemoth: a journal on civilisation, 2(3), 24-38.
>[More Information]</a>
Bougen, P., O'Malley, P. (2009). Bureaucracy,
imagination and U.S. domestic security policy.
Security Journal, 22(2), 101-118. <a
078">[More Information]</a>
O'Malley, P. (2009). The Currency of Justice:
Fines and Damages in Consumer Societies.
Abingdon, United Kingdom: Cavendish
Publishing Limited.
O'Malley, P. (2009). Theorizing Fines.
Punishment and Society: the international
journal of penology, 11(1), 67-83. <a
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O'Malley, P. (2008). Experiments in risk and
criminal justice. Theoretical Criminology, 12(4),
451-469. <a
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O'Malley, P. (2008). Governmentality and Risk.
In Jens O. Zinn (Eds.), Social Theories of Risk
and Uncertainty: An Introduction, (pp. 52-75).
Malden, USA: Blackwell Publishers.
O'Malley, P., Bougen, P. (2008). Imaginable
Insecurities: Imagination, Routinisation and the
Government of Uncertainty Post 9/11. In Pat
Carlen (Eds.), Imaginary Penalities, (pp. 26-44).
Devon, UK: Willan Publishing.
O'Malley, P. (2008). Neo-Liberalism and Risk in
Criminology. In Thalia Anthony and Chris
Cunneen (Eds.), The Critical Criminology
Companion, (pp. 55-67). Sydney, Australia:
Hawkins Press.
Hutchinson, S., O'Malley, P. (2007). A
Crime–Terror Nexus? Thinking on Some of the
Links between Terrorism and Criminality.
Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, 30(12),
1095-1107. <a
0870">[More Information]</a>
O'Malley, P., Hutchinson, S. (2007). A
Genealogy of 'Fire Prevention'. In Augustine
Brannigan and George Pavlich (Eds.),
Governance and Regulation in Social Life:
Essays in Honour of W.G. Carson, (pp.
145-163). London: Routledge imprint of Taylor
& Francis.
O'Malley, P., Hutchinson, S. (2007). Converging
Corporatization? Police Management, Police
Unionism, and the Transfer of Business
Principles. Police Practice and Research, 8(2),
159-174. <a
7653">[More Information]</a>
O'Malley, P. (2007). Experimentos en gobierno.
Analíticas gubernamentales y conocimiento
estratégico del riesgo. (Experiments in Risk and
Criminal Justice). Revista Argentina de
Sociología, 8(5), 151-171.
O'Malley, P. (2007). Gendered Risks. Abingdon,
UK: Cavendish Publishing Limited.
Hannah-Moffat, K., O'Malley, P. (2007).
Gendered Risks: An Introduction. In Kelly
Hannah-Moffat and Pat O'Malley (Eds.),
Gendered Risks, (pp. 1-29). Abingdon, UK:
Cavendish Publishing Limited.
O'Malley, P., Hutchinson, S. (2007). Reinventing
Prevention: Why Did Crime Prevention Develop
so Late? The British Journal of Criminology,
47(3), 373-389.
O'Malley, P. (2006). Actual and Potential links
Between Terrorism and Crime.
Publications for Pat O'Malley
O'Malley, P. (2006). Criminology and Risk. In
G Mythen & S Walklate (Eds.), Beyond the risk
society: critical reflections on risk and human
security, (pp. 43-59). UK: Open University
O'Malley, P. (2006). Governing Risks. United
Kingdom: Ashgate Publishing.
Rose, N., O'Malley, P., Valverde, M. (2006).
Governmentality. Annual Review of Law and
Social Science, 2(2006), 83-104.
O'Malley, P. (2006). Mondialisation et justice
criminelle: Du defaitisme a l' optimism.
Deviance et Societe, 30, 323-338.
Denton, B., O'Malley, P. (2006). Property Crime
as it Relates to Women Drug Dealers. In L
Alarid & P Cromwell (Eds.), In Her Own Words.
Women Offender's Views on Crime and
Victimization, (pp. 203-212). USA: Roxbury
Publishing Company.
O'Malley, P. (2006). Riesgo, Justicia Penal y
Neoliberalismo. Buenos Aires: Ad Hoc Press.
O'Malley, P. (2006). Risk and restorative justice:
governing through the democratic minimization
of harms. In Ivo Aertsen, Tom Daems and Luc
Robert (Eds.), Institutionalizing restorative
justice, (pp. 216-236). UK: Willan Publishing.
O'Malley, P. (2006). Risk, Ethics and Airport
Security. Canadian Journal of Criminology and
Criminal Justice, 48(3), 413-421.
Meyer, J., O'Malley, P. (2005). Missing the
punitive turn? Canadian criminal justice,
'balance' and penal modernism. In J Pratt, D
Brown, S Hallsworth, M Brown & W Morrison
(Eds.), The New Punitiveness: Trends, theories,
perspectives, (pp. 201-217). UK: Willan
O'Malley, P. (2004). Penal Policies and
Contemporary Politics. In C Sumner (Eds.),
The Blackwell Companion to Criminology, (pp.
183-195). Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishers.
O'Malley, P., Valverde, M. (2004). Pleasure,
Freedom and Drugs. The Uses of 'Pleasure' in
Liberal Governance of Drug and Alcohol
Consumption. Sociology, 38(1), 25-42.
O'Malley, P. (2004). Risk, Uncertainty and
Government. UK: Cavendish Publishing Limited.
O'Malley, P. (2004). The Government of Risks.
In A Sarat (Eds.), The Blackwell Companion to
Law and Society, (pp. 292-308). UK: Blackwell
O'Malley, P. (2004). The Uncertain Promise of
Risk. Australian and New Zealand Journal of
Criminology, 37(3), 323-343.
O'Malley, P. (2003). Governable Catastrophes: a
comment on Bougen. Economy and Society,
32(2), 275-79.
O'Malley, P. (2003). Moral Uncertainties:
Contract Law and Distinctions between
Speculation, Gambling and Insurance. In R
Ericson & A Doyle (Eds.), Risk and Morality,
(pp. 231-257). Canada: University of Toronto
O'Malley, P. (2003). Risk, Power and Crime
Prevention. In E McLaughlin, J Muncie & G
Hughes (Eds.), Criminological Perspectives:
Essential Readings, (pp. 449-455). UK: Sage
O'Malley, P. (2002). Does Sociology Need to be
Disciplined? A Response to Curtis and Weir.
Society / Societe.
O'Malley, P. (2002). Drugs, Risks and Freedoms:
Illicit drug 'use' and 'misuse' under neo-liberal
governance. In Gordon Hughes, Eugene
McLaughlin, John Muncie (Eds.), Crime
Prevention and Community Safety: New
Directions, (pp. 279-296). London, Thousand
Oaks, Delhi: Sage Publications.
O'Malley, P. (2002). Imagining Insurance: Risk,
Thrift and Insurance in Britain. In Tom Baker
& Jonathan Simon (Eds.), Embracing Risk: the
changing culture of insurance and responsibility,
(pp. 97-115). USA: University of Chicago Press.
O'Malley, P. (2002). The Globalisation of Risk?
Distinguishing styles of neo-liberal criminal
justive in Australia and the USA. Criminology
and Criminal Justice: an international journal,
2(2), 205-222.