Publications for John Stumbles Publications for John Stumbles 2016 Stumbles, J., Busljeta, H. (2016). An overview of the Personal Property Securities Act. In John Stumbles (Eds.), Australian Finance Law - 7th Edition, (pp. 591-649). Australia: Thomson Reuters. Stumbles, J. (2016). Australian Finance Law 7th Edition. Australia: Thomson Reuters. Stumbles, J. (2016). General considerations in taking security. In John Stumbles (Eds.), Australian Finance Law - 7th Edition, (pp. 717-760). Australia: Thomson Reuters. 2015 Gummow, W., Stumbles, J. (2015). Faulty refinancing: Subrogation, Torrens and the PPSA. Australian Law Journal, 89(8), 565-579. McCracken, S., Stumbles, J., Sellars, A. (2015). Security Interests: Draft Model Law on Secured Transactions and Australia. UNCITRAL Australia Seminar: Co-Hosted by the Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department, the UNCITRAL National Coordination Committee for Australia, and the UNCITRAL Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific, Canberra, ACT: Presentation. McCracken, S., Stumbles, J., Tolhurst, G. (2015). Title Transfer Collateral Arrangements under the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (Cth): Paper I Setting the Scene. Journal of Contract Law, 33(1), 1-19. McCracken, S., Stumbles, J., Tolhurst, G. (2015). Title Transfer Collateral Arrangements under the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (Cth): Paper II Arrangements as Security Interests. Journal of Contract Law, 33(1), 20-43. McCracken, S., Stumbles, J., Tolhurst, G. (2015). Title Transfer Collateral Arrangements under the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (Cth): Paper III Exclusions and Consequences. Journal of Contract Law, 33(1), 44-64. McCracken, S., Stumbles, J., Tolhurst, G. (2015). Title Transfer Collateral Arrangements under the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (Cth): Paper IV Securities as Collateral. Journal of Contract Law, 33(1), 65-87. 2014 Gummow, W., Stumbles, J. (2014). Marshalling, the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 and third party securities: Highbury and Szepietowski - New applications of enduring principles. Journal of Banking and Finance Law and Practice, 25(2), 106-114. McCracken, S., Stumbles, J., Tolhurst, G. (2014). Ostensible Ownership: An Outmoded Concept in a Secured Transactions Regime? Annual Colloquium of the Academic Committee of the Banking & Financial Services Law Association (BFSLA) 2014, Sydney, NSW: Presentation. McCracken, S., Stumbles, J., Tolhurst, G. (2014). Personal Property Securities: Views from the City. Specialist Roundtable - November 2014, Sydney, NSW: Presentation. Stumbles, J. (2014). PPSA Aus: Security Interests and Notices under s 260-5 of the Taxation Administration Act 1953 (Cth). In S. Griffiths, S. McCracken, A. Wardrop (Eds.), Exploring Tensions in Finance Law: Trans-Tasman Insights, (pp. 199-222). Wellington, New Zealand: Thomson Reuters. Hill, J., Cooper, G., Dirkis, M., McCracken, S., Stumbles, J., Tolhurst, G., Vann, R. (2014). Regulation and Reforms to Enhance Financial Stability in the Post-GFC Era - Report for the Centre for International Finance and Regulation (CIFR). McCracken, S., Stumbles, J., Tolhurst, G. (2014), Submission to the Review of the Personal Property Securities Act 2009: Consultation Paper No 1. Stumbles, J. (2014). The competing priorities of secured creditors and preferred creditors on insolvency: an Australasian perspective. Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law, 29(9), 569-572. McCracken, S., Stumbles, J., Tolhurst, G. (2014). Title Transfer Collateralisation Arrangements as Secured Transactions. Specialist Roundtable - July 2014, Sydney, NSW: Presentation. 2013 Stumbles, J. (2013). Allocation of Risk. In Sheelagh McCracken, Joanna Bird, John Stumbles, Greg Tolhurst (Eds.), Everett and McCrackens Banking and Financial Institutions Law - 8th Edition, (pp. 243-269). Sydney, Australia: Thomson Lawbook Co. (Thompson Reuters). McCracken, S., Bird, J., Stumbles, J., Tolhurst, G. (2013). Everett and McCrackens Banking and Financial Institutions Law - 8th Edition. Sydney, Australia: Thomson Lawbook Co. (Thompson Reuters). Stumbles, J. (2013). The Impact of the Personal Property Securities Act on Assignment of Accounts. Melbourne University Law Review, 37(2), 415-462. 2011 Publications for John Stumbles Stumbles, J. (2011). Financing Transactions and the Relentless Intrusion of Statutory Regulation. 28th Banking and Financial Services Law Association Conference (BFSLA 2011), Gold Coast, NSW: Presentation. Stumbles, J. (2003). Workouts. 20th Banking and Financial Services Law Association Conference (BFSLA 2003), Queenstown, NZ: Presentation. Stumbles, J. (2011). Personal Property Security Law in Australia and Canada: A Comparison. Canadian Business Law Journal, 51(3), 425-446. Stumbles, J. (1999). Liquidations, Workouts and Restructurings in Australia. Infrastructure Conference 1999, Manila, Philippines: Presentation. Stumbles, J. (2011). Superannuation Trustees and Secured Transactions. 23rd Annual Conference of the Law Council Superannuation Committee of Australia 2011: Super - A Paradise Lost?, Surfers Paradise, Qld: Presentation. Stumbles, J. (2011). The PPSA: The Extended Reach of the Definition of the PPSA Security Interest. University of New South Wales Law Journal, 34(2), 448-471. 2008 Stumbles, J. (2008). General Considerations in Taking Security. In Mallesons Stephen Jaques (Eds.), Australian Finance Law, (pp. 535-565). Sydney, Australia: Lawbook Co. Stumbles, J. (2008). Some Hidden Aspects of Workouts. In Gregory Burton SC, Prudence Weaver, Gerard Breen, Alan Tyree (Eds.), Law Relating to Banker and Customer in Australia. Australia: Lawbook Co. 2007 Stumbles, J. (2007). Creditors Have a New Reason to Worry. Australian Financial Review. 2006 Stumbles, J. (2006). Members as Creditors: Sons of Gwalia Limited Federal Court Appeal Unsuccessful. Australian Resources and Energy Law Journal, 25(1), 90-98. 2005 Stumbles, J. (2005). Bank Syndicates: Difficult Questions in Workouts. Insolvency Practitioners Association of Australia Conference (IPAA 2005), Adelaide, SA: Presentation. Stumbles, J. (2005). Contractual Workouts Issues for Creditors. Corporate Turnaround and Insolvency Congress 2005, Sydney, NSW: Presentation. 2004 Stumbles, J. (2004). Should Australia adopt an insolvency procedure based on Chapter 11 of the US Bankruptcy Code? Global Insolvency and Restructuring Year Book 2004/05. United Kingdom: Euromoney Institutional Investor PLC. 2003 1999 1998 Stumbles, J. (1998). Insolvency and Reorganisation in Australia. Euromoney UMA Guide to Insolvency and Reorganisation. Stumbles, J., Kerr, E. (1998). New Australian Netting Law Bolsters Financial System. International Financial Law Review. Stumbles, J. (1998). Regulation of Custodians in Australia. Custodial Services in Asia. United States: ISI. 1997 Stumbles, J. (1997). Reorganisations and Restructurings in Australia. Multinational Commercial Insolvency Conference 1997, New York, NY, USA: Presentation. 1993 Stumbles, J. (1993). Foreign and Multi-National Business Insolvency in Australia. Multinational Commercial Insolvency Conference 1993, Toronto, ON, Canada: Presentation. 1992 Stumbles, J. (1992). A Review of the New Preference Provisions in the Corporate Law Reform Bill. Adelaide Seminar 1992, Adelaide, SA: Presentation. Stumbles, J. (1992). Lending Practices after the Linter Decision. Perth Seminar 1992, Perth, WA: Presentation. 1990 Stumbles, J. (1990). Corporate Benefit and the Guarantee. In G. Burton (Eds.), Directions in Finance Law. Australia: Butterworths.