Publications for Gail Mason Publications for Gail Mason 2016 Wickes, R., Pickering, S., Mason, G., Maher, J., McCulloch, J. (2016). From Hate to Prejudice: Does the New Terminology of Prejudice Motivated Crime Change Perceptions and Reporting Actions? The British Journal of Criminology, 56(2), 239-255. <a href="">[M ore Information]</a> Mason, G. (2016). Hate Crime: The Emergence of a Discourse (Forthcoming). In Julie Stubbs, Stephen Tomsen (Eds.), Australian Violence. Australia: Federation Press. Mason, G., McCulloch, J., Maher, J. (2016). Policing hate crime: markers for negotiating common ground in policy implementation (Forthcoming). Policing and Society. <a href=" 1013958">[More Information]</a> 2015 Maher, J., McCulloch, J., Mason, G. (2015). Punishing Gendered Violence as Hate Crime: Aggravated Sentences as a Means of Recognising Hate as Motivation for Violent Crimes against Women. Australian Feminist Law Journal, 41(1), 177-193. <a href=" 1040148">[More Information]</a> 2014 Mason, G. (2014). 'U're So Black': Resilience and The Regulation of Online Racism. 8th Annual Australian and New Zealand Critical Criminology Conference 2014 - Critical Criminology: Research Praxis and Social Transformation in a Global Era, Melbourne, Vic: Presentation. Mason, G., Maher, J., McCulloch, J. (2014). Gender and Hate Crime: Beyond the Floodgates. American Society of Criminology (ASC) Annual Meeting 2014: Criminology at the Intersections of Oppression, San Francisco, CA, USA: Presentation. Mason, G., Macintosh, K. (2014). Hate Crime Sentencing Laws in Australia and New Zealand: Is there a Difference? New Zealand Law Review, (4), 647-679. Carrington, K., Pickering, S., Mason, G., McCullock, J., Henne, K. (2014). Intersectionality and future directions for a transnational feminist criminology (Roundtable). Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology (ANZSOC) 2014 - Testing the Edges: Challenging Criminology, Sydney, NSW: Presentation. Mason, G. (2014). Legislating against hate. In Nathan Hall, Abbee Corb, Paul Giannasi, John Grieve (Eds.), Routledge International Handbook on Hate Crime, (pp. 59-68). London: Routledge. Mason, G., McCulloch, J., Maher, J. (2014). Policing prejudice motivated crime: a research case study. In Neil Chakraborti and Jon Garland (Eds.), Responding to Hate Crime: The case for connecting policy and research, (pp. 199-213). Clifton: Policy Press. Mason, G. (2014). The Hate Threshold: Emotion, causation and difference in the construction of prejudice-motivated crime. British Society of Criminology (BSC) Conference 2014 - Crime, Justice, Welfare: Can the Metropole listen?, Liverpool, England: Presentation. Mason, G. (2014). The Hate Threshold: Emotion, Causation and Difference in the Construction of Prejudice-motivated Crime. Social and Legal Studies, 23(3), 293-314. <a href=" 459">[More Information]</a> Mason, G. (2014). The symbolic purpose of hate crime law: Ideal victims and emotion. Theoretical Criminology, 18(1), 75-92. <a href=" 792">[More Information]</a> Mason, G. (2014). Victim Attributes in Hate Crime Law: Difference and the Politics of Justice. The British Journal of Criminology, 54(2), 161-179. <a href="">[Mo re Information]</a> 2013 Mason, G., Dyer, A. (2013). 'A Negation of Australia's Fundamental Values': Sentencing Prejudice-Motivated Crime. Melbourne University Law Review, 36(3), 871-914. Mason, G., McCulloch, J., Maher, J. (2013). Evidence Requirements for Establishing Prejudice Motivated Crime: Background, Contexts, and Objectives, Working Paper No 2 LP 110100585 Targeted Crime and, (pp. 3 - 39). Victoria, Australia: Victoria Police. Mason, G., Pulvirenti, M. (2013). Former Refugees and Community Resilience: 'Papering Over' Domestic Violence. The British Journal of Criminology, 53(3), 401-418. <a href="">[M ore Information]</a> Mason, G. (2013). It Is Crime, Not Racism: Victimization of Indian Students in Australia. In K. Jaishankar, Natti Ronel (Eds.), Global Criminology: Crime and Victimization in a Globalized Era, (pp. 241-252). Boca Raton, Publications for Gail Mason USA: CRC Press. 2012 Mason, G. (2012). 'I am Tomorrow': Violence Against Indian Students in Australia and Political Denial. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 45(1), 4-25. <a href=" 330">[More Information]</a> Mason, G., Stubbs, J. (2012). Feminist Approaches to Criminological Research. In D Gadd, S Karstedt and S Messner (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of Criminological Research Methods, (pp. 486-499). United Kingdom: Sage Publications. Women's Experiences of Violence and Resilience: Early Explorations. Australian and New Zealand Critical Criminology Conference 2010 ANZCCC, Sydney: Sydney Institute of Criminology. Iganski, P., Smith, D., Dixon, L., Kielinger, V., Mason, G., McDevitt, J., Perry, B., Stelman, A., Bargen, J., Lagou, S., et al (2011). Rehabilitation of hate crime offenders: Research Report Spring 2011, (pp. 7 - 56). Scotland, United Kingdom: Equality and Human Rights Commission | Scotland. Pulvirenti, M., Mason, G. (2011). Resilience and Survival: Refugee Women and Violence. Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 23(1), 37-52. Mason, G. (2012). Naming the 'R' Word in Racial Victimization: Violence against Indian students in Australia. International Review of Victimology, 18(1), 39-56. <a href=" 474">[More Information]</a> Lee, M., Mason, G., Milivojevic, S. (2011). The Australian and New Zealand Critical Criminology Conference 2010, Proceedings. The Australian and New Zealand Critical Criminology Conference (ANZCC) 2010, Australia: Sydney Institute of Criminology. Bolitho, J., Bruce, J., Mason, G. (2012). Restorative Justice: Adults and Emerging Practice. Australia: Institute of Criminology, University of Sydney. 2010 Bruce, J., Mason, G., Bolitho, J. (2012). Restorative Justice: from Juveniles to Adults. In Jane Bolitho, Jasmine Bruce, Gail Mason (Eds.), Restorative Justice: Adults and Emerging Practice, (pp. 1-16). Australia: Institute of Criminology, University of Sydney. Mason, G., McCulloch, J., Maher, J. (2012). The Victoria Police Prejudice Motivated Crime Strategy: Contexts, Aims & Comparisons, Working Paper No 1 (LP 110100585), (pp. 3 33). , Australia: . 2011 Mason, G. (2011). Denying the Obvious: Racist Violence and Indian Students in Australia. First International Conference of the South Asian Society for Criminology and Victimology (SASCV), Tirunelveli, India: South Asian Society for Criminology and Victimology (SASCV). Mason, G., Stubbs, J. (2011). Feminist Criminological Research and the Meanings of Violence. In L Bartels and K Richards (Eds.), Qualitative Criminology: Stories from the field, (pp. 155-166). Sydney: Hawkins Press. Mason, G., Robson, R. (2011). Hate Crime and the Image of the Stranger. In Ruthann Robson (Eds.), Sexuality and Law Volume 11: Crime and Punishment, (pp. 329-352). United Kingdom: Ashgate. Mason, G. (2011). Punishing Prejudice and Hatred. Precedent, 102, 10-14. Pulvirenti, M., Mason, G. (2011). Refugee Mason, G., Stubbs, J. (2010). Beyond Prison: Women, Incarceration and Justice?: Introduction. Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 22(2), 189-192. Mason, G., Stubbs, J. (2010). Current Issues in Criminal Justice: Beyond Prison: Women, Incarceration and Justice? Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 22(2). Mason, G. (2010). R v Gouros: Interpreting Motivation Under Victoria's New Hate Crime Laws. Criminal Law Journal, 34(5), 323-327. Mason, G., Bargen, J. (2010). Rehabilitation Programmes in Australia and New Zealand: Rehabilitation of Hate Crime/Targeted Offenders. Mason, G. (2010). Violence Against Indian Students in Australia: A Question of Dignity. Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 21(3), 461-466. 2009 Mason, G. (2009). 2009 J.V. Barry Memorial Lecture: The Penal Politics of Hatred. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 42(3), 275-286. <a href="">[ More Information]</a> Mason, G. (2009). Author Response. Alternative Law Journal, 34(4), 259. Mason, G. (2009). Body Maps: Envisaging Homophobia, Violence and Safety. In Paul Iganski (Eds.), The Harm of Hate Crime. United Kingdom: Polity Press. Publications for Gail Mason Mason, G. (2009). Hate Crime Laws in Australia: Are They Achieving Their Goals? Criminal Law Journal, 33(6), 326-340. Mason, G. (2009). Prejudice and Paedophilia in Hate Crime Laws: Dunn v R. Alternative Law Journal, 34(4), 253-256. Mason, G., Lo, T. (2009). Sexual Tourism and the Excitement of the Strange: Heterosexuality and the Sydney Mardi Gras Parade. Sexualities, 12(1), 97-121. <a href=" 115">[More Information]</a> Commonwealth Legislation and its Critiques. ICFAI Journal of Employment Law, 3(2), 20-44. Weisburd, D., Petrosino, A., Mason, G. (2005). Design sensitivity in criminal justice experiments. In S Bushway, D Weisburd (Eds.), Quantitative Methods in Criminology, (pp. 121-163). United Kingdom: Ashgate Publishing. Mason, G. (2005). Hate Crime and the Image of the Stranger. The British Journal of Criminology, 45(6), 837-859. Mason, G. (2008). Hate Crime. In Thalia Anthony and Chris Cunneen (Eds.), The Critical Criminology Companion, (pp. 180-190). Sydney, Australia: Hawkins Press. Mason, G. (2005). Who is a Stranger? Victim-Suspect Relationships in Racist and Homophobic Harassment in the United Kingdom. In BeÌ�neÌ�dicte Deschamps et Michel Prum (Eds.), Tuer l'autre : violence raciste, ethnique, religieuse et homophobe dans l'aire anglophone (Killing the Other), (pp. 149-158). Paris: L'Harmattan. 2007 2004 Mason, G. (2007). Hate Crime as Moral Category: Lessons from the Snowtown Case. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 40(3), 249-271. Mason, G. (2004). Current Issues in Criminal Justice. Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 16(2). 2008 Mason, G. (2007). The Reconstruction of Hate Language. In Katherine Gelber & Adrienne Stone (Eds.), Hate Speech and Freedom of Speech in Australia, (pp. 34-58). Annandale: Federation Press. 2006 Mason, G. (2006). Fear and Hope: Author's Response, Symposium on 'The Spectacle of Violence: Homphobia, Gender and Knowledge' by Gail Mason. Hypatia, 21(2), 196-206. Mason, G., Moran, L. (2006). Not Our Kind of Hate Crime. In Leslie J. Moran (Eds.), Sexuality and Identity, International Library of Essays in Law and Society, (pp. 389-414). United Kingdom: Ashgate Publishing. Tomsen, S., Mason, G. (2004). Rethinking Hatred and Studying the Contradictions of Sexual Prejudice. TASA Conference, Melbourne (Published on CD-ROM. ISBN: 0-9598460-4-2): TASA. 2003 Schwartzkoff, J., Wilczynski, A., Ross, S., Smith, J., Mason, G., Thomas, D., Nicholson, B. (2003). 'You Shouldn’t Have to Hide to be Safe’: A Report on Homophobic Hostilities and Violence against Gay Men and Lesbians in New South Wales. Mason, G. (2003). An Exploratory Study of Allegations of Racial and Homophobic Harassment Recorded by the Metropolitan Police Service, January-June 2001. Mason, G. (2006). The Book at a Glance, Symposium on 'The Spectacle of Violence: Homphobia, Gender and Knowledge' by Gail Mason. Hypatia, 21(2), 174-178. Mason, G., Chapman, A. (2003). Defining Sexual Harassment: A History of the Commonwealth Legislation and its Critiques. Federal Law Review, 31(1), 195-224. Mason, G. (2006). Touring in Safety. Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 18(2), 185-201. Mason, G., Chapman, A. (2003). Defining Sexual Harassment: A History of the Commonwealth Legislation and its Critiques. 2005 Mason, G. (2005). A Picture of Hate Crime: Racial and Homophobic Harassment in the United Kingdom. Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 17(1), 79-95. 2002 Mason, G. (2005). Being Hated: stranger or familiar? Social and Legal Studies, 14(4), 585-605. Mason, G. (2002). Harm. Harassment and Sexuality. Melbourne University Law Review, 26, 596-622. Mason, G., Chapman, A. (2005). Defining Sexual Harassment: A History of the Mason, G. (2002). Recognition and Reformulation. Current Issues in Criminal Morgan, W., Mason, G., Sharpe, A. (2002). Australasian Gay and Lesbian Law Journal. Australasian Gay and Lesbian Law Journal, 11. Publications for Gail Mason Justice, 13(3), 251-268. Mason, G. (2002). The Spectacle of Violence: Homophobia, Gender, and Knowledge. United Kingdom: Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis. 2001 Morgan, W., Mason, G., Sharpe, A. (2001). Australasian Gay and Lesbian Law Journal. Australasian Gay and Lesbian Law Journal, 10. Mason, G. (2001). Body Maps: Envisaging Homophobia, Violence and Safety. Social and Legal Studies, 10, 23-44. Mason, G. (2001). Engendering homophobia: violence, sexuality and gender conformity. Journal of Sociology, 37, 257-273. Mason, G. (2001). Not our kind of hate crime. Law and Critique, 12(3), 253-278. 2000 Morgan, W., Mason, G., Sharpe, A. (2000). Australasian Gay and Lesbian Law Journal. Australasian Gay and Lesbian Law Journal, 9. Mason, G. (2000). Managing Safety. In K. Brass, J. Byron R. Walker (Eds.), Anatomies of Violence, (pp. 74-86). Australia: Research Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Sydney. 1997 Mason, G. (1997). Heterosexed Violence: Typicality and ambiguity. In Gail Mason, Stephen A. Tomsen (Eds.), Homophobic Violence. Australia: Hawkins Press. Mason, G., Tomsen, S. (1997). Homophobic Violence. Australia: Hawkins Press. Tomsen, S., Mason, G. (1997). Introduction: Homophobic Violence. In Gail Mason, Stephen A. Tomsen (Eds.), Homophobic Violence. Australia: Hawkins Press. 1991 Mason, G., Wilson, P. (1991). Sport, Recreation and Juvenile Crime. Australia: Australian Institute of Criminology. 1990 Mason, G. (1990). Youth Suicide in Australia: Prevention Strategies. Australia: Australian Institute of Criminology.