CPSY Salary Document 1 SALARY DOCUMENT Subunit 2 Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services I. Rationale Broadly speaking, the excellence of the department is dependent upon the performance of its faculty members in three areas: research, teaching/administration, and service (professional and departmental). All areas are important and should be recognized in any plan which awards differential rates of compensation for excellence. It follows that the department should order the importance of these areas based on current needs. Clearly, a department which aspires to develop a program and faculty worthy of national recognition from its relevant professional societies—as now does our department—must make qualitative decisions concerning its goals and priorities which are not required of a department content with merely offering courses in a regional university. These values are reflected in this document. Further, given that the quality of a department is overwhelmingly determined by the quality of its faculty, it should seek to develop a system that recognizes those faculty members who contribute most to the attainment of the department’s goals through their own efforts toward excellence. II. Allocation The manner of distribution of subunit salary increment funds will be determined annually in accordance with university and salary unit documents. III. Base Component For the upcoming academic year, a base component comprised of 30% of the salary adjustment funds will be awarded for satisfactorily performing the professional duties for which the individual is employed. This qualifies the faculty member to share in this portion of the salary adjustment dollars to be distributed in equal percentages based upon the previous year’s salary. To demonstrate satisfactory performance, the faculty member must meet the following minimum requirements: A. TEACHING: Submit course evaluations and current syllabi for all courses taught. Obtain an average rating of 3.5 or more (1 = low, 5 = high) across two-thirds of classes taught on the ten departmental evaluation items. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) My instructor explains course content clearly. [From the Common Items list] My instructor seems well prepared for class. My instructor effectively explains concepts covered in this course. My instructor uses effective examples and illustrations. [From the Common Items list] Relationships among course topics are clearly explained. My instructor deals fairly and impartially with me. This course is up-to-date with developments in the field. Exams (or other forms of evaluation) are fair. I would enjoy taking another course from this instructor. CPSY Salary Document 10) I like the way the instructor conducts this course. OR submit a plan to the Department Chair prior to semester(s) under consideration for teaching evaluation that fulfills the requirements detailed in the CPSY Evaluation of Teaching document and implement plan satisfactorily. First year faculty may meet this requirement by submitting a plan for the evaluation of teaching to occur within the first calendar year of employment. B. RESEARCH: Publish at least one article or equivalent in a national, refereed journal; OR publish at least one book, book chapter, or other significant professional contribution that has undergone professional review of content; OR submit externally funded grant OR presentation at international, national or regional psychological convention. First year faculty may meet this requirement by submitting a plan for research for the coming academic year. C. SERVICE: At least O N E of the following must be met: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Member of university council, board or committee Member of college committee Member of national professional committee Elected to national professional office State professional office or major committee Member of departmental committee Member of an editorial board of a professional journal Recipient of a BSU University Faculty award First year faculty may meet this requirement by being a member of a departmental committee. If these minimum requirements in teaching, research and service are met, the faculty member is eligible for merit for the academic year under review. The Department Chair or the salary committee will review the merit document submitted. Merit monies will be distributed to faculty as described in Section IV, Special Merit Component. IV. Special Merit Component Professional activities that are competently performed above and beyond the base component activities are defined as special merit activities. The remaining 70% of salary adjustment funds will be allocated as merit money. Points for special merit activities are based on a departmental point schedule (attached) and will be summed. Faculty must receive a minimum of 30 points on the departmental point schedule to participate in merit monies. To qualify for merit, the faculty member must meet the following minimum points on the merit document: Faculty receiving between 30-50 merit points will receive one share of merit money Faculty receiving between 51-100 merit points will receive two shares of merit money Faculty receiving between 101-150 merit points will receive three shares of merit money Faculty receiving above 150 merit points will receive four shares of merit money 2 CPSY Salary Document V. 3 Implementation Faculty members will not receive the base component if they do not meet the requirement for meritorious service. The calculation for base component is: .30 x % annual base increase = Y Y x individual faculty salary= general increase The merit increase is determined by: Calculate each person’s merit share (1, 2, 3, or 4). Multiply each individual’s salary by the merit share. Sum all amounts, then divide the total into the allotted merit amount to determine the % increase. Final calculation: multiply the share (1,2,3,4) x % increase x the individual’s salary= merit amt. per person At salary determination time the chairperson will request that each faculty member submit a documented list of professional activities to be considered for special merit component eligibility. The chairperson will validate the list, calculate the point total, and verify the results with the faculty member. If the two totals do not agree, the chairperson and faculty member will consult. If after due deliberation the two totals still do not agree, the matter will be referred to the Salary Committee for resolution. A simple majority of the committee will be necessary for any decision. Faculty may also decline to be considered for a pay increase, without prejudice, by submitting a written statement indicating their decision to the department chair. All faculty members are still required to submit an activity report, however, regardless of the decision to decline consideration for a pay increase. The salary adjustment plan will be reviewed early each academic year by the salary committee. The updated and/or refined salary adjustment plan will be approved by majority vote of the regular full time faculty of the Dept. of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services. Appeals will be handled in a manner consistent with collegiate and university policy. *Those activities that require the salary group’s approval for the project and point total must be approved at a regularly scheduled faculty meeting prior to the submission of merit materials. A twothirds majority of those present and voting must approve the project and point total. Approval prior to the commencement of the activity is recommended. VI. Meritorious Service and Points A. Teaching 1. Student Evaluations Student evaluation of faculty member. For each class the faculty member teaches, the following points will be awarded based upon the average of the median student ratings of the core items from IV-A for that class. This should be an average median rating of the 10 items referenced in the Salary Document. Average Rating Points (per course) CPSY Salary Document 4.5 - 5.0 4.0 – 4.49 3.5 – 3.99 3.0 – 3.49 2. B. 4 2.0 1.0 .5 .25 Supervisory Committees or Positions Points a. Director of doctoral committee . . . . 5 for each Ph.D. granted during faculty member’s evaluation period; for each ongoing doctoral committee . . . . 3 b. Director of dissertation . . . . . 5 for each Ph.D. granted during faculty member’s evaluation period c. Member of doctoral committee . 2 d. Director of master’s thesis . . . . . for each degree granted faculty member’s evaluation period; for each continuing student . . . . . 3 e. Member of master’s committee . . . . 1 f. Master’s student advisor for every student . . . . 0.2 g. Director of master’s research project . . . . for the completion of the project during the faculty member’s evaluation period 2 h. Counseling supervision or approved independent instruction (approved by department chair) per contact hour 0.1 i. Therapist for client in practicum clinic or other counseling setting 0.1 (students observing) per contact hour j. *Additional projects to enhance teaching . . . . . . . 2 up to 5 Research and Scholarly Activity 1. Publications a. Points Writing 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Article for refereed national or international journal Article for nonrefereed national or international journal. Article for refereed state journal . . . Article for nonrefereed state journal . . . Article in refereed BSU journal . . . 5 1.5 2.5 0.75 1 CPSY Salary Document 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) b. Editorial Activities 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 2. . . . . . . . . 0.25 1 0.5 15 7 5 5 2 1 Points Editor of book . . . . . . Editor of national or international professional journal Editor of state professional journal . . . Associate editor of national or international journal . Associate editor of state journal . . . Guest editor of national or international journal . Guest editor of state journal . . . . Editorial board for national or international journal . Editorial board for state journal . . . Ad hoc reviewer of national or international journal . Manuscript reviewer for major publisher . . for each manuscript Reviewer for federal agency . . . . Reviewer for state or local agency . . . Book Review Editor for professional organization Grant Projects a. b. c. d. e. f. 3. Article in nonrefereed BSU journal . . Editorial in a national or international journal Professional newsletter article . . Book with major publishing company . Revised Book with major publishing company. Chapter of book with major publisher . Book with minor publisher . . . Chapter of book with minor publisher . Book review critique in scholarly journal 5 7 15 10 10 5 5 2 5 2 1 2 2 1 2 Points Author of project funded by outside agency . . Author of project funded by university . . Author of project submitted to outside agency (unfunded) Author of project submitted to university (unfunded) Consultant to project (funded) . . . Consultant to project (unfunded) . . . 15 7 5 1 3 1 Papers and Speeches a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. Invited major presentation at national or international meeting Presentation at national or international meeting (refereed review) Invited major presentation at regional/state meeting . Presentation at regional meeting (refereed review) . . Presentation at another institution by invitation . . Presentation at state meeting (refereed review) . . Presentation at local meeting . . . . . Symposium member at national or international meeting . Symposium member at regional/state meeting . . Symposium chair at national or international meeting . 10 3 5 2 5 1 0.5 2 1 2.5 CPSY Salary Document k. C. Symposium chair at regional/state meeting . 6 . . 1.5 Chairperson, university committee or subcommittee . Member, Institutional Review Board . . . Member, university committee . . . Chairperson, college committee . . . Member, college committee . . . . Chairperson, departmental committee . . Member, departmental committee . . . Member, faculty senate or senate committee . . Chairperson, university search committee . . Member, university search committee . . Chair, department search committee . . . Member, department search committee . . Director, university knowledge unit . . . *Additional projects to enhance university . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.25 1 2 1 1 0.25 2 up to 5 . . . . . . . . . 10 7 5 5 5 5 7 1 up to 5 Service 1. Committee Activities a. b. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. 2. Departmental Activities a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. 3. Department chairperson . . . Director, doctoral program . . . Director, CPSY master’s program . . Director, SOPSY master’s program . . Director, school counseling program . . Director, rehabilitation program . . Director, Practicum Clinic . . . Formal Mentor for first year faculty member . *Additional projects to enhance department . . . . . . . . . . Professional Activities Points a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. . . . . . . . . . . 5 3 3 1 10 7 5 2 1 1 . . . 3 up to 5 0.5 k. l. m. Chairperson national or international committee . Member national or international committee . . Chairperson regional state committee . . Member regional/state committee . . . Officer regional/national/international level . . Officer state level . . . . . Organizer for workshop national or international level Organizer for workshop regional/state level . . Member professional association . . . Attendance at professional meeting . . . for each meeting Leader for in-service training . . . . *Special project . . . . . Attend a workshop (3 hrs instruction minimum) . CPSY Salary Document n. o. p. q. 4. Attend a workshop equivalent to 3 semester hours . . (with chair’s approval) Merit award from national/international professional organization Merit award from regional professional organization . Merit award from state professional organization . . *Community activities *Special activities . . . . . . . . . Miscellaneous Activities 1. 10 5 3 . . up to 5 up to 5 Points Fellowships a. b. 2. 2 Consultation a. b. D. 7 Danforth, Lilly, Fulbright, etc. fellowship (2 sem) Danforth, Lilly, Fulbright. etc. fellowship (1 sem) . . . . 12 6 . . . . 12 6 Special leave a. b. Assigned leave (2 sem) Assigned leave (1 sem) . . . . . . Revised & approved 4/25/96 Approved with no revisions 4/30/98 Approved with no revisions 4/8/99 Approved with no revisions 4/13/00 Approved with no revisions 4/26/01 Approved with no revisions 4/5/02 Approved with no revisions 4/23/03 Approved with no revisions 3/31/05 Approved with no revisions 3/29/06 Approved with no revisions 3/22/07 Approved with no revisions 10/18/08 Approved with no revisions 10/5/09 Revised & Approved 8/26/10 Revised & Approved 11/22/11 (editorial revisions made 2/9/12) editorial revisions made 4/16/12 in accordance with a message from the Provost via Dean Jacobson ; not yet approved by faculty