DEPARTMENT OF COUNSELING PSYCHOLOGY PROMOTION AND TENURE DOCUMENTS 2009-2010 Table of Contents Preamble …………………………………………………………………………….1 I. Guidelines ……………………………………………………………………1 1.1 Teaching …………………………………………………………………1 1.2 Scholarship ………………………………………………………………1 1.3 Service …………………………………………………………………1 II. Definitions ……………………………………………………………………1 III. Committee Structure and Function ………………………………………2 IV. 1. Membership …………………………………………………………….2 2. Responsibilities ………………………………………………………….3 Policy Statements ……………………………………………………………4 1. Tenure …………………………………………………………………4 2. Promotion ………………………………………………………………4 3. Materials for Promotion and Tenure …………………………………….4 V. Academic Rank ..............................................................................................9 VI. Procedures …………………………………………………………………10 VII. Reconsideration ……………………………………………………………11 VIII. Appendix 1. Mission Statement …………………………………………………….12 2. Promotion and Tenure Rating Sheet ……………………………………13 3. Department Evaluation of Teaching ……………………………………14 4. External Review Procedures ……………………………………………15 1 DEPARTMENT OF COUNSELING PSYCHOLOGY AND GUIDANCE SERVICES PROMOTION AND TENURE DOCUMENT PREAMBLE All parties are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the rights, responsibilities, and procedures that are outlined in the University, College, and Department promotion and tenure (P & T) documents. In cases where questions arise, the University and College documents take precedence over this departmental document. I. Guidelines for Promotion and Tenure 1. II. The evaluation of a faculty member’s eligibility for promotion or tenure shall be based on evidence of a continuing pattern of achievement throughout the faculty member’s professional career in the following areas: 1.1 Teaching 1.2 Scholarship 1.3 Service in a professional capacity Definitions 1. Department and departmental refers to the Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services (CPSY). 2. College and collegiate refers to the Teachers College. 3. Reconsideration refers to the initial action required when there is an adverse recommendation concerning promotion or tenure at the departmental level. Request for reconsideration by the departmental Promotion and Tenure Committee is the first step to be taken by a candidate. 4. Appeal refers to the action taken by a candidate when the outcome of the departmental reconsideration is the same as the original recommendation or when an adverse recommendation is made at the College or Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs level. 2 III. 5. Working days are those days when Ball State University administrative offices are open. 6. Calendar days are the days which appear on a calendar, including Saturday, Sunday and holidays. They do not relate to the Ball State academic schedule or calendar. 7. Eligible professional personnel are those individuals who hold academic rank and/or tenure or who are eligible for tenure. The department requires an earned doctorate in order to obtain appointment above the level of instructor. Equivalencies are not recognized. 8. Tenure-track faculty are those faculty who are currently in the seven year probationary tenure period. 9. Tenured faculty are those faculty who have been granted tenure. 10. A year is defined for the submission and review of materials for P & T as follows: The first year extends from the date of hiring (typically May) until the date promotion and/or tenure material is required for submission by the College P & T Committee (typically the end of December). Thereafter, a year extends from the day immediately following submission of material for the prior year (e.g., January 1 if material is required by December 31) until the date when P & T material must be submitted (e.g., December 31). 11. Scholarship is the process of attaining new knowledge, creating a new work, or re-creating/interpreting existing works, and disseminating the results. Generally this takes the form of appropriate peer reviewed publications, presentations or exhibits, performances, other creative endeavors, and grant proposals. Scholarship can occur in four areas: discovery, integration, application, and teaching. Faculty are not required to participate in each of the four areas for promotion and tenure. (a) The scholarship of discovery is traditional research and creative endeavors that pursue and contribute to new knowledge for its own sake. (b) The scholarship of integration makes connections across disciplines bringing together isolated knowledge from two or more disciplines or fields to create new insights and understanding. (c) The scholarship of application applies knowledge to address significant societal issues. (d) The scholarship of teaching studies the development of knowledge, skill, mind, character, and/or ability of others. Committee Structure and Function 1. Committee Membership 3 1.1 In accordance with the Faculty and Professional Personnel Handbook, the Department elects its Promotion and Tenure (P & T) Committee at the first fall meeting in each academic year. The committee is comprised of the department chairperson serving as an ex officio non-voting member, the departmental representative to the Teachers College Promotion and Tenure Committee, and four additional elected members of the department. Only regular full-time faculty who are not being considered for promotion during the year in question are eligible for election. Following the election, the names of those elected for the year are forwarded to the college dean. If a committee member resigns during the year, the Department will convene to elect a new member to finish the term and forward the name to the college dean. The departmental representative to the Teachers College Promotion and Tenure Committee is elected according to college procedures. The quorum required for department promotion and tenure decisions is four (4) members. 1.11 2. No person may serve as a member of a departmental Promotion and Tenure Committee who is a candidate for promotion or who has a demonstrated conflict of interest as articulated by the Anti-Nepotism Policy and Procedures for Faculty and Professional Personnel in the Faculty Handbook. Committee Responsibilities 2.1 The major function of the CPSY Promotion and Tenure Committee is to evaluate the quality of the attained professional activity of candidates. The following guidelines will serve to operationalize how this quality is defined and the procedures used to evaluate it. 2.2 The CPSY P & T Committee will evaluate the candidate according to his or her teaching, scholarship, and service in a professional capacity each year prior to being granted tenure. Each candidate submitting materials for tenure, or progress toward tenure, will be evaluated using the Promotion & Tenure Rating Sheet (Appendix 2). CPSY P & T Committee recommendation for tenure (or progress toward tenure) are made to the Dean of Teachers College. In the event a candidate makes application for promotion, the CPSY P&T Committee will evaluate the candidate according to his or her cumulative teaching, programmatic theme of scholarship, and service in a professional capacity for all years of service at the candidate’s current rank. Each candidate submitting materials for promotion will be evaluated using the Promotion & Tenure Rating 4 Sheet (Appendix 2). CPSY P & T Committee recommendation for promotion are made to the Teachers College Promotion & Tenure Committee. 3. IV. 2.3 The committee will meet annually in the spring to review this document, develop and review policies, and assure concurrence with College and University documents. 2.4 Minutes of all CPSY P & T Committee meetings will be distributed to committee members, and a copy will be filed in the department office. 2.5 After election each Fall, the CPSY P & T Committee will establish the schedule for that year’s promotion and tenure process in accord with the College schedule. 2.6 The CPSY P & T Committee will review all proposals for “other areas of scholarly activity.” (See Section 3.313) In the CPSY Department a promotion and tenure file is a part of the more comprehensive personnel file. The CPSY Promotion and Tenure Committee has access to all information in the personnel file and, as needed, will review the personnel file during the promotion and tenure review process. (see section IV, 3.4). Policy Statements 1. Tenure 1.1 Faculty and eligible professional personnel shall be evaluated in the light of the University Mission Statement. (Appendix 1) 1.2 In the case of faculty with ongoing load assignment in another administrative unit, the chairperson or administrative head from that unit will submit a written evaluation and be invited to participate in P & T discussion regarding the faculty member. The evaluation will directly relate to the current promotion and tenure document for the CPSY department. 1.3 A tenure recommendation will be made by the department, academic dean, and the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at least one year prior to the end of a faculty member’s probationary period. That recommendation will be either a recommendation to grant tenure at the end of the following year or a recommendation to terminate the faculty member at the end of the following year. 5 2. 3. Promotion 2.1 Faculty and eligible professional personnel shall be evaluated in the light of the University Mission Statement (Appendix 1). 2.2 Any department member or eligible professional personnel member has the right to present herself or himself to the Department Promotion and Tenure Committee for consideration for promotion. Materials to be presented for Promotion and Tenure 3.1 Evidence to be submitted for promotion and tenure shall be presented in the form of a Notebook of Professional Evidence, submitted to the Chairperson of the Departmental Committee. A reasonable amount of additional documentation in a digital format may be included. 3.11 For Promotion, the evidence shall be organized in a threering notebook with dividers used to classify and structure the evidence into three categories: teaching, scholarship, and services in a professional capacity. 3.111 The notebook should include a full vita, a vita representing all work since one’s last promotion, and all supporting evidence organized into the above 3 categories. 3.12 3.2 For Tenure (and annual progress toward tenure) the evidence shall be organized into a folder consisting of a full vita, a vita including all relevant information since the last tenure review, and a description of accomplishment organized according to the criteria for evaluation as specified in sections 3.2-3.3 below. Criteria for evaluation of the first-year, non-tenured faculty members only. 3.21 Scholarship: Candidates are expected to present a prospectus for scholarship developed after consultation with senior faculty. 3.22 Teaching: Candidates are expected to submit course syllabi and a plan for course evaluation. They are also expected to document utilization of campus resources for teaching 6 effectiveness (e.g., consult with senior faculty, meet with personnel in teaching-learning center). All applicable university policies and procedures appearing in the Faculty and Professional Personnel Handbook regarding evaluation of teaching will be observed. Faculty are expected to meet classes on a regular basis, teach course content consistent with approved course descriptions, and maintain regular office hours or be available for student appointments. 3.23 Service in a professional capacity 3.231 Candidates are expected to hold membership or apply for membership in two professional organizations. 3.232 Candidates are expected to cooperate and consult with other members of the department concerning their own and other members’ scholarship. 3.233 Candidates are expected to be making progress toward appropriate licensure or certification in a departmentally approved specialty area (identified at time of hiring) and Graduate Faculty Regular Membership, with Doctoral Committee Chair Endorsement. 3.234 Candidates are expected to be active contributors to departmental programs and activities (e.g., departmental committees, student advising, clinical supervision). 3.3 Criteria for evaluation of non-tenured faculty beyond their first year of employment. 3.31 Scholarship. (For due date, see Section VI. 3.) 3.311 Acceptable levels of activity will normally involve authorship or co-authorship of one or more published articles, or articles accepted for publication, in the second year of employment and two or more in subsequent years. Articles are expected to be important contributions to the discipline and to be published in refereed, professional journals. Each publication may count toward only one year’s activity. 7 Reprints of articles, or in the case of articles in press, copies of the final letter of acceptance, and a copy of the manuscript must be provided to the CPSY P & T Committee. In both the 5th and 6th years of progress toward tenure, the candidate must provide evidence of a programmatic theme in at least a portion of his/her scholarship to date. 3.312 Completed books, book chapters, or other significant publications by the candidate may be submitted for consideration as a substitute for this requirement. Material must be submitted no later than November 1st. of the year in which the request is being made. The CPSY P&T committee will determine whether this work is acceptable. The decision to accept a substitution is based on the quality, and potential to contribute to the profession of the material submitted. No more than one such alternate publication may be accepted per year. 3.313 Candidates are expected to make, or have accepted for presentation, at least one refereed presentation per year at a state, regional, or national professional convention. 3.314 Additional, required areas of scholarly activity: Candidates will identify one or more of the following areas in which they will be evaluated. This area will be in addition to those already designated above. The identified activity(ies) must be completed prior to submission of tenure materials. 3.3141 Authorship of an external grant submission. (This option must be selected at least once during the first four years of employment.) 3.3142 Authorship of an internal grant that is awarded at no lower than the university level. 3.3143 Major investigator for an ongoing, funded external grant. 8 3.32 3.3144 Editorship of a scholarly book that makes an important contribution to the discipline. 3.3145 Editorial board member, associate, guest, or senior editor of a professional journal. Teaching. High quality teaching is expected. 3.321 Student evaluations are to be completed for all courses, each time a course is taught. All candidates must submit course syllabi and results of student evaluations. (See Appendix 3) 3.322 All candidates must participate in either chair, peer, or portfolio evaluation of teaching. (See Appendix 3) 3.323 Other methods of evaluating teaching are encouraged and may include the following examples: Student projects demonstrating learning. Application of new teaching methods. Development of teaching materials. Empirical evaluation of teaching effectiveness. Research on teaching methodology. 3.324 All applicable university policies and procedures appearing in the Faculty and Professional Personnel Handbook regarding evaluation of teaching will be observed. 3.325 Faculty are expected to meet classes on a regular basis, teach course content consistent with approved course descriptions, and maintain regular office hours or be available for student appointments. 3.33 Service in a professional capacity. 3.331 Candidates are expected to be active in two professional organizations related to the discipline. 3.332 Candidates are expected to be active in a major professional organization committee. The CPSY P & T Committee reserves the right to evaluate this activity and to determine whether the activity is 9 significant. Candidates are urged to consult with the CPSY P & T Committee prior to selecting this activity. 3.333 Candidates are expected to attend at least two state, regional, or national professional conventions per year. 3.334 Candidates are expected to cooperate and consult with other members of the department concerning their own and other members’ scholarship. 3.335 Candidates are expected to have obtained appropriate licensure or certification in a departmentapproved specialty area by the end of their third year. 3.336 Candidates are expected to have obtained Graduate Faculty Regular Membership, with Doctoral Committee Chair Endorsement, by the end of their third year. 3.337 Candidates are expected to be active contributors to departmental programs and activities (e.g., departmental committees, student advising, clinical supervision). 3.4 A personnel file for every faculty member shall be kept in the Department Chairperson’s office. A promotion and tenure file will be part of the personnel file. This promotion and tenure file shall be open to the faculty member concerned and will contain information relevant to promotion and/or tenure. Appropriate materials shall be placed in the personnel file by the Department Chairperson in a timely manner. All information placed in an individual’s personnel file shall immediately be brought to his or her attention in writing by the Department Chairperson. The faculty member shall have the opportunity to place materials in the file which may rebut or explain any detrimental information. Detrimental information that has not been brought to the attention of the faculty member cannot be used in promotion or tenure deliberations. Anonymous letters shall not be made a part of this file. An individual’s promotion and tenure file shall be examined by the Department Promotion and Tenure Committee during promotion and tenure deliberations. All materials used by the Department Promotion and Tenure Committee shall be made available to the 10 College Promotion and Tenure Committee, Dean, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, and President, upon request. V. Academic Rank 1. All recommendations for initial appointment to a faculty position are made by the Departmental Personnel Committee, in collaboration with the P & T Committee, to the faculty of the department. Department faculty recommendations are forwarded to the College Dean. 2. The department requires an earned doctorate in order to obtain appointment above the level of instructor. Equivalencies are not recognized. 3. Criteria stated in the current Teachers College P & T Document will be used to evaluate faculty requesting promotions. These criteria are reproduced as follows: 3.1 3.2 3.3 Assistant Professor 3.11 Evidence of quality performance as a teacher or practitioner in the specialty in which the candidate is hired. 3.12 Evidence of the potential for conducting scholarship, for publishing, and for contributing other scholarly products. 3.13 Evidence of participation in professional organizations. Associate Professor 3.21 Evidence of consistently excellent teaching. 3.22 Evidence of quality contributions to one’s specialty through scholarship in refereed outlets. 3.23 Evidence of quality contributions in the capacity of professional service. Professor 3.31 Evidence of outstanding contributions in one of the following: Teaching, scholarship, or service in a professional capacity. 3.32 Evidence of a continuing record of excellence in teaching. 11 VI. 3.33 Evidence of significant contribution to one’s specialty through scholarship in refereed outlets. 3.34 Evidence of significant contributions in the capacity of professional service. Procedures for Promotion and Tenure 1. 2. Tenure 1.1 The CPSY P & T Committee will meet for discussion, deliberation, and voting. Specifically, the CPSY P & T Committee will evaluate the candidate according to his or her teaching, scholarship, and service in a professional capacity each year prior to being granted tenure. Committee members will review and evaluate the candidate’s materials for tenure, or progress toward tenure, using the Promotion & Tenure Rating Sheet (Appendix 2). A summary of these ratings will be kept on file with the departmental chairperson. The rating form must be approved by the College and University Promotion and Tenure Committee (See Appendix 2). Once the individual review is complete, the Committee will convene to discuss the candidate’s application. Finally, the committee will vote on the recommendation for tenure or progress toward tenure. 1.2 There are three possible recommendations/decisions for tenure. These are: satisfactory progress toward tenure, unsatisfactory progress toward tenure, or dismissal/termination. 1.3 The CPSY P&T Committee Chair will inform the candidate, in writing, of the Committee’s recommendation for tenure. The letters provided to each tenure candidate will include indications of strengths and weaknesses and also provide suggestions for improvement. The chair will also meet with the candidate to provide verbal notification and answer questions. Copies of all letters, and any minutes or notes from verbal meetings with the candidate, will be shared with the candidate and filed in the department office. 1.4 Recommendations relative to tenure shall be forwarded to the College Dean. Procedures for Promotion 2.1 The CPSY P & T Committee will meet for discussion, deliberation, and voting. Specifically, the CPSY P & T Committee will evaluate the candidate according to his or her teaching, scholarship, and service in a professional capacity each year prior to being granted 12 promotion. Committee members will review and evaluate the candidate’s materials using the Promotion & Tenure Rating Sheet (Appendix 2). A summary of these ratings will be kept on file with the departmental chairperson. The rating form must be approved by the College and University Promotion and Tenure Committee (See Appendix 2). Once the individual review is complete, the Committee will convene to discuss the candidate’s application. Finally, the committee will vote on the recommendation for promotion. 3. 2.2 Candidates submitting evidence for promotion to the rank of Professor also shall submit to the P&T Chair a list of 4-6 external reviewers from their field of study (area of expertise) and from whom letters of review will be solicited by the P&T Chair (see Appendix 4, Department Process for Selection of Supplemental External Reviewers). Two external review letters addressing the candidate’s contributions as defined by the CPSY P&T document shall be required. 2.3 Candidates for promotion will receive written notification, drafted by the Committee Chair, indicating the recommendation to forward for promotion or not to forward. If the candidate’s application is not forwarded then the letter will include strengths and weaknesses of the candidate. The chair will also meet with the candidate to provide verbal notification and answer questions. Copies of all letters, and any minutes or notes from verbal meetings with the candidate, will be shared with the candidate and filed in the department office. 2.4 Credentials of those candidates to be recommended favorably for promotion by the Department Committee shall be forwarded to the college dean in alphabetical order. Included with the credentials will be the Department P & T Committee’s evaluation and recommendations. Important Date 3.1 VII. Last working day in November: Date by which candidates must submit all promotion and tenure materials to CPSY P & T Committee. Reconsideration 1. The candidate must ask, in writing, for the reconsideration within ten (10) calendar days following the date of the faculty member’s receipt of the written recommendation adversely affecting him or her. 13 1.1 Appeals from Adverse Decisions will follow Section VII, Right of Appeal, of the University Promotion and Tenure Document. Approved by CPSY faculty on October 21, 2004 for AY 2005-2006 Approved by the CPSY faculty on April 20, 2005 for AY 2005-2006 Approved by the CPSY faculty on September 21,2005 for AY 2006-2007 Approved by the CPSY faculty on September 21, 2006 for AY 2007-2008 Approved by the CPSY faculty on October 4, 2007 for AY 2008-2009 Approved by the CPSY faculty on October 9, 2008 for AY 2009-2010 14 (Appendix 1) UNIVERSITY MISSION STATEMENT Ball State University is an innovative, supportive academic community that inspires students by: • Offering action-oriented learning, including immersive out-of-class experiences, research, and study-abroad. • Providing extraordinary access to and collaboration with professors who create scholarship to advance knowledge, improve teaching, and transform learning. • Engaging state, national, and international communities to enhance educational, economic, and cultural development. The Board of Trustees, May 5, 2007 15 (Appendix 2) Promotion & Tenure Rating Sheet Candidate Rating applies to: Date (Check one) Tenure Promotion Scholarship: 1 (Substantially fails to meet criteria) 2 3 4 Acceptable (Meets minimum document criteria 5 6 7 (Substantially exceeds criteria) 2 3 4 Acceptable (Meets minimum document criteria 5 6 7 (Substantially exceeds criteria) 4 Acceptable (Meets minimum document criteria 5 6 7 (Substantially exceeds criteria) Teaching: 1 (Substantially fails to meet criteria) Service in a Professional Capacity: 1 (Substantially fails to meet criteria) 2 3 16 (Appendix 3) Evaluation of Teaching in the Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services Policy and Procedures: The Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services recognizes the importance of teaching in its mission. Evaluation of teaching is one important component to help students with the best possible educational experience. Promotion, tenure, and merit pay decisions must, in part, be determined by the quality of teaching. Evaluation of teaching will consist of two parts: (a) student evaluation and (b) faculty, peer, and/or portfolio review. Parts a and b will be given equal weight in the evaluation process. Student Evaluations: All courses will be evaluated each time they are taught. Student evaluations will be done using the ten departmental questions, which includes the provision for written responses for students to report that the forms were administered fairly. Student evaluations will be conducted near the end of the semester but not during final exam week. Provisions will be made to ensure the integrity of the data. The completed evaluations will be taken directly to the departmental office by the person who administered them, where they will be held until all evaluations are received. They will then be taken to Examination and Evaluation Services for analysis. Faculty will have access to the information only after all grades have been submitted for the term. Summarized data will be reviewed for promotion, tenure, and merit pay decisions by department and the college. Annual Conference: The evaluation data will be discussed with the chair (or his/her designee) and each faculty member on an annual basis. Chair, Peer, and/or Portfolio Evaluation: Each faculty member’s teaching shall be evaluated annually using one or more of the following options: a. b. c. d. e. Classroom visitation Evaluation of syllabi, examinations, and other classroom materials Evaluation of student achievement Significant contributions to the pedagogy of the field Review of teaching portfolio materials Records: Summary sheets of all evaluations (including student, peer, chair, and portfolio) may be included in each faculty member’s personnel file. Approved 3/94, Revised 12/95 Approved 9/21/06 Approved 10/09/08 17 (Appendix 4) Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services Process for Selection of Supplemental External Reviews Candidates for promotion to Professor will submit to the P&T Chair a list of potential external reviewers who must be senior faculty members external to the University with expertise in the candidate’s areas of knowledge. The candidate will provide a rationale for each person listed, along with a statement identifying the reviewer’s relationship to the candidate. The Department P&T Committee will then meet to determine the acceptability of the candidate’s list. If the list provided by the candidate is deemed acceptable, the Department Promotion and Tenure Chair and department chairperson will then create the department list. If the department Promotion and Tenure Committee does not approve the candidate’s list, the candidate will be asked to submit additional names to the Committee. However, the candidate has the right to appeal the removal of any names. The department list will not be created until the candidate list has been approved. The department’s list of reviewers shall consist of the candidate’s list and any additional reviewers deemed appropriate after consultation about the list between the Department Promotion and Tenure Committee chairperson and the department chairperson. If the candidate does not approve the department’s list, the Department Promotion and Tenure Committee will be asked to mediate the issue. If the dispute is irresolvable, the issue will be referred to the Dean of Teachers College. Once the two lists have been created, the candidate will rank order a minimum of two potential reviewers from the candidate’s list and a minimum of two potential reviewers from the department’s list. The P&T Chair will solicit reviews from the first name on each of the respective lists. If responses are not received from one or both reviewers, the P&T Chair will solicit additional reviews to ensure that two letters are received. Candidates shall provide to the P&T Chair a comprehensive VITA and representative sampling of their work (e.g., journal articles, book chapters, awards, teaching evaluations or portfolio materials, evidence of service) not to exceed 100 pages (excluding VITA) that can be copied and sent to reviewers. Original external review letters shall be inserted in the P & T file by the department chairperson for use by departmental, collegiate, and, in the case of an appeal, University Promotion and Tenure Committees, and by the Provost in promotion deliberations for the current year. All letters received from external reviewers will be available to evaluators in all stages of the promotion review process. The candidate has the right to examine all external review letters. A separate candidate-accessible file will be created by the department chair. Prior to examination by the candidate, all identifying information will be removed from the letters in order to preserve anonymity of the reviewers. An identifying number will be placed on the letter. The candidate has the right to respond in writing to information contained in the letters. The candidate’s supplied written rebuttal will accompany the candidate’s promotion file through all stages of the promotion process. After all actions or appeals have been completed for the year in question, all candidate accessible letters will be destroyed. At the conclusion of deliberations for the current year, the original letters shall be retained only in a separate confidential file in the Office of the Dean of the College. Once letters are placed in this separate confidential file, they cannot be reopened for purposes of subsequent promotion deliberations at any level of consideration unless requested by the candidate. Credentials, external letters, and departmental letters of support shall be forwarded to the College Promotion and Tenure Committee if the Department recommends that candidate for promotion. 18 Submitted by: Department Chair, CPSY CPSY P&T Chair Approved 11/20/03 SLB Approved 1/30/04 SLB Approved 6/08/04 SLB Approved 10/21/04 SLB Approved 4/20/05 SLB Approved 10/20/05 SLB Approved 8/24/06 SLB Approved 9/21/06 SLB Approved 2/08/07 SLB Approved 10/4/07 SLB Approved (Amendments) 3/20/08 SLB Approved (Amendments) 10/09/08 SLB