Publications for Catrina Denvir Publications for Catrina Denvir 2016 Denvir, C. (2016). Online and in the know? Public legal education, young people and the Internet. Computers & Education, 92-93, 204-220. <a href=" 10.003">[More Information]</a> 2015 Fhima, I., Denvir, C. (2015). An Empirical Analysis of the Likelihood of Confusion Factors in European Trade Mark Law. IIC - International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law, 46(3), 310-339. <a href=" 1-6">[More Information]</a> Pleasance, P., Balmer, N., Denvir, C. (2015). How People Understand and Interact with the Law. <a href="http://www.thelegaleducationfoundation.o rg/report/how-people-understand-and-interact-wi th-the-law">[More Information]</a> 2014 Denvir, C. (2014). How do Young People use the Internet to Acquire Knowledge of Rights and Self-Help? Law for Life Evening Seminar 2014, London, England: Presentation. Denvir, C., Balmer, N., Pleasance, P. (2014). Portal or pot hole? Exploring how older people use the 'information superhighway' for advice relating to problems with a legal dimension. Ageing and Society, 34(4), 670-699. <a href=" 1213">[More Information]</a> Denvir, C., Balmer, N. (2014). What's the Net Worth? Young People, Civil Justice and the Internet. UCL International Conference on Access to Justice and Legal Services 2014, London, England: Presentation. 2013 Denvir, C., Balmer, N. (2013). Digitally (de)Faulted? How do Young People use the Internet to Acquire Knowledge of Rights and Self-Help? 4th National Access to Justice and Pro Bono Conference 2013, Melbourne, Vic: Presentation. Smith, M., Balmer, N., Miles, J., Denvir, C., Patel, A. (2013). In scope but out of reach? Examining differences between publicly funded telephone and face-to-face family law advice. Child and Family Law Quarterly, 25(3), 253-269. <a href=" e-areas/family/news_and_comment/in-scope-butout-of-reach-examining-differences-between-pub licly-funded-telephone-and-face-to-face-family-l aw-advice-2013-cflq-253#.VZH4hvmqpBd">[M ore Information]</a> Pleasance, P., Balmer, N., Denvir, C. (2013). Knowledge as power: public understanding of legal rights and civil justice problem resolution strategy. Solicitors' Journal, Waking up to PLE, 12-15. <a href=" ault/files/SJ_Justice%20Gap_PLE%202013_LO W%20RES.pdf">[More Information]</a> Denvir, C., Balmer, N., Pleasance, P. (2013). When legal rights are not a reality: do individuals know their rights and how can we tell? Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 35(1), 139-160. <a href=" 774764">[More Information]</a> Denvir, C. (2013). Young People and the Internet: How can Technology Help in the Resolution of Civil Justice Problems? Shelter Homelessness Trust Lunchtime Seminar 2013, London, England: Presentation. 2012 Denvir, C. (2012). Caught in the Web - How Young People use the Internet in the Resolution of Civil Justice Problems. Legal Services Research Centre International Research Conference 2012: Magdalen College, Oxford, England: Presentation. Miles, J., Balmer, N., Denvir, C., Patel, A., Smith, M. (2012). In scope but out of reach? Examining differences between publically funded telephone and face-to-face family law advice in terms of stage reached and outcome achieved. The Society of Legal Scholars Bristol Conference 2012, Bristol, England: Presentation. Denvir, C., Balmer, N., Buck, A. (2012). Informed Citizens? Knowledge of Rights and the Resolution of Civil Justice Problems. Journal of Social Policy, 41(3), 591-614. <a href=" 0244">[More Information]</a> Balmer, N., Smith, M., Denvir, C., Patel, A. (2012). Just a phone call away: is telephone advice enough? Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 34(1), 63-85. <a href=" 675465">[More Information]</a> 2011 Balmer, N., Denvir, C., Patel, A., Pleasance, P. (2011). Determining the Mental Health Cost of Debt: The Interaction between Debt and Mental Illness. Law and Society Annual Conference 2011, San Francisco, CA, USA: Presentation. Denvir, C., Balmer, N., Patel, A., Pleasance, P. Publications for Catrina Denvir (2011). Determining the Mental Health Cost of Debt: The Interaction between Debt and Mental Illness. Socio-Legal Studies Association (SLSA) Annual Conference 2011, Brighton, England: Presentation. Denvir, C., Balmer, N. (2011). Surfing the Web Recreation or Resource? Exploring how Young People in the UK use the Internet as an Advice Portal for Problems with a Legal Dimension. Socio-Legal Studies Association (SLSA) Annual Conference 2011, Brighton, England: Presentation. Denvir, C., Balmer, N., Pleasance, P. (2011). Surfing the web – Recreation or resource? Exploring how young people in the UK use the Internet as an advice portal for problems with a legal dimension. Interacting with Computers, 23(1), 96-104. <a href=" .004">[More Information]</a> 2010 Pleasance, P., Balmer, N., Patel, A., Denvir, C. (2010). Civil Justice in England and Wales 2009: Report of the 2006-9 English and Welsh Civil and Social Justice Survey. <a href=" 20110206200048/http:/ 010CSJSAnnualReport.pdf">[More Information]</a> Balmer, N., Denvir, C., Buck, A., Patel, A., Pleasance, P. (2010). Knowledge, capability and the experience of rights problems. <a href=" s/2010/05/knowledge-capability-and-the-experie nce-of-rights-problems-lsrc-may-2010-255.pdf"> [More Information]</a> Balmer, N., Patel, A., Denvir, C., Pleasance, P. (2010). Unmanageable Debt and Financial Difficulty in the English and Welsh Civil & Social Justice Survey: Report for the Money Advice Trust. <a href=" content_files/files/unmanageable_debt_and_fina ncial_difficulty_in_the_civil_and_social_justice_ survey.pdf">[More Information]</a>