Publications for Charlotte Taylor 2016

Publications for Charlotte Taylor
Publications for Charlotte Taylor
Technology. The Australian Conference on
Science and Mathematics Education ACSME
2014, NSW: University of Technology, Sydney.
Jacobson, M., Taylor, C., Richards, D. (2016).
Computational scientific inquiry with virtual
worlds and agent-based models: new ways of
doing science to learn science. Interactive
Learning Environments, article in press. <a
1079723">[More Information]</a>
Taylor, C., Tzioumis, V., Meyer, J., Ross, P.
(2014). Using a Mixed Methods Approach to
Explore Student Understanding of Hypotheses in
Biology. National Academy's Sixth Annual
Conference and the Fourth Biennial Threshold
Concepts Conference, Cork, Ireland: NAIRTL.
Davis, A., Major, R., Taylor, C. (2016). Do trees
flower longer in the city? A comparison of
flowering eucalyptus trees in streets, remnants
and continuous forest and their association with
nectarivorous birds. Urban Ecosystems, in press.
5-z">[More Information]</a>
Liu, D., Taylor, C. (2013). Engaging students in
large lectures of introductory biology and
molecular biology service courses using student
response systems. 19th Annual UniServe Science
Conference: Australian Conference on Science
and Mathematics Education (ACSME),
Australia: Uniserve Science.
Liu, D., Taylor, C., Bridgeman, A.,
Bartimote-Aufflick, K., Pardo, A. (2016).
Empowering instructors through customizable
collection and analyses of actionable
information. 1st Learning Analytics for
Curriculum and Program Quality Improvement
Workshop, Aachen, Germany: CEUR-WS.
Davis, A., Major, R., Taylor, C. (2015). The
association between nectar availability and
nectarivore density in urban and natural
environments. Urban Ecosystems, 18(2),
503-515. <a
7-5">[More Information]</a>
Davis, A., Major, R., Taylor, C. (2014).
Distribution of tree-hollows and hollow
preferences by parrots in an urban landscape.
Emu: austral ornithology, 114(4), 295-303. <a
re Information]</a>
Liu, D., Taylor, C. (2014). Integrating Inquiry
and Technology into the Undergraduate
Introductory Biology Curriculum. International
Journal of Innovation in Science and
Mathematics Education, 22(2), 1-18.
Zimbardi, K., Meyer, J., Chunduri, P., Lluka, L.,
Taylor, C., Ross, P., Tziournis, V. (2014).
Student understanding of the critical features of
an hypothesis: variation across epistemic and
heuristic dimensions. National Academy's Sixth
Annual Conference and the Fourth Biennial
Threshold Concepts Conference, Cork, Ireland:
Liu, D., Bridgeman, A., Denyer, G., Taylor, C.
(2014). Technology that Works: Engaging
Students Using Active Learning Facilitated by
Davis, A., Major, R., Taylor, C. (2013). Housing
Shortages in Urban Regions: Aggressive
Interactions at Tree Hollows in Forest Remnants.
PloS One, 8(3), 1-9. <a
9332">[More Information]</a>
Taylor, L., Taylor, C., Davis, A. (2013). The
impact of urbanisation on avian species:
The inextricable link between people and birds.
Urban Ecosystems, 16(3), 481-498. <a
3-y">[More Information]</a>
Arndell, M., Bridgeman, A., Goldsworthy, R.,
Taylor, C., Tzioumis, V. (2012). Code for
success: A roadmap as an organising device for
the transition of first year science students and
the development of academic skills. Australian
Conference on Science and Mathematics
Education (18th Annual UniServe Science
Conference - Teaching and Learning Standards:
What does a standard mean to you), Sydney,
Australia: UniServe Science, University of
Richards, D., Jacobson, M., Porte, J., Taylor, C.,
Taylor, M., Newstead, A., Kelaiah, I., Hanna, N.
(2012). Evaluating the Models and Behaviour of
3D Intelligent Virtual Animals in a Predator-Prey
Relationship. 11th International Conference on
Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems
(AAMAS) 2012, Valencia, Spain: International
Foundation for Autonomous Agents and
Multiagent Systems.
Richards, D., Jacobson, M., Taylor, M.,
Newstead, A., Taylor, C., Porte, J., Kelaiah, I.,
Hanna, N. (2012). Learning to be Scientists via a
Virtual Field Trip (Demonstration). 11th
International Conference on Autonomous Agents
and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS) 2012,
Publications for Charlotte Taylor
Valencia, Spain: International Foundation for
Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems.
Davis, A., Taylor, C., Major, R. (2012). Seasonal
abundance and habitat use of Australian parrots
in an urbanised landscape. Landscape and Urban
Planning, 106, 191-198. <a
12.03.005">[More Information]</a>
Jacobson, M., Taylor, C., Hu, C., Newstead, A.,
Wong, W., Richards, D., Taylor, M., Kartiko, I.,
Porte, J., Kapur, M. (2011). Collaborative virtual
worlds and productive failure: Design research
with multi-disciplinary pedagogical, technical
and graphics, and learning research teams. 9th
International Conference on
Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning
(CSCL 2011): Connecting research to policy and
practice, Hong Kong, China: International
Society of the Learning Sciences. <a
&list_uids=14961935">[More Information]</a>
Lowe, K., Taylor, C., Major, R. (2011). Do
Common Mynas significantly compete with
native birds in urban environments? Journal of
Ornithology, 152(4), 909-921. <a
4-5">[More Information]</a>
Davis, A., Taylor, C., Major, R. (2011). Do fire
and rainfall drive spatial and temporal population
shifts in parrots? A case study using urban parrot
populations. Landscape and Urban Planning,
100(3), 295-301. <a
10.12.017">[More Information]</a>
Quinnell, R., May, E., Peat, M., Taylor, C.
(2010). Approaches to learning and conceptions
of biology: a perspective from tertiary educators.
CONASTA 59, Sydney.
Jacobson, M., Richards, D., Kennedy-Clark, S.,
Thompson, K., Taylor, C., Hu, C., Taylor, M.,
Kartiko, I. (2010). Scenario-Based Muve For
Science Inquiry. 16th UniServe Science Annual
Conference 2010, Sydney: University of Sydney.
Taylor, C., Meyer, J. (2010). The Testable
Hypothesis as a Threshold Concept for Biology
Students. In Jan HF Meyer, Ray Land, Caroline
Baillie (Eds.), Threshold Concepts and
Transformational Learning, (pp. 179-192).
Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
Ross, P., Taylor, C., Hughes, C., Whitaker, N.,
Lutze-Mann, L., Kofod, M., Tzioumis, V.
(2010). Threshold Concepts in Learning Biology
and Evolution. Biology International, 47, 47-54.
Ross, P., Taylor, C., Hughes, C., Kofod, M.,
Whitaker, N., Lutze-Mann, L., Tzioumis, V.
(2010). Threshold Concepts: Challenging the
Way we Think, Teach and Learn in Biology. In
Jan HF Meyer, Ray Land, Caroline Baillie
(Eds.), Threshold Concepts and
Transformational Learning, (pp. 165-177).
Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
Ashley, L., Major, R., Taylor, C. (2009). Does
the presence of grevilleas and eucalypts in urban
gardens influence the distribution and foraging
ecology of Noisy Miners? Emu: austral
ornithology, 109, 135-142. <a
re Information]</a>
Bartimote-Aufflick, K., Walker, R., Smith, L.,
Taylor, C., George, A., Sharma, M., Collier, M.
(2008). Collaborating across the disciplines to
develop university student motivation and
interest. Motivation in Action: 11th International
Conference on Motivation, Finland: University
of Turku.
Taylor, C., Drury, H. (2007). An integrated
approach to teaching writing in the sciences. In
Angela Brew & Judyth Sachs (Eds.),
Transforming a university: the scholarship of
teaching and learning in practice, (pp. 117-125).
NSW, Australia: Sydney University Press.
Taylor, C., Cope, C. (2007). Are there
educationally critical aspects in the concept of
evolution? UniServe Science 2007, Sydney,
Australia: Uniserve Science.
Taylor, C., Peat, M., Gleeson, D., Krause, K.,
Harris, K. (2007). Creating a national online
resource for enhancing assessment practices in
the biological sciences. UniServe Science 2007,
Sydney, Australia: Uniserve Science.
Taylor, C., Peat, M., May, E., Quinnell, R.
(2007). Does the new biology syllabus encourage
students to think differently about their biology
knowledge? Teaching Science, 53(3), 23-26.
Taylor, C. (2007). Integrating feedforward on
academic writing into an undergraduate science
course. REAP International Online Conference
-Assessment design for learner responsibility,
University of Strathclyde: University of
Ellis, R., Taylor, C., Drury, H. (2007). Learning
science through writing: associations with prior
conceptions of writing and perceptions of a
writing program. Higher Education Research &
Development, 26(3), 297-311.
Publications for Charlotte Taylor
May, E., Taylor, C., Peat, M., Barko, A.,
Quinnell, R. (2006). An application of student
learner profiling: comparison of students in
different degree programs. UniServe Science
Symposium 2006, The University of Sydney:
Uniserve Science.
May, E., Taylor, C., Peat, M., Quinnell, R.
(2006). Applications of student learner profiling:
are our teaching and assessment practices serving
student cohorts from different degrees equally
well? UniServe Science Symposium 2006, The
University of Sydney: Uniserve Science.
Taylor, C. (2006). Investigating students’
perceptions and use of feedback for first year
undergraduate science assignments. 14th
Improving Student Learning Symposium, UK:
University of Bath.
Taylor, C. (2006). Threshold concepts in
biology: do they fit the definition? In Jan H.F.
Meyer and Ray Land (Eds.), Overcoming
barriers to student understanding: Threshold
concepts and troublesome knowledge, (pp.
87-99). London & New York: Routledge imprint
of Taylor & Francis.
Ellis, R., Taylor, C., Drury, H. (2006). University
student conceptions of learning science through
writing. Australian Journal of Education, 50(1),
Taylor, C. (2006). Welcome to the Team:
training on a large scale. Higher Education
Colloqium, Edinburgh Universit, UK: University
of Edinburgh.
Re-engineering of undergraduate science
curricula to emphasise development of lifelong
learning skills. Innovations in Education and
Teaching International, 42(2), 135-146.
Taylor, C., Peat, M., Stewart, C. (2005). The
student-staff partnership: Pooling our expertise
to develop a user-friendly skills web site. Higher
Education Research and Development Society of
Australasia Annual Conference - HERDSA 2005,
Sydney: Institute for Teaching and Learning.
Taylor, C. (2004). Integrating urban biodiversity
research and community involvement:
Environmental Education Outcomes of the Birds
in Backyards Program. What Works? Why?
Where Next? Linking Research and Practice,
Australia: University of NSW (UNSW).
Taylor, C., Peat, M., Stewart, C. (2004).
LifeLongEarning - Enhancing the employability
of graduates: increasing the awareness of staff
and students to the needs of the employers.
UniServe Science First Year Experience
Discussion Forum, Sydney: Uniserve Science.
Taylor, C., Drury, H. (2004). The effect of
student prior experience, attitudes and
expectations on performance in an undergraduate
science writing. In Gert Rijlaarsdam, Huub van
den Bergh, Micbel Couzijn (Eds.), Effective
Learning and Teaching of Writing: A Handbook
of Writing in Education, (pp. 561-573). USA:
Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Peat, M., Taylor, C. (2004), Virtual Biology: how
well can it replace authentic activities?.
Peat, M., Franklin, S., Taylor, C. (2005).
Application of ICT to provide feedback to
support learning in First-Year Science. In C.
McLoughlin and A. Taji (Eds.), Teaching in the
Sciences. Learner-Centered Approaches, (pp.
157-175). Binghamton, NY.: Food Products
Taylor, C., Peat, M., Stewart, C. (2003),
Enhancing the employability of science
graduates: increasing the awareness of
students and staff to the needs of employers.
Quinnell, R., May, E., Peat, M., Taylor, C.
(2005). Creating a reliable instrument to assess
students' conceptions of studying biology at
tertiary level. Blended Learning in Science,
Teaching and Learning Symposium 2005,
University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia:
Uniserve Science.
Taylor, C. (2003). Identifying students at risk:
strategies for large classes. UniServe Science
First Year Experience Discussion Forum,
Sydney: Uniserve Science.
Ellis, R., Taylor, C., Drury, H. (2005).
Evaluating writing instruction through an
investigation of students' experiences of learning
through writing. Instructional Science, 33(1),
49-71. <a
6-y">[More Information]</a>
Peat, M., Taylor, C., Franklin, S. (2005).
Taylor, C., Peat, M., Stewart, C., Fernandez, A.
(2003), Enhancing the Employability of Science
Graduates: a Faculty of Science initiative.
Taylor, C., Peat, M. (2003). Mid Semester exam
and its interactive marking scheme. UniServe
Science First Year Experience Discussion
Forum, Sydney: Uniserve Science.
Taylor, C. (2003). Student interpretations of
written feedback comments on science
assignments: do they understand or use them?
11th International Conference on Improving
Student Learning, UK.
Taylor, C., Drury, H. (2003). What influences
Publications for Charlotte Taylor
student success in undergraduate science
writing? The links between previous
experiences, expectations, attitudes and
approaches to writing. 11th International
Conference on Improving Student Learning, UK.
Taylor, C. (2002). Communicating to learn to
write: unravelling the learning processes in
online discussions on written assignments. 8th
International Conference of the European
Association for Research on Learning and
Taylor, C., Peat, M., Fernandez, A. (2002).
Enhancing the first year experience: a decade of
developments in Information and
Communications Technologies. 15th
International Conference on The First-Year
Peat, M., Taylor, C., Fernandez, A. (2002). From
Informational Technology in biology teaching to
Inspirational Technology: Where have we come
from and where are we going? Australian
Science Teachers Journal, 48(2), 6-11.
Taylor, C., Drury, H., Lindsay, M. (2002).
Incorporating first year students' prior writing
experiences and expectations into an
undergraduate science program. 8th
International Conference of the European
Association for Research on Learning and
Taylor, C., Drury, H. (2002). Investigating the
effect of students' prior writing experiences on
their attitudes and approaches to writing in an
undergraduate science program. 15th
International Conference on The First-Year
Stewart, C., Sharma, M., May, E., Peat, M.,
Quinnell, R., Taylor, C., Prosser, M., Logan, P.
(2001), How can we measure changes in
students' approaches to learning and
conceptions of a subject?.
Stewart, C., Sharma, M., Peat, M., Taylor, C.,
Quinnell, R., Prosser, M., Logan, P. (2001). The
HSC syllabus changeover and first-year student
experiences in physics and biology. Proceedings
of Research and Development into University
Science Teaching and Learning, Sydney:
Uniserve Science.
Taylor, C. (2001). Writing Skills. First Year
Experience Forum, Sydney: Uniserve Science.