United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) and African Centre for Statistics at Economic Commission for Africa (ACS) Distributive Trade Statistics in African context: Challenges and good practices Nigerian situation Presented by Mrs. Oloyede Oluyemi (National Bureau of Statistics, (NBS) Abuja, Nigeria) During the workshop for African Countries on the Implementation of International Recommendations for Distributive Trade Statistics Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 27-30 May, 2008, 1 OUTLINE OF PRESENTATION Introduction Legal Framework Data sources Production of Distributive Trade Statistics (DTS) Problems Recommendations/Conclusion End of Presentation 2 INTRODUCTION Definition of distribution trade statistics (DTS) DTS is an important economic activity comprising wholesale, retail, export and import i.e. sales without transformation of any types of goods together with services incidental to sales such as repair, installation and delivery 3 INTRODUCTION CONT; SCOPE The target population are the establishments that are into wholesale, retail, export/import and other services that are incidental to sales such as repair & installation and delivery and employ 10 persons and above COVERAGE Coverage: Survey of Distributive trade under NISE covers all the states of the federation including Federal Capital Territory, Abuja 4 INTRODUCTION CONT; REGULARITY Survey of Distributive Trade has been conducted on yearly basis since the year 2004 in which emphasis is on quarterly data under National Bureau of Statistics (NBS)/Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and Nigeria Communication Commission (NCC) collaborative survey of Socio-Economic activities in Nigeria using an infrastructure called NISE (National Integrated Survey of Establishment) 5 INTRODUCTION CONT; HISTORY OF DISTRIBUTIVE TRADE STATISTICS The survey of distributive trade services started in Nigeria in 1971, as a pilot survey. The subsequent surveys were in 1972,1973 and 1985 Then, on annual basis till date with preceding year as reference period Quarterly survey of distributive trade began in 1998 6 LEGAL FRAME WORK Nigeria Statistical Act May 2007 has two main clauses; Enforcing any person or group in the country to comply with information requested for by the authorized Statistical Agency- National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) in Nigeria Making it mandatory for the Statistical Agency to keep individual information of respondents secret 7 DATA SOURCES Distributive trade statistics in Nigeria is from statistical survey as classified in section G of ISIC Rev.3 8 POST SURVEYS/COLLABORATIVE SURVEYS ON DTS 2004 NBS/CBN/NCC Survey of Socio-Economic Activities in Nigeria 2005 NBS/CBN/NCC Survey of Socio-Economic Activities in Nigeria 2006 NBS/CBN/NCC Survey of Socio-Economic Activities in Nigeria 2007 NBS/CBN/NCC Survey of Socio-Economic Activities in Nigeria, analysis is on going The overall objective of collaboration is to collect statistics to facilitate the production of GDP and monitoring economic performance of DTS in the country 9 PRODUCTION OF DISTRIBUTIVE TRADE STATISTICS Production of distributive trade statistics involves: Sample frame Survey Methodology Sample Design Survey Instruments Data Collection Monitoring Coordination Data processing Report writing Dissemination 10 DISTRIBUTIVE TRADE STATISTCS SAMPLING FRAME We have three source from which we obtain DTS frame: Value added Tax Register from Federal Inland Revenue Cooperate Affairs Commission National Bureau of Statistics Frame is updated every 10 years in which sample are selected for the conduct of distributive trade statistics survey The latest Frame updating was conducted in 2004 Currently, the 2007 frame updating is in process due to abnormalities in 2004 Items for the new template are : Establishment Number Zone Senatorial District State Local Government Employment Size 11 DISTRIBUTIVE TRADE FRAME CONT; Nearest Town Establishment name Physical location Postal address Establishment phone number E-mail address Legal status Registration with CAC 12 DISTRIBUTIVE TRADE FRAME CONT; Year of operation Activity (name and code) Product (name and code of 2 main product) Import Export Sector 13 SAMPLE DESIGN Establishments engaging 10 persons and above Sample are selected proportion to size of population in each state of the Federation Large establishments are selected with certainty Contribution to GDP 14 SURVEY INSTRUMENTS: The Instruments are: Questionnaire: Questionnaire for the survey of DTS undergo review every year To meet the survey objectives, questionnaires were reviewed based on previous year experience Editing Guideline 15 SURVEY INSTRUMENTS CONT; Data Items: DTS Questionnaire is usually divided into 13 sections Section 1- Identification : Name of establishment Physical location Postal Address Nearest Town State Local Government Contact person telephone number Year of commencement 16 DATA ITEMS CONT; Type of ownership Type of activity engaged in Section 2: Employment Section 3: Income Section 4: Costs of Goods sold Section 5: Cost of Operation Section 6: Capital Expenditure 17 DATA ITEMS CONT; Section 7: Source of working capital Section 8: Profit/ Loss before tax Section 9: Net Asset Section 10: Working Capital Section 11: Information and Communication Technology Section 12: Problems facing the Establishment Section 13: Certification 18 TRAINING Before going to the field for data collection training is always conducted at two levels: Training of trainers (TOT) at Headquarters which involved senior officers from NBS,CBN and NCC Training of field staff at state which also involves Zonal Controllers, State Officers and Supervisors and enumerators 19 DATA COLLECTION Field work arrangement: Arrangement is made on how data would be collected within a given period of time Monitoring/Retrieval Objectives of monitoring To ensure good data quality To identify sources of errors and correct them To ensure the implementation of guidelines To measure the size of errors 20 DATA COLLECTION CONT; COORDINATION Zonal Controllers and State Officers coordinate the field work in their Zones or States This is to meet up with the time line 21 DATA PROCESSING/ANALYSIS Data processing and analysis is been done at the NBS headquarters Field editing is first carried out and followed by manual editing and coding in the office on the retrieved questionnaires. The editing, basically involves correcting anomalies like illegibility, unreasonable entries, arithmetic errors, inconsistency, impossible magnitude and making imputations where need be e.t.c The next stage is data entry, followed by computer editing/data cleaning, then tables generation. 22 DATA PROCESSING/ANALYSIS Analysis Analysis is made on the following economic indicators: Employment Emolument of employees Cost of goods sold Value of sales Gross Margin Cost of Operation Total working capital 23 OUTPUT The output had been encouraging in the above economic indicators except total working capital that decreased by 35 percent in 2006 compared to 2005 survey result 24 USES OF DISTRIBUTIVE TRADE STATISTICS Formulation of policy Planning purposes To study the trend of wages and salaries earned Changes in sales Contribution to GDP 25 REPORT WRITING Report is written on the tables generated by Senior Officers of the subject matter division 26 DISSEMINATION STRATEGY The data generated are available in both hard and soft copies. Through Press and Electronic media Workshop organized to sensitize the public Bulletin Newsletters CD Internet Flash disk 27 CURRENT STATUS 2007 Survey of Distributive Trade Statistics is now at the analysis stage There is an improvement in the response rate 28 ACHIEVEMENT Improvement in DTS Frame Frame updating Continuity in data production 29 PROBLEMS Delay/low response Respondents not giving correct information Problem of call-backs Partial completion of questionnaires Establishment don’t keep record Surveys in Nigeria are capital intensive Fear of taxation 30 Recommendations/Conclusion Recently there is a lot of improvement in generation of data in Nigeria Efforts are been made to involve stakeholders Bring in the umbrella agency Development of State Statistical Year book for administrative statistics The constants need for users/Producers’ and suppliers workshop The enforcement of statistical act 31 End of Presentation Thank U 32