Luba Iskold, Ed. D. NEALLT 2015

“BYOD and mobile learning in the Language Center”
Carnegie Mellon University
April 24-26
Presented by
Luba Iskold, Ed. D.
Professor of Russian & Director LLC
Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Muhlenberg College
Presentation Outline
 Introduction & Background
 What is a MILA Experience?
 Purpose of the Study
 Research Questions
 Methodology
 Thinking through the Muhlenberg Model
 Discussion
Global Learning: What is a MILA Experience?
Muhlenberg Integrated Learning Abroad
 Provides students with the opportunity to
participate in courses that include short-term
international study components
 Interdisciplinary courses taught by two professors
 Meet on campus during the fall or spring semester
 Include a faculty-led short-term study abroad trip
after the close of the semester
Past Faculty Led Short-Term Programs Abroad
2014 Examples
 Ghana: History, Memory, and Performance in Ghana
Study trip and Spring Semester course with Drs. Peck, Theatre &
Dance Department and Gallon, History Department.
 Greece: Homeric Epic and Greek History
Study trip and Spring Semester course with Dr. Randy Helm,
President-Muhlenberg College. Trip included 10 days of site visits
and fieldwork in Greece.
 Bangladesh: Climate Change/Sustainable
Development in Bangladesh. Study trip and Spring Semester
course with Drs. Hashim & Gambino, Political Science Department.
Project Description
Purpose of the Study:
• Examine the need for a language component in MILA courses
• Develop a cost-effective institutional model for learning the
basics of modern languages that are not offered as traditional
language courses at the College
The program would NOT replace the current Foreign Language
Requirement, nor would it count toward the FL Requirement
Research Questions
 What are the institutional needs?
 Is language important?
 Are there institutional resources in place?
 How to assure student accountability?
 What are the instruments for student reward
Research Team
 The study was conducted with the support of a
Faculty Center for Teaching Small Group Grant
Three faculty & two students participated
• Faculty: History, Political Science, Languages
• Students: Idil (French, Turkish- heritage language)
Sarah: Spanish & Russian (heritage languages)
• 15 Muhlenberg Students who recently participated in
a MILA course followed by faculty-led short-term
summer program in Turkey
• 18 Muhlenberg Faculty who recently participated
in a faculty-led summer program in Turkey
• Convened two Focus Groups to survey perceptions of
the need for basic language instruction in Turkish
• Group I –Students
• Group II- Faculty
• Reviewed relevant literature
• Researched institutions that offer less commonly
taught languages
• Consulted with department chairs and the Registrar
Summary of the Findings
When adults go abroad and do not understand basic signs,
directions, or communicative phrases, they become frustrated
Those who know at least the basics can connect in more
meaningful ways to other cultures
Based on the findings from interviews conducted in the Fall of
2012 with faculty and students who traveled to Turkey in the
Summer of 2012, we have established that our students will
benefit from learning the basics of a language prior to going on
a short- or long-term study abroad
Proposed Model: BLIC
Basic Language for Intercultural Communication
Hybrid program (combination of software, online resources, faceto-face communication with native speakers of the target language
Flipped format
Guided self- study of the basics of modern foreign languages that
are not offered as traditional language courses at the College
BLIC becomes a required component of a MILA course
Students receive .5 credit for this component of the course
The program would NOT replace the current Foreign Language
Requirement, nor would it count toward the FL Requirement
Basic Language for Intercultural Communication
In collaboration with an interested faculty/department, the Language
Learning Center will prepare a language study kit, including:
syllabus/course of study outline
software & online materials
self-assessment tools for basic Turkish
Faculty in the Political Science and History Departments will identify and
recruit peer- and/or community partners, native speakers of Turkish, who
will conduct face-to-face conversation sessions with students
The LLC will train peer- and community partners in language learning
strategies and will provide other relevant information
Online facilitators for those preparing to travel abroad ???
Assessment Tools:
Objective Testing : CEFR objective Tests???
Self-reported: CEFR Rubrics
Contact Information:
Dr. Luba Iskold
2400 Chew Street
Muhlenberg College,
Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures,
Allentown, PA 18104
Phone: 484-664-3516
Fax: 484-664-3722