PROPOSAL FORM FOR HONORS IN ANTHROPOLOGY This form must be submitted to the faculty advisor of your project and the Chair of the Department of Sociology & Anthropology on or before 1 June. Name: Current Cumulative GPA in Anthropology: Current Overall GPA: Faculty Advisor for the Honors Project: Proposed Title of Your Honors Project: Please answer each of the following questions in 250 words or less. Include the question at the top of each section. 1. Describe your research question/hypothesis or research objective. That is, what will the focus of your investigation be? 2. How does your research build on existing scholarship in anthropology and closely related disciplines? Give specific examples of this scholarship and its findings. 3. What evidence will you need to collect to answer your research question? How will you go about collecting and analyzing this evidence? 4. What is your training; how are you prepared to do this research? List examples of your language competence, technical skills, previous research, relevant courses taken, and other relevant experience. Describe any work you’ve already done on this project. The above questions are adapted from the Wenner-Gren Foundation.