INTRODUCTION The purpose of this research ...

The purpose of this research project is to investigate the holdings of the Fagel Collection (TCD
Library) given its origins as a working information resource for high-level officials of the StatesGeneral in the Dutch Republic.
The project is specifically aimed at:
1. Unlocking the pamphlet collection of the Fagel library, to see:
2. How contemporary knowledge of probability influenced the Fagel’s public role
3. How the Fagel’s dealt with political and economic crises
4. What we can learn from that in our tijdsgewricht
During the first stage of this research project the Research Assistant (RA) would review many of the
pamphlets (eighteenth century), and produce an overview of some of the more important volumes on
probability theory and statistics in the collection.
This report is a first outcome of this undertaking, and provides a bibliography of the books and
articles on probability theory and statistics in the Fagel Collection of TCD Library, which can be
found in the 1872 Printed Catalogue (Document 1), an overview of the available catalogues to
investigate the pamphlets in the Fagel Collection (Document 2), descriptions of eighteenth century
pamphlets, tracts, ordinances and lists with economic, political arithmetic and related subjects that can
be found in volumes under lot 7593, 7594, 7596 of the Auction Catalogue (Document 3).
In addition to this an overview is offered of pamphlets related to annuities which are in the
database The Early Modern Pamphlets Online (Document 4), as well as a bibliography on the primary
and secondary sources related to Willem Jacob ‘s Gravesande (Document 5). The latter also provides
an overview of the key literature on the history of probability and statistics. Finally a select
bibliography on the Fagels and their library is provided (Document 6).
Together with these documents comes a digital document and ordner which contains the PDF
files of pamphlets mentioned in this document (only those which have the sign
), The History of
Statistics A Select Bibliography (2nd edition) by Peter M. Lee, several items of the secondary literature
on Fagel, ‘s Gravesande and Kersseboom, and the Archival Guide of the Fagel Archives in the Dutch
National Archive, The Hague.
Mary-Ann E. Middelkoop
Dublin, March 2010
This document provides a bibliography of books and articles on probability theory and statistics in the
Fagel Collection of TCD Library. This bibliography is composed after consultation of The History of
Statistics A Select Bibliography 2nd edition (1995) by Peter M. Lee, Classical Probability in the
Enlightenment (1988) by Lorraine Daston, and The Emergence of Probability 2nd edition (2006) by Ian
Arbuthnot, John, ‘An argument for divine providence, taken from the regularity observed in the birth
of both sexes’, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society in London 27 (1710-12), pp.
186-190. Fag.M.7.1-51 (In Fag.: Philosophical Transactions vol. I.-LI. (1665-1747).
Arnauld, A., & Nicole, P., La logique, ou l'Art de penser (Paris, 1662). In Fag as: 6th ed. Amsterdam,
1685. Fag.N.9.59; Fag.N.10.12
Bayes, T., Divine Benevolence, or an Attempt to Prove that the Principal End of the Divine
Providence and Government Is The Happiness of His Creatures (London,1731).
Bentley, R., The folly and unreasonableness of atheism demonstrated, in eight sermons preached at
the Boyle lecture (London, 1693). In Fag as: vertaalt, met aantekeningen en met een
voorbereid end vertoog verrykt door Johan Lufofs (Amsterdam, 1741). Fag.Z.6.13; Eight
sermons, preached at the hon. R. Boyle's Lecture in the first year (1692) ; 5th ed. To which is
added, a sermon preached at the publick-commencement at Cambridge, July 5, 1696.
(Cambridge, 1724). Fag.Y.7.26, 27
Berkeley, G., A Treatise concerning the Principles of Human Knowlegde (Dublin, 1710). In Fag as: A
treatise concerning the principles of human knowlegde; with remarks on each section. In
which his doctrines are shewn to be repugnant to facts, &c. To which are added, his dialogues
between Hylas and Philonous. And a philosophical discourse on the name of human being,
containing a defence of Mr. Locke's principles, and some remarks on Dr. Beattie's essay on
truth. By the author of the remarks (London, 1776). Fag.D.6.17
Boyle, R., The Works of the Honourable Robert Boyle (London, 1744). Fag.N.I.25-29
Buffon, G. L., ‘Des probabilités de la durée de la vie’, in: Histoire naturelle. Supplément Vol. 4 (Paris,
1777), pp. 149-323. In Fag as: Paris, 1789. tom. VII. Fag.N.4.8
Buffon, G. L., ‘Essais d'arithmetique morale’, in: Histoire naturelle. Supplement Vol. 4 (Paris, 1777),
pp. 46-148. In Fag as: Paris, 1789. tom. VII. Fag.N.4.8
Butler, J., the Analogy of Religion, Natural and Revealed, to the Constitution and Course of Nature
(London, 1736). In Fag, as: with a life of the author and notes, by Wm. Fitzgerald (London,
1856). 2nd ed. Fag.N.12.30
Church, T., A Vindication of the Miraculous Powers which subsisted in the Three First Centuries of
the Christian Church. In answer to Dr. Middleton's free enquiry. With a preface, cont. some
observations on Dr. Mead's account of the demoniacs, in his new piece, int. Medica sacra
(London, 1750). Fag.Z.9.10
Craig, J., ‘A calculation of the credibility of human testimony’, Philosophical Transactions of the
Royal Society of London 21 (1699), pp. 359-365. Fag.M.7.1-51 (PhilosophicalTransactions
vol. I.-LI. (1665-1747).
De Moivre, A., ‘De mensura sortis, seu, de probabilitate eventuum in ludis a casu fortuito
pendentibus’, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 27 (1711), pp. 213264. Fag.M.7.1-51 (Philosophical Transactions vol. I.-LI. (1665-1747).
Derham, W., Physico-Theology: or a Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of God from his Work
of Creation (London, 1713). In Fag as: (London, 1723). 6th ed. Fag.D.7.46; (London, 1727).
7th ed. Fag.Y.8.36; trad. de l'Anglois [par Lafneu, medicin] (Rotterdam, 1726). 2 tom.
Fag.N.7.45-46; volgens den lesten Engelschen druk vertaalt door Abr. van Loon (Leiden,
1728). Fag.Z.6.I.No.I
Derham, W., Astro-Theology: or a Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of God from a Survey of
the Heavens (London, 1715). In Fag as: (London, 1726). 5th ed. Fag.N.8.26
Domat, J., Les loix civiles dans leur ordre naturel (Paris, 1713). In Fag as: nouv. ed. augmentée des 3e
& 4e livred du droit public, par M. de Hericourt, des notes de M. de Bouchevret, sur le legum
delectus; et de celles de MM. Berroyer & Chevalier (Paris, 1745). 2 tom. Fag.O.I.20, 21
Fontenelle, B. d., ‘Éloge de M. Bernoulli’, Histoire de l'Académie royale des Sciences. Année 1705
(Amsterdam, 1746). In Fag as: the same with additional éloges (La Haye, 1740). 2 vol.
Glanvill, J., Essays on Several Important Subjects in Philosophy and Religion (London, 1676).
Gravesande, W. J. ‘s, Oeuvres philosophiques et mathématiques. Publiées par Jean Nic. Seb.
Allamand, qui y a ajouté l’histoire de la vie & des ecrits de l’auteur (Amsterdam, 1774).
Fag.N.4.32, 33
Halley, E., ‘An estimate of the degrees of mortality of mankind, drawn from curious tables of the
births and funerals at the city of Breslau; with an attempt to ascertain the price of annuities
upon lives’, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 17 (1693), pp. 596610; 654-596. Fag.M.7.1-51 (Philosophical Transactions vol. I.-LI. (1665-1747).
Hartley, D., Observations on Man, His Frame, His Duty, and His Expectations (London, 1749).
Hooper, G., ‘A calculation of the credibility of human testimony’, Philosophical Transactions of the
Royal Society of London 21 (1699) 459-365. Fag.M.7.1-51 (PhilosophicalTransactions vol. I.LI. (1665-1747).
Lambert, J. H., ‘Theorie der Zuverlässigkeit der Beobachtungen und Versuche’, in: Beyträge zum
Gebrauche der Mathematik und deren Anwendung I (Berlin, 1765), pp. 424-488. Fag.II.3.4144
Locke, John, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (London, 1690). In Fag as: with the notes
and illustrations of the author, and an analysis of his doctrine of ideas. Also, questions on
Locke's Essay, by A.M. (London, 1860). 32nd ed. Fag. C.15.106; traduit de l'anglois par
Pierre Coste (Amsterdam, 1700). Fag.N.5.10; An abridgment of mr. Locke's Essay concerning
human understanding. By John Wynne. (London, 1731). 4th ed. Fag.N.8.1.
Melon, J.-F., Essay politique sur le commerce (1734). In Fag as: (Amsterdam, 1735) Fag.P.10.28;
(Amsterdam, 1754). nouv.ed. Fag.P.10.30
Nieuwentyt, B., Het regt gebruik der werelt beschouwingen, ter overtuiginge van ongodisten en
ongelovigen aangetoont (Amsterdam, 1715). Fag.D.3.10; Fag.N.5.8
Pascal, B., Lettres provinciales (Cologne, 1657). Fag.Y.10.27
Petty, W., Political the same relates to every country, but particularly to Great Britain
(Glasgow. 1751). Fag.S.2.2.No.I
Price, R., Review of the Principal Questions in Morals (London, 1758). Fag.D.6.55
Struyk, N., Aanmerkingen op de gissingen over den staat van het menschelyk geslagt, uitreekening
van de lyfrenten en 't aanhangsel op beide, begreepen in het boek, genaamt Inleiding tot de
algemeene geographie: vervat in een brief van den schryver der Verhandeling tot een proeve,
om te weeten de probable menigte des volks in de provincie van Hollandt en Westvrieslandt
(’s Gravenhage, 1740). Fag.O.4.45.No.4
Süssmilch, J. P., Die göttliche Ordnung in den Veränderungen des menschlichen Geslechts aus der
Geburt,dem Tode under der Fortpflanzung desselben erweisen (Berlin, 1756-76).
Fag.A.10.71-73; Uit het Hoogduitsch overgezet (Amsterdam, 1770-72). 2 dln. in 4 stukken.
To identify documents dealing with probability, political and actuarial risk in the pamphlet collection
of the Fagels several tools are available. This document provides an overview of these catalogues and
databases, as well as their advantages and disadvantages.1
1. Christie’s Catalogue – Samuel Paterson 1802 (TCD EPB Reading Room)
Sale-catalogue composed by Samuel Paterson in 1802. Part one contains 5246 numbers, part two the
numbers 5247-9844. The books are systematically ordered in chapters and sections.
Paterson describes lot 7593 in the sale-catalogue of 1802 as ‘A Collection of Historical and Political
Tracts, in Number upwards of 10,000 interesting, in fome Measure, to every Kingdom and State in
Europe, but more especially to the United Provinces of the Netherlands; comprehending the Rise,
Progress, and Political Efforts of that Distinguished Republic in the 16th and 17th Centuries; during
which Periods, scarcely a printed scrap of Political Acumen has escaped the Vigilance of the
Collector; written in various Languages, Lt. Fr. Flem. &c. but chiefly in Dutch; bound in 243 vol.
small 4to, with an accurate Catalogue of the Contents. A Collection when we consider the Remoteness
of the Times, and when we consider the immense scarcity of many of them, such as no Diligence nor
scarcely any Expence could obtain, is certainly deserving a Place in the first Public Library, S.P.’
He introduces lot 7594, 7595 and 7596 in one or two sentences. In other words, a detailed description
of the pamphlets is lacking.
2. Inventaris Politique en andere Tractaaten – François Fagel ca. 1739 (TCD MS 3726)
Inventory of the Fagel-pamphlets in lot 7593 written by François Fagel ca. 1739, 148 pages. The back
of the Catalogue says ‘Catalogue of the Fagel Tracts No. 7593 in H.1.2.3’. It contains H.1.1-93 and
H.3.1-53. In general the pamphlets are chronologically ordered in different sections.
The titles are brief, and they often provide the reader with information on the content rather than
giving the title of a document. The latter makes it hard to recognise some of the pamphlets. Probably
1/5 of the of the titles in No. 7593 is not in the inventory.
3. Printed Catalogue – TCD Library 1872 (TCD Online version)
Partially this chapter is based on Chapter III Catalogi in E. Braches, Rapport Fagel-Bibliotheek (Haarlem,
Printed Catalogue (PC) of Trinity College Dublin, primarily the work of James Henthorn Todd. In this
Catalogue the pamphlets are, like the other volumes of the Fagel Collection, catagorised under the
abbreviation ‘Fag.’.
The PC probably contains 80% of the pamphlets. Broadsheets, defect copies, very small pamphlets,
ordinances, placates and lists are not always described in the PC. Not entered in the PC are lot 7594
and 7596.2 The descriptions of the pamphlets contain many language errors, and pamphlets without an
author are difficult to trace.
Since 2005 the PC is online at At the moment
John Byrne, Emeritus Professor of Computer Science, is investigating the possibility of extracting the
pamphlets from the online PC.
4. Stand Catalogue – Ernst Braches 1962 (Personal Archive, The Netherlands; copy in appendix)
In 1962 Ernst Braches described all the pamphlets in lot 7593 H.1.1-67, H.3.7-14, and 7594 I.I.1.111/7596. 1700 pamphlets in total (the complete collection contains more than 10,000 pamphlets).
Thereby he consulted pamphlet catalogues by Tiele, Knuttel, Van der Wulp, Van Someren, Petit and
Van Alphen en Broekema. For pamphlets already known in one of these catalogues, he noted just the
number (for example Kn. 654). Unknown pamphlets were described according to Dunkin, How to
catalogue a rare book (1951). Most of the unknown pamphlets are from the period 1550-1620.
5. The Early Modern Pamphlets Online (TEMPO)
This project “aims to provide digital facsimiles of all pamphlets in the major collections. The first
release in this prodigious online resource contains more than 47,000 pamphlets. They are offered in
the following series: Dutch Pamphlets and German Pamphlets. Other series, including French
Pamphlets, will be added in the future. The Dutch Pamphlets series comprises both the complete
Knuttel collection from the National Library of the Netherlands and the Van Alphen collection from
Groningen University Library. The famous Knuttel collection contains some 34,000 pamphlets, to
which the Van Alphen collection adds another 2,800. There is no overlap between the two. Combined,
these collections form an exhaustive treasure trove of primary texts on the history of the Low
Countries between 1486 and 1853.”
This database is a major improvement in research on pamphlets and related documents. Pamphlets
could be traced by title, author, place, printer, year, subject, language, pamphlet nr., series or library. It
makes is relatively easy to investigate the uniqueness of the pamphlets in the Fagel Collection, as well
as the amount of pamphlets around a certain topic (for example annuities, see Chapter 2).
Braches, Rapport, p. 30-32.
This database can only be accessed by members of the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, The Hague. See:
6. Short Title Catalogue Netherlands (STCN)
The Short Title Catalogue Netherlands is the Dutch retrospective bibliography for the period 15401800. The STCN-database contains more than 190,000 titles and over 500,000 copies of books
published in the Netherlands (irrespective of the language) and of books in Dutch published abroad
(with the exception of Belgium). The STCN has been compiled by the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, based
on important Dutch and foreign collections. The Fagel Collection has not been added to this database,
but many of the volumes, including the pamphlets, could be traced in this database.
This document provides a selection of pamphlets and tracts in the Fagel Collection on economic,
scientific, and statistical topics from 1700 onwards. The list is composed after consultation of the
volumes Fag.H.3.50-53 (7593), Fag.I.I.1.29-36 (7594), Fag.H.9.1-12 (7595); which according to their
title pages and the available catalogues, all contain eighteenth century pamphlets.
The descriptions are made available by TEMPO, as well as the corresponding PDF files. Documents
not in TEMPO were found in the STCN database. Only one placate could not be traced in both
7593 (H.3.38, 50-53)
RecordID 7398
Pamphlet Nr. 09901
Title Vertoogh |en uytrekeningh, waer mede klaer en duydelijck
wort betoont [...] dat de lijf-renten by overlevingh,
invoegen als onlanghs voor de stadt Campen [...] werden
genegotieert, voor de contribuanten [...] voordeeliger zijn,
als ordinaris lijf-renten
Place Amsterdam, f. M. Doornick, 1671
Printer Doornick, Marcus Willemsz Amsterdam, 1659-1702
Year 1671
Pages A-B4 C2
Format 4˚
Fingerprint 167104 , b1 A2
Language Dutch
Subject Economics
Series Dutch Pamphlets
Library Koninklijke Bibliotheek
Microfiche Nr. 3001
H 3.50
RecordID 45695
Pamphlet Nr. 00562
Author Listingh, Nicolaas
Title Incitamentum & adiumentum, dat is Opweckinge ende
aanleydinge, tot het uytvinden van ... middelen ... om de
zee-dycken, in Hollandt en West-Vrieslandt ... te
beschermen en te bevreyden.
Place Tot Amsterdam,
Printer by d'erfg. van Paulus Matthysz
Year 1702
Pages [6], 51 p.
Format in-4
Collation PI 3 A-F 4 G 2
Language Dutch
Notes Opdracht en Voorreeden getek. N.L.. - N.L. is Nicolaas
Listingh (Van Alphen). - Keerzijde titelpag. bedrukt met
gedicht van Vondel
Reference Van Alphen 562
Series Dutch Pamphlets
Library Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Shelfmark BROCH 181
RecordID 11960
Pamphlet Nr. 15424
Author Symon van de Molen (1698-1705 fl.)
Title Meet-konstig afbeeldsel, van een verduystering in de zon,
die wesen zal den 12 may, 1706.
Place Amsterdam, J. Loots, 1705
Printer Loots, Johannes Amsterdam, 1697-1724
Year 1705
Pages A-B4
Format 4°
Fingerprint 170504 , b1 A2 Lug : b2 B3 nvo
Language Dutch
Subject Astronomy
Series Dutch Pamphlets
Library Koninklijke Bibliotheek
Microfiche Nr. 4516
RecordID 12586
Pamphlet Nr. 16272
Title Consent tot introductie van een familiegeldt in [...]
Hollandt en Westvrieslandt, tot verval van de schulden [...]
van den laetsten oorlogh, gedragen den 19. april 1715
Place 'sGravenhage, P. Scheltus pr., 1
Printer Scheltus, Paulus (I) 's-Gravenhage, 1688-1745
Year 1715
Pages A-B4 (B4 blank)
Format 4°
Fingerprint 171504 , b1 A2 illig : b2 B3 or
Language Dutch
Subject Public and social administration , State publications
Series Dutch Pamphlets
Library Koninklijke Bibliotheek
Microfiche Nr. 4782
Traité, dans le quel on approfondit [...] les funestes suites, que les Anglois &
les Hollandois ont a craindre de l'établissement de la compagnie d'Ostende.
/ Translated from the English by J. Bion
Amsterdam, J. van Septeren bookseller, 1726
*2 A-E4 F2 (F2 blank)
172604 - a1=a2 *2 res - b1 A i : b2 F er
Typografische informatie: x (typografische titelpagina), i (lettertype romein)
Vertaler / Bewerker:
Drukker / Uitgever:
Jean-François Bion (1668-ca1735)
Septeren, Johannes van (I) Amsterdam, 1722-1730
History (Netherlands); History (Great Britain and Ireland); History
(America); Economics; Period documents; West India Company
Amsterdam, UB: Pfl. N z I
Leiden, UB: 669 H 29
Londen, British Library: 8245.b.90:5
Londen, British Library: 107.b.42
Tweede leeninge op de ampten. Gearresteert den 13. maart 1727
'sGravenhage, P. and I. Scheltus printers, 1727
Issued by the States of Holland
172704 - b1 A2 n$ : *b2 I2 ne
172704 - b1 A2 n$ : b2 I2 $
Typografische informatie: x (typografische titelpagina), i (lettertype romein)
Alternatieve titel:
Drukker / Uitgever:
Geografisch trefwoord:
Scheltus, Paulus (I) 's-Gravenhage, 1688-1745; Scheltus, Isaac (I) 'sGravenhage, 1718-1749
Holland (1727)
Public and social administration; State publications
Amsterdam, UB: Pfl. O a 8
Amsterdam, UB: Pfl. O a 9
Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit: pamflet jaar 1727-2
Den Haag, Gemeentearchief: Hgst 3143
Den Haag, KB: plakk. Q 131:21
Den Haag, KB: 504 A 83
Den Haag, Museum Meermanno: 147 H 158
Leiden, UB: THYSPF 13858
7594 (I.I.1.29-36)
RecordID 11157
Pamphlet Nr. 14629
Author Hugo Ruysch (1674 fl.)
Title Goedbevonde aanwysing, daar in werd vertoond, hoedanig
Holland, het Neder-Stigt en de stad Utrecht tegens alle
invasien des vyands kan worden gedefendeert, sonder
nogtans der selver landen [...] te doen ondervloeyen.
Place Amsterdam, J. Rieuwertsz. bsr, 1
Printer Rieuwertsz, Jan (II) Amsterdam, 1682-1722
Year 1701
Pages A4
Format 4°
Fingerprint 170104 , b1 A2 ,
Language Dutch
Microfiche Nr.
Political science , Civil engineering
Dutch Pamphlets
Koninklijke Bibliotheek
RecordID 11313
Pamphlet Nr. 14854
Author Philips Hodenp?l (1702-1703 fl.)
Title Memorie van mr: Philips Hodenpyl [...] aan de [...] Staten
[...] van Zeeland, den 3. mey 1702. gepresenteert [...]. Waar
by nog is gevoeght een bericht [...] van zeker blauw boekje,
genaamt Trouwhertige consideratien tot Zeelands
Place [1702]
Printer -- -S.l.s.n., Year 1702
Pages A-E4
Format 4°
Fingerprint 000004 , b1 A2 uaa : b2 E3 r.
Language Dutch
Subject History (Netherlands) , Period documents , Economics
Series Dutch Pamphlets
Library Koninklijke Bibliotheek
Microfiche Nr. 4361
RecordID 12075
Pamphlet Nr. 15572
Title Dag-verhaal van de handelingen der lords commissarissen
van beide natien, wegens de onderhandeling over de unie,
begonnen den 16den april 1706, en geslooten den 22sten july
Place Amsterdam, s. E. Solmans, 1707
Printer Solmans, Engelbertus Amsterdam, 1701-1709
Year 1707
Pages A-I4
Format 4°
Fingerprint 170704 , b1 A2 itis
Language Dutch
Notes On the negotiations between England and Scotland
Subject History (Great Britain and Ireland) , Period documents ,
State publications
Series Dutch Pamphlets
Library Koninklijke Bibliotheek
Microfiche Nr. 4551
RecordID 12316
Pamphlet Nr. 15874
Title Essay |of prouve op't publique cred?t, zijnde een
onderzoek of het zelve afhangt van de veranderlnge[!] van
ministers van staat, of dissolutien van parlementen, of
Microfiche Nr.
Rotterdam, B. Bos bsr, 1710
Bos, Barent Rotterdam, 1680-1720
A-B4 C2
171004 , b1 A2
Original in English
History (Great Britain and Ireland) , Period documents
Dutch Pamphlets
Koninklijke Bibliotheek
RecordID 12860
Pamphlet Nr. 16619
Title Brief van een' burger van Amsterdam, om tot antwoort te strekken op
de redenen, door den heere Neny ontrent den koophandel op de Indie
Place 'sGraevenhaege, P. and I. Schelt
Printer Scheltus, Isaac (I) 's-Gravenhage, 1718-1749
Year 1724
Pages A6
Format 4°
Fingerprint 172404 , b1 A2
Language Dutch
Original in French
Subject History (Netherlands) , Period documents , Economics , Dutch East
India Company , West India Company
Series Dutch Pamphlets
Library Koninklijke Bibliotheek
Microfiche Nr. 4885
Resolutie en placaat op den ophef van de convoyen en licenten
'sGravenhage, J. Scheltus printer, 1725
Issued by the States General 31-07-1725
Incorporates: Lijst, Lyste van de gemeene middelen, 1725
A-I4 2A-D4
172504 - 1b1 A2 $S : 1b2 I3 $de - 2b1 A2 e$se : 2b2 D3 $op
Typografische informatie: x (typografische titelpagina), i (lettertype romein), j (lettertype gotisch)
Drukker / Uitgever:
Geografisch trefwoord:
Scheltus, Jacobus (II) 's-Gravenhage, 1724-1759
Nederland (1725)
Public and social administration; State publications
Amsterdam, UB: O 63-4917
Lyste van de gemeene middelen op de inkoomende en uitgaande goederen
en koopmanschappen
'sGravenhage, J. Scheltus printer, 1725
On title-page: Num. 2
Issued by the States General 31-07-1725
Part of: Resolutie, Resolutie en placaat op den ophef van de convoyen, 1725
Typografische informatie:
172504 - b1 A2 e$se : b2 D3 $op
x (typografische titelpagina), j (lettertype gotisch)
Alternatieve titel:
Drukker / Uitgever:
Geografisch trefwoord:
Scheltus, Jacobus (II) 's-Gravenhage, 1724-1759
Nederland (1725)
State publications; Public and social administration
Amsterdam, UB: O 63-4917:2
Tweede leeninge op de ampten. Gearresteert den 13. maart 1727
'sGravenhage, P. and I. Scheltus printers, 1727
Issued by the States of Holland
172704 - b1 A2 n$ : *b2 I2 ne
172704 - b1 A2 n$ : b2 I2 $
Typografische informatie: x (typografische titelpagina), i (lettertype romein)
Alternatieve titel:
Drukker / Uitgever:
Geografisch trefwoord:
Scheltus, Paulus (I) 's-Gravenhage, 1688-1745; Scheltus, Isaac (I) 'sGravenhage, 1718-1749
Holland (1727)
Public and social administration; State publications
Amsterdam, UB: Pfl. O a 8
Amsterdam, UB: Pfl. O a 9
Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit: pamflet jaar 1727-2
Den Haag, Gemeentearchief: Hgst 3143
Den Haag, KB: plakk. Q 131:21
Den Haag, KB: 504 A 83
Den Haag, Museum Meermanno: 147 H 158
Leiden, UB: THYSPF 13858
Aanmerkingen wegens de overstroomingen, waar mede een gedeelte van
ons vaderland [...] zou konnen worden bezogt. / By Nikolaas Kool
Dordrecht, J. van Braam bookseller, 1728
A-B4 (B4 blank)
172804 - b1 A2 e$l : b2 B3 ec
Typografische informatie: x (typografische titelpagina), h (drukkersmerk), i (lettertype romein)
Drukker / Uitgever:
Nikolaas Kool (1728 fl.)
Braam, Joannes van Dordrecht, 1697-1750
Traffic technology
Amsterdam, UB: O 80-188
Delft, Technische Universiteit: TR 519445
Den Haag, KB: 503 B 197
Haarlem, Stadsbibliotheek: 2 B 100:6
Leiden, UB: THYSPF 13870
Londen, British Library: 1568/2654:5
Utrecht, UB: Thysius 6045
RecordID 13254
Pamphlet Nr. 17060
Author Johannes van der Burch (1672-1758)
Title Aantooning, wegens de faculteit-geeving in de Hollandse
loterye van drie millioenen guldens, tot conversie van de
dertig jaarige prysrenten in lyfrenten.
Place Dordregt, J. van Kamen bsr, 1737
Printer Kamen, Jan van Dordrecht, 1730-1757
Year 1737
Pages p1 A-D4
Format 4°
Fingerprint 173704 , b1 A G : b2 D3 e,
Language Dutch
Subject Recreation , Economics , Business administration
Series Dutch Pamphlets
Library Koninklijke Bibliotheek
Microfiche Nr. 5066
RecordID 13309
Pamphlet Nr. 17080
Author Johannes van der Burch (1672-1758)
Title Vervolg op of van de Aantooning, wegens de faculteitgeeving in de Hollandze loterye van drie millioenen gl. tot
conversie van de dertig jaarige prysrenten in lyfrenten.
Place Dordregt, J. van Kamen bsr, 1738
Printer Kamen, Jan van Dordrecht, 1730-1757
Year 1738
Pages p1 A-Q4 R1
Format 4°
Fingerprint 173804 , b1 A
Language Dutch
Subject Recreation , Economics
Series Dutch Pamphlets
Library Koninklijke Bibliotheek
Microfiche Nr. 5076
Tractaat van commercie, navigatie en marine gemaakt [...] tot Versailles den
21 december 1739. Tusschen syne majesteit van Vrankryk, en de heeren
Staaten Generaal
[Copy:] 'sGravenhage, J. Scheltus printer, 1740
Late 18th century impr
Appears in collections of treaties concluded by the States General
On title-page: Num. 25
A-F4 G1
174004 - b1 A2 n$ : b2 G aa
Typografische informatie: x (typografische titelpagina), i (lettertype romein)
Alternatieve titel:
Drukker / Uitgever:
Traité de commerce, navigation & marine. Dutch
Scheltus, Jacobus (II) 's-Gravenhage, 1724-1759; S.l.s.n. Place and name not
Geografisch trefwoord:
Nederland (1739); Frankrijk (1739)
Public and social administration; State publications
Utrecht, UB: THO:RIJS 149-51C:2
RecordID 13342
Pamphlet Nr. 17138
Author Johannes van der Burch (1672-1758)
Title Tweede vervolg op of van de Aantooning, wegens de
faculteit-geeving in de Hollandze loterye van drie
millioenen guldens tot conversie van de dertig jaarige
prysrenten in lyfrenten.
Place Zalt-bommel, E. Onderberg bsr, 1
Printer Onderberg, E. Zaltbommel, 1739-1740
Year 1739
Pages p1 *4 A-Q4 R2
Format 4°
Fingerprint 173904 , a1 * ge : a2 *3 , b1 A a : b2 R
Language Dutch
Subject Recreation , Economics
Series Dutch Pamphlets
Library Koninklijke Bibliotheek
Microfiche Nr. 5110
7595 (H.9.1-12)
RecordID 13716
Pamphlet Nr. 17775
Title De eerste en voornaamste oorzaken van de onlusten, en
het verval van koophandel, binnen de stad Amsterdam [...]
in een brief van een' koopman te Antwerpen aan een
voornaam burger der stad Amsteldam
Place Antwerpen, J. Snellink Jr., 1747
Printer Snellink, Joan (jr.) Antwerpen, 1747
Year 1747
Pages A-B8 (B8 blank)
Format 8°
Fingerprint 174708 , b1 A2 e
Language Dutch
Notes Printed in the Netherlands
Microfiche Nr.
History (Netherlands) , Period documents , Economics
Dutch Pamphlets
Koninklijke Bibliotheek
RecordID 13751
Pamphlet Nr. 17764
Title De vyftigste |penning wel besteed: of Onzydige aanmerkingen
over de liberale gifte van twee ten honderd van alle roerende en
onroerende goederen der in- en opgezetenen deezer provincie
Place 'sGravenhage, O. and P. van Thol
Printer Thol, Pieter van (II) 's-Gravenhage, 1737-1779
Year 1747
Pages A8 B6
Format 8°
Fingerprint 174708 , b1 A2 lan : b2 B5 or,
Language Dutch
Notes A2v, l. 16-17: regter arm , van
Subject History (Netherlands) , Period documents , Economics
Series Dutch Pamphlets
Library Koninklijke Bibliotheek
Microfiche Nr. 5304
RecordID 13752
Pamphlet Nr. 17765
Title De vyftigste |penning wel besteed: of Onzydige
aanmerkingen over de liberale gifte van twee ten honderd
van alle roerende en onroerende goederen der in- en
opgezetenen deezer provincie
Edition 2nd corr. enl. impr
Place 'sGravenhage, O. and P. van Thol
Printer Thol, Pieter van (II) 's-Gravenhage, 1737-1779
Year 1747
Pages A-B8 C2
Format 8°
Fingerprint 174708 , b1 A2 lan : b2 C2 cie
Language Dutch
Subject History (Netherlands) , Period documents , Economics
Series Dutch Pamphlets
Library Koninklijke Bibliotheek
Microfiche Nr. 5304
Placaat tot het doen van een liberale gifte, tot afweeringe van den
vyand [...]. Gearresteert den 12 september 1747 [En om in het
aanstaande jaar een halve honderste Penning minder te heffen van
alle Obligatien, Los- en Lyfrenten, en Actien in de Oostindische
Compagnie, dan in de jaaren 1746 en 1747]
'sGravenhage, I. and J. Scheltus printers, 1747
Issued by the States of Holland
174704 - b1 A2 lve : b2 C3 gt,
Typografische informatie: x (typografische titelpagina), i (lettertype romein), j (lettertype
Alternatieve titel:
Drukker / Uitgever:
Geografisch trefwoord:
Scheltus, Isaac (I) 's-Gravenhage, 1718-1749; Scheltus, Jacobus (II)
's-Gravenhage, 1724-1759
Holland (1747)
Public and social administration; State publications
Amsterdam, UB: Pfl. 23-15
Amsterdam, UB: Pfl. P a 10
Amsterdam, UB: Pfl.P a 10a
Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit: XW.07467
Den Haag, Gemeentearchief: Hgst 3193
Den Haag, KB: plakk. Q 133:38
Den Haag, KB: plakk. suppl. 31:57
Den Haag, Museum Meermanno: 143 A 059
Leiden, UB: THYSPF 14360
Leiden, UB: PAMFLT 1746-1747 I
Leiden, UB: KL.GES 155 (copy 1)
Leiden, UB: KL.GES 155 (copy 2)
Londen, British Library: 1389.d.67:1
Utrecht, UB: Thysius 6346
RecordID 13741
Pamphlet Nr. 17797
Title Billyke verdediging van het request der Rotterdamsche
burgeren, tot het openbaer verkoopen van alle ampten
Place Rotterdam, H. Maronier bsr, 1747
Printer Maronier, Hendrik Rotterdam, 1738-1792
Year 1747
Pages A8 [B]1
Format 8°
Fingerprint 174708 , b1 A2
Language Dutch
Subject History (Netherlands) , Period documents , Public and
social administration , Economics
Series Dutch Pamphlets
Library Koninklijke Bibliotheek
Microfiche Nr. 5310
RecordID 13874
Pamphlet Nr. 17753a
Title Brief aan den schryver van den [...] Patriot, waar in zeer
duidelyk word aan getoont de dringende nootzaakelykheid
[...] om de meeste ampten [...] in deze provintie ten
voordeele van het land te verkopen
Place Middelburg, J. Hendrikz., [1747]
Printer Hendrikz, Jacob Middelburg, 1747
Year 1747
Pages A-B8 [C]1
Format 8°
Fingerprint 000008 , b1 A2 ing : b2 B5 ng
Language Dutch
Subject History (Netherlands) , Period documents , Public and
social administration , Economics
Series Dutch Pamphlets
Library Koninklijke Bibliotheek
Microfiche Nr. 5299
RecordID 14071
Pamphlet Nr. 17953
Title Project tot verligting van de burgeren, en ten voordeele der
stad Amsterdam, omme de publicque pagten te vernietigen
en plaatze van dien een hoofdgeld op te regten..
Place t'Amsterdam,
Year 1743 , [1743]
Pages 8 p
Format in-4
Language Dutch
Series Dutch Pamphlets
Library Koninklijke Bibliotheek
Shelfmark Pflt 17953
Microfiche Nr. 5350
RecordID 14073
Pamphlet Nr. 17955
Title Nieuwe systema's van financien vergeleken met het oude
[...] overeenkomstig aan de uitnoodiging [...] in s'Hage den
19 juny 1748
Place Groningen, P. Libertas, 1748
Printer Libertas, Pieter Groningen, 1748
Year 1748
Pages A-C8 D4 (D4 blank)
Format 8°
Fingerprint 174808 , b1 A2 ge
Language Dutch
Subject Economics , History (Netherlands) , Period documents
Series Dutch Pamphlets
Library Koninklijke Bibliotheek
Microfiche Nr. 5350
RecordID 14084
Pamphlet Nr.
Other title
Microfiche Nr.
Het groote gildt der hedendaagse financiers
Het grote gildt der hedendaagse financiers
Harderwyk, W. Brinkink, [1748]
Brinkink, Willem Harderw?k, 1732-1771
000008 , b1 A2 ns, : b2 A3
On the tax reform
History (Netherlands) , Period documents , Economics
Dutch Pamphlets
Koninklijke Bibliotheek
Publicatie. De Staaten van Holland en Westvriesland: Allen dengeenen/ die deesen sullen sien of
hooren leefen/ salut: Doen te weeten: Dat Wy by Onze Publicatie van den 26 Juny laastleeden/
om reedenen waar by vermelt/ de pagten der gemeene Middelen afgeschaft hebbende/ daar
Resolutie. Lyste van de specien waar over pagten van het gemeene land
geloopen hebben en van het import van dien. 9 augusty 1748
Valid for Holland
Title on verso-wrapper
No title-page; incipit: Extract uyt de resolutien van de heeren Staaten van
Holland en Westvriesland
Title A1: Lyste van de specien, over welke de pagten [...] geloopen hebben,
en van de imposten, die desweegens betaald [...] worden [...] ter voldoeninge
van haar edele groot mog. intentie [...] van den 26 july 1748
π1 A4 [B]1
000002 - b1 A i : b2 A3 co
Typografische informatie: y (geen titelblad), i (lettertype romein)
Drukker / Uitgever:
Geografisch trefwoord:
S.l.s.n. Place and name not stated
Holland (1748)
Public and social administration; State publications
Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit: XW.00482:12 (lacks wrapper)
Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit: pamflet jaar 1748-8
Den Haag, KB: 533 B 3:15 (lacks wrapper)
Den Haag, KB: pflt 17943 (lacks wrapper)
Leiden, UB: THYSPF 14525 (lacks wrappere)
Leiden, UB: THYSIA 2079:76 (lacks wrapper)
Utrecht, UB: Knuttel 17943 (lacks wrapper)
Aanspraak, of Aanmaaninge aan Amstels burgery, tot voldoeninge van de
thans geëischte penningen, in plaatze der afgeschafte pachten
(Colophon: Amsterdam, J. Bremer, bookseller, 1748)
000002 - b1=b2 A d
Typografische informatie: y (geen titelblad), i (lettertype romein)
Drukker / Uitgever:
Bremer, Jacobus Amsterdam, 1748-1749
History (Netherlands); Period documents
Leiden, UB: THYSPF 14685
RecordID 14227
Pamphlet Nr. 18229
Title Nieuwe methode voor d'oprechting, van eene generale
taxatie op de ingezetenen [...] van Holland en WestVriesland.
Printer -- -S.l.s.n., Year 1749
Microfiche Nr.
p1 A4 B/*4 (with folding table)
174904 , 1b1 A e : 1b2 B2 't , 2b1 * or : 2b2 *2
History (Netherlands) , Period documents , Economics
Dutch Pamphlets
Koninklijke Bibliotheek
RecordID 15229
Pamphlet Nr. 19189
Title Discours d'un bon Hollandois a ses compatriotes, sur
différents objets intéressants
Other title Discours d'un bon Hollandois. 1
Printer -- -S.l.s.n., Year 1778
Pages A-B8 C4 (C4 blank)
Format 8˚
Fingerprint 177808 , b1 A2 loig : b2 C3 ous
Language French
Notes On Franco-Dutch commercial relations
Subject History (Netherlands) , Economics , Period documents ,
History (France)
Series Dutch Pamphlets
Library Koninklijke Bibliotheek
Microfiche Nr. 5831
RecordID 15322
Pamphlet Nr. 19243
Title Réponse au Discours d'un soit-disant bon Hollandais, sur
la liberté de porter des munitions navalles en France.
Place Leiden, C. de Pecker C.F., 1779
Printer Pecker Corn.z, Cornelis de Leiden, 1771-1796
Year 1779
Pages π2 A-C8 D2
Format 8˚
Fingerprint 177908 , *b1 A2 nce : b2 D
Language French
Subject History (Netherlands) , Period documents , History
(France) , Economics
Series Dutch Pamphlets
Library Koninklijke Bibliotheek
Microfiche Nr. 5854
RecordID 15329
Pamphlet Nr. 19246
Title Second discours d'un bon Hollandois a ses compatriotes,
sur différents objets intéressants
Other title Discours d'un bon Hollandois. 2
Printer -- -S.l.s.n., Year 1779
Pages A-D8
Format 8˚
Fingerprint 177908 , b1 A2 s
Language French
Notes On Franco-Dutch commercial relations
Subject History (Netherlands) , Economics , Period documents ,
History (France)
Series Dutch Pamphlets
Library Koninklijke Bibliotheek
Microfiche Nr. 5855
RecordID 15347
Pamphlet Nr. 19248
Title Réplique au Second discours d'un soit-disant bonHollandais à ses compatriotes.
Place Leide, C. de Pecker C.F., 1779
Printer Pecker Corn.z, Cornelis de Leiden, 1771-1796
Year 1779
Pages π1 A-D8 E2 [F]1
Format 8˚
Fingerprint 177908 , b1 A i : b2 E2 ut
Language French
Subject History (Netherlands) , Period documents , History
(France) , History (Great Britain and Ireland)
Series Dutch Pamphlets
Library Koninklijke Bibliotheek
Microfiche Nr. 5856
RecordID 15247
Pamphlet Nr. 19191
Author Antoine Marie Cerisier (1749-1828) Den Haag
Title Observations impartiales d'un vrai Hollandois, pour servir
de réponse au discours d'un soi-disant bon Hollandois.
Place Arnhem, Nyhof, Amsterdam, Guerin, Dord,
Printer Wild, Bartholomeus Utrecht, 1772-1803
Year 1778
Pages π2 A-C8 D6
Format 8˚
Fingerprint 000008 , b1 A e
Language French
Subject History (Netherlands) , Period documents
Series Dutch Pamphlets
Library Koninklijke Bibliotheek
Microfiche Nr. 5832
RecordID 15286
Pamphlet Nr.
Brieven over de tegenwoordige tijdsomstandigheden
-- -S.l.s.n., 1779
π2 A-H8 I1
177908 , b1 A zi : b2 I n
Period documents , History (Netherlands) , History
Series Dutch Pamphlets
Library Koninklijke Bibliotheek
Microfiche Nr. 5874
RecordID 15294
Pamphlet Nr. 19308
Title Memoire |touchant l'importance et la necessité, où se
trouvent les Provinces-Unies de fournir à l'Angleterre, les
secours stipulés par les traités
Place Utrecht, 1779
Printer -- -Utrecht, Year 1779
Pages A-B8 C4 (C4 blank)
Format 8˚
Fingerprint 177908 , b1 A2 cô : b2 C2 utLanguage French
Subject History (Netherlands) , History (Great Britain and Ireland)
, Period documents , Economics
Series Dutch Pamphlets
Library Koninklijke Bibliotheek
Microfiche Nr. 5877
RecordID 15353
Pamphlet Nr.
Brief van een opregten Fries aan den heer V.D.H
-- -S.l.s.n., 1779
000008 , b1 zijn ,
On Franco-Dutch commercial relations
History (Netherlands) , Period documents , Economics ,
History (France)
Series Dutch Pamphlets
Library Koninklijke Bibliotheek
Microfiche Nr. 5858
RecordID 15350
Pamphlet Nr. 19253
Author Daniel Bonifacius van der Haer (1756-1823)
Title Antwoord op den Brief van een opregten Fries aan de heer
Place Leeuwarden, pr. G. Tresling, 177
Printer Tresling, Gerrit Leeuwarden, 1758-1787
Year 1779
Pages A-B8 (B7,8 blank)
Format 8˚
Fingerprint 177908 , b1 A2
Language Dutch
Notes On Franco-Dutch commercial relations
Subject History (Netherlands) , Period documents , Economics ,
History (France)
Series Dutch Pamphlets
Library Koninklijke Bibliotheek
Microfiche Nr. 5858
RecordID 15352
Pamphlet Nr.
Other title
Microfiche Nr.
Lettre d'un bon Frison a monsieur V.D.H.
Brief van een opregten Fries aan den heer V.D.H. French
-- -S.l.s.n., 1779
000008 , b1 ils
Original in Dutch
On Franco-Dutch commercial relations
History (Netherlands) , Period documents , Economics ,
History (France)
Dutch Pamphlets
Koninklijke Bibliotheek
RecordID 15348
Pamphlet Nr. 19255
Title Critiques sur la lettre d'un bon Frison, à mr. V.D.H
Other title Aanmerkingen op den Brief, van eenen goeden Fries.
Place La Haye, H.H. van Drecht bsr, 17
Printer Drecht, Herman Hendrik van 's-Gravenhage, 1773-1787
Year 1779
Pages A8 B4
Format 8˚
Fingerprint 177908 , b1 A2 lati : b2 B3
Language French
Original in Dutch
Notes On Franco-Dutch commercial relations
Subject History (Netherlands) , Period documents , Economics ,
History (France)
Series Dutch Pamphlets
Library Koninklijke Bibliotheek
Microfiche Nr. 5859
RecordID 15473
Pamphlet Nr. 19376
Sec. Author Lodewijk Theodorus van Nassau la Leck grave (1741-1795)
Title Het Engelsch |nieuwe-jaars compliment. Of Samenspraak
[...]. Over de rencontre [...] tuchen[!] het Engelsch
esquader onder de commodore Fielding en het Hollands
esquader onder den schoutbijnagt graaf van Bijland
Place Amsterdam, J. Stanhoffius Andriesz.
Printer Stanhoffius Andriesz, Jacobus Amsterdam, 1777, 17801781
Year 1780
Pages A-D8
Format 8˚
Fingerprint 178008 , b1 *2 oer. : b2 D5 el
Language Dutch
Notes By Graaf Lodewijk Theodoor van Nassau Heer van de
Leck? (Knuttel)
Subject History (Netherlands) , History (Great Britain and Ireland)
, Period documents , Dialogues
Series Dutch Pamphlets
Library Koninklijke Bibliotheek
Microfiche Nr. 5905
This document provides an overview of the pamphlets and tracts on annuities or ‘lyfrenten’ which
were found in the online Knuttel and Van Alphen Collections (TEMPO). About 474 pamphlets in
these collections are categorised under the subject ‘Economics’, of which less than 10 specifically
focus on annuities or ‘lyfrenten’. Several of these pamphlets also form part of the Fagel Library (see
Document 3).
RecordID 18280
Pamphlet Nr. 22287
Title Missive, van een vriend, aan zyn vriend, wegens de by de
Nationaale Conventie gedecreteerde overzending der
Fransche effecten en lyfrenten
Place Amsterdam, G. Bom, 1794
Printer Bom, Gerrit Amsterdam, 1758-1800
Year 1794
Pages A8
Format 8˚
Fingerprint 179408 , b1 *2 olg : b2 A5 Mo
Language Dutch
Subject Period documents , Economics , History (France)
Series Dutch Pamphlets
Library Koninklijke Bibliotheek
Microfiche Nr. 7021
RecordID 13659
Pamphlet Nr. 17500
Title Utrecht provinciale negotiatie van 500000 guldens, by
loterye van lyfrenten [...]. Gearresteerd den 12. october
Place Utrecht, pr. W.J. Reers, 1745
Printer Reers, Willem Jan Utrecht, 1731-1788
Year 1745
Pages A-B4 (lacks B4, blank?)
Format 4°
Fingerprint 174504 , b1 A2 n
Language Dutch
Notes Issued by the States of Utrecht
Subject Public and social administration , State publications
Series Dutch Pamphlets
Library Koninklijke Bibliotheek
Microfiche Nr. 5247
RecordID 13254
Pamphlet Nr. 17060
Author Johannes van der Burch (1672-1758)
Title Aantooning, wegens de faculteit-geeving in de Hollandse
loterye van drie millioenen guldens, tot conversie van de
dertig jaarige prysrenten in lyfrenten.
Microfiche Nr.
Dordregt, J. van Kamen bsr, 1737
Kamen, Jan van Dordrecht, 1730-1757
p1 A-D4
173704 , b1 A G : b2 D3 e,
Recreation , Economics , Business administration
Dutch Pamphlets
Koninklijke Bibliotheek
RecordID 13342
Pamphlet Nr. 17138
Author Johannes van der Burch (1672-1758)
Title Tweede vervolg op of van de Aantooning, wegens de
faculteit-geeving in de Hollandze loterye van drie
millioenen guldens tot conversie van de dertig jaarige
prysrenten in lyfrenten.
Place Zalt-bommel, E. Onderberg bsr, 1
Printer Onderberg, E. Zaltbommel, 1739-1740
Year 1739
Pages p1 *4 A-Q4 R2
Format 4°
Fingerprint 173904 , a1 * ge : a2 *3 , b1 A a : b2 R
Language Dutch
Subject Recreation , Economics
Series Dutch Pamphlets
Library Koninklijke Bibliotheek
Microfiche Nr. 5110
RecordID 13309
Pamphlet Nr. 17080
Author Johannes van der Burch (1672-1758)
Title Vervolg op of van de Aantooning, wegens de faculteitgeeving in de Hollandze loterye van drie millioenen gl. tot
conversie van de dertig jaarige prysrenten in lyfrenten.
Place Dordregt, J. van Kamen bsr, 1738
Printer Kamen, Jan van Dordrecht, 1730-1757
Year 1738
Pages p1 A-Q4 R1
Format 4°
Fingerprint 173804 , b1 A
Language Dutch
Subject Recreation , Economics
Series Dutch Pamphlets
Library Koninklijke Bibliotheek
Microfiche Nr. 5076
RecordID 13359
Pamphlet Nr. 17140
Author Willem Kersseboom (1691-1771)
Title Eenige aanmerkingen op de gissingen over den staat van
het menschelyk geslagt, uitreekening van de lyfrenten en 't
Microfiche Nr.
aanhangsel op beide, begreepen in het boek, genaamt
Inleiding tot de algemeene geographie, door Nicolaas
'sGravenhage, J. van den Bergh, 1740
Bergh, Jan van den 's-Gravenhage, 1739-1748
A-B4 C1
174004 , b1 A2 ,
Geography , Business administration , Economics
Dutch Pamphlets
Koninklijke Bibliotheek
RecordID 7398
Pamphlet Nr. 09901
Title Vertoogh |en uytrekeningh, waer mede klaer en duydelijck
wort betoont [...] dat de lijf-renten by overlevingh,
invoegen als onlanghs voor de stadt Campen [...] werden
genegotieert, voor de contribuanten [...] voordeeliger zijn,
als ordinaris lijf-renten
Place Amsterdam, f. M. Doornick, 1671
Printer Doornick, Marcus Willemsz Amsterdam, 1659-1702
Year 1671
Pages A-B4 C2
Format 4˚
Fingerprint 167104 , b1 A2
Language Dutch
Subject Economics
Series Dutch Pamphlets
Library Koninklijke Bibliotheek
Microfiche Nr. 3001
A complete and detailed list of ‘s Gravesande’s publications can be found in C. de Pater (ed.), Willem
Jacob ‘s Gravesande, Welzijn, wijsbegeerte en wetenschap (Baarn, 1988), pp 152-154.
Primary Sources (Willem Jacob ‘s Gravesande)
Physices elementa mathematica, experimentis confirmata. Sive Introductio ad Philosophiam
Newtoniam (Leiden, 1720-1721, 1725, 1742), Dutch translation by J. Engelsman (1721),
English translation by Desaguliers (1720-1721), French translation by Joncourt (1746-1747).
In Fag
Philosophiae Newtonianae Institutiones In Usus Academicos (Leiden, 1723, 1728, 1744), English
translation by E. Stone, 1735, 1741). In Fag
Introduction ad Philosophiam, Metaphysicam et Logicam continens (Leiden, 1736, 1737, 1756, 1765;
Venice, 1737, 1748; Dutch ed., Leiden, 1746; French ed., Leiden, 1748), transl. Inleiding tot
de Wysbegeerte, behelzende eene Verhandeling over de Bovennatuurkunde en Redeneerkunde
(Amsterdam, 1747). Latin and Dutch in Fag
Oratio inauguralis de Matheseos in omnibus scientiis, praecipue in Physicis, Usu, nec non de
Astronomiae perfectione ex Physica haurienda, trans. Inaugurele oratie over de toepassing
van de wiskunde in alle wetenschappen, met name in de natuurkunde, alsmede over de
noodzaak de perfectionering van de astronomie aan de natuurkunde te ontlenen (Leiden,
1717); Dutch translation by C. de Pater, in: De Pater, Welzijn, wijsbegeerte en wetenschap, pp.
72-86. Paper copy; Latin in Fag
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‘(…) Indien men den Heer 's gravesande als Burger beschouwt, hebben weinig Lieden van
Letteren hun Vaderland meer dienst gedaan dan hy. Nauwlyks hadt hy de Hoogeschool
verlaaten, of men raadpleegde hem, die reeds een naam gemaakt hadt door zyne schranderheid
in de Rekenkunde, over de Geldligtingen, welke de Staat, in de toenmaalige hachlyke
omstandigheden, moest doen. De Heer hop, Thesaurier Generaal, die het plan deezer
Geldligtingen ontwierp, nam den raad in van den jongen 's gravesande omtrent de moeilykste
stukken. ----- Desgelyks was de Heer 's gravesande den Staat van dienst, door zyne
schranderheid in het ontcyveren van Brieven: geduurende den Oorlog over de Spaansche
Naalaatenschap, zondt men hem menigmaal onderschepte Brieven in cyfer aan den vyand
geschreeven, wanneer anderen, tot dat ontcyferen doorgaans gebruikt, er niet uit konden
komen. Prins eugenius wist, by ondervinding, 's gravesande's bekwaamheid in die kunst. (…)
Men weet, aan hoe veele gevaaren de Rivieren, Holland en de andere Gewesten, blootstellen;
hoe dikwyls dreigende gevaaren moeten voorkomen, en reeds veroorzaakte rampen hersteld
worden: zelden ging men hier in aan 't werk zonder den Heer 's gravesande geraadpleegd te
hebben. Zyne Vertoogen en Berigten, deswegen by den Staat ingeleverd, maaken een groot
aantal uit, en strekken tot overtuigende bewyzen hoe dierbaar het voor een Land is Burgers te
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