Dean’s Award Award Description The Greek Life Dean’s Award is presented annually to the chapter most effectively demonstrating its commitment to promoting leadership, scholarship, philanthropy and service. Award Guidelines Deadline for application is January 30 each year Applications should be delivered to the Office of Greek Affairs, Lower Level, Seegers Union Application materials must be on 8.5” x 11” paper Narrative responses must be typed Supporting documentation must be legible and clearly identified with regard to which criterion it supports. Please submit all application materials at the same time. Award submission should cover the previous calendar year January through December. Applicant Information Name of Chapter: ____________________________________ Number of members: ______ Name of Person Completing Application: ________________________________________________ Title: ____________________________________________ Phone #: _______________________ Email Address: ________________________________________________ Please answer each question honestly and to the best of your ability. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT L1. Percentage of chapter members attending a leadership program or retreat in the past year: Less than 20% = 0 points 20% - 49% = 2 points 50% - 79% = 5 points 80% - 89% = 7 points more than 90% = 10 points You must provide written documentation verifying participation. _____ L2. One or more representatives of the chapter attended an Inter/National Convention or Leadership Conference None = 0 points 1 = 1 point 3 = 3 points 5 = 5 points _____ You must provide written documentation verifying participation. L3. The chapter has sent one or more members to participate in LeaderShape, the Undergraduate Interfraternity Institute (UIFI) and/or FuturesQuest. None = 0 points 1 = 1 point 3 = 3 points 5 = 5 points _____ You must provide written documentation verifying participation. L4. Chapter officers maintain and pass down “officer binders” for each office. No = 0 points Yes = 10 points _____ You must provide a sample copy of one of the officer binders. L5. Officer elections are held at least one month prior to officer transition to allow for training and mentoring. Same day = 0 points 1 week = 1 point 2 – 3 weeks = 3 points A month or more = 5 points _____ You must provide a timeline of your officer transition program. L6. Members are held accountable to the core values of the fraternity. Never = 0 points Sometimes = 1 point Usually = 3 points You must explain in a brief paragraph how this is accomplished. Always = 5 points _____ L7. In the past year, the chapter has received an award or recognition from the national headquarters for its leadership development efforts. No = 0 points Yes = 10 points _____ You must provide a copy of the award or award letter, or an article from your national newsletter about the award. Α Β Γ Δ Ε Ζ Η Θ Ι Κ Λ Μ Ν Ξ Ο Π Ρ Σ Τ Υ Φ Χ Ψ Ω PROMOTION OF SCHOLARSHIP S1. An education session of academic focus is offered to the entire chapter at least once a semester. No session/Less than 20% = 0 points 20% - 49% = 2 points 50% - 79% = 5 points 80% - 89% = 7 points more than 90% = 10 points You must provide descriptive information on the sessions offered. _____ S2. The Scholarship Chair or equivalent provides individualized academic programming and support for those members not in academic “good standing” and to all new members/aspirants. No = 0 points Yes = 10 points _____ You must provide that portion of your academic/scholarship plan that addresses this criterion. S3. The chapter new member/intake program includes a session for new members/aspirants on time management and study skills. No = 0 points Yes = 10 points You must provide a copy of your new member/intake program related to this criterion. _____ S4. The chapter has funds budgeted annually for scholastic incentives and rewards No budget = 0 points Budget < $7/member = 5 points Budget > $7/member = 10 points You must provide verification of the amount currently budgeted for this criterion. _____ S5. The chapter relates the importance of academic performance to potential new members during recruitment. No = 0 points Yes = 10 points _____ You must provide a brief description of how this is communicated during recruitment. S6. The majority of chapter members have a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or greater. No = 0 points Yes = 10 points You must provide a list of members and cumulative GPAs as of January. _____ PHILANTHROPY & SERVICE P1. The chapter meets minimum standards for philanthropic contribution according to the Inter/National Organization. No = 0 points Yes = 10 points You must provide verification from your Inter/National Headquarters _____ P2. The chapter annually adopts a local service agency or beneficiary that it intentionally focuses their service and philanthropy efforts towards. No = 0 points Yes = 10 points _____ You must identify the agency or beneficiary and your contributions to that cause. P3. The chapter exceeds the average amount of money raised by Muhlenberg fraternities and sororities members in the most recent year. *2013 fraternity & sorority community average = _______ 2013 chapter philanthropic giving = $_________ Does not contribute to a philanthropic cause = 0 points Contributes less than the average = 5 points Contributes more than the average = 10 points _____ P4. The chapter exceeds the average number of hours of service by Muhlenberg fraternities and sororities members in the most recent year. *2013 fraternity & sorority community average = _______ 2013 chapter service hours = _______ Does not contribute to a philanthropic cause = 0 points Contributes less than the average = 5 points Contributes more than the average = 10 points _____ TOTAL POINTS (out of a possible 150 points) ______ Α Β Γ Δ Ε Ζ Η Θ Ι Κ Λ Μ Ν Ξ Ο Π Ρ Σ Τ Υ Φ Χ Ψ Ω