Publications for Dong Fu 2011 2015

Publications for Dong Fu
Publications for Dong Fu
Fu, D., Wakabayashi, Y., Lippincott-Schwartz,
J., Arias, I. (2011). Bile acid stimulates
hepatocyte polarization through a
cAMP-Epac-MEK-LKB1-AMPK pathway.
Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS),
108(4), 1403-1408. <a
8">[More Information]</a>
Khanal, D., Dillon, E., Hau, H., Fu, D., Ramzan,
I., Chrzanowski, W. (2015). Lorentz contact
resonance spectroscopy for nanoscale
characterisation of structural and mechanical
properties of biological, dental and
pharmaceutical materials. Journal of Materials
Science: Materials in Medicine, 26(12), 1-10. <a
5-1">[More Information]</a>
Fu, D., Ramzan, I. (2015). Use of Kava as a
Phytotherapeutic Agent and Kava-Related
Hepatotoxicity. In Iqbal Ramzan (Eds.),
Phytotherapies: Efficacy, Safety, and Regulation,
(pp. 312-329). New Jersey: Wiley.
Homolya, L., Fu, D., Sengupta, P., Jarnik, M.,
Gillet, J., Vitale-Cross, L., Gutkind, J.,
Lippincott-Schwartz, J., Arias, I. (2014).
LKB1/AMPK and PKA Control ABCB11
Trafficking and Polarization in Hepatocytes.
PloS One, 9(3), e91921. <a
1921">[More Information]</a>
Fu, D., Mitra, K., Sengupta, P., Jarnik, M.,
Lippincott-Schwartz, J., Arias, I. (2013).
Coordinated elevation of mitochondrial oxidative
phosphorylation and autophagy help drive
hepatocyte polarization. Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences of the United
States of America (PNAS), 110(18), 7288-7293.
0">[More Information]</a>
Fu, D., Lippincott-Schwartz, J., Arias, I. (2013).
Increased mitochondrial fusion and autophagy
help isolated hepatocytes repolarize in collagen
sandwich cultures. Autophagy, 9(12), 2154-2155.
ore Information]</a>
Fu, D. (2013). Where is it and how does it get
there - intracellular localization and traffic of
P-glycoprotein. Frontiers in Oncology, 3, 1-5. <a
">[More Information]</a>
Fu, D., Arias, I. (2012). Intracellular trafficking
of P-glycoprotein. The International Journal of
Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 44(3), 461-464.
009">[More Information]</a>
Fu, D., Lippincott-Schwartz, J., Arias, I. (2011).
Cellular mechanism of bile acid-accelerated
hepatocyte polarity. Small GTPases, 2(6),
314-317. <a
8">[More Information]</a>
Fu, D., Mitra, K., Lippincott-Schwartz, J., Arias,
I. (2011). Mitochondrial fusion regulates
hepatocyte polarization. The Liver Meeting 2011:
The 62nd Annual Meeting of the American
Association for the Study of Liver Diseases
(AASLD), United States of America: John Wiley
& Sons.
Fu, D., Wakabayashi, Y., Lippincott-Schwartz,
J., Arias, I. (2010). Bile Acid Stiumlates
Hepatocyte Polarization through a
Camp-Epac-Mek-Lkb1-Ampk Pathway. 50th
Annual Meeting of the American Society for Cell
Biology ASCB 2010, United States: American
Society for Cell Biology.
Fu, D. (2010). Bile acids and hepatocytes
polarity. Protein Trafficking Interested Group
Meeting, Bethesda, USA: National Institutes of
Baranova, I., Bocharov, A., Vishnyakova, T.,
Kurlander, R., Chen, Z., Fu, D., Arias, I., Csako,
G., Patterson, A., Eggerman, T. (2010). CD36 is
a novel serum amyloid A (SAA) receptor
mediating SAA binding and SAA-induced
signaling in human and rodent cells. Journal of
Biological Chemistry, 285(11), 8492-8506. <a
6">[More Information]</a>
Fu, D., Wakabayashi, Y., Lippincott-Schwartz,
J., Arias, I. (2010). New function of bile acid regulation of polarity and cellular energy. The
Liver Meeting 2010: The 61st Annual Meeting of
the American Association for the Study of Liver
Diseases (AASLD), United States: John Wiley &
Fu, D., Wakabayashi, Y., Ido, Y.,
Lippincott-Schwartz, J., Arias, I. (2010).
Regulation of bile canalicular network formation
and maintenance by AMP-activated protein
kinase and LKB1. Journal of Cell Science,
123(19), 3294-3302. <a
Publications for Dong Fu
ore Information]</a>
cyclin D1 expression via the proteasome: a link
to iron deficiency-mediated growth suppression.
Blood, 109(9), 4045-4054.
Fu, D., Wakabayashi, Y., Lippincott-Schwartz,
J., Arias, I. (2009). Bile acids regulate bile
canalicular network formation in rat hepatocytes.
The Liver Meeting 2009: The 60th Annual
Meeting of the American Association for the
Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD), United States:
John Wiley & Sons.
Fu, D., van Dam, E., Brymora, A., Duggin, I.,
Robinson, P., Roufogalis, B. (2007). The small
GTPases Rab5 and RalA regulate intracellular
traffic of P-glycoprotein. BBA: Biochimica et
Biophysica Acta - Molecular Cell Research,
1773 (7), 1062-1072. <a
3.023">[More Information]</a>
Kovacevic, Z., Fu, D., Richardson, D. (2008).
The iron-regulated metastasis suppressor,
Ndrg-1: Identification of novel molecular targets.
BBA: Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular
Cell Research, 1783 (10), 1981-1992. <a
5.016">[More Information]</a>
Fu, D., Nurtjahja-Tjendraputra, E., Phang, J.,
Richardson, D. (2006). Cellular Iron Levels
Regulate Cyclin D1 Expression via the
Proteasome: a Link to Iron-Depletion Mediated
Grwoth Suppression. The Young Investigators
Fu, D. (2008). The metabolic sensor, AMPK, and
its upstream activator, LKB1, participate in bile
canalicular and tight junctional formation, and
apical content of ABCB1. 59th Annual Meeting
of the American Association for the Study of
Liver Diseases, Basic Research Workshop Liver Cell Biology: Trafficking, San Francisco,
USA: American Association for the Study of
Liver Diseases.
Fu, D., Wakabayashi, Y., Arias, I. (2008). The
metabolic sensor, AMPK, and its upstream
activator, LKB1, participate in formation and
maintenance of bile canaliculus and tight
junction, and apical content of ABCB1. The 59th
Annual Meeting of the American Association for
the Study of Liver Disease, United States: John
Wiley & Sons.
Fu, D., Roufogalis, B. (2007). Actin Disruption
Inhibits Endosomal Traffic of
P-glycoprotein-EGFP and Resistance to
Daunorubicin Accumulation. American Journal
of Physiology: Cell Physiology, 292(4),
C1543-C1552. <a
&list_uids=17122416">[More Information]</a>
Fu, D., Richardson, D. (2007). Iron chelation and
regulation of the cell cycle: 2 mechanisms of
posttranscriptional regulation of the universal
cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor
p21CIP1/WAF1 by iron depletion. Blood,
110(2), 752-761. <a
&list_uids=17429006">[More Information]</a>
Nurtjahja-Tjendraputra, E., Fu, D., Phang, J.,
Richardson, D. (2007). Iron chelation regulates
Nurtjahja-Tjendraputra, E., Fu, D., Phang, J.,
Richardson, D. (2006). Iron Chelation regulates
cyclin D1 expression via the proteasome: a link
to iron deficiency-mediated growth suppression.
Blood, 109(9), 4045-4054. <a
&list_uids=17197429">[More Information]</a>
Fu, D., Richardson, D. (2005). Iron-dependent
regulation of the cell cycle: the expression of the
universal cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor
p21(cipl/wafl) after iron chelation. BioIron 2005,
Fu, D., Richardson, D. (2005). The
cyclin-dependent kinast inhibitor
p21CIPI/WAF1 is degraded by the proteasomal
pathway after iron chelation. Seventh Annual
MEPSA Scientific Conference.
Fu, D., Bebawy, M., Kable, E., Roufogalis, B.
(2004). Dynamic And Intracellular Trafficking
Of P-Glycoprotein-EGFP Fusion Protein:
Implications In Multidrug Resistance In Cancer.
International Journal of Cancer, 109(2),
174-181. <a
e Information]</a>
Fu, D., Roufogalis, B. (2004). Endosomal
trafficking of P-Glycoprotein: actin dependence.
ABC Transporters Symposium, Sydney.
Fu, D., Roufogalis, B. (2003). Cellular
localization of P-gp-EGFP correlates with
cytotoxic drug accumulation in cancer cells.
Hunter Cellular Biology Meeting, Australia:
Cellular Biology Meeting Inc,.
Publications for Dong Fu
Fu, D., Roufogalis, B. (2003). Intracellular
trafficking and recycling of
P-glycoprotein-EGFP fusion is actin dependent.
43rd Annual Meeting of the American Society for
Cell Biology, USA: American Society for Cell
Fu, D., Roufogalis, B. (2003). Overcoming
multidrug resistance by blocking intracellular
trafficking of P-glycoprotein in human cancer
cells. APSA (Australia Pharmaceutical Science
Association) 2003 Conference, Integrating
Research into Practice, Australia: Australia
Pharmaceutical Science Association.
Fu, D. (2003). Trafficking and recycling of
P-glycoprotein-EGFP fusion: Implication for
cancer chemotherapy. Australian Key Centre for
Microscopy and Microanalysis Presentation,
Sydney, Australia: Australian Key Centre for
Microscopy and Microanalysis.
Fu, D., Bebawy, M., Kable, E., Roufogalis, B.
(2002). Characterisation and intracellular
localisation of P-glycoprotein-EGFP fusion
protein. ComBio 2002, Sydney: Australian
Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
Sun, L., Liu, X., Qiu, L., Wang, J., Liu, M., Fu,
D., Luo, Q. (2001). Administration of plasmid
DNA expressing human interleukin-6
significantly improves thrombocytopoiesis in
irradiated mice. Annals of Hematology, 80(10),
567-572. <a
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