Document 17222145

(This form is required for the Elective Website)
Semester & Year
Meeting Time(s)
Meeting Location(s)
IMPORTANT: Italics and red ink denote suggestions, examples.
Remove all italicized items (in red) before distribution.
Director Name & Title:
Office Phone:
Fax Number:
Other Faculty Name(s) & Title(s):
1. Provide a description and rationale for the elective.
2. Specify how the elective will benefit the student.
3. Specify the type(s) of knowledge and abilities that will be emphasized (e.g., Will
students need to memorize facts primarily, to become familiar with applications, to
develop skills?)
4. Describe the learning activities that you have planned for the elective (e.g., lectures,
simulations, projects, presentations, readings, discussions, research, etc.), and where
and when each will take place.
All electives must have learning objectives. Learning objectives should be studentcentered, and state the anticipated outcomes of learning, including:
what the students will gain from your elective,
what students are expected to be able to do following the elective.
Please align your objectives with the School of Medicine competencies and institutional
learning objectives listed on pages 3-4 of this syllabus.
Elective learning objectives: (please add rows as needed)
Tulane University School of Medicine Elective Syllabus
List any required and/or optional materials that will help students complete the elective
successfully. Examples:
Text(s): Author, Title, Edition, Publisher, ISBN
Other Materials: (e.g., Required Readings/Texts, Suggested Readings, Course
Web-based resources and other types of help (e.g., URLs, E-mail account, other
instructional technologies, library reserves, etc.)
Students either receive credit or do not receive credit for electives. There is not a “grade”.
Specify how students will be assessed and the criteria to receive credit for the elective.
In the table on the following pages, place a checkmark beside each objective that applies
to your elective. In the appropriate column and row, enter the number of your learning
objective that applies to each Educational Program Objective that you have selected; and
indicate how you plan to assess students' Knowledge, Attitudes/Behaviors, and/or Skills in
each area. Please link each course objective with only one Educational Program Objective.
Please remember to delete all text in red before submitting your syllabus to the
Electives Subcommittee for review.
Tulane University School of Medicine Elective Syllabus
AAMC Competencies and Associated
Tulane Educational Program Objectives
K = knowledge
S = Skill
AB = Attitude/Behavior
Specify the one
clerkship objective
that aligns best
with each Program
Objective that you
Check all objectives that relate to your elective.
PC = Patient Care
S4: generate a basic "problem list" based on the history and physical exam (1.1)
S9: apply BLS training (1.1)
K13b: manage common medical problems (1.6)
K14b: respond appropriately to acute life-threatening problems (1.1)
K15: provide patient care based on the human life cycle stages (1.5)
K16: apply the principles of evidence-based medicine (1.5)
K20: provide patient care with regard for psychosocial issues (1.7)
S16: perform a comprehensive or focused history and physical examination, and recognize the
appropriateness of when to perform each of these exams (1.2)
S17: order and interpret appropriate laboratory and diagnostic studies (1.4)
S18: integrate history, physical examination and laboratory results (1.4)
S19: perform routine and simple procedures necessary for patient care (1.1)
S20: tailor treatment to individual patients (1.5)
S22: generate appropriate differential and working diagnoses (1.2)
S26: coordinate or arrange appropriate intervention (1.6)
S36: practice universal precautions and hand hygiene (1.3)
S37: assess the functional and mental status of elderly patients (1.1)
AB18: take responsibility for preventive care (1.9)
KP = Knowledge for Practice
K2: recognize normal structure, function and pathophysiology of all organ systems (2.1)
K3: apply the scientific basis of modern therapeutics (2.3)
K5: recognize fundamental issues of environmental health (2.4)
K6a: apply principles of scientific literature (2.3)
K7: apply evidence-based medicine (2.1)
K11: apply basic science principles of normal and abnormal structure/function to clinical medicine (2.2)
K12: apply principles of clinical reasoning (2.3)
K13a: identify common medical problems (2.3)
K14a: recognize acute life-threatening problems (2.1)
K17: demonstrate the clinical competencies expected in each of the core medical specialties (2.3)
K19: apply principles of preventive/population-based medicine including environmental health issues (2.4)
K21a: apply principles of clinical epidemiology in clinical medicine (2.4)
K21b: apply principles of medical ethics and alternative medicine in clinical medicine (2.3)
S1: apply basic knowledge in a clinical scenario or setting (2.2)
S8: demonstrate critical thinking (2.1)
S21: recognize normal and abnormal findings across the life cycle (2.3)
S25: recognize emergent, urgent, and routine health conditions (2.1)
S38: access and appropriately use the electronic medical record system (4.5)
ICS = Interpersonal and Communication Skills
S2: establish rapport with patients (4.1)
S5a: demonstrate effective oral communication skills (4.1)
S5b: demonstrate effective written communication skills (4.5)
S6: work collaboratively in problem-solving (4.2)
S30a: listen to and communicate information effectively to patients, families (4.1)
S30b: listen to and communicate information effectively to colleagues (4.2)
S31: exercise conflict resolution (4.7)
S35: give a basic oral case presentation (4.2)
AB6: exhibit teamwork and collegiality (4.3)
PBL= Practice-Based Learning and Improvement
K6b: apply clinical and translational research (3.6)
K8: use modern information technology (3.7)
S7: navigate biomedical information resources (3.6)
S10: use effective learning techniques (3.3)
Tulane University School of Medicine Elective Syllabus
S11: use learning resources, including mentors, effectively (3.3)
S12: evaluate and remedy personal deficiencies (3.3)
S23: use information and knowledge seeking skills necessary for life-long learning (3.10)
S29: recognize and manage personal limitations in treating patients, evaluate and remediate personal
deficiencies (3.4)
S34: apply population knowledge to patient management (3.9)
AB19: participate in providing public health education (3.8)
AB20: engage in life-long learning and adapt to the changing health care environment (3.10)
P = Professionalism
Specify the
clerkship objective
with which each
item is aligned
K24b: describe basic HIPAA privacy laws (5.3)
S28: provide informed consent (5.6)
AB1: act with integrity, honesty and candor (5.1)
AB2: treat the patient as a person (5.5)
AB3: view medicine as a service profession (5.4)
AB4: maintain confidentiality about patients, colleagues, faculty, etc. (5.3)
AB5: practice humanism, courtesy, and social decorum (5.1)
AB7: demonstrate respect for diversity (5.5)
AB8: promote equity (5.5)
AB10: display altruism, honesty, ethical behavior, caring and compassion (5.1)
AB12: demonstrate a commitment to excellence in patient care (5.4)
AB13: demonstrate a commitment to the patient's welfare and advocacy (5.2)
AB15: display sensitivity to diversity (5.5)
AB16: demonstrate appreciation of medicine as a service profession (5.4)
AB17: demonstrate a commitment to equity (5.5)
AB21: demonstrate a commitment to civic responsibilities (5.4)
SBP = Systems-Based Practice
K18: describe the basic organization and systems of health care delivery and financing (6.3)
K22: describe the process of managing a patient from hospital admission through discharge (6.2)
K24a: describe the basic layout and key components of the patient chart (6.6)
K25: apply the basic principles of patient safety and quality improvement (6.4)
K26: describe the basic economics of how medical care is paid for (6.3)
K27: describe the procedure for referring patients from the ED, the risks in transitions of care, and how to
minimize risks (1.8)
S33: advocate for community needs (6.4)
IPC = Interprofessional Collaboration
K23: describe the roles of key members of the treatment team (7.2)
S32: work effectively with others on the healthcare team (7.1)
AB14: demonstrate respect for and cooperation with all participants of the health care system (7.1)
PPD = Personal and Professional Development
S14: manage time effectively (8.3)
S15: balance personal and professional life (8.3)
S24: cope effectively with ambiguity and uncertainty (8.8)
S27: interact in a confidence-inspiring manner with patients and their families (8.7)
AB9: work through ambiguity and uncertainty (8.8)
AB11: use adaptive mechanisms to deal with stress effectively (8.2)
Tulane University School of Medicine Elective Syllabus