DOKUZ EYLUL UNIVERSITY SCHOOL of NURSING Information Package 1 Name of Institution : Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu : Inciraltı 35340 İnciraltı İZMİR TÜRKİYE Adress VISION: Our vision is to have an active role in nursing education by reaching excellence in education, research and practice. PHILOSOPHY and MISSION: We wish to create learning atmosphere to facilitate lifelong learning among our students and graduates to manage changes in health care environment. The mission of School of Nursing is to prepare our graduates to function independently and collaboratively as professional nurses. To that end, the mission of the school is to accomplish excellence in teaching and in rendering services to meet the changing needs of individuals, families and the community. GOALS: Goals of School of Nursing; - Educate nurses, conduct research and provide services at a level that is consistent with the international standarts. Prepare graduates who are sensitive to the changing needs of the global society. Initiate new educational models in higher education of nursing. Foster faculty growth and development. EDUCATION MODEL: Dokuz Eylul University School of Nursing is the school that has been recently established among other nursing schools in Turkey. The school utilizes Problem Based Learning (PBL) as a method of teaching and learning since 1999-2000 academic year. The Reasons of Why We Decided to Change Our Education Model? 2 Demographic changes and cultural diversity Technologic explosion ( Technological developments) Economic and sociopolitical globalization The level of patient’s knowledge and decision making Increased complexity of care Policies of cost maintenance and reduction New health care procedures and advances in health and nursing care During the PBL Sessions; Learning initiated by a problem Learning is realized in small groups (10-12) Focuses on thinking skills Self-directed and develops life-long learning skills Students take greater responsibilty for their own learning The instructor’s role is to facilitate and encourage student participation 3 A student’s first week Mon AM Tue Wed Health Practice Visit PBL Session I Thu PBL Session II Fri Skills Training Lecture PM A student’s second week AM PM Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Skills Training PBL Session III Health Practice Visit Practical Practical Lecture Practical Practical Due to PBL education system, education is implemented in modules and the duration of the modules are usually two weeks. Above you can see an example of a student’s study programme. 4 SCHOOL of NURSING: Currently 42 faculty members provide undergraduate and graduate education: 4 full professors, 2 associate professors, 9 assistant professors, 20 doctoral and master students serving as teaching assistants and conducting research in their areas. School of Nursing publishes and present papers in national and international meetings, conferences, etc. CHARACTERISTICS OF BACHELOR’S PROGRAMME Four years, BA degree 132 weeks 4600 hours 70 first year students 325 students totally 42 teaching staff MAIN OBJECTIVES OF THE CURRICULUM Structuring knowledge for practicing Developing effective clinical skills Developing effective self-directed learning skills Increasing motivation for learning DURATION: The educational program takes 4 academic years or a total of 4600 hours of education, including theory and clinical practice. Cirriculum targets to educate generalists nurses rather than specialists. EXAMINATION and ASSESSMENT 5 Absolute evaluation system is applied in School of Nursing. Two midterms an one final examination are given for each course in theoretical and/or practical form ( unless otherwise indicated in course description) Final points are calculated as sum of 40% of final exams’ points and 60% of average points of midterm exams and grade points for passing is 70 out of 100. Points Grades 85 – 100 AA 70 – 84 BB (passing score) 60 – 69 CC 50 – 59 DD 49 – 00 FF Y – Insufficient B – Successful (These grades are applied for course of “Physical Education”) ECTS Letter Grade ECTS Grade % of successful students normally achieving the grade A 90-100 10 B 80-89 25 C 70-79 30 D 65-69 25 E 60-64 10 FX 50-59 - F 0-49 - 6 INTERNATIONAL STUDIES - COLLABORATIONS AND BİLATERAL AGGREMENTS Cıty / Country School Total Years Duration number Arteveldehogeschool Gent, Belgium 2 students 2004-2005 3 months Provincialehogeschool Hasselt, Belgium 2 students 2005-2007 3 months Centre for Higher Health Education Funen, Denmark 2 students 2004-2007 3 months CVU Oeresund Copenhagen, Denmark 2 students 2005-2007 3 months Turun ammattikorkeakoulu Turku, Finland 2 students 2004-2007 3 months Seinajoki Polytechnic Seinajoki, Finland 2 students 2003-2007 3 months Hogeschool van Amsterdam Amsterdam, Holland 2 students 2003-2007 3 months Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen Neijmegen, Holland 2 students 2004-2005 3 months Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona Barcelona, Spain 2 students 2005-2007 3 months International Membership coHEHre (Concortium of Institutes of Higher Education in Health and Rehabilitation in Europe), since 1999. coHEHre is a consortium of European Union which provides their members the ability of developing and organizing programs and projects under Socrates in higher education area of health. ENNE – network is a consortium of Institutes of Higher Professional Education in Nursing in Europe. TENN (Thematic European Nursing Network), since 2005. TENN is a thematic network under Socrates. ETNA (European Transculturel Nursing Association), since 2005. International Representation Ass.Prof. Candan OZTURK, PhD, international coordinator coHEHre contact person since 2002, ETNA council member, since 2005. Ass.Prof. Samiye METE, PhD, ENNE contact person Seyda ÖZBIÇAKÇI, PhD and Şeyda SEREN, PhD, TENN contact persons GRADUATE PROGRAMS at the DOKUZ EYLUL UNIVERSITY SCHOOL of NURSING: 7 The school offers a variety of programs at Master of Science and PhD levels in nursing under the auspices of Graduate School of Health Sciences. ACADEMIC CALENDAR: Fall Semester: From the end of September to mid January. Spring Semester: From the end of February to mid June. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION: Preparatory English Class is compulsory for all the students of the university however, the medium of instruction in the school is Turkish. STUDENT LIFE at DOKUZ EYLUL UNIVERSITY Indoor & outdoor facilities are all available 124 student clubs and societies are open to all students like Business Administration Club, Maritime club, Modern Dance, Folk Dance, Mountraineering ... etc Spring Festival for students, 2nd week of May From June to September, University organizes a student recreation camp in Seferihisar, available for 200 students. Socrates / ECTS Coordinator Name : Candan ÖZTÜRK, PhD, Ass.Prof. Adress : Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu 25340 İnciraltı İzmir – TÜRKİYE Phone & Fax : +90 232 278 46 06 E-Mail : 8 DOKUZ EYLUL UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF NURSING COURSE OVERVIEW HEMY 217 Nursing in Health and Illness HEMY 213 Research in Nursing - I HEMY 215 Nursing English - III Electives HEMY 219 Women Health * HEMY 221 Critical Thinking* HEMY 220 HEMY 214 HEMY 216 HEMY 218 HEMY 315 Nursing in Health and Illness - III HEMY 316 Nursing English - V Electives HEMY 317 Transcultural Nursing * HEMY 319 Research Project in Nursing * HEMY 321 Coping with Stress * HEMY 320 Nursing in Health and Illness - IV HEMY 316 Nursing English - VI HEMY 318 Summer Practice 2 weeks ( 80 hours) Electives HEMY 322 Disabled Child and Nursing* HEMY 324 Civic Involvement Project* HEMY 326 Substance Abuse* HEMY 409 Care Management of Health Services- I HEMY 407 Nursing English - VII Electives HEMY 411 School Health Nursing* HEMY 413 Childbirth Education* HEMY 415 Home Care* HEMY 417 Perioperative Nursing* HEMY 419 Critical Care Nursing* HEMY 421 Emergency Nursing* HEMY 423 Elderly Care* HEMY 425 Oncology Nursing * HEMY 427 Chronic Disease Nursing* HEMY 412 Care Management of Health Care Services - II HEMY 410 Nursing English - VIII Electives HEMY 414 Leadership in Nursing* HEMY 416 Health Politics and Nursing* HEMY 418 Occupational Health Nursing* HEMY 420 Inservice Training in Nursing* HEMY 422 Assertiveness* HEMY 424 Professional Development* HEMY 426 Evidence Based Nursing * 4. YEAR 2. YEAR SPRING SEMESTER 1 Year Preparatory Class HEMY 119 Introduction to Nursing And Health Science I HEMY 116 Introduction to Nursing And HEMY 117 Nursing English-I Health Science - II TBT 101 Basic Information Technology HEMY 114 Nursing English - II TD 101 Turkish-1 TD 102 Turkish-II AI 101 Ataturk’s Principles and History of Turkish AI 102 Ataturk’s Principles and History Revoluation I of Turkish Revoluation - II BE 101 Physical Training BE 102 Physical Training GS 101 Fine Arts ( Painting, music) GS 102 Fine Arts ( Painting, music) 3. YEAR 1. YEAR FALL SEMESTER Nursing in Health and Illness - II Research in Nursing - II Nursing English – IV Summer Practice 2 weeks ( 80 hours) Electives HEMY 222 Sexual and Reproductive Health* HEMY 224 Professional Nursing* Elective Courses 9 FRESHMAN FIRST SEMESTER Prerequiste CODE HEMY 119 HEMY 117 TBT 101 TD 101 Aİ 101 BE 101 GS 101 COURSE Introduction to Nursing And Health Science I Nursing English -1 PBL Lecture Councel. LAB PRAC CREDİT Ects 8 2 2 4 4 16 20 0 2 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 2 3 2 Atatürk Principles and History 0 of Turkish Revolution I 2 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Basic Information Technology Turkish-1 Physical Training Fine Arts( Painting, Music) SECOND SEMESTER Prerequiste CODE HEMY HEMY 119 116 HEMY 114 TD 102 Aİ 102 BE 102 GS 102 COURSE Introduction to Nursing And Health Science II Nursing English - II Turkish-II PBL Lecture Councel. LAB PRAC CREDİT Ects 8 2 2 4 4 16 23 0 2 0 0 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 1 0 0 0 1 1 Atatürk Principles and History 0 of Turkish Revolution II Physical TrainingFine Arts ( Painting- Music) 0 10 SOPHOMORE THIRD SEMESTER Prerequiste CODE HEMY HEMY 116 217 HEMY 213 HEMY 215 HEMY 219 HEMY 221 COURSE Nursing in Health and Illness I PBL Lecture Councel. LAB PRAC CREDİT Ects 8 2 2 4 6 17 23 Research in Nursing I 0 2 0 0 2 3 3 Nursing English - III 0 2 0 0 0 2 2 Electives 0 2 0 0 0 2 2 Women Health Critical Thinking FORTH SEMESTER Prerequiste CODE HEMY HEMY 217 220 COURSE HEMY 213 Research in Nursing II 0 2 0 0 2 3 3 Nursing English - IV 0 2 0 0 0 2 2 40 3 3 0 2 2 HEMY 214 HEMY 216 HEMY 218 Nursing in Health and Illness II Summer Practice 2 weeks Electives HEMY 222 HEMY 224 PBL Lecture Councel. LAB PRAC CREDİT Ects 6 2 2 4 10 17 20 0 2 0 0 Sexual and Reproductive Health Professional Nursing 11 JUNIOR FIFTH SEMESTER Prerequist CODE COURSE e HEMY HEMY 315 Nursing in Health and Illness III 220 HEMY 313 Nursing English - V Electives Ects 2 LAB PRAC CREDİ T 2 12 17 2 0 0 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 2 2 PBL Lecture Councel. 6 2 0 0 26 HEMY 317 Transculturel Nursing HEMY 319 Research Project in Nursing HEMY 321 Coping with Stress SIXTH SEMESTER Prerequiste CODE HEMY 315 HEMY 320 HEMY 316 HEMY 318 COURSE PBL Lecture Councel. LAB PRAC CREDİT Ects 2 2 2 14 17 23 Nursing in Health and Illness IV 5 Nursing English VI Summer Practice 2 weeks 0 2 0 0 0 40 2 3 2 3 Electives 0 2 0 0 0 2 2 HEMY 322 Disabled Child and Nursing HEMY 324 Civic Involvement Project HEMY 326 Substance Abuse 12 SENIOR SEVENTH SEMESTER Prerequiste CODE HEMY HEMY 320 409 HEMY 407 HEMY 411 HEMY 413 HEMY 415 HEMY 417 HEMY 419 HEMY 421 HEMY 423 HEMY 425 HEMY 427 COURSE Care Management of Health Services- I PBL Lecture Councel. LAB PRAC CREDİT Ects 3 0 1 0 32 20 26 Nursing English - VII 0 2 0 0 0 2 2 Electives 0 2 0 0 0 2 2 School Health Nursing Childbirth Education Home Care Perioperative Nursing Intensive Care Nursing Emergency Nursing Elderly Care Oncology Nursing Chronic Disease Nursing EIGHT SEMESTER Prerequiste CODE * HEMY 412 HEMY 410 COURSE Care Management of Health Services II Nursing English VIII PBL Lecture Councel. LAB PRAC CREDİT Ects 3 0 1 0 32 20 26 0 2 0 0 0 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 2 2 Electıves VI HEMY 414 HEMY 416 HEMY 418 HEMY 420 HEMY 422 HEMY 424 HEMY 426 Leadership in Nursing Health Politics and Nursing Occupational Health Nursing Inservice Training in Nursing Assertiveness Professional Development Evidence Based Nursing 13 LEARNING TARGETS FOR FIRST YEAR STUDENTS (FRESHMAN) AIM 1: TO IMPROVE INDIVIDUAL SELF-CARING 1.1. To recognize care giver and recipient responsibilities by focusing on individual. To understand the importance of building up supportive environment. 1.2. To understand the importance of individual achieving their self-care. 1.3. To understand induvidual, family and community expectations and adequacies related with self-care. 1.4. To aid providing balance among expectations, sufficiencies and sources related with induvidual, family and community self-care 1.5. To achieve self-care improvment plan AIM 2: TO STRENGTHEN INDUVIDUAL, FAMILY AND COMMUNITY AND PROVIDE THEM TO BECOME SUFFICIENT 2.1. Individual cognizance of their self rights 2.2. To understand the importance of attending in decision process of induvidual, family and community 2.3. To know the ethic and legal directions of practice 2.4. To understand the nurses advocator role 2.5. To understand the importance of interpersonal communication 2.6. To know group dynamics 2.7. To notice the importance of support need in stressfull circumstances AIM 3: TO USE CRITICAL THINKING PROCESS IN PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 3.1. To determine the circumstances that need nurse interventions 3.2. To use problem solving in action plan 3.3. To notice their self learning form 3.4. To improve skill in knowledge working process 3.5. To recognize the wrong and nonprofessional nursing interventions 3.6. To know nursing responsibility areas AIM 4: TO SYNTHESIZE THEORY AND PRACTICE 4.1. To form union with employing nursing theories 4.2. In forming action plan making other discipline knowledge integrated 4.3. To apply and transfer knowledge in laboratory 4.4. To transfer skills from laboratory to practice AIM 5: TO SHOW INDIVIDUAL IMPROVEMENT 5.1. To observe areas in which professional nurse is responsible 5.2. To understand that she/he is responsible for his own learning 5.3. To take active participation in group and individual activities 5.4. To assess the attitude and worth that affect interventions 5.5. To apply group process principles 5.6 To make self assessment 14 AIM:6 TO CONTRIBUTE NURSING WITH KNOWLEDGE, BEHAVIOR, ATTITUDE AND VALUES 6.1. To assess the advantage and disadvantage of existing health organising models in health system 6.2. To understand the assembling of primary health care philosophy and practice areas 6.3. To notice the responsibility of nursing in the development of induvidual, family and community health 6.4. To use the resources effective and efficient 6.5. To express their opinions about nursing 6.6. To understand the importance of literature follow-up for updating knowledge. ABBREVIATIONS AT THE COURSE DESCRIPTION FORMS: T: Theoric , L: Lecture, P: Practice 15 Course Code: HEMY119 Level : Undergraduate Status: Obligatory Course Title: Introduction to Nursing And Health Science I Year: One Semester: Fall ECTS Credit: 20 Hours/ Week: Total Class Hours: T( 4) + L(4) +P (32) Instruction Language: Turkish PREREQUISITES None DESCRIPTION This course, integrate biological, social and nursing concepts . Students will learn structure of social and political structure of health and health services and understand nurse’s role in the health team. Contents: Problem Based Learning, History of Nursing, Concepts and Models of Nursing, Communication, Basic Biology, Health, Factors that affect health LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of this course, students will achieve the first year aims. TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS Problem based learning tutorial, group discussion, brain storming, presentation, role-play, questioning READINGS 1. Guyton, A., Hall, J., Çeviri Ed.: Hayrünnisa Çavuşoğlu, Tıbbi Fizyoloji, Dokuzuncu Edisyon, Nobel Tıp Kitapevi, İstanbul, 1996 2. Tortora, G., Principles of Anatomy and Physilogy, Hovard Sochured, 7. Ed., 1989 3. Craven, F. R., Hirnle, C., Fundamentals of Nursing, J.B. Lippincott Company, Philedephia New York1996 4. Ustun, Akgün, Partlak, Hemşirelikte İletişim Becerileri Öğretimi, Okullar Yayınevi, İzmir,2005 5. Marieb, E. N., “Human Anatomy, and Physiology”, Third Edition, The Benjamin/ Cummings Publishing Company, California, 1991. 6. Webwr, J., Kelley, J., Health Assessment in Nursing, Lippincott- Raven Publishers, New York,1998. 7. Ganong, W., Çeviri Türk Fizyolojik Bilimler Derneği, Cilt:2, Barış Kitapevi, , Ankara,1997. 8. Bertan, M., Güler, Ç., Halk Sağlığı Temel Bilgiler, Özışık Ofset, Ankara, 1995. 9. Arnold, E.,Boggs, K., İnterpersonal Relationships, 3.Editions, W.B. Saunders Company, U.S.A, 1999 10. Potts M.L., Mandleco B.L., Pediatric Nursing Careing for Children and Their Families, Delmar Thomson Learning, New York, USA, 2002. 11. Edelman, C., Mandle,C., Health Promotion Throughtout The Lifespan,, Missouri, USA, 1998 12. Whaley, LF, Wong, DL, Nursing Care of Infants and Children, Fifth Edition, Mosby Company, Missouri,1995 ASSESSMENT Written exams, quizzes, term papers, projects, oral reports, essays, practical exams Midterm exam %60 Final Exam %40 Total %100 16 Course Code: HEMY 117 Course Title: Nursing English I Level: Undergraduate HEMY117 Year: One Status: Obligatory Hours/Week: 2 Semester: Fall ECTS Credit: 2 Total Class Hours: 30 Instruction Language: English PREREQUISITES: None DESCRIPTION: This course helps students to familiarize with the medical vocabulary and to build reading skills. Contents: The course includes the introduction of medical vocabulary, small reading passages and some grammar LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of this course students will be able to Read and understand in English, Learn medical terminology. TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS: The course consists of lectures and activities from the books. Students, therefore, should read the assigned chapters and be prepared for class participation. TEXTBOOK: English For Nurses By David Austin And Tim Crossfield ASSESSMENT: Midterm exam %40 Final Exam %60 Total %100 17 Course Code: TBT 101 Level : Undergraduate Status: Obligatory Course Title: Basic Information Technology Year: One Semester: Fall ECTS Credit: 3 Hours/ Week: 2 Total Class Hours: 30 Instruction Language: Turkish PREREQUISITES None DESCRIPTION This courses help nursing students to gain basic computer skills to progress in using information technology Contents: History of computer, how can computer work, description of MS Word’s basic functions description of web world wide LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of this course student will, Know computer and computer terminology Know functions of keyboard and will use keyboard Know and use Microsoft office word program functions Know and use Microsoft office power point program functions Communicate on www TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS Presentation, laboratory practice READINGS Bal, Ç.H. Bilgisayar ve İnternet Kullanımı, 14. baskı, Dilara Matbası,2003 ASSESSMENT Midterm exam % 40 Final Exam % 60 Total % 100 18 Course Code: TD 101 Level : Undergraduate Status: Obligatory Course Title: Turkish I Year: One Semester: Fall Hours/ Week: 2 ECTS Credit: 2 Total Class Hours: 30 Instruction Language: Turkish PREREQUISITES None DESCRIPTION To acquire skills in Turkish language, writing and verbal knowledge. To develop language sensitivity and consciousness. Contents: Historical development of Turkish Language, Voice properties of Turkish, punctuation marks, types of words LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of this course, student will be able to, Get writing and speaking skills. Get conscious for native language. TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS Preparation and presentation of the topics by teachers READINGS Ergin M. Türk Dil Bilgisi Bangıoğlu T. Türkçe’nin Grameri Aksan D. Her Yönüyle Dil ASSESSMENT Midterm exam %40 Final Exam %60 Total %100 19 Course Code: AI 101 Level : Undergraduate Status: Obligatory Course Title: Atatürk Principles and History of Turkish Revolution I Year: One Semester: Fall ECTS Credit: 2 Hours/ Week: 2 Total Class Hours: 30 Instruction Language: Turkish PREREQUISITES None DESCRIPTION Analysis of the reforms and events taken place after declaration of Republic Contents: Reform made in different fields since the declaration of the Republic LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of this course student will be able to; Analyse reforms after the proclamation of the Republic Analyse events taken place after the proclamation of the Republic TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS Presentation of the topics by the teacher READINGS Atatürkçülük ve Modernleşme, Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkilap Tarih Enstitüsü ASSESSMENT Midterm exam % 40 Final Exam % 60 Total %100 20 Course Code: BE /GS-101 Level : Undergraduate Status: Elective Course Title: Physical Training/Fine Arts Year: One Semester: Fall ECTS Credit: 1 Hours/ Week: 2 Total Class Hours: 30 Instruction Language: Turkish PREREQUISITES None DESCRIPTION Objectives: Elective activities in the fields of physical education and fine arts Contents: Leisure and activities such as sculpturing, painting etc. LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of this course student will be able to; Improve skills in physical education Improve skills in fine arts. TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS Practical work ASSESSMENT Pass/Fail 21 Course Code: HEMY116 Level : Undergraduate Status: Obligatory Course Title: Introduction to Nursing And Health Science II Year: One Semester: Spring ECTS Credit: 23 Hours/ Week: 10 Total Class Hours: T( 4) + L(4) +P (32) Instruction Language: Turkish PREREQUISITES HEMY 119 DESCRIPTION This lesson focuses on the biological and psychosocial structure of humans according to life spans. It analysis social, cultural, political, economic and environmental factors that affect individual and family health. In this lesson student will gain nursing knowledge, skills and attitudes to maintain and promote health in child, adolescence, adult and elderly terms of life span. Contents: Basic biology, health promotion, epidemiology, microbiology, environmental factors, human in life span, family LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of this course, students will achieve the first year aims. TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS Problem based learning tutorial, group discussion, brain storming, lecture, questioning, READINGS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Birol, B. Hemşirelik Süreci, Etki Matbacılık, İzmir, 2004 Ustun, Akgün, Partlak, Hemşirelik e İletişim Becerileri Öğretimi, Okullar Yayınevi, İzmir,2005 Bahar Z ve ark. Ed: Erefe İ. Halk Sağlığı Hemşireliği El Kitabı. Vehbi Koç Vakfı Yayınları No:14.1998 Guyton A.C. Hall J.E. Çev Edt: Hayrünnisa Çavuşoğlu. Tıbbi Fizyoloji. Nobel Tıp Kitabevi Ltd. Şti. 1996 Solomon E.P. Çeviri Edt. Bikem Süzen. İnsan Anatomisi ve Fizyolojisine Giriş. Birol Ltd. İstanbul; 1997 Mc Cance, K.L. , Huether S.E. Pathophysiology. The Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults and Children. 2nd. Edition, Mosby; 1994 Başaran A. Tıbbi Biyoloji Ders Kitabı 4. Baskı, Bilim Teknik Yayınevi, 1996 Dökmen Üstün, İletişim Çatışmaları ve Empati, Sistem Yayıncılık, Ankara, 1994. Cüceloğlu Doğan, İçimizdeki Çocuk, Remzi Kitabevi, 7.Basım, İstanbul 1994. Cüceloğlu Doğan, Yeniden İnsan İnsana, Remzi Kitabevi, 5.Basım, Istanbul, 1994 Terakye G, “Hasta Hemşire İlişkileri” Ankara, 1994. Özcan A, Hemşire-Hasta İlişkisi ve İletişim. Saray Tıp Kitabevleri, İzmir-1996 Guyton, A., Hall, J., Çeviri Ed.: Hayrünnisa Çavuşoğlu, Tıbbi Fizyoloji, Dokuzuncu Edisyon, Nobel Tıp Kitapevi, 1996, İstanbul Tortora, G., Principles of Anatomy and Physilogy, Hovard Sochured, 7. Ed., 1989 Craven, F. R., Hirnle, C., Fundamentals of Nursing, J.B. Lippincott Company, 1996, Philedephia New York Marieb, E. N., “Human Anatomy, and Physiology”, Third Edition, The Benjamin/ Cummings Publishing Company, 1991, California. Webwr, J., Kelley, J., Health Assessment in Nursing, Lippincott- Raven Publishers, 1998,New York. 22 18. Ganong, W., Çeviri Türk Fizyolojik Bilimler Derneği, Cilt:2, Barış Kitapevi, 1997, Ankara. 19. Conk, Z. (Editör), Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Hemşireliği El Kitabı, Vehbi Koç Vakfı Yayınları No:12, Birlik Ofset, İstanbul, 1997 20. Çavuşoğlu, H., Çocuk Sağlığı Hemşireliği, Cilt 2, Çağın Basın Yayın, Ankara, 1996 ASSESSMENT Written exams, quizzes, term papers, projects, oral reports, essays, practical exams Midterm exam %60 Final Exam %40 Total % 100 23 Course Code: NURS 114 Course Title: Nursing English II Level: Undergraduate HEMY117 Year: One Status: Obligatory Hours/Week: 2 Semester: Spring ECTS Credit: 2 Total Class Hours: 28 Instruction Language: English PREREQUISITES: None DESCRIPTION: This course helps students to familiarize with the medical vocabulary , to build reading skills and to review grammer Contents: The course includes the introduction of medical vocabulary, small reading passages and some grammar LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of this course students will be able to Read and understand in English Learn medical terminology. TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS: The course consists of lectures and activities from the books. Students, therefore, should read the assigned chapters and be prepared for class participation. TEXTBOOK: English For Nurses By David Austin And Tim Crossfield ASSESSMENT: Midterm exam %40 Final Exam %60 Total %100 24 Course Code: TD 102 Level : Undergraduate Status: Obligatory Course Title: Turkish II Year: One Semester: Spring Hours/ Week: 2 ECTS Credit: 2 Total Class Hours: 28 Instruction Language: Turkish PREREQUISITES None DESCRIPTION Objectives: To acquire skills in language, writing and verbal knowledge. To develop language sensitivity and consciousness. Contents: Historical development of Turkish Language, Voice properties of Turkish, punctuation marks, types of words LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of this course, student will be able to, Get writing and speaking skills. Get conscious for native language. TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS Preparation and presentation of the topics by teachers READINGS Ergin M.Türk Dil Bilgisi Bangıoğlu T. Türkçe’nin Grameri Aksan D.Her Yönüyle Dil ASSESSMENT Midterm exam % 40 Final Exam % 60 Total %100 25 Course Code: AI 102 Level : Undergraduate Status Course Title: Atatürk Principles and History of Turkish Revolution II Year: One Semester: Spring ECTS Credit: 2 Hours/ Week: 2 Total Class Hours: 28 Instruction Language: Turkish PREREQUISITES None DESCRIPTION Objectives: Analysis of the reforms and events taken place after the proclamation of the Republic Contents: Reforms at different fields since the proclamation of the Republic LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of this course student will be able to; Analyse reforms after the proclamation of the Republic Analyse events taken place after proclamation of the Republic TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS Presentation of the topics by the teacher READINGS Atatürkçülük ve Modernleşme, Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkilap Tarihi Enstitüsü ASSESSMENT Two written exams Written final exam Midterm exam % 40 Final Exam % 60 Total %100 26 Course Code: BE 102 Level : Undergraduate Status: Elective Course Title: Physical Training/Fine Arts Year: One Semester: Spring ECTS Credit: 1 Hours/ Week: 1 Total Class Hours: 14 Instruction Language: Turkish PREREQUISITES None DESCRIPTION Objectives: Elective activities in the fields of physical education and fine arts Contents: Leisure and activities such as sculpturing, painting etc. LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of this course student will be able to; Improve skills in physical education Improve skills in fine arts. TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS Practical work ASSESSMENT Pass/Fail 27 LEARNING TARGETS FOR SECOND YEAR STUDENTS ( SOPHOMORE) AIM 1: TO IMPROVE INDIVIDUAL SELF-CARING Students will be able to 1.2.1. Ensure that individuals receiving and providing care are aware of their responsibilities with an individual-centered approach 1.2.2. Establish a supportive environment 1.2.3. Help individuals in performing their self-care 1.2.4. Help individuals/families/communities in establishing equilibrium among resources, efficiency and expectations related to self-care 1.2.5. Make and implement a self care improvement plan AIM 2: TO STRENGTHEN INDUVIDUAL, FAMILY AND COMMUNITY AND PROVIDE THEM TO BECOME SUFFICIENT Students will be able to 2.2.1. Respect to individual’s rights 2.2.2. Ensure individuals/families/communities take part in decision making process 2.2.3. Use legal and ethical principles in their practices 2.2.4. Carry out advocating role of nurses 2.2.5. Establish an effective interpersonal communication 2.2.6. Provide support to individuals/families/communities in stressful conditions AIM 3: TO USE CRITICAL THINKING PROCESS IN PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE Students will be able to 3.2.1. Decide in conditions that require nursing intervention 3.2.2. To be aware of weaknesses of their learning styles and use their own strengths 3.2.3. Develop skills related to data processing 3.2.4. Interrogate nonprofessional nursing interventions 3.2.5. Make plans consistent with responsibility areas of nursing AIM 4: TO SYNTHESIZE THEORY AND PRACTICE Students will be able to 4.2.1. Develop a conceptual network 4.2.2. Integrate other disciplines data into forming a plan of action 4.2.3. Establish conceptual relationships in application domains 4.2.4. Utilize holistic approaches in applications 4.2.5. Utilize problem solving process in acute cases 4.2.6. Assess nursing interventions AIM 5: TO SHOW INDIVIDUAL IMPROVEMENT Students will be able to 5.2.1. Make practices in areas where a professional nurse is in charge 5.2.2. Accept that she is responsible for her own training 5.2.3 Define individual and group learning requirements 5.2.4 Define their learning outcomes 5.2.5 Explain their attitude and values 5.2.6 Describe their own thoughts in a creative manner 5.2.7 Comprehend importance of individual and group learning process AIM:6 TO CONTRIBUTE WITH KNOWLEDGE, BEHAVIOR, ATTITUDE AND VALUES TO NURSING Students will be able to 6.2.1. Develop behaviors as to provide health services 6.2.2. Implement primary health services philosophy in application areas 6.2.3. Recognize the change agent role of the nurse 6.2.4. Share their creative thinking with the others 6.2.5. Cooperate with individuals and agencies related to the profession 6.2.6. Observe the progress and alterations in nursing 28 Course Code: HEMY 217 Course Title: Nursing in Health and Illness I Level: Undergraduate Year: Two Status: Obligatory Hours/Week: T+L+P (12+4+6) Semester: Fall ECTS Credit: 23 Total Class Hours: Instruction Language: Turkish PREREQUISITES: HEMY 116 DESCRIPTION: The course examines the effects of the period of illness on the individual, family and the community. The attention is given to the mechanism that makes up the homeostatic balance in the period of health breakdown. Emphasize on the common illnesses in the community. The students learn the primary, secondary and tertiary health care necessities and learn to evaluate them on the basis of individual, family and community as a whole. The knowledge, ability and the attitude necessary for the bettering of the patient’s illness, preserving and developing his health is given to the students. Emphasize on the roles of the professional nurse as beginning care giver in the structured clinical settings such as medical-surgical, obstetric. Contents: Sexual and reproductive anatomy and physiology, embryonic stages, reproductive health, sex education, musculoskeletal system, body mechanics, care of the patient in a cast, pain, conversion, principles of asepsis and antisepsis, anxiety, being ill, hospitalization, intramuscular injection, preoperative-postoperative care, fluid and electrolyte imbalances, immune system, tuberculosis, immunization, venipuncture, I.V. therapy, disaster, crisis, posttraumatic stress disorder syndrome, hypertension, anger, patients’ rights, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, diuretics, antibiotics, narcotic analgesic agents, LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of this course, students will achieve the second year aims. TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS: Small group studies, group discussion, demonstration, interactive lectures and problem based tutorial. READINGS: 1. Lilley, L.L., Aucker, R., Albanese, J., Pharmacology And The Nursing Process, Mosby Year Book, USA, 1996 2. Akdemir, N.,Birol, L., İç Hastalıkları Ve Hemşirelik Bakımı, Vehbi Koç Vakfı Yayınları, Sanerc Yayın No: 3, İstanbul, 2003 3. Phipps, W. J., Sands, J., K., Marek, J., F., Medical Surgical Nursing Concept And Clinical Practice, Mosby Year Book, Philidelphia, 1999. 4. Erdil, F., Elbaş, N.Ö., Cerrahi Hastalıkları Hemşireliği. 4. Baskı, Ankara, 2001 5. Martini F.H., Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology. Prentice Hall Inc, 1995 6. Frisch N.C., Frisch L., Psychotic Mental Health Nursing, 2nd Edition, Delmar, Canada, 2002 7. Balzer-Rıley J.W. Communications in Nursing, 3rd Edition, Mosby, New York, 1996 8. Arnold E., Boggs K.E., Interpersonal Relationships Professional Communication Skill for Nurses, 3rd Edition, WB Saunders Company, Philadelphia, 1996 9. Murray S.S., McKinney E.S., Gorrie T.M., Foundations of Maternal-Newborn Nursing, 3rd Edition, WB Saunders Company, 2002 10. Taşkın L. Doğum ve Kadın Sağlığı Hemşireliği, VI. Baskı, Sistem Ofset Matbaacılık, Ankara, 2003 ASSESSMENT: Written exams, quizzes, term papers, projects, oral reports, essays, practical exams Midterm exam %60 Final Exam %40 Total %100 29 Course Code: HEMY 213 Course Title: Research in Nursing I Level: Undergraduate Year: Two Semester: Fall Status: Obligatory Hours/Week: 2/2 ECTS Credit: 3 Total Class Hours: Instruction Language: Turkish PREREQUISITES: None DESCRIPTION: This course which enforces the importance of research in the development of nursing consists of the choices in the concepts of nursing and in the research problems where as it also consists of the evaluations about the problems in nursing researches. The features of different research methods, data collecting and methods of analysis with the ethic in researches are examined through the course. The students develop their ability of evaluating researches in a critical view. Contents: Science and research, significance of nursing research, searching the literature, select databases to search, research process, LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of this course the student will be able to: Understand significance of scientific research Understand significance of research in nursing Critically evaluate the research TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS: Presentation, practicum at the computer laboratory, group discussion. READINGS: 1. Aksayan S., Bahar Z., BAyık A., Emiroğlu O.N., Erefe İ. ve ark. Hemşirelikte Araştırma İlke Süreç ve Yöntemleri. Ed: Erefe İ. Hemar-G, Odak Ofset, İstanbul, 2002 2. Sümbüloğlu V., Sümbüloğlu K. Sağlık Bilimlerinde Araştırma Yöntemleri, Hatiboğlu Yayınevi, Ankara, 1988 3. Karasar N. Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemi. Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara, 2000 4. Nursing Journals 5. Online sources ASSESSMENT: Midterm exam Final Exam Total %40 %60 %100 30 Course Code: HEMY 215 Course Title: Nursing English III Level: Undergraduate HEMY117 Year: Two Status: Obligatory Hours/Week: 2 Semester: Fall ECTS Credit: 2 Total Class Hours: 28 Instruction Language: English PREREQUISITES: None DESCRIPTION: This course helps students to introduce medical vocabulary and to build reading skills. Contents: The course includes reading, understanding, medical vocabulary and medical writing LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of this course students will be able to read and understand in English Can be able to write in english using medical terminology. TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS: The course consists of lectures and activities from their books students, therefore, should read the assigned chapters and be prepared for class participation. TEXTBOOK: English in Basic Medical Science By Joan Maclean ASSESSMENT: Midterm exam Final Exam Total %40 %60 %100 31 Course Code: HEMY 219 Level : Undergraduate Status: Elective Course Title: Women Health Year: Two Semester: Fall Hours/ Week: 2 ECTS Credit: 2 Total Class Hours: 30 Instruction Language: Turkish PREREQUISITES None DESCRIPTION In this course, current concepts, problems and research areas related with women health is studied and it focuses to manage women health problems in the acute care units and society. Contents: Current issues, problems and research subjects related to women health, indicators of women health in the world and Turkey, family systems,analysis of laws belongs to women health LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of this course student will be able to: notice women health problems, know right interventions for protection and promotion of women health, make early assessment of women health problems. TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS Preparation and presentation of the topics by the teacher, group discussion, brain storming, questioning READINGS 1. Rosenfield, J., Women’s Health in Primary Care, Williams Wilkins, USA,1997 2. Reeder,M., Kariak, G., Maternity Nursing, Lippincott Company, 18t’ edi, , Philadelphia, 1997 3. Taşkın, L., Doğum ve Kadın Hastalıkları Hemşireliği, 3.baskı, system offset, Ankara,1998 ASSESSMENT Midterm exam %40 Final Exam % 60 Total %100 32 Course Code: HEMY 220 Course Title: Nursing in Health and Illness II Level: Undergraduate Year: Two Semester: Spring Status: Obligatory Hours/Week: 10/4/10 ECTS Credit: 20 Total Class Hours: Instruction Language: Turkish PREREQUISITES: HEMY 217 DESCRIPTION: This course provides the ability to analyze the physiological and psychological periods of common illness in the community. The abilities of decision and developing the effective nursing strategies are also provided. Contents: Endocrine system, diabetes mellitus, diabetic ketoacidosis, acid-base imbalance, people reaction to illness, menopause, wound care, hormone replacement therapy, fractures, menopause and fracture, age old, osteoporosis, pelvic relaxation, loss, loneliness, pregnancy, antenatal care, body image, adaptation, skin, sexually transmitted diseases, counseling, family planning, process of labor and birth, postpartum period, newborn, lactation, social support, depression, communicating with demanding clients, communicating with rejecting clients, communicating with clients who are crying LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of this course, students will achieve the second year aims. TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS: Small group studies, group discussion, demostrations, interactive lectures and problem based tutorial. READINGS: 1. Lilley, L.L., Aucker, R., Albanese, J., Pharmacology And The Nursing Process, Mosby Year Book, USA, 1996 2. Akdemir, N.,Birol, L., İç Hastalıkları Ve Hemşirelik Bakımı, Vehbi Koç Vakfı Yayınları, Sanerc Yayın No: 3, İstanbul, 2003 3. Phipps, W. J., Sands, J., K., Marek, J., F., Medical Surgical Nursing Concept And Clinical Practice, Mosby Year Book, Philidelphia, 1999. 4. Erdil, F., Elbaş, N.Ö., Cerrahi Hastalıkları Hemşireliği. 4. Baskı, Ankara, 2001 5. Martini F.H., Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology. Prentice Hall Inc, 1995 6. Frisch N.C., Frisch L., Psychotic Mental Health Nursing, 2nd Edition, Delmar, Canada, 2002 7. Balzer-Rıley J.W. Communications in Nursing, 3rd Edition, Mosby, New York, 1996 8. Arnold E., Boggs K.E., Interpersonal Relationships Professional Communication Skill for Nurses, 3rd Edition, WB Saunders Company, Philadelphia, 1996 9. Murray S.S., McKinney E.S., Gorrie T.M., Foundations of Maternal-Newborn Nursing, 3rd Edition, WB Saunders Company, 2002 10. Taşkın L. Doğum ve Kadın Sağlığı Hemşireliği, VI. Baskı, Sistem Ofset Matbaacılık, Ankara, 2003 ASSESSMENT: Written exams, quizzes, term papers, projects, oral reports, assays, practical exams Midterm exam Final Exam Total %60 %40 %100 33 Course Code: HEMY214 Course Title: Research in Nursing II Level: Undergraduate Year: Two Semester: Spring Status: Obligatory Hours/Week: T 2, L 2 ECTS Credit: 3 Total Class Hours: T 28, L 28 Instruction Language: Turkish PREREQUISITES: None DESCRIPTION: This course focuses on the utilization of nursing researches, ethical problems of research and the design of the research. The student gains the ability to plan researches through this course. Contents: Writing research report, descriptive statistics, validity and reliability, significant tests, critically evaluation the research report LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of this course the student will be able to: Statistically evaluate the nursing research, Understand the nursing research, Critically evaluate the research, Demonstrate an ability to discuss the appropriateness of research methodologies. TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS: Presentation, group discussion, planning and implementing the descriptive research (group studies). READINGS: 1. Aksayan S., Bahar Z., BAyık A., Emiroğlu O.N., Erefe İ. ve ark. Hemşirelikte Araştırma İlke Süreç ve Yöntemleri. Ed: Erefe İ. Hemar-G, Odak Ofset, İstanbul, 2002 2. Sümbüloğlu V., Sümbüloğlu K. Sağlık Bilimlerinde Araştırma Yöntemleri, Hatiboğlu Yayınevi, Ankara, 1988 3. Karasar N. Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemi. Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara, 2000 4. İnternet arama motorları 5. Nursing Journals 6. Online sources 7. Akgül A. Tıbbi Araştırmalarda İstatistiksel Analiz Teknikleri. 2. baskı, Emek Ofset Ltd., Ankara, 2003 ASSESSMENT: Midterm exam Final Exam Total % 40 % 60 %100 34 Course Code: HEMY 216 Course Title: Nursing English IV Level: Undergraduate HEMY117 Year: Two Status: Obligatory Hours/Week: 2 Semester: Spring ECTS Credit: 2 Total Class Hours: 28 Instruction Language: English PREREQUISITES: None DESCRIPTION: This course helps students to introduce medical vocabulary, to build reading skills and to review grammar. Contents: The course includes reading, understanding, medical vocabulary and medical writing LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of this course students will be able to read and understand in English , write in English using medical terminology. TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS: The course consists of lectures and activities from their books students, therefore, should read the assigned chapters and be prepared for class participation. TEXTBOOK: English in Basic Medical Science By Joan Maclean ASSESSMENT: Midterm exam Final Exam Total % 40 % 60 %100 35 Course Code: HEMY 222 Level : Undergraduate Status Elective Course Title: Sexual and Reproductive Health Year: Two Semester: Spring ECTS Credit: 2 Hours/ Week: T 2 Total Class Hours: 28 Instruction Language: Turkish PREREQUISITES None DESCRIPTION Slimming women, men and young reproductive health problems; Provide students to understand the importance of health education in sexual and reproductive health and to take active role in this space. Contents: The position of reproductive health in Turkey and world ,family systems, structure and functions legal issues and ethic attitudies in women health,reproductive health and alternative medicine,promotion of gynecologic health care,menstruation disorders,natural family planing methods,sexuality and sexual education,infertility,presentation of commmunal work results. LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of this course student will be able to: Improve sensitivity about reproductive health problems, Create suitable intervention when student encounter with reproductive health problems, Guidance to patients about reproductive health problems. TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS Presentation, brain storming, team work READINGS 1. Youngkin, E.Q., Davis, M.S. Women’s Health A Primary Care Clinical Guide. Third Edition. Appleton & Lange. Stamford, 1998. 2. Taşkın, L. Doğum ve Kadın Hastalıkları Hemşireliği. Altıncı Baskı. Ankara, 2003. 3. AÇEV. Üreme Sağlığı ve Aile Planlaması. İstanbul, 1996. 4. Gorrie T.M., McKinney E.S., Murry S.S., Foundations of Maternal-Newborn Nursing, Second Edition. Saunders Company. Philadelphia,1998. ASSESSMENT Midterm exam %20 Group work results %20 Final Exam %60 Total: %100 36 Course Code: HEMY 224 Level : Undergraduate Status Elective Course Title: Professional Nursing Year: Two Semester: Spring Hours/ Week: T 2 ECTS Credit: 2 Total Class Hours: 28 Instruction Language: Turkish PREREQUISITES: None DESCRIPTION - The aim of this lesson is to aid development of individual leadership skills for nursing students. Contents: Professionalism/ definition /concepts, professional nursing roles, critical thinking and decision making. Change process, nursing process, enhancing healing, supporting cultural needs, providing care in the home and community, promoting health of individuals and families, professional practice elements, guide in professional practice. LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of this course, student will be able to: Understand what is meant by “professional” to view nursing as a profession, Develop knowledge and abilities that will contribute to the advancement of the profession, Provide quality care in a constantly changing health care arena. TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS Presentation, brain storming, role - play READINGS: 1. Catalano,T.J. Contemporary Professional Nursing. F.A.Davis Company, Philadelphia, 1996. 2. Kozier, B., Erb, G., Blais. Professional Nursing Practice Concepts and Prespectives. Third Edition. Addison – Wesley, California, 1997. 3. Velioğlu, P. Hemşirelikte Kavram ve Kuramlar. Alaş Ofset, 1999. 4. Velioğlu, P. Hemşerilkte Temel Düşünceler. Alaş Ofset, 1994. ASSESSMENT Midterm exam %40 Final Exam %60 Total %100 37 THE LEARNING TARGETS FOR THIRD YEAR STUDENTS ( JUNIOR) AIM 1: TO IMPROVE INDIVIDUAL SELF-CARING 1.3.1. To provide accepting responsibilities of persons who are taking and giving care, with an individual center approach. 1.3.2. To built up supportive environment and carry on this environment. 1.3.3. To support dependent patient for achieving self care level. 1.3.4. To make and carry out self care development plan for complex situation. AIM 2: TO STRENGTHEN INDUVIDUAL, FAMILY AND COMMUNITY AND PROVIDE THEM TO BECOME SUFFICIENT 2.3.1. To help individual to realize his own rights. 2.3.2. To support individual/ family and community for taking responsibility for health issues. 2.3.3. To make practice in professional and legal boundaries. 2.3.4. To carry out nurses’s advocacy roles. 2.3.5. To communicate effectively in special situations. 2.3.6. To support individual, family and community in stressful situations. AIM 3: TO USE CRITICAL THINKING PROCESS IN PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 3.3.1. To decide nursing interventions in complex situations. 3.3.2. To use systematic thinking process in complex situations. 3.3.3. To make appropriate interventions in nonprofessional situations. 3.3.4. To make plans suitable for nursing responsibilities field and carry out these plans AIM 4: TO SYNTHESE THEORY AND PRACTICE 4.3.1. To explain complex situation with a concept net. 4.3.2. To make nursing plan with a holistic approach in complex situation. 4.3.3. To provide confidence against team, patient and family in nursing practice. 4.3.4. To make right and continuing decision. 4.3.5. To advocate nursing decisions. AIM 5: TO SHOW INDIVIDUAL IMPROVEMENT 5.3.1. To practice in the clinics where professional nurse has got responsibilities 5.3.2. To develop responsibilities of life span learning 5.3.3. To share her experiences 5.3.4 . To use other experiences for personal development 5.3.5. To assimilate constitutive assessment and feedback process 5.3.6. To make self assessment. AIM:6 TO CONTRIBUTE WITH KNOWLEDGE, BEHAVIOR, ATTITUDE AND VALUES TO NURSING 6.3.1. To develop performing of health service behavior. 6.3.2. To understand importance of leaderships skills. 6.3.3. To participate studies that analyzing nursing problems. 6.3.4. To understand importance of contribution of occupational publication. 6.3.5. To plan research. 38 Course Code: HEMY 315 Level : Undergraduate Status: Obligatory Course Title: Nursing in Health and Ilness -III Year: Three Semester: Fall ECTS Credit: 26 Hours/ Week: Total Class Hours: T(9)+ L(2)+ P ( 14) Instruction Language: Turkish PREREQUISITES HEMY220 DESCRIPTION Objectives: To study physiological and psychosocial changes in complex health problems. To diagnosis and develop nursing approaches and carry out this approaches according to basic health and holistic principles in physiological and psychosocial changes. Contents: Community nursing, mental health nursing, obsessive compulsive disorder, leadership in nursing, pneumonia, down syndrome , immunization, antibacterial drugs, early prenatal assessment, postural drainage, malnutrition, malpractice, organ transplantation, perception of death, self care, ethic, diarrhea, chronic kidney failure , quality of life, immobile patient care, emergency nursing roles, family burden, breast cancer, loss, breaking bad news, cell differentiation, lymphatic system, anaphylactic reaction, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, body image. LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of this course, students will achieve the third year aims. TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS Problem based tutorial, group discussion, brain storming, lecture, questioning, role-playing READINGS 1. Potts, N., Mandleco, B., (Ed), Pediatric Nursing, Delmar Copyright, USA, ss:493-509, 2002. 2. Whaley, L., Wong, D., Nursing Care of Infants And Children, The Mosby Company, Fifth Edition, USA, ss: 947-950, 1318-1320, 1323-1324, 1995. 3. Phipps WJ, Sands J. K. Marek J.F.“ Medical Surgical Nursing” Concepts and Clinical Practice, Mosby, St Louis, Sixth Edition,1999. 4. Lewis S. M., Collier I.C. , Heitkemper M. M. “ Medical Surgical Nursing” Assesment and Management of Clinical Problems Fourth Edition , St Louis, Mosby 1996 5. Boyd M.A., Nihort M. A., Psychiatric Nursing, Contemporary Practice, Lippincott Philadelphia, 1998 6. Frisch N.C., Frisch L, Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, Second Editicon, Delmar, Australia, 2002 7. 7-Smith Cm, Maurer FA Community Health Nursing, Theory and Practice Second Edition, WB Saunders Company Philadelphia, 2000 8. Clark M J., Nursing in the Community Dimensions of Community Health Nursing Appleton and Lange Stamford 1999 ASSESSMENT Written exams, quizzes, term papers, projects, essays, practical exams Midterm exam % 60 Final Exam % 40 Total %100 39 Course Code: HEMY 313 Course Title: Nursing English V Level: Undergraduate HEMY117 Year: Three Status: Obligatory Hours/Week: 2 Semester: Fall ECTS Credit: 2 Total Class Hours: 28 Instruction Language: English PREREQUISITES: None DESCRIPTION: This lesson helps students to introduce medical vocabulary, to build reading skills and to review grammar. Contents: The course includes reading, understanding, medical vocabulary and medical writing LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of this course students will be able to: Read and understand in English, Able to write in English using medical terminology. TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS: The course consists of lectures and activities from their books Students, therefore, should read the assigned chapters and be prepared for class participation. TEXTBOOK: Your English In Medicine ASSESSMENT: Midterm exam Final Exam Total %40 %60 %100 40 Course Code: HEMY 317 Level : Undergraduate Status: Elective Course Title: Transcultural Nursing Year: Three Semester: Fall Hours/ Week: T 2 ECTS Credit: 2 Total Class Hours: 28 Instruction Language: Turkish PREREQUISITES None DESCRIPTION- This lesson provide learning of health belief and practice differences in different communities, communication diversity and intervention, to understand culture – health relationship with increasing cultural awareness and achieve knowledge, skills and mentality for suppling care needs of person /family /community peculiar to culture. Contents: Cultural values, differences, diversity, cultural awareness, cultural perspectives regarding care, nurse care roles in different cultures, transcultural nursing theories, value orientation and culture, ethnical background of Turkey, cultural assessment and different cultural examples of values. LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of this course students will understand; Cultural Diversity – Cultural Relativism Culture and Health Relationship Nurses Role in Cultural Diverse Population Values Clarification and Impact of Care in Different Cultures. Transcultural Nursing Theories TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS Preparation and presentation of the topics by the students Case studies about different cultures, group discussions, lectures READINGS: 1. Kavanagh, K.H., Kennedy, P.H. Promoting Cultural Diversity (Strategies for Health Care Professionals), Sage Publications, London. 1992 2. Anderson, E.T., MeFarlane, J.M. Community as Partner (Cultural Competence in Partnerships with Communities, Drew, J.C.), Lippincott, Newyork,1996. 3. Maurer, F.A., Smith, C.M.Community Health Nursing (The Relevance of Culture and Values for Community Health Nursing, Maurer. F.A., Kavanagh, K.H) W.B. Saunders Company, London,2000 4. Spordley, B.W. Community Health Nusing, Forth Edition, Philadelphia. 1996 5. Campinha –Bacote, J. A Model and İstrument for Addressing Cultural Competence in Health Care, Journal of Nursing Education , 38 (5). Pp: 203-206. 6. Leininger, M, Transcultural Nursing Concepts, Theories, Research and Practice, Thirth Edition. 1998 7. Smith,C., Maurer,F.A. The Cultural Context for Community Health Nursing, Secon Edition,Tokyo, 2000. 8. Arnold, E., Boggs, K.E. Interpersonal Relationships, Third Edition, Saunders, London. 1999 ASSESSMENT Midterm exam %40 Final Exam %60 Total %100 41 Course Code: HEMY 319 Level : Undergraduate Status: Elective Course Title: Research Project in Nursing Year: Three Semester: Fall ECTS Credit: 2 Hours/ Week: T 2 Total Class Hours: 28 Instruction Language: Turkish PREREQUISITES: None DESCRIPTION The aim of this lesson is to provide students to design research project in nursing area individually or with group. In this process they have consultant control. This course bring in project preparation, perform and presentation skills to students. Contents: Determination of researh subject, screening literature related to subject, planning the research, performing research, analysis of data, writing report, presentation of results LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of this course students will be able to: Provide students to realize problems in nursing area, Plan research related with this problems, Conduct this research and to report results, Presentation report results verbal and written. TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS Project preparation and presentation READINGS: 1. Sumbüloğlu, V., Sumbüloğlu, K. Sağlık Bilimlerinde Araştırma Metotları. V Edition, Hatipoğlu, Ankara, 2002 2. Aksayan, S., Bahar, Z., Bayık, A.Hemşirelikte Araştırma. HEMARGE, Istanbul,2002. 3. Karasar, N.Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemi. IV Baskı,Nobel Yayın Dağatım, Ankara,2000. ASSESSMENT Project Assessment 42 Course Code: HEMY 321 Level : Undergraduate Status: Elective Course Title: Coping with Stress Year: Three Semester: Fall Hours/ Week: T 2 ECTS Credit: 2 Total Class Hours: 28 Instruction Language: Turkish PREREQUISITES None DESCRIPTION – This lesson provides to use methods for coping with stress and teach usage of effective methods Contents: Definition of stress, physiological effect of stress, stress and health, coping methods with body and emotion, problem solving LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of this course students will be able to: Assessment their self skills for coping with stress, Make use of effective methods for coping with stress, Give instructions for coping with stress, Understand the effect of stress to human being . TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS Role play, group work, lecture READINGS 1. Schultz, J.R., Ruterford,L. Lippincott’s Manuel of Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans. Lippincott Company. 2000 2. Terakye,G.. Hasta – Hemşire İlişkisi. Aydoğdu Ofset, Ankara. 1995 3. Videbeck, S.. Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, Lippincot Company. 2001 4. Özcan, A. Hasta – Hemşire İlişkisi ve İletişim Becerileri. Saray Kitabevi, İzmir1996. 5. Şahin,N.H.Stress ile Başetme. Turkish Psychologist Journal. 1994 6. Üstün,B., Akgün. E., Partlak N. Hemşirelikte İletişim Becerilerin Öğretimi. Okullar Yayınevi, İzmir,2005 ASSESSMENT Midterm exam %40 Final Exam %60 Total %100 43 Course Code: HEMY 320 Level : Undergraduate Status: Obligatory Course Title: Nursing in Health and Illness -IV Year: Three Semester: Spring ECTS Credit: 23 Hours/ Week: Total Class Hours: T(9)+ L(2)+ P ( 14) Instruction Language: Turkish PREREQUISITES HEMY 315 DESCRIPTION Objectives: To get skills to analyze physiological and psychosocial process in complex health problems, making decions, developing and management of nursing strategies. Contents: Coroner artery disease, CPR, cardiac tampanate, conflict management, cirrhosis, burnout, alcoholism, multiply trauma, emergency nursing, schizophrenia, hemophilia, genetic counseling, nursing intervention in crisis LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of this course, students will achieve the third year aims. TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS Problem based learning tutorial, group discussion, brain storming, lecture, questioning, role-playing READINGS 1. Potts, N., Mandleco, B., (Ed), Pediatric Nursing, Delmar Copyright, USA, ss:493-509, 2002. 2. Whaley, L., Wong, D., Nursing Care of Infants And Children, The Mosby Company, Fifth Edition, USA, ss: 947-950, 1318-1320, 1323-1324, 1995. 3. Phipps WJ, Sands J. K. Marek J.F.“ Medical Surgical Nursing” Concepts and Clinical Practice, Mosby, St Louis, Sixth Edition,1999. 4. Lewis S. M., Collier I.C. , Heitkemper M. M. “ Medical Surgical Nursing” Assesment and Management of Clinical Problems Fourth Edition , St Louis, Mosby 1996 5. Boyd M.A., Nihort M. A., Psychiatric Nursing, Contemporary Practice, Lippincott Philadelphia, 1998 6. Frisch N.C., Frisch L, Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, Second Editicon, Delmar, Australia, 2002 7. 7-Smith Cm, Maurer FA Community Health Nursing, Theory and Practice Second Edition, WB Saunders Company Philadelphia, 2000 8. Clark M J., Nursing in the Community Dimensions of Community Health Nursing Appleton and Lange Stamford 1999 ASSESSMENT Written exams, quizzes, term papers, projects, assays, practical exams Midterm exam % 60 Final Exam % 40 Total %100 44 Course Code: HEMY316 Course Title: Nursing English VI Level: Undergraduate HEMY117 Year: Three Status: Obligatory Hours/Week: 2 Semester: Spring ECTS Credit: 2 Total Class Hours: 28 Instruction Language: English PREREQUISITES: None DESCRIPTION: This lesson helps students to introduce medical vocabulary, to build reading skills and to review grammar. Contents: The course includes reading, understanding, medical vocabulary and medical writing LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of this course students will be able to: Read and understand in English, Write in English using medical terminology, Speak English. TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS: The course consists of lectures and activities from their books Students, therefore, should read the assigned chapters and be prepared for class participation. TEXTBOOK: Your English In Medicine ASSESSMENT: Midterm exam Final Exam Total %40 %60 %100 45 Course Code: HEMY 322 Level : Undergraduate Status Elective Course Title: Disabled Child and Nursing Year: Three Semester: Spring ECTS Credit: 2 Hours/ Week: T 2 Total Class Hours: 28 Instruction Language: Turkish PREREQUISITES None DESCRIPTION - Protect and improve handicapped children health, clinic care; understand handicapped children and their family adversities; improve students knowledge, skills and sensibility about supporting and strengthening this people. Contents: The factors that cause handicappes, the role of nurse in early diagnosis and preventation of handicappes, health care needs of handicapped child , consultancy with handicapped child and his family LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of this course students will be able to: Know approach for prevention of handicappes and early diagnosis, Know and applicate interference for prevention and improving health of handicapped child and their families. TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS Presentation, brain storming, group work READINGS 1. Cichetti, D and Beeghly M. (Ed). Children with Down Syndrome A Developmental Prespective, Combindge University Press 1990 2. Lovaas, O.I., Teaching Develpomentally Disabled Children, Texas ,1981 3. Kulaksızoğlu, A. (Ed). Farklı Gelişen Çocuklar. 2. Baskı, Epsilon Eğitim Dizisi, İstanbul, 2003. 4. Akkök, F., Bayan Perşembeler, 2.Baskı, Özgür Yayınları, İstanbul, 2003. 5. Johonson, SH. (Ed). High Risk Parenting: Nursing Assesment and Strategies for the Family at Risk. Lippincot Company, Philadelphia, 1979. 6. Servonsky, J., Opos, SR., Nursing Management of Children. Jones and Brotlett Publishers, Boston, 1987. ASSESSMENT Midterm exam %40 Final Exam %60 Total %100 46 Course Code: HEMY 324 Level : Undergraduate Status Elective Course Title: Civic Involvement Project Year: Three Semester: Spring ECTS Credit: 2 Hours/ Total Class Hours: 28 Week: T 2 Instruction Language: Turkish PREREQUISITES: None DESCRIPTION - This course aims to make individuals conscious about society and life regulation, national status, responsibility and social - cultural investment for future. In this lesson students, as individual and in the same time as the part of team learn to create differencies. Contents: Civic involvement project, the objectives of the civic involvement project, importance of the civic involvement project, the environmental and social factors which influence of human health, planning and implementing of the civic involvement project. LEARNING OUTCOMES 1. To provide students learn basic rights and responsibilities inside the community life and coordination 2. Students will learn to take responsibility for solving community problems in the future. 3. Learn how to recycle garbage TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS Preparation and presentation of the topics by the students READINGS 1. T.C. Başbakanlık Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı, Türkiye Ulusal Çevre Stratejisi ve Eylem Planı, 1998 2. Herkes İçin Sağlık Hedefleri 2000, Dünya Sağlık Örgütü Avrupa Birliği Ofisi Kopenhag 3. İl Sağlık Müdürlüğü 2000 Yılı Çalışma Raporu, Kubilay Ofset Reprodüksiyon Tic. Ltd. Şti, 2002 4. 5. 6. ASSESSMENT Planning and implementing the project 47 Course Code: HEMY 326 Level : Undergraduate Status: Elective Course Title: Substance Addiction Year: Three Semester: Spring Hours/ Week: T 2 ECTS Credit: 2 Total Class Hours: 28 Instruction Language: Turkish PREREQUISITES None DESCRIPTION – This lesson observe definition, reasons and prevention methods of substance dependence. Contents: Definition of substance addiction, types of substance addiction, cause of substance addiction, risk groups for substance addiction, prevention and the role of nurse in substance addiction, coping with stress, assertiveness, learning say no, problem solving LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of this course students will be able to: Know the types of substance addiction, Understand the importance of problem, develop sensitivity in this subject and make works in this area. TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS Role play, group work, presentation READINGS 1. Schultz, J.R., Ruterford,L.(2000). Lippincott’s Manuel of Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans. Lippincott Company. 2. Terakye,G.(1995). Hasta – Hemşire İlişkisi. Aydoğdu Ofset, Ankara. 3. Videbeck, S.(2001). Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, Lippincot Company. 4. Özcan, A. (1996). Hasta – Hemşire İlişkisi ve İletişim Becerileri. Saray Kitabevi, İzmir. 5. Üstün,B., Akgün., Partlak (2005). Hemşirelikte İletişim Becerilerin Öğretimi. Okullar Yayınevi, İzmir. ASSESSMENT Midterm exam %40 Final Exam %60 Total %100 48 THE AIMS FOR FOURTH YEAR STUDENTS ( SENIOR) AIM 1: TO IMPROVE INDIVIDUAL SELF-CARING Students will be able to: 1.4.1. Ensure that individuals and families perform their self-care with an individual-centered approach 1.4.2. Establish and maintain a supportive environment 1.4.3. Enable that dependent individuals are reached to a position to perform their own self-care 1.4.4. Make and implement a self-care development plan for the complex situations AIM 2: TO STRENGTHEN INDUVIDUAL, FAMILY AND COMMUNITY AND PROVIDE THEM TO BECOME SUFFICIENT Students will be able to: 2.4.1. Back up individual in utilizing her own rights 2.4.2. Enable that they take responsibilities concerning health issues 2.4.3. Perform practices in professional and legal limits 2.4.4. Implement advocating role of the nurse 2.4.5. Establish an effective interpersonal communication in special occasions 2.4.6. Provide support to individuals/families/communities in stressful conditions AIM 3: TO USE CRITICAL THINKING PROCESS IN PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE Students will be able to: 3.4.1. Carry out nursing interventions in complex situations 3.4.2. Utilize systematic thinking process in complex situations 3.4.3. Make proper interventions in non-professional approaches 3.4.4. Make and implement plans consistent with responsibility areas of nursing AIM 4: TO SYNTHESE THEORY AND PRACTICE Students will be able to: 4.4.1. Describe complex situations with a conceptual network 4.4.2. Make a care plan with a holistic approach in complex situations 4.4.3. Built a confidence in the team, patient and family in nursing applications 4.4.4. Make accurate and continuous decisions 4.4.5. Defend the decisions made AIM 5: TO SHOW INDIVIDUAL IMPROVEMENT Students will be able to: 5.4.1. Work independently in areas where a professional nurse is responsible 5.4.2. Share past experiences 5.4.3. Take advantage of others shares for personal development 5.4.4. Adopt a creative assessment and feedback process 5.4.5. Make self-assessment AIM:6 TO CONTRIBUTE WITH KNOWLEDGE, BEHAVIOR, ATTITUDE AND VALUES TO NURSING Students will be able to: 6.4.1. Be an orienting and supporting role model in nursing care 6.4.2. Demonstrate a leadership-type of behavior 6.4.3. Show desire in participating researches 6.4.4. Make contributions to professional publications 6.4.5. Implement planned researches 49 Course Code: HEMY 409 Course Title: Care Management of Health Services I Level: Undergraduate Year: Four Semester: Fall Status: Obligatory Hours/Week: 4/0/32 ECTS Credit: 26 Total Class Hours: Instruction Language: Turkish PREREQUISITES: HEMY 320 DESCRIPTION: This course focuses on the aim of providing an experience in nursing application in the primary, secondary and tertiary levels of health services. It helps the students to gain the sufficiency in applications of nursing care in the cases of health and illness for individuals, families or societies. Contents: Management, leadership, organization, change theories, critical thinking, communication, collaboration, self-evaluation, professional nursing roles, strategies in planning, goal setting, problem solving and decision making, managing time, leading and organizing groups of people, team building, care delivery system in variety settings and clinics (medical-surgical, pediatric, obstetric, psychiatric and community settings). LEARNING OUTCOMES Upon completion of this course, students should be able to: Demonstrate the knowledge and skills required to design in evaluation and improvement of nursing care delivery, Analyze the interrelationships among organizational behavior, management strategies and processes, and professional nursing practice, Analyze the evolution of a professional nursing role within a health care organization, Provide a planned, systematic analysis of topics, issues and problems in the various area of nursing, Analyze the health care delivery system and its relationship to the practice of nursing clinical experiences, Carry a caseload of patients, develop a comprehensive individual patient care. TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS: Case management, clinical practice READINGS: 1. 2. 3. 4. Douglass L.M., “The Effective Nurse Leader and Manager”, Fourth Ed., Mosby, 1992. Marriner-Torney A., “Guide to Nursing Management and Leardership, Mosby, 1996. Marquis B.L., Huston C.J., “Management Decision Making for Nurses”, Lippincott, 1999. Wise Y., “Leading and Managing in Nursing”, Mosby, 1995. ASSESSMENT: Midterm exam Final Exam Total %60 %40 %100 50 Course Code: HEMY 407 Course Title: Nursing English VII Level: Undergraduate HEMY117 Year: Four Status: Obligatory Hours/Week: 2 Semester: Fall ECTS Credit: 2 Total Class Hours: 28 hrs. Instruction Language: English PREREQUISITES: None DESCRIPTION: This lesson helps students to read, understand, discuss and write about articles Contents: Articles about nursing LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of this course students will be able to: Read and understand articles in English., Write in English using medical terminology, Speak English TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS: The course consists of some articles. The students come prepared. TEXTBOOK: None ASSESSMENT: Midterm exam Final Exam Total %40 %60 %100 51 Course Code: HEMY 411 Level : Undergraduate Status: Elective Course Title: School Health Nursing Year: Four Semester: Fall ECTS Credit: 2 Hours/ Week: 2 Total Class Hours: 30 Instruction Language: Turkish PREREQUISITES None DESCRIPTION This course helps students to acquire skills and learning aims and roles of school health nursing to promote and protect students health. Contents: Roles of school health nursing in promoting and protecting students health, standards of school health nursing, assessment of school child and health risks of school children, models of school health nursing, management health services in schools, promotion of health and education in schools. LEARNING OUTCOMES Students will understand: Historical aspects of school health nursing, Theories and research about school health, School nurse’s responsibilities, Health promotion of school children, Management of environmental and health risks of school children, Developing health education programs. TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS Lecture, case studies, heath education material preparation, group discussion READINGS 1. Maurer, F.A., Smith, C.M., Community Health Nursing, ( School Health ) Steel, S.A., W.B. Sounders COMPANY, London,2000,pp: 811-836 2. Clark, M.J, Nursing in the Community, Appleton, Lange, 3rd edi, London,1999,pp: 615-641 3. Aksayan ve ark., Halk Salığı Hemşireliği El Kitabı, Vehbi KoçVakfı Yayınları, No: 14, 1998, ss: 183-190 4. Ege Üniversitesi Yüksekokulu, Halk Sağlığı Hemşrieliği Ders Notları , 2003,İzmir ASSESSMENT Midterm exam % 40 Final Exam % 60 Total %100 52 Course Code: HEMY 413 Level : Undergraduate Status: Elective Course Title: Childbirth Education Year: Four Semester: Fall ECTS Credit: 2 Hours/ Week: 2 Total Class Hours: 30 Instruction Language: Turkish PREREQUISITES None DESCRIPTION This lessons aimed to help students learning how to prepare expectant parents to pregnancy, childbirth and post-partum period and helping expectant parents to gain positive attitude to their baby. Contents: Techniques to prepare expectant parents to pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum period LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of this course student will be able to: List the goals of perinatal education, Describe the various types of education for childbirth families, Describe techniques for pain relief taught in Lamaze childbirth classes, Explain choices in childbearing and effects of education on these choices. TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS Demonstration, role-play, lecture READINGS 1. Littleton LY, Engebreston JC., Maternal, Neonatal and Womens Health Nursing, Delmar, USA,20002 2. Murray SS, Mckinney ES, Gorrie T.M, Foundations of Maternal-Newborn Nursing, 3rd ed, Saunders Comp., Philadelphia,20002 3. Okumuş, H., Mete, S., Aytur T., Yenal, K., Demir, N.: Doğumöncesi Eğitim ve Doğuma Hazırlık Sınıflarının Etkisinin İncelenmesi, Dokuz Eylül Ünv. Araştırma Fonu Projesi, Proje no: 957980101, İzmir,2001 ASSESSMENT Midterm exam % 40 Final Exam %60 Total %100 53 Course Code: HEMY415 Course Title: Home Care Level: Undergraduate Year: Four Semester: Fall Status: Elective Hours/Week: 2 ECTS Credit: 2 Total Class Hours: 30 Instruction Language: Turkish PREREQUISITES: None DESCRIPTION: This course, by considering the biopsychosocial, cultural, ethical and legal dimensions of the individuals and families, provides information and skill in regards to implementing and coordinating the home care services for the continuation of medical treatment and care they need. Contents: Home care nursing, types of home care services, documentation in home care, case examples in home care, determination of duration and frequency of care, quality of care in home care setting, responsibility of home health care nurse. LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of this course the student will be able to: Recognize standards of home care, Understand importance of documentation in home care, Discuss the types of services and relations to the care, Understand the home care quality and related factors, Experience home care nurse’s responsibility in different illness, Determinate the frequency and duration of care in home setting. TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS: Case studies, presentation READINGS: 1. Maurer F.A., Smith C.M. Community Health Nursing. 2 nd Edition, Saunders Company, London, 2000 2. Clark M.J. Nursing in the Community. 3rd Edition, Appleton&Large, Stamford, 1999 3. Spradley B.W., Allender J.N. Community Health Nursing. 4th Edition, Lippincott, 1996 4. Sebastian J.G., Stanhope M. Case Studies in Community Health Nursing Practice, A Problem Based Learning Approach. Mosby, New York, 1999 5. Klainberg M., Holzemer S., Leonord M., Arnold J. Community Health Nursing An Alliance for Health. Mc Grow Hill, Toronto, 1998 ASSESSMENT: Midterm exam Final Exam Total % 40 % 60 %100 54 Course Code: HEMY 417 Level : Undergraduate Status: Elective Course Title: Perioperative Nursing Year: Four Semester: Fall ECTS Credit: 2 Hours/ Week: 2 Total Class Hours: 30 Instruction Language: Turkish PREREQUISITES None DESCRIPTION In this lesson, assessment of patient in perioperative period, ethic and legal dimensions of patient safety is handled. Students informed and acquire skills about perioperative nursing practice. Contents: Roles and responsibilities of perioperative nursing, patient care in perioperative period, ethic and legal dimensions of patient safety, sterilization, infection control. TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS Lecture, group discussion, role-play, brain storming LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of this course the student will be able to: Care patient in perioperative period, Know roles and responsibilities of perioperative nurse as a scrub nurse and circular nurse, Describe roles of perioperative nurse, Comprehend advocative roles of perioperative nurse, Know ethic and legal dimensions of patient safety, Comprehend important of team working in operation room, Know aseptic techniques and infection control, Know sterilization and disinfection methods, Carry out fundamentals of sterilization, Manage early postoperative care. READINGS 1. 2003 Standarts , Recomended Practices And Guidelines, With Offical AORN Statements: Assosiation Operating Room Nurses, 2003 2. Brigden R.J. Operating Theatre Teachnique. Fifth edition. New York. 1988 3. Craven R.F. Hırnle C.J. Selected Clinical Nursing Therapeutics. Fundamentals of Nursing Human Helth and Function. Second Edition. New York. 1996 4. Lewis S.M. Collier I.C. Heitkemper M.M. The Surgical Experience. Medical Surgical Nursing Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems. Forth Edition. United States of America.1996 ASSESSMENT Midterm exam %40 Final Exam %60 Total %100 55 Course Code: HEMY 419 Course Title: Critical Care Nursing Level: Undergraduate Year: Four Semester: Fall Status: Elective Hours/Week: 2 ECTS Credit: 2 Total Class Hours: 30 Instruction Language: Turkish PREREQUISITES: None DESCRIPTION: This course includes the scientific and technologic developments, ethical, legal and cultural issues in the intensive care setting. Provides student with the skill related to management of patient care in the intensive care units. Contents: Basic ECG, fluid and electrolyte balance/imbalances, nutritional support of the critically ill patient, anatomy and physiology of the nervous system, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, abdominal assessment, nursing management of the patient with myocardial infarction, heart failure, acute respiratory failure, COPD, airway management, mechanical ventilation and nursing care, cardiac surgery and nursing management, nursing interventions for pneumothorax and hemothorax, chest tubes, drugs and drug calculations, arterial blood gases, cardioversion, defibrillation, ethical and legal principles LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of this course the student will be able to: Identify with the role of the intensive care nurse in the promotion, conservation and restoration of optimal health status, Demonstrate knowledge of the function and clinical application of technology in an intensive care setting, Plan and implement appropriate care utilising analysis, interpretive, assessment and problem solving techniques, Recognise the legal, ethical and moral issues involved in the provision of intensive care. TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS: Lecture, group discussion READINGS: 1. Melander S.D., Case Studies in Critical Care Nursing. A Guide for Application and Review, 2 nd Edition, Saunders Com., 2001 2. Badır A., Türkmen E., Elektrokardiyografi. EKG Analizi, Aritmilerin Tanı ve Tedavisi. Vehbi Koç Vakfı, SANERC Yayın No:1, Özlem Grafik Matbaacılık, İstanbul, 2002 3. Dolan J.T., Critical Care Nursing. Clinical Management Through The Nursing Process. F.A. Davis Company, 1991 4. Şahinoğlu H. Yoğun Bakım Sorunları ve Tedavileri. Türkiye Klinikleri, Ankara, 1992 5. Hall J.B., Schmidt G.A., Wood L.D.H. Principles of Critical Care. 1992 ASSESSMENT: Midterm exam Final Exam Total %40 %60 %100 56 Course Code: HEMY 421 Course Title: Emergency Nursing Level: Undergraduate Year: Four Semester: Fall Status: Elective Hours/Week: 2 ECTS Credit: 2 Total Class Hours: 30 Instruction Language: Turkish PREREQUISITES: None DESCRIPTION: This course provides student with the skill and experience related to assessment of urgent and critical patient and to set priorities with a holistic approach by considering the ethical, legal and cultural dimensions to manage with the team. Contents: Triage, patient assessment, legal and regulatory constructs, cultural dimensions, epidemiology of trauma, mechanism of injury, emergency department trauma management, respiratory emergencies, cardiovascular emergencies, renal and genitourinary emergencies, gastrointestinal emergencies, neurologic emergencies, endocrine emergencies, environmental emergencies, toxicologic emergencies, burns, respiratory emergencies, cardiovascular emergencies, shock emergencies, basic life support. LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of this course the student will be able to: Describe first aid and basic principles of first aid, Describe and apply basic life support, Discuss the roles and responsibilities of the nurse in emergency care, Assessment and formulate priorities for immediate and medium term patient management, Recognise the legal, ethical and moral implications in the provision of care. TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS: Presentation, brain storming, discussion, small group studies, role play READINGS: 1. Newberry L. Sheehy’s Emergency Nursing, Principles and Practice, Emergency Nurses Association. Mosby, 2003 2. Kitt S., Selfridge-Thomas J., Proehl J., et al. Emergency Nursing a Physiologic and Clinical Perspective, Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders, 1995 3. Kidd P., Assessment of the Trauma Patient. Trauma Nursing: the art and science 3 rd edition, St Louıs, Mosby, 2000 4. Şelimen D., Olgun N., Eti A.F., Yazıcı K.S. Acil Bakım: Dahiliye, Cerrahi, Çocuk, Yüce yayım, 1998 5. Dramalı A., Kaymakçı Ş., Özbayır T., Yavuz M. İlk Yardım Uygulamaları, İzmir, 1999 6. Phipps, W. J., Sands, J., K., Marek, J., F., Medical Surgical Nursing Concept And Clinical Practice, Mosby Year Book, Philidelphia, 1999. ASSESSMENT: Midterm exam Final Exam Total %40 %60 %100 57 Course Code: HEMY 423 Course Title: Elderly Care Level: Undergraduate Year: Four Semester: Fall Status: Elective Hours/Week: 2 ECTS Credit: 2 Total Class Hours: 30 Instruction Language: Turkish PREREQUISITES: None DESCRIPTION: This course reviews the physical and psychological alterations occurred in elderly adults, the difficulties experienced by the elderly and the family and the position of elderly in society. It aims to develop student’s information, skill and attitude toward understanding and supporting the elderly person. Contents: Aging in the changing world, changes in each body system that occur with normal aging, assessment in elderly adult, problems of elderly adults and their families and nursing interventions, communication with elderly adult, geriatric ethics, home care of elderly adult, aging and social politics, instıtutions for elderly adult LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of the course the student will be able to: Describe changes in each body system that occur with normal aging, Understand problems of elderly adults and their families, Describe needs of elderly adults at hospital, home and the other elderly institutions, Plan and implement appropriate care. TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS: Presentation, discussion, visit to elderly care centre, home visits. READINGS: 1. Kutsal Y.G., Geriatri. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Geriatrik Bilimler Araştırma ve UyguIama Merkezi, İstanbul,2002 2. Phipps, W. J., Sands, J., K., Marek, J., F., Medical Surgical Nursing Concept And Clinical Practice, Mosby Year Book, Philidelphia, 1999. 3. Akdemir, N.,Birol, L., İç Hastalıkları Ve Hemşirelik Bakımı, Vehbi Koç Vakfı Yayınları, Sanerc Yayın No: 3, İstanbul, 2003 ASSESSMENT: Midterm exam Final Exam Total %40 %60 % 100 58 Course Code: HEMY 425 Course Title: Oncology Nursing Level: Undergraduate Year: Four Semester: Fall Status: Elective Hours/Week: 2 ECTS Credit: 2 Total Class Hours: 30 Instruction Language: Turkish PREREQUISITES: None DESCRIPTION: This course provides information, attitude and skill related to basic concepts concerning cancer, controlling the symptoms that will develop due to treatment, the care of cancer patient and giving psychological help to the individual with cancer and to care providers. Contents: The history of cancer nursing, role implementation in cancer nursing, diagnostic techniques and early detection, risk factors, carcinogenesis, adult and child cancers and prevention, oncologic emergencies, ethical issues, cancer treatment (chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgical), symptom management (pain, nutritional problems, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, fatigue, stomatitis, infection control, alopecia), psychosocial aspects of cancer, cancer and the family. LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of the course the student will be able to: Identify the nurse’s role in prevention of cancer and in health education, Recognise the manifestation of cancer, Identify the canser therapy, side effects and nursing intervention , Apply the nursing process to care of the patient in the diagnostic and treatment phases of cancer. TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS: Lecture , presentation of the cases by the students READINGS: 1. Hossfeld, DK, Sherman CD( Ed. ), Klinik Onkoloji, Uluslar Arası Kanserle Savaş Birliği, ( Çev.Ed. D.Fırat, F Sarıalioğlu, A. Kars ), Ankara 1992. 2. Hemşirler İçin Kanser El Kitabı, Platin N, ( Çev. Ed.), Amerikan Kanser Birliği, 19996. 3. Barcley V.( Ed. ) Kanser Hemşireliğinde Temel Kavramlar, Platin N, ( Çev. Ed.), 4. Onkoloji Hemşireler Derneği Bülteni ASSESSMENT: Midterm exam Final Exam Total %40 %60 %100 59 Course Code: HEMY 427 Course Title: Chronic Disease Nursing Level: Undergraduate Year: Four Semester: Fall Status: Elective Hours/Week: 2 ECTS Credit: 2 Total Class Hours: 30 Instruction Language: Turkish PREREQUISITES: None DESCRIPTION: This course reviews the following topics; important chronic diseases, the role of nurses in the care of chronic diseases, biopsychosocial effects of chronic diseases on the individual and family and the care management in chronic diseases. Contents: Definition chronic illness, epidemiology, common chronic illness, the stages of chronic illness, the process of adaptation to chronic illness, cronically ill persons and their families, impact of chronic illness on society, rehabilitation, interdisciplinary approach, home care and continuing care, role of the nurse in chronic illness, self-care, self management education, nursing diagnosis, planning, evaluation, major health goals related to chronic health problems to be achieved by the health 21. LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of the course the student will be able to: Identify effects of chronic illness on individual and family, Identify impact of chronic illness on society, Apply the nursing process for the chronically ill person, Understand importance of health promotion, Define rehabilitation and the roles of the patient and team members (especially the nurse), Identify major health goals related to chronic health problems to be achieved by health 21. TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS: Lecture, group disccusion READINGS: 1. Leuckenotte. Gerontologic Nursing. 2nd edition, Mosby, 2000 2. Phipps, W. J., Sands, J., K., Marek, J., F., Medical Surgical Nursing Concept And Clinical Practice, Mosby Year Book, Philidelphia, 1999. 3. Lacroix A. Therapeutic Education of Patients. 2nd edition, Mosby, 2003 4. Özçelik E., Tip1 Diabetes Mellitus Adölesanlara Verilen Eğitimin Metabolik Kontrolleri ve Özbakım Üzerine Etkisi, 2001 5. “Chronic Disease Management” 6. www. “Chronic Disease Prevention” ASSESSMENT: Midterm exam Final Exam Total %40 %60 %100 60 Course Code: HEMY 412 Course Title: Care Management of Health Services II Level: Undergraduate Year: Four Status: Obligatory Hours/Week: Semester: Spring ECTS Credit: 2 Total Class Hours: Instruction Language: Turkisch PREREQUISITES: HEMY 409 DESCRIPTION: This course prepares the students for professional life by helping them to develop features like leadership, management, counselling, teaching, research and decision making. Contents Transition to the role of the professional nurse, reality shock, concepts and theories of leadership and management, inservice education in nursing, conflict management, stress management, care delivery system in variety settings and clinics (medical-surgical, pediatric, obstetric, psychiatric and community settings) LEARNING OUTCOMES Upon completion of this course, students should be able to: Demonstrate the knowledge and skills required to design in evaluation and improvement of nursing care delivery, Analyze the interrelationships among organizational behavior, management strategies and processes, and professional nursing practice, Analyze the evolution of a professional nursing role within a health care organization, Provide a planned, systematic analysis of topics, issues and problems in the various area of nursing, Analyze the health care delivery system and its relationship to the practice of nursing clinical experiences, Carry a caseload of patients, develop a comprehensive individual patient care. TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS: Case management, clinical practice, problem based tutorials READINGS: 1. Douglass L.M., “The Effective Nurse Leader and Manager”, Fourth Ed., Mosby, 1992. 2. Marriner-Torney A., “Guide to Nursing Management and Leardership, Mosby, 1996. 3. Marquis B.L., Huston C.J., “Management Decision Making for Nurses”, Lippincott, 1999. 4. Wise Y., “Leading and Managing in Nursing”, Mosby, 1995. ASSESSMENT: Midterm exam Final Exam Total %60 %40 %100 61 Course Code: NURS 410 Course Title: Nursing English VIII Level: Undergraduate HEMY117 Year: Four Status: Obligatory Hours/Week: 2 Semester: Spring ECTS Credit: 2 Total Class Hours: 28 Instruction Language: English PREREQUISITES: None DESCRIPTION: This course helps students to read, understand, discuss and write about articles Contents: Articles about nursing LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of this course students will be able to: Read and understand articles in English. Write in English using medical terminology. Speak English TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS: Discussion, Presentation by students. TEXTBOOK: none ASSESSMENT: Midterm exam Final Exam Total %40 %60 %100 62 Course Code: HEMY 414 Level : Undergraduate Status: Elective Course Title: Leadership in Nursing Year: Four Semester: Spring ECTS Credit:2 Hours/ Week: 2 Total Class Hours: 30 Instruction Language: Turkish PREREQUISITES None DESCRIPTION This course helps students for acquiring personal leadership skills. Contents: Basic leadership characteristics, importance of leadership in nursing, the nurse as a leader, leadership theories, leadership styles. LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of this course the student will be able to: Analyze the role of leadership in advancing the profession of nursing, Describe leadership development strategies and responsibilities, Explain strategies for making the leadership opportunity for both the leaders and the followers, Apply the theoretical aspects of leadership in nursing practice. TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS Lectures, group disccusion READINGS Swansburg, CRQ, Swansburg JR. Introductory Management and Leadership for Nurses, Jones and Bartlett Pub., 1999 Yoder-Wise, PS. Leading and Managing in Nursing, Third Edition, Mosby, 2003 ASSESSMENT Term paper: Analysis a leader in nursing, essays and written exam. 63 Course Code: HEMY 422 Level : Undergraduate Status: Elective Course Title: Assertiveness Year: Four Semester: Spring Hours/ Week: 2 ECTS Credit: 2 Total Class Hours: 30 Instruction Language: Turkish PREREQUISITES None DESCRIPTION This course, helps student to know her behavior styles in relationships, expressing herself, and to have confidence. Contents: Behavior styles, giving feedback, expressing feelings and thoughts, refusing unreasonable requests, being request. LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of this course the student will be able to: Define feelings and thoughts that obstruct being assertive, Define rights for being assertive, Define responsibilities for being assertive, Distinguish properties of being assertive, Express feelings and thoughts, Say no without feeling guilty. TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS Lecture, group discussion, role-play, brain storming READINGS 1. Alberti. R., Emmons, M. (1998). Atılganlık Hakkınızı Kullanın. Çev: Serap Katlan. HYB Yayıncılık. 2. Arnold, E., Boggs. K.(1999). Interpersonal Relationship Professional Communication Skills for Nurses. Third Edition. WB Saunders Company 3. Balzer, J. (1996). Communications in Nursing. Mosby-Year Book. 4. Canfield, J., Hansen, MV. (2000). Alaaddin Faktörü .HYB Yayıncılık 5. Meer, K. (1994). Elementary Social Skills. Transferpoint Skills Teaching. 6. Terakye, G. (1995). Hasta-Hemşire İlişkisi. Aydoğdu Ofse ASSESSMENT Midterm exam % 40 Final Exam %60 Total %100 64 Course Code: HEMY 418 Level : Undergraduate Status: Elective Course Title: Occupational Health Nursing Year: Four Semester: Spring ECTS Credit: 2 Hours/ Week: 2 Total Class Hours: 30 Instruction Language: Turkish PREREQUISITES None DESCRIPTION Objectives: To learn roles and responsibilities of occupational nurse for maintaning and promoting worker’s health. To have knowledge, skills and perceptiveness for maintaning and promoting worker’s health. Contents: Occupational nurse, occupational health, worker health, promoting worker’s health. LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of this course the student will be able to: Learn roles of occupational nurse, Learn responsibilities of occupational nurse for maintaning and promoting worker’s health, Have skills for maintaning and promoting worker’s health, TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS Lectures, group discussion, brain storming, questioning READINGS 1. WHO, Occupational Health, 2002 2. Rogers, B. Occupational Health Nursing, WB. Saunders Company,2001 3. Aksayan, S., Beşer, A., Emiroğlu, N., Eswin, N., Yıldız, N. İş Yeri Hemşireliği. Halk SAğlığı Kurumu Derneği, Sağlık ve Sosyal Yardım Vakfı, Teknişk Rapor, No: 6, Ankara, 2003 ASSESSMENT Midterm exam %40 Final Exam % 60 Total %100 65