Publications for Yun-Hee Jeon 2016

Publications for Yun-Hee Jeon
Publications for Yun-Hee Jeon
005">[More Information]</a>
Chenoweth, L., Vickland, V., Stein-Parbury, J.,
Jeon, Y., Kenny, P., Brodaty, H. (2015).
Computer modeling with randomized-controlled
trial data informs the development of
person-centered aged care homes.
Neurodegenerative Disease Management, 5(5),
403-411. <a
re Information]</a>
Davison, T., Nayer, K., Coxon, S., de Bono, A.,
Eppingstall, B., Jeon, Y., van der Ploeg, E.,
O'Connor, D. (2016). A personalized multimedia
device to treat agitated behavior and improve
mood in people with dementia: A pilot study.
Geriatric Nursing, 37(1), 25-29. <a
08.013">[More Information]</a>
Chenoweth, L., Stein-Parbury, J., White, D.,
McNeill, G., Jeon, Y., Zaratan, B. (2016).
Coaching in self-efficacy improves care
responses, health and well-being in dementia
carers: a pre/post-test/follow-up study. BMC
Health Services Research, 16(1), 1-16. <a
0-x">[More Information]</a>
Jeon, Y., Liu, Z., Li, Z., Low, L., Chenoweth, L.,
O'Connor, D., Beattie, E., Davison, T., Brodaty,
H. (2016). Development and validation of a short
version of the Cornell Scale for Depression in
Dementia for screening residents in nursing
homes. American Journal of Geriatric
Psychiatry, In press, accepted May 2016. <a
12">[More Information]</a>
Casey, A., Low, L., Jeon, Y., Brodaty, H. (2016).
Residents’ Positive and Negative Relationship
Networks in a Nursing Home. Journal of
Gerontological Nursing: for nursing care of
older adults, In press, accepted June 2016.
Vernooij- Dassen, M., Jeon, Y. (2016). Social
health and dementia: the power of human
capabilities. International Psychogeriatrics,
28(5), 701-703. <a
0260">[More Information]</a>
Low, L., Fletcher, J., Goodenough, B., Jeon, Y.,
Etherton-Beer, C., MacAndrew, M., Beattie, E.
(2015). A Systematic Review of Interventions to
Change Staff Care Practices in Order to Improve
Resident Outcomes in Nursing Homes. PloS
One, 10(11), 1-60. <a
0711">[More Information]</a>
Jeon, Y., Simpson, J., Li, Z., Cunich, M.,
Thomas, T., Chenoweth, L., Kendig, H. (2015).
Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial of An
Aged Care Specific Leadership and Management
Program to Improve Work Environment, Staff
Turnover, and Care Quality. Journal of the
American Medical Directors Association
(JAMDA), 16(7), 629.e19-629.e28. <a
Plakiotis, C., Bell, S., Jeon, Y., Pond, D.,
O'Connor, D. (2015). Deprescribing
Psychotropic Medications in Aged Care
Facilities: The Potential Role of Family
Members. 1st World Congress on Geriatrics and
Neurodegenerative Disease Research (GeNeDis
2014), Cham: Springer International Publishing.
9-3_8">[More Information]</a>
Berry, K., Jeon, Y., Foster, K., Fraser, J. (2015).
Extended parenting education in an early
parenting centre: A mixed-methods study.
Journal of Child Health Care, Online First, 1-10.
827">[More Information]</a>
Chenoweth, L., Jeon, Y., Stein-Parbury, J.,
Forbes, I., Fleming, R., Cook, J., Cheah, S.,
Fletcher, S., Tinslay, L. (2015). PerCEN trial
participant perspectives on the implementation
and outcomes of person-centered dementia care
and environments. International
Psychogeriatrics, 27(12), 2045-2057. <a
1350">[More Information]</a>
Casey, A., Low, L., Jeon, Y., Brodaty, H. (2015).
Resident perceptions of friendship and positive
social networks within a nursing home
[Forthcoming]. The Gerontologist, , 1-13. <a
[More Information]</a>
Jeon, Y., Li, Z., Low, L., Chenoweth, L.,
O'Connor, D., Beattie, E., Liu, Z., Brodaty, H.
(2015). The Clinical Utility of the Cornell Scale
for Depression in Dementia as a Routine
Assessment in Nursing Homes. American
Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 23(8), 784-793.
13">[More Information]</a>
Brunero, S., Jeon, Y., Foster, K. (2015). The
journey of positioning self as both mental health
nurse and qualitative researcher: a critical
reflection. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental
Health Nursing, 22(7), 543-548. <a
ore Information]</a>
Publications for Yun-Hee Jeon
Low, L., Baker, J., Harrison, F., Jeon, Y.,
Haertsch, M., Camp, C., Skropeta, M. (2015).
The Lifestyle Engagement Activity Program
(LEAP): Implementing Social and Recreational
Activity into Case-Managed Home Care. Journal
of the American Medical Directors Association
(JAMDA), 16(12), 1069-1076. <a
002">[More Information]</a>
O'Connor, D., Brodaty, H., Beattie, E. (2014).
Validity of the Geriatric Depression Scale and
the Collateral Source Version of the Geriatric
Depression Scale in residential aged care.
Alzheimer's Association International
Conference 2014, Rockville, MD, USA:
Jeon, Y., Conway, J., Chenoweth, L., Weise, J.,
Thomas, T., Williams, A. (2015). Validation of a
clinical leadership qualities framework for
managers in aged care: a Delphi study. Journal
of Clinical Nursing, 24(7-8), 999-1010. <a
ore Information]</a>
Mirzaei, M., Aspin, C., Essue, B., Jeon, Y.,
Dugdale, P., Usherwood, T., Leeder, S. (2013).
A patient-centred approach to health service
delivery: improving health outcomes for people
with chronic illness. BMC Health Services
Research, 13, 1-11. <a
51">[More Information]</a>
Li, Z., Jeon, Y., Low, L., Chenoweth, L.,
O'Connor, D., Beattie, E., Brodaty, H. (2015).
Validity of the geriatric depression scale and the
collateral source version of the geriatric
depression scale in nursing homes. International
Psychogeriatrics, 27(9), 1495-1504. <a
0721">[More Information]</a>
Lamont, S., Jeon, Y., Chiarella, M. (2013).
Assessing patient capacity to consent to
treatment: an integrative review of instruments
and tools. Journal of Clinical Nursing,
22(17-18), 2387-2403. <a
ore Information]</a>
Jeon, Y., Govett, J., Low, L., Chenoweth, L.,
Fethney, J., Brodaty, H., O'Connor, D. (2014).
Assessment of behavioural and psychological
symptoms of dementia in the era of the aged care
funding instrument. Internet Journal of
Psychiatry, 3(1).
Chenoweth, L., Merlyn, T., Jeon, Y., Tait, F.,
Duffield, C. (2014). Attracting and retaining
qualified nurses in aged and dementia care:
outcomes from an Australian study. Journal of
Nursing Management, 22(2), 234-247. <a
More Information]</a>
Chenoweth, L., Forbes, I., Fleming, R., King,
M., Stein-Parbury, J., Luscombe, G., Kenny, P.,
Jeon, Y., Haas, M., Brodaty, H. (2014). PerCEN:
a cluster randomized controlled trial of
person-centered residential care and environment
for people with dementia. International
Psychogeriatrics, 26(7), 1147-1160. <a
0398">[More Information]</a>
O'Connor, C., Clemson, L., Brodaty, H., Jeon,
Y., Mioshi, E., Gitlin, L. (2014). Use of the
Tailored Activities Program to reduce
neuropsychiatric behaviors in dementia: an
Australian protocol for a randomized trial to
evaluate its effectiveness. International
Psychogeriatrics, 26(5), 857-869. <a
0040">[More Information]</a>
Jeon, Y., Li, Z., Low, L., Chenoweth, L.,
Jeon, Y., Low, L., Chenoweth, L., O'Connor, D.,
Beattie, E., Brodaty, H. (2013). Best practice in
assessing depression in nursing homes. IPA 2013
16th International Congress, The Edinburgh
Building, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge CB 2 8
RU , UK: Cambridge University Press.
Jeon, Y., Govett, J., Low, L., Chenoweth, L.,
McNeill, G., Hoolahan, A., Brodaty, H.,
O'Connor, D. (2013). Care planning practices for
behavioural and psychological symptoms of
dementia in residential aged care: A pilot of an
education toolkit informed by the Aged Care
Funding Instrument. Contemporary Nurse, 44(2),
156-169. <a
56">[More Information]</a>
Low, L., White, F., Jeon, Y., Gresham, M.,
Brodaty, H. (2013). Desired characteristics and
outcomes of community care services for persons
with dementia: What is important according to
clients, service providers and policy?
Australasian Journal on Ageing, 32(2), 91-96. <a
2.00625.x">[More Information]</a>
Lamont, S., Jeon, Y., Chiarella, M. (2013).
Health-care professionals' knowledge, attitudes
and behaviours relating to patient capacity to
consent to treatment: An integrative review.
Nursing Ethics, 20(6), 684-707. <a
011">[More Information]</a>
McRae, I., Yen, L., Jeon, Y., Herath, P., Essue,
B. (2013). Multimorbidity is associated with
higher out-of-pocket spending: a study of older
Publications for Yun-Hee Jeon
Australians with multiple chronic conditions.
Australian Journal of Primary Health, 19(2),
144-149. <a
e Information]</a>
Jeon, Y., Brodaty, H. (2013). Psychosocial
research about mental health of older people in
Australia. IPA 2013 16th International Congress,
The Edinburgh Building, Shaftesbury Road,
Cambridge CB 2 8 RU , UK: Cambridge
University Press.
Jeon, Y., Kang, Y. (2013). Regional
collaborations led by nursing and allied-health
academics, students and clinicians across four
countries. 20th IAGG World Congress of
Gerontology and Geriatrics, Seoul, Korea.
Low, L., Baker, J., Jeon, Y., Camp, C., Haertsch,
M., Skropeta, M. (2013). Study protocol:
translating and implementing psychosocial
interventions in aged home care the lifestyle
engagement activity program (LEAP) for life.
BMC Geriatrics, 13(November 2013), 1-12. <a
24">[More Information]</a>
Jeon, Y., Simpson, J., Chenoweth, L., Cunich,
M., Kendig, H. (2013). The effectiveness of an
aged care specific leadership and management
program on workforce, work environment, and
care quality outcomes: design of a cluster
randomised controlled trial. Implementation
Science, 8(1), 1-10. <a
6">[More Information]</a>
Jeon, Y., Liu, Z., Low, L., O'Connor, D.,
Chenoweth, L., Brodaty, H., Beattie, E.,
Davison, T. (2013). Use of the Cornell Scale for
Depression in Dementia (CSDD) in nursing
homes. 20th IAGG World Congress of
Gerontology and Geriatrics, Seoul, Korea.
Fethney, J., Jeon, Y., Ludford, I., Stewart, K.
(2013). Validity and reliability of the client
perception of value questionnaire. Contemporary
Nurse, 43(2), 183-190. <a
83">[More Information]</a>
Stein-Parbury, J., Chenoweth, L., Jeon, Y.,
Brodaty, H., Haas, M., Norman, R. (2012).
Implementing Person-Centered Care in
Residential Dementia Care. Clinical
Gerontologist, 35(5), 404-424. <a
702654">[More Information]</a>
Jeon, Y., Fethney, J., Ludford, I. (2012).
Measuring Client Satisfaction in Residential
Aged Care Settings: A Narrative Review of
Instruments. The Internet Journal of Healthcare
Administration, 8(1), 1-10.
Brunero, S., Jeon, Y., Foster, K. (2012). Mental
health education programmes for generalist
health professionals: An integrative review.
International Journal of Mental Health Nursing,
21(5), 428-444. <a
1.00802.x">[More Information]</a>
Jeon, Y., Black, A., Govett, J., Yen, L., McRae,
I. (2012). Private health insurance and quality of
life: perspectives of older Australians with
multiple chronic conditions. Australian Journal
of Primary Health, 18(3), 212-219. <a
e Information]</a>
Jeon, Y., Luscombe, G., Chenoweth, L.,
Stein-Parbury, J., Brodaty, H., King, M., Haas,
M. (2012). Staff outcomes from the Caring for
Aged Dementia Care REsident Study
(CADRES): A cluster randomised trial.
International Journal of Nursing Studies,
49(2012), 508-518. <a
0.020">[More Information]</a>
McRae, I., Yen, L., Jeon, Y., Herath, M., Essue,
B. (2012). The Health of Senior Australians and
the Out-of Pocket Healthcare Costs They Face,
November 2012, (pp. 1 - 25). Canberra,
Australia: National Seniors Productive Ageing
Smith, R., Fleming, R., Chenoweth, L., Jeon, Y.,
Stein-Parbury, J., Brodaty, H. (2012). Validation
of the Environmental Audit Tool in both
purpose-built and non-purpose-built dementia
care settings. Australasian Journal on Ageing,
31(3), 159-163. <a
1.00559.x">[More Information]</a>
Yen, L., Gillespie, J., Jeon, Y., Kljakovic, M.,
Brien, J., Jan, S., Lehnbom, E., Pearce-Brown,
C., Usherwood, T. (2011). Health professionals,
patients and chronic illness policy: a qualitative
study. Health Expectations, 14(1), 10-20. <a
0.00604.x">[More Information]</a>
Jeon, Y., Sansoni, J., Low, L., Chenoweth, L.,
Zapart, S., Sansoni, E., Marosszeky, N. (2011).
Recommended Measures for the Assessment of
Behavioral Disturbances Associated With
Dementia. American Journal of Geriatric
Psychiatry, 19(5), 403-415. <a
ef7a0d">[More Information]</a>
Chenoweth, L., King, M., Luscombe, G., Forbes,
I., Jeon, Y., Stein-Parbury, J., Brodaty, H.,
Fleming, R., Haas, M. (2011). Study Protocol of
Publications for Yun-Hee Jeon
a Randomised Controlled Group Trial of Client
and Care Outcomes in the Residential Dementia
Care Setting. Worldviews on Evidence-Based
Nursing, 8(3), 153-165. <a
0.00204.x">[More Information]</a>
Yen, L., McRae, I., Jeon, Y., Essue, B., Herath,
P. (2011). The impact of chronic illness on
workforce participation and the need for
assistance with household tasks and personal
care by older Australians. Health and Social
Care in the Community, 19(5), 485-494. <a
1.00994.x">[More Information]</a>
Chenoweth, L., Jeon, Y., Merlyn, T., Brodaty, H.
(2010). A systematic review of what factors
attract and retain nurses in aged and dementia
care. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 19, 156-167.
9.02955.x">[More Information]</a>
Jeon, Y., Jowsey, T., Yen, L., Glasgow, N.,
Essue, B., Kljakovic, M., Pearce-Brown, C.,
Mirzaei, M., Usherwood, T., Jan, S., Aspin, C.,
et al (2010). Achieving a balanced life in the face
of chronic illness. Australian Journal of Primary
Health, 16(1), 66-74. <a
e Information]</a>
Essue, B., Jowsey, T., Jeon, Y., Mirzaei, M.,
Pearce-Brown, C., Aspin, C., Usherwood, T.
(2010). Informal care and the self-management
partnership: implications for Australian health
policy and practice. Australian Health Review,
34(4), 414-422. <a
re Information]</a>
Jeon, Y., Merlyn, T., Chenoweth, L. (2010).
Leadership and management in the aged care
sector: A narrative synthesis. Australasian
Journal on Ageing, 29(2), 54-60. <a
0.00426.x">[More Information]</a>
Jeon, Y., Glasgow, N., Merlyn, T., Sansoni, E.
(2010). Policy options to improve leadership of
middle managers in the Australian residential
aged care setting: a narrative synthesis. BMC
Health Services Research, 10(190), 1-11. <a
90">[More Information]</a>
Jeon, Y., Kraus, S., Jowsey, T., Glasgow, N.
(2010). The experience of living with chronic
heart failure: a narrative review of qualitative
studies. BMC Health Services Research, 10,
77-1-77-9. <a
7">[More Information]</a>
Jowsey, T., Jeon, Y., Dugdale, P., Glasgow, N.,
Kljakovic, M., Usherwood, T. (2009).
Challenges for co-morbid chronic illness care
and policy in Australia: a qualitative study.
Australia and New Zealand Health Policy, 6,
22-1-22-8. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Jeon, Y., Essue, B., Jan, S., Wells, R.,
Whitworth, J. (2009). Economic hardship
associated with managing chronic illness: a
qualitative inquiry. BMC Health Services
Research, 9, 182-1-182-11. <a
2">[More Information]</a>
Low, L., Draper, B., Cheng, A., Cruysman, B.,
Hayward-Wright, N., Jeon, Y., LoGiudice, D.,
Wu, H., Zogalis, G., Brodaty, H. (2009). Future
research on dementia relating to culturally and
linguistically diverse communities. Australasian
Journal on Ageing, 28(3), 144-148. <a
9.00373.x">[More Information]</a>
Cheng, A., Cruysmans, B., Draper, B.,
Hayward-Wright, N., Jeon, Y., LoGiudice, D.,
Low, L., Wu, H., Zogalis, G. (2009). Strategic
Directions in CALD Dementia Research in
Australia, March 2009, (pp. 2 - 34). Sydney,
Australia: UNSW.
Glasgow, N., Jeon, Y., Kraus, S., Pearce-Brown,
C. (2008). Chronic disease self-management
support: The way forward for Australia. Medical
Journal of Australia, 189(10 SUPPL.), S14-S16.
Gillespie, J., Yen, L., Jeon, Y., Wells, R. (2008).
The Diffusion of Health Service Innovations to
Manage Chronic Illness: Comparing Two
Australian Urban Regions. Population Health
Congress 2008, Maroochydore: Australian
Health Promotion Association.
Cashin, A., Chenoweth, L., Jeon, Y., Potter, E.
(2007). An innovative model of an aged care
hostel in the prison setting: Process of
benchmarking and evaluation. Geriaction, 25(3),
King, M., Chenoweth, L., Brodaty, H., Jeon, Y.,
Stein-Parbury, J., Haas, M., Luscombe, G.,
Brain, D., Norman, R. (2007). Can we improve
well-being for people with dementia by
providing person-centred nursing care? 14th
Annual Conference of the International Society
for Quality of Life Research, Toronto.
Publications for Yun-Hee Jeon
Chenoweth, L., Jeon, Y. (2007). Determining the
efficacy of dementia care mapping as an
outcome measure and a process for change: A
pilot study. Aging and Mental Health, 11(3),
Jeon, Y., Chenoweth, L., McIntosh, H. (2007).
Factors influencing the use and provision of
respite care services for older families of people
with a severe mental illness: Feature article.
International Journal of Mental Health Nursing,
16(2), 96-107.
Potter, E., Cashin, A., Chenoweth, L., Jeon, Y.
(2007). The healthcare of older inmates in the
correctional setting. International Journal of
Prisoner Health, 3(3), 204-213.
Thomas, M., Woodhouse, B., Rees-Mackenzie,
J., Jeon, Y. (2007). Use of and satisfaction with
community aged care packages in the eastern
suburbs of Sydney. Australasian Journal on
Ageing, 26(1), 8-14.
Jeon, Y., Chenoweth, L. (2007). Working with a
culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD)
group of nurses. Collegian, 14(1), 16-22.
Jeon, Y., Brodaty, H., O'Neill, C., Chesterson, J.
(2006). 'Give me a break'- respite care for older
carers of mentally ill persons. Scandinavian
Journal of Caring Sciences, 20(4), 417-426.
Chenoweth, L., Jeon, Y., Goff, M., Burke, C.
(2006). Cultural competency and nursing care:
An Australian perspective. International Nursing
Review, 53(1), 34-40.
Jeon, Y., Chenoweth, L. (2005). Research
implication of Dementia Care Mapping (DCM) Trials and Tribulations. IPA 2005 12th
International Congress, United Kingdom:
Cambridge University Press.
Jeon, Y., Brodaty, H., Chesterson, J. (2005).
Respite care for caregivers and people with
severe mental illness: literature review. Journal
of Advanced Nursing, 49(3), 297-306.
Chenoweth, L., Pryor, J., Jeon, Y., Hall-Pullin,
L. (2004). Disability-specific preparation
programme plays an important role in shaping
students' attitudes towards disablement and
patients with disabilities. Learning in Health and
Social Care, 3(2), 83-91.
Jeon, Y., Chenoweth, L. (2004). Effective
management of challenging behaviours in aged
care residents with dementia through a
research-based nursing care model. Australasian
Journal on Ageing, 23(S1), A39-A39. <a
4.00041-31.x">[More Information]</a>
Jeon, Y., Chenoweth, L. (2004). Mind and body:
The gerontological perspective. 6th Nursing
Academic International Congress on Mind and
Body, Yamaguchi University, Japan:
Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd.
Witt, E., Chenoweth, L., Jeon, Y. (2004). Respite
services for older persons and their family carers
in southern Sydney. Collegian, 11(4), 31-35.
Jeon, Y. (2004). Shaping mutuality:
Nurse-family caregiver interactions in caring for
older people with depression. International
Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 13(2),
Jeon, Y. (2004). The application of grounded
theory and symbolic interactionism.
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 18(3),
Jeon, Y. (2003). Mental Health Nurses' Work
With Family Caregivers of Older People with
Depression: Review of the Literature. Issues in
Mental Health Nursing, 24(8), 813-828.
Hancock, K., Chang, E., Chenoweth, L., Clarke,
M., Carroll, A., Jeon, Y. (2003). Nursing needs
of acutely ill older people. Journal of Advanced
Nursing, 44(5), 507-516.
Chang, E., Hancock, K., Chenoweth, L., Jeon,
Y., Glasson, J., Gradidge, K., Graham, E. (2003).
The influence of demographic variables and
ward type on elderly patients' perceptions of
needs and satisfaction during acute
hospitalization. International Journal of Nursing
Practice, 9(3), 191-201.
Jeon, Y. (1995). The lived experience of caring
for a family member with chronic mental illness:
A phenomenological study. Research for
Practice: Making a Difference Conference,
Newcastle, NSW: University of Newcastle.