Publications for Murray Lee 2016

Publications for Murray Lee
Publications for Murray Lee
Clancey, G., Fisher, D., Lyons, A., Lee, M.
(2016). A review of the impact of crime risk
assessment reports in New South Wales,
Australia. Crime Prevention and Community
Safety, 18(2), 73-90.
Flynn, A., Halsey, M., Lee, M. (2016).
Emblematic Violence and Aetiological
Cul-De-Sacs: On the Discourse of 'One Punch'
(Non)Fatalities. The British Journal of
Criminology, 56(1), 179-195. <a
ore Information]</a>
Lee, M. (2016). Fear, Vulnerability and
Victimisation (Forthcoming). In P. Francis
(Eds.), Victims, Crime and Society. United
Kingdom: Sage Publications.
Lee, M., McGovern, A. (2016). Logics of Risk:
Police Communications in an Age of Uncertainty
(Forthcoming). Journal of Risk Research.
Lee, M., Clancey, G. (2016). Placing Crime: The
Failings of Urban-Centric Environmental
Criminology. In Alistair Harkness, Bridget
Harris, David Baker (Eds.), Locating Crime in
Context and Place: Perspectives on Regional,
Rural and Remote Australia, (pp. 25-34).
Sydney: Federation Press.
Lee, M., Crofts, T. (2016). Sexting and Young
People: Surveillance and Childhood Sexuality
(Forthcoming). In E. Taylor, T. Rooney (Eds.),
Surveillance and Childhood. United Kingdom:
Ashgate Publishing.
Crofts, T., Lee, M., McGovern, A., Milivojevic,
S. (2016). Sexting Pleasures: Young People,
Romance and Child Pornography (Forthcoming).
In C. Driscol, L. Grealy (Eds.), Youth and
Technology: Pleasure and Governance. United
Kingdom: Routledge.
Dwyer, A., Ball, M., Bond, C., Lee, M., Crofts,
T. (2016). What stops LGBTI people from
seeking support from LGBTI police liaison
officers? (Forthcoming). Trends and Issues in
Crime and Criminal Justice.
Dwyer, A., Ball, M., Bond, C., Lee, M., Crofts,
T. (2016). Why do LGBTI people seek support
from LGBTI police liaison officers?.
Lee, M., Crofts, T. (2015). Gender, Pressure,
Coercion and Pleasure: Untangling Motivations
For Sexting Between Young People. The British
Journal of Criminology, 55(3), 454-473. <a
ore Information]</a>
Dwyer, A., Ball, M., Bond, C., Lee, M., Crofts,
T. (2015). LGBTI Police Liaison Officers and
Reporting Crime: Key Issues to Consider. Crime,
Justice and Social Democracy: 3rd International
Conference 2015, Brisbane, Qld, Australia:
Lee, M., Crofts, T., McGovern, A., Milivojevic,
S. (2015). Sexting among young people:
Perceptions and practices. Trends and Issues in
Crime and Criminal Justice, 508, 1-9.
Lee, M., Crofts, T., McGovern, A., Milivojevic,
S. (2015). Sexting and Young People. <a
ore Information]</a>
Crofts, T., Lee, M., McGovern, A., Milivojevic,
S. (2015). Sexting and Young People.
Basingstoke, United Kingdom: Palgrave
Lee, M., Crofts, T. (2015). Sexting:
Understanding Young People's Motivations.
Crime, Justice and Social Democracy: 3rd
International Conference 2015, Brisbane, Qld,
Australia: Presentation.
Clancey, G., Fisher, D., Lee, M. (2015). The 'art
and science' of preparing crime risk assessment
reports. Crime Prevention and Community
Safety, 17(4), 270-290. <a
More Information]</a>
Shepherdson, P., Clancey, G., Lee, M., Crofts, T.
(2014). Community Safety and Crime Prevention
Partnerships: Challenges and Opportunities.
International Journal for Crime, Justice and
Social Democracy, 3(1), 107-120. <a
e/view/135">[More Information]</a>
Lee, M. (2014). Desiring images: perceptions
and motivations of 'sexting' amomgst young
people. British Society of Criminology (BSC)
Conference 2014 - Crime, Justice, Welfare: Can
the Metropole listen?, Liverpool, England:
Shepherdson, P., Clancey, G., Lee, M., Crofts, T.
(2014). Partnerships and NSW local government
Community Safety Officers. Crime Prevention
and Community Safety, 16(2), 71-86. <a
More Information]</a>
Lee, M., McGovern, A. (2014). Policing and
Media: Public Relations, Simulations and
Communications. London: Routledge.
Fitz-Gibbon, K., Crofts, T., Flynn, A., Halsey,
M., Lee, M., Quilter, J., Tomsen, S. (2014).
Responses to 'one-punch' homicide (Thematic
Panel). Australian and New Zealand Society of
Publications for Murray Lee
Criminology (ANZSOC) 2014 - Testing the
Edges: Challenging Criminology, Sydney, NSW:
Lee, M., Clancey, G., Fisher, D. (2014). Risky
Reports: Crime Risk Assessments and Spatial
Governance. Critical Criminology, 22(2),
257-272. <a
5-2">[More Information]</a>
Crofts, T., Lee, M., McGovern, A., Milivojevic,
S. (2014). Sexting And Young People.
Legaldate, 26(4).
McGovern, A., Lee, M., Crofts, T., Milivojevic,
S. (2014). Sexting and young people:
Perceptions, policies, practices and the law
(Thematic Panel). Australian and New Zealand
Society of Criminology (ANZSOC) 2014 Testing the Edges: Challenging Criminology,
Sydney, NSW: Presentation.
Lee, M., Crofts, T. (2014). Sexting, gender, and
the regulation of childhood sexuality.
International Conference on Gender and "the
Law" 2014: Limits, Contestations and Beyond,
Izmir, Turkey: Presentation.
Lee, M. (2014). The Medium and the Mess-age:
The Social-Mediatisation of Crime and Justice.
8th Annual Australian and New Zealand Critical
Criminology Conference 2014 - Critical
Criminology: Research Praxis and Social
Transformation in a Global Era, Melbourne,
Vic: Presentation.
Lee, M., Crofts, T., Salter, M., Milivojevic, S.,
McGovern, A. (2013). 'Let's Get Sexting': Risk,
Power, Sex and Criminalisation in the Moral
Domain. International Journal for Crime, Justice
and Social Democracy, 2(1), 35-49. <a
e/view/89">[More Information]</a>
Crofts, T., Lee, M. (2013). 'Sexting', Children
and Child Pornography. Sydney Law Review,
35(1), 85-106. <a
/04_Crofts_Lee.pdf">[More Information]</a>
Salter, M., Crofts, T., Lee, M. (2013). Beyond
Criminalisation and Responsibilisation: Sexting,
Gender and Young People. Current Issues in
Criminal Justice, 24(3), 301-316.
Richards, K., Lee, M. (2013). Beyond the 'Three
Dogmas of Juvenile Justice': A Response to
Weatherburn, McGrath and Bartels. University of
New South Wales Law Journal, 36(3), 839-862.
Lee, M., McGovern, A. (2013). Force to sell:
policing the image and manufacturing public
confidence. Policing and Society, 23(2),
103-124. <a
647913">[More Information]</a>
Lee, M., McGovern, A. (2013). Image Work(s):
The New Police (Popularity) Culture. In Kerry
Carrington, Matthew Ball, Erin OBrien and Juan
Tauri (Eds.), Crime, Justice and Social
Democracy: International Perspectives, (pp.
120-132). Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave
Lee, M., Clancey, G. (2013). No risk reports - an
analysis of crime risk assessment reports in New
South Wales (Australia). 11th International
Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability
(ICOSSAR) 2013, Leiden, The Netherlands: CRC
Lee, M., McGovern, A. (2013). Police
communication: The uncertain logic of risk. 11th
International Conference on Structural Safety &
Reliability (ICOSSAR) 2013, Leiden, The
Netherlands: CRC Press.
Lee, M., McGovern, A. (2013). Procedural
justice and simulated policing: the medium and
the message. Journal of Policing, Intelligence
and Counter Terrorism, 8(2), 166-183. <a
821736">[More Information]</a>
Lee, M., Crofts, T. (2013). Sexting and young
people: Intersections and experiences. The
Australian Sociological Association Conference
(TASA) 2013: Reflections, Intersections and
Aspirations 50 years of Australian Sociology,
Melbourne, Vic: The Australian Sociological
Association (TASA).
Lee, M., Crofts, T., McGovern, A., Milivojevic,
S., Salter, M. (2013). Sexting and young people:
Perceptions, practices, policy and law. The
Australian Sociological Association Conference
(TASA) 2013: Reflections, Intersections and
Aspirations 50 years of Australian Sociology,
Melbourne, Vic: The Australian Sociological
Association (TASA).
Lee, M., Crofts, T., McGovern, A., Milivojevic,
S., Salter, M. (2013). Sexting and young people:
Perceptions, practices, policy and law. Young
People and Mediated Sexual Communication
Symposium 2013, Melbourne, Vic: Presentation.
Lee, M., McGovern, A. (2013). Simulated
Policing and the Viewer Society: Policing the
21st Century. 13th Annual Conference of
European Society of Criminology, Eötvös Loránd
University, Budapest: European Society of
Publications for Murray Lee
Lee, M. (2013). Too Much Talk about 'Sexting':
Children, Excitement, and the Construction of
Socio-legal Discourse. Law on the Edge: Joint
Conference of the Canadian Law and Society
Association and the Law and Society Association
of Australia and New Zealand 2013, Vancouver,
BC, Canada: Presentation.
Lee, M. (2013). Understanding and Addressing
Perceptions of (un)Safety. City of Sydney Safe
City Summit 2013, Sydney, NSW: Presentation.
Clancey, G., Lee, M., Crofts, T. (2012). 'We're
not Batman' - Roles and expectations of local
government community safety officers in New
South Wales. Crime Prevention and Community
Safety, 14(4), 235-257. <a
More Information]</a>
Clancey, G., Lee, M., Fisher, D. (2012). Crime
Prevention through Environmental Design
(CPTED) and the New South Wales Crime Risk
Assessment Guidelines: A Critical Review.
Crime Prevention and Community Safety, 14(1),
1-15. <a
More Information]</a>
Lee, M., McGee, T. (2011). Current Issues in
Criminal Justice: Risk, Resilience and Beyond.
Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 23(1).
Clancey, G., Fisher, D., Lee, M. (2011). Do
Crime Risk Assessment Reports Measure Crime
Risks? Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 23(2),
Lee, M. (2011). Force Selling: Policing and the
Manufacture of Public Confidence? Australian
and New Zealand Critical Criminology
Conference 2010 ANZCCC, Sydney: Sydney
Institute of Criminology.
Possamai, A., Lee, M. (2011). Hyper-real
religions: Fear, anxiety and late-modern religious
innovation. Journal of Sociology, 47(3),
227-242. <a
967">[More Information]</a>
Lee, M., McGovern, A. (2011). Image Work(s):
"Simulating Policing" and the New Police
(Popularity) Culture. Crime, Justice and Social
Democracy: An International Conference,
Brisbane: School of Justice, Faculty of Law,
Queensland University of Technology.
Lee, M. (2011). Introduction to Special Issue
'Risk, Resilience and Beyond'. Current Issues in
Criminal Justice, 23(1), 1-3.
McGovern, A., Lee, M. (2012). Police
Communications in the Social Media Age. In P
Keyzer, J Johnston and M Pearson (Eds.), The
Courts and the Media: Challenges in the Era of
Digital and Social Media, (pp. 160-174).
Canberra: Halstead Press.
Lee, M., Mason, G., Milivojevic, S. (2011). The
Australian and New Zealand Critical
Criminology Conference 2010, Proceedings. The
Australian and New Zealand Critical
Criminology Conference (ANZCC) 2010,
Australia: Sydney Institute of Criminology.
Crofts, T., Lee, M. (2012). Sexting and Young
People: Sexualisation, Anxiety, and Law. Joint
Annual Meeting of the Law and Society
Association and the Research Committee on
Sociology of Law (International Sociological
Association) 2012: Sociolegal Conversations
across a Sea of Islands, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA:
Crofts, T., Lee, M. (2011). 'Sexting' and Young
People: Sexualisation, Anxiety and Law. The
Australian Sociological Association Conference
(TASA) 2011: Local Lives/Global Network,
Newcastle, NSW: Presentation.
Lee, M. (2011). Be careful what you ask for:
Exploring fear of crime in the field. In L Bartels
and K Richards (Eds.), Qualitative Criminology:
Stories from the field, (pp. 179-189). Sydney:
Hawkins Press.
Lee, M. (2011). Book Review, Farrall, S,
Jackson, J & Gray, E, 'Social Order and Fear of
Crime in Contemporary Times'. Current Issues
in Criminal Justice, 23(1), 123-125.
McGovern, A., Lee, M. (2010). "Cop[ying] it
Sweet": Police Media Units and the Making of
News. Australian and New Zealand Journal of
Criminology, 43(3), 444-464. <a
More Information]</a>
Lee, M. (2010). Affluence, Disadvantage, and
Fear of Crime. In Shlomo Shoham, Paul
Knepper, Martin Kett (Eds.), International
Handbook of Criminology, (pp. 377-394). United
States: CRC Press.
Possamai, A., Lee, M. (2010). Religion and
Spirituality in Science Fiction Narratives: A Case
of Multiple Modernities? In Stef Aupers and
Dick Houtman (Eds.), Religions of Modernity:
Relocating the Sacred to the Self and the Digital,
(pp. 205-217). Leiden, Netherlands: Brill.
Lee, M. (2009). Against Environmental
Criminology: Designing Out Crime and the
Death of Utopian Visions. The Annual
Publications for Murray Lee
Conference of The Australian Sociological
Association TASA 2009, Australia: TASA.
Lee, M. (2009). Confidence in Justice Systems:
Assessing Public Opinion. Australian and New
Zealand Critical Criminology Conference 2009,
Australia: School of Political and Social Inquiry,
Faculty of Arts, Monash University.
Farrall, S., Lee, M. (2009). Critical Voices in an
Age of Anxiety: A Reintroduction to the Fear of
Crime. In Lee, Murray; Farrall, Stephen
(Eds.), Fear of Crime: Critical Voices in an Age
of Anxiety, (pp. 1-11). New York: Routledge
imprint of Taylor & Francis.
Lee, M., Farrall, S. (2009). Critical Voices in an
Age of Anxiety: Ending with the Identification
of Where to Begin. In Lee, Murray; Farrall,
Stephen (Eds.), Fear of Crime: Critical Voices in
an Age of Anxiety, (pp. 211-214). New York:
Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis.
Lee, M. (2009). Fear of crime. In Alison
Wakefield, Jenny Fleming (Eds.), The Sage
Dictionary of Policing. (pp. 116-118). United
Kingdom: Sage Publications Ltd.
Lee, M., Farrall, S. (2009). Fear of Crime:
Critical Voices in an Age of Anxiety. New York:
Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis.
Weber, L., Lee, M. (2009). Preventing
Indeterminate Threats: Fear, Terror, and the
Politics of Preemption. In Lee, Murray;
Farrall, Stephen (Eds.), Fear of Crime: Critical
Voices in an Age of Anxiety, (pp. 59-81). New
York: Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis.
Lee, M. (2009). The Enumeration of Anxiety:
Power, Knowledge and the Fear of Crime. In
Lee, Murray; Farrall, Stephen (Eds.), Fear of
Crime: Critical Voices in an Age of Anxiety, (pp.
32-44). New York: Routledge imprint of Taylor
& Francis.
Lee, M., Mythen, G. (2008). Security, Liberty
and Justice: 1984 and the Past Present. The
annual conference of The Australian
Sociological Association 2008, Melbourne: The
Australian Sociological Association (TASA).
Kingdom: Willan Publishing.
Johnson, A., Lee, M., Schlunke, K., Sheaves, F.
(2007). Off the Sheep's Back: New Humanities.
Australia: School of Humanities, University of
Western Sydney.
Lee, M. (2007). The Blame Game: Struggles
Over the Representation of 'The Macquarie
Fields Riots'. In S Poynting & G Morgan
(Eds.), Outrageous! Moral Panics in Australia,
(pp. 53-66). Hobart: ACYS Publishing.
Lee, M. (2007). The Fear of Crime Debates:
Questions of Power and Governance. <i>TASA
& SAANZ Joint Conference 2007
Public Sociologies: Lessons and Trans-Tasman
Comparisons</i>, Auckland: University of
Lee, M., McGovern, A. (2006). Mediating Cops:
News-Making and the NSW Police Media Unit.
TASA 2006 - Annual Conference of The
Australian Sociological Association, Perth,
Australia: The Australian Sociological
Association (TASA).
Lee, M. (2006). Public Dissent and
Governmental Neglect: Isolating and Excluding
Macquarie Fields. Current Issues in Criminal
Justice, 18(1), 32-50.
Lee, M. (2005). 'Fields of Fire': Crime Dissent
and Social Isolation in South-Western Sydney.
Community, Place, Change: TASA 2005
Conference, Hobart: The Australian Sociological
Association (TASA).
Lee, M. (2004). Governing 'Fear of Crime'. In
Richard Hil & Gordon Tait (Eds.), Hard
Lessons: Reflections on Governance and Crime
Control in Late Modernity, (pp. 33-52).
Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.
Lee, M. (2004). Locating "Fear of Crime":
Safety Talk in a South-Western Sydney Context.
TASA Conference 2004 Revisioning Institutions:
Change in the 21st Century, Wodonga, Vic: La
Trobe University.
Lee, M. (2007). Fear, Law and Order and
Politics: Tales of Two Rural Towns. In E
Barclay, JF Donnermeyer, J Scott & R Hogg
(Eds.), Crime in Rural Australia, (pp. 115-126).
Sydney: Federation Press.
Possamai, A., Lee, M. (2004). New Religious
Movements and the Fear of Crime. Journal of
Contemporary Religion, 19(3), 337-352.
Lee, M. (2007). Framing Dissent at Macquarie
Fields. Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 19(2),
Lee, M., Herborn, P. (2003). The Role of Place
Management in Crime Prevention: Some
Reflections on Governmentality and Government
Strategies. Current Issues in Criminal Justice,
15(1), 26-39.
Lee, M. (2007). Inventing Fear of Crime:
Criminology and the Politics of Anxiety. United
Publications for Murray Lee
Lee, M. (2002). The Exclusive Society By Jock
Young (1999) Sage, London 216 pp. Australian
and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 35(2),
259-262. <a
More Information]</a>
Lee, M. (2001). The Genesis of 'Fear of Crime'.
Theoretical Criminology, 5(4), 467-486. <a
004004">[More Information]</a>
Lee, M. (2000). Black Body: Women
Colonialism and Space, Racfhika Mohanram,
Sydney, Allen & Unwin, 1999, xx, 250 pp.,
$35.00 (paperback). Journal of Sociology, 36(3),
405-406. <a
00307">[More Information]</a>
Lee, M. (1999). Fear of Crime and Governance.
New Directions in Sociology 5 'Food for
Thought' Post-Graduate Conference 1998,
Australia: School of Sociology, University of
New South Wales.
Lee, M. (1999). The Fear of Crime and
Self-governance: Towards A Genealogy.
Australian and New Zealand Journal of
Criminology, 32(3), 227-246. <a
00303">[More Information]</a>
Byrne-Armstrong, H., Carmody, M., Hodge, B.,
Hogg, R., Lee, M. (1999). The Risk of Naming
Violence: An Unpleasant Encounter Between
Legal Culture and Feminist Criminology.
Australian Feminist Law Journal, 13, 13-37.
Lee, M. (1998). John Pratt, Governing the
Dangerous, The Federation Press, Annandale
(1997) ISBN 1 86287 267 8 (pbk) 1 86287 268 6
(cloth). Current Issues in Criminal Justice,
10(2), 222-224.
Lee, M. (1997). Governance and Criminality. In
A. Johnson, M. Lee, K. Schlunke, F. Sheaves
(Eds.), Off the Sheep's Back: New Humanities.
Australia: School of Humanities, University of
Western Sydney.
Lee, M. (1996). Governance and Criminality:
The 1995 New South Wales Election Campaign
and Law and Order. Current Issues in Criminal
Justice, 8(2), 152-162.