Publications for Simon Butt 2016

Publications for Simon Butt
Publications for Simon Butt
Butt, S., Crouch, M., Dixon, R. (2016). Special
Issue: The First Decade of Indonesia's
Constitutional Court. Australian Journal of Asian
Law, 16(2).
Butt, S. (2016). The Constitutional Court and
Indonesian Electoral Law. Australian Journal of
Asian Law, 16(2 - Article 3), 1-18.
Butt, S., Crouch, M., Dixon, R. (2016). The First
Decade of Indonesia's Constitutional Court.
Australian Journal of Asian Law, 16(2 - Article
1), 1-7.
Butt, S. (2015). Central-local Relations in
Indonesia: Reforming the Integralist State. In
Andrew Harding, Mark Sidel (Eds.),
Central-local Relations in Asian Constitutional
Systems, (pp. 85-103). Oxford: Hart Publishing.
Butt, S., Lyster, R., Stephens, T. (2015). Climate
Change and Forest Governance: Lessons from
Indonesia. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
Nottage, L., Butt, S. (2015). Recent International
Commercial Arbitration and Investor-State
Arbitration Developments Impacting on
Australia's Investments in the Resources Sector.
In Gabriel A. Moens, Philip Evans (Eds.),
Arbitration and Dispute Resolution in the
Resources Sector: An Australian Perspective,
(pp. 153-179). Switzerland: Springer.
Butt, S. (2015). The Constitutional Court and
Democracy in Indonesia. Leiden, The
Netherlands: Brill.
Butt, S. (2015). The rule of law and
anti-corruption reforms under Yudhoyono: the
rise of the KPK and the Constitutional Court. In
Edward Aspinall, Marcus Mietzner, Dirk Tomsa
(Eds.), The Yudhoyono Presidency: Indonesia's
Decade of Stability and Stagnation, (pp.
175-195). Singapore: ISEAS Publishing
(Institute of Southeast Asian Studies).
Butt, S., Nasu, H., Nottage, L. (2014).
Asia-Pacific Disaster Management:
Comparative and Socio-legal Perspectives.
Heidelberg: Springer.
7-1">[More Information]</a>
Butt, S. (2014). Book Review: Donald L.
Horowitz, Constitutional change and democracy
in Indonesia. New York: Cambridge University
Press, 2013, xviii+326 pp. Bijdragen Tot de
Taal-Land-en Volkenkunde, 170(4), 559-563.
Butt, S. (2014). Disaster Management Law in
Indonesia: From Response to Preparedness? In
Simon Butt, Hitoshi Nasu, Luke Nottage (Eds.),
Asia-Pacific Disaster Management:
Comparative and Socio-legal Perspectives, (pp.
183-196). Heidelberg: Springer.
Nottage, L., Nasu, H., Butt, S. (2014). Disaster
Management: Socio-Legal and Asia-Pacific
Perspectives. In Simon Butt, Hitoshi Nasu,
Luke Nottage (Eds.), Asia-Pacific Disaster
Management: Comparative and Socio-legal
Perspectives, (pp. 1-58). Heidelberg: Springer.
Butt, S., Parsons, N. (2014). Judicial Review and
the Supreme Court in Indonesia: A New Space
for Law? Indonesia, 97, 55-85. <a
[More Information]</a>
Butt, S. (2014). The Position of International
Law within the Indonesian Legal System. Emory
International Law Review, 28(1), 1-28.
Butt, S. (2014). Traditional Land Rights before
the Indonesian Constitutional Court. Law,
Environment and Development Journal, 10(1),
Butt, S., Siregar, F. (2013). Analisis Kritik
Terhadap Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor
36/PUU-X/2012 [Critical Analysis of
Constitutional Court Decision 36/PUU-X/2012].
Mimbar Hukum [Pulpit Journal of Law], 25(1),
Butt, S., Garcia, B., Parsons, J., Stephens, T.
(2013). Brazil and Indonesia: REaDD+y or not?
In Rosemary Lyster, Catherine MacKenzie,
Constance McDermott (Eds.), Law, Tropical
Forests and Carbon: The Case of REDD+, (pp.
251-274). New York, United States: Cambridge
University Press.
Butt, S. (2014). Asia-Pacific: Judicial responses
to the death penalty in Indonesia. Alternative
Law Journal, 39(2), 134-135.
Butt, S. (2013). Freedom of Information Law and
Its Application in Indonesia: A Preliminary
Assessment. Asian Journal of Comparative Law,
8(1), 1-42. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Butt, S., Schutte, S. (2014). Assessing judicial
performance in Indonesia: the court for
corruption crimes. Crime, Law and Social
Change: an interdisciplinary journal, 62(5),
603-619. <a
Butt, S. (2013). Indonesian Constitutional Court
decisions in regional head electoral disputes,
(pp. 1 - 35). Canberra, ACT, Australia: Centre
for Democratic Institutions, Australian National
Publications for Simon Butt
Butt, S. (2013). Jurisdictional Expansion,
Self-Limitation and Legal Reasoning in The
Indonesian Constitutional Court. In Dri Utari
Christina Rachmawati, Ismail Hasani (Eds.),
Masa Depan Mahkamah Konstitusi RI: Naskah
Konferensi Mahkamah Konstitusi dan Pemajuan
Hak Konstitusional Warga (Future of the
Constitutional Court: Conference Proceedings
on the Constitutional Court and the
Advancement of Citizens Constitutional Rights),
(pp. 55-79). Bendungan Hilir, Indonesia: Pustaka
Masyarakat Setara.
Butt, S., Siregar, F. (2013). State Control over
Natural Resources in Indonesia: Implications of
the Oil and Natural Gas Law Case of 2012.
Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law,
31(2), 107-121.
Lindsey, T., Butt, S. (2013). Unfinished
Business: Law Reform, Governance, and the
Courts in Post-Suharto Indonesia. In Mirjam
Kunkler, Alfred Stepan (Eds.), Democracy and
Islam in Indonesia, (pp. 168-186). New York,
USA: Columbia University Press.
Butt, S. (2012). Asia-Pacific: 'Illegitimate'
children and inheritance in Indonesia. Alternative
Law Journal, 37(3), 196-198.
Butt, S. (2012). Corruption and Law in
Indonesia. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge imprint
of Taylor & Francis.
Butt, S., Parsons, N. (2012). Reining in Regional
Governments? Local Taxes and Investment in
Decentralised Indonesia. Sydney Law Review,
34(1), 91-106.
Butt, S., Lindsey, T. (2012). The Constitution of
Indonesia: A Contextual Analysis. Oxford: Hart
Butt, S. (2011). Anti-Corruption Reform in
Indonesia: An Obituary? Bulletin of Indonesian
Economic Studies, 47(3), 381-394. <a
619051">[More Information]</a>
Butt, S., Nottage, L. (2011). Book Review, A.
Black & G. Bell (eds), Law and Legal
Institutions of Asia: Traditions, Adaptations and
Innovations (2011) CUP: UK. LawAsia Journal,
2011, 143-155.
Butt, S. (2011). Corruption, Law, Politics and
Frame-Ups: The Plot to Dismantle Indonesia's
Anti-Corruption Commission. Harvard Asia
Pacific Review, 11(2).
Butt, S. (2011). Foreign Investment in Indonesia:
The Problem of Legal Uncertainty. In Vivienne
Bath and Luke Nottage (Eds.), Foreign
Investment and Dispute Resolution Law and
Practice in Asia, (pp. 112-134). Abingdon:
Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis.
Butt, S., Lindsey, T. (2011). Judicial Mafia: The
courts and state illegality in Indonesia. In
Edward Aspinall and Gerry van Klinken (Eds.),
The State and Illegality in Indonesia, (pp.
189-213). Leiden: KITLV Press.
Butt, S. (2011). Research Studies on the
Organisation and Functioning of the Justice
System in Five Selected Countries (China,
Indonesia, Japan, Republic of Korea and
Russian Federation) | Indonesia Final Report,
563, (pp. 153 - 161). Vietnam: Judicial
Publishing House.
Butt, S. (2010). Indonesia's Anti-Corruption
Drive and the Constitutional Court. Journal of
Comparative Law, 4(2), 186-204.
Butt, S. (2010). Islam, the State and the
Constitutional Court in Indonesia. Pacific Rim
Law and Policy Journal, 19(2), 279-301.
Butt, S. (2010). Regional Autonomy and Legal
Disorder: The Proliferation of Local Laws in
Indonesia. Sydney Law Review, 32(2), 177-197.
Butt, S., Lindsey, T. (2010). Who Owns the
Economy? Property Rights, Privatization, and
the Indonesian Constitution: The Electricity Law
Case. In Aileen McHarg, Barry Barton, Adrian
Bradbrook, Lee Godden (Eds.), Property and the
Law in Energy and Natural Resources, (pp.
236-254). United Kingdom: Oxford University
Butt, S. (2009). ''Unlawfulness'' and Corruption
Under Indonesian Law. Bulletin of Indonesian
Economic Studies, 45(2), 179-198. <a
0328">[More Information]</a>
Butt, S. (2009). Asian Law in Translation:
Translator's Note on the Indonesian Corruption
Court Law. The Unravelling of Indonesia's
Anti-Corruption Framework Through Law and
Legal Process. Australian Journal of Asian Law,
11(2), 302-307.
Butt, S., Lindsey, T. (2009). The People's
Prosperity? Indonesian Constitutional
Interpretation, Economic Reform and
Globalisation. In Peerenboom, Randall;
Gillespie, John (Eds.), Regulation in Asia:
Pushing Back on Globalisation, (pp. 270-295).
United Kingdom: Routledge imprint of Taylor &
Butt, S. (2009). Two at the top: the
Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court.
Publications for Simon Butt
Butt, S. (2008). Anti-Terrorism Law and
Criminal Process in Indonesia. Islam, Syari'ah
and Governance Background Papers, 1, 3-36.
Butt, S., David, N., Laws, N. (2004). Looking
Forward: Local Dispute Resolution Mechanisms
in Timor Leste. Australian Legal Resources
Butt, S., Lindsey, T. (2008). Economic Reform
When the Constitution Matters: Indonesia's
Constitutional Court and Article 33. Bulletin of
Indonesian Economic Studies, 44(2), 239-261. <a
9004">[More Information]</a>
Butt, S. (2008). Intellectual Property in
Indonesia: A Problematic Legal Transplant. In
Tim Lindsey (Eds.), Indonesia: Law and Society,
(pp. 620-635). Sydney: Federation Press.
Butt, S. (2008). Polygamy and Mixed Marriage
in Indonesia: Islam and the Marriage Law in the
Courts. In Tim Lindsey (Eds.), Indonesia: Law
and Society, (pp. 266-287). Sydney: Federation
Butt, S. (2008). Surat Sakti: the Decline of the
Authority of Judicial Decisions in Indonesia. In
Tim Lindsey (Eds.), Indonesia: Law and Society,
(pp. 346-362). Sydney: Federation Press.
Butt, S. (2007). The Constitutional Court's
Decision in the Dispute Between the Supreme
Court and the Judicial Commission. In Ross H.
McLeod, Andrew J. MacIntyre (Eds.),
Democracy and the Promise of Good
Governance, (pp. 178-200). US: ISEAS
Publishing (Institute of Southeast Asian Studies).
Butt, S. (2006). Indonesia's Constitutional Court
and the Death Penalty. Asian Currents,
November 2006.
Butt, S. (2006). Indonesia's Constitutional Court:
a reform over-achiever? Inside Indonesia, 87.
Butt, S., Lindsey, T. (2006). Intellectual
property, civil law and the failure of law in
Indonesia: can criminal enforcement of
economic law work in developing countries? In
Timothy Lindsey (Eds.), Law Reform in
Transitional and Developing States, (pp.
391-412). US: Routledge imprint of Taylor &
Butt, S. (2006). Review of Bedner and Niessen
(eds), Towards Integrated Environmental Law in
Indonesia. Bulletin of Indonesian Economic
Studies, 42(2), 263-280.
Butt, S., Lindsey, T. (2005). TRIPs and
intellectual property law reform in Indonesia:
why injunctions aren’t stopping piracy. Harvard
Asia Pacific Review, 8(2), 14-18.
Butt, S., Hansell, D. (2004). The Masykur Abdul
Kadir Case: Indonesian Constitutional Court
Decision No 013/PUU-I/2003. Australian
Journal of Asian Law, 6(2), 176-196.
Butt, S. (2003). Indonesia: can legal diversity
exist within a single national law. Alternative
Law Journal, 28(6), 304-306.