Grand Valley State University
School of Criminal Justice
The following faculty members agree to serve as a Project Committee for:
Student’s Name
Student's Signature
Committee Chair
Committee Faculty Member
Faculty Committee Member
Coordinator of Graduate Program
Note: This signed form will be placed in the student's file.
Grand Valley State University
School of Criminal Justice
This acknowledges that _________________________ has submitted an acceptable project outline entitled:
(student name)
Project Committee:
_______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________
Chair (printed name) Signature Date
_______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________
Faculty Committee Member (printed name) Signature Date
_______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________
Faculty Committee Member (printed name) Signature Date
_______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________
Coordinator of Graduate Program (printed name) Signature Date
Note: This signed form and a copy of the proposal will be placed in the student's file.
Grand Valley State University
School of Criminal Justice
This acknowledges that ___________________________________ has completed
(student name) all requirements for the master's project (CJ 693). It further attests that the student presented the Project in the presence of the undersigned committee members.
The undersigned agree that this project entitled:
_____________________________________________________________________ is accepted by the faculty of the School of Criminal Justice, Grand Valley State
University, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Criminal Justice
Degree with ________________.
Project Committee:
Chair Date
Faculty Member Date
Faculty Committee Member Date
Coordinator of Graduate Program Date
Note: This signed form and a copy of the Final Project will be placed in the student's file.