Publications for David Hill 2016

Publications for David Hill
Publications for David Hill
Wang, Z., Chen, G., Hill, D., Dong, Z. (2016). A
power flow based model for the analysis of
vulnerability in power networks. Physica A, 460,
105-115. <a
001">[More Information]</a>
Marzooghi, H., Verbic, G., Hill, D. (2016).
Aggregated demand response modelling for
future grid scenarios. Sustainable Energy, Grids
and Networks, 5, 94-104. <a
005">[More Information]</a>
Chapman, A., Verbic, G., Hill, D. (2016).
Algorithmic and Strategic Aspects to Integrating
Demand-Side Aggregation and Energy
Management Methods [In press]. IEEE
Transactions on Smart Grid, In press. <a
59">[More Information]</a>
Garmroodi Doiran, M., Hill, D., Verbic, G., Ma,
J. (2016). Impact of Tie-Line Power on
Inter-Area Modes with Increased Penetration of
Wind Power. IEEE Transactions On Power
Systems, 31(4), 3051-3059. <a
77536">[More Information]</a>
Xu, Y., Dong, Z., Zhang, R., Xue, Y., Hill, D.
(2015). A decomposition-based practical
approach to transient stability–constrained unit
commitment. IEEE Transactions On Power
Systems, 30(3), 1455-1464. <a
50476">[More Information]</a>
Marzooghi, H., Verbic, G., Hill, D. (2015).
Aggregated effect of demand response on
performance of future grid scenarios. 2015 IEEE
Eindhoven PowerTech, PowerTech 2015,
Piscataway, New Jersey: (IEEE) Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers. <a
72">[More Information]</a>
Kong, W., Xu, Y., Dong, Z., Hill, D., Ma, J., Lu,
C. (2015). An extended prototypical smart meter
architecture for demand side management. 13th
International Conference on Industrial
Informatics (INDIN 2015), Piscataway, New
Jersey: (IEEE) Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers. <a
1873">[More Information]</a>
Wang, Z., Zhang, L., Chen, G., Hill, D. (2015).
Communication Network Topology Analysis on
Distributed Optimization Performance in PV-ES
Combined System. 2015 IEEE Power & Energy
Society General Meeting PES 2015, Denver:
(IEEE) Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers. <a
86043">[More Information]</a>
Tang, Z., Hill, D., Liu, T. (2015). Coordinated
Voltage Control of Weak Sub-transmission
Networks Considering Wind Power Variability.
IFAC-PapersOnLine, 48(30), 1-6. <a
344">[More Information]</a>
Borsche, T., Liu, T., Hill, D. (2015). Effects of
rotational inertia on power system damping and
frequency transients. 54th IEEE Conference on
Decision and Control (CDC 2015), Piscataway,
New Jersey, USA: IEEE. <a
153">[More Information]</a>
Li, H., Liao, X., Chen, G., Hill, D., Dong, Z.,
Huang, T. (2015). Event-triggered asynchronous
intermittent communication strategy for
synchronization in complex dynamical networks.
Neural Networks, 66, 1-10. <a
006">[More Information]</a>
Garmroodi Doiran, M., Hill, D., Ma, J., Verbic,
G. (2015). Impact of increased penetration of
wind power on damping of low frequency
oscillations in different network topologies. 2015
IEEE Eindhoven PowerTech, PowerTech 2015,
Piscataway, New Jersey: (IEEE) Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers. <a
43">[More Information]</a>
Liu, B., Hill, D. (2015). Interval Exponential
Input-To-State Stability for Switching Impulsive
Systems with Application to Hybrid Control for
Micro-Grids. 2015 IEEE Conference on Control
Applications (CCA 2015), Sydney: (IEEE)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
868">[More Information]</a>
Qiu, J., Dong, Z., Zhao, J., Meng, K., Zheng, Y.,
Hill, D. (2015). Low carbon oriented expansion
planning of integrated gas and power systems.
IEEE Transactions On Power Systems, 30(2),
1035-1046. <a
69011">[More Information]</a>
Liu, B., Hill, D., Sun, Z. (2015). Mixed
K-Dissipativity and Stabilization to ISS for
Impulsive Hybrid Systems. IEEE Transactions
on Circuits and Systems. Part 2: Express Briefs,
62(8), 791-795. <a
5291">[More Information]</a>
Publications for David Hill
Jiang, H., Lin, J., Song, Y., Hill, D. (2015).
MPC-based frequency control with demand-side
participation: a case study in an isolated
wind-aluminum power system. IEEE
Transactions On Power Systems, 30(6),
3327-3337. <a
75918">[More Information]</a>
Liu, B., Hill, D., Liao, X., Liu, D. (2015). On
KL∗-Stability via Hybrid-event-time for Hybrid
Dynamical Systems. 34th Chinese Control
Conference, Piscataway, New Jersey: (IEEE)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
9987">[More Information]</a>
Zheng, Y., Dong, Z., Huang, S., Meng, K., Luo,
F., Huang, J., Hill, D. (2015). Optimal
integration of mobile battery energy storage in
distribution system with renewables. Journal of
Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 3(4),
589-596. <a
4-y">[More Information]</a>
Zheng, Y., Hill, D., Meng, K., Luo, F., Dong, Z.
(2015). Optimal short-term power dispatch
scheduling for a wind farm with battery energy
storage system. 9th IFAC Symposium on Control
of Power and. Energy Systems, New Delhi,
India: International Federation of Automatic
Control (IFAC). <a
432">[More Information]</a>
Liu, T., Hill, D., Zhao, J. (2015). Output
Synchronization of Dynamical Networks with
Incrementally-Dissipative Nodes and Switching
Topology. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and
Systems Part 1: Regular Papers, 62(9),
2312-2323. <a
891">[More Information]</a>
Jia, Y., Gao, Y., Xu, Z., Wong, K., Lai, L., Xue,
Y., Dong, Z., Hill, D. (2015). Powering China’s
Sustainable Development with Renewable
Energies: Current Status and Future Trend.
Electric Power Components and Systems,
43(8-10), 1192-1204. <a
1009585">[More Information]</a>
Chen, T., Wang, C., Hill, D. (2015). Small
oscillation fault detection for a class of nonlinear
systems with output measurements using
deterministic learning. Systems and Control
Letters, 79, 39-46. <a
02.004">[More Information]</a>
Song, Y., Hill, D., Liu, T. (2015).
Small-disturbance angle stability analysis of
Microgrids: A graph theory viewpoint. 2015
IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA
2015), Sydney: (IEEE) Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers. <a
633">[More Information]</a>
Tan, S., Lu, J., Hill, D. (2015). Towards a
theoretical framework for analysis and
intervention of random drift on general networks.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 60(2),
576-581. <a
235">[More Information]</a>
Xu, Y., Dong, Z., Zhao, J., Xue, Y., Hill, D.
(2015). Trajectory sensitivity analysis on the
equivalent OMIB of multi-machine systems for
preventive transient stability control. IET
Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 9(3),
276-286. <a
3">[More Information]</a>
Zheng, Y., Hill, D., Meng, K., Hui, R. (2015).
Voltage support for critical buses with consensus
control of electric springs in distribution systems.
9th IFAC Symposium on Control of Power and.
Energy Systems, New Delhi, India: International
Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC). <a
373">[More Information]</a>
Ma, H., Hill, D. (2014). Adaptive coordinated
voltage control - Part I: Basic scheme. IEEE
Transactions On Power Systems, 29(4),
1546-1553. <a
93577">[More Information]</a>
Ma, H., Hill, D. (2014). Adaptive coordinated
voltage control - Part II: Use of learning for rapid
response. IEEE Transactions On Power Systems,
29(4), 1554-1561. <a
93572">[More Information]</a>
Dai, Y., Chen, G., Dong, Z., Xue, Y., Hill, D.,
Zhao, Y. (2014). An improved framework for
power grid vulnerability analysis considering
critical system features. Physica A, 395, 405-415.
029">[More Information]</a>
Xiang, J., Li, Y., Hill, D. (2014). Cooperative
Output Regulation of Multi-Agent Systems
Coupled by Dynamic Edges. 19th World
Congress of the International Federation of
Automatic Control (IFAC 2014), Cape Town,
South Africa: International Federation of
Automatic Control (IFAC). <a
Publications for David Hill
1003.02164">[More Information]</a>
Liu, T., Cao, M., Hill, D. (2014). Distributed
event-triggered control for output
synchronization of dynamical networks with non
identical nodes. 53rd IEEE Conference on
Decision and Control, USA: IEEE. <a
941">[More Information]</a>
Annaswamy, A., Callaway, D., Chow, J.,
Demarco, C., Hill, D., Khargonekar, P., Rantzer,
A., Stoustrup, J. (2014). Guest editorial special
section on control theory and technology. IEEE
Transactions on Smart Grid, 5(4), 2031-2032. <a
36">[More Information]</a>
Shim, J., Verbic, G., Hur, K., Hill, D. (2014).
Impact analysis of variable generation on small
signal stability. 2014 Australasian Universities
Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC),
United States: (IEEE) Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers. <a
66584">[More Information]</a>
Shim, J., Verbic, G., Hur, K., Hill, D. (2014).
Impact of large scale penetration of concentrated
solar thermal power on oscillatory stability of the
Australian Future Grid. 4th Solar Integration
Workshop: International Workshop on
Integration of Solar Power into Power Systems,
Germany: Energynautics.
Garmroodi Doiran, M., Hill, D., Ma, J., Verbic,
G. (2014). Impact of wind generation variability
on small signal stability of power systems. 2014
Australasian Universities Power Engineering
Conference (AUPEC), United States: (IEEE)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
66585">[More Information]</a>
Liu, T., Hill, D., Zhao, J. (2014).
Incremental-dissipativity-based output
synchronization of dynamical networks with
switching topology. 53rd IEEE Conference on
Decision and Control, USA: IEEE. <a
106">[More Information]</a>
Ma, J., Ma, X., Dong, Z., Hill, D., Zhu, L.
(2014). Input Sensitivity Analysis via Transfer
Function Matrix. IEEE Transactions On Power
Systems, 29(6), 3120-3121. <a
11955">[More Information]</a>
Liu, T., Jiang, Z., Hill, D. (2014). Nonlinear
Control of Dynamic Networks. USA: CRC Press.
Marzooghi, H., Hill, D., Verbic, G. (2014).
Performance and stability assessment of future
grid scenarios for the Australian NEM. 2014
Australasian Universities Power Engineering
Conference (AUPEC), United States: (IEEE)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
66526">[More Information]</a>
Chen, T., Wang, C., Hill, D. (2014). Rapid
oscillation fault detection and isolation for
distributed systems via deterministic learning.
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and
Learning Systems, 25(6), 1187-1199. <a
89910">[More Information]</a>
Hancock, E., Hill, D. (2014). Restricted partial
stability and synchronization. IEEE Transactions
on Circuits and Systems Part 1: Regular Papers,
61(11), 3235-3244. <a
991">[More Information]</a>
Liu, B., Dou, C., Hill, D. (2014). Robust
exponential input-to-state stability of impulsive
systems with an application in micro-grids.
Systems and Control Letters, 65(1), 64-73. <a
12.005">[More Information]</a>
Zhang, L., Chen, G., Wang, Z., Dong, Z., Hill,
D. (2014). Robust H∞ Load Frequency Control
of Future Power Grid with Energy Storage
Considering Parametric Uncertainty and Time
Delay. 2014 IEEE Power and Energy Society
General Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, USA: (IEEE)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
39277">[More Information]</a>
Liu, B., Hill, D. (2014). Stability via
hybrid-event-time lyapunov function and
impulsive stabilization fo r discrete-time delayed
switched systems. SIAM Journal on Control and
Optimization, 52(2), 1338-1365. <a
ore Information]</a>
Tan, S., Lu, J., Chen, G., Hill, D. (2014). When
structure meets function in evolutionary
dynamics on complex networks. IEEE Circuits
and Systems Magazine, 14(4), 36-50. <a
0790">[More Information]</a>
Chapman, A., Verbic, G., Hill, D. (2013). A
healthy dose of reality for game-theoretic
approaches to residential demand response. Bulk
Power System Dynamics and Control - IX
Optimization, Security and Control of the
Emerging Power Grid (IREP 2013), Piscataway,
NJ: (IEEE) Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers. <a
Publications for David Hill
395">[More Information]</a>
1792">[More Information]</a>
Tan, S., Lu, J., Yu, X., Hill, D. (2013).
Characterizing the Effect of Network Structure
on Evolutionary Dynamics via a Novel Measure
of Structural Heterogeneity. 25th Chinese
Control and Decision Conference (CCDC 2013),
Piscataway, New Jersey: (IEEE) Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers. <a
1028">[More Information]</a>
Xia, Y., Hill, D. (2013). Dynamic Braess's
Paradox in Complex
Communication Networks. IEEE Transactions
on Circuits and Systems. Part 2: Express Briefs,
60(3), 172-176. <a
0912">[More Information]</a>
Tan, S., Lu, J., Yu, X., Hill, D. (2013). Evolution
and maintenance of cooperation via inheritance
of neighborhood relationship. Chinese Science
Bulletin, 58(28-29), 3491-3498. <a
4-y">[More Information]</a>
Ma, H., Hill, D. (2013). Fast adaptive control
against voltage instability. Bulk Power System
Dynamics and Control - IX Optimization,
Security and Control of the Emerging Power
Grid (IREP 2013), Piscataway, NJ: (IEEE)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
371">[More Information]</a>
Dou, C., Liu, B., Hill, D. (2013). Hybrid control
for high-penetration distribution grid based on
operational mode conversion. IET Generation,
Transmission and Distribution, 7(7), 700-708. <a
1">[More Information]</a>
Tan, S., Lu, J., Yu, X., Hill, D. (2013).
Inheritance of spatial neighbourhood: A feasible
mechanism for evolution and maintenance of
cooperation. 32nd Chinese Control Conference
(CCC 2013), Xian, China: (IEEE) Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Chen, Y., Lu, J., Yu, X., Hill, D. (2013).
Multi-Agent Systems with Dynamical
Topologies: Consensus and Applications. IEEE
Circuits and Systems Magazine, 13(3), 21-34. <a
1443">[More Information]</a>
Chen, T., Wang, C., Hill, D. (2013). Rapid
oscillation fault detection for distributed system
via deterministic learning. 25th Chinese Control
and Decision Conference (CCDC 2013),
Piscataway, New Jersey: (IEEE) Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers. <a
Liu, T., Jiang, Z., Hill, D. (2012). A sector bound
approach to feedback control of nonlinear
systems with state quantization. Automatica,
48(1), 145-152. <a
1.09.041">[More Information]</a>
Zhao, J., Dong, Z., Chen, G., Hill, D. (2012).
Challenges in System Security and Control in
Smart Grids. 2012 31st Chinese Control
Conference (CCC), USA: Chinese Association of
Liu, T., Jiang, Z., Hill, D. (2012). Decentralized
output-feedback control of large-scale nonlinear
systems with sensor noise. Automatica, 48(10),
2560-2568. <a
2.06.054">[More Information]</a>
Tan, S., Lu, J., Yu, X., Hill, D. (2012). Exploring
Evolutionary Dynamics in A Class of Structured
Populations. 2012 IEEE International
Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Piscataway:
(IEEE) Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers. <a
1584">[More Information]</a>
Zhang, R., Xu, Y., Dong, Z., Hill, D. (2012).
Feature Selection For Intelligent Stability
Assessment of Power Systems. 2012 IEEE
Power and Energy Society General Meeting
(PES-GM), San Diego: (IEEE) Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers. <a
44780">[More Information]</a>
Hill, D. (2012). Future grids - scenarios,
assessment, resilience. The 10th International
Power and Energy Conference (IPEC 2012),
USA: (IEEE) Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers.
Zhao, J., Hill, D., Liu, T. (2012). Global
Bounded Synchronization of General Dynamical
Networks With Nonidentical Nodes. IEEE
Transactions on Automatic Control, 57(10),
2656-2662. <a
206">[More Information]</a>
Wang, C., Wang, M., Liu, T., Hill, D. (2012).
Learning From ISS-Modular Adaptive NN
Control of Nonlinear Strict-Feedback Systems.
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and
Learning Systems, 23(10), 1539-1550. <a
05702">[More Information]</a>
Liu, T., Jiang, Z., Hill, D. (2012). Lyapunov
Publications for David Hill
formulation of the ISS cyclic-small-gain theorem
for hybrid dynamical networks. Nonlinear
Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 6(4), 988-1001. <a
02">[More Information]</a>
Power and Energy Society General Meeting
(PES-GM), San Diego: (IEEE) Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers. <a
44726">[More Information]</a>
Liu, T., Hill, D., Jiang, Z. (2012). Lyapunov
formulation of the large-scale, ISS
cyclic-small-gain theorem: The discrete-time
case. Systems and Control Letters, 61(1),
266-272. <a
11.002">[More Information]</a>
Liu, B., Hill, D. (2012). Stability for Hybrid
Event Systems. 2012 51st IEEE Annual
Conference on Decision and Control (CDC),
Maui: (IEEE) Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers. <a
599">[More Information]</a>
Tan, S., Lu, J., Yu, X., Hill, D. (2012).
Monotonicity of Fixation Probability of
Evolutionary Dynamics on Complex Networks.
IECON 2012 - 38th Annual Conference on IEEE
Industrial Electronics Society, Piscataway:
(IEEE) Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers. <a
88876">[More Information]</a>
Liu, T., Hill, D., Zhao, J. (2012).
Synchronization of dynamical networks by
network control. IEEE Transactions on
Automatic Control, 57(6), 1574-1580. <a
691">[More Information]</a>
Dong, Z., Zhao, J., Hill, D. (2012). Numerical
Simulation for Stochastic Transient
Stability Assessment. IEEE Transactions On
Power Systems, 27(4), 1741-1749. <a
87466">[More Information]</a>
Liu, B., Hill, D., Dou, C. (2012). Optimal
Control with Stabilization for A Class of Hybrid
Dynamical Systems. 2012 24th Chinese Control
and Decision Conference (CCDC), Piscataway:
(IEEE) Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers. <a
2978">[More Information]</a>
Liu, T., Jiang, Z., Hill, D. (2012). Quantized
stabilization of strict-feedback nonlinear systems
based on ISS cyclic-small-gain theorem.
Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems,
24(1-2), 75-110. <a
9-x">[More Information]</a>
Liu, T., Jiang, Z., Hill, D. (2012). Small-gain
based output-feedback controller design for a
class of nonlinear systems with actuator dynamic
quantization. IEEE Transactions on Automatic
Control, 57(5), 1326-1332. <a
870">[More Information]</a>
Peng, Y., Zhao, J., Dong, Z., Xu, Y., Hill, D.
(2012). Smart Grid Cyber Security Assessment.
The 10th World Congress on Intelligent Control
and Automation (WCICA 2012), Piscataway:
(IEEE) Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Hill, D., Liu, T., Verbic, G. (2012). Smart Grids
as Distributed Learning Control. 2012 IEEE
Liu, T., Hill, D., Liu, B. (2012). Synchronization
of Dynamical Networks with Distributed
Event-Based Communication. 2012 51st IEEE
Annual Conference on Decision and Control
(CDC), Maui: (IEEE) Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers. <a
585">[More Information]</a>
Chen, G., Dong, Z., Hill, D. (2012).
Transmission Network Expansion Planning with
Wind Energy Integration: A Stochastic
Programming Model. 2012 IEEE Power and
Energy Society General Meeting (PES-GM), San
Diego: (IEEE) Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers. <a
44752">[More Information]</a>
Liu, T., Jiang, Z., Hill, D. (2011). A Sector
Bound Approach to Feedback Control of
Nonlinear Systems with State Quantization. 18th
World Congress of the International Federation
of Automatic Control (IFAC 2011), Milano:
International Federation of Automatic Control
(IFAC). <a
002.01701">[More Information]</a>
Liu, T., Hill, D., Zhao, J. (2011). Asymptotic
stability of dynamical networks. 30th Chinese
Control Conference (CCC 2011), Piscataway,
USA: (IEEE) Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers.
Liu, T., Jiang, Z., Hill, D. (2011). Decentralized
output-feedback control of large-scale nonlinear
systems with sensor noise. 18th World Congress
of the International Federation of Automatic
Control (IFAC 2011), Milano: International
Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC). <a
Publications for David Hill
002.01698">[More Information]</a>
Liu, B., Hill, D. (2011). Decomposable
dissipativity and related stability for
discrete-time switched systems. IEEE
Transactions on Automatic Control, 56(7),
1666-1671. <a
430">[More Information]</a>
Liu, T., Hill, D., Wang, C. (2011).
Dissipativity-based switching adaptive control.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 56(3),
660-665. <a
490">[More Information]</a>
Chen, G., Dong, Z., Hill, D., Xue, Y. (2011).
Exploring Reliable Strategies for Defending
Power Systems Against Targeted Attacks. IEEE
Transactions On Power Systems, 26(3),
1000-1009. <a
78524">[More Information]</a>
Dib, W., Ortega, R., Astolfi, A., Hill, D. (2011).
Improving transient stability of multi-machine
power systems: synchronization via immersion
of a pendular system. 2011 American Control
Conference (ACC), Troy, NY, USA: American
Automatic Control Council (AACC).
Liu, B., Hill, D. (2011). Impulsive consensus for
complex dynamical networks with non-identical
nodes and coupling time-delays. SIAM Journal
on Control and Optimization, 49(2), 315-338. <a
ore Information]</a>
Liu, T., Hill, D., Zhao, J. (2011).
Incremental-dissipativity-based synchronization
of interconnected systems. 18th World Congress
of the International Federation of Automatic
Control (IFAC 2011), Milano: International
Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC).
Liu, T., Hill, D., Jiang, Z. (2011). Lyapunov
formulation of ISS cyclic-small-gain in
continuous-time dynamical networks.
Automatica, 47(9), 2088-2093. <a
1.06.018">[More Information]</a>
Liu, T., Jiang, Z., Hill, D. (2011). Quantized
Output-feedback Control of Nonlinear Systems:
A Cyclic-small-gain Approach. 30th Chinese
Control Conference (CCC 2011), Piscataway,
USA: (IEEE) Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers.
Liu, T., Jiang, Z., Hill, D. (2011). Robust Control
of Nonlinear Strict-feedback Systems with
Measurement Errors. 50th IEEE Conference on
Decision and Control and European Control
Conference (CDC-ECC 2011), New York, USA:
(IEEE) Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers. <a
668">[More Information]</a>
Zhao, J., Hill, D., Liu, T. (2011). Stability of
dynamical networks with non-identical nodes: a
multiple V-Lyapunov function method.
Automatica, 47(12), 2615-2625. <a
1.09.012">[More Information]</a>
Liu, B., Hill, D. (2011). Stabilization for
Decomposable Dissipative
Discrete-time Switched Systems. 18th World
Congress of the International Federation of
Automatic Control (IFAC 2011), Milano:
International Federation of Automatic Control
(IFAC). <a
002.02696">[More Information]</a>
Liu, B., Liu, T., Hill, D. (2011). Stabilization to
ISS for discrete-time impulsive hybrid systems
with mixed K-dissipativity. 30th Chinese
Control Conference (CCC 2011), Piscataway,
USA: (IEEE) Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers.
Zhao, J., Hill, D., Liu, T. (2011).
Synchronization of Dynamical Networks With
Nonidentical Nodes: Criteria and Control. IEEE
Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part 1:
Regular Papers, 58(3), 584-594. <a
330">[More Information]</a>
Nuno, E., Ortega, R., Basanez, L., Hill, D.
(2011). Synchronization of Networks of
Nonidentical Euler-Lagrange Systems With
Uncertain Parameters and Communication
Delays. IEEE Transactions on Automatic
Control, 56(4), 935-941. <a
415">[More Information]</a>
Colagiuri, R., Hill, D., Johnson, G., Lalor, E.,
Moodie, R., Olver, I., Roberts, L., Robinson, H.,
Wilson, A., Greenland, R. (2011). Time for
global action on chronic disease. Medical
Journal of Australia, 194(4), 158-160.
Nuno, E., Ortega, R., Basanez, L., Hill, D.
(2011). Trajectory Tracking and Consensus of
Networks of Euler-Lagrange Systems. 18th
World Congress of the International Federation
of Automatic Control (IFAC 2011), Milano:
International Federation of Automatic Control
(IFAC). <a
002.03534">[More Information]</a>
Chen, G., Dong, Z., Hill, D., Zhang, G., Hua, K.
(2010). Attack structural vulnerability of power
Publications for David Hill
grids: A hybrid approach based on complex
networks. Physica A, 389(3), 595-603. <a
039">[More Information]</a>
Xia, Y., Fan, J., Hill, D. (2010). Cascading
failure in Watts-Strogatz small-world networks.
Physica A, 389(6), 1281-1285. <a
037">[More Information]</a>
Wang, C., Hill, D. (2010). Deterministic
Learning and Nonlinear Observer Design. Asian
Journal of Control, 12(6), 1-11. <a
Wang, C., Hill, D. (2010). Deterministic
Learning Theory: For Identification,
Recognition, and Control. Boca Raton, United
States: CRC Press.
Liu, T., Hill, D., Jiang, Z. (2010). Lyapunov
Formulation of ISS Cyclic-small-gain in
Discrete-time Dynamical Networks. The 8th
World Congress on Intelligent Control and
Automation WCICA 2010, Jinan, China: (IEEE)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
53943">[More Information]</a>
Liu, T., Jiang, Z., Hill, D. (2010). Lyapunov-ISS
Cyclic-small-gain in Hybrid Dynamical
Networks. 8th International Federation of
Automatic Control (IFAC) Symposium on
Nonlinear Control Systems NOLCOS 2010,
Bologna: International Federation of Automatic
Control (IFAC). <a
016.00016">[More Information]</a>
Hill, D. (2010). Dynamic Learning and
Pattern-Based Control. 22nd Chinese Control
and Decision Conference CCDC 2010,
Singapore: (IEEE) Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers.
Hill, D. (2010). Networked control of power
networks. 2nd International Federation of
Automatic Control (IFAC) Workshop on
Distributed Estimation and Control in
Networked Systems NecSys 2010, United
Kingdom: Elsevier.
Liu, B., Hill, D., Sun, Y. (2010). Exponential
Input-to-State Stability for Hybrid Dynamical
Networks via Impulsive Interconnection. 49th
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC
2010), Atlanta: (IEEE) Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers. <a
240">[More Information]</a>
Blackhall, L., Hill, D. (2010). On the structural
controllability of networks of linear systems. 2nd
International Federation of Automatic Control
(IFAC) Workshop on Distributed Estimation and
Control in Networked Systems NecSys 2010,
United Kingdom: Elsevier. <a
href="">[More Information]</a>
Liu, T., Zhao, J., Hill, D. (2010). Exponential
Synchronization of Complex Delayed Dynamical
Networks With Switching Topology. IEEE
Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part 1:
Regular Papers, 57(11), 2967-2980. <a
508">[More Information]</a>
Xia, Y., Hill, D. (2010). Optimal capacity
distribution on complex networks. EPL, 89(5),
58004-p1-58004-p6. <a
004">[More Information]</a>
Zhao, J., Hill, D., Liu, T. (2010). Global
Synchronization of Dynamical Networks with
Non-identical Nodes: a Multiple V-Lyapunov
Function Method. 8th International Federation
of Automatic Control (IFAC) Symposium on
Nonlinear Control Systems NOLCOS 2010,
Bologna: International Federation of Automatic
Control (IFAC). <a
016.00113">[More Information]</a>
Liu, T., Hill, D., Zhao, J. (2010). Global
Synchronization of Dynamical Networks with
Time Delay. 8th International Federation of
Automatic Control (IFAC) Symposium on
Nonlinear Control Systems NOLCOS 2010,
Bologna: International Federation of Automatic
Control (IFAC). <a
016.00046">[More Information]</a>
Zhao, J., Hill, D., Liu, T. (2010). Passivity-based
Output Synchronization of Dynamical Networks
with Non-identical Nodes. 49th IEEE
Conference on Decision and Control (CDC
2010), Atlanta: (IEEE) Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers. <a
720">[More Information]</a>
Cao, G., Hill, D. (2010). Power system voltage
small-disturbance stability studies based on the
power flow equation. IET Generation,
Transmission and Distribution, 4(7), 873-882. <a
6">[More Information]</a>
Liu, B., Liu, T., Hill, D. (2010). Synchronization
of Discrete-time CDNs via Delayed Impulsive
Control. 8th International Federation of
Automatic Control (IFAC) Symposium on
Nonlinear Control Systems NOLCOS 2010,
Bologna: International Federation of Automatic
Control (IFAC). <a
Publications for David Hill
016.00013">[More Information]</a>
Livingston, P., White, V., Hayman, J., Maunsell,
E., Dunn, S., Hill, D. (2010). The psychological
impact of a specialist referral and telephone
intervention on male cancer patients: a
randomised controlled trial. Psycho-Oncology,
19(6), 617-625. <a
e Information]</a>
Liu, B., Hill, D. (2010). Uniform stability and
ISS of discrete-time impulsive hybrid systems.
Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 4(2),
319-333. <a
02">[More Information]</a>
Chen, G., Dong, Z., Hill, D., Zhang, G. (2009).
An improved model for structural vulnerability
analysis of power networks. Physica A, 388(19),
4259-4266. <a
041">[More Information]</a>
Liu, B., Hill, D. (2009). Comparison Principle
and Stability of Discrete-Time Impulsive Hybrid
Systems. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and
Systems Part 1: Regular Papers, 56(1), 233-245.
97">[More Information]</a>
Leung, J., Hill, D., Zhang, G. (2009).
Coordinated stability control. IET Generation,
Transmission and Distribution, 3(1), 38-48. <a
">[More Information]</a>
Wang, C., Chen, T., Chen, G., Hill, D. (2009).
Deterministic Learning of Nonlinear Dynamical
Systems. International Journal of Bifurcation
and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering,
19(4), 1307-1328. <a
3640">[More Information]</a>
Blackhall, L., Kan John, P., Grastien, A., Hill, D.
(2009). Diagnosability of Hybrid Dynamical
Networks using Indicator Functions. 20th
International Workshop on Principles of
Diagnosis DX 2009, Sweden: Linkoping
Blackhall, L., Kan John, P., Grastien, A., Hill, D.
(2009). Diagnosability of Networks of Hybrid
Systems. 7th International Federation of
Automatic Control (IFAC) Symposium on Fault
Detection, Supervision and Safety of Technical
Processes 2008, United Kingdom: Elsevier. <a
href="">[More Information]</a>
Liu, T., Hill, D., Wang, C. (2009).
Dissipativity-based Switching Adaptive Control.
Joint 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and
Control and 28th Chinese Control Conference
CDC/CCC 2009, Shanghai: (IEEE) Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers. <a
120">[More Information]</a>
Gordon, M., Hill, D. (2009). Flexible Nonlinear
Control Technique with Applications to Power
Systems. 6th International Federation of
Automatic Control (IFAC) Symposium on Power
Plants and Power Systems Control PP&PS 2009,
United Kingdom: Elsevier. <a
href="">[More Information]</a>
Liu, B., Hill, D., Yao, J. (2009). Global Uniform
Synchronization With Estimated Error Under
Transmission Channel Noise. IEEE Transactions
on Circuits and Systems Part 1: Regular Papers,
56(12), 2689-2702. <a
181">[More Information]</a>
Morley, B., Wakefield, M., Dunlop, S., Hill, D.
(2009). Impact of a mass media campaign
linking abdominal obesity and cancer: a natural
exposure evaluation. Health Education Research,
24(6), 1069-1079. <a
ore Information]</a>
Mishra, Y., Dong, Z., Ma, J., Hill, D. (2009).
Induction motor load impact on power system
eigenvalue sensitivity analysis. IET Generation,
Transmission and Distribution, 3(7), 690-700. <a
8">[More Information]</a>
Liu, B., Hill, D., Teo, K. (2009). Input-to-State
Stability for A Class of Hybrid Dynamical
Systems via Hybrid Time Approach. Joint 48th
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and
28th Chinese Control Conference CDC/CCC
2009, Shanghai: (IEEE) Institute of Electrical
and Electronics Engineers. <a
140">[More Information]</a>
Liu, B., Hill, D. (2009). Input-to-state stability
for discrete time-delay systems via the
Razumikhin technique. Systems and Control
Letters, 58(8), 567-575. <a
03.008">[More Information]</a>
Liu, T., Wang, C., Hill, D. (2009). Learning from
neural control of nonlinear systems in normal
form. Systems and Control Letters, 58(9),
633-638. <a
04.001">[More Information]</a>
Publications for David Hill
Chen, L., Lu, J., Lu, J., Hill, D. (2009). Local
asymptotic coherence of time-varying discrete
ecological networks. Automatica, 45(2),
546-552. <a
8.09.006">[More Information]</a>
Liu, T., Hill, D., Jiang, Z. (2009). Lyapunov
Formulation of ISS Small-gain in Dynamical
Networks. Joint 48th IEEE Conference on
Decision and Control and 28th Chinese Control
Conference CDC/CCC 2009, Shanghai: (IEEE)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
647">[More Information]</a>
Dib, W., Ortega, R., Hill, D.,
Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, F. (2009). Nonlinear
Excitation Control for Transient Stability of
Multi-Machine Power Systems using
Structure-Preserving Models. 6th International
Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC)
Symposium on Power Plants and Power Systems
Control PP&PS 2009, United Kingdom:
Elsevier. <a
href="">[More Information]</a>
Yao, J., Guan, Z., Hill, D. (2009).
Passivity-based control and synchronization of
general complex dynamical networks.
Automatica, 45(9), 2107-2113. <a
9.05.006">[More Information]</a>
Liu, H., Lu, J., Lu, J., Hill, D. (2009). Structure
identification of uncertain general complex
dynamical networks with time delay.
Automatica, 45(8), 1799-1807. <a
9.03.022">[More Information]</a>
Liu, T., Hill, D., Wang, C. (2009). Switching
Adaptive Control of Uncertain Linear Systems.
7th Asian Control Conference ASCC 2009,
Piscataway, New Jersey: IEEE.
Liu, T., Zhao, J., Hill, D. (2009).
Synchronization of complex delayed dynamical
networks with nonlinearly coupled nodes. Chaos,
Solitons and Fractals, 40(3), 1506-1519. <a
075">[More Information]</a>
Zhao, J., Hill, D., Liu, T. (2009).
Synchronization of complex dynamical networks
with switching topology: A switched system
point of view. Automatica, 45(11), 2502-2511.
9.07.013">[More Information]</a>
Liu, T., Hill, D., Zhao, J. (2009).
Synchronization of Dynamical Networks by
Network Control. Joint 48th IEEE Conference
on Decision and Control and 28th Chinese
Control Conference CDC/CCC 2009, Shanghai:
(IEEE) Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers. <a
006">[More Information]</a>
Liu, B., Hill, D. (2009). Uniform stability of
large-scale delay discrete impulsive systems.
International Journal of Control, 82(2), 228-240.
0809">[More Information]</a>
Zhao, J., Hill, D. (2009). Vector L2-gain and
stability of feedback switched systems.
Automatica, 45(7), 1703-1707. <a
9.02.026">[More Information]</a>
Ma, H., Man, K., Hill, D. (2008). A MCDM
Knowledge Based Scheme for Coordinated
Voltage Control. IEEE/PES Transmission and
Distribution Conference and Exposition T&D
2008, United States: (IEEE) Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers. <a
127">[More Information]</a>
Hill, D. (2008). Advances in Stability Theory for
Complex Systems and Networks. 27th Chinese
Control Conference (CCC 2008), Kunming:
(IEEE) Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers. <a
04872">[More Information]</a>
Xia, Y., Hill, D. (2008). Attack Vulnerability of
Complex Communication Networks. IEEE
Transactions on Circuits and Systems. Part 2:
Express Briefs, 55(1), 65-69. <a
954">[More Information]</a>
Zhao, J., Hill, D. (2008). Completeness,
Passivity and Stability of Switched Systems.
27th Chinese Control Conference (CCC 2008),
Kunming: (IEEE) Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers. <a
05054">[More Information]</a>
Liu, T., Wang, C., Hill, D. (2008). Deterministic
Learning and Rapid Dynamical Pattern
Recognition of Discrete-Time Systems. IEEE
International Symposium on Intelligent Control
ISIC 2008: Part of 2008 IEEE Multi-conference
on Systems and Control, United States: (IEEE)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
60">[More Information]</a>
Publications for David Hill
Zhao, J., Hill, D. (2008). Dissipativity Theory for
Switched Systems. IEEE Transactions on
Automatic Control, 53(4), 941-953. <a
37">[More Information]</a>
Lu, J., Hill, D. (2008). Global Asymptotical
Synchronization of Chaotic Lur'e Systems Using
Sampled Data: A Linear Matrix Inequality
Approach. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and
Systems. Part 2: Express Briefs, 55(6), 586-590.
788">[More Information]</a>
Hill, D., Zhao, J. (2008). Global synchronization
of complex dynamical networks with
non-identical nodes. 47th IEEE Conference on
Decision and Control CDC 2008, Piscataway:
(IEEE) Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers. <a
110">[More Information]</a>
Gordon, M., Hill, D. (2008). Global Transient
Stability and Voltage Regulation for
Multimachine Power Systems. IEEE Power and
Energy Society General Meeting PES 2008,
Piscataway, NJ: (IEEE) Institute of Electrical
and Electronics Engineers. <a
04">[More Information]</a>
McLeod, K., White, V., Mullins, R., Davey, C.,
Wakefield, M., Hill, D. (2008). How do friends
influence smoking uptake? Findings from
qualitative interviews with identical twins.
Journal of Genetic Psychology, 169(2), 117-131.
-132">[More Information]</a>
Wakefield, M., Durkin, S., Spittal, M., Siahpush,
M., Scollo, M., Chapman, S., Simpson, J., White,
V., Hill, D. (2008). Impact of tobacco control
policies and mass media campaigns on monthly
adult smoking prevalence. American Journal of
Public Health, 98(8), 1443-1450. <a
91">[More Information]</a>
Liu, B., Hill, D. (2008). Impulsive Consensus
Control for Complex Dynamical Networks with
Non-identical Nodes and Coupling Time-Delays.
47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
CDC 2008, Piscataway: (IEEE) Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers. <a
913">[More Information]</a>
Xia, Y., Hill, D. (2008). Internet Congestion
Control Subject to Node And Link Constraints.
17th International Federation of Automatic
Control (IFAC) World Congress, Seoul:
International Federation of Automatic Control
(IFAC). <a
href="">[More Information]</a>
Sun, H., Hill, D. (2008). Master Stability
Equations of Complex Dynamical Networks with
General Topology. 17th International Federation
of Automatic Control (IFAC) World Congress,
Seoul: International Federation of Automatic
Control (IFAC). <a
href="">[More Information]</a>
Makarov, Y., Dong, Z., Hill, D. (2008). On
Convexity of Power Flow Feasibility Boundary.
IEEE Transactions On Power Systems, 23(2),
811-813. <a
9307">[More Information]</a>
Zhao, J., Hill, D. (2008). On stability, L2-gain
and H∞ control for switched systems.
Automatica, 44(5), 1220-1232. <a
7.10.011">[More Information]</a>
Zhao, J., Hill, D. (2008). Passivity and stability
of switched systems: A multiple storage function
method. Systems and Control Letters, 57(2),
158-164. <a
08.011">[More Information]</a>
Dobbinson, S., Wakefield, M., Hill, D., Girgis,
A., Aitken, J., Beckmann, K., Reeder, A., Herd,
N., Fairthorne, A., Bowles, K. (2008).
Prevalence and determinants of Australian
adolescents' and adults' weekend sun protection
and sunburn, summer 2003-2004. Journal Of The
American Academy Of Dermatology, 59(4),
602-614. <a
1">[More Information]</a>
Ma, J., Han, D., He, R., Dong, Z., Hill, D.
(2008). Reducing Identified Parameters of
Measurement-Based Composite Load Model.
IEEE Transactions On Power Systems, 23(1),
76-83. <a
3206">[More Information]</a>
Liu, B., Hill, D. (2008). Stability of Discrete
Impulsive Hybrid Systems via Comparison
Principle. 17th International Federation of
Automatic Control (IFAC) World Congress,
Seoul: International Federation of Automatic
Control (IFAC). <a
href="">[More Information]</a>
Liu, B., Hill, D., Chen, G. (2008).
Synchronization Errors and Uniform
Synchronization with an Error Bound for Chaotic
Systems. International Journal of Bifurcation
Publications for David Hill
and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering,
18(11), 3341-3354. <a
241X">[More Information]</a>
Kim, S., Hill, D. (2008). Synchronization of a
Complex Network with Switched Coupling. 17th
International Federation of Automatic Control
(IFAC) World Congress, Seoul: International
Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC). <a
href="">[More Information]</a>
Zhao, J., Hill, D. (2008). Synchronization of
Complex Dynamical Networks with Switching
Topology: a Switched System Point of View.
17th International Federation of Automatic
Control (IFAC) World Congress, Seoul:
International Federation of Automatic Control
(IFAC). <a
href="">[More Information]</a>
Dixon, H., Lagerlund, M., Spittal, M., Hill, D.,
Dobbinson, S., Wakefield, M. (2008). Use of
sun-protective clothing at outdoor leisure settings
from 1992 to 2002: serial cross-sectional
observation survey. Cancer Epidemiology,
Biomarkers and Prevention, 17(2), 428-434. <a
7-0369">[More Information]</a>
Dobbinson, S., Wakefield, M., Jamsen, K., Herd,
N., Spittal, M., Lipscomb, J., Hill, D. (2008).
Weekend sun protection and sunburn in Australia
trends (1987-2002) and association with
SunSmart television advertising. American
Journal of Preventive Medicine, 34(2), 94-101.
9.024">[More Information]</a>
Wang, C., Hill, D. (2007). Deterministic
Learning and Rapid Dynamical Pattern
Recognition. IEEE Transactions on Neural
Networks, 18(3), 617-630. <a
96">[More Information]</a>
Zhao, J., Hill, D. (2007). Dissipativity Based
Stability of Switched Systems with
State-dependent Switchings. 46th IEEE
Conference on Decision and Control (CDC),
USA: (IEEE) Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers. <a
043">[More Information]</a>
Yakubovich, V., Fradkov, A., Hill, D.,
Proskurnikov, A. (2007). Dissipativity of
T-Periodic Linear Systems. IEEE Transactions
on Automatic Control, 52(6), 1039-1047. <a
13">[More Information]</a>
Gordon, M., Hill, D. (2007). Flexible Nonlinear
Voltage Control Design for Power Systems. 16th
IEEE International Conference on Control
Applications CCA 2007: Part of IEEE
Multi-conference on Systems and Control,
United States: (IEEE) Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers. <a
380">[More Information]</a>
Zhang, G., Wang, Y., Hill, D. (2007). Global
Control of Multi-Machine Power Systems for
Transient Stability Enhancement. 16th IEEE
International Conference on Control
Applications CCA 2007: Part of IEEE
Multi-conference on Systems and Control,
United States: (IEEE) Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers. <a
353">[More Information]</a>
Wang, Y., Zhang, G., Hill, D. (2007). Global
Control of the Cart and Pole System. 16th IEEE
International Conference on Control
Applications CCA 2007: Part of IEEE
Multi-conference on Systems and Control,
United States: (IEEE) Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers. <a
240">[More Information]</a>
Lu, J., Hill, D. (2007). Impulsive
Synchronization of Chaotic Lur'e Systems by
Linear Static Measurement Feedback: An LMI
Approach. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and
Systems. Part 2: Express Briefs, 54(8), 710-714.
468">[More Information]</a>
Ma, J., Dong, Z., He, R., Hill, D. (2007).
Measurement-based Load Modeling using
Genetic Algorithms. 2007 IEEE Congress on
Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2007),
CD-ROM, United States: (IEEE) Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers. <a
41">[More Information]</a>
Liu, B., Hill, D. (2007). Optimal Robust Control
for Uncertain Impulsive Systems. 26th Chinese
Control Conference CCC 2007, China: China
Scientific Book Service Co.Ltd. <a
46959">[More Information]</a>
Ma, J., Hill, D., Dong, Z., He, R. (2007). Power
system energy analysis incorporating
comprehensive load characteristics. IET
Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 1(6),
855-863. <a
">[More Information]</a>
Publications for David Hill
Ma, J., Han, D., He, R., Dong, Z., Hill, D.
(2007). Research on Identifiability of Equivalent
Motor in Composite Load Model. IEEE
Lausanne PowerTech 2007, United States:
(IEEE) Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers. <a
54">[More Information]</a>
Liu, B., Hill, D. (2007). Robust Stability of
Complex Impulsive Dynamical Systems. 46th
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
(CDC), USA: (IEEE) Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers. <a
304">[More Information]</a>
Guan, Z., Hill, D., Yao, J. (2006). A Hybrid
Impulsive and Switching Control Strategy for
Synchronization of Nonlinear Systems and
Application to Chua's Chaotic Circuit.
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos
in Applied Sciences and Engineering, 16(1),
229-238. <a
4769">[More Information]</a>
complex dynamical networks with coupling
delays to a desired orbit. Physics Letters. Section
A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics,
359(1), 42-46. <a
5.085">[More Information]</a>
Chen, Q., Hong, Y., Chen, G., Hill, D. (2006).
Intermittent Phenomena in Switched Systems
With High Coupling Strengths. IEEE
Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part 1:
Regular Papers, 53(12), 2692-2704. <a
67">[More Information]</a>
Wang, C., Hill, D. (2006). Learning From Neural
Control. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks,
17(1), 130-146. <a
43">[More Information]</a>
Jin, M., Renmu, H., Hill, D. (2006). Load
Modeling by Finding Support Vectors of Load
Data From Field Measurements. IEEE
Transactions On Power Systems, 21(2), 726-735.
3101">[More Information]</a>
Ma, H., Man, K., Hill, D. (2006). A Jumping
Genes Scheme for Multi-objective Coordinated
Voltage Control. IEEE International Conference
on Industrial Informatics INDIN 2006, United
States: (IEEE) Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers. <a
759">[More Information]</a>
Wang, C., Hill, D. (2006). Locally-Accurate
Identification of Nonlinear Systems Using
Output Measurements. 14th International
Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC)
Symposium on System Identification SYSID 2006,
United Kingdom: Elsevier. <a
href="">[More Information]</a>
Zhao, J., Hill, D. (2006). A notion of passivity
for switched systems with state-dependent
switching. Journal of Control Theory and
Applications, 4(1), 70-75. <a
7-7">[More Information]</a>
Gordon, M., Hill, D. (2006). On Structure
Preserving Control of Power Systems. 2006
IEEE International Conference on Control
Applications, USA: (IEEE) Institute of Electrical
and Electronics Engineers. <a
IC.2006.4777022">[More Information]</a>
Wang, C., Hill, D., Ge, S., Chen, G. (2006). An
ISS-modular approach for adaptive neural
control of pure-feedback systems. Automatica,
42(5), 723-731. <a
6.01.004">[More Information]</a>
Hill, D. (2006). Complex Networks: Design and
Control. 1st IEEE Conference on Industrial
Electronics and Applications ICIEA 2006,
United States: (IEEE) Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers.
Renmu, H., Jin, M., Hill, D. (2006). Composite
Load Modeling via Measurement Approach.
IEEE Transactions On Power Systems, 21(2),
663-672. <a
3130">[More Information]</a>
Li, Z., Feng, G., Hill, D. (2006). Controlling
Li, Y., Hill, D., Wu, T. (2006). Optimal
coordinated voltage control of power systems.
Zhejiang University Journal (Science A): applied
physics and engineering, 7(2), 257-262. <a
">[More Information]</a>
Hill, D., Chen, G. (2006). Power Systems as
Dynamic Networks. IEEE International
Symposium on Circuits and Systems ISCAS 2006,
United States: (IEEE) Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers. <a
2687">[More Information]</a>
Sun, X., Zhao, J., Hill, D. (2006). Stability and
L2-gain analysis for switched delay systems: A
delay-dependent method. Automatica, 42(10),
1769-1774. <a
Publications for David Hill
6.05.007">[More Information]</a>
Yao, J., Hill, D., Guan, Z., Wang, H. (2006).
Synchronization of Complex Dynamical
Networks with Switching Topology via Adaptive
Control. 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and
Control CDC 2006, United States: (IEEE)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
58">[More Information]</a>
Dong, Z., Hill, D., Guo, Y. (2005). A power
system control scheme based on security
visualisation in parameter space. Electrical
Power and Energy Systems, 27(7), 488-495. <a
002">[More Information]</a>
Wang, C., Hill, D., Ge, S. (2005). Adaptive
Neural Control of Non-affine Pure-Feedback
Systems. 20th IEEE International Symposium on
Intelligent Control and 13th Mediterrean
Conference on Control and Automation
ISIC/MED 2005, United States: (IEEE) Institute
of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Yao, J., Guan, Z., Hill, D. (2005). Adaptive
Switching Control and Synchronization of
Chaotic Systems with Uncertainties.
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos
in Applied Sciences and Engineering, 15(10),
3381-3390. <a
399X">[More Information]</a>
Guoyun, C., Hill, D., Hui, R. (2005).
Continuation of local bifurcations for power
system differential-algebraic equation stability
model. IET Generation, Transmission and
Distribution, 152(4), 575-580. <a
">[More Information]</a>
Wang, C., Hill, D. (2005). Deterministic learning
and rapid dynamical pattern recognition. 16th
International Federation of Automatic Control
World Congress IFAC 2005, United Kingdom:
Elsevier. <a
href="">[More Information]</a>
Zhao, J., Hill, D. (2005). Dissipativity Theory for
Switched Systems. 44th IEEE Conference on
Decision and Control and European Control
Conference CDC-ECC 2005, United States:
(IEEE) Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers. <a
289">[More Information]</a>
Leung, J., Hill, D., Ni, Y. (2005). Global power
system control using generator excitation, PSS,
FACTS devices and capacitor switching.
Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 27(5-6),
448-464. <a
007">[More Information]</a>
Leung, J., Hill, D. (2005). Global stability
control of power systems. 16th International
Federation of Automatic Control World
Congress IFAC 2005, United Kingdom: Elsevier.
href="">[More Information]</a>
Guoyun, C., Hill, D., Chiang, H. (2005). On
Continuation of Two-Parameter Local
Bifurcations for Differential-Algebraic Equations
and its Application in Power Systems. 15th
Power Systems Computation Conference PSCC
2005, Belgium: Institut Montefiore, University
of Liège.
Guan, Z., Hill, D., Shen, X. (2005). On Hybrid
Impulsive and Switching Systems and
Application to Nonlinear Control. IEEE
Transactions on Automatic Control, 50(7),
1058-1062. <a
62">[More Information]</a>
Yao, J., Guan, Z., Hill, D., Wang, H. (2005). On
Passivity and Impulsive Control of Complex
Dynamical Networks with Coupling Delays. 44th
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and
European Control Conference CDC-ECC 2005,
United States: (IEEE) Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers. <a
386">[More Information]</a>
Zhao, J., Hill, D. (2005). On Stability and
L2-gain for Switched Systems. 44th IEEE
Conference on Decision and Control and
European Control Conference CDC-ECC 2005,
United States: (IEEE) Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers. <a
667">[More Information]</a>
Xue, Y., Li, W., Hill, D. (2005). Optimization of
Transient Stability Control Part-I: For Cases with
Identical Unstable Modes. International Journal
of Control, Automation and Systems, 3(2),
Xue, Y., Li, W., Hill, D. (2005). Optimization of
Transient Stability Control Part-II: For Cases
with Different Unstable Modes. International
Journal of Control, Automation and Systems,
3(2), 341-345.
Wang, C., Hill, D. (2005). Persistence of
Excitation, RBF Approximation and Periodic
Publications for David Hill
Orbits. International Conference on Control and
Automation ICCA 2005, United States: (IEEE)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
179">[More Information]</a>
Guan, Z., Yao, J., Hill, D. (2005). Robust H∞
Control of Singular Impulsive Systems With
Uncertain Perturbations. IEEE Transactions on
Circuits and Systems. Part 2: Express Briefs,
52(6), 293-298. <a
959">[More Information]</a>
Guan, Z., Hill, D., Shen, X. (2005). Stability of a
class of hybrid impulsive and switching systems.
16th International Federation of Automatic
Control World Congress IFAC 2005, United
Kingdom: Elsevier. <a
href="">[More Information]</a>
Zhang, G., Wang, Y., Hill, D. (2005).
Systematical Design and Stability Analysis of
Global Control for a Class of Nonlinear Systems.
International Conference on Control and
Automation ICCA 2005, United States: (IEEE)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
158">[More Information]</a>
Cong, L., Wang, Y., Hill, D. (2005). Transient
stability and voltage regulation enhancement via
coordinated control of generator excitation and
SVC. Electrical Power and Energy Systems,
27(2), 121-130. <a
001">[More Information]</a>
Zhao, J., Hill, D. (2005). Vector L2-gain and a
small gain theorem for switched systems. 16th
International Federation of Automatic Control
World Congress IFAC 2005, United Kingdom:
Elsevier. <a
href="">[More Information]</a>
Jiang, Z., Mareels, I., Hill, D., Huang, J. (2004).
A Unifying Framework For Global Regulation
Via Nonlinear Output Feedback: From ISS To
iISS. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
49(4), 549-562. <a
63">[More Information]</a>
Yao, J., Guan, Z., Hill, D. (2004). Adaptive
Switching Control and Synchronization of a
Class of Nonlinear Systems. 43rd IEEE
Conference on Decision and Control CDC 2004,
United States: (IEEE) Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers. <a
352">[More Information]</a>
Cong, L., Wang, Y., Hill, D. (2004).
Co-ordinated control design of generator
excitation and SVC for transient stability and
voltage regulation enhancement of
multi-machine power systems. International
Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control,
14(9-10), 789-805. <a
Leung, J., Hill, D. (2004). Coordinated Power
System Security Control. International Institute
for Research and Education in Power Systems
Symposium on Bulk Power System Dynamics and
Control - VI: IREP 2004, Italy: International
Institute for Research and Education in Power
System Dynamics.
Kundur, P., Paserba, J., Ajjarapu, V., Andersson,
G., Bose, A., Canizares, C., Hatziargyriou, N.,
Hill, D., Stankovic, A., Taylor, C., et al (2004).
Definition and Classification of Power System
Stability. IEEE Transactions On Power Systems,
19(2), 1387-1401. <a
5981">[More Information]</a>
Wang, C., Hill, D. (2004). Deterministic learning
from state observation. 23rd Chinese Control
Conference 2004, China: Technical Committee
on Control Theory; Chinese Automation
Dixon, H., Mullins, R., Wakefield, M., Hill, D.
(2004). Encouraging the Consumption of Fruit
and Vegetables by Older Australians: An
Experiential Study. Journal of Nutrition
Education and Behavior, 36(5), 245-249. <a
&list_uids=15707547">[More Information]</a>
Zhang, G., Hill, D., Wang, Y. (2004). Global
robust control of uncertain systems and its
application to power systems. 23rd Chinese
Control Conference 2004, China: Technical
Committee on Control Theory; Chinese
Automation Association.
Zhao, J., Hill, D. (2004). Hybrid H∞ control
based on multiple Lyapunov functions. 6th
International Federation of Automatic Control
(IFAC) Symposium on Nonlinear Control
Systems NOLCOS 2004, United Kingdom:
Hill, D., Zhao, J. (2004). L2-gain analysis of
switched nonlinear systems. 23rd Chinese
Control Conference 2004, China: Technical
Committee on Control Theory; Chinese
Automation Association.
Wang, C., Hill, D. (2004). Learning From Direct
Publications for David Hill
Adaptive Neural Control. 5th Asian Control
Conference ASCC 2004, United States: (IEEE)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
836">[More Information]</a>
Wang, C., Hill, D., Chen, G. (2004). Neural
Learning Control. 5th World Congress on
Intelligent Control and Automation WCICA
2004, United States: (IEEE) Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers. <a
42081">[More Information]</a>
Li, Y., Hill, D., Wu, T. (2004). Nonlinear Model
Predictive Control with Immune Optimization
for Voltage Security Control. 5th World
Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation
WCICA 2004, United States: (IEEE) Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers. <a
43710">[More Information]</a>
Guan, Z., Hill, D., Shen, X. (2004). On Hybrid
Impulsive and Switching Control with
Application to Chaotic Systems. 8th
International Conference on Control,
Automation, Robotics and Vision ICARCV 2004,
United States: (IEEE) Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers. <a
468845">[More Information]</a>
Li, Y., Hill, D., Wu, T. (2004). Optimal
Coordinated Voltage Control of Power Systems An Immune Algorithm Solution. 5th Asian
Control Conference ASCC 2004, United States:
(IEEE) Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers. <a
850">[More Information]</a>
Wang, Y., Zhang, G., Hill, D. (2004). Robust
power system transient stability enhancement: a
global control approach. 6th International
Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC)
Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems
NOLCOS 2004, United Kingdom: Elsevier.
Guan, Z., Hill, D., Shen, X., Yu, X. (2004).
Synchronization of Chaotic Systems via Hybrid
Impulsive and Switching Control. 5th Asian
Control Conference ASCC 2004, United States:
(IEEE) Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers. <a
900">[More Information]</a>
White, V., Pruden, M., Giles, G., Collins, J.,
Jamrozik, K., Inglis, G., Boyages, J., Hill, D.
(2004). The Management Of Early Breast
Carcinoma Before And After The Introduction
Of Clinical Practice Guidelines. Cancer, 101(3),
476-485. <a
ore Information]</a>
Fang, R., Hill, D. (2003). A New Strategy for
Transmission Expansion in
Competitive Electricity Markets. IEEE
Transactions On Power Systems, 18(1), 374-380.
7083">[More Information]</a>
Jiang, Z., Mareels, I., Hill, D., Huang, J. (2003).
A Unifying Framework for Global Regulation
via Nonlinear Output Feedback. 42nd IEEE
Conference on Decision and Control 2003,
United States: (IEEE) Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers. <a
6">[More Information]</a>
Li, Y., Wu, T., Hill, D. (2003). An Accelerated
Ant Colony Algorithm for Complex Nonlinear
System Optimization. IEEE International
Symposium on Intelligent Control ISIC 2003,
United States: (IEEE) Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers. <a
22">[More Information]</a>
Fang, R., Hill, D. (2003). An optimization model
for transmission planning in a competitive
market. International Federation of Automatic
Control (IFAC) Symposium on Power Plants and
Power Systems 2003, United Kingdom: Elsevier.
Chen, G., Hill, D., Yu, X. (2003). Bifurcation
Control: Theory and Applications - LNCIS
Volume 293. Germany: Springer.
Wang, C., Hill, D., Chen, G. (2003).
Deterministic Learning of Nonlinear Dynamical
Systems. IEEE International Symposium on
Intelligent Control ISIC 2003, United States:
(IEEE) Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers. <a
19">[More Information]</a>
Hill, D., Guo, Y., Larsson, M., Wang, Y. (2003).
Global Control of Complex Power Systems. In
Guanrong Chen, David J. Hill, Xinghuo Yu
(Eds.), Bifurcation Control: Theory and
Applications - LNCIS Volume 293, (pp.
155-187). Germany: Springer.
Wang, C., Hill, D. (2003). Learning From Neural
Control. 42nd IEEE Conference on Decision and
Control 2003, United States: (IEEE) Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers. <a
916">[More Information]</a>
Xue, Y., Li, W., Hill, D. (2003). Optimization of
Publications for David Hill
Transient Stability Control Part-I: For Cases with
the Same Unstable Modes. 6th International
Conference on Advances in Power System
Control, Operation and Management APSCOM
2003, United States: (IEEE) Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Li, W., Xue, Y., Hill, D. (2003). Optimization of
Transient Stability Control Part-II: For Cases
with Different Unstable Modes. 6th International
Conference on Advances in Power System
Control, Operation and Management APSCOM
2003, United States: (IEEE) Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Guan, Z., Yao, J., Hill, D. (2003). Robust H∞
Control of Singular-Impulsive Uncertain
Systems. IEEE International Symposium on
Intelligent Control ISIC 2003, United States:
(IEEE) Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers. <a
21">[More Information]</a>
Jiang, Z., Mareels, I., Hill, D., Huang, J. (2003).
Universal Output Feedback Controllers for
Systems with Unknown Control Direction.
American Control Conference 2003, United
States: (IEEE) Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers. <a
0">[More Information]</a>
Zhang, Q., Liu, W., Hill, D. (2002). A lyapunov
approach to analysis of discrete singular systems.
Systems and Control Letters, 45(3), 237-247.
Larsson, M., Hill, D., Olsson, G. (2002).
Emergency voltage control using search and
predictive control. Electrical Power and Energy
Systems, 24(2), 121-130.
Popovic, D., Hill, D., Wu, Q. (2002). Optimal
voltage security control of power systems.
Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 24(4),
Hill, D., Jiang, Z., Repperger, W. (2001).
Decentralized nonlinear output-feedback
stabilization with disturbance attenuation. IEEE
Transactions on Automatic Control, 46(10),
Guo, Y., Hill, D., Wang, Y. (2001). Global
transient stability and voltage regulation for
power systems. IEEE Transactions On Power
Systems, 16(4), 678-688.
Wu, Q., Hill, D., Popovic, D. (2001). Voltage
security enhancement via coordinated control.
IEEE Transactions On Power Systems, 16(1),
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