Publications for Christopher Jordens Publications for Christopher Jordens 2016 Doran, E., Kerridge, I., Jordens, C., Newson, A. (2016). Clinical ethics support in contemporary healthcare: Origins, practices, and evaluation. In E. Ferlie, K. Montgomery and A. R. Pedersen (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Health Care Management, (pp. 164-187). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Fitzpatrick, S., Kerridge, I., Jordens, C., Zoloth, L., Tollefsen, C., Tsomo, K., Jensen, M., Sarma, D. (2016). Religious Perspectives on Human Suffering: Implications for Medicine and Bioethics. Journal of Religion and Health, 55(1), 159-173. <a href=" 4-9">[More Information]</a> 2015 Doran, E., Fleming, J., Jordens, C., Stewart, C., Letts, J., Kerridge, I. (2015). Managing ethical issues in patient care and the need for clinical ethics support. Australian Health Review, 39(1), 44-50. <a href="">[Mo re Information]</a> Haire, B., Jordens, C. (2015). Mind the gap: An empirical study of post-trial access in HIV biomedical prevention trials. Developing World Bioethics, 15(2), 85-97. <a href="">[ More Information]</a> Lewis, P., Mooney-Somers, J., Jordens, C., Kerridge, I. (2015). Parents as Advocates for the Psychosocial Survival of Adolescents and Young Adults with Cancer. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 24. Doran, E., Fleming, J., Jordens, C., Stewart, C., Letts, J., Kerridge, I. (2015). Part of the fabric and mostly right: an ethnography of ethics in clinical practice. Medical Journal of Australia, 202(11), 587-591. <a href="">[ More Information]</a> Morrell, B., Forsyth, R., Lipworth, W., Kerridge, I., Jordens, C. (2015). Rules of engagement: Journalists' attitudes to industry influence in health news reporting. Journalism, 16(5), 596-614. <a href=" 705">[More Information]</a> Lipworth, W., Kerridge, I., Morrell, B., Forsyth, R., Jordens, C. (2015). Views of health journalists, industry employees and news consumers about disclosure and regulation of industry-journalist relationships: An empirical ethical study. Journal of Medical Ethics, 41(3), 252-257. <a href="">[More Information]</a> 2014 Lewis, P., Mooney-Somers, J., Patterson, P., Jordens, C., Bennett, D., McDonald, F., Smith, K., Kerridge, I. (2014). Caring for young people with cancer: Practical implications of qualitative engagement with cancer survivors and members of the multidisciplinary team. Australian Journal of Cancer Nursing, 15(2), 39-42. White, K., Jordens, C., Kerridge, I. (2014). Contextualising Professional Ethics: The Impact of the Prison Context on the Practices and Norms of Health Care Practitioners. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, 11(3), 333-345. <a href=" 8-8">[More Information]</a> Jordens, C., Kerridge, I., Stewart, C., O'Brien, T., Samuel, G., Porter, E., O'Connor, M., Nassar, N. (2014). Knowledge, Beliefs, and Decisions of Pregnant Australian Women Concerning Donation and Storage of Umbilical Cord Blood: A Population-Based Survey. Birth: Issues in Perinatal Care, 41(4), 360-366. <a href="">[Mo re Information]</a> Morrell, B., Lipworth, W., Forsyth, R., Jordens, C., Kerridge, I. (2014). Power and Control in Interactions Between Journalists and Health-Related Industries: The View From Industry. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, 11(2), 233-244. <a href=" 8-3">[More Information]</a> Fitzpatrick, S., Jordens, C., Kerridge, I., Keown, D., Walter, J., Nelson, P., Abdalla, M., Lehmann, L., Sarma, D. (2014). Religious Perspectives on the Use of Psychopharmaceuticals as an Enhancement Technology. Journal of Religion and Health, 53(3), 1440-1455. <a href=" 1-7">[More Information]</a> Stephens, M., McKenzie, H., Jordens, C. (2014). The work of living with a rare cancer: multiple myeloma. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 70(12), 2800-2809. <a href="">[Mo re Information]</a> 2013 Lewis, P., Jordens, C., Mooney-Somers, J., Smith, K., Kerridge, I. (2013). Growing Up With Cancer: Accommodating the Effects of Cancer Into Young People's Social Lives. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing, 30(6), 311-319. <a href=" 839">[More Information]</a> Publications for Christopher Jordens Haire, B., Jordens, C. (2013). Standard of Prevention in the Real World: A Qualitative Study of Principal Investigators in HIV Biomedical Prevention Trials. AJOB Primary Research, 4(4), 14-25. <a href=" 782926">[More Information]</a> Raszeja, V., Jordens, C., Kerridge, I. (2013). Survey of practices and policies relating to the use of complementary and alternative medicines and therapies in New South Wales cancer services. Internal Medicine Journal, 43(1), 84-88. <a href="">[Mo re Information]</a> Jordens, C., Lipworth, W., Kerridge, I. (2013). The quality of Australian health journalism is important for public health. Medical Journal of Australia, 199(7), 448-449. <a href="">[ More Information]</a> Jordens, C., Montgomery, K., Forsyth, R. (2013). Trouble in the gap: a bioethical and sociological analysis of informed consent for high-risk medical procedures. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, 10(1), 67-77. <a href=" 4-7">[More Information]</a> 2012 Porter, E., Kerridge, I., Jordens, C. (2012). 'Good Mothering' or 'Good Citizenship'? Conflicting values in choosing whether to store or donate umbilical cord blood. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, 9(1), 41-47. <a href=" 3-x">[More Information]</a> Harnett, P., Kerridge, I., Jordens, C., Hobbs, K., Mason, C., Morrell, B. (2012). Beyond evidence: reappraising use of CA-125 as post-therapy surveillance for ovarian cancer. Medical Journal of Australia, 196(7), 440-441. <a href="">[ More Information]</a> Mooney-Somers, J., Smith, K., Kerridge, I., Jordens, C. (2012). Growing up with Cancer: Self-portraits by young people growing up with cancer. Parramatta Riverside Theatres, Sydney, Australia: Centre for Values, Ethics and The Law in Medicine (VELiM). Forsyth, R., Morrell, B., Lipworth, W., Kerridge, I., Jordens, C., Chapman, S. (2012). Health Journalists' Perceptions of Their Professional Roles and Responsibilities for Ensuring the Veracity of Reports of Health Research. Journal of Mass Media Ethics: exploring questions of media morality, 27(2), 130-141. <a href=" 669290">[More Information]</a> Haire, B., Kaldor, J., Jordens, C. (2012). How Good is 'Good Enough'? The Case for Varying Standards of Evidence According to Need for New Interventions in HIV Prevention. The American Journal of Bioethics, 12(6), 21-30. <a href=" 671887">[More Information]</a> Komesaroff, P., Kerridge, I., Stewart, C., Samuel, G., Lipworth, W., Jordens, C. (2012). Racially conditional donation: the example of umbilical cord blood. Journal of Law and Medicine, 19(3), 517-524. <a href=" fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract &list_uids=22558904">[More Information]</a> Jordens, C., O'Connor, M., Kerridge, I., Stewart, C., Cameron, A., Keown, D., Lawrence, R., McGarrity, A., Sachedina, A., Tobin, B. (2012). Religious Perspectives on Umbilical Cord Blood Banking. Journal of Law and Medicine, 19(2012), 497-511. <a href=" fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract &list_uids=22558902">[More Information]</a> Morrell, B., Jordens, C., Kerridge, I., Harnett, P., Hobbs, K., Mason, C. (2012). The perils of a vanishing cohort: A study of social comparisons by women with advanced ovarian cancer. Psycho-Oncology, 21(4), 382-391. <a href="">[Mor e Information]</a> O'Connor, M., Samuel, G., Jordens, C., Kerridge, I. (2012). Umbilical cord blood banking: beyond the public-private divide. Journal of Law and Medicine, 19(3), 512-516. <a href=" fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract &list_uids=22558903">[More Information]</a> Lipworth, W., Kerridge, I., Sweet, M., Jordens, C., Bonfiglioli, C., Forsyth, R. (2012). Widening the debate about conflict of interest: addressing relationships between journalists and the pharmaceutical industry. Journal of Medical Ethics, 38(8), 492-495. <a href="">[More Information]</a> 2011 Mooney-Somers, J., Lewis, P., Smith, K., Jordens, C., Kerridge, I. (2011). Combining self portraits with repeat interview to explore the impact of cancer on young people's sense of self. Vital Signs: Engaging Research Imaginations, Not-Known. Forsyth, R., Scanlan, C., Carter, S., Jordens, C., Kerridge, I. (2011). Decision Making in a Publications for Christopher Jordens Crowded Room: the Relational Significance of Social Roles in Decisions to Proceed with Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation. Qualitative Health Research, 21(9), 1260-1272. <a href=" 802">[More Information]</a> Strong, K., Jordens, C., Kerridge, I., Little, J., Ankeny, R. (2011). It's Time to Reframe the Savior Sibling Debate. AJOB Primary Research, 2(3), 13-25. <a href=" 616184">[More Information]</a> Bray, L., Jordens, C., Rowlings, P., Bradstock, K., Kerridge, I. (2011). The long haul: Caring for bone marrow transplant patients in regional Australia. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, 29(1), 5-13. Mooney-Somers, J., Jordens, C., Kerridge, I., Lewis, P., Smith, K. (2011). Using Innovative Methods to Help Young People Reflect on the Meaning of Growing up with Cancer. In Mario Deng, Federico Raia and Maria Vaccarella (Eds.), Relational Concepts in Medicine, (pp. 171-179). Witney, United Kingdom: Interdisciplinary Press. 2010 Carter, S., Samuel, G., Kerridge, I., Day, R., Ankeny, R., Jordens, C., Komesaroff, P. (2010). Beyond Rhetoric in Debates About the Ethics of Marketing Prescription Medicines to Consumers: The Importance of Vulnerability in People, Situations, and Relationships. AJOB Primary Research, 1(1), 11-21. <a href=" 482871">[More Information]</a> Jordens, C., Morrell, B., Harnett, P., Hobbs, K., Mason, C., Kerridge, I. (2010). Cancergazing? CA125 and post-treatment surveillance in advanced ovarian cancer. Social Science and Medicine, 71(9), 1548-1556. <a href=" .07.033">[More Information]</a> Samuel, G., Jordens, C., Kerridge, I. (2010). Direct-to-consumer personal genome testing: ethical and regulatory issues that arise from wanting to 'know' your DNA. Internal Medicine Journal, 40(3), 220-224. <a href=" 0.02190.x">[More Information]</a> Ferguson, P., Jordens, C., Gilroy, N. (2010). Patient and family education in HSCT: improving awareness of respiratory virus infection and influenza vaccination. A descriptive study and brief intervention. Bone Marrow Transplantation, 45(4), 656-661. <a href="">[ More Information]</a> Jordens, C. (2010). Paul Komesaroff. 2008. Experiments in love and death:Medicine, postmodernism, microethics and the body. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, 7(1), 125-127. Kerridge, I., Jordens, C., Benson, R., Clifford, R., Ankeny, R., Keown, D., Tobin, B., Bhattacharyya, S., Sachedina, A., Lehmann, L., et al (2010). Religious perspectives on embryo donation and research. Clinical Ethics, 5(1), 35-45. <a href="" >[More Information]</a> 2009 Lewis, P., Kerridge, I., Jordens, C. (2009). Creating space: hospital bedside displays as facilitators of communication between children and nurses. Journal of Child Health Care, 13(2), 93-100. <a href=" 466">[More Information]</a> Jordens, C., Lewis, P., Kerridge, I. (2009). Decoration or communication? A qualitative study of images displayed around the bedsides of hospitalized children. Communication and Medicine, 6(1), 61-71. <a href="">[ More Information]</a> Jordens, C., Kerridge, I., Samuel, G. (2009). Direct-to-consumer personal genome testing: the problem is not ignorance--it is market failure. The American Journal of Bioethics, 9(6-7), 13-15. <a href=" 4411">[More Information]</a> Samuel, G., Strong, K., Kerridge, I., Jordens, C., Ankeny, R., Shaw, P. (2009). Establishing the role of pre-implantation genetic diagnosis with human leucocyte antigen typing: what place do "saviour siblings" have in paediatric transplantation? Archives of Disease in Childhood, 94(4), 317-320. <a href=" ">[More Information]</a> Stephens, M., Jordens, C., Kerridge, I., Ankeny, R. (2009). Religious Perspectives on Abortion and a Secular Response. Journal of Religion and Health, 49(4), 513-535. <a href=" 3-7">[More Information]</a> Axler, R., Strong, K., Jordens, C., Ankeny, R., Barlow-Stewart, K., Kerridge, I. (2009). What's in a name? Searching the web for information about ethically contentious and emerging healthcare technologies. Journal of Publications for Christopher Jordens Communication in Healthcare, 2(2), 173-183. 2008 Strong, K., Kerridge, I., Jordens, C., Ankeny, R., Shaw, P., O'Brien, T., Carter, S., Barlow-Stewart, K. (2008). Creating 'Saviour Siblings' for transplantation-discrepancy between parental wishes and clinical practice. 50th American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting and Exposition ASH 2008, United States: American Society of Hematology. Montgomery, K., Jordens, C., Little, J. (2008). How Vulnerability and Trust Interact During Extreme Events: Insights for Human Service Agencies and Organizations. Administration and Society, 40(6), 621-644. <a href=" 670">[More Information]</a> Little, J., Jordens, C., McGrath, C., Montgomery, K., Lipworth, W., Kerridge, I. (2008). Informed consent and medical ordeal: A qualitative study. Internal Medicine Journal, 38(8), 624-628. <a href=" 8.01700.x">[More Information]</a> Jordens, C. (2008). Introduction to J. R. Martin's Negotiating Values: Narrative and Exposition"". Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, 5, 39-40. Jordens, C. (2008). The best bioethics book you read this year could be a documentary film. A review of "Naked on the Inside". Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, 5, 311-315. <a href=" 8-3">[More Information]</a> Carter, S., Jordens, C., McGrath, C., Little, J. (2008). You Have to Make Something of All That Rubbish, Do You? An Empirical Investigation of the Social Process of Qualitative Research. Qualitative Health Research, 18(9), 1264-1276. <a href=" 753">[More Information]</a> 2007 Mackenzie, F., Jordens, C., Ankeny, R., McPhee, J., Kerridge, I. (2007). Direct-to-consumer advertising under the radar: the need for realistic drugs policy in Australia. Internal Medicine Journal, 37(4), 224-228. <a href=" fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract &list_uids=17388861">[More Information]</a> Jordens, C. (2007). Hail and Farewell. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, 4, 79-80. Little, J., Jordens, C., McGrath, C., Montgomery, K., Kerridge, I., Carter, S. (2007). Pragmatic pluralism: Mutual tolerance of contested understandings between orthodox and alternative practitioners in autologous stem cell transplantation. Social Science and Medicine, 64(7), 1512-1523. <a href=" .11.017">[More Information]</a> Jordens, C. (2007). What makes a journal an international journal? Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, 4(1), 1-2. 2006 McGrath, C., Jordens, C., Montgomery, K., Kerridge, I. (2006). 'Right' way to 'do' illness? Thinking critically about positive thinking. Internal Medicine Journal, 36(10), 665-668. <a href=" fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract &list_uids=16958645">[More Information]</a> Jordens, C. (2006). Editorial. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, 3, 123-124. Jordens, C., Nye, J. (2006). Editorial. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, 3, 3. Kerridge, I., McPhee, J., Jordens, C., Clark, G. (2006). Moral frameworks in health care: An introduction to ethics. In Freckleton I and Petersen K (Eds.), Disputes & Dilemmas in Health Law, (pp. 17-38). Sydney: Federation Press. 2005 Kerridge, I., Ankeny, R., Jordens, C. (2005). Australia''s first religiously affiliated medical school - Reply. Medical Journal of Australia, 183(6), 333-333. Jordens, C., Little, J., Kerridge, I., McPhee, J. (2005). From advance directives to advance care planning: current legal status, ethical rationales and a new research agenda. Internal Medicine Journal, 35(9), 563-566. <a href=" fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract &list_uids=16105160">[More Information]</a> Kerridge, I., Ankeny, R., Jordens, C., Lipworth, W. (2005). Increasing diversity at the cost of decreasing equity? Issues raised by the establishment of Australia's first religiously affiliated medical school. Medical Journal of Australia, 183(1), 28-30. <a href=" fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract &list_uids=15992334">[More Information]</a> Ankeny, R., Clifford, R., Jordens, C., Kerridge, I., Benson, R. (2005). Religious Perspectives on Withdrawal of Treatment from Patients with Multiple Organ Failure. Medical Journal of Australia, 183(11/12), 616-621. <a href=" fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract &list_uids=16336148">[More Information]</a> Publications for Christopher Jordens Jordens, C. (2005). Review of 'Narrative research in health and illness'. BMJ: British Medical Journal, 330, 1336. Life disruption and generic complexity: a social linguistic analysis of narratives of cancer illness. Social Science and Medicine, 53(9), 1227-1236. Jordens, C., Anderson, L. (2005). Should we be concerned about direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs? Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, 2(2), 61-2. <a href=" fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract &list_uids=16317863">[More Information]</a> Little, J., Jordens, C., Sayers, E., Paul, K. (2001). Surviving Survival : Life After Cancer. Australia: Choice Books. Jordens, C., Anderson, L. (2005). Should we be concerned about direct-to-consumer-advertising of prescription drugs? (Editorial). Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, 2(2), 61-62. Jordens, C. (2005). What does it mean to be a better person? Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, 2(1), 3. 2004 Jordens, C., Little, J. (2004). "In This Scenario, I Do This, For These Reasons": Narrative, Genre And Ethical Reasoning In The Clinic. Social Science and Medicine, 58(9), 1635-1645. Jordens, C., Kerridge, I., Selgelid, M. (2004). Policing virtue? Proceedings of the 7th annual seminar of the Centre for Values, Ethics & the Law in Medicine. Proceedings of the 7th annual seminar of the Centre for Values, Ethics & the Law in Medicine. Velim. 2003 Kerridge, I., Jordens, C., Sayers, E. (2003). A Miles Little Reader - Restoring humane values to medicine. Sydney: Desert Pea Press. Little, J., Jordens, C., Sayers, E. (2003). Discourse communities and the discourse of experience. Health, 7(1), 73-86. Jordens, C., Kerridge, I. (2003). Global History, Human Nature and the New World Order: Proceedings of the 6th annual seminar of the Centre for Values, Ethics and the Law in Medicine. Sydney: Centre for Values, Ethics and the Law in Medicine, University of Sydney. 2002 Little, J., Jordens, C., Paul, K., Sayers, E., Cruickshank, J., Stegeman, J., Montgomery, K. (2002). Discourse in different voices: reconciling N=1 and N=many. Social Science and Medicine, 55(7), 1079-1087. Little, J., Paul, K., Jordens, C., Sayers, E. (2002). Survivorship and discourses of identity. Psycho-Oncology, 11(2), 170-178. <a href="">[More Information]</a> 2001 Jordens, C., Little, J., Paul, K., Sayers, E. (2001).