Publications for Cathie Sherrington 2016

Publications for Cathie Sherrington
Publications for Cathie Sherrington
Barker, A., Morello, R., Wolfe, R., Brand, C.,
Haines, T., Hill, K., Brauer, S., Botti, M.,
Cumming, R., Livingston, P., Sherrington, C.,
Lindley, R., et al (2016). 6-PACK programme to
decrease fall injuries in acute hospitals: cluster
randomised controlled trial. BMJ (online), 352.
ore Information]</a>
Rosenbaum, S., Vancampfort, D., Tiedemann,
A., Stubbs, B., Steel, Z., Ward, P., Berle, D.,
Sherrington, C. (2016). Among Inpatients,
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptom Severity
Is Negatively Associated With Time Spent
Walking. The Journal of Nervous and Mental
Disease, 204(1), 15-19. <a
00000415">[More Information]</a>
Jang, H., Clemson, L., Lovarini, M., Willis, K.,
Lord, S., Sherrington, C. (2016). Cultural
influences on exercise participation and fall
prevention:a systematic review and narrative
synthesis. Disability and Rehabilitation, 38(8),
724-732. <a
1061606">[More Information]</a>
Farag, I., Sherrington, C., Hayes, A., Canning,
C., Lord, S., Close, J., Fung, V., Howard, K.
(2016). Economic evaluation of a falls
prevention exercise program among people With
Parkinson's disease. Movement Disorders, 31(1),
53-61. <a
ore Information]</a>
Hassett, L., van den Berg, M., Lindley, R.,
Crotty, M., McCluskey, M., Van Der Ploeg, H.,
Smith, S., Schurr, K., Killington, M., Bongers,
B., Howard, K., Togher, L., Hackett, M.,
Chagpar, S., Sherrington, C., et al (2016). Effect
of affordable technology on physical activity
levels and mobility outcomes in rehabilitation: a
protocol for the Activity and MObility UsiNg
Technology (AMOUNT) rehabilitation trial.
BMJ Open, 2016;6:e012074. <a
12074">[More Information]</a>
Sherrington, C., Fairhall, N., Kirkham, C.,
Clemson, L., Howard, K., Vogler, C., Close, J.,
Moseley, A., Cameron, I., Mak, J., Sonnabend,
D., et al (2016). Exercise and fall prevention
self-management to reduce mobility-related
disability and falls after fall-related lower limb
fracture in older people: protocol for the
RESTORE (Recovery Exercises and STepping
On afteR fracturE) randomised controlled trial.
BMC Geriatrics, 16(1), 1-10. <a
6-5">[More Information]</a>
Farag, I., Howard, K., O'Rourke, S., Ferreira, M.,
Lord, S., Close, J., Vogler, C., Dean, C.,
Cumming, R., Sherrington, C. (2016). Health and
social support services in older adults recently
discharged from hospital: service utilisation and
costs and exploration of the impact of a
home-exercise intervention. BMC Geriatrics,
16(1), 1-7. <a
4-x">[More Information]</a>
Tiedemann, A., Rissel, C., Howard, K., Tong,
A., Merom, D., Smith, S., Wickham, J., Bauman,
A., Lord, S., Vogler, C., Lindley, R., Simpson, J.,
Allman-Farinelli, M., Sherrington, C. (2016).
Health coaching and pedometers to enhance
physical activity and prevent falls in
community-dwelling people aged 60 years and
over: study protocol for the Coaching for
Healthy AGEing (CHAnGE) cluster randomised
controlled trial. BMJ Open, 6(5), 1-8. <a
12277">[More Information]</a>
Tian, M., Gong, X., Rath, S., WEi, J., Yan, L.,
Lamb, S., Lindley, R., Sherrington, C., Willett,
K., Norton, R. (2016). Management of hip
fractures in older people in Beijing: a
retrospective audit and comparison with
evidence-based guidelines and practice in the
UK. Osteoporosis International, 27(2), 677-681.
1-4">[More Information]</a>
Hopewell, S., Adedire, O., Copsey, B.,
Sherrington, C., Clemson, L., Close, J., Lamb, S.
(2016). Multifactorial and multiple component
interventions for preventing falls in older people
living in the community. Cochrane Database of
Systematic Reviews, 2016 (6), 1-15. <a
2221">[More Information]</a>
Hoffmann, T., Maher, C., Briffa, T., Sherrington,
C., Bennell, K., Alison, J., Fiatarone Singh, M.,
Glasziou, P. (2016). Prescribing exercise
interventions for patients with chronic
conditions. CMAJ, 188(7), 510-518. <a
/cmaj.150684">[More Information]</a>
Diong, J., Allen, N., Sherrington, C. (2016).
Structured exercise improves mobility after hip
fracture: A meta-analysis with meta-regression.
British Journal of Sports Medicine, 50(6),
346-355. <a
4465">[More Information]</a>
van den Berg, M., Sherrington, C., Killington,
Publications for Cathie Sherrington
M., Smith, S., Bongers, B., Hassett, L., Crotty,
M. (2016). Video and computer-based interactive
exercises are safe and improve task-specific
balance in geriatric and neurological
rehabilitation: a randomised trial. Journal of
Physiotherapy, 62(1), 20-28. <a
05">[More Information]</a>
Youkhana, S., Dean, C., Wolff, M., Sherrington,
C., Tiedemann, A. (2016). Yoga-based exercise
improves balance and mobility in people aged 60
and over: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Age and Ageing, 45, 21-29. <a
[More Information]</a>
Kamper, S., Moseley, A., Herbert, R., Maher, C.,
Elkins, M., Sherrington, C. (2015). 15 years of
tracking physiotherapy evidence on PEDro,
where are we now? British Journal of Sports
Medicine, 49(14), 507-509. <a
4468">[More Information]</a>
Tiedemann, A., Hassett, L., Sherrington, C.
(2015). A novel approach to the issue of physical
inactivity in older age. Preventive Medicine
Reports, 2, 595-597. <a
008">[More Information]</a>
Sherrington, C. (2015). A patient education
program supported by staff training can reduce
the rate of falls for older people during inpatient
rehabilitation [commentary]. Journal of
Physiotherapy, 61(4), 224-224. <a
07">[More Information]</a>
Treacy, D., Schurr, K., Lloyd, B., Sherrington, C.
(2015). Additional standing balance circuit
classes during inpatient rehabilitation improved
balance outcomes: an assessor-blinded
randomised controlled trial. Age and Ageing,
44(4), 580-586. <a
[More Information]</a>
Gleeson, M., Sherrington, C., Lo, S., Keay, L.
(2015). Can the Alexander Technique improve
balance and mobility in older adults with visual
impairments? A randomized controlled trial.
Clinical Rehabilitation, 29(3), 244-260. <a
636">[More Information]</a>
Farag, I., Howard, K., Hayes, A., Ferreira, M.,
Lord, S., Close, J., Vogler, C., Dean, C.,
Cumming, R., Sherrington, C. (2015).
Cost-effectiveness of a Home-Exercise Program
Among Older People After Hospitalization.
Journal of the American Medical Directors
Association (JAMDA), 16(6), 490-496. <a
075">[More Information]</a>
Almeida, L., Sherrington, C., Allen, N., Paul, S.,
Valenca, G., Oliveira-Filho, J., Canning, C.
(2015). Disability is an Independent Predictor of
Falls and Recurrent Falls in People with
Parkinson's Disease Without a History of Falls:
A One-Year Prospective Study. Journal of
Parkinson's Disease, 5(4), 855-864. <a
More Information]</a>
Fairhall, N., Sherrington, C., Kurrle, S., Lord, S.,
Lockwood, K., Howard, K., Hayes, A.,
Monaghan, N., Langron, C., Aggar, C.,
Cameron, I. (2015). Economic Evaluation of a
Multifactorial, Interdisciplinary Intervention
Versus Usual Care to Reduce Frailty in Frail
Older People. Journal of the American Medical
Directors Association (JAMDA), 16(1), 41-48.
006">[More Information]</a>
Farag, I., Howard, K., Ferreira, M., Sherrington,
C. (2015). Economic modelling of a public
health programme for fall prevention. Age and
Ageing, 44(3), 409-414. <a
[More Information]</a>
Fairhall, N., Kurrle, S., Sherrington, C., Lord, S.,
Lockwood, K., John, B., Monaghan, N., Howard,
K., Cameron, I. (2015). Effectiveness of a
multifactorial intervention on preventing
development of frailty in pre-frail older people:
Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial.
BMJ Open, 5, 1-8. <a
07091">[More Information]</a>
Franco, M., Howard, K., Sherrington, C.,
Ferreira, P., Rose, J., Gomes, J., Ferreira, M.
(2015). Eliciting older people's preferences for
exercise programs:
a best-worst scaling choice experiment. Journal
of Physiotherapy, 61(1), 34-41. <a
01">[More Information]</a>
Rosenbaum, S., Sherrington, C., Tiedemann, A.
(2015). Exercise augmentation compared with
usual care for post-traumatic stress disorder: a
randomized controlled trial. Acta Psychiatrica
Scandinavica, 131(5), 350-359. <a
ore Information]</a>
Canning, C., Sherrington, C., Lord, S., Close, J.,
Heritier, S., Heller, G., Howard, K., Allen, N.,
Latt, M., Murray, S., O'Rourke, S., Paul, S.,
Song, J., Fung, V. (2015). Exercise for falls
Publications for Cathie Sherrington
prevention in Parkinson disease: A randomized
controlled trial. Neurology, 84(3), 304-312. <a
00001155">[More Information]</a>
Canning, C., Allen, N., Bloem, B., Keus, S.,
Munneke, M., Nieuwboer, A., Sherrington, C.,
Verheyden, G. (2015). Interventions for
preventing falls in Parkinson’s disease. Cochrane
Database of Systematic Reviews, 3, 1-7. <a
1574">[More Information]</a>
Merom, D., Gebel, K., Fahey, P., Astell-Burt, T.,
Voukelatos, A., Rissel, C., Sherrington, C.
(2015). Neighborhood walkability, fear and risk
of falling and response to walking promotion:
The Easy Steps to Health 12-month randomized
controlled trial. Preventive Medicine Reports, 2,
704-710. <a
011">[More Information]</a>
Franco, M., Tong, A., Howard, K., Sherrington,
C., Ferreira, P., Zambelli de Almeida Pinto, R.,
Ferreira, M. (2015). Older people’s perspectives
on participation in physical activity: a systematic
review and thematic synthesis of qualitative
literature. British Journal of Sports Medicine,
49(19), 1268-1276. <a
4015">[More Information]</a>
Rosenbaum, S., Tiedemann, A., Ward, P., Curtis,
J., Sherrington, C. (2015). Physical activity
interventions: an essential component in
recovery from mental illness. British Journal of
Sports Medicine, 49(24), 1544-1545. <a
4314">[More Information]</a>
Sherrington, C., Tiedemann, A. (2015).
Physiotherapy in the prevention of falls in older
people. Journal of Physiotherapy, 61, 54-60. <a
11">[More Information]</a>
Allen, N., Song, J., Paul, S., Sherrington, C.,
Murray, S., O'Rourke, S., Lord, S., Fung, V.,
Close, J., Howard, K., Canning, C. (2015).
Predictors of Adherence to a Falls Prevention
Exercise Program for People with Parkinson’s
Disease. Movement Disorders Clinical Practice,
2(4), 395-401. <a
More Information]</a>
Morello, R., Barker, A., Watts, J., Haines, T.,
Zavarsek, S., Hill, K., Brand, C., Sherrington, C.,
Wolfe, R., Bohensky, M., et al (2015). The extra
resource burden of in-hospital falls: A cost of
falls study. Medical Journal of Australia, 203(9),
367.e1-367.e8. <a
More Information]</a>
Voukelatos, A., Merom, D., Sherrington, C.,
Rissel, C., Cumming, R., Lord, S. (2015). The
impact of a home-based walking programme on
falls in older people: the Easy Steps randomised
controlled trial. Age and Ageing, 44(3), 377-383.
[More Information]</a>
Tiedemann, A., Sherrington, C. (2015).
Therapeutic physical activity for older people at
risk of falls. In L. Li, & S. Zhang (Eds.),
Therapeutic physical activities for people with
disability, (pp. 269-282). New York: Nova
Science Publishers, Inc.
Paul, S., Tiedemann, A., Hassett, L., Ramsay, E.,
Kirkham, C., Chagpar, S., Sherrington, C.
(2015). Validity of the Fitbit activity tracker for
measuring steps in community-dwelling older
adults. BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine,
1(1), 1-6. <a
0013">[More Information]</a>
Tiedemann, A., Paul, S., Ramsay, E., O'Rourke,
S., Chamberlain, K., Kirkham, C., Merom, D.,
Fairhall, N., Oliveira, J., Hassett, L., Sherrington,
C. (2015). What is the effect of a combined
physical activity and fall prevention intervention
enhanced with health coaching and pedometers
on older adults’ physical activity levels and
mobility-related goals?:Study protocol for a
randomised controlled trial. BMC Public Health,
15, 1-6. <a
0-7">[More Information]</a>
Sherrington, C., Lord, S., Vogler, C., Close, J.,
Howard, K., Dean, C., Heller, G., Clemson, L.,
O'Rourke, S., Ramsay, E., Cumming, R., et al
(2014). A Post-Hospital Home Exercise Program
Improved Mobility but Increased Falls in Older
People: A Randomised Controlled Trial. PloS
One, 9(9), 1-12. <a
4412">[More Information]</a>
Picorelli, A., Pereira, L., Pereira, D., Felicio, D.,
Sherrington, C. (2014). Adherence to exercise
programs for older people is influenced by
program characteristics and personal factors: a
systematic review. Journal of Physiotherapy,
60(3), 151-156. <a
12">[More Information]</a>
Rosenbaum, S., Tiedemann, A., Sherrington, C.,
Van Der Ploeg, H. (2014). Assessing physical
activity in people with posttraumatic stress
disorder: feasibility and concurrent validity of
the International Physical Activity
Questionnaire- short form and actigraph
Publications for Cathie Sherrington
accelerometers. BMC Research Notes, 7(1), 1-7.
6">[More Information]</a>
Close, J., Wesson, J., Sherrington, C., Hill, K.,
Kurrle, S., Lord, S., Brodaty, H., Howard, K.,
Gitlin, L., O'Rourke, S., Clemson, L. (2014). Can
a tailored exercise and home hazard reduction
program reduce the rate of falls in community
dwelling older people with cognitive
impairment: protocol paper for the i-FOCIS
randomised controlled trial. BMC Geriatrics,
14(1), 1-8. <a
9">[More Information]</a>
Tiedemann, A., Sturnieks, D., Hill, A., Lovitt, L.,
Clemson, L., Lord, S., Harvey, L., Sherrington,
C. (2014). Does a fall prevention educational
programme improve knowledge and change
exercise prescribing behaviour in health and
exercise professionals? A study protocol for a
randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open, 4(11),
1-6. <a
07032">[More Information]</a>
Fairhall, N., Sherrington, C., Lord, S., Kurrle, S.,
Lockwood, K., Langron, C., Monaghan, N.,
Aggar, C., Cameron, I. (2014). Effect of a
multifactorial, interdisciplinary intervention on
risk factors for falls and fall rate in frail older
people: A randomised controlled trial. Age and
Ageing, 43(5), 616-622. <a
More Information]</a>
Gleeson, M., Sherrington, C., Keay, L. (2014).
Exercise and physical training improve physical
function in older adults with visual impairments
but their effect on falls is unclear: a systematic
review. Journal of Physiotherapy, 60(3),
130-135. <a
10">[More Information]</a>
Pereira, L., Sherrington, C., Ferreira, M.,
Tiedemann, A., Ferreira, P., Blyth, F., Close, J.,
Taylor, M., Lord, S. (2014). Impact of pain on
physical performance in older people leaving
aged care rehabilitation. Pain Practice, Article in
Gleeson, M., Sherrington, C., Borkowski, E.,
Keay, L. (2014). Improving balance and mobility
in people over 50 years of age with vision
impairments: can the Alexander Technique help?
A study protocol for the VISIBILITY
randomised controlled trial. Injury Prevention,
20(1), 1-5. <a
href="">[More Information]</a>
Paul, S., Canning, C., Song, J., Fung, V.,
Sherrington, C. (2014). Leg muscle power is
enhanced by training in people with Parkinson's
disease: a randomized controlled trial. Clinical
Rehabilitation, 28(3), 275-288. <a
462">[More Information]</a>
Woodward, L., Clemson, L., Moseley, A., Lord,
S., Cameron, I., Sherrington, C. (2014). Most
functional outcomes are similar for men and
women after hip fracture: a secondary analysis of
the enhancing mobility after hip fracture trial.
BMC Geriatrics, 14, 1-7. <a
40">[More Information]</a>
Rosenbaum, S., Nijjar, S., Watkins, A.,
Garwood, N., Sherrington, C., Tiedemann, A.
(2014). Nurse-assessed metabolic monitoring: a
file audit of risk factor prevalence and impact of
an intervention to enhance measurement of waist
circumference. International Journal of Mental
Health Nursing, 23(3), 252-256. <a
ore Information]</a>
Maher, C., Elkins, M., Herbert, R., Moseley, A.,
Sherrington, C., Kamper, S. (2014). On
"Identifying items to assess methodological
quality.." Armio-Olivo A, Cummings GC,
Fuentes J, et al. Phys Ther. 2014;94:1272-1284.
Physical Therapy, 94(12), 1826-1826. <a
826.1">[More Information]</a>
Rosenbaum, S., Tiedemann, A., Sherrington, C.,
Curtis, J., Ward, P. (2014). Physical Activity
Interventions for People with Mental Illness: A
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal
of Clinical Psychiatry, 75(9), 964-974. <a
[More Information]</a>
Fairhall, N., Sherrington, C., Cameron, I., Blyth,
F., Naganathan, V., Clemson, L., Le Couteur, D.,
Handelsman, D., Waite, L., Cumming, R. (2014).
Predicting participation restriction in
community-dwelling older men: the Concord
Health and Ageing in Men Project. Age and
Ageing, 43(1), 31-37. <a
More Information]</a>
Scrivener, K., Schurr, K., Sherrington, C. (2014).
Responsiveness of the ten-metre walk test, Step
Test and Motor Assessment Scale in inpatient
care after stroke. BMC Neurology, 14(1), 1-7. <a
29">[More Information]</a>
Paul, S., Allen, N., Sherrington, C., Heller, G.,
Fung, V., Close, J., Lord, S., Canning, C. (2014).
Risk factors for frequent falls in people with
Parkinson's disease. Journal of Parkinson's
Disease, 4(4), 699-703. <a
Publications for Cathie Sherrington
More Information]</a>
5">[More Information]</a>
Pereira, L., Sherrington, C., Ferreira, M.,
Tiedemann, A., Ferreira, P., Blyth, F., Close, J.,
Taylor, M., Lord, S. (2014). Self-reported
chronic pain is associated with physical
performance in older people leaving aged care
rehabilitation. Clinical Interventions in Aging, 9,
259-265. <a
More Information]</a>
Merom, D., Cumming, R., Mathieu, E., Anstey,
K., Rissel, C., Simpson, J., Morton, R., Cerin, E.,
Sherrington, C., Lord, S. (2013). Can social
dancing prevent falls in older adults? a protocol
of the Dance, Aging, Cognition, Economics
(DAnCE) fall prevention randomised controlled
trial. BMC Public Health, 13(1), 1-9. <a
77">[More Information]</a>
Paul, S., Sherrington, C., Canning, C., Fung, V.,
Close, J., Lord, S. (2014). The Relative
Contribution of Physical and Cognitive Fall Risk
Factors in People With Parkinson's Disease: A
Large Prospective Cohort Study.
Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 28(3),
282-290. <a
470">[More Information]</a>
Costa, L., Maher, C., Moseley, A., Elkins, M.,
Shiwa, S., Herbert, R., Sherrington, C. (2013). da
Costa and colleagues’ criticism of PEDro scores
Tiedemann, A., O'Rourke, S., Sesto, R.,
Sherrington, C. (2013). A 12-Week iyengar yoga
program improved balance and mobility in older
community-dwelling people: a pilot randomized
controlled trial. Journals of Gerontology. Series
A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences,
68(9), 1068-1075. <a
More Information]</a>
Cameron, I., Fairhall, N., Langron, C.,
Lockwood, K., Monaghan, N., Aggar, C.,
Sherrington, C., Lord, S., Kurrle, S. (2013). A
multifactorial interdisciplinary intervention
reduces frailty in older people: randomized trial.
BMC Medicine, 11(1), 1-10. <a
5">[More Information]</a>
Scrivener, K., Sherrington, C., Schurr, K. (2013).
A systematic review of the responsiveness of
lower limb physical performance measures in
inpatient care after stroke. BMC Neurology, 13,
1-8. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Farag, I., Sherrington, C., Ferreira, M., Howard,
K. (2013). A systematic review of the unit costs
of allied health and community services used by
older people in Australia. BMC Health Services
Research, 13, 1-11. <a
9">[More Information]</a>
Treacy, D., Schurr, K., Sherrington, C. (2013).
Balance circuit classes to improve balance
among rehabilitation inpatients: a protocol for a
randomised controlled trial. BMC Geriatrics,
13(July), 1-6. <a
not supported by the data. Journal of Clinical
Epidemiology, 66(10), 1192-1193. <a
5.007">[More Information]</a>
Vratsistas-Curto, A., Sherrington, C.,
McCluskey, M. (2013). Dosage of arm practice
and outcomes during inpatient stroke
rehabilitation. Occupational Therapy Australia,
25th National Conference and Exhibition,
Adelaide, Australia: Adelaide Convention
Cabral, K., Rodriguez Perracini, M., Soares, A.,
Stein, F., Sera, C., Tiedemann, A., Sherrington,
C., Filho, W., Paschoal, S. (2013). Effectiveness
of a multifactorial falls prevention program in
community-dwelling older people when
compared to usual care: study protocol for a
randomised controlled trial (Prevquedas Brazil).
BMC Geriatrics, 13(27), 1-9. <a
7">[More Information]</a>
Paul, S., Canning, C., Sherrington, C., Song, J.,
Fung, V. (2013). Evidence of efficacy of leg
muscle power training in Parkinson's Disease: a
randomised controlled trial. APA Conference
2013 'New Moves', Melbourne: Australian
Physiotherapy Association.
Elkins, M., Moseley, A., Sherrington, C.,
Herbert, R., Maher, C. (2013). Growth in the
Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro) and
use of the PEDro scale. British Journal of Sports
Medicine, 47(4), 188-189. <a
1804">[More Information]</a>
Franco, M., Ferreira, M., Howard, K.,
Sherrington, C., Rose, J., Haines, T., Ferreira, P.
(2013). How big does the effect of an
intervention have to be? Application of two
novel methods to determine the smallest
worthwhile effect of a fall prevention
programme: a study protocol. BMJ Open, 3(2),
1-5. <a
Publications for Cathie Sherrington
02355">[More Information]</a>
Tiedemann, A., Sherrington, C., Orr, T., Hallen,
J., Lewis, D., Kelly, A., Vogler, C., Lord, S.,
Close, J. (2013). Identifying older people at high
risk of future falls: Development and validation
of a screening tool for use in emergency
departments. Emergency Medicine Journal,
30(11), 918-922. <a
01783">[More Information]</a>
Morello, R., Barker, A., Haines, T., Zavarsek, S.,
Watts, J., Hill, K., Brand, C., Sherrington, C.,
Wolfe, R., Bohensky, M., et al (2013).
In-hospital falls and fall-related injuries: a
protocol for a cost of fall study. Injury
Prevention, 19(5), 363-363. <a
href="">[More Information]</a>
Pinto, R., Elkins, M., Moseley, A., Sherrington,
C., Herbert, R., Maher, C., Ferreira, P., Ferreira,
M. (2013). Many Randomized Trials of Physical
Therapy Interventions Are Not Adequately
Registered: A Survey of 200 Published Trials.
Physical Therapy, 93(3), 299-309. <a
More Information]</a>
Beaupre, L., Binder, E., Cameron, I., Jones, C.,
Orwig, D., Sherrington, C., Magaziner, J. (2013).
Maximising functional recovery following hip
fracture in frail seniors. Best Practice &
Research: Clinical Rheumatology, 27(6),
771-788. <a
01">[More Information]</a>
Fairhall, N., Sherrington, C., Cameron, I. (2013).
Mobility training for increasing mobility and
functioning in older people with frailty
(protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic
Reviews, 2013, 1-10. <a
0494">[More Information]</a>
Paul, S., Sherrington, C., Fung, V., Canning, C.
(2013). Motor and Cognitive Impairments in
Parkinson Disease: Relationships With Specific
Balance and Mobility Tasks. Neurorehabilitation
and Neural Repair, 27(1), 63-71. <a
754">[More Information]</a>
Tiedemann, A., Mikolaizak, A., Sherrington, C.,
Segin, K., Lord, S., Close, J. (2013). Older
fallers attended to by an ambulance but not
transported to hospital: a vulnerable population
at high risk of future falls. Australian and New
Zealand Journal of Public Health, 37(2),
179-185. <a
7">[More Information]</a>
Franco, M., Tong, A., Howard, K., Sherrington,
C., Ferreira, P., Ferreira, M. (2013). Older
people's perspectives on participation in exercise:
a systematic review and thematic synthesis of
qualitative literature. APA Conference 2013 'New
Moves', Melbourne: Australian Physiotherapy
Nicholas, M., Asghari, A., Blyth, F., Wood, B.,
Murray, R., McCabe, R., Brnabic, A., Beeston,
L., Corbett, M., Sherrington, C., Overton, S.
(2013). Self-management intervention for
chronic pain in older adults: A randomised
controlled trial. Pain, 154(6), 824-835. <a
09">[More Information]</a>
Laver, K., Schoene, D., Crotty, M., George, S.,
Lannin, N., Sherrington, C. (2013).
Telerehabilitation services for stroke. Cochrane
Database of Systematic Reviews, 12, 1-46. <a
0255">[More Information]</a>
Laver, K., Schoene, D., Crotty, M., George, S.,
Lannin, N., Sherrington, C. (2013).
Telerehabilitation services for stroke. Cochrane
Database of Systematic Reviews, 12, 1-9. <a
0255.pub2">[More Information]</a>
Woodward, L., Clemson, L., Sherrington, C.,
Willis, K. (2013). The perceptions of older
people on exercise and participation: Do men
and women's views differ? 12th National
Emerging Researchers in Ageing Conference,
Sydney, Australia: The University of Sydney.
Tiedemann, A., Sherrington, C., Lord, S. (2013).
The role of exercise for fall prevention in older
age. Motriz. Revista de Educacao Fisica, 19(3),
Paul, S., Canning, C., Sherrington, C., Lord, S.,
Close, J., Fung, V. (2013). Three simple clinical
tests to accurately predict falls in people with
Parkinson's disease. Movement Disorders, 28(5),
655-662. <a
ore Information]</a>
Sherrington, C., Henschke, N. (2013). Why does
exercise reduce falls in older people?
Unrecognised contributions to motor control and
cognition? British Journal of Sports Medicine,
47(12), 730-731. <a
1295">[More Information]</a>
Allen, N., Sherrington, C., Suriyarachchi, G.,
Paul, S., Song, J., Canning, C. (2012). A
systematic review of participant characteristics,
intervention delivery, retention rates, adherence
and adverse events in clinical trials of exercise
Publications for Cathie Sherrington
and motor training in people with Parkinson's
Disease. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair,
26(6), 703-703.
Scrivener, K., Sherrington, C., Schurr, K. (2012).
Amount of exercise in the first week after stroke
predicts walking speed and unassisted walking.
Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 26(8),
932-938. <a
628">[More Information]</a>
Fairhall, N., Sherrington, C., Kurrle, S., Lord, S.,
Lockwood, K., Cameron, I. (2012). Effect of a
multifactorial interdisciplinary
intervention on mobility-related disability in frail
older people: randomised controlled trial. BMC
Medicine, 10, 1-13. <a
20">[More Information]</a>
Vogler, C., Menant, J., Sherrington, C., Ogle, S.,
Lord, S. (2012). Evidence of Detraining After
12-Week Home-Based Exercise Programs
Designed to Reduce Fall-Risk Factors in Older
People Recently Discharged From Hospital.
Archives of Physical Medicine and
Rehabilitation, 93(10), 1685-1691. <a
33">[More Information]</a>
Allen, N., Sherrington, C., Suriyarachchi, G.,
Paul, S., Song, J., Canning, C. (2012). Exercise
and Motor Training in People with Parkinson's
Disease: A Systematic Review of Participant
Characteristics, Intervention Delivery, Retention
Rates, Adherence, and Adverse Events in
Clinical Trials. Parkinson's Disease, 2012, 1-15.
More Information]</a>
Scrivener, K., Sherrington, C., Schurr, K. (2012).
Exercise dose and mobility outcome in a
comprehensive stroke unit: Description and
prediction from a prospective cohort study.
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 44(10),
824-829. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Dean, C., Rissel, C., Sherrington, C., Sharkey,
M., Cumming, R., Lord, S., Barker, R., Kirkham,
C., O'Rourke, S. (2012). Exercise to Enhance
Mobility and Prevent Falls After Stroke: The
Community Stroke Club Randomized Trial.
Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 26(9),
1046-1057. <a
711">[More Information]</a>
Allen, N., Sherrington, C., Paul, S., O'Rourke, S.,
Canning, C. (2012). Fear of falling and future
falls in people with Parkinson’s disease.
Movement Disorders, 27(Supplement 1),
Gillespie, L., Robertson, M., Gillespie, W.,
Sherrington, C., Gates, S., Clemson, L., Lamb, S.
(2012). Interventions for preventing falls in older
people living in the community (Review).
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 9,
1-297. <a
7146.pub3">[More Information]</a>
Farag, I., Sherrington, C., Kamper, S., Ferreira,
M., Moseley, A., Lord, S., Cameron, I. (2012).
Measures of physical functioning after hip
fracture: construct validity and responsiveness of
performance-based and self-reported measures.
Age and Ageing, 41(5), 659-664. <a
More Information]</a>
Ferreira, M., Sherrington, C., Smith, K.,
Carswell, P., Bell, R., Bell, M., Port Nascimento,
D., Pereira, L., Vardon, P. (2012). Physical
activity improves strength, balance and
endurance in adults aged 40-65 years: a
systematic review. Journal of Physiotherapy,
58(3), 145-156. <a
70105-4">[More Information]</a>
Tiedemann, A., Sherrington, C., Dean, C., Rissel,
C., Lord, S., Kirkham, C., O'Rourke, S. (2012).
Predictors of adherence to a structured exercise
program and physical activity participation in
community dwellers after stroke. Stroke
Research and Treatment, 2012, 1-8. <a
More Information]</a>
Merom, D., Pye, V., Macniven, R., Van Der
Ploeg, H., Milat, A., Sherrington, C., Lord, S.,
Bauman, A. (2012). Prevalence and correlates of
participation in fall prevention exercise/physical
activity by older adults. Preventive Medicine,
55(6), 613-617. <a
.001">[More Information]</a>
Paul, S., Canning, C., Sherrington, C., Fung, V.
(2012). Reduced muscle strength is the major
determinant of reduced leg muscle power in
Parkinson's disease. Parkinsonism and Related
Disorders, 18(8), 974-977. <a
.05.007">[More Information]</a>
Paul, S., Canning, C., Sherrington, C., Fung, V.
(2012). Reproducibility of measures of leg
muscle power, leg muscle strength, postural
sway and mobility in people with Parkinson's
disease. Gait and Posture, 36(3), 639-642. <a
4.013">[More Information]</a>
Publications for Cathie Sherrington
Morello, R., Barker, A., Zavarsek, S., Watts, J.,
Haines, T., Hill, K., Sherrington, C., Brand, C.,
Jolley, D., Stoelwinder, J. (2012). The 6-PACK
programme to decrease falls and fall-related
injuries in acute hospitals: protocol for an
economic evaluation alongside a cluster
randomised controlled trial. Injury Prevention,
18(2), 1-6. <a
href="">[More Information]</a>
Schurr, K., Sherrington, C., Wallbank, G.,
Pamphlett, P., Olivetti, L. (2012). The minimum
sit-to-stand height test: reliability, responsiveness
and relationship to leg muscle strength. Clinical
Rehabilitation, 26(7), 656-663. <a
323">[More Information]</a>
Pinto, R., Elkins, M., Moseley, A., Sherrington,
C., Herbert, R., Maher, C., Ferreira, P., Ferreira,
M. (2011). A comparison of registered protocols
and published reports of randomised controlled
trials in physiotherapy. APA Physiotherapy
Conference 2011, NA.
Smith, S., Sherrington, C., Studenski, S.,
Schoene, D., Lord, S. (2011). A novel Dance
Dance Revolution (DDR) system for in-home
training of stepping ability: Basic parameters of
system use by older adults. British Journal of
Sports Medicine, 45(5), 441-445. <a
5">[More Information]</a>
Sherrington, C., Lord, S., Close, J., Barraclough,
E., Taylor, M., O'Rourke, S., Kurrle, S.,
Tiedemann, A., Cumming, R., Herbert, R.
(2011). A simple tool predicted probability of
falling after aged care inpatient rehabilitation.
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 64(7),
779-786. <a
9.015">[More Information]</a>
Allen, N., Sherrington, C., Paul, S., Canning, C.
(2011). Balance and Falls in Parkinson's Disease:
A Meta-analysis of the Effect of Exercise and
Motor Training. Movement Disorders, 26(9),
1605-1615. <a
ore Information]</a>
Michaleff, Z., Costa, L., Moseley, A., Maher, C.,
Elkins, M., Herbert, R., Sherrington, C. (2011).
CENTRAL, PEDro, PubMed, and EMBASE Are
the Most Comprehensive Databases Indexing
Randomized Controlled Trials of Physical
Therapy Interventions. Physical Therapy, 91(2),
190-197. <a
More Information]</a>
Canning, C., Sherrington, C., Allen, N.,
O'Rourke, S., Paul, S., Murray, S., Tay, Y.
(2011). Conditions and consequences of falling
in community-living people with Parkinson’s
disease. APA Physiotherapy Conference 2011,
Fairhall, N., Sherrington, C., Clemson, L.,
Cameron, I. (2011). Do exercise interventions
designed to prevent falls affect participation in
life roles? A systematic review and
meta-analysis. Age and Ageing, 40(6), 666-674.
More Information]</a>
Tiedemann, A., Sherrington, C., Close, J., Lord,
S. (2011). Exercise and Sports Science Australia
Position Statement on exercise and falls
prevention in older people. Journal of Science
and Medicine in Sport, 14(6), 489-495. <a
001">[More Information]</a>
Rosenbaum, S., Nguyen, D., Lenehan, T.,
Tiedemann, A., Van Der Ploeg, H., Sherrington,
C. (2011). Exercise augmentation compared to
usual care for post traumatic stress disorder: A
randomised controlled trial (The REAP study:
Randomised Exercise Augmentation for PTSD).
BMC Psychiatry, 11, A115-1-A115-7. <a
15">[More Information]</a>
Sherrington, C., Tiedemann, A., Fairhall, N.,
Close, J., Lord, S. (2011). Exercise to prevent
falls in older adults:
an updated meta-analysis and best practice
recommendations. NSW Public Health Bulletin,
22(3-4), 78-83. <a
e Information]</a>
Fairhall, N., Sherrington, C., Kurrle, S., Lord, S.,
Cameron, I. (2011). ICF participation restriction
is common in frail, community-dwelling older
people: an observational cross-sectional study.
Physiotherapy, 97(1), 26-32. <a
008">[More Information]</a>
Lord, S., Sherrington, C., Cameron, I., Close, J.
(2011). Implementing falls prevention research
into policy and practice in Australia: Past,
present and future. Journal of Safety Research,
42(6), 517-520. <a
">[More Information]</a>
Scrivener, K., Sherrington, C., Schurr, K.,
Treacy, D. (2011). Many participants in inpatient
rehabilitation can quantify their exercise dosage
accurately: An observational study. Journal of
Physiotherapy, 57(2), 117-122. <a
Publications for Cathie Sherrington
0022-4">[More Information]</a>
Paul, S., Canning, C., Sherrington, C., Fung, V.
(2011). Muscle power, muscle strength and
performance measures are more reproducible
postural sway measures in Parkinson’s disease.
APA Physiotherapy Conference 2011, NA.
Sherrington, C., Tiedemann, A., Cameron, I.
(2011). Physical exercise after hip fracture: an
evidence overview. European Journal of
Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 47(2),
297-307. <a
&list_uids=21555983">[More Information]</a>
the 'Easy Steps to Health' randomized controlled
trial study protocol. BMC Public Health, 11,
A888-1-A888-9. <a
88">[More Information]</a>
Sherrington, C., Pereira, L., Ferreira, M.,
Ferreira, P., Blyth, F., Barraclough, E., Taylor,
M., Lord, S. (2011). The impact of pain on
physical performance among older people on
discharge from inpatient aged care rehabilitation.
APA Physiotherapy Conference 2011, NA.
Fairhall, N., Langron, C., Sherrington, C., Lord,
S., Kurrle, S., Lockwood, K., Monaghan, N.,
Aggar, C., Gill, L., Cameron, I. (2011). Treating
frailty-a practical guide. BMC Medicine, 9, 1-7.
>[More Information]</a>
Mackenzie, L., Clemson, L., Usherwood, T.,
Sherrington, C. (2011). Pilot study to test the
feasibility of providing occupational therapy and
physiotherapy falls prevention services through
the Enhanced Primary Care program for older
people at risk of falls. 24th Occupational
Therapy Australia National Conference 2011,
Richmond/Victoria/AUS: Wiley-Blackwell
Tiedemann, A., Sherrington, C., Lord, S. (2011).
Predictors of exercise adherence in older people
living in retirement villages. Preventive
Medicine, 52(6), 480-481. <a
.015">[More Information]</a>
Smith, S., Sherrington, C., Studenski, S.,
Schoene, D., Lord, S. (2010). A novel Dance
Dance Revolution (DDR) system for in-home
training of stepping ability: Basic parameters of
system use by older adults. British Journal of
Sports Medicine, 45(5), 441-445. <a
5">[More Information]</a>
Sherrington, C. (2011). Prevention of fractures in
older people: what does the evidence say?
Physiotherapy Canada, 63(2), 146-151. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Moseley, A., Herbert, R., Maher, C.,
Sherrington, C., Elkins, M. (2011). Reported
Quality of Randomized Controlled Trials of
Physiotherapy Interventions Has Improved Over
Time. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 64(6),
594-601. <a
8.009">[More Information]</a>
Barker, A., Brand, C., Haines, T., Hill, K.,
Brauer, S., Jolley, D., Botti, M., Cumming, R.,
Livingston, P., Sherrington, C., et al (2011). The
6-PACK programme to decrease fall-related
injuries in acute hospitals: protocol for a cluster
randomised controlled trial. Injury Prevention,
17(4), e5-1-e5-6. <a
href="">[More Information]</a>
Voukelatos, A., Merom, D., Rissel, C.,
Sherrington, C., Watson, W., Waller, K. (2011).
The effect of walking on falls in older people:
Sherrington, C., Moseley, A., Herbert, R.,
Maher, C. (2010). 10 years of evidence to guide
physiotherapy interventions: Physiotherapy
Evidence Database (PEDro). British Journal of
Sports Medicine, 44, 836-7. <a
7">[More Information]</a>
Cameron, I., Monaghan, N., Sherrington, C.,
Fairhall, N., Langron, C., Gill, L., Kurrle, S.,
Lord, S. (2010). Associations Between Frailty
and Falls. 4th Australian & New Zealand Falls
Prevention Society Conference ANZFPS 2010,
New Zealand: Australian & New Zealand Falls
Prevention Society.
Costa, L., Moseley, A., Sherrington, C., Maher,
C., Herbert, R., Elkins, M. (2010). Core Journals
That Publish Clinical Trials of Physical Therapy
Interventions. Physical Therapy, 90(11),
1631-1640. <a
More Information]</a>
Elkins, M., Maher, C., Herbert, R., Moseley, A.,
Sherrington, C. (2010). Correlation between the
Journal Impact Factor and three other journal
citation indices. Scientometrics, 85(1), 81-93. <a
2-0">[More Information]</a>
Sherrington, C., Lord, S., Close, J., Barraclough,
E., Taylor, M., O'Rourke, S., Kurrle, S.,
Tiedemann, A., Cumming, R., Herbert, R.
Publications for Cathie Sherrington
(2010). Development of a tool for prediction of
falls in rehabilitation settings
(PREDICT_FIRST): A prospective cohort study.
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 42(5),
482-488. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Costa, L., Maher, C., Moseley, A., Sherrington,
C., Herbert, R., Elkins, M. (2010). Endorsement
of trial registration and the CONSORT statement
by the Revista Brasileira de Fisioterapia. Revista
Brasileira de Fisioterapia, 14(3), v-vi. <a
&list_uids=20730360">[More Information]</a>
Cox, C., Clemson, L., Stancliffe, R., Durvasula,
S., Sherrington, C. (2010). Falls among adults
with ID: a chart audit. 3rd IASSID-Europe
Conference (2010), USA: Wiley-Blackwell
Publishing Ltd.
Nightingale, E., Sturnieks, D., Sherrington, C.,
Moseley, A., Cameron, I., Lord, S. (2010).
Impaired weight transfer persists at least four
months after hip fracture and rehabilitation.
Clinical Rehabilitation, 24(6), 565-573. <a
753">[More Information]</a>
Cox, C., Clemson, L., Stancliffe, R., Durvasula,
S., Sherrington, C. (2010). Incidence of and risk
factors for falls among adults with an intellectual
disability. Journal of Intellectual Disability
Research, 54(12), 1045-1057. <a
0.01333.x">[More Information]</a>
Allen, N., Sherrington, C., Canning, C., Fung, V.
(2010). Reduced muscle power is associated with
slower walking velocity and falls in people with
Parkinson's disease. Parkinsonism and Related
Disorders, 16(4), 261-264. <a
.12.011">[More Information]</a>
Fairhall, N., Sherrington, C., Monaghan, N.,
Kurrle, S., Lord, S., Cameron, I. (2010).
Resolution of Frailty is Associated with
Increased Mobility but not Increased
Participation in the Community: a Longitudinal
Study. Australian & New Zealand Society for
Geriatric Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting
2010, Australia: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.
Tiedemann, A., Lord, S., Sherrington, C. (2010).
The Development and Validation of a Brief
Performance-Based Fall Risk Assessment Tool
for Use in Primary Care. Journals of
Gerontology. Series A: Biological Sciences and
Medical Sciences, 65(8), 896-903. <a
[More Information]</a>
Allen, N., Canning, C., Sherrington, C., Lord, S.,
Latt, M., Close, J., O'Rourke, S., Murray, S.,
Fung, V. (2010). The Effects of an Exercise
Program on Fall Risk Factors in People with
Parkinson's Disease: A Randomized Controlled
Trial. Movement Disorders, 25(9), 1217-1225.
ore Information]</a>
Monaghan, N., Sherrington, C., Fairhall, N.,
Aggar, C. (2010). The TIE Research Program:
Implications for Australian Health Service
Delivery. International Federation on Ageing
10th Global Conference 2010, Australia:
International Federation on Ageing.
Macedo, L., Elkins, M., Maher, C., Moseley, A.,
Herbert, R., Sherrington, C. (2010). There was
evidence of convergent and construct validity of
Physiotherapy Evidence Database quality scale
for physiotherapy trials. Journal of Clinical
Epidemiology, 63(8), 920-925. <a
0.005">[More Information]</a>
Cameron, I., Fairhall, N., Monaghan, N.,
Sherrington, C., Lockwood, K., Lord, S.,
Langron, C., Aggar, C., Kurrle, S. (2009).
Activity limitation, participation restriction and
quality of life: observations over a three month
period in frail older people. The Journal of
Nutrition, Health and Aging, 13(Supplement 2),
Allen, N., Canning, C., Sherrington, C., Fung, V.
(2009). Bradykinesia, Muscle Weakness and
Reduced Muscle Power in Parkinson's Disease.
Movement Disorders, 24(9), 1344-1351. <a
ore Information]</a>
Moseley, A., Elkins, M., Herbert, R., Maher, C.,
Sherrington, C. (2009). Cochrane reviews used
more rigorous methods than non-Cochrane
reviews: survey of systematic reviews in
physiotherapy. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology,
62(10), 1021-1030. <a
9.018">[More Information]</a>
Ada, L., Sherrington, C., Canning, C., Dean, C.,
Scianni, A. (2009). Computerized tracking to
train dexterity after cerebellar tumour: A
single-case experimental study. Brain Injury,
23(7-8), 702-706. <a
0752">[More Information]</a>
Dean, C., Rissel, C., Sharkey, M., Sherrington,
C., Cumming, R., Barker, R., Lord, S., O'Rourke,
S., Kirkham, C. (2009). Exercise intervention to
prevent falls and enhance mobility in community
Publications for Cathie Sherrington
dwellers after stroke: a protocol for a randomised
controlled trial. BMC Neurology, 9(38),
38-1-38-6. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Canning, C., Sherrington, C., Lord, S., Fung, V.,
Close, J., Latt, M., Howard, K., Allen, N.,
O'Rourke, S., Murray, S. (2009). Exercise
therapy for prevention of falls in people with
Parkinson's disease: a protocol for a randomised
controlled trial and economic evaluation. BMC
Neurology, 9, 4-1-4-7. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Cameron, I., Aggar, C., Sherrington, C.,
Lockwood, K., Lord, S., Langron, C., Monaghan,
N., Kurrle, S. (2009). Frailty in Older People: Its
Relationship with Activity Limitation and
Participation Restriction. The Journal of
Nutrition, Health and Aging, 13(Supplement 2),
People: Extent, Nature and Underlying Factors.
19th IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and
Geriatrics 2009, France: Editions S E R D I.
Vogler, C., Sherrington, C., Ogle, S., Lord, S.
(2009). Reducing Risk of Falling in Older People
Discharged From Hospital: A Randomized
Controlled Trial Comparing Seated Exercises,
Weight-Bearing Exercises, and Social Visits.
Archives of Physical Medicine and
Rehabilitation, 90(8), 1317-1324. <a
30">[More Information]</a>
Boswell-Ruys, C., Sturnieks, D., Harvey, L.,
Sherrington, C., Middleton, J., Lord, S. (2009).
Validity and reliability of assessment tools for
measuring unsupported sitting in people with a
spinal cord injury. Archives of Physical Medicine
and Rehabilitation, 90(9), 1571-1577. <a
16">[More Information]</a>
Kurrle, S., Monaghan, N., Fairhall, N., Aggar,
C., Sherrington, C., Lockwood, K., Lord, S.,
Langron, C., Cameron, I. (2009). Frailty: Its
Association with Cognitive Impairment in a
Cohort of Community Living Older People.
Alzheimer's Association International
Conference on Alzheimer's Disease AAICAD
2009, United States: Alzheimers Association.
Maher, C., Moseley, A., Sherrington, C., Elkins,
M., Herbert, R. (2008). A Description of the
Trials, Reviews, and Practice Guidelines Indexed
in the PEDro Database. Physical Therapy, 88(9),
1068-1077. <a
More Information]</a>
Moseley, A., Sherrington, C., Elkins, M.,
Herbert, R., Maher, C. (2009). Indexing of
randomised controlled trials of physiotherapy
interventions: a comparison of AMED,
Evidence, PEDro, PsycINFO and PubMed.
Physiotherapy, 95(3), 151-156. <a
006">[More Information]</a>
Cumming, R., Sherrington, C., Lord, S.,
Simpson, J., Vogler, C., Cameron, I.,
Naganathan, V. (2008). Cluster randomised trial
of a targeted multifactorial intervention to
prevent falls among older people in hospital.
BMJ: British Medical Journal, 336(7647),
758-760. <a
30.BE">[More Information]</a>
Sherrington, C., Lord, S., Vogler, C., Close, J.,
Howard, K., Dean, C., Clemson, L., Barraclough,
E., Ramsay, E., O'Rourke, S., Cumming, R.
(2009). Minimising disability and falls in older
people through a post-hospital exercise program:
a protocol for a randomised controlled trial and
economic evaluation. BMC Geriatrics, 9,
8-1-8-7. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Cameron, I., Kurrle, S., Sherrington, C., Lord, S.,
Lockwood, K., Monaghan, N. (2008). Concepts
of Frailty - A Comparison of the Fried and
Rockwood Criteria. Australian & New Zealand
Society for Geriatric Medicine Annual Scientific
Meeting 2008, Australia: Wiley-Blackwell
Moseley, A., Sherrington, C., Lord, S.,
Barraclough, E., St George, R., Cameron, I.
(2009). Mobility training after hip fracture: a
randomised controlled trial. Age and Ageing, 38,
74-80. <a
[More Information]</a>
Fairhall, N., Sherrington, C., Monaghan, N.,
Lockwood, K., Kurrle, S., Lord, S., Cameron, I.
(2009). Participation Restriction in Frail Older
Sherrington, C., Whitney, J., Lord, S., Herbert,
R., Cumming, R., Close, J. (2008). Effective
Exercise for the Prevention of Falls: A
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal
of the American Geriatrics Society, 56(12),
2234-2243. <a
8.02014.x">[More Information]</a>
Fairhall, N., Aggar, C., Kurrle, S., Sherrington,
C., Lord, S., Lockwood, K., Monaghan, N.,
Cameron, I. (2008). Frailty Intervention Trial
(FIT). BMC Geriatrics, 8, 27-1-27-10. <a
Publications for Cathie Sherrington
>[More Information]</a>
Sherrington, C., Pamphlett, P., Jacka, J., Olivetti,
L., Nugent, J., Hall, J., Dorsch, S., Kwan, M.,
Lord, S. (2008). Group exercise can improve
participants¿ mobility in an outpatient
rehabilitation setting: a randomised controlled
trial. Clinical Rehabilitation, 22(6), 493-502. <a
994">[More Information]</a>
Allen, N., Canning, C., Sherrington, C., Fung, V.
(2008). Muscle strength and power are reduced
in people with Parkinson's disease. Movement
Disorders, 23(Suppl.1), S297-S297.
Lord, S., Close, J., Sherrington, C. (2008).
Non-Pharmacological Treatment for Falls and
Fractures. In Gustavo Duque, Douglas P Kiel
(Eds.), Osteoporosis in Older Persons:
Pathophysiology and Therapeutic Approach, (pp.
126-136). London, UK: Springer.
Moseley, A., Herbert, A., Maher, C.,
Sherrington, C. (2008). PEDro scale can only
rate what papers report. Australian Journal of
Physiotherapy, 54, 288.
Tiedemann, A., Shimada, H., Sherrington, C.,
Murray, S., Lord, S. (2008). The comparative
ability of eight functional mobility tests for
predicting falls in community-dwelling older
people. Age and Ageing, 37(4), 430-435. <a
[More Information]</a>
Olivetti, L., Schurr, K., Sherrington, C.,
Wallbank, G., Pamphlett, P., Mun-San Kwan,
M., Herbert, R. (2007). A novel weight-bearing
strengthening program during rehabilitation of
older people is feasible and improves standing up
more than a non-weight-bearing strengthening
program: A randomised trial. Australian Journal
of Physiotherapy, 53(3), 147-153. <a
&list_uids=17725471">[More Information]</a>
Lord, S., Sherrington, C., Menz, H., Close, J.
(2007). Falls in Older People: Risk Factors and
Strategies for Prevention. United States:
Cambridge University Press.
Monaghan, N., Cameron, I., Kurrle, S., Lord, S.,
Sherrington, C., Crotty, M., Gray, L. (2007).
Improving Health Outcomes for Frail Older
People. 3rd International Clinical Trials
Symposium 2007.
Handoll, H., Sherrington, C. (2007).
Mobilisation strategies after hip fracture surgery
in adults (Review). Cochrane Database of
Systematic Reviews, DOI:
10.1002/14651858.CD001704.pub3(1. Art. No.:
CD001704.), 1-94. <a
1704.pub3">[More Information]</a>
Tiedemann, A., Sherrington, C., Lord, S. (2007).
Physical and Psychological Factors Associated
With Stair Negotiation Performance in Older
People. Journals of Gerontology. Series A:
Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences,
62A(11), 1259-1265. <a
&list_uids=18000146">[More Information]</a>
Elkins, M., Herbert, R., Maher, C., Moseley, A.,
Sherrington, C. (2007). Re: Response to
Critically Appraised Paper, ‘An energy
conservation course decreased fatigue impact
and increased some aspects of quality of life at 6
weeks for persons with multiple sclerosis’.
Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 54(1),
Moseley, A., Sherrington, C., Cameron, I., Lord,
S. (2006). Enhancing mobility after hip fracture:
a randomised trial. 2nd Australian Falls
Prevention Conference, Brisbane: Queensland
University of Technology.
Lord, S., Menz, H., Sherrington, C. (2006).
Home environment risk factors for falls in older
people and the efficacy of home modifications.
Age and Ageing, 35(Supplement 2), ii55-ii59. <a
&list_uids=16926207">[More Information]</a>
Keane, S., Turner, C., Sherrington, C., Beard, J.
(2006). Use of Fresnel prism glasses to treat
stroke patients with hemispatial neglect. Archives
of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 87(12),
1668-1672. <a
22">[More Information]</a>
Maher, C., Herbert, R., Moseley, A.,
Sherrington, C., Elkins, M. (2005). Critical
appraisal of randomized trials, systematic
reviews of randomized trials and clinical practice
guidelines. In Boyling J, Jull G (Eds.), Grieve's
Modern Manual Therapy, (pp. 603-614). Oxford:
Tiedemann, A., Sherrington, C., Lord, S. (2005).
Physiological and Psychological Predictors of
Walking Speed in Older Community-Dwelling
People. Gerontology: international journal of
experimental, clinical, behavioral, regenerative
and technical gerontology, 51(6), 390-395. <a
Publications for Cathie Sherrington
&list_uids=16299420">[More Information]</a>
Sherrington, C., Lord, S. (2005). Reliability of
simple portable tests of physical performance in
older people after hip fracture. Clinical
Rehabilitation, 19(5), 496-504. <a
&list_uids=16119405">[More Information]</a>
Lord, S., Tiedemann, A., Chapman, K., Munro,
B., Murray, S., Sherrington, C. (2005). The
Effect of an Individualized Fall Prevention
Program on Fall Risk and Falls in Older People:
A Randomized, Controlled Trial. Journal of the
American Geriatrics Society, 53(8), 1296-1304.
&list_uids=16078954">[More Information]</a>
Close, J., Lord, S., Menz, H., Sherrington, C.
(2005). What is the role of falls? Best Practice
and Research: Clinical Rheumatology, 19(6),
913-935. <a
02">[More Information]</a>
Sherrington, C., Lord, S., Herbert, R. (2004). A
Randomized Controlled Trial Of Weight-Bearing
Versus Non-Weight-Bearing Exercise For
Improving Physical Ability After Usual Care For
Hip Fracture. Archives of Physical Medicine and
Rehabilitation, 85(5), 710-716.
Maher, C., Sherrington, C., Elkins, M., Herbert,
R., Moseley, A. (2004). Challenges For
Evidence-Based Physical Therapy: Accessing
And Interpreting High-Quality Evidence On
Therapy. Physical Therapy, 84(7), 644-654.
Sherrington, C., Lord, S., Finch, C. (2004).
Physical activity interventions to prevent falls
among older people: update of the evidence.
Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 7(1
(Suppl)), 43-51.
Sherrington, C., Lord, S., Herbert, R. (2003). A
randomised trial of weight-bearing versus
non-weight-bearing exercise for improving
physical ability in inpatients after hip fracture.
Australian Journal of Physiotherapy, 49(1),
Sherrington, C., Menz, H. (2003). An evaluation
of footwear worn at the time of fall-related hip
fracture. Age and Ageing, 32(3), 310-314.
Herbert, R., Sherrington, C., Moseley, A.,
Maher, C., Elkins, M. (2003). Evidence-based
physical therapy. Journal of the Janpanese
Physical Therapy Association, 11(30), 431-439.
Maher, C., Sherrington, C., Herbert, R., Moseley,
A., Elkins, M. (2003). Relability of the PEDro
Scale for rating quality of randomized controlled
trials. Physical Therapy, 83(8), 713-721.
Menz, H., Tiedemann, A., Kwan, M., Latt, M.,
Sherrington, C., Lord, S. (2003). Reliability of
Clinical Tests of Foot and Ankle Characteristics
in Older People. Journal of the American
Podiatric Medical Association, 93(5), 380-387.
Maher, C., Sherrington, C., Herbert, R., Moseley,
A. (2002). Comment: Ciccone 2002. Physical
Therapy, 82, 722-723.
Maher, C., Sherrington, C., Herbert, R., Moseley,
A. (2002). Dialogue on evidence in practice.
Physical Therapy, , 722-722.
Moseley, A., Herbert, R., Sherrington, C.,
Maher, C. (2002). Evidence for physiotherapy
practice: A survey of the Physiotherapy Evidence
Database (PEDro). Australian Journal of
Physiotherapy, , 43-49.
Maher, C., Sherrington, C., Herbert, R., Moseley,
A., Elkins, M. (2002). Reliability of the PEDro
quality scale for clinical trials. From Cell to
Society 3, Sydney: The College of Health
Sherrington, C., Herbert, R., Lord, S. (2002). The
effects of exercise on physical ability following
fall-related hip fracture: Two randomised
controlled trials. VIIth International
Physiotherapy Congress, Sydney: Australian
Physiotherapy Association.
Maher, C., Moseley, A., Sherrington, C.,
Herbert, R. (2001). Core journals of
evidence-based physiotherapy practice.
Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 17, 143-151.
Herbert, R., Maher, C., Moseley, A.,
Sherrington, C. (2001). Effective Physiotherapy.
BMJ: British Medical Journal, 323, 788-790.
Maher, C., Moseley, A., Herbert, R.,
Sherrington, C. (2001). Evidence of
physiotherapy practice: a survey of the
physiotherapy evidence database (PEDro). 4th
International Conference on the Scientific Basis
of Health Services, : World Scientific Publishing.
Sherrington, C., Moseley, A., Herbert, R.,
Maher, C. (2001). Evidence-based practice
editorial. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 17,
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