Progress on Listeria monocytogenes-Based Tularemia Vaccines Justin Skoble Meredith Leong TVDC Annual Meeting Oct 6th, 2008 Oct 6, 2008 Highlights of Key Achievements • Milestone 55: Compare Cellular Immune Responses Induced by Lm and Ft-Based Tularemia Vaccines • Construction of Live-attenuated and KBMA Lm vaccine strains expressing epitope-tagged Ft antigens • Expression and immunogenicity of tagged antigens measured • Extremely strong responses to IglC-SL8 • Weaker responses to KatG-SL8 • Milestone 56: Demonstrate that Lm Vaccines Induce Protective Cellular Immune Responses to Ft Antigens • T-cell response against IglC measured using overlapping peptide library after vaccination with live Lm expressing IglC • IglC epitopes mapped in multiple mouse strains Oct 6, 2008 Highlights of Key Achievements • Milestone 57: Optimization of KBMA Lm Vaccination Route and Regimen • Lm vaccine strains expressing an internalin A (inlA) allele with a gain-of-function mutation that increases affinity for mouse Ecadherin have been constructed (inlAm). Initial studies do not show enhanced immunogenicity. Oct 6, 2008 Milestone 55: Compare Cellular Immune Responses Induced by Lm and Ft-Based Tularemia Vaccines • Measure cellular immunogenicity of live-attenuated vaccine platforms • • Use model ovalbumin epitope to compare Lm-expressing IglC-SIINFEKL (SL8) and Lm KatG-SL8 fusion proteins with Ftn-pepO-SL8 and LVS-pepO-SL8 • Measure the ability of each vaccine to stimulate a CD8 T cell response in vitro using a B3Z assay • Measure the cytokine responses elicited by vaccination with each platform in mice • Compare the CD8 T cell response to SL8 after prime and boost vaccinations in mice Compare immunogenicity of KBMA tularemia vaccine platforms • Compare KBMA Lm-IglC-SL8 and Lm-KatG-SL8 fusion proteins with KBMA Ftn-pepO-SL8 and LVS-pepO-SL8 • Produce 400mL-scale lots of each KBMA vaccine • Measure metabolic activity of each lot of vaccine • Measure the ability of each vaccine to stimulate a CD8 T cell response in vitro using a B3Z assay • Measure the cytokine responses elicited by vaccination with each platform in mice • Compare the CD8 T cell response to SL8 after prime and boost vaccinations in mice Oct 6, 2008 Listeria monocytogenes intracellular lifecycle Attenuation w/o loss of potency Brockstedt et. al, 2004 Binds human but not mouse Ecadherin Lecuit et. al 1999 Tilney and Portnoy, 1989 Oct 6, 2008 PrfA Regulation of Virulence Genes ++ ++ inlA inlB actA plcB ++ prfA plcA hly mpl What is PrfA? • Transcriptional activator of Lm virulence gene expression • Normally “off” in vitro • Highly upregulated in vivo • prfA* are constitutively active alleles Oct 6, 2008 Epitope-Tagged Lm-Ft Tularemia Vaccine Candidates actAp actAp Molecular constructs at tRNAArg: ActAN100 IglC actAp SL8 ActAN100 actAp ActAN100 IglC SL8 A42R C4L K3L KatG Molecular construct at comK: ActAN100 IglC B8R B8R Strain CRS-100 Genetic Background actAinlB Antigen Cassette none Status Sequence verified BH137 actAinlB ActAN100-Ova Sequence verified BH1222 actAinlB ActAN100-IglC-SL8 Sequence verified BH2282 actAinlB ActAN100-KatG-SL8 Remade BH1228 actAinlBuvrAB ActAN100-IglC-SL8 Sequence verified BH1398 actAinlBuvrAB ActAN100-KatG-SL8 Sequence verified BH2094 actAinlBuvrABprfAG155S ActAN100-IglC-SL8 Complete BH2172 actAinlBuvrABprfAG155S ActAN100-KatG-SL8 Complete BH2098 actAinlB ActAN100-IglC-VacQuad-SL8 Complete BH2100 actAinlBuvrABprfAG155S ActAN100-IglC-VacQuad-SL8 Complete BH2180 actAinlB ActAN100-IglC-B8R (@ comK) Complete BH2182 actAinlBuvrABprfAG155S ActAN100-IglC-B8R (@ comK) Complete BH2316 actAinlB ActAN100-IglC-B8R (@ comK) ActAN100-KatG-SL8 (@tRNAarg) Remade BH2292 actAinlBuvrABprfAG155S ActAN100-IglC-B8R (@ comK) ActAN100-KatG-SL8 (@tRNAarg) Complete Oct 6, 2008 SL8 Lm-Ft Construct Expression in J774 cells and B3Z Responses Antigen expression cassettes at tRNAArg locus of Lm actA inlB actAp actAp ActAN100 BH1224 Ova KatG SL8 actAp actAp ActAN100 IglC SL8 BH1226 ActAN100 KatG SL8 B3Z Assay Antigen Expression in J774 Cells 0.6 98- 0.4 KatG SS 62- 0.2 4938- IglC Listeria Strain NB919, pp67-71 26 H 12 B H 12 B B H 12 22 7 H 13 R S- 10 0 28- 24 0.0 C Ova OD 595 BH1222 ActAN100 SS B BH137 Live Lm-IglC-SL8 Vaccine Candidates Elicit Strong CD8+ Response Against SL8 SL8 responses SL8 responses 30 % IFN-g CD8+ T cells % IFN-g CD8+ T cells 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 BH1228 = actAinlBuvrAB -IglC-SL8 BH1398 = actAinlBuvrAB-KatG-SL8 BH1222 = actAinlB-IglC-SL8 BH1228 = actAinlBuvrAB-IglC-SL8 BH2094 = actAinlBuvrABprfAG155S-IglC-SL8 BH2098= actAinlB-IglC-VacQuad-SL8 BH2100= actAinlBuvrABprfAG155S-IglC-VacQuad-SL8 • IglC-SL8 fusion elicits more T-cells than KatG-SL8 • prfAG155S increases immunogenicity of Lm-IglC-SL8 Vaccines • VacQuad reduces SL8 immunogenicity, and is not helped by prfA* Oct 6, 2008 Milestone 55: Summary of Achievements • Cellular immunogenicity of live-attenuated Lm vaccine platforms were measured • Lm-expressing IglC-SL8 and KatG-SL8 fusion proteins were cloned • The ability of each to stimulate a CD8+ T cell response to SL8 was evaluated using a B3Z assay, ICS, and ELISpot • CD8+ T cell responses against SL8 were stronger when fused to IglC than KatG • prfA* enhanced immunogenicity of IglC-SL8 vaccine ~ 2 fold • Quadrotope tag decreased immunogenicity and will not be used Oct 6, 2008 Milestone 55: Future Directions • Evaluate the immunogenicity of the bivalent live-attenuated prfA* Lm strain expressing IglC-B8R and KatG-SL8 fusion proteins • Compare the immunogenicity of each monovalent strain with the bivalent strains, vs co-administration • Compare SL8 responses induced by Ft-PepO-SL8 and Lm-IglC-SL8 • Evaluate the immunogenicity of KBMA Lm-IglC vaccines and compare to live-attenuated vaccine • Measure cytokine responses after vaccination with Lmand Ft-based vaccines using multiplex CBA assay Oct 6, 2008 Milestone 56: Demonstrate that Lm Vaccines Induce Protective Cellular Immune Responses to Ft Antigens • Compare T-cell responses to IglC induced by live and KBMA Lm expressing IglC to those elicited by Ftn or LVS vaccination • Produce IglC overlapping peptide library 15aa overlapping by 11aa (211 amino acid long protein) • Use IglC peptide library for ELISpot assays to measure the IglC-specific T cell responses induced after vaccination with live and KBMA Lm-IglC and compare to live and KBMA Ftn and LVS vaccination • Demonstrate mechanism of protection induced by Lm vaccines is cellular by depletion of T cell populations and passive transfer studies • Demonstrate that strains of Live and KBMA Lm-IglC-SL8 and/or LmKatG-SL8 protect against a SchuS4 challenge • Produce lots of KBMA vaccine and send to UNM for testing in animal models (mice and rats) Oct 6, 2008 MS56: Evaluation of IglC Immune Responses after Vaccination with Lm-IglC Mice Balb/c C57BL/6 C3H/HeJ FVB/NJ SJL/J Vaccination H2-d H2-b H2-k H2-q H2-s ELISpot and ICS with IglC peptide library Lm actA inlB uvrAB prfA* IglC-SL8 7 days (BH2094) 1x 106 cfu IV Harvest spleens IM08-059 NB#2000 pp11-14 Oct 6, 2008 51 peptides in 2 pools (15mers overlapping by 11 aa) Pool 1: Peptide #s 1-25 Pool 2: Peptide #s 26-51 400 200 SJL C3H FVBN C57BL/6 0 400 200 0 SJL iglC pool2 C3H 600 LLO pool FVBN iglC pool1 unstim 600 C57BL/6 unstim LLO pool-specific response Balb/c 800 IFN-g SFC per 2e5 splenocytes IglC responses Balb/c IFN-g SFC per 2e5 splenocytes Responses to IglC Peptide Pools in Different Mouse Strains • IglC responses were detectable in all 5 strains of mice (weak with SJL) • Responses were mostly to pool2 peptides • Responses were strongest in FVBN Mice Oct 6, 2008 IM08-059 IglC Immune Responses Detected by ICS IglC pool2 2.5 0 -2 C3H/HeJ SJL C3H/HeJ 0.0 2 FVB/N 0.5 4 C57BL/6 1.0 -0.5 CD8 % IFN-g T cells 1.5 FVB/N SJL C3H/HeJ FVB/N -0.05 C57BL/6 0.00 CD4 CD8 C57BL/6 0.05 2.0 Balb/c % IFN-g T cells 0.10 Balb/c % IFN-g T cells 0.15 6 CD4 CD8 Balb/c CD4 0.20 LLO pool • Responses to IglC pool1 peptides were weak in all 5 strains of mice • Responses to IglC pool2 peptides were CD4 (Balb/c, FVBN), CD8 (C57BL/6), or both (C3H/HeJ); SJL had very weak responses • Responses were strongest in FVBN Mice Oct 6, 2008 IM08-059 SJL IglC pool1 Mapping IglC Responses in Balb/c and C57BL/6 mice 180 Balb/c 160 Peptide #33, 34 QEYKTDEAWGIMIDL TDEAWGIMIDLSNLE CD4+ 140 120 IFNg SFC/2e5 cells 100 80 60 Peptide #9 NCRLFIDSLTIAGEK 40 20 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 9 10 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 60 C57BL/6 50 Peptide #34, 35 TDEAWGIMIDLSNLE WGIMIDLSNLELYPI CD8+ IFNg SFC/2e5 cells 40 30 20 10 IglC peptide library Oct 6, 2008 IM08-059 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Mapping IglC Responses in Balb/c and C57BL/6 mice 180 Balb/c 160 Peptide #33, 34 QEYKTDEAWGIMIDL TDEAWGIMIDLSNLE CD4+ 140 120 IFNg SFC/2e5 cells 100 80 60 Peptide #9 NCRLFIDSLTIAGEK 40 20 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 9 10 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 60 C57BL/6 50 Peptide #34, 35 TDEAWGIMIDLSNLE WGIMIDLSNLELYPI CD8+ IFNg SFC/2e5 cells 40 30 20 10 IglC peptide library Oct 6, 2008 IM08-059 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Fine Mapping of IglC-Specific CD8+ Immune Response in Balb/c Mice NCRLFIDSLTIAGEK DSLTIAGEK IDSLTIAGE FIDSLTIAG LFIDSLTIA RLFIDSLTI CRLFIDSLT NCRLFIDSL 9 9.7 9.6 9.5 9.4 9.3 9.2 1-1 9.1 1-2 unstim 0 10 20 IFN- g SFC/2e5 cells Oct 6, 2008 30 Fine Mapping of IglC-Specific CD8+ Immune Response in Balb/c Mice NCRLFIDSLTIAGEK DSLTIAGEK IDSLTIAGE FIDSLTIAG LFIDSLTIA RLFIDSLTI CRLFIDSLT NCRLFIDSL 9 9.7 9.6 9.5 9.4 Predicted H2-Kd 9.3 9.2 1-1 9.1 1-2 unstim 0 10 20 30 IFN- g SFC/2e5 cells • Low CD8+ responses to IglC peptide 9 • Stronger response to 9mers 9.3 and 9.4 • Ordered 10mer peptides RLFIDSLTIA and LFIDSLTIAG Oct 6, 2008 Mapping IglC Responses in Balb/c and C57BL/6 mice 180 Balb/c 160 Peptide #33, 34 QEYKTDEAWGIMIDL TDEAWGIMIDLSNLE CD4+ 140 120 IFNg SFC/2e5 cells 100 80 60 Peptide #9 NCRLFIDSLTIAGEK 40 20 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 9 10 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 60 C57BL/6 50 Peptide #34, 35 TDEAWGIMIDLSNLE WGIMIDLSNLELYPI CD8+ IFNg SFC/2e5 cells 40 30 20 10 IglC peptide library Oct 6, 2008 IM08-059 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Fine Mapping IglC-Specific CD8+ immune Response in C57BL/6 Mice WGIMIDLSNLELYPI TDEAWGIMIDLSNLE QEYKTDEAWGIMIDL LSNLELYPI DLSNLELYP IDLSNLELY MIDLSNLEL IMIDLSNLE GIMIDLSNL WGIMIDLSN AWGIMIDLS EAWGIMIDL DEAWGIMID TDEAWGIMI KTDEAWGIM YKTDEAWGI EYKTDEAWG QEYKTDEAW 35 34 33 33.15 33.14 33.13 33.12 33.11 33.10 33.9 33.8 33.7 33.6 33.5 33.4 33.3 33.2 33.1 unstim 2-1 2-2 0 20 40 60 IFN-g SFC/2e5 cells Oct 6, 2008 80 Fine Mapping IglC-Specific CD8+ immune Response in C57BL/6 Mice WGIMIDLSNLELYPI TDEAWGIMIDLSNLE QEYKTDEAWGIMIDL LSNLELYPI DLSNLELYP IDLSNLELY MIDLSNLEL IMIDLSNLE GIMIDLSNL WGIMIDLSN AWGIMIDLS EAWGIMIDL DEAWGIMID TDEAWGIMI KTDEAWGIM YKTDEAWGI EYKTDEAWG QEYKTDEAW 35 34 33 33.15 33.14 33.13 33.12 33.11 33.10 33.9 33.8 33.7 33.6 33.5 33.4 33.3 33.2 33.1 unstim 2-1 2-2 0 20 40 60 IFN-g SFC/2e5 cells Oct 6, 2008 80 Fine Mapping IglC-Specific CD8+ immune Response in C57BL/6 Mice IMIDLSNL GIMIDLSNL WGIMIDLSNLELYPI 33-19 Predicted H2-Kb 33-10 35 unstim 0 20 40 60 IFN- g SFC/2e5 cells Oct 6, 2008 80 IglC responses 200 unstim iglC pool1 150 SL8 Responses 30 iglC pool2 iglC 33-10 100 50 0 % IFN- g CD8+ T cells IFN- g SFC per 2e5 splenocytes Comparison of Lm-IglC and LVS Vaccines 20 10 0 BH1222 LVS-SL8 HBSS Day 0 Vaccinate C57BL/6 with: BH1222 (Lm actAinlB-IglC-SL8): 5e6 cfu iv LVS-PepO-SL8: 1e4 cfu id HBSS Oct 6, 2008 BH1222 LVS-SL8 Days 7 and 9 Measure immune responses HBSS MS56 Summary • A single IV vaccination with Lm-IglC induces cellular immune responses to IglC in Balb/c, C57BL/6, FVBN, and C3H/HeJ mice • Responses are CD4+, CD8+, or both depending on the haplotype of the mice • IglC-specific CD8+ epitopes were identified in C57BL/6 and Balb/c mice • Preliminary results suggest that Lm-IglC vaccine induces stronger IglC and SL8 responses than LVS-pepO-SL8 Oct 6, 2008 MS56 Next Steps • Repeat comparison of Lm-IglC and Ft vaccines • Assess immune responses induced by LVS when used with Lm in heterologous prime-boost regimen • Prime-Boost-LVS-Challenge • Vaccination with Lm-IglC or Pep-O SL8 LVS • Challenge with LVS 1M after boost • Compare IglC responses from live and KBMA vaccines • Distribute vaccines to Terry for SchuS4 challenge studies • If protection is seen, then initiate depletion studies. If no protection, then investigate heterologus prime-boost strategy. Oct 6, 2008 Milestone 57: Optimization of Lm Vaccination Route and Regimen • Compare various routes of administration including IV, IM, IN, ID and oral • For oral, IN, and ID administration we will first mutate the inlA gene of Lm to allow for binding of murine E-cadherin in order to mimic the human interaction • We will compare the potency of the inlA gain of function mutants to our traditional platform strain • Routes will be ranked by ability to induce a cellular immune response: Elispot, in vivo cytotoxity, and ICS • Optimize dosing regimen of most potent and tolerable route • Lm expressing IglC and/or KatG will be used • Initial evaluation will be performed by immunogenicity • Optimized route and regimen will be confirmed by SchuS4 protection studies at UNM Oct 6, 2008 MS57: Strain Construction for Route Optimization • To facilitate route optimization, the inlA gene of our platform Lm strains has been altered to allow for binding to murine E-cadherin • The sequence of the wild-type EGDe inlA gene was synthesized and the inlA gene in our platform strain was replaced (inlAWT) in our wild-type and KBMA platform strains • 2 point mutations S192N and Y369S were incorporated into the EGDe inlA sequence (inlAM) and inserted into the chromosome of our wild-type and KBMA platform strains • As published in Wollert et al., Cell 2007 Strain CRS-100 BH2130 BH2164 BH2170 BH2194 BH2132 BH2166 BH2134 BH2168 Genetic Background actAinlB actAinlBinlAWT actAinlBinlAWT actAinlBinlAM actAinlBinlAM actAinlBuvrABprfAG155SinlAWT actAinlBuvrABprfAG155SinlAWT actAinlBuvrABprfAG155SinlAM actAinlBuvrABprfAG155SinlAM Antigen Cassette none none ActAN100-IglC-SL8 none ActAN100-IglC-SL8 none ActAN100-iglC-SL8 none ActAN100-iglC-SL8 Oct 6, 2008 Status Sequence verified Sequence verified Sequence verified Sequence verified Sequence verified Sequence verified Sequence verified Sequence verified Sequence verified InlA Gain-of-Function Mutation May Not Enhance Immunogenicity in Mice iglC-pool#2 iglC 33-10 150 100 50 0 600 SFU per 1e5 cells 50 SFU per 2e5 cells SFU per 2e5 cells 200 LLO190 response 40 30 20 10 0 IV Oral BH2164 IV Oral BH2194 400 200 0 IV Oral IV BH2164 BH2194 Day 0: Vaccinate C57BL/6 BH2164 (actAinlBinlAwt-IglC): 5e6 cfu iv BH2164 (actAinlBinlAwt-IglC): 1e9 cfu oral BH2194 (actAinlBinlAM-IglC): 5e6 cfu iv BH2194 (actAinlBinlAM-IglC): 1e9 cfu oral Oct 6, 2008 Oral IV Oral BH2164 Day 7 Measure immune responses in spleen IV Oral BH2194 MS57 Next Steps • Route comparison initiated • Will repeat experiment and also test prfA* vaccines • Will evaluate ID, SC, IM and IN routes for systemic and mucosal immune responses • Routes that provide best responses will be tested in INchallenge model Oct 6, 2008 Problems Encountered, Corrective Actions • Vac-quad epitope tag reduced immunogenicity: • This strategy was dropped in favor of single SL8 tag • Since we were able to identify IglC responses the need for other epitopes is not great • Have been unable to share Lm-IglC and KatG with UNM because original MTA with UCLA did not include UNM • A multiparty MTA with UCLA, Cerus/ANZA, UNM, LBERI and others is in process Oct 6, 2008