Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble Contract No. HHSN266200500040-C ADB Contract No. N01-AI-50040 Section I: Purpose and Scope of Effort The Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract will lead to vaccine candidates, two animal models and cellular assays vital for testing vaccine efficacy. Sections II and III: Progress and Planning Presented by Milestone Active milestones: 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 11, 12/13(UNM/LBERI), 14, 17, 19, 21(UNM/LBERI), 26, 27, 28, 35(ASU/UNM), 49, 50, 52, 55, 56, 57 Completed milestones: 1, 25, 32, 33, 34 (UNM/ASU), 16, 39, 40, 43 (UTSA), 48, 51 Inactive milestones: 6, 8, 9, 10, 15, 18, 20, 22, 23, 24, 29, 30, 36, 37, 38, 53, 54, 58, 59 Milestones terminated after initiation: 41, 42, 44, 46, (MSCR will be written) Milestones terminated before initiated: 43 (Cerus), 45, 47 (MSCR will not be written) Milestone 2 Milestone description: Vaccinations performed on relevant personnel Institution: UNM/LRRI 1. Date started: 11/01/2005 2. Date completed: In progress 3. Work performed and progress including data and preliminary conclusions a. 13 LVS vaccinees have volunteered to donate blood for immunoassay development under the TVDC. 4. Significant decisions made or pending a. Dr. Lyons received UNM IRB approval to allow blood draws on the vaccinated LBERI and UNM scientists after their LVS vaccinations. The LVS vaccinated LBERI and UNM scientists and staff have been offered the opportunity to volunteer to donate bloods for the development of immunoassays, approximately 2 months after receiving the LVS vaccination. b. USAMRIID has temporarily halted offering the LVS vaccine as of 4/29/08, until a new study protocol is activated, possibly by late summer 2008 c. UNM (4) and LBERI (33) are vaccinated; UNM and LBERI could offer the LVS vaccinations up to 9 more scientists to total up to 46. The CRDA with USAMRIID is valid for 2 years, ending June 2009. d. UNM EOHS clarified the USAMRIID annual health screening requirements 5. Problems or concerns and strategies to address a. One UNM and one LBERI scientist are medically pending. One UNM scientist may be rescheduled for LVS vaccination. The next LVS vaccinations will not 1 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble occur until USAMRIID’s new protocol is activated approximately late summer 2008 b. The UNM TVDC Project Manager received pricing for the annual health screening to be performed at the UNM Employee Occupational Health Services for the LBERI and UNM LVS vaccinees. c. The 37 LVS vaccinees will not begin annual health screenings until approximately 9/11/2008. 6. Deliverables completed A total of 37 participants (33 LBERI and 4 UNM participants) have received the LVS vaccination since 9/11/07. 7. Quality of performance Excellent 8. Percentage completed 67% of the scientific work is complete 9. Work plan for the next month a. Obtain an NIAID contract authorization to allow UNM EOHS to charge for the annual health screening required by USAMRIID and being performed at UNM for the LBERI and UNM LVS vaccinees. b. UNM will be obtaining blood donations from LVS vaccinees for immunoassay development and reimbursing participants $40/ donation. 10. Anticipated travel None 11. Upcoming Contract Authorization (COA) for subcontractors On 6/25/2008, UNM requested a COA to include the UNM EOHS 12 month health screening cost for the LVS vaccinees. Milestone 3 Milestone description: Bioaerosol technique selected and optimized Institution: LBERI 1. Date started: 2/23/2006 2. Date completed: In progress 3. Work performed and progress including data and preliminary conclusions a. Work on the milestone completion report was continued. It will be completed once the SCHU S4 growth procedures have been finalized and the comparison of multiple aerosol generators is completed. b. SCHU S4 bioaerosols were conducted on five days in June 2008: The goal is to select an aerosol generator that reproducibly generates a targeted and delivered SCHU S4 aerosol dose. SCHU S4 Bioaerosols from the Aerotech I, Aeromist, Hospitak and Collison were generated and compared. a. 6/13/2008 i. Completed SCHU S4 bioaerosol testing (n=8) with the Aerotech I nebulizer as a potential replacement for Aeromist since it is no longer being manufactured. ii. Objectives were to verify the predictability of our new SCHU S4 growth curve and to perform bioaerosols with the Aerotech I (a potential Aeromist replacement) nebulizer. 2 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble iii. Growth method used for SCHU S4: 1. Inoculate BCGA for colony isolation 2. Incubate for 48h at 37°C 3. Inoculate 100 mL of Chamberlain’s broth in a washed 500 mL baffled flask with 400 uL of suspension. The suspension is prepared from multiple colonies mixed in 4.5 mL broth and normalized to an OD600 of 0.100. 4. Incubate for 24h at 37°C, 200 rpm, in the dark 5. Read OD600; compare to growth curve and dilute to appropriate concentrations iv. Results (stored in the following folder: \\Saturn\absl3\Agent and Study Specific Data and Miscellaneous Documents\STUDY SPECIFIC DATA\FY06\FY06-078_TUL-03\TUL-03 data files\Aeromist nebulizer\13JUN08) are summarized in Table 1 below: Table 1. 13JUN08 summary SCHU S4 bioaerosol results using the Aerotech I nebulizer. Data from Table 1 indicate that use of the new OD curve resulted in accurate generator suspension predictions. Post- actual bioaerosol concentrations were slightly lower than pre- actual bioaerosol titers, an observation consistently observed regardless of the nebulizer used. Spray factors were lower and more variable than desired; this result may have been inherent to the nebulizer. Taken together, these data clearly demonstrate the fragility of SCHU S4 as a bioaerosol (specifically when aerosolized using high-pressure compressed air). b. 6/18/2008 i. Completed SCHU S4 bioaerosol testing (n=12) comparing the Hospitak with the Aeromist nebulizers. ii. Objectives were to verify the predictability of our new SCHU S4 growth curve and to perform bioaerosols with the Hospitak (a potential Aeromist replacement) and Aeromist nebulizers iii. Growth method used for SCHU S4: 1. Inoculate BCGA for colony isolation 3 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble 2. Incubate for 48h at 37°C 3. Inoculate 100 mL of Chamberlain’s broth in a washed 500 mL baffled flask with 400 L The suspension is prepared from multiple colonies mixed in 4.5 mL broth and normalized to an OD600 of 0.100. 4. Incubate for 24h at 37°C, 200 rpm, in the dark 5. Read OD600; compare to growth curve and dilute to appropriate concentrations iv. Results (stored in the following folder: \\Saturn\absl3\Agent and Study Specific Data and Miscellaneous Documents\STUDY SPECIFIC DATA\FY06\FY06-078_TUL-03\TUL-03 data files\Aeromist nebulizer\18JUN08) are summarized in Table 2 below: Table 2. 18JUN08 summary SCHU S4 bioaerosol results using the Aeromist and Hospitak nebulizers. Data from Table 2 further indicate that use of the new OD curve resulted in accurate generator suspension predictions. Again, post-bioaerosol concentrations were slightly lower than prebioaerosol titers. Spray factors were lower than desired, though consistent, with the Hospitak demonstrating slightly better efficiency than the Aeromist. Aerosol concentrations were low as well; primates exposed at these concentrations would not have been challenged appropriately (assuming 3.5L inhaled, calculated doses would have only reached 14,000 CFU at the high end rather than the desired 25,000 CFU). As with the 13JUN2008 results, these data further demonstrate the fragility of SCHU S4 as a bioaerosol. 4 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble c. 6/19/2008 i. Completed repeat bioaerosol testing of 14MAY08 NHP exposures (without NHPs; n=3). ii. Objectives were to repeat the Microbiology and Aerosol parameters of the 14MAY08 NHP exposures. Since clumping had occurred (culture was grown to 48 hours in 50 mL Chamberlain’s broth using a single colony) and predicted concentration and spray factors were too low the bioaerosol was repeated under the same conditions to see if it again resulted in lower CFU values. Additionally bioaerosols were being performed to determine which phase of growth was most hardy for aerosolization and data collected to date had suggested at 48 hours the bacteria was in stationary phase of growth (refer to May 08 monthly report for data on growth curves). iii. Growth method used for SCHU S4 1. Inoculate BCGA for colony isolation 2. Incubate for 48h at 37°C 3. Inoculate 50 mL of Chamberlain’s broth in a washed 500 mL baffled flask with 1 CFU 4. Incubate for 48h at 37°C, 150 rpm, in the dark 5. Centrifuge at 4100 rpm for 20 min 6. Resuspend pellet in 4 mL of Chamberlain’s broth 7. Read OD600; compare to growth curve and dilute to appropriate concentrations iv. Results (stored in the following folder: \\Saturn\absl3\Agent and Study Specific Data and Miscellaneous Documents\STUDY SPECIFIC DATA\FY07\FY07-083 and -089 (TUL-04)\19JUN08 mock-NHP exposure) are summarized in Table 3 below: Table 3. 19JUN08 summary SCHU S4 bioaerosol results using the Aeromist nebulizer. Data from Table 3 further indicate actual generator suspension concentrations were approximately 1 log different than the target. This was observed with the 14MAY2008 NHP exposures and was concluded to be due to the poor growth curve. Contrary to the 14MAY results, however, spray factors here were acceptable. This was hypothesized to be due to the absence of clumps in the growth medium, a phenomenon that was significant for the NHP exposures and was observed in the 14MAY results. 5 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble d. 6/23/2008 i. Completed SCHU S4 bioaerosol testing (n=12) comparing the Hospitak (potential replacement for Aeromist) and Collison nebulizers. ii. Objectives: To continue verification of the new SCHU S4 growth curve and to perform head-to-head bioaerosol comparisons between the Hospitak and Collison nebulizers Since the Aeromist is no longer available and the Collison is considered the gold-standard for bioaerosols it was chosen as the standard to determine if the performance of the Hospitak is better. iii. Growth method used for SCHU S4 1. Inoculate BCGA for colony isolation 2. Incubate for 48h at 37°C 3. Inoculate 100 mL of Chamberlain’s broth in a washed 500 mL baffled flask with 400 uL of a 4.5 ml suspension normalized to an OD600 of 0.100 4. Incubate for 24h at 37°C, 200 rpm, in the dark 5. Read OD600; compare to growth curve and dilute to appropriate concentrations iv. Results (stored in the following folder: \\Saturn\absl3\Agent and Study Specific Data and Miscellaneous Documents\STUDY SPECIFIC DATA\FY06\FY06-078_TUL-03\TUL-03 data files\Aeromist nebulizer\23JUN08) are summarized in Table 4 below: Table 4. 23JUN08 summary SCHU S4 bioaerosol results using the Collison and Hospitak nebulizers. Data from Table 4 further indicate that use of the new OD curve resulted in accurate generator suspension predictions. As before, post- actual bioaerosol concentrations were slightly lower than pre- 6 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble actual bioaerosol titers. Spray factors were more efficient and consistent with the Hospitak whereas Collison data were inconsistent and less efficient than desired (many values were in the 10-8 range). Aerosol concentrations were well within the acceptable range when considering a desired challenge dose of 25,000 CFU in 3.5L inhaled; concentrations reached as high as 600,000 CFU/L using the Hospitak. These data demonstrate the fragility of SCHU S4 as a bioaerosol, but show that desirable NHP exposures can be achieved. e. 6/27/08 i. Performed viable cell counts from Chamberlain’s broth inoculated with SCHU S4 at varying optical densities (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, and 0.4). ii. Objective was to determine if there was significant variability in the cfu such that prior growth failures might be explained. iii. Protocol used for the examination: 1. One BCGA plates was streaked with F. tularensis Schu S4, and incubated for ~48 hours at 37ºC. 2. A loopful of bacteria was inoculated into 4.5 ml Chamberlain’s broth to an OD600 of 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, and 0.4. 3. Each of the cultures was diluted ten-fold. Aliquots (100 uL) from each indicated dilution, including the undiluted culture, was plated in duplicate on BCGA plates. 4. Plates were incubated for ~48 hours at 37°C. 5. Colonies were counted and duplicates are averaged; cfu were very similar for each duplicate. Results (stored in the following folder: \\Saturn\absl3\Agent and Study Specific Data and Miscellaneous Documents\STUDY SPECIFIC DATA\FY06\FY06-078_TUL-03) were summarized in Table 5 below. Table 5. 27JUN08 summary examination of viable cell counts of SCHU S4 at varying optical densities OD600 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Resulting CFU/ml 2.015e8 5.2e8 9.5e8 1.035e9 f. 6/30/2008 i. Performed SCHU S4 bioaerosol testing (n=12) comparing the Hospitak (potential replacement for Aeromist) and Collison nebulizers. ii. Objectives were to verify the predictability of our new SCHU S4 growth curve and to perform bioaerosols with the Hospitak (a potential Aeromist replacement) and Collison nebulizers to achieve reproducibility. iii. Growth method used for SCHU S4: 1. Inoculate BCGA for colony isolation 7 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble 2. Incubate for 48h at 37°C 3. Inoculate 100 mL of Chamberlain’s broth in a new 500 mL baffled flask with 400 L of 4.5 ml suspension normalized to an OD600 of 0.100 4. Incubate for 24h at 37°C, 200 rpm, in the dark 5. Read OD600; compare to growth curve and dilute to appropriate concentrations Results (stored in the following folder: \\Saturn\absl3\Agent and Study Specific Data and Miscellaneous Documents\STUDY SPECIFIC DATA\FY06\FY06-078_TUL-03\TUL-03 data files\Collison Generator\30JUN08) are summarized in Table 6 below: Table 6. 30JUN08 summary SCHU S4 bioaerosol results using the Collison and Hospitak nebulizers. F. tularensis Date Strain 30Jun08 SCHU S4 Working Stock 28-Feb08 Nebulizer Growth Protocol CFU/mL Operating Pressure Output Target PreActual PostActual CFU/L Brand Spray Factor Collison 25.4 psig 7.4978 L/min 1.00E+06 8.60E+05 3.85E+05 3.69E+01 9.58E-08 Hospitak 10 psig 4.4980 L/min 1.00E+06 8.65E+05 4.65E+05 1.94E+02 4.16E-07 Hospitak 25.4 psig 7.4978 L/min 1.00E+07 1.07E+06 5.70E+06 1.45E+03 2.54E-07 Collison 10 psig 4.4980 L/min 1.00E+07 1.02E+06 5.05E+06 1.06E+03 2.1E-07 Collison 25.4 psig 7.4978 L/min 1.00E+08 7.50E+07 4.90E+07 3.70E+03 7.54E-08 Hospitak 10 psig 4.4980 L/min 1.00E+08 8.95E+07 5.30E+07 1.35E+04 2.55E-07 Hospitak 25.4 psig 7.4978 L/min 1.00E+09 9.65E+08 5.95E+08 1.22E+05 2.05E-07 Collison 10 psig 4.4980 L/min 1.00E+09 1.05E+09 4.25E+08 2.61E+04 6.15E-08 3 Data from Table 5 further indicate that use of the new OD curve resulted in accurate generator suspension predictions. As before, post-actual bioaerosol concentrations were slightly lower than preactual bioaerosol titers. Spray factors were consistent within the same nebulizer but were more efficient when the Hospitak was used. Aerosol concentrations were well within the acceptable range when considering a desired challenge dose of 25,000 CFU in 3.5L inhaled. These data demonstrate the fragility of SCHU S4 as a bioaerosol, but show that desirable NHP exposures can be achieved (more so with the Hospitak). 4. Significant decisions made or pending a. The SCHU S4 challenge material preparation will be redefined upon completion of addition bioaerosol studies with the goal of achieving a reliable reproducible challenge dose. 8 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble b. The Aerotech I will not be used in future SCHU S4 bioaerosol studies because it is no longer manufactured. c. All future SCHU S4 bioaerosol study days will include at least one “control” run using the Collison 3-jet nebulizer. d. All future SCHU S4 bioaerosols will incorporate new, unused flasks for bacterial proliferation; flasks will be discarded after one time use. e. 06JUN08 experiments will be repeated on 2 additional days to collect more independent head to head data to decide if the Collison or Hospitak will be used for future NHP bioaerosol challenges. 5. Problems or concerns and strategies to address a. The Aeromist nebulizer is no longer manufactured. Preliminary data show that the Hospitak nebulizer is similar to the Aeromist and Collison nebulizer. Data collected to date demonstrate the fragility of SCHU S4 as a bioaerosol but show that the nebulizers are comparable in performance. Two additional bioaerosols will be performed to demonstrate reproducibility of AGI concentration through statistical analysis that either Hospitak or the Collison nebulizer can be use in future bioaerosols. 6. Deliverables completed None 7. Quality of performance Good 8. Percentage completed 99.0% of the scientific work is complete 9. Work plan for next month a. Continue (with the potential to complete) the Milestone Completion Draft Report b. Complete and submit SOP drafts used on MS3 c. Perform additional bioaerosols comparing the Hospitak and Collison nebulizers: a. 1JUL2008 b. 9JUL2008 d. Analyze cumulative data from Hospitak/Collison bioaerosol runs and logically choose the appropriate nebulizer to use in future NHP SCHU S4 aerosol challenges based on statistics from 4 independent sprays on different days looking at 106 to 109 CFU/mL target nebulizer concentrations. 10. Anticipated travel None 11. Upcoming Contract Authorization (COA) for subcontractors None anticipated Milestone 4 Milestone description: Confirmation of aerosol in vivo in NHP Institution: LBERI 1. Date started: 11/1/06 2. Date completed: In progress 3. Work performed and progress including data and preliminary conclusions: A bioaerosol challenge with two additional primates (A05254 and A05262) was performed on 14MAY08 to confirm that aerosolized SCHU S4 freshly grown in Chamberlain’s broth is virulent in NHPs. Initial methods and data were 9 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble presented in the previous report. Updated results are presented below. These data are located in the following folder: \\Saturn\absl3\Agent and Study Specific Data and Miscellaneous Documents\STUDY SPECIFIC DATA\FY07\FY07-083 and -089 (TUL-04)\14MAY08 NHP exposure. Table 7: Blood and tissue culture data for animals A05254 and A05262, naïve cynomolgus macaques exposed to an aerosol challenge of Francisella tularensis SCHU S4. FY07-083 Naïve Cynomolgus Macaque Francisella tularensis SCHU S4 Bioaerosol Challenge Data Animal ID Challenge Date Challenge Dose (CFU) Nx Datea A05254 14-May-08 Unknown A05262 14-May-08 Unknown Tissue Culture Bloodb Spleen Liver TBLNc Mes LN Lung 23-May-08 BLD 3.12E+03 1.28E+02 1.88E+04 BLD 1.48E+05 11-Jun-08 BLD BLD 1.18E+02 BLD 3.50E+04 BLD a Animal A05254 was euthanized on Study Day 9; A05262 was euthanized on Study Day 28 b Blood data presented as CFU/mL; tissue data presented as CFU/g; BLD, below limit of detection c In addition to F. tularensis, one contaminant was noted in the TBLN of A05254 The exact challenge dose is unknown since no culturable bacteria were recovered from the impinger. Though colony counts were not available, it is estimated based on the pre- and post- spray data and plethysmography data that the challenge dose for these two animals was approximately 1000 CFU., which is below the 25,000 CFU targeted dose. Animal A05254 was euthanized due to a moribund state at day 9 whereas A05262 survived initial challenge and was euthanized at the end of the study (28 days post-challenge). Cultures from A05254 were indicative of a septicemic disease with the highest titers observed in the TBLN and lung. In contrast to this, SCHU S4 was only present in the liver and mesenteric LN of A05262 demonstrating clearance and recovery from the aerosol challenge. Survival was likely due to the low challenge dose (a concentration hypothesized to be near the LD50 under these conditions). This is the first time that we have observed bacteria in the mesenteric lymph nodes. 10 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble Figure 1: Gross Pathology lung images from animal A05262 euthanized on Study Day 28. The top and bottom images represent ventral and dorsal aspects, respectively. It was concluded that this animal was entering a resolving phase of the disease and would have likely cleared the SCHU S4 presence completely and returned to a more normal lung appearance had it not been euthanized on Study Day 28. These lungs are representative of chronic pneumonia, a result observed in all SCHU S4-exposed NHPs to date. 4. Significant decisions made or pending Due to the issues with the two animal challenges (Dec 2007 and May 2008), an additional challenge will be performed once the SCHU S4 growth is optimized and the challenge material preparation defined and delivers a reproducible challenge dose. This is tentatively planned for mid July 2008. Following completion of the Hospitak and Collison comparisons (see Milestone 3), a decision will be made as to what generator to use for the next primate challenges. 5. Problems or concerns and strategies to address Optimization of SCHU S4 bioaerosols has proven difficult. Because LVS and SCHU S4 behave significantly different as bioaerosols, results from one microorganism cannot be linearly transferred to the other. 6. Deliverables completed None 7. Quality of performance Good 8. Percentage completed 52% of the scientific work is complete 11 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble 9. Work plan for next month a. Schedule and/or perform bioaerosol challenge with two additional primates to confirm that aerosolized SCHU S4 freshly grown in Chamberlain’s broth is virulent in NHPs. Before challenge the primates, the chosen primates will have been screened for background titer. The challenge delivered dose will be 25,000 CFU of viable SCHU S4. The generator to be used will depend on finalized results from Milestone 3. The primates will be observed daily for up to 28 days for clinical signs of illness. NHP will be offered enriched vegetable/fruit food, as a clinical measure of health status. NHP will not be euthanized unless moribund as defined by the LBERI veterinarian. Post mortem will be identical to the NHP study performed in May 2008. 10. Anticipated travel None 11. Upcoming Contract Authorization (COA) for subcontractors None anticipated Milestone 5 - UNM Milestone description: Small species tested for sensitivity to LVS & generation of immunity against a pulmonary challenge of SCHU S4 Institution: UNM 1. Date started: 12/12/2005 2. Date completed: pending 3. Work performed and progress including data and preliminary conclusions a. Experiment Ftc70 study 1 (Notebook 115, pages 98-100) i. We have repeatedly observed occasional survivors in SCHU S4 challenge experiments when the other rats in the group challenged with the same dose died. We do not know if this is due to individual variation in susceptibility or to technical errors in delivering the inoculum; we have been using a non-surgical inoculation method that involves inserting a flexible catheter down the trachea and have occasionally seen the catheter end up in the esophagus instead. ii. To address the possible technical problem, we plan to do a side-byside comparison between the non-surgical inoculation method and a surgical inoculation that the laboratory has been using for years to infect mice. The advantage of the surgical method is that we can see the needle being inserted into the trachea. In several surgical attempts with the rats, we have had contamination problems that we had not encountered before with the non-surgical i.t. We are now troubleshooting this problem by using longer needles and refining our techniques. 1. During one of our weekly internal TVDC meetings, Bob Sherwood indicated that he has a lot of experience using the surgical i.t. inoculation method in rats. We had a practice session under his guidance. The procedure was very straightforward and the use of a ball-tipped needle could also be applied to non-surgical inoculation as a refinement. 12 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble Additional practice sessions are required for the UNM technical team to perfect the procedure. iii. To address the possibility that Fischer 344 rats may have individual variation in susceptibility to SCHU S4 infection, we are consulting with Dr. Ron Schrader, a biostatistician at UNM, to determine the significance of the data we have collected so far and the design of future experiments 1. According to Dr. Schrader, the experiments we have performed thus far are very similar and could be analyzed as a single data set. By combining the experiments and thereby the number of samples, the experimental power is increased. 2. Dr. Schrader’s analyses also indicated that LVS vaccination by s.c., i.d. and i.t. routes all provided significant protection against i.t. SCHU S4 challenge compared with unvaccinated rat controls. The protective effects of i.d. and s.c. vaccinations are similar and both may be slightly better than i.t. vaccination. 3. We are currently analyzing the data to compare the resistance of unvaccinated and s.c, i.d., and i.t. LVS vaccinated rats to i.t. SCHU S4 challenge between. We will provide NIAID with dose response curves for each of the four groups. 4. We are also analyzing the data to determine the group size required to identify statistically significant differences in future experiments. b. Experiment Ftc46 study 6 (Notebook 116, pages 12-17) i. For us to include quantum dots in our experiments to confirm i.t. delivery of the inoculum into the lungs, we must first be convinced that it does not affect the virulence of the F. tularensis. ii. Since the high virulence of SCHU S4 in mice and rats may make any effect of quantum dots on its pathogenicity difficult to detect, we decided to test the effect of quantum dots on LVS. iii. BALB/c mice were infected intranasally with 5 x 104, 2.5 x 105, and 5 x 105 LVS in the presence or absence of 5 pmol quantum dots and 14.5 pmol coelentrazine per rat. These doses were chosen to be above and below the LD50. iv. Unfortunately, the challenge doses were clustered too tightly and mice from all three groups died (Fig. 1). However, it is clear that quantum dots did not affect the virulence of LVS in BALB/c mice 13 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble Figure 1. Quantum dots did not affect the virulence of LVS in BALB/c mice. BALB/c mice (n = 5) were infected with LVS with and without quantum dots and its substrate. Infected mice were monitored daily for survival and development of clinical signs of illness. c. Experiment Ftc46 study 7 (Notebook 116, pages 18-21) i. The purpose of this experiment was to determine whether quantum dots affect the virulence of LVS. This was a repeat of Ftc46 study 6. ii. Based on the results from Ftc46 study 6, the LVS challenge dose was adjusted to cover a larger range: 5 x 103, 5 x 104, and 5 x 105 cfu/mouse iii. As seen in Ftc46 study 6, addition of quantum dots had no effect of the virulence of LVS in BALB/c mice (Fig. 2). The difference between the two groups at 5 x 105 LVS was not statistically significant (P > 0.1) iv. Based on the results from these two studies, we feel confident that inclusion of quantum dots does not adversely affect the quality of infection experiments Figure 2. Quantum dots did not affect the virulence of LVS in BALB/c mice. BALB/c mice (n = 5) were infected with LVS with and without quantum dots and its substrate. Infected mice were monitored daily for survival and development of clinical signs of illness. d. Characterization of the Fischer 344 rat model is currently being done under Milestone 11, as the efforts on the Fischer 344 rat model are shifting toward GLP model efficacy 4. Significant decisions made or pending We will include quantum dots and substrate in all infection experiments because quantum dots do not appear to affect the virulence of LVS in mice 5. Problems or concerns and strategies to address None 6. Deliverables completed a. Mouse model completed b. Guinea pig model completed c. Rat model completed 7. Quality of performance NA 14 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble 8. Percentage completed 75% 9. Work plan for upcoming month a. Complete sub-milestone completion reports for the mouse, rat, and guinea pigs b. Continue development of surgical i.t. for rats Continue consultation with GCRC (General Clinical Research Center) biostatistician at UNM 10. Anticipated travel None 11. Upcoming Contract Authorization (COA) for subcontractors On June 26,2008, UNM requested a COA to authorize the purchase of an anesthesia unit to associate with the Xenogen imaging system, which detects the quantum dots. Milestone 7 Milestone description: SCHU S4 LD50 in primates determined from selection of challenge dosing Institution: LBERI 1. Date started: 2/25/08 2. Date completed: In progress 3. Work performed and progress including data and preliminary conclusions: a. A draft protocol was written and submitted to the IACUC. complete and the comments are being addressed. IACUC review is 4. Significant decisions made or pending Confirmation of firm start dates pending completion of Milestone 4. 5. Problems or concerns and strategies to address None 6. Deliverables completed None 7. Quality of performance Fair 8. Percentage completed 8% of the scientific work is complete 9. Work plan for next month a. Schedule appropriate personnel. b. Initiate ABSL-3 move-in and challenge dates. 10. Anticipated travel None 11. Upcoming Contract Authorization (COA) for subcontractors None anticipated 15 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble Milestone 11 - UNM Milestone description: In vivo GLP model efficacy SOPS developed in one small species and primate and efficacy testing of vaccine candidates Institution: UNM 1. Date started: 1/16/2008 2. Date completed: pending 3. Work performed and progress including data and preliminary conclusions a. Experiment Ptran6 (Notebook 123, page 1-7, 24, 36-38, 44-48) i. The purpose of this experiment was to determine the minimum volume of immune serum required to protect rats against i.t. SCHU S4 challenge ii. NCI Fisher 344 rats received 0, 0.4, 1.0, 1.5, or 2.5 ml of immune NCI rat serum by intraperitoneal injection 1 day before i.t. challenge with approximately 100 CFU SCHU S4. We showed previously in Experiment Ptran 1 and 2 that 2.5 ml of normal rat serum protected 2 of 6 and 4 of 6 NCI Fisher 344 rats, respectively, from i.t. SCHU S4 challenge. Thus, the volume of immune serum was titrated from 2.5 ml down to 0 ml in this experiment, iii. As seen in Fig. 3, as little as 0.4 ml of immune serum enabled NCI Fisher 344 rats to survive and maintain their weight for 20 days after i.t. SCHU S4 challenge iv. Rats that received 1.5 and 2.5 ml of immune serum not only survived but also gained weight. v. Table 1 shows the bacterial burden in the lungs, liver, and spleen of passively immunized rats that survived i.t. SCHU S4 challenge. Interestingly, the bacterial burden was similar despite the weight differences between the groups. It is worth noting that the number of bacteria recovered from the liver of the 2.5 ml group varied more than the other groups, but the significance of this result is unclear 16 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble Figure 3. Weight loss/gain in passively immunized Fischer 344 rats after i.t. SCHU S4 challenge. Fischer 344 rats from NCI (n = 3) were injected with the indicated volume of immune NCI rat serum and challenged 1 day later with ~100 CFU SCHU S4 i.t. Each curve represents the weight loss/gain of one rat. The asterisks indicate deaths during the observation period i Table 1. Effect of serum volume on the bacterial burden in passively immune Fischer 344 rats 20 days after i.t. SCHU S4 challenge Bacterial burden in passively immunized rats challenged with SCHU S4 (cfu) 0.4 ml 1.5 ml 2.5 ml Lung 4.4 ± 0.7 4.1 ± 0.4 4.3 ± 0.4 Liver 2.5 ± 0.1 2.3 ± 0.1 1.6 ± 1.5 Spleen 3.7 ± 0.8 3.6 ± 0.1 3.3 ± 0.8 b. Experiment Ptran7(Notebook 122, page 57-58, Notebook 123, pages 27-35, 41-43 i. The purpose of this experiment was demonstrate that immune serum, but not normal serum, protected rats against i.t. SCHU S4 challenge. In the last two experiments, Ptran5 and Ptran6, we titrated only normal or immune serum, respectively, but not both. In this experiment, both normal and immune serum were included 17 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble ii. Fischer 344 rats from NCI (n = 7) were injected i.p. with 1 ml of normal or immune rat serum and challenged 1 day later with SCHU S4 i.t.. By mistake the concentration of SCHU S4 in the inoculum was made 10-fold higher than previously used and the actual lung deposition was estimated to be 1871 cfu. iii. Table 2 shows that immune serum protected 4 of 6 rats and 6 of 6 rats with normal died of i.t. SCHU S4 challenge. iv. In light of the fact that immune serum protected all of the rats in Ptran1 and Ptran2, the observation that 2 of the rats with immune serum died in this experiment suggest that we may be nearing the limit of protection by passive immunization Table 2. Survival of passively immunized Fischer 344 rats following i.t. SCHU S4 challenge Treatment Survival ratio Percent survival (No. alive/total) (%) Naïve 0/7 0 Normal rat serum 0/7 0 Immune rat serum 4/6 66 c. Experiment Cdep-2.1 (Notebook 122, page 49-50, Notebook 123, page 9-23) i. The purpose of this experiment was to determine the role of CD4, CD8 T cells in the protection of Fischer 344 rats induced by LVS vaccination ii. LVS vaccinated rats were treated with ascites fluid to deplete CD4 (W2/25), CD8 (OX-8) or both CD4 and CD8 three days before i.t. challenge with an estimated lung deposition of 5.8 x 104 SCHU S4 iii. The experiment is in progress and the results will be reported in next month’s technical report. 3. Significant decisions made or pending None 4. Problems or concerns and strategies to address None 5. Deliverables completed None 6. Quality of performance Good 7. Percentage completed 19% 8. Work plan for upcoming month a. Tititrate the serum volume against the SCHU S4 challenge in a matrix with the goal of determining the level of protection with each serum volume b. Titrate the amount of F. tularensis-specific antibodies in immune sera c. Compare the sensitivity of NCI and Harlan Fischer 344 rats to i.t. SCHU S4 challenge d. Determine whether the dose of LVS used in vaccination affects the level of protection against i.t. SCHU S4 challenge e. Repeat experiment to determine the role of CD4 and CD8 T cells in protecting LVS vaccinated rats 18 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble f. Expand the OX-38 (CD4 T cell depleting antibody) and 55-6 (isotype control antibody for OX-38) hybridomas and send them to Taconic for production of ascites fluid 10. Anticipated travel The UNM team will travel to Phoenix AZ for the UNM TVDC annual meeting in October 2008. No COA will be required. 11. Upcoming Contract Authorization (COA) for subcontractors None Milestone 12/13-UNM Milestone description: Assays for detecting relevant immune responses in animals & humans developed and Compare assays in animal models (sensitivity) Institution: UNM 1. Date started: 7/15/06 (MS12) and 12/06 (MS13) 2. Date completed: Pending 3. Work performed and progress including data and preliminary conclusions a. No new work done this month. 3. Significant decisions made or pending None 4. Problems or concerns and strategies to address None 5. Deliverables completed Mouse proliferation assay, IFN and IL-2 Elispot, anti-Ft antibody titration Rat IFN Elispot, anti-Ft antibody titration Guinea pig anti-Ft antibody titration 6. Quality of performance Good 7. Percentage completed 60% 8. Work plan for upcoming month a. Determine whether LVS vaccinated mice with an active SCHU S4 infection could be used to increase the sensitivity of the IFN Elispot assay 9. Anticipated travel None 10. Upcoming Contract Authorization (COA) for subcontractors None 19 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble Milestone 12/13 Milestone description: Assays for detecting relevant immune responses in animals & humans developed and compared to those in other species. Institution: LBERI 1. Date started: 2/23/2006 2. Date completed: In progress 3. Work performed and progress including data and preliminary conclusions a. We have continued to screen non-LVS vaccinated NHPs in both the IFNγ ELISPOT and proliferation assays in order to avoid choosing any high responders to serve as LVS-naïve controls ii. In the past month, one additional NHP (A03822; Figure 1A and B) was screened, bringing the total number of NHPs screened to 19. iii. Forty newly arrived NHPs (6/5/08) will be screened in the coming weeks and months A 120 100 80 60 40 SCHUS4 ff Mid SCHUS4 hk Hi SCHUS4 hk Mid SCHUS4 ff Super SCHUS4 ff Hi LVS ff Lo LVS hk Super SCHUS4 hk Super 0 LVS hk Hi LVS hk Mid LVS ff Hi LVS ff Mid 20 Media IFNg spots (Mean +/- SEM) 140 20 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble B 75000 50000 SCHUS4 ff Mid SCHUS4 hk Hi SCHUS4 hk Mid SCHUS4 ff Super SCHUS4 ff Hi LVS ff Lo LVS hk Super SCHUS4 hk Super 0 LVS hk Hi LVS hk Mid LVS ff Hi LVS ff Mid 25000 Media RLU (Mean +/- SEM) 100000 Figure 1: IFNγ production (A) and proliferation (B) by PBMCs from a single non-LVS vaccinated NHP (A03822) to LVS and SCHU S4 antigens (ff = formalin fixed; hk = heatkilled; Super = 4 x 105/ml, Hi = 1 x 105/ml; Mid = 025 x 105/ml; Lo = 0.0625 x 105/ml). All PBMCs were plated at 1.33 x 106/ml in (A) and 1 x 106/ml in (B). Data Interpretation: Once again, we observe that the highest responsiveness in the IFN ELISPOT assay is to LVS FF Hi. The response dilutes out when less stimulating antigen is used (LVS FF Mid or –Lo). In this experiment, the greatest proliferative response was also seen in wells stimulated with LVS FF Hi. This response also diluted out when less FF LVS was used (LVS FF Mid or – Lo). Some proliferative response was also observed when PBMCs were stimulated with the highest concentration of HK SCHU S4 (Super). Data storage: Raw Data \\Saturn\Group\Wilder Lab\TVDC\PBMC assay statview\PBMC assay063008.svd; TVDC (3) bound notebook (9225), p 14 – 18. b. We have continued to test the ability of the Cerus freeze/thaw protocol to spare the reactivity of IFN secreting cells in the ELISPOT assay ii. In the past two weeks, we have thawed frozen aliquots of cells from 3 separate experiments for testing in the IFN ELISPOT assay iii. The percent recovery of the number of cells after the freeze/thaw process is shown in Figure 2 iii. Data from two of these 3 experiments is shown in Figure 3A and B; in the third experiment, a large number of spots were observed in all the wells of the plate, even the unstimulated ones suggesting that we had a technical problem on that day iv. Data on the proliferative capacity of the frozen/thawed PBMCs is shown in Figure 4 A – C. 21 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble 1 .8 .6 .4 .2 A05997 A05988 A05403 A05262 A05254 A04999 A04713 A04645 A04643 A04308 A04169 NT 0 A02314 % PBMCs recovered/100 (Mean +/- SEM) 1.2 Figure 2: The proportion of cells recovered after the Cerus freeze/thaw process is shown relative to the number of cells frozen down 8 week previously. Error bars represent SEM when more than one aliquot was thawed. NT = not tested. Note: % recovery ranged from approximately 40% to 100% 22 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble A: TUL 33 IFNg Spots (Mean +/- SEM) 200 150 100 50 0 A04645 A05254 LVS LVS LVS LVS LVS LVS LVS LVS LVS LVS LVS LVS hk Hi, Fresh hk Hi, Frozen hk Mid, Fresh hk Mid, Frozen ff Hi, Fresh ff Hi, Frozen ff Mid, Fresh ff Mid, Frozen ff Lo, Fresh ff Lo, Frozen hk Super, Fresh hk Super, Frozen IFNg Spots (Mean +/- SEM) B: TUL 34 250 LVS hk Hi, Fresh LVS hk Hi, Frozen LVS hk Mid, Fresh 200 LVS hk Mid, Frozen LVS ff Hi, Fresh 150 LVS ff Hi, Frozen LVS ff Mid, Fresh 100 LVS ff Mid, Frozen LVS ff Lo, Fresh 50 LVS ff Lo, Frozen LVS hk Super, Fresh 0 A02314 A04308 A04713 LVS hk Super, Frozen Figure 3: IFNγ production by PBMCs from non-LVS vaccinated NHPs to LVS antigens is shown (ff = formalin fixed; hk = heat-killed; Super = 4 x 105/ml, Hi = 1 x 105/ml; Mid = 025 x 105/ml; Lo = 0.0625 x 105/ml). Fresh and thawed and Frozen PBMCs were plated at 1.33 x 106/ml in 2 separate experiments (A: TUL 33) and (B: TUL 34). 23 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble A: TUL 33 Fresh Frozen 400000 SCHUS4 ff Mid SCHUS4 ff Hi SCHUS4 ff Super SCHUS4 hk Mid SCHUS4 hk Hi SCHUS4 hk Super LVS hk Super LVS ff Lo LVS ff Mid LVS ff Hi LVS hk Mid 0 LVS hk Hi 200000 Media RLU (Mean +/- SEM) 600000 B: TUL 34 400000 SCHUS4 ff Mid SCHUS4 ff Hi SCHUS4 ff Super SCHUS4 hk Mid SCHUS4 hk Hi SCHUS4 hk Super LVS hk Super LVS ff Lo LVS ff Mid LVS ff Hi LVS hk Mid 0 LVS hk Hi 200000 Media RLU (Mean +/- SEM) 600000 Fresh Frozen 24 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble C: TUL 35 Fresh Frozen 600000 400000 SCHUS4 ff Mid SCHUS4 ff Hi SCHUS4 ff Super SCHUS4 hk Mid SCHUS4 hk Hi SCHUS4 hk Super LVS hk Super LVS ff Lo LVS ff Mid LVS ff Hi LVS hk Mid 0 LVS hk Hi 200000 Media RLU (Mean +/- SEM) 800000 Figure 4: Proliferation by PBMCs from non-LVS vaccinated NHPs to LVS and SCHU S4 antigens is shown (ff = formalin fixed; hk = heat-killed; Super = 4 x 105/ml, Hi = 1 x 105/ml; Mid = 025 x 105/ml; Lo = 0.0625 x 105/ml). Fresh and thawed and Frozen PBMCs were plated at 1 x 106/ml in 3 separate experiments (A: TUL 33, B: TUL 34 and C: TUL35). Data Interpretation: The results are inconsistent. In general, the freeze/thaw process did not spare the responsiveness of the cells in the IFN ELISPOT assay (see Figure 3 TUL 33, A05254 or TUL 34, A04308). On the other hand, the response was spared a little more when considering TUL 34, A02314. Frozen and thawed PBMCs from A04713 (TUL 34) responded in a different pattern than the fresh cells. As all of these responses are from non-LVS vaccinated NHPs, it is difficult to predict what proportion of a high response to LVS antigens would be. This is particularly true when comparing responses in the proliferation assay as the responses of the fresh cells to the LVS and SCHU S4 antigens are not high (as expected from non-LVS vaccinated NHPs). More work needs to be done with LVS-vaccinated PBMCs. Data storage: Raw Data \\Saturn\Group\Wilder Lab\TVDC\PBMC assay statview\PBMC assay063008.svd; TVDC (2) bound notebook (8935), pps. 48 – 63; TVDC (3) bound notebook (9225), pps. 4 - 13. c. We have realized that we have been mis-representing PLASMA IgG anti-LVS titers as SERUM IgG anti-LVS titers in previous technical reports. d. We have realized that all IgG anti-LVS titers previously reported have been 4-fold less than their true value. Blood is mixed with 3 volumes of PBS before layering over Lymphoprep. Plasma is collected from the supernatant after the spin. Therefore, a previously reported titer of 5000 is actually 20000. 4. Significant decisions made or pending None. 5. Problems or concerns and strategies to address 25 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble None 6. Deliverables completed None 7. Quality of performance Good 8. Percentage completed 75% of the scientific work is complete. Note, we have just extended this Milestone completion date until 3/31/09 in order to optimize both the freeze thaw process and the responsiveness to the LVS and SCHU S4 antigens. Therefore, the percentage completed has dropped from last month’s report which was 97.5% 9. Work plan for upcoming month a. Continue to test PBMCs from LVS-vaccinated and non-vaccinated NHPs in the IFN ELISPOT assay to determine the effect of HK and FF LVS at different concentrations. b. Continue to freeze down extra cells if they are available. 10. Anticipated travel None 11. Upcoming Contract Authorization (COA) for subcontractors None anticipated Milestone 14 Milestone description: Assays in vaccinated humans validated (sensitivity) Institution: UNM/LBERI 1. Date started: 2/29/2008 2. Date completed: in progress 3. Work performed and progress including data and preliminary conclusions a. 1.2 x 108 PBMC were isolated from 90 ml of blood collected from a LVS vaccinated volunteer and frozen in liquid nitrogen. 4. Significant decisions made or pending NA 5. Problems or concerns and strategies to address NA 6. Deliverables completed NA 7. Quality of performance Good 8. Percentage completed 1.5% 9. Work plan for upcoming month a. Determine the viability of PBMC after a single freeze-thaw cycle. b. Stimulate PBMC with LVS or mitogen to determine whether antigen-specific proliferation and IFN production are retained after freeze-thaw c. Develop SOP for generating macrophages from fresh and frozen PBMC 26 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble 10. Anticipated travel None 11. Upcoming Contract Authorization (COA) for subcontractors None Milestone 17 Milestone description: In vitro assay for analysis of cellular and humoral elements of the immune response in vaccinated human and animal’s response to T. tularensis established Institution: UNM 1. Date started: 2/29/2008 2. Date completed: in progress 3. Work performed and progress including data and preliminary conclusions a. PBMC was prepared from blood collected from a LVS vaccinated volunteer and frozen in liquid nitrogen 4. Significant decisions made or pending NA 5. Problems or concerns and strategies to address NA 6. Deliverables completed NA 7. Quality of performance Good 8. Percentage completed 1.5% 9. Work plan for upcoming month a. Develop SOP for generating macrophages from fresh and frozen PBMC b. Develop SOP for infecting human monocyte-derived macrophages with LVS and SCHU S4 10. Anticipated travel None 11. Upcoming Contract Authorization (COA) for subcontractors None Milestone 19-UNM Milestone description: Interaction between human alveolar macrophages and F. tularensis Institution: UNM 1. Date started: 12/15/06 2. Date completed: Pending 3. Work performed and progress including data and preliminary conclusions 27 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble a. Experiment Ftc36 study 9 (Notebook 115, pages 81-84) i. The purpose of this experiment was to determine the cytokine response of human alveolar macrophages infected with LVS or SCHU S4. The human alveolar macrophages were from a non-LVS vaccinated volunteer donor. ii. 106 human alveolar macrophages were infected with LVS or SCHU S4 at MOI of 1, 10 and 100 (bacteria: macrophages) and, after 24 hours, the culture supernatants were collected and analyzed for cytokine levels by Luminex multiplex analysis. iii. As shown in Fig. 4, the cytokine response to LVS and SCHU S4 infection were similar, particularly at MOI of 1 and 100. However, at MOI of 10, SCHU S4 consistently induced 2-3-fold more IL-1, IL-6, MIP-1, and TNF. IFN, IL-12p40 and IL-10 were not induced by LVS or SCHU S4 (data not shown) Figure 4. Cytokine responses by human alveolar macrophages infected with LVS or SCHU S4. 106 human alveolar macrophages were plated in 1 ml in a 24well plate and infected with LVS or SCHU S4 at MOI = 1, 10, and 100. After 24 h, the culture supernatants were collected and analyzed by Luminex multiplex cytokine analysis b. Experiment Ftc36 study 11 (Notebook 115, pages 135-136 and 142-144) i. Listed below are several limitations to the human alveolar macrophage studies. 1. Low average yield ~ 107 cells/patient. This limits the number of replicates and possibly the assay sensitivity 28 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble ii. iii. iv. v. 2. Fungal and bacterial contamination. Fungal contamination can be controlled by adding amphotericin B but bacterial contamination cannot be controlled by adding antibiotics because they would also kill LVS and SCHU S4 3. Cell loss to washes between steps. In a typical experiment, the adherent macrophages are washed at least 9 times to remove non-adherent cells, extracellular bacteria and gentamicin. In some experiments, this led to significant cell loss and variability among replicates. It has been suggested that suspension culture may mimic the alveolar environment better than adherent culture. Suspension culture also has the advantage that the cells can be centrifuged before aspirating the culture supernatant and the wash buffers thereby reducing cell loss. The purpose of this experiment was to compare the cytokine response by adherent and suspended alveolar macrophages infected with SCHU S4 106 human alveolar macrophages were cultured in 15 ml polypropylene tubes or in 24-well tissue culture plates in 0.5 ml RPMI1640 and infected with SCHU S4 at MOI 0.1, 1.0 and 10. 24 h after infection, the culture supernatants were collected and analyzed by Luminex multiplex cytokine analysis As shown in Fig 5, macrophages cultured in tubes produced noticeably less cytokine than macrophages cultured on tissue culture plates. Figure 5. Cytokine responses by human alveolar macrophages cultured in nontissue culture treated tubes or on tissue culture plates. 29 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble 4. Significant decisions made or pending NA 5. Problems or concerns and strategies to address NA 6. Deliverables completed NA 7. Quality of performance Needs improvement 8. Percentage completed 13% 9. Work plan for upcoming month a. Repeat cytokine analysis of human alveolar macrophages cultured in nontissue culture treated tubes and on tissue culture treated plates. b. Determine the effect of recombinant IFN on intracellular growth of SCHU S4 and LVS. 10. Anticipated travel NA 11. Upcoming Contract Authorization (COA) for subcontractors None Milestone 21-UNM Milestone description: T cell-induced macrophage killing of intracellular bacteria Institution: UNM 1. Date started: 12/15/06 2. Date completed: Pending 3. Work performed and progress including data and preliminary conclusions a. Experiment Ftc30.19b-e (Notebook 109, pages 116-118, 122-127, 131-133) i. The results from Experiment Ftc30.19a indicated that for the murine macrophage SCHU S4 killing assay : 1. Increasing the phagocytosis incubation time from 1 h to 4 h improved the consistency across replicates 2. Plating a larger volume (50 l) of cell lysates with the autoplater improved the consistency across replicates than plating a smaller volume (10 l) by the microdot technique 3. There was no difference between cell lysis with deoxycholate and water ii. Ftc30.19 was repeated 4 times to ensure reproducibility and a representative result is shown in Fig. 6 iii. In all four experiments, the most consistent results were obtained by infecting the macrophages for 4 hour, lysing the cells with water, and plating larger volumes with the autoplater 30 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble Figure 6. Optimization of the murine macrophage SCHU S4 killing assay. Murine bone marrow-derived macrophages were infected with SCHU S4 at MOI of 1:100 (SCHU S4: macrophages) for 1 h or 4 h. After 48 h, the infected macrophages were lysed with water or 0.1% deoxycholate and the total number of SCHU S4 in the cell lysate and culture supernatant was determined. Each bar is a replicate showing the total number of SCHU S4 in the cell lysate and culture supernatant. b. Experiment Ftc30.20b (Notebook 109, pages 137-139) i. The purpose of this experiment was to determine whether recombinant IFN and splenocytes from LVS vaccinated mice can suppress SCHU S4 growth in mouse bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMM). ii. BMM were infected with SCHU S4 at MOI of 1:100 (bacteria: macrophages) and then incubated with 50ng/ml recombinant mouse IFNand 1x106 vaccinated or naïve T cells. iii. The results showed clearly that IFN reduced the number of SCHU S4 recovered (Fig. 7). However, vaccinated splenocytes had no effect on the number of SCHU S4 recovered. Since we did not have a control showing killing of LVS, we do not know if the results with the vaccinated splenocytes suggest that vaccinated splenocytes are not capable of inducing SCHU S4 killing or that the vaccinated splenocytes are not functional in this experiment 31 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble Figure. 7. Vaccinated splenocytes failed to induce BMM killing of SCHU S4. Murine BMM were infected with SCHU S4 at MOI of 1:100 (bacteria: macrophages) and then incubated with 50ng/ml recombinant mouse IFNand 1x106 vaccinated or naïve T cells. After 48 h, the bacterial burden was determined. c. Experiment Ftc61.6 (Notebook 109, pages 119-121, 128-130) i. The purpose of this experiment was to determine whether recombinant IFN and T cells from LVS vaccinated and naïve Fischer 344 rats can suppress LVS growth in rat bone marrowderived macrophages (BMM). ii. BMM were infected with LVS at MOI of 1:20 (bacteria: macrophages) and then incubated with 50 ng/ml (5 ng/well) or 500 ng/ml (50 ng/well) recombinant rat IFN 1x105 or 1x106 vaccinated or naïve splenocytes for 3 days iii. Figure 8 showed clearly that 50 ng/ml IFN reduced the number of LVS recovered by 3 logs and that 500 ng/ml of IFN completely eliminated LVS from the culture iv. More importantly, the number of LVS was reduced by 1-2 logs by the addition of 105 and 106 vaccinated splenocytes. When 106 naïve splenocytes were added, some nonspecific activity was detected. 32 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble Figure. 8. Vaccinated splenocytes induced rat BMM killing of LVS. Rat BMM were infected with LVS at MOI of 1:20 (bacteria: macrophages) and then incubated with naïve or vaccinated splenocytes or recombinant IFNas indicated After 72 h, the bacterial burden was determined. 4. Significant decisions made or pending None 5. Problems or concerns and strategies to address None 6. Deliverables completed NA 7. Quality of performance Good 8. Percentage completed 33% 9. Work plan for upcoming month a. Repeat the murine macrophage SCHU S4 killing assay with naïve and vaccinated splenocytes, including killing of LVS as a control b. Perform the rat macrophage SCHU S4 killing assay with naïve and vaccinated splenocytes c. Determine the MOI for infecting rat macrophages with SCHU S4 10. Anticipated travel None 11. Upcoming Contract Authorization (COA) for subcontractors None 33 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble Milestone 21 Milestone description: Correlates of protection: in vitro assay or other readout of effector function of Ft developed for multiple species. . Institution: LBERI 1. Date started: 4/8/2008 2. Date completed: In progress 3. Work performed and progress including data and preliminary conclusions a. Intracellular cytokine staining was performed using 3 LVS-vaccinated NHPs in May 2008 (TUL 36). i. PBMCs were prepared, rested overnight, and stimulated with LVS and SCHU S4 antigens in combination with antibodies specific for two T cell co-stimulatory antigens (anti-CD28 and anti-CD49d) for 2 hours at 37 degrees before addition of Golgiplug (Brefeldin A) to inhibit cytokine secretion for an additional 4 hours ii. Cells were stained with either anti-CD4, anti-CD8 or anti-CD3 in combination with antibodies specific for cytokines IL-2, IFN and TNFα. iii. Cell surface staining was good using anti-CD4 or anti-CD8 antibodies, but staining with anti-CD3 antibody was poor. We have observed this previously. Although fresh PBMCs stain well with anti-CD3 (TUL 10), cells which have been cultured overnight do not retain CD3 in a form that is readily detectable (TUL 13). One problem recently discovered was that the anti-CD3 antibody we used was expired; we will order a new batch before we stain PBMCs again. a. CD8 cells were observed to be producing TNFα, but there was no effect of the stimuli on its production (Figure 5) b. No IFN or IL-2 production was observed by intracellular cytokine staining, despite the fact that IFN was detectable in the ELISPOT assay using the same PBMCs on the day of preparation (Figure 6). 34 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble CD8+TNFα+ % of Total PBMCs 1.2 1 .8 .6 Media LVS hk Hi LVS ff Hi LVS ff Mid LVS hk Super .4 .2 0 A00659 A00868 A00908 Figure 5: Intracellular cytokine staining assay: PBMCs were prepared from LVS vaccinated NHPs and stimulated with anti-CD28, anti-CD49d and the indicated stimuli for 6 hours, the last 4 in the presence of Brefeldin A (ff = formalin fixed; hk = heat-killed; Super = 4 x 105/ml, Hi = 1 x 105/ml; Mid = 025 x 105/ml). Cells were collected and stained with anti-CD8 and anti-TNFα. A00659 and A00868 are 523 days post SC-LVS vaccination. A00908 is 532 days post ID-LVS vaccination. (Intracellular cytokine staining assay) Cell Mean for IFNg Spots 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 A00659 A00868 A00908 Media LVS hk Hi LVS hk Mid LVS ff Hi LVS ff Mid LVS ff Lo LVS hk Super SCHUS4 hk Super SCHUS4 hk Hi SCHUS4 hk Mid SCHUS4 ff Super SCHUS4 ff Hi SCHUS4 ff Mid Figure 6: IFNγ production as measured by the IFN ELISPOT assay by PBMCs from LVS vaccinated NHPs to LVS and SCHU S4 antigens (ff = formalin fixed; hk = heat-killed; Super = 4 x 105/ml, Hi = 1 x 105/ml; Mid = 025 x 105/ml; Lo = 0.0625 x 105/ml). All PBMCs plated at 1.33 x 106/ml. A00659 and A00868 are 523 days post SC-LVS vaccination. A00908 is 532 days post ID-LVS vaccination. (IFNg Elispot assay) 35 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble Data Interpretation: Although the IFN ELISPOT data showed that the two S.C. vaccinated NHPs (A00659 and A00868) appear to still have a response to LVS FF (at different doses), as well as a small, but detectable response to LVS HK (A00659 > A00868) and high doses of SCHU S4 FF, there was no detectable IFN staining in the intracellular cytokine staining assay. TNFα production was detectable, only in CD8 cells, but was not dependent upon stimulation with LVS antigens. The lack of IFN detection by intracellular cytokine staining, and the failure of any of the stimuli to induce more than background TNFa staining, suggests that the conditions of PBMC stimulation were not optimum in the intracellular cytokine staining assay (ICCS). In the IFN ELISPOT assay, the cells are stimulated overnight and the secreted IFN accumulates in the well for 20 hours before it is measured. The PBMCs were stimulated for only 6 hours in the ICCS assay. It is possible that we may need to adjust the length of incubation time with the stimuli in the ICCS assay. We chose a 6 hour incubation period and the culture conditions based on a published manuscript: Kwissa, M. et al., Journal of Experimental Medicine 204:2733-46, 2007. Another difference is that the PBMCs were held overnight in the refrigerator on ice for approximately 16 hours before initiating the stimulation. It is possible that we may need to stimulate them immediately after purifying them in order to get a good response in the ICCS assay. We will attempt this, as well as stimulation with Con A, a positive control mitogen, in the next assay. Data storage: Raw Data \\Saturn\Group\Wilder Lab\TVDC\PBMC assay statview\PBMC assay063008.svd; TVDC (2) bound notebook (8935): TUL 36 (pps. 73 – 81). 4. Significant decisions made or pending None 5. Problems or concerns and strategies to address No stimulus-driven cytokine production was detected by the intracellular cytokine staining assay. A positive control such as Con A or PMA+ionomycin will be included in the next assay. 6. Deliverables completed None 7. Quality of performance Good 8. Percentage completed 2% of the scientific work is complete 9. Work plan for upcoming month Set up another intracellular cytokine assay and include a positive control. 10. Anticipated travel None 11. Upcoming Contract Authorization (COA) for subcontractors None anticipated. 36 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble Milestone 26 Milestone description: Confirmation of gene and protein expression (develop HTP SOPs for ORF library production, protein library production, and protein purification) Description: Prepare a high-throughput protein production system Select and test ORF expression constructs Select and test IVT Protocols Select and test protocols for protein purification Institution: ASU-Sykes 1. Date started: 3/02/2006 2. Date completed: Pending 3. Work performed and progress including data and preliminary conclusions: A. Imidazole wash titration: LVS cross-reactivity of E. coli proteins nonspecifically bound to Ni beads. As presented in last month’s report, there is a wide diversity and large amount of proteins sticking to the Ni beads as detected by Mass spec. We tested whether or not more stringent washes with imidazole might clean up the bead bound fraction. The 20-500mM imidazole didn’t reduce the diversity or quantity of proteins sticking to the beads, as detected with splenocytes from LVS vaccinated mice. (See Figure 1 below) ii. This demonstrates that the interactions between Ni beads and cross-reacting proteins are non specific (not related to His ligand), since they are not eluted with imidazole. On the other hand, the imidizole titration successfully elutes the OVA polypeptide, as expected for a specific interaction between his and Ni. This is shown with the 20-500 mM range. At 100mM, most binding is lost for most Ni interaction. This is consistent with the loss of most Ova stimulation at 100mM-500mM samples. (Compare enumerations at 100mM to 500mM for ova samples d8-d10 to no template samples in d3-d5) results iii. Mass spec analysis of bead-bound proteins showed similar composition after either 20mM or 500mM wash i. 37 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble No template Ova 50% Naïve+ 50% DO11.10 20mM 50mM 100mM 200mM 500mM 20mM 50mM 100mM 200mM 500mM LVS vaccinated Figure 1: ELISPOT analysis of ova and FTU polypeptide bound beads washed with Imidazole titration. Top panel: Ova immune T cells are stimulated with beads incubated with IVT lysate without a template or with ova polypeptide template. Bottom panel LVS-immune T cells incubates with same bead samples. UNM Ftc59 study 20 (Notebook 115, pages 128-132 and 138) L:\Lyonslab\Tularemia\Tularemia Contract Folder\Experiments and Results\Ftc59\Ftc59 study 20 UNM Ftc59 study 21 (Notebook 115, 134 and 139)L:\Lyonslab\Tularemia\Tularemia Contract Folder\Experiments and Results\Ftc59\Ftc59 study 21 B. Pre-clear IVT lysates with anti-LVS antisera i. The objective in this experiment was to confirm that antisera against LVS proteins also recognized the E. coli proteins that are causing the undesired IVT lysate T cell reactivity. ii. Protein G beads were loaded with anti LVS antibodies. Prepared beads were then incubated with E coli IVT lysate components to remove crossreacting proteins. Supernatant was tested in T cell assays against nonimmune (ova) or LVS immune T cells. 38 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble 1 2 3 4 5 50% Naïve+ 50% DO11.10 LVS vaccinated Figure 2: ELISPOT analysis of IVT lysates which have been depleted of E. coli proteins that cross-react with anti-LVS antisera before the IVT reaction. Legend 1: No pre clearing of IVT lysate, 2: 10ul, 3: 20ul, 4: 50ul, 5: 100ul protein G beads used for pre-clearing UNM Ftc59 study 20 (Notebook 115, pages 128-132 and 138) L:\Lyonslab\Tularemia\Tularemia Contract Folder\Experiments and Results\Ftc59\Ftc59 study 20 UNM Ftc59 study 21 (Notebook 115, 134 and 139)L:\Lyonslab\Tularemia\Tularemia Contract Folder\Experiments and Results\Ftc59\Ftc59 study 21 iii. In bottom panel (LVS vaccinated T cells: In column F1 lysate was not predepleted with anti-LVS beads. In f2-f4, lysate was depleted. This appears to reduce background---however, the approach is presumably pulling out E. coli ribosomes and other expression factors that would be needed for the IVT reactions. Nonetheless it confirms our presumption that there is specific cross-reactivity between LVS and E. coli 39 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble C. Post-IVT reaction depletion of E.coli proteins from OVA polypeptide prep 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 50% Naïve+ 50% DO11.10 LVS Vaccinated NEB PURE INVITROGEN Figure 3: ELISPOT analysis of IVT samples which have been depleted of proteins that bind anti-E. coli antisera after the IVT reaction. Legend: 1. IVT “as is” 2: 10ul E.coli IgG bound protein G beads 3: 50ul E.coli IgG bound protein G beads 4: 100ul E.coli IgG bound protein G beads UNM Ftc59 study 20 (Notebook 115, pages 128-132 and 138) L:\Lyonslab\Tularemia\Tularemia Contract Folder\Experiments and Results\Ftc59\Ftc59 study 20 UNM Ftc59 study 21 (Notebook 115, 134 and 139)L:\Lyonslab\Tularemia\Tularemia Contract Folder\Experiments and Results\Ftc59\Ftc59 study 21 1. IVT synthesized Ovalbumin polypeptide was incubated with indicated amounts of protein G beads with attached anti-E.coli IgG. The supernatant was used in T-cell assay 2. NEB pure appears to be similarly immune-stimulating relative to standard lysate composition 3. We noted high variability in samples 4. This will be repeated with uniform bead pipetting method 40 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble D. Sensitivity of Rabbit Reticulocyte IVT on Protein G beads in T-cell assay Ova FTU901 FTU1695 Ova FTU901 FTU1695 50% Naïve+ 50% DO11.10 LVS Vaccinated IVT as is Protein G beads Slide 41 Figure 4: Determining whether binding antigen to beads can make rabbit retic IVT’s detectable as an antigen source. Top row: splenocytes in ELISPOT were harvested from ova transgenic mice. Bottom row: splenocytes harvested from LVS immune mice. Templates in IVT reactions used to stimulate samples are shown above respective columns. Samples in h1-h3 were not purified, samples in h4-h6 were purified via hi tag on protein G beads. UNM Ftc59 study 20 (Notebook 115, pages 128-132 and 138) L:\Lyonslab\Tularemia\Tularemia Contract Folder\Experiments and Results\Ftc59\Ftc59 study 20 UNM Ftc59 study 21 (Notebook 115, 134 and 139)L:\Lyonslab\Tularemia\Tularemia Contract Folder\Experiments and Results\Ftc59\Ftc59 study 21 i. In positive control samples, the bead-bound ova polypeptide stimulated a few more T cells relative to soluble antigen. ii. However, numbers are generally low (antigen amount is low) and not discernable above background in bead-bound IVT negative control sample. iii. Set-up to test Sensitivity of specific antigens in the T-cell assay 1. Recombinant ovalbumin and FTU proteins were purified (bound and eluted) from affinity column (Ni) and quantified 2. Four different concentrations prepared from stock and used for Tcell assay were 0.1ug/ml, 1.0ug/ml, 5.0 ug/ml, and 10ug/ml (0.5ng, 5ng, 25ng, and 50ng) 3. 100ul of the eluant was used to bind Ni beads, Protein G beads with anti-his antibodies, or left in the PBS buffer 41 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble Ova 1 2 3 FTU901 4 1 2 3 FTU1695 4 1 2 3 4 PBS ProG Ni FTU1695 FTU901 Ova Purified antigen PBS ProG Ni 50% Naïve+ 50% DO11.10 LVS vaccinated 1: 0.1ug/ml, 2: 1.0 ug/ml, 3: 5.0 ug/ml, 4: 10.0 ug/ml Slide 20 Figure 5: Establishing the sensitivity of our T cell assay using E. coli IVT produced ova as a positive control antigen. The coomassie gel in left panel displays purity of antigen material used to stimulate T cells in Elispot.Top panel displays assay with ova immune T cells, bottom panel shows assay conducted with LVS immune T cells. Each IVT reaction antigen was purified on Ni beads (Ni), protein G beads (protG), or bound to Ni beads then eluted (PBS), as indicated to right of each row. Each IVT produced sample was tested at 3 concentration in lanes 1 – 3 as indicated above columns. These results show that the protG beads provide the highest sensitivity and that 5ug/ml is sufficient to detect ova specific stimulation. R:\GeneVac\FTU\Contract\Proteome\FTU IVT Data\FTU gels\FTU HTP IVT Coomassie gels UNM Ftc59 study 20 (Notebook 115, pages 128-132 and 138) L:\Lyonslab\Tularemia\Tularemia Contract Folder\Experiments and Results\Ftc59\Ftc59 study 20 UNM Ftc59 study 21 (Notebook 115, 134 and 139)L:\Lyonslab\Tularemia\Tularemia Contract Folder\Experiments and Results\Ftc59\Ftc59 study 21 42 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble iv. Comparison of antigen (OVA) presentations in T-cell assay 250 PBS Ni beads Protein G beads Number of spots 200 150 100 50 0 0.1 1.0 5.0 10.0 Antigen concentration (ug/ml) Figure 6: Data from figure 5 represented in a bar graph 1. The protein G beads with attached antibody provide higher sensitivity than Ni beads in T cell assay. 2. Our assay sensitivity is sufficient to specifically detect ~5ug/ml of antigen 43 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble E. Generate Thioredoxin LEE Constructs for IVT reactions 1. Thioredoxin Tag at the N-Terminus 2. His Tag at the C-Terminus 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Figure 7: This agarose gel display the LEE templates (lanes 1-9) used in the IVT reactions. All ORFs are of predicted molecular weight and show efficient linkage full length expression unit including promoter and terminator. 44 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble F. Evaluating IVT products from new Thioredoxin LEE constructs in T cell assays Attachment of anti-thio antibody via Fc using protein G magnetic beads G-α-Thio i. Ni G-α-His No Template No Template Ova FTU901 FTU1695 50% Naïve+ 50% DO11.10 Ova FTU901 FTU1695 LVS Vaccinated R:\GeneVac\FTU\Contract\Proteome\FTU IVT Data\FTU Scintillation results\FTI IVT Thio Fusion tests Figure 8: ELISPOT analysis of Thio tagged IVT products purified on anti-thio attached beads. These samples were conducted during the pipetting problem at UNM, so precise comparisons of numbers cannot be done some wells have considerably more or less beads than others. Nonetheless, ASU noted a few trends in the data and these are described below. UNM Ftc59 study 20 (Notebook 115, pages 128-132 and 138) L:\Lyonslab\Tularemia\Tularemia Contract Folder\Experiments and Results\Ftc59\Ftc59 study 20 UNM Ftc59 study 21 (Notebook 115, 134 and 139)L:\Lyonslab\Tularemia\Tularemia Contract Folder\Experiments and Results\Ftc59\Ftc59 study 21 1. Right hand panel: We observe significant differences between bead configurations. We are testing the thio G bead, Ni bead or His G bead bound samples in each row to assess level of crossreactivity remaining in samples after affinity purification of polypeptides. By 3 different beads based protocols 2. Bottom row of LVS panel has Ni bound samples, and as seen previously we see much cross-stimulation of LVS-immune T cells with FTU or OVA antigen samples. H11 is presumably the same as h9 and h10 but the pipetting accuracy problem had not been resolved yet here. 3. Middle row of LVS panel: The His G beads provide lower background 4. Top row, LVS panel: the thio G beads look the cleanest (i.e. has 45 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble the least background). 5. The nickel NTA (nickel chelated Nitrilotriacetic Acid) is significantly more “sticky”, with respect to the cross-reacting lysate proteins, than either the anti-His or Thio antibody. 6. The His antibody is stickier than the Thio antibody 7. Use of the thio tag appears to be the clean approach (no or very low amounts of nonspecifically bound IVT components.) ii. Autoradiograph of second batch of thioredoxin fusion FTU IVT proteins Figure 9: Radiolabeled lysates were electrophoresed to display nascent polypeptides only. These bands can be compared to immunoblots with anti-tagged antibodies to assess specificity of antibody fro tag, relative to other components in the IVT lysate. 1: Ladder, 2; Ova, 3; FTU 721A, 4: FTU 721B, 5: FTU 721C, 6: FTU 1695, 7: FTU 1696Aa, 8; FTU 1696Ba, 9: FTU 1712, 10: GFP R:\GeneVac\FTU\Contract\Proteome\FTU IVT Data\FTU gels\FTU HTP IVT 35S gels\Thio fusion IVT\Thio Prm IVT test on FTU 9 6-25-08 03 crop 46 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble iii. Total thioredoxin fusion FTU IVT proteins production calculated from CPM counts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Fragment Name Trx-LEE Ova Trx-LEE 721A Trx-LEE 721B Trx-LEE 721C Trx-LEE 1695 Trx-LEE 1696Aa Trx-LEE 1696Ba Trx-LEE 1712 GFP ug prot 8.78 6.66 6.22 6.54 6.28 8.88 9.30 11.61 7.71 Table 1: Calculated yields, based on cpms, of samples displayed in Figure 9. R:\GeneVac\FTU\Contract\Proteome\FTU IVT Data\FTU Scintillation results\FTI IVT Thio Fusion tests iv. Western blot using polyclonal anti-Thioredoxin antibody: probed with antibody gel as in #2. Figure 10: Immunoblot analysis of IVT reactions with anti-thio antibody R:\GeneVac\FTU\Contract\Proteome\FTU IVT Data\FTU gels\FTU IVT Western\IVT Thio pAb LEE FTU9 6-25-08 crop 1. Western and radiograph results match. This indicates that there is little to no other reactivities of the anti-Thioredoxin antibody with proteins other than thio specific polypeptides. Additional bands are partial products, since they are smaller than the expected migration of full length and also match with the autorad data in fig 9. 2. This is very different than the results we obtained with the anti-His antibody in which case many other polypeptides were visualized in the anti-His immunoblot. 47 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble G. Testing protocols for protein purification using Thioredoxin (Trx) Tag i. Test specificity and efficiency of anti-thioredoxin monoclonal vs. polyclonal antibodies for thio fusion polypeptide binding 1. Four anti-Thioredoxin monoclonal Abs from different manufacturers (mAb2A1, 3A1, 8A1, A00180) were compared to a polyclonal Ab (pAb Trx) by immunoblot analysis. 2. Each gel contains: 1. IVT lysate without template, 2. purified Thioredoxin, and 3. chemluminescent ladder. 3. Results show that the polyclonal and only 1 monoclonal (mAb A00180) reacts effectively with the thioredoxin. The arrow indicates position of Trx (data below). 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 Figure 11: Comparison of performance of different anti-thioredoxin antibodies by western analysis R:\GeneVac\FTU\Contract\Proteome\FTU IVT Data\FTU gels\FTU IVT Western\Thio mAb and pAb test 02 on Ecoli and Trx 6-25-08 ii. Magnetic beads were constructed with a covalently attached anti-Thioredoxin antibody and binding to thio tag was analyzed by Coomassie stain (below). iii. These results show that thioredoxin is bound by both the polyclonal and one of the monoclonal antibody-attached beads, and is highly enriched in the bead bound fraction (lanes 6 and 8) relative to the supernatant (lanes 2 and 3). 48 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble Figure 12: Coomassie gel shows efficiency of fusion protein bound to antibody bound beads by comparing bead fractions to supernatant fractions 1 : Kalidoscope Ladder, 2: 1/10 polyclonal Ab (pAb) Trx supernatant, 3: 1/10 monoclonal Ab (mAb) Trx , supernatant, 4: 1/10 Trx purified 100ng/ul, 5: pAb-Trx IVT, 6: pAb-Trx IVT purified, 7: mAb-Trx IVT, 8: mAb-Trx IVT purified, 9: 100ng Trx purified, 10: 50ng Trx purified R:\GeneVac\FTU\Contract\Proteome\FTU IVT Data\FTU gels\FTU HTP IVT Coomassie gels\Thio IVT\Thi purified with aThio mAb and pAb beads Test 01 6-27-08 crop iv. Testing methods of binding IVT fusion products to beads. Since we have moved away from using the His tag, urea denaturation of the IVT samples during beads binding is not possible. The Trx –antibody reaction (as any non-covalent antibody interaction) will not occur in denaturing conditions. Therefore we tested whether folded fusion proteins could be efficiently bound to the tag and compared these results to adding the beads during the synthesis step. 1. Incubation of anti-Trx beads simultaneously with IVT reaction 2. IVT proteins were incubated with beads for 2 hours with shaking at 4°C 3. IVT proteins were incubated with beads overnight with shaking at 4°C 4. Binding of IVT proteins were evaluated from silver stain gel, autoradiograph, and CPM counts of unbound proteins in the supernatant. 49 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble I. Silver stain gel analysis of IVT reactions Figure 13: 1: Silver stain analysis of bound beads and supernatants shows purity of samples and efficiency of fusion tag binding. Kalidoscope Ladder, 2: 50ng purified Trx, 3: 100ng purified Trx, 4: 200ng purified Trx, 5: FTU721A IVT incubation with mAb beads, 6: FTU721A 2 hrs incubation with mAb beads, 7: FTU721A overnight incubation with mAb beads,8: FTU1696Ba IVT incubation with pAb beads, 9: FTU1696Ba 2 hrs incubation with pAb beads, 10: FTU1696Ba overnight incubation with pAb beads, 11: FTU721A IVT, 12: FTU721A IVT incubation with mAb beads supernatant, 13: FTU721A 2 hrs incubation with mAb beads supernatant, 14: FTU721A overnight incubation with mAb beads supernatant, 15: FTU1696Ba IVT , 16: FTU1696Ba IVT incubation with pAb beads supernatant, 17: FTU1696Ba 2 hrs incubation with pAb beads supernatant, 18: FTU1696Ba overnight incubation with pAb beads supernatant R:\GeneVac\FTU\Contract\Proteome\FTU IVT Data\FTU gels\FTU HTP IVT Coomassie gels\Thio IVT\ IVT purified w aThio mAb and pAb beads Test 02 7-01-08 crop II. Autoradiograph of same samples Figure 14: 1: Kalidoscope Ladder, 2: 50ng purified Trx, 3: 100ng purified Trx, 4: 200ng purified Trx, 5: FTU721A IVT incubation with mAb beads, 6: FTU721A 2 hrs incubation with mAb beads, 7: FTU721A overnight incubation with mAb beads,8: FTU1696Ba IVT incubation with pAb beads, 9: FTU1696Ba 2 hrs incubation with pAb beads, 10: FTU1696Ba overnight incubation with pAb beads, 11: FTU721A IVT, 12: FTU721A IVT incubation with mAb beads supernatant, 13: FTU721A 2 hrs incubation with mAb beads supernatant, 14: FTU721A 50 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble overnight incubation with mAb beads supernatant, 15: FTU1696Ba IVT , 16: FTU1696Ba IVT incubation with pAb beads supernatant, 17: FTU1696Ba 2 hrs incubation with pAb beads supernatant, 18: FTU1696Ba overnight incubation with pAb beads supernatant III. Comparison of Coomassie gel to silver stain identifies which polypeptides are the nascent IVT products from among the full lysate and shows relative amount of IVT product bound by beads vs. unbound (remaining in supernatant). IV. Incubation of beads during IVT synthesis yields more polypeptide than adding beads after reaction. Yields of 20% to 40% are much better than we saw with His system. R:\GeneVac\FTU\Contract\Proteome\FTU IVT Data\FTU gels\FTU HTP IVT 35S gels\Thio fusion IVT\Thio fusion purified 721A 1696Ba 07-01-08 02 crop V. Calculation of unbound protein from anti-thioredoxin magnetic beads in the supernatant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Fragment Name Trx-LEE 721A IVT Trx-LEE 721A Incubation with IVT beads Trx-LEE 721A 2-hour bead incubation Trx-LEE 721A overnight bead incubation Trx-LEE 1696Ba IVT Trx-LEE 1696Ba Incubation with IVT beads Trx-LEE 1696Ba 2-hour bead incubation Trx-LEE 1696Ba overnight bead incubation ug prot 8.88 5.45 6.82 7.25 8.08 6.34 7.28 8 7.16 Table 2: R:\GeneVac\FTU\Contract\Proteome\FTU IVT Data\FTU Scintillation results\FTI IVT Thio Fusion tests\Thio_721A and 1696Ba incubation time test on M280 beads v. Prepare Trx-tag purified FTU polypeptides and Ovalbumin for Shipment to UNM Two sets of Ova, FTU 1695, and FTU 1712 with Thioredoxin fusion IVT were bound on 10ul of beads overnight (1) via monoclonal Ab Trx, (2) via polyclonal Ab Trx All beads were shipped in 20ul of PBS buffer to UNM These will be tested on both murine and NHP T cells. 4. Significant decisions made or pending We plan to confirm the performance of the new thioredoxin bead purification protocol in the murine and NHP T cell assays and then make the decision to proceed with library production in the upcoming month 5. Problems or concerns and strategies to address See above 6. Deliverables completed None 51 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble 7. Quality of performance Excellent 8. Percentage completed 99.9% 9. Work plan for upcoming month Currently we are: Generating and testing Thioredoxin LEE assemble in high throughput format (1/2 96-well plate) Testing Thio-LEE ORF IVT protein production in single and HTP format 10. Anticipated travel None 11. Upcoming Contract Authorization (COA) for subcontractors None Milestone 27-UNM Milestone description: Optimization of T cell assays and endpoints in mice. UNM will use ASU’s protein fragments in lymph node proliferation assays to define vaccine candidates Institution: UNM 1. Date started: 12/15/06 2. Date completed: Pending 3. Work performed and progress including data and preliminary conclusions a. Ftc59 study 20 (Notebook 115, pages 128-131) and Ftc59 study 21 (Notebook 115, pages 134 and 139) i. The purpose of this experiment was to test ivt proteins after various purifications for crossreactivity. The purification conditions were: 1. Preclearing ivt lysates with anti-LVS antisera 2. Post-ivt reaction depletion of E. coli proteins from OVA polypeptide prep 3. Binding ivt thio fusion proteins to beads via thio or His tags ii. A second purpose of this experiment was to test the sensitivity of the T cell assay. iii. As in previous experiments, 5 l of each sample was incubated with 2 x 105 splenocytes from LVS-vaccinated mice or a mixture of 105 splenocytes from a DO11.10 transgenic mouse and 105 splenocytes from a naïve BALB/c in 100 l complete RPMI 1640 medium overnight at 37oC. The plates were then processed for IFN ELISpot iv. The results will be presented ASU’s section of this technical report. v. The most striking observation in these two experiments is the variability even with the same set of samples. In subsequent discussion with ASU, it was decided that sample volumes larger than 5 l of must be used because the magnetic beads are heavy and tend to settle to the well bottom very quickly. 52 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble 4. Significant decisions made or pending Must use volumes larger than 5 l to analyze samples from ASU because the magnetic beads are heavy and tend to settle to the well bottom very quickly 5. Problems or concerns and strategies to address None 6. Deliverables completed NA 7. Quality of performance Fair 8. Percentage completed 24% 9. Work plan for upcoming month a. b. Test ivt translated proteins from ASU with lymph node cells from LVSvaccinated NHP Test ivt translated proteins from ASU with murine splenocytes when samples become available. 10. Anticipated travel NA 11. Upcoming Contract Authorization (COA) for subcontractors NA Milestone 28 Milestone description: Generation of polypeptide libraries (Optimize IVT proteinfragment production, Develop IVT protocol for high-throughput production, Validate immunogenicity of protein-fragments, Full scale production of protein-fragment library, Purification of protein-fragment library, Array protein-fragment into overlapping pools, Ship to UNM) Milestone description: Build SCHU4 proteome Build ORF expression library corresponding to proteome (active) Generate complete protein-fragment library (inactive) Array protein-fragments into measurable pools for T cell stimulation (inactive) Institution: ASU-Sykes 3. Date started: 03-01-2007 4. Date completed: Pending 5. Work performed and progress including data and preliminary conclusions A. Build ORF expression library corresponding to proteome PCR primers are ready for ORF library production. We will proceed following decisions on expression system, yield needs, delivery format, pooling capacity, and purification requirements. B. Generate polypeptide library C. Array polypeptide library 53 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble 4. Significant decisions made or pending. The decision to complete the polypeptide purification/optimizations of milestone 26 will be made this month 5. Problems or concerns and strategies to address None 6. Deliverables completed None 7. Quality of performance Very Good 8. Percentage completed 40% 9. Work plan for upcoming month Prepare for initiating library production. 10. Anticipated travel None 11. Upcoming Contract Authorization (COA) for subcontractors None Milestone 35 - UNM Milestone description: Array hybridization with mouse RNA from virulent SCHU S4 infection and RT PCR confirmation of candidates Institution: UNM 1. Date started: 2. Date completed: pending 3. Work performed and progress including data and preliminary conclusions No new work done 4. Significant decisions made or pending None 5. Problems or concerns and strategies to address None 6. Deliverables completed None 7. Quality of performance Good 8. Percentage completed 6% 9. Work plan for upcoming month a. ASU requested additional RNA from the lungs of BALB/c mice after i.n. SCHU S4 infection and from SCHU S4 cultured in Chamberlain’s broth for 1, 3, 5, 7, and 24 h. 10. Anticipated travel None 11. Upcoming Contract Authorization (COA) for subcontractors None 54 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble Milestone 35 Milestone description: Array hybridizations with mouse RNAs from virulent Schu 4 infection & RT PCR confirmation of candidates. Institution: UNM/ASU-Johnston 1. Date started: 08-01-2006 2. Date completed: Pending 3. Work performed and progress including data and preliminary conclusions We have initiated qPCR testing for known potential antigens of SCHU S4 to establish the assay. Our assay utilizes SYBR green incorporation into double stranded cDNA products to determine a critical cycle time to reach the fluorescent threshold of detection. During each cycle the fluorescent intensity of the product is assessed and plotted over time. One of the first trials is shown to detect the gene for TUL4 (FTT901) (Figure 1). The key feature of this graph is the critical fluorescent threshold line (red line across the graph) which indicates the detection level, above background, where the plot of the fluorescent intensities is in the linear phase of the amplification. This allows for comparison of copy numbers of genes between samples. The center of the graph shows a dose-response of genomic DNA, using 10, 50, or 100 ng of input DNA. Each of the reactions were tested in triplicate to assess reproducibility. Figure 1. Graphical representation of the qPCR reaction for FTT901. The red line indicates the fluorescent intensity of the reaction above the threshold for detection. The curves in the center of the graph represent a dose response of genomic DNA at 10, 50, and 100 ng per reaction. Fluorescent intensity is measured at each cycle by the incorporation of SYBR green dye into the 55 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble double stranded cDNA product. Graph Location…R:\GeneVac\FTU\Contract\Microarray\Milestones\35\qPCR\TEST RUN 6-13-08\ FTU_06-13-08.pdf, page 6 Notebook/File locations …, Notebook 661, FTU qPCR_Trial_2, pages 42-53. R:\GeneVac\FTU\Contract\Microarray\Milestones\35\qPCR\TEST RUN 6-13-08 Using these samples as a standard, we plotted the cycle times to threshold (Figure 2) and plotted a linear regression line to assess the fit of the curve. The R2 value of this line was 0.95 revealing that the cycle threshold line was placed within the linear portion of the curve. Figure 2. The cycle time to cross the threshold was plotted for each of the genomic standards and a linear regression line calculated to fit the data. The R2 value of the line was 0.95. Graph Location…R:\GeneVac\FTU\Contract\Microarray\Milestones\35\qPCR\TEST RUN 6-13-08\ FTU_06-13-08.pdf, page 6 Notebook/File locations …, Notebook 661, FTU qPCR_Trial_2, pages 42-53. R:\GeneVac\FTU\Contract\Microarray\Milestones\35\qPCR\TEST RUN 6-13-08 4. Significant decisions made or pending None 5. Problems or concerns and strategies to address Low yields were obtained in the LAPT of the last batch of in vitro grown SCHU S4. The samples will be produced again at UNM. Training of new personnel is ongoing, but good progress is being made. 6. Deliverables completed None 7. Quality of performance Good 8. Percentage completed 32% 56 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble 9. Work plan for upcoming month and next 6 months The repeat experiment of the time-course challenge of 1000, FTU SCHU S4 in mice will be performed and the RNA extracts processed through by LAPT. Finish the labeling and hybridization of amplified RNA of F. tularensis grown in culture medium and compare the in vitro gene expression results to those identified in vivo gene expression patterns. Establish the Q-RT-PCR process for gene expression confirmation. Assess gene expression levels of known potential antigens (tul4, katG, iglC, groEl) in the current RNA from the initial dose response and time course experimental sample set. 10. Anticipated travel None 11. Upcoming Contract Authorization (COA) for subcontractors None Milestone 49 Milestone description: Construct single mutants in F. tularensis subsp. tularensis (SCHU S4) (iglC, pdpD, iglD, iglA, iglB) 49.1: Construct iglC F. tularensis subsp. tularensis (SCHU S4) 49.2: Construct pdpD F. tularensis subsp. tularensis (SCHU S4), Construct iglD F. tularensis subsp. tularensis (SCHU S4) 49.3: Construct iglA F. tularensis subsp. tularensis (SCHU S4), Construct iglB F. tularensis subsp. tularensis (SCHU S4) Institution: UTSA 1. Date started: April 1, 2006 2. Date completed: in progress 3. Work performed and progress including data and preliminary conclusions In order to generate mutants in SCHU S4 we need to develop tools to generate successful deletions. Therefore, our focus is two fold, one is cloning experiments to get our target deletions into vectors that we can use in creating these deletions and experiments with SCHU S4 itself using constructs that we believe will allow us to make deletions into SCHU S4. I. Cloning: We were unable to continue with the cloning of the pdpD deletion containing the flip recombinase recognition sites (Flp) from the pwsK30 plasmid into pUC118 vector due to work being done in the BSL3 lab to generate the vgrG SchuS4 mutant. We expect that we will have time in the upcoming month to work on this cloning. II. Experiments to generate mutants in Schu4: a. Prepared a large plasmid preparation of KEK1162 which contains the vgrG intron construct created using the 81/82 oligo set mentioned in an earlier report. The concentration of this plasmid was determined and used in a cryotransformation experiment with SchuS4 strain KKT1 (∆βlac2). b. Following our standard cryotransformation procedure by using 5 ug KEK1162 plasmid in the experiment, we were able to generate over 800 colonies after two days of growth at 30ºC. One hundred of these colonies were patched onto fresh TSA+++ 75 ug/ml kanamycin plates and place at 30ºC. The next day, we prepared genomic preparations of twenty of these colonies. These were used to screen for potential VgrG mutants by doing PCR with oligos FTT1364 fwd NdeI 57 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble and VgrG rev EcoRI. The correct SchuS4 VgrG mutant will yield a PCR product size of 1600 bp while the native profile will yield a product size of 900 bp. The results of the first twenty selected colonies are shown in figure 1 below. Figure 1. 1 Kb Legend: 1 2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1. 1 Kb Ladder 2. KKT1 1.5 3. C1 VgrG 13. C11 VgrG 0.5 4. C2 VgrG 14. C12 VgrG 5. C3 VgrG 15. C13 VgrG 6. C4 VgrG 16. C14 VgrG 7. C5 VgrG 17. C15 VgrG 8. C6 VgrG 18. C16 VgrG 9. C7 VgrG 19. C17 VgrG 10. C8 VgrG 20. C18 VgrG 11. C9 VgrG 21. C19 VgrG 1.5 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12. C10 VgrG 22. C20 VgrG Figure 1 represents PCR products resulting when using various SchuS4 vgrG transformants’ genomic templates with oligos FTT1346 fwd NdeI and VgrG rev EcoRI. Lanes 3 - 22 represents VgrG transformants and lane 2 is the wildtype control which will generate a 900 bp product. Lane 19, clone 17 (C17) VgrG seems to have at least one of the vgrG genes interrupted explaining the mutant PCR product of 1600 bp and the wildtype product profile in the same mutant PCR product. Data located in UTSA TVD Notebook 7, page 13. b. Prepare another ten genomic isolations from vgrG clones 21 thru 30 and used these templates with the same oligo sets mentioned above and did not find a PCR product profile that yielded only the mutant size of 1600 bp (Data not shown). Select a few of the 30 initially screen vgrG transformants and performed PCR with the oligos EBU with VgrG rev EcoRI to confirm that this vgrG intron is inserted into the correct location in the SchuS4 chromosome (figure 2). Figure 2. Legend: 1. 1 Kb Ladder 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Kb 2. KKT1 3. C13 VgrG 4. C15 VgrG 1.5 0.5 5. C17 VgrG 6. C21 VgrG 7. C23 VgrG 8. C24 VgrG Figure 2 represents PCR products generated when using VgrG genomics templates with oligos EBU (specific to the intron construct) and VgrG rev EcoRI (specific to the VgrG gene). Lane 2 is the wildtype result, which should not yield a product since the intron screened here is at the vgrG gene location. Lanes 3-8 are various vgrG transformant clones; all of which did show that the integration of 58 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble the intron is at the vgrG gene location (expected size of 700 bps). Data located in UTSA TVD Notebook 7, page 15. The screening for a clone containing more than one VgrG gene interrupted simultaneously will require screening a greater number of colonies. Therefore, we resorted to colony lift “pools” to do PCR with using the first set of oligos mentioned in II b. This will allow us to screen many more clones in a shorter amount of time for the correct VgrG mutant. Each colony pool represents between 7 and 9 colonies and 4 sets out of 17 pools showed a profile similar to C17 VgrG seen in figure 1 (data not shown). In addition, we believe that during an actively growing culture the “tulatron” construct (KEK1162) continuously looks for the correct location to insert its “intron”. Thus, C17 VgrG mutant was inoculated into 2 ml Chamberlains media with 75 ug/ml kanamycin selection pressure and grown at 30ºC for 24 hours at a time; passaging this culture three times before preparing dilutions and plating on TSA+++ 75 ug/ml kanamycin plates and grown at 30ºC overnight. Some of these resulting passaged colonies were patched onto fresh TSA+++ 75 ug/ml kanamycin plates and grown at 30ºC. After 24 hours these C17 single colonies were used by pooled colony picks and run with the FTT1346 fwd NdeI and VgrG rev EcoRI oligos in a PCR reaction (figure 3). c. Figure 3. 1 1.Kb Kb 2.0 2 3 4 5 6 Legend: 1. 1 Kb Ladder 2. KKT1 3. V17 (1-3) 4. V17 (4-6) 5. V17 (7-10) 6. V17 (8-16) 1.0 Figure 3 represents pooled colony lifts of various C17 (V17) vgrG potential mutants taken from a patch TSA+++ 75 ug/ml kanamycin plate. The pools represented mostly 3 clones each except for V17(8-16) which contain 9 clones. Lane 2 represents the wildtype PCR product profile of 900 bps. Lanes 3 – 6 represents resulting PCR products from the C17 passaged colony pooled samples collected to run with the oligo set FTT1346 fwd NdeI and VgrG rev EcoRI. The 1600 bp band is evident in all the pools tested, with the strongest signals being in lanes 4 and 5; representing clones 7-10. Genomic isolations will be made from each of these clones (C1-10) to check if one of these produce only the mutant PCR product. Data located in UTSA TVD Notebook 7, page 16. d. e. Ten of the single clones generated from the passaged culture of C17 (V17) were used to isolate genomic DNA to use with the oligo pair mentioned in figure 3 in a PCR experiment. The result showed a similar profile with none containing only the mutant PCR product (data not shown; located in UTSA TVD Notebook 7, page 17). Will continue with new passaged V17 clones by preparing more colony lift pools to examine for the correct VgrG mutant profile. The igLD SchuS4 mutants KKT9 and KKT10 were prepared for new, repeat Western analysis experiments. We used our basic western blotting protocol in UTSA TVD Notebook 5, page 6. The first experiment performed we used a 1:378 mouse anti-igLD serum concentration and varied the secondary HPlabeled secondary antibody (1: 5,000 and 1:10,000). This was done to try and 59 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble f. g. increase the signals and reduce the background. This experiment did not work but, we were able to determine that the lower dilution of the secondary antibody resulted in higher background. However, since our positive (wildtype) protein sample did not illustrate the igLD protein we needed to repeat experiment. It seems that our mouse anti-igLD serum obtained from a third party is not very concentrated therefore, decided to use a more concentrated preparation of this antibody in the next experiment. In this second experiment, we used a 1:150 dilution of the mouse anti-igLD serum concentration and a 1:10,000 secondary HP-labeled antibody. This experiment may have worked but a person opened the developing room door as I was getting ready to develop the film and this caused my film to be ruined; the entire film turned black when I ran through the developing machine. I tried to place another film on this blot but the light emission with this technique has a limited lifetime and it is totally expended after 1 hour. The second blot did not show any signal on the positive control (data not shown, located in UTSA TVD Notebook 5, pages 139-142). This experiment will need to be repeated; however, we believe these igLD clones to be correct and we decided to continue with a mouse experiment using high inoculations to test the effect of this mutant for virulence. A liquid culture (in Chamberlains medium) of KKT10 igLD was prepared in the BSL3 lab to use in a mouse experiment. This requires freezing aliquots of this culture growth and subsequently determining the starting concentration of this stock empirically. Three sets of titrations were done and the average titration concentration was used as a reference in the mouse experiment. Our goal is 1E3 (i.e. 1,000); 1E4; 1E5 and 1E6 cfu inoculations, respectively. Each test group inoculated with KKT10 iglD is comprised of 5 mice (except 1E6, there are 6 mice in this group). We ran two controls in this mouse experiment: 5 mice were inoculated with PBS (a neutral buffer) and 5 mice were inoculated with 1E2 of wild type KKT1 SchuS4 strain. After 5 days the wild type SCHU S4 control should die (they did). The PBS control will survive for the entire length of this experiment of 1 month. Based on calculations of colony forming units (cfu) counts for the mouse inoculations; it seems we may have used a log higher for each group (i.e. 1E3 group actually received 1E4 cfu). Will have an actual number count by next report. After 6 days all test groups are still alive and do not appear to be sick. Since the control group died and the igLD (KKT10) test groups have not; this indicates that this mutant is defective for virulence. Typically if the mice survive for more than two weeks with no obvious signs of sickness we usually expect survival for one month. Data located in UTSA TVD Notebook 5, page 137, 138 and 143. Did some ordering for enzymes and general supplies for ongoing experiments. 4. Significant decisions made or pending None 5. Problems or concerns and strategies to address None 6. Deliverables completed None 7. Quality of performance Good 8. Percentage completed 72% 60 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble 9. Work plan for upcoming month a. Will continue the characterization of the igLD mutants (KKT9 and KKT10) in KKT1 SCHU S4 strain. This will be done by repeating the western analysis and preparing PCR products that can be sent for sequencing using various intron specific and igLD specific oligo sets. b. Will monitor the survival of KKT10 iglD infected mice in the upcoming month. c. Will continue with screening of the newly generated VgrG transformants to search for the correct SchuS4 mutant via PCR profiles with inside and outside oligos relative to the expected intron insertion site. Some of these generated PCR products will be sent for sequencing to confirm correct VgrG mutant. d. If time allows will continue with cloning the pUC pdpD::Flp::ErmC fragment into the pUC118 plasmid. This should allow a complete pathogenicity island to be removed if we can generate the pdpD deletion in these mutants using this resulting construct (pUC pdpD::Flp::ErmC). 10. Anticipated travel None 11.Upcoming Contract Authorization (COA) for subcontractors None Milestone 50 Milestone description: Phenotyping and confirmation of single gene mutants; 50.1: phenotyping and immunologic characterization of Ft subsp. novicida uvrA or uvrB; LVS uvrA or uvrB, and Ft subsp. tularensis (SCHU S4) iglC strains, 50.2: phenotyping and immunologic characterization of Ft subsp. tularensis (SCHU S4) pdpD, iglD strains, Ft subsp. novicida uvrA or uvrB plus pdpD/iglA/iglB/iglC/iglD double mutant strains, 50.3: phenotyping and immunologic characterization of Ft subsp. tularensis (SCHU S4) iglA, iglB strains Institution: UTSA 1. Date started: 05/01/2006 2. Date completed: provide date when milestone is completed 3. Work performed and progress including data and preliminary conclusions 50A: We have planned to report this month on the intramacrophage growth of the iglD SCHU S4 mutant, however, the experiment is still ongoing and results will not be ready in time for this report. In lieu, we report here the histology of lungs from F. novicida iglB-vaccinated and SCHU S4-challenged mice. (Notebook #4, page 158159). In our last (May, 2008) monthly report, we showed that four out of the ten C57BL/6 mice receiving intragastric vaccination of iglB (a prime and a booster dose of 103 CFU) survived SCHU S4 intranasal challenge (50 CFU). Lungs of these survivors were collected 35 days after challenge, fixed in formalin, and embedded in paraffin. Thin sections (5m) of the embedded tissues were prepared and stained with hematoxylin and eosin (Fig.1.) 61 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble 4x 10x 20x Naive iglB Fig. 1. Lung histology after F. novicida iglB vaccination and SCHU S4 challenge. Groups of C57BL/6 mice were vaccinated intragastrically with 10 3 CFU of iglB and challenged intranasally with SCHU S4 (50 CFU) 3 weeks after the boost. Lungs were collected from survivors at day 35 after the challenge. Lung sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin. At day 35 post-challenge, lungs of iglB-vaccinated and SCHU S4-challenged mice appeared mostly devoid of inflammation, although small pockets of mononuclear cell infiltrates around some bronchioles still could be seen. 50B. Perform histological analyses on tissues at varying time points after LVS oral immunization and subsequent SHU S4 challenge. (Notebook #8, pages 107-108) BALB/c mice were vaccinated intragastrically with 103 CFU LVS or mock immunized with PBS alone. Four weeks later, mice were challenged intranasally with 100 CFU of SCHU S4. At various time points (45 and 60 days) after challenge, mice were sacrificed and lungs were collected. Briefly, 10% neutral buffered formalin was injected into the lungs via the trachea, the lungs were removed and set overnight in formalin for fixation. Tissues were then embedded in paraffin and sliced into 5m sections and placed on slides, 3 sections per slide. Every fourth slide was stained with hematoxylin and eosin and visualized using light microscopy. As reported in May, 2008, LVS vaccinated mice at 30 days after challenge still displayed minimal amounts of inflammatory cellular infiltrates. Therefore, we looked at two further time points to ensure that inflammation had cleared completely. As shown in Fig. 2, at 45 days post-challenge, lungs of vaccinated and challenged mice appeared with minimal inflammation. However, there were still small pockets of mononuclear cell infiltrates around some bronchioles. At 60 days post-challenge, immunized-challenged lungs were completely clear and comparable to lungs of naïve mice. Therefore, while SCHU S4 i.n. challenged LVS vaccinated mice might display a slightly prolonged inflammatory response, by 2 months after challenge the lungs of these mice appear to have completely recovered. 62 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble Naive LVS 45 Days Post Challenge LVS 60 Days Post Challenge 4X 20X Fig. 2. Lung histology after LVS vaccination and SCHU S4 challenge. Groups of BALB/c mice were vaccinated I.G. with 103 CFU of LVS or PBS as a control. Mice were challenged 3 weeks later with 100 CFU SCHU S4 i.n. and lungs were collected at varying time points after challenge. Lung sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin. 4. Significant decisions made or pending None 5. Problems or concerns and strategies to address None 6. Deliverables completed None 7. Quality of performance Good 8. Percentage completed 74% of scientific work completed on milestone 50A (original plans) 66% of scientific work completed on milestone 50B (intragastric plan) Normalizes to 70% across 50A and 50B, over a 1 year period. 9. Work plan for upcoming month 50A: Measure intramacrophage (J774) replication of Ft subsp. tularensis (SCHU S4) iglD mutant 50B: (1) Survival after LVS I.G. vaccination and SHU S4 challenge at 8 weeks after immunization (2) Bacterial dissemination in oral LVS-vaccinated BALB/c mice after SCHU S4 challenge. 10. Anticipated Travel None 11. Upcoming Contract Authorization (COA) for subcontractors None 63 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble Milestone 52 Milestone description: Create RecA mutants in F. tularensis subsp. tularensis(Schu S4) Institution: UTSA 1. Date started: 9/15/2007 2. Date completed: In progress 3. Work performed and progress including data and preliminary conclusions Creation of Schu S4 recA mutant 3.1 To inactivate RecA in Schu S4, we were in the process of constructing a Targetron vector for targeting and inactivating the RecA gene. The Targetron vector was designed to be constructed with the intron expression vector pKEK1140 for the backbone, and a 350bp PCR product for the insertion to mutate intron RNA. a. In last month report, we reported that KKT11 (recA mutant Schu S4) was not attenuated at the dose of 105 CFU in Balb/c mice, and low dose of KKT11 would be applied to evaluate the attenuation. About 206 CFU KKT11 were inoculated into 6 Balb/c mice intranasally on June 6th. The control groups were inoculated with wild type Schu S4 and PBS intranasally at the same time. Only one mouse inoculated with KKT11 survived after 30 days. The table below presents the details for this experiment. Table1. Attenuation of Schu S4 recA mutant Inoculation Survival Rate b. F Route of Dose r Inoculum Inoculation D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D30 (CFU) o m KKT11 I.n. 206 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 2/6 2/6 1/6 1/6 Wt Schu S4 I.n. 34 5/5 5/5 5/5 5/5 5/5 1/5 0/5 t PBS I.n. 5/5 5/5 5/5 5/5 5/5 5/5 5/5 5/5 5/5 h e data shown in Table1, we might predict that KKT11 was attenuated very mildly in mice. Data recorded on UTSA TVDC notebook #6, page40-41 for Table1. Creation of a LUX operon plasmid in Ft A new focus of this milestone is to introduce LUX operon (LuxC, LuxD, LuxA, LuxB and LuxE) into the plasmid pKEK843 containing Ft groELp promoter to allow the generation of the bioluminescent LVS and U112. Lux operon is a set of genes which encode the luciferin-luciferase system in bacterial. LuxCDABE have been identified as active in the emission of visible light. a. The ligation product (pKEK843 carrying lux operon) prepared last month was transformed into the host cells Ecoli.DH5α using electroporation at 25μF, 200Ω and 1.8kV. The transformed cells were incubated in LB liquid medium for an hour with shaking, and plated onto LB/Kanamycin (50ug/ml) agar medium to incubate at 37°C for overnight. b. Only 4 colonies were observed on the plate after overnight culture. Miniprep plasmid DNA was made from liquid culture of 4 colonies using QIAprep Miniprep Kit. The figure for the plasmid DNA was shown below. Figure1: On 1% agarose gel. 3.2 64 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble The correct plasmid with lux operon cloned in the parent plasmid pKEK843 should be about 14kb. It was obvious that none of 4 colonies was carrying the target plasmid since miniprep DNA (lane1-3 and lane6) was smaller than the parent plasmid (lane4) and even less than 1.6kb. c. Since it didn’t work to clone lux operon into pKEK843, we tried to change the parent plasmid from pKEK843 to the commercial plasmid PUC118. All the techniques and reagents were the same as pKEK843. pUTmini5Tnkmlux and PUC118 were digested with EcoRI. Then the fragment carrying lux operon was ligated into PUC118 and transformed into DH5α. The potential transformants were selected on LB/Xgal/Ampicillin (100ug/ml) agar medium and miniprep DNA was prepared. Also the liquid cultures from 19 colonies separately were tested for bioluminescence from lux operon using the luminometer, but none of them gave positive signal (data not shown). The figure for miniprep DNA was presented below. Figure2: On 1% agarose gel. From the figure above, none of the bands was over 3.0kb, which indicated that they were not correct.Data recorded on UTSA TVDC notebook #2, page124-126 for Figure1 and 2. 4 Significant decisions made or pending None. 5. Problems or concerns and strategies to address Will continue attempts to find a plasmid vector that allow the LUX operon to be cloned and expressed 6. Deliverables completed None 7. Quality of performance Good 8. Percentage completed. About 28% of scientific work completed. 9. Work plan for upcoming month i. Challenge the mice (one survival mouse inoculated with KKT11 and five control mice inoculated with PBS on June 6th) with wild type Schu S4. 65 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble ii. iii. Clone lux operon fragment into the plasmid pWSK30. Screen the transformants from Section ii. 10. Anticipated travel None. 11. Upcoming Contract Authorization (COA) for subcontractors None. Milestone 55 Milestone description: Compare Cellular Immunogenicity of Francisella and ListeriaBased Vaccine Platforms. Measure cellular immunogenicity of live-attenuated vaccine platforms. Compare immunogenicity of KBMA tularemia vaccine platforms Institution: Cerus/Anza 1. Date started: 4/1/2008 2. Date completed: Pending 3. Work performed and progress including data and preliminary conclusions Summary of objectives: We will construct and prepare live and KBMA Listeria monocytogenes (Lm) vaccines expressing Ft antigens. To directly compare the cellular immunogenicity of Lm and Ft-based vaccines, each Lm vaccine candidate will express an antigen fused to a model ovalbumin epitope SIINFEKL (SL8) and these will be compared to Ft vaccines expressing pepOSL8 fusions (provided by UTSA). We will measure the ability of each vaccine to stimulate a CD8 T cell response in vitro using a B3Z assay. We will measure the cytokine responses elicited by vaccination with each platform in mice, compare the CD8 T cell response to SL8 after prime and boost vaccinations in mice using intracellular cytokine staining (ICS) and ELIspot assays and measure the potency of the T cells elicited by use of an in vivo cytotoxicity assay. We previously demonstrated that iglC-SL8 fusion proteins are expressed to a higher level than katG-SL8 in the cytosol of macrophages. Live attenuated vaccines expressing either antigen were able to stimulate the B3Z-Tcell line. The iglC-SL8 fusion protein induced a stronger immune response in mice than katG-SL8 by ICS and ELISpot. Incorporation of a constitutively active prfA allele into the chromosome of the live-attenuated LM-igl-C-SL8 vaccine increased immunogenicity by 2-fold. Inclusion of a much larger tag (containing an additional 4 epitopes from vaccinia virus) decreased the immunogenicity of the Lm vaccine. 1) Cloning of Listeria monocytogenes (Lm) tularemia vaccine strains. New vaccine candidates have been constructed (see table #1 below). BH2172 is a recloned version of BH2096 LmactAinlBuvrABprfAG155SKatGSL8 (that did not stimulate a B3Z cells). A second integration vector (pPL1) was used to construct bivalent Lm vaccines expressing IglC and KatG. pPL1 integrates at the comK locus in Lm and confers resistance to chloramphenicol whereas the other vector used (pINT) confers resistance to erythromycin and integrates at the tRNA Arg locus. An iglC-B8R antigen expression cassette was inserted into this vector composed of 1) an actA promoter for prfA-dependent transcription 2) the N-terminal 100 amino acids of ActA to facilitate secretion of 3) the iglC coding sequence and a single immunodominant B8R epitope tag from vaccinia virus at the C-terminus. This construct was introduced into the chromosome of 3 strains, actAinlB, actAinlBuvrABprfAG155S, actAinlBuvrABprfAG155SKatGSL8. The iglCB8R tagged cassette will also be introduced onto the chromosome of BH2172 to make a bivalent KBMA vaccine strain. Expression levels from each new construct need to be determined. 66 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble figure 1 actAp Molecular construct at comK: ActAN100 IglC B8R Table 1 Strain Genetic Background CRS-100 actAinlB BH137 actAinlB BH1222 actAinlB BH2106 actAinlB BH1228 actAinlBuvrAB BH1398 actAinlBuvrAB BH2094 actAinlBuvrABprfAG155S BH2172 actAinlBuvrABprfAG155S BH2098 actAinlB BH2100 actAinlBuvrABprfAG155S BH2180 actAinlB BH2182 actAinlBuvrABprfAG155S BH2184 actAinlB Antigen Cassette none ActAN100-Ova ActAN100-IglC-SL8 ActAN100-KatG-SL8 ActAN100-IglC-SL8 ActAN100-KatG-SL8 ActAN100-IglC-SL8 ActAN100-KatG-SL8 ActAN100-IglC-VacQuad-SL8 ActAN100-IglC-VacQuad-SL8 ActAN100-IglC-B8R (@ comK) ActAN100-IglC-B8R (@ comK) ActAN100-IglC-B8R (@ comK) ActAN100-KatG-SL8 (@tRNAarg) * yellow highlighted strains are new this month Status Sequence verified Sequence verified Sequence verified Sequence verified Sequence verified Sequence verified Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete 2) To facilitate further testing of vaccine candidates, we have produced a new 400mL scale lot of live DVC lot 16 LVS that was produced according to the TVDC SOP (NB# 2001-012). This lot can be used for both Milestone 56, and 57 to determine the number of T cells elicited against iglC after administration of sub-lethal doses of LVS and also used as a lethal challenge to determine whether the Lm vaccines provide protection. A 400mL scale lot of live LVS PepO-SL8 was produced using same methods (NB# 963-092). This vaccine candidate will be used to vaccinate mice and SL8 responses will be compared with LM-SL8-expressing strains. A 400mL scale lot of KBMA BH2094 was produced: LMactAinlBuvrABprfAG155S:ActAN100-IglC-SL8 (NB#2001026B). The exact titer of live lots, log kill for KBMA lot, and Metabolic activity of KBMA lot needs to be determined. 4. Significant decisions made or pending Because the vaccinia virus quadrotope tag significantly decreased the immunogenicity of the iglC vaccine, this tag will not be used for further immunogenicity studies. 5. Problems or concerns and strategies to address None 6. Deliverables completed None 7. Quality of performance Excellent 8. Percentage completed 12% 9. Work plan for upcoming month 67 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble We will construct the bivalent IglC/KatG LM vaccine strain on the KBMA background We will evaluate the immunogenicity of the bivalent Lm strain expressing IglCB8R and KatG-SL8 fusion proteins and compare the immunogenicity with each monovalent strain We will produce a lot of live Ftn-PepO-SL8 The 400mL-scale lots of vaccine will be undergo quality testing (e.g. cfu analysis and metabolic activity assays) The SL8 responses induced by Ft-PepO-SL8 and LM-iglC-SL8 will be compared We will clone a bivalent vaccine strain that expresses both IglC and KatG. 10. Anticipated travel None 11. Upcoming Contract Authorization (COA) for subcontractors Modification 4R2 to subaward agreement has been fully executed by Cerus and UNM. Milestone 56 Milestone description: Characterize the Cellular Immune Response that Correlates with Protection Against an LVS Challenge and demonstrate that Cerus Strains of Live and KBMA Lm-IglC and Lm-KatG Protect Against a SchuS4 Challenge Institution: Cerus/Anza 1. Date started: 6/1/2008 2. Date completed: Pending 3. Work performed and progress including data and preliminary conclusions Summary of objectives: We will measure the T-cell response to IglC induced by live and KBMA Lm expressing IglC compared with those elicited by Ftn or LVS vaccination. We will produce an IglC overlapping peptide library (15aa overlapping by 11aa) to identify iglC epitopes that are recognized by mouse T cells. We will use the IglC peptide library for ELISpot assays to measure the IglC-specific T cell responses induced after vaccination with live and KBMA Lm-IglC and compare to live and KBMA Ftn and LVS vaccination. We will demonstrate that the mechanism of protection induced by Lm vaccines is cellular by depletion of T cell populations and passive transfer studies, We will demonstrate that strains of Live and KBMA Lm-IglC-SL8 and Lm-KatGSL8 protect against a SchuS4 challenge and we will produce lots of KBMA vaccine and send to UNM for testing in animal models (mice and rats). 1) The IglC overlapping peptide Library has been synthesized and has arrived at Anza. 51 peptides that are 11 amino acids in length were synthesized and were determined to be of > 80% purity, which refers to the expected length of the peptide. The peptides arrived lyophilized as individual peptides and also as a pool of all 51. 2) As described in MS55, a 400mL scale lot of KBMA BH2094 was produced: LMactAinlBuvrABprfAG155S:ActAN100-IglC-SL8 (NB#2001-026B). This lot needs to undergo quality testing but can then be used to determine whether KBMA Lm vaccines can induce an immune response that protects against a lethal Ft challenge. 4. Significant decisions made or pending None 5. Problems or concerns and strategies to address None 68 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble 6. Deliverables completed None 7. Quality of performance Excellent 8. Percentage completed 2% 9. Work plan for upcoming month Mice of various haplotypes (BALB/c, C57BL/6, FVBN, C3H/HEJ, SJL) will be vaccinated with live BH2094: (actAinlBuvrABprfAG155S ActAN100-IglC-SL8) and splenocytes will be incubated with peptides to determine whether there are tcells responsive to any iglC epitopes by IFN-g ELISpot Anza will vaccinate mice with various Lm vaccines to determine whether IglC, KatG, or both protect against lethal LVS infection Once MTA is approved, live and KBMA Lm lots can be sent to UNM for evaluation in SchuS4 challenge model 10. Anticipated travel None 11. Upcoming Contract Authorization (COA) for subcontractors Modification 4R2 to subaward agreement has been fully executed by Cerus and UNM Milestone 57 Milestone description: Optimization of KBMA Lm Vaccination Route and Regimen. Institution: Cerus/Anza 1. Date started: 6/1/2008 2. Date completed: Pending 3. Work performed and progress including data and preliminary conclusions Summary of objectives: We will compare various routes of administration including IV, IM, IN, ID and oral. For oral, IN, and ID administration in mice, we will first mutate the inlA gene of Lm to allow for binding of murine E-cadherin in order to mimic the human interaction (as described in Wollert et al., Cell, 2007). We will compare the potency of the inlA gain of function mutants to our traditional platform strain. Routes will be ranked by ability to induce a cellular immune response using ELISpot, ICS, and in vivo cytotoxicity. We will optimize dosing regimen of most potent and tolerable route. Lm expressing IglC and/or KatG will be used to evaluate immunogenicity. Optimized route and regimen will be confirmed by SchuS4 protection studies at UNM. 1) This month we have constructed 8 vaccine candidates that contain the inlA gain of function mutations (Table 2). The sequence of the wild-type EGDe inlA gene (from the Lm strain used in the Wollert manuscript) was synthesized and the inlA gene in our platform strain was replaced (inlAWT) in our live-attenuated and KBMA platform strains as there are a number of differences in the sequence between the native sequences between these strains. Two point mutations, S192N and Y369S, were incorporated into the EGDe inlA sequence (inlAM) and inserted into the chromosome of our live-attenuated and KBMA platform strains. Into these 4 strains the ActAN100-iglC-SL8 expression cassette was inserted using the integration vector pINT. Expression analysis of the iglCSL8 cassette has yet to be performed. Once the expression has been confirmed, biodistribution, virulence and immunogenicity studies (ICS and ELIspot) will be performed. 69 of 70 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Technical Report Period: 6/01/2008 to 6/30/2008 Due Date: 7/15/2008 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Trevor Brasel, Julie Hutt, Dana Pohlman, Michelle Valderas, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Stephen Johnston, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Justin Skoble Table 2 Strain CRS-100 BH2130 BH2164 BH2170 BH2164 BH2132 BH2166 BH2134 BH2168 Genetic Background actAinlB actAinlBinlAWT actAinlBinlAWT actAinlBinlAM actAinlBinlAM actAinlBuvrABprfAG155SinlAWT actAinlBuvrABprfAG155SinlAWT actAinlBuvrABprfAG155SinlAM actAinlBuvrABprfAG155SinlAM Antigen Cassette none none ActAN100-IglC-SL8 none ActAN100-IglC-SL8 none ActAN100-iglC-SL8 none ActAN100-iglC-SL8 Status Sequence verified Sequence verified Sequence verified Sequence verified Sequence verified Sequence verified Sequence verified Sequence verified Sequence verified 4. Significant decisions made or pending None 5. Problems or concerns and strategies to address None 6. Deliverables completed None 7. Quality of performance Excellent 8. Percentage completed 2% 9. Work plan for upcoming month Expression from the iglC-SL8 expression cassette will be confirmed in each of these strains Virulence and immunogenicity of inlAWT and inlAM expressing live-attenuated strains will be evaluated in the coming month. 10. Anticipated travel None 11. Upcoming Contract Authorization (COA) for subcontractors Modification 4R2 to subaward agreement has been fully executed by Cerus and UNM 70 of 70