Document #: Title: Version: PRP-01.002 Preparation and Quality Control of Bacterial Culture Media 4 Effective Date: 1/30/09 1 ANZA Therapeutics, Inc. Page: Confidential 1 of 19 INTRODUCTION Several types of growth media can be used to support the growth of strains of Francisella tularensis (Ft). This SOP details the procedure for preparing liquid and agar culture media for the robust growth of bacteria, including Francisella tularensis subspecies novicida, including strains U112 and mutant strains of F.t. novicida received from UTSA. Careful quality control assures the integrity and purity of the bacterial culture. 2 PURPOSE This document describes how to prepare liquid and agar culture media for the growth and maintenance of bacteria. 3 RESPONSIBILITY 3.1 Personnel involved with the preparation and quality control of bacterial culture media are responsible for following this procedure. 3.2 Microbiology department management, or designee, is responsible for implementing this procedure and revising it as necessary 3.3 4 Data generated from use of this SOP may be reviewed by Quality Assurance department SCOPE This procedure applies to cysteine heart agar supplemented with hemoglobin (CHAH) plates for growing F. novicida strains and Chamberlains Defined Medium (CDM). This media is either made at Anza Therapeutics or Cerus’ microbiology department. 5 PRECAUTIONS Gloves, safety glasses, and a lab coat should be worn at all times when preparing media. A surgical mask may be worn as an option to prevent inhalation of media dust. 6 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT NEEDED 6.1 Materials 6.1.1 Deionized (DI) or MilliQ water 6.1.2 Appropriate powdered culture media components (listed in Attachment #1 under recipe for particular medium being made) 6.1.3 Appropriate sterile liquid supplements (listed in Attachment #1 under recipe for particular medium being made) Document #: Title: Version: PRP-01.002 Preparation and Quality Control of Bacterial Culture Media 4 Effective Date: 1/30/09 ANZA Therapeutics, Inc. 6.1.4 Spatulas 6.1.5 Weigh boats 6.1.6 0.2um filter flasks, sterile 6.1.7 Pipettes, sterile 6.1.8 1 N HCl 6.1.9 Disinfectant, 10% bleach Page: Confidential 2 of 19 6.1.10 Stir bar 6.2 7 Equipment 6.2.1 Magnetic Stir Plate 6.2.2 Pipette Aid 6.2.3 Incubator, 37oC 6.2.4 Vortexer 6.2.5 pH Meter, calibrated prior to usage 6.2.6 Shaker incubator 6.2.7 Calibrated scale (capable of a weighing accuracy of at least one significant digit beyond weight to be weighed) 6.2.8 Spectrophotometer 6.2.9 Autoclave PROCEDURE 7.1 Preparation of Broth or Agarose Media 7.1.1 See Attachment #1 for recipes for making various types of media. If recipe does not exist in Attachment #1, follow the formulation recommendations of the media manufacturer, an appropriate literature reference, or a recipe prepared by the requestor of the media. Document #: Title: Version: PRP-01.002 Preparation and Quality Control of Bacterial Culture Media 4 Effective Date: 1/30/09 ANZA Therapeutics, Inc. Confidential 3 of 19 7.1.2 Agar (plate) media can be made from any of the recipes in Attachment #1 by adding the manufacturers suggested amount of agar to the broth media before sterilizing. 7.1.3 Media Sterilization 7.1.4 Media sterilized with the AES Laboratoire S8000 autopreparator and/or ASP300 Pourer Stacker 7.1.5 7.2 Page: Media that will be sterilized and dispensed using the S8000 autopreparator and/or ASP300 Pourer Stacker can be made and mixed directly in the internal vessel. Refer to INS 00313 for instructions for using the S8000 autopreparator and ASP300 Pourer Stacker. Media sterilized with an autoclave Media that will be sterilized with an autoclave should be prepared and thoroughly mixed on a stirring plate in an appropriately sized container with magnetic stir bar for 10 minutes . Transfer the liquid into clean autoclavable glass bottles. Fill each bottle to no more than 80 of its total volume, leaving an adequate air space. Attach caps loosely with autoclave tape. The autoclave should be run so that the media is sterilized at a temperature of 121C for a minimum of 15 minutes, or as specified in the recipe. Swirl the media after taking it out of the autoclave. At this point media containing agar can be placed in a waterbath at 37o C before pouring plates that day, or allowed to harden and then remelted in microwave until completely melted for pouring plates in the future. Lot Numbers, Storage, Expiration, and Labeling 7.2.1 Lot numbers are assigned to uniquely identify each separate preparation (batch) of media. Lot numbers should be MMDDYY followed by a letter to represent the batch order for that day (starting with A and proceeding to Z for each batch made that day). These lot numbers will be recorded on the data capture sheets. If more than 26 batches are made in a day proceed to using 2 letters (i.e., AA, BB, CC). Document #: Title: Version: PRP-01.002 Preparation and Quality Control of Bacterial Culture Media 4 Effective Date: 1/30/09 ANZA Therapeutics, Inc. Page: Confidential 4 of 19 7.2.2 Expiration dates are 6 months for nonselective broth media, 3 months for nonselective plate media, and is determined separately for selective media. If not otherwise known, selective media should have an outdate of 3 months. 7.2.3 Broth media can be stored at RT or 4C, unless other storage requirements are recommended by the manufacturer. Agar media will be stored inverted in plastic sleeves at 4C. 7.2.4 Media will be labeled with a minimum of: Type of media, lot number, date of preparation, expiration date, storage conditions, initials of preparer. 7.2.5 Plate media will be labeled on the outside of the plastic sleeve, however all plates of a particular lot should be marked down the sides of the plates with a combination of colored lines to help identify the type of media and/or antibiotics present in the media. The lines used for a particular lot should be recorded on the data capture sheets. The convention for lines is as follows: Number of Lines Meaning Red 1 Streptomycin Blue 1 Chloramphenicol Brown 1 Erythromycin Black 1 Carbenicillin Line Color Black 2 VPP NOTE: BHI (brain heart infusion) and LB (Luria-Burtani) agar are both indicated by having no colored lines. LB agar is distinguished from BHI agar by being significantly lighter in color. 8 QUALITY CONTROL 8.1 pH 8.1.1 8.2 For broth media, pH should be checked after prepared media has cooled to RT by sterilely aliquoting a small amount of media into a separate container. The pH should be as specified in the recipe being followed. Growth Controls 8.2.1 Each new lot of media will be tested for it’s ability to support growth of the intended organism as well as the ability to suppress growth if it is a selective media. Appropriate Quality Control organisms to use can be found in Attachment #1 for the media being prepared. If a recipe does not exist for the Document #: Title: Version: PRP-01.002 Preparation and Quality Control of Bacterial Culture Media 4 Effective Date: 1/30/09 ANZA Therapeutics, Inc. Page: Confidential 5 of 19 particular media being prepared, the media preparer and requestor of the media decide on appropriate Quality Control organisms. 8.2.2 For agar media, plate a bacterial suspension of known titer on the test plates and a reference lot (previously shown to support adequate growth) according to QCP-01.003. After overnight incubation, if the titer on the test plates differs from the titer on the reference lot by 0.5 log, the growth promotion quality control will be repeated. If a subsequent retest yields similar results, the test lot will be rejected. 8.2.3 For broth media both the overnight OD and viability, and an abbreviated growth curve will be evaluated. To determine the overnight OD and viability, a small aliquot of a fresh or frozen suspension of the appropriate test organism will be inoculated into a 50 mL aliquot of the test lot and a reference lot (this should be a lot of the same type of media which has been shown previously to support adequate growth). After overnight incubation with shaking, the OD600 will be determined for both the test and control lots. In addition, both test and control lots will be diluted and plated to determine the viability of the organisms after overnight incubation. If the test lot does not show growth of at least 0.5 OD units below the control lot, and the final titer is not within 0.5 logs of the control lot, the quality control will be repeated. If a subsequent retest yields similar results, the test lot will be rejected. To perform the abbreviated growth curve, 50 L of the test and control overnight cultures from Section above will be inoculated into 50 mL of fresh test and control lots of media respectively. The OD600 will be taken at the time of inoculation and at two time points at least 3 hours apart during the next 8 hours (i.e. at 3hours and 6hours). Both the time taken and the OD will be recorded. If any of the test OD readings is not at least 80 of the control reading, the quality control will be repeated. If a subsequent retest yields similar results, the test lot of media will be rejected. For selective media, an inhibition control will be performed. For agar media, a colony or frozen stock of a bacteria whose growth is expected to be suppressed will be streaked onto the test lot. This same organism will also be streaked onto a non-selective media that has been shown to support growth of the bacteria. For broth media, a small aliquot of fresh or frozen suspension of a bacteria, Document #: Title: Version: PRP-01.002 Preparation and Quality Control of Bacterial Culture Media 4 Effective Date: 1/30/09 ANZA Therapeutics, Inc. Page: Confidential 6 of 19 whose growth is expected to be suppressed, will be inoculated into 50 mL of both the test lot and a control lot of non-selective media and incubated overnight with shaking. Any evidence of growth of the bacteria on the selective media warrants a repeat of the quality control. If the subsequent repeat yields similar results, the lot will be rejected. If no growth is observed on the nonselective media, the test should be repeated. 8.2.4 8.2.5 Sterility Control For plate media, 2 to 10 of the lot will be set aside as sterililty controls. The plates will be incubated at 37C overnight and at RT for an additional 48 hours. Any evidence of growth on the media warrants further investigation of contamination. In this case, a larger sampling of the plates (at least 3X) should be incubated to determine if the lot has a contamination problem and needs to be rejected. Although the lot of media can be released for general use after passing this initial sterility quality control, the sterility plates will be held at room temperature for a total of 1 month before being discarded. The plates will be checked for growth weekly, and if growth is noticed on any of the plates, any remaining plates in general circulation will be recalled and checked for growth. A determination will be made at that point as to whether the plates will remain in general circulation depending on the number of sterility plates that showed growth and the results of the recheck of plates that had been in circulation. For broth media, all containers of broth from the test lot will be placed in the incubator at 37C overnight and then at RT for an additional 48 hours. Any container of media that shows growth (evidenced by turbidity) will not be released for general use. Broth media for which turbidity cannot be used as a sterility guide (i.e. 2 hemoglobin) will be tested for sterility using a blood culture system following manufacturers instructions. Quarantine While results for the growth and sterility tests are pending, the media will be put in quarantine. GLP or GMP use of the media at this time is not allowed. If a user elects to use a lot of media, for research purposes, that is still in quarantine, the user acknowledges the risk that the media may not be suitable for use. For research, usage of media still in quarantine is discouraged. Document #: Title: Version: PRP-01.002 Preparation and Quality Control of Bacterial Culture Media 4 Effective Date: 1/30/09 ANZA Therapeutics, Inc. 9 Page: Confidential When all the QC tests have been passed, a label will be affixed to the bottle of broth or sleeve of media indicating that it has passed QC. REFERENCES 9.1 Attachment #1, Media Recipes 9.2 Attachment #2, Media Preparation Data Capture Sheet 9.3 QCP-01.003, Determination of the Viable Bacterial Count of a Bacterial Culture 9.4 INS 00313, Media Preparation Using the S8000 Autopreparer and APS300 Pourer Stacker 10 CALCULATIONS AND FORMULAS 11 N/A GLOSSARY mL- milliliter PPE- personal protective equipment DI- deionized QCP- Quality Control Procedure PRP- Preclinical/Research Procedure RT- room temperature C- centigrade VPP-veggie peptone phosphate BHI- brain heart infusion LB-Luria-Burtani OD- optical density 12 7 of 19 APPENDICES 12.1 Attachment 1: Chamberlain’s Defined Medium 12.2 Attachment 2 Luria Burtani (Miller) 12.3 Attachment 3: Yeast Extract with Glucose or Yeast No Glucose 12.4 Attachment 4: BHI 12.5 Attachment 5: VPP 12.6 Attachment 6: 2% Hemoglobin Solution 12.7 Attachment 7: Cystine Heart Agar with Hemoglobin Document #: Title: Version: PRP-01.002 Preparation and Quality Control of Bacterial Culture Media 4 Effective Date: 1/30/09 12.8 ANZA Therapeutics, Inc. Page: Confidential Attachment 8: Example of Data Capture Sheet for Media Preparation 8 of 19 ANZA Therapeutics, Inc. Document Number: PRP-01.002, Ver: 4, Effective: 1/30/2009 Attachments #1 to 8 Confidential Page 1 of 11 12.1 Attachment 1: Media Name: Chamberlain’s Defined Medium (CDM) Media Type: Broth Ingredients: Ingredient Chamberlain Medium Suggested Manufacturer Teknova Catalog Number C0712 g/L 24.2 Recipe: For each ingredient multiply the g/L required by the number of liters to be made. Weigh out the appropriate amount of the ingredients and stir to dissolve in MilliQ water. Using a magnetic stir bar and stir plate, adjust pH to 6.26 by dropwise addition of 10N NaOH. Sterilize by filtration though 0.22uM filter apparatus. Quality Control: pH: 6.26 ±0.2 Positive growth control: Ft novicida Negative growth control: None ANZA Therapeutics, Inc. Document Number: PRP-01.002, Ver: 4, Effective: 1/30/2009 Attachments #1 to 8 Confidential Page 2 of 11 12.2 Attachment 2 Media Name: Luria Burtani (Miller) Media Type: Broth or Agar Ingredients: Ingredient Bacto tryptone Yeast extract Sodium chloride Suggested Manufacturer BD Catalog Number 211701 g/L 10.0 BD 212750 5.0 Spectrum S0160 10.0 Q-Biogene 3002-021 See manufacturer’s instructions or LB powder or capsules Recipe: For each ingredient multiply the g/L required by the number of liters to be made. Weigh out the appropriate amount of the ingredients and stir to dissolve in MilliQ water. Sterilize at 121C for 15 minutes and aseptically dispense into appropriately sized sterile vessels or Petri dishes. Quality Control: pH: 7.0 ±0.2 Positive growth control: Escherichia coli Negative growth control: None ANZA Therapeutics, Inc. Document Number: PRP-01.002, Ver: 4, Effective: 1/30/2009 Attachments #1 to 8 Confidential Page 3 of 11 12.3 Attachment 3: Media Name: Yeast Extract with Glucose or Yeast No Glucose Media Type: Broth Ingredients: Ingredient Yeast Extract Potassium phosphate monobasic Suggested Manufacturer BD Catalog Number 212750 g/L 25.0 Fisher P285-500 9.0 a. Glucose Sigma G-5767 Glucose is left out of the formulation if Yeast No Glucose is being made 10.0 a. Recipe: For each ingredient multiply the g/L required by the number of liters to be made. Weigh out the appropriate amount of the ingredients and stir to dissolve in MilliQ water. Use 10N NaOH to adjust to a final pH of 7.2. Filter through a 0.2 μ filter to sterilize. Quality Control: Positive growth control: Escherichia coli Negative growth control: None ANZA Therapeutics, Inc. Document Number: PRP-01.002, Ver: 4, Effective: 1/30/2009 Attachments #1 to 8 Confidential Page 4 of 11 12.4 Attachment 4 Media Name: BHI Media Type: Broth or agar Ingredients: Ingredient Powdered BHI broth Suggested Manufacturer Catalog Number EMD 1.10493.5007 g/L See manufacturers instructions Recipe: For each ingredient multiply the g/L required by the number of liters to be made. Weigh out the appropriate amount of the ingredients and stir to dissolve in MilliQ water. Sterilize at 121C for 15 minutes and aseptically dispense into appropriately sized sterile vessels. Quality Control: pH: 7.4 ±0.2 Positive growth control: Escherichia coli Negative growth control: None ANZA Therapeutics, Inc. Document Number: PRP-01.002, Ver: 4, Effective: 1/30/2009 Attachments #1 to 8 Confidential Page 5 of 11 12.5 Attachment 5 Media Name: VPP Media Type: Broth or agar Ingredients: Ingredient Powdered VPP broth Suggested Manufacturer Catalog # Oxoid VG0200 g/L See manufacturers instructions Recipe: For each ingredient multiply the g/L required by the number of liters to be made. Weigh out the appropriate amount of the ingredients and stir to dissolve in MilliQ water. Sterilize at 121C for 15 minutes and aseptically dispense into appropriately sized sterile vessels. Quality Control: pH: 7.3 ±0.2 Positive growth control: Escherichia coli Negative growth control: None ANZA Therapeutics, Inc. Document Number: PRP-01.002, Ver: 4, Effective: 1/30/2009 Attachments #1 to 8 Confidential Page 6 of 11 12.6 Attachment 6 Media Name: 2% Hemoglobin Solution Media Type: Additive solution Ingredients: Ingredient Freeze dried bovine hemoglobin Suggested Manufacturer Catalog # g/L BD 212392 20.0 Recipe: After determining the amount of media to be made, add the required amount of hemoglobin to a dry beaker and add cold MilliQ water while stirring vigorously. Continue intermittent stirring for 10 to 15 minutes until all of the hemoglobin is dissolved. Bring to 121°C for 15 minutes to sterilize, cool to approximately 50°C, and dispense into sterile bottles. Store prepared solution at 1C to 10°C for up to 6 months. Quality Control: Sterility only ANZA Therapeutics, Inc. Document Number: PRP-01.002, Ver: 4, Effective: 1/30/2009 Attachments #1 to 8 Confidential Page 7 of 11 12.7 Attachment 7 Media Name: Cystine Heart Agar with Hemoglobin Media Type: Agar Ingredients: Ingredient Cystine Heart Agar 2% Hemoglobin solution Suggested Manufacturer Difco Catalog # 24711 Amount 102 g/L See recipe above NA 50% Recipe: Suspend the required amount of Cystine Heart agar in MilliQ water. Bring to 121C for 15 minutes. Cool to 50C to 60C and aseptically add an equivalent volume of 2% hemoglobin solution to the sterilized Cystine Heart agar. Cool to ~45C and dispense ~20 mL aliquots into sterile Petri dishes. Quality Control: Growth promotion: Francisella LVS ANZA Therapeutics, Inc. Document Number: PRP-01.002, Ver: 4, Effective: 1/30/2009 Attachments #1 to 8 Confidential Page 8 of 11 1. ATTACHMENT 8: EXAMPLE DATA CAPTURE SHEET FOR MEDIA PREP 2. SUMMARY Data capture sheet for Preparation of Chamberlain’s medium and Chamberlain’s medium w/ 20% w/v sucrose. 3. STUDY PARTICIPANTS Name (Print) Signature Initial Date Tae Kim 4. EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS Equipment Balance Milli-Q water system pH meter Biosafety cabinet Incubator ANZA Equipment # Calibration Expiration ANZA Therapeutics, Inc. Document Number: PRP-01.002, Ver: 4, Effective: 1/30/2009 Attachments #1 to 8 Material Confidential Page 9 of 11 Manufacturer Part # Falcon 352051 Chamberlain’s media powder Exp Date: _____________ Disposable bottles 1 N or 10 N NaOH Sucrose 0.2 m sterile filter sets Sterile tubes Lot # ANZA Therapeutics, Inc. Document Number: PRP-01.002, Ver: 4, Effective: 1/30/2009 Attachments #1 to 8 5. Confidential Page 10 of 11 PROCEDURE Date = ___________________ Initial 1 Clean BSC with 70% alcohol solution. 2 Calculate amount of Chamberlain’s media powder needed: 24.2 g x _____ L media = _____ g Chamberlain’s powder 3 Weigh out Chamberlain’s powder, __________ g 4 Transfer powder to a sterile bottle containing a stir bar and add Milli-Q water equivalent to the volume of desired media stated in Step 2. __________ L Milli-Q water. Stir until all powder is dissolved. 5 Adjust pH to 6.25 using NaOH. pH = __________ 6 Transfer ½ of media into a 2nd sterile bottle. 7 Calculate amount of sucrose needed for cryopreservation solution. 200 g x _____ L media = _____ g sucrose 8 Weight out sucrose, _________ g 9 Add sucrose to 1st media bottle and stir until dissolved. 10 Filter sterilize each bottle through a 0.2 m filter. Label each bottle with contents, NB #, “Store at 2-8 °C”, initials, date of manufacture, and an expiration date 3 months from the date of manufacture. 11 From each bottle, remove two 5 mL aliquots into individual sterile tubes. 12 For each bottle, place one tube in a 37 °C incubator and the second tube at ambient temperature. Incubate for 3-5 days then inspect for growth. Start time/date: _______________ End time/date: _______________ Chamberlain’s media sterile (circle one): Y or N Chamberlain’s media w/ 20% sucrose sterile (circle one): Y or N 6. COMMENTS _________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ANZA Therapeutics, Inc. Document Number: PRP-01.002, Ver: 4, Effective: 1/30/2009 Attachments #1 to 8 Confidential Page 11 of 11 __________________________________________________________________