Publications for Frank Seebacher 2016

Publications for Frank Seebacher
Publications for Frank Seebacher
Beaman, J., White, C., Seebacher, F. (2016).
Evolution of Plasticity: Mechanistic Link
between Development and Reversible
Acclimation. Trends in Ecology and Evolution,
31(3), 237-249. <a
4">[More Information]</a>
Fraser, C., Seebacher, F., Lathlean, J., Coleman,
R. (2016). Facing the Heat: Does Desiccation
and Thermal Stress Explain Patterns of
Orientation in an Intertidal Invertebrate? PloS
One. <a
0200">[More Information]</a>
Farrell, H., O'Connor, W., Seebacher, F.,
Harwood, D., Murray, S. (2016). Molecular
detection of the SXTA gene from
Saxitocin-producing Alexandrium Minutum in
commercial oysters. The Journal of Shellfish
Research, 35(1), 169-177.
Farrell, H., O'Connor, W., Seebacher, F.,
Harwood, D., Murray, S. (2016). Molecular
Detection of the Sxta Gene from
Saxitoxin-Producing Alexandrium minutum in
Commercial Oysters. The Journal of Shellfish
Research, 35(1), 169-177. <a
More Information]</a>
Kazerouni, E., Franklin, C., Seebacher, F.
(2016). UV-B exposure reduces locomotor
performance by impairing
muscle function but not mitochondrial ATP
production. The Journal of Experimental
Biology, 219(1), 96-102. <a
ore Information]</a>
Kazerouni, E., Franklin, C., Seebacher, F.
(2016). UV-B radiation interacts with
temperature to determine animal performance.
Functional Ecology, article in press, 1-12. <a
0">[More Information]</a>
Bywater, C., Seebacher, F., Wilson, R. (2015).
Building a dishonest signal: the functional basis
of unreliable signals of strength in males of the
two-toned fiddler crab, Uca vomeris. The
Journal of Experimental Biology, 218,
3077-3082. <a
ore Information]</a>
Seebacher, F., Post, E. (2015). Climate change
impacts on animal migration. Climate Change
Responses, 2(5), 1-2. <a
3-9">[More Information]</a>
Seebacher, F., Grigaltchik, V. (2015).
Developmental thermal plasticity of prey
modifies the impact of predation. The Journal of
Experimental Biology, 218(9), 1402-1409. <a
ore Information]</a>
Seebacher, F., Ducret, V., Little, A.,
Adriaenssens, B. (2015). Generalist-specialist
trade-off during thermal acclimation. Royal
Society Open Science, 2(1), 1-9. <a
More Information]</a>
Fraser, C., Coleman, R., Seebacher, F. (2015).
Inter-individual variation partially explains
of orientation on steeply sloped substrata in a
grazer, the limpet Cellana tramoserica. Aquatic
Ecology, 49, 189-197. <a
5-6">[More Information]</a>
Fraser, C., Coleman, R., Seebacher, F. (2015).
It's not where you are, it's what you do after that
matters: Tide-in patterns of orientation do not
predict where or when limpets forage. Journal of
Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 471,
119-125. <a
019">[More Information]</a>
Fraser, C., Coleman, R., Seebacher, F. (2015).
Orientation in a keystone grazer: interactions
between habitat and individual identity drive
patterns of resting behaviour. Marine Ecology
Progress Series, 522, 145-156. <a
ore Information]</a>
Seebacher, F., White, C., Franklin, C. (2015).
Physiological plasticity increases resilience of
ectothermic animals to climate change. Nature
Climate Change, 5(1), 61-66. <a
More Information]</a>
Kern, P., Cramp, R., Seebacher, F., Kazerouni,
E., Franklin, C. (2015). Plasticity of protective
mechanisms only partially explains interactive
effects of temperature and UVR on upper
thermal limits. Comparative Biochemistry and
Physiology. Part A: Molecular and Integrative
Physiology, 190, 75-82. <a
07">[More Information]</a>
Seebacher, F., Little, A., James, R. (2015).
Skeletal muscle contractile function predicts
activity and behaviour in zebrafish. The Journal
Publications for Frank Seebacher
of Experimental Biology, 218(24), 3878-3884. <a
ore Information]</a>
Little, A., Seebacher, F. (2015). Temperature
determines toxicity: Bisphenol A reduces
thermal tolerance in fish. Environmental
Pollution, 197, 84-89. <a
.003">[More Information]</a>
Farrell, H., Seebacher, F., O'Connor, W.,
Zammitt, A., Harwood, D., Murray, S. (2015).
Warm temperature acclimation impacts
metabolism of paralytic shellfish toxins from
Alexandrium minutum in commercial oysters.
Global Change Biology, 21(9), 3402-3413. <a
re Information]</a>
Tallis, J., James, R., Little, A., Cox, V., Duncan,
M., Seebacher, F. (2014). Early effects of ageing
on the mechanical performance of isolated
locomotory (EDL) and respiratory (diaphragm)
skeletal muscle using the work-loop technique.
American Journal of Physiology. Regulatory,
Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 307(6),
R670-R684. <a
014">[More Information]</a>
Seebacher, F., Grigaltchik, V. (2014). Embryonic
developmental temperatures modulate thermal
acclimation of performance curves in tadpoles of
the frog Limnodynastes peronii. PloS One, 9(9),
1-11. <a
6492">[More Information]</a>
Sinclair, E., De Souza, C., Ward, A., Seebacher,
F. (2014). Exercise changes behaviour.
Functional Ecology, 28, 652-659. <a
8">[More Information]</a>
Seebacher, F., Beaman, J., Little, A. (2014).
Regulation of thermal acclimation varies
between generations of the short-lived
mosquitofish that developed in different
environmental conditions. Functional Ecology,
28(1), 137-148. <a
6">[More Information]</a>
Cramp, R., Reid, S., Seebacher, F., Franklin, C.
(2014). Synergistic interaction between UVB
radiation and temperature increases susceptibility
to parasitic infection in a fish. Biology Letters,
10(9), 1-4. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Seebacher, F., Tallis, J., James, R. (2014). The
cost of muscle power production: Muscle oxygen
consumption per unit work increases at low
temperatures in Xenopus laevis. The Journal of
Experimental Biology, 217(11), 1940-1945. <a
ore Information]</a>
Little, A., Seebacher, F. (2014). The evolution of
endothermy is explained by thyroid
hormonemediated responses to cold in early
vertebrates. The Journal of Experimental
Biology, 217(10), 1642-1648. <a
ore Information]</a>
Little, A., Seebacher, F. (2014). Thyroid
hormone regulates cardiac performance during
cold acclimation in zebrafish (Danio rerio). The
Journal of Experimental Biology, 217(5),
718-725. <a
ore Information]</a>
Fraser, C., Coleman, R., Seebacher, F. (2014).
Trying to fit in: are patterns of orientation of a
keystone grazer set by behavioural responses to
ecosystem engineers or wave action? Oecologia,
174(1), 67-75. <a
3-3">[More Information]</a>
Seebacher, F., Ward, A., Wilson, R. (2013).
Increased aggression during pregnancy comes at
a higher metabolic cost. The Journal of
Experimental Biology, 216(5), 771-776. <a
ore Information]</a>
Kasumovic, M., Seebacher, F. (2013). The active
metabolic rate predicts a male spider's proximity
to females and expected fitness. Biology Letters,
9(2), 1-4. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Little, A., Kunisue, T., Kannan, K., Seebacher, F.
(2013). Thyroid hormone actions are
temperature-specific and regulate thermal
acclimation in zebrafish (Danio rerio). B M C
Biology, 11(26), 1-15. <a
6">[More Information]</a>
Little, A., Seebacher, F. (2013). Thyroid
hormone regulates muscle function during cold
acclimation in zebrafish
(Danio rerio). The Journal of Experimental
Biology, 216(18), 3514-3521. <a
ore Information]</a>
Seebacher, F., Holmes, S., Roosen, N., Nouvian,
M., Wilson, R., Ward, A. (2012). Capacity for
Publications for Frank Seebacher
thermal acclimation differs between populations
and phylogenetic lineages within a species.
Functional Ecology, 26(6), 1418-1428. <a
2.02052.x">[More Information]</a>
Seebacher, F., Franklin, C. (2012). Conservation
physiology: integrating physiological
mechanisms with ecology and evolution to
predict responses of organisms to environmental
change. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal
Society B. Biological Sciences.
Tattersall, G., Sinclair, B., Withers, P., Fields, P.,
Seebacher, F., Cooper, C., Maloney, S. (2012).
Coping with thermal challenges: Physiological
adaptations to environmental temperatures.
Comprehensive Physiology, 2(3), 2151-2202. <a
More Information]</a>
Seebacher, F., Franklin, C. (2012). Determining
environmental causes of biological effects: The
need for a mechanistic physiological dimension
in conservation biology. Philosophical
Transactions of the Royal Society B. Biological
Sciences, 367(1596), 1607-1614. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Seebacher, F., Walter, I. (2012). Differences in
locomotor performance between individuals:
Importance of parvalbumin, calcium handling
and metabolism. The Journal of Experimental
Biology, 215, 663-670. <a
ore Information]</a>
Seebacher, F., Pollard, S., James, R. (2012). How
well do muscle biomechanics predict
whole-animal locomotor performance? The role
of Ca 2+ handling. The Journal of Experimental
Biology, 215(11), 1847-1853. <a
ore Information]</a>
Adriaenssens, B., van Damme, R., Seebacher, F.,
Wilson, R. (2012). Sex cells in changing
environments: Can organisms adjust the
physiological function of gametes to different
temperatures? Global Change Biology, 18,
1797-1803. <a
2.02672.x">[More Information]</a>
Grigaltchik, V., Ward, A., Seebacher, F. (2012).
Thermal acclimation of interactions: Differential
responses to temperature change alter
predator-prey relationship. Proceedings of the
Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 279(1744),
4058-4064. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Glanville, E., Murray, S., Seebacher, F. (2012).
Thermal adaptation in endotherms: climate and
phylogeny interact to determine population-level
responses in a wild rat. Functional Ecology, 26,
390-398. <a
1.01933.x">[More Information]</a>
Boyles, J., Seebacher, F., Smit, B., McKechnie,
A. (2011). Adaptive Thermoregulation in
Endotherms May Alter Responses to Climate
Change. Integrative and Comparative Biology,
51(5), 676-690. <a
re Information]</a>
Sinclair, E., Ward, A., Seebacher, F. (2011).
Aggression-induced fin damage modulates
trade-offs in burst and endurance swimming
performance of mosquitofish. Journal of
Zoology, 283(4), 243-248. <a
0.00776.x">[More Information]</a>
James, R., Tallis, J., Seebacher, F., Storey, K.
(2011). Daily torpor reduces mass and changes
stress and power output of soleus and EDL
muscles in the Djungarian hamster, Phodopus
sungorus. The Journal of Experimental Biology,
214, 2896-2902. <a
ore Information]</a>
Seebacher, F., Franklin, C. (2011). Physiology of
invasion: cane toads are constrained by thermal
effects on physiological mechanisms that support
locomotor performance. The Journal of
Experimental Biology, 214(9), 1437-1444. <a
ore Information]</a>
Niehaus, A., Wilson, R., Seebacher, F., Franklin,
C. (2011). Striped marsh frog (limnodynastes
peronii) tadpoles do not acclimate metabolic
performance to thermal variability. The Journal
of Experimental Biology, 214(11), 1965-1970. <a
ore Information]</a>
Guderley, H., Seebacher, F. (2011). Thermal
acclimation, mitochondrial capacities and organ
metabolic profiles in a reptile (Alligator
mississippiensis). Journal of Comparative
Physiology B, 181(1), 53-64. <a
9-1">[More Information]</a>
James, R., Walter, I., Seebacher, F. (2011).
Variation in expression of calcium-handling
proteins is associated with inter-individual
differences in mechanical performance of rat
(Rattus norvegicus) skeletal muscle. The Journal
of Experimental Biology, 214(21), 3542-3548. <a
Publications for Frank Seebacher
ore Information]</a>
Glanville, E., Seebacher, F. (2010). Advantage to
lower body temperatures for a small mammal
(Rattus fuscipes) experiencing chronic cold.
Journal of Mammalogy, 91(5), 1197-1204. <a
03.1">[More Information]</a>
Walter, I., Hegarty, B., Seebacher, F. (2010).
AMP-activated protein kinase controls
metabolism and heat production during
embryonic development in birds. The Journal of
Experimental Biology, 213(18), 3167-3176. <a
ore Information]</a>
Reid, A., Seebacher, F., Ward, A. (2010).
Learning to hunt: the role of experience in
predator success. Behaviour, 147, 223-233. <a
12871386137">[More Information]</a>
Seebacher, F., Glanville, E. (2010). Low Levels
of Physical Activity Increase Metabolic
Responsiveness to Cold in a Rat (Rattus
fuscipes). PloS One, 5(9), 1-8. <a
3022">[More Information]</a>
Lowe, K., FitzGibbon, S., Seebacher, F., Wilson,
R. (2010). Physiological and behavioural
responses to seasonal changes in environmental
temperature in the Australian spiny crayfish
Euastacus sulcatus. Journal of Comparative
Physiology B, 180, 653-660. <a
5-2">[More Information]</a>
Glanville, E., Seebacher, F. (2010). Plasticity in
body temperature and metabolic capacity
sustains winter activity in a small endotherm
(Rattus fuscipes). Comparative Biochemistry and
Physiology. Part A: Molecular and Integrative
Physiology, 155, 383-391. <a
08">[More Information]</a>
Seebacher, F., Brand, M., Else, P., Guderley, H.,
Hulbert, A., Moyes, C. (2010). Plasticity of
Oxidative Metabolism in Variable Climates:
Molecular Mechanisms. Physiological and
Biochemical Zoology: ecological and
evolutionary approaches, 83(5), 721-732. <a
Franklin, C., Seebacher, F. (2009). Adapting to
Climate Change. Science, 323(5916), 876-876.
Wilson, R., James, R., Bywater, C., Seebacher,
F. (2009). Costs and benefits of increased
weapon size differ between sexes of the slender
crayfish, Cherax dispar. The Journal of
Experimental Biology, 212(6), 853-858. <a
ore Information]</a>
Walter, I., Seebacher, F. (2009). Endothermy in
birds: underlying molecular mechanisms. The
Journal of Experimental Biology, 212(15),
2328-2336. <a
ore Information]</a>
Seebacher, F. (2009). Responses to temperature
variation: integration of thermoregulation and
metabolism in vertebrates. The Journal of
Experimental Biology, 212(18), 2885-2891. <a
ore Information]</a>
Seebacher, F., Murray, S., Else, P. (2009).
Thermal Acclimation and Regulation of
Metabolism in a Reptile (Crocodylus porosus):
The Importance of Transcriptional Mechanisms
and Membrane Composition. Physiological and
Biochemical Zoology: ecological and
evolutionary approaches, 82(6), 766-775. <a
Schnell, A., Seebacher, F. (2008). Can
Phenotypic Plasticity Facilitate the Geographic
Expansion of the Tilapia Oreochromis
mossambicus? Physiological and Biochemical
Zoology: ecological and evolutionary
approaches, 81(6), 733-742. <a
Schwartz, T., Murray, S., Seebacher, F. (2008).
Novel reptilian uncoupling proteins: molecular
evolution and gene expression during cold
acclimation. Proceedings of the Royal Society B:
Biological Sciences, 275(1637), 979-985. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Seebacher, F., James, R. (2008). Plasticity of
muscle function in a thermoregulating ectotherm
(Crocodylus porosus): biomechanics and
metabolism. American Journal of Physiology:
Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative
Physiology, 294(3), R1024-R1032. <a
007">[More Information]</a>
Franklin, C., Davison, W., Seebacher, F. (2007).
Antarctic fish can compensate for rising
temperatures: thermal acclimation of cardiac
performance in Pagothenia borchgrevinki. The
Journal of Experimental Biology, 210(17),
Publications for Frank Seebacher
Rogers, K., Thompson, M., Seebacher, F. (2007).
Beneficial acclimation: sex specific thermal
acclimation of metabolic capacity in the striped
marsh frog (Limnodynastes peronii). The Journal
of Experimental Biology, 210(16), 2932-2938.
Wilson, R., Angilletta, M., James, R., Navas, C.,
Seebacher, F. (2007). Dishonest signals of
strength in male slender crayfish (Cherax dispar)
during agonistic encounters. The American
Naturalist, 170(2), 284-291.
Seebacher, F., Franklin, C. (2007). How
important are changes in blood flow distribution
for thermoregulation in a reptile (Crocodylus
Seebacher, F., Wilson, R. (2007). Individual
recognition in crayfish (Cherax dispar): the roles
of strength and experience in deciding aggressive
encounters. Biology Letters, 3(5), 471-474.
Sinclair, E., Thompson, M., Seebacher, F.
(2006). Phenotypic flexibility in the metabolic
response of the limpet Cellana tramoserica to
thermally different microhabitats. Journal of
Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology,
335(1), 131-141. <a
010">[More Information]</a>
Robert, K., Thompson, M., Seebacher, F. (2006).
Thermal biology of a viviparous lizard with
temperature-dependant sex determination.
Journal of Thermal Biology, 31(4), 292-301.
Seebacher, F., Schwartz, T., Thompson, M.
(2006). Transition from ectothermy to
endothermy: the development of metabolic
capacity in a bird (Gallus gallus). Proceedings of
the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences,
273(1586), 565-570.
Walter, I., Seebacher, F. (2007). Molecular
mechanisms underlying the development of
endothermy in birds (Gallus gallus): a new role
of PGC-1 alpha ? American Journal of
Physiology: Regulatory, Integrative and
Comparative Physiology, 293(6), 2315-2322.
Seebacher, F., Franklin, C. (2007).
Redistribution of blood within the body is
important for thermoregulation in an ectothermic
vertebrate (Crocodylus porosus). Journal of
Comparative Physiology B, 177(8), 841-848. <a
1-4">[More Information]</a>
Seebacher, F. (2005). A review of
thermoregulation and physiological performance
in reptiles: what is the role of phenotypic
flexibility? Journal of Comparative Physiology
B, 175(7), 453-461. <a
0-6">[More Information]</a>
Seebacher, F. (2007). Thermoregulation and
physiological performance in reptiles: What is
the role of reversible phenotypic plasticity?
Seebacher, F., Franklin, C., Read, M. (2005).
Diving behaviour of a reptile (Crocodylus
johnstoni) in the wild: Interactions with heart
rate and body temperature. Physiological and
Biochemical Zoology: ecological and
evolutionary approaches, 78(1), 1-8.
Seebacher, F., Murray, S. (2007). Transient
receptor potential ion channels control
thermoregulatory behaviour in reptiles. PloS
One, 2(3), 1-7.
Angilletta, M., Bennett, A., Guderley, H., Navas,
C., Seebacher, F., Wilson, R. (2006).
Coadaptation: A unifying principle in
evolutionary thermal biology. Physiological and
Biochemical Zoology: ecological and
evolutionary approaches, 79(2), 282-294.
Glanville, E., Seebacher, F. (2006).
Compensation for environmental change by
complementary shifts of thermal sensitivity and
thermoregulatory behaviour in an ectotherm. The
Journal of Experimental Biology, 209(24),
Seebacher, F., Wilson, R. (2006). Fighting fit:
thermal plasticity of metabolic function and
fighting success in the crayfish Cherax
destructor. Functional Ecology, 20(6),
Seebacher, F., Davison, W., Lowe, C., Franklin,
C. (2005). A falsification of the thermal
specialization paradigm: compensation for
elevated temperatures in Antarctic fishes.
Biology Letters, 1(2), 151-154.
Seebacher, F., Franklin, C. (2005). Physiological
mechanisms of thermoregulation in reptiles: a
review. Journal of Comparative Physiology B,
175(8), 533-541. <a
7-1">[More Information]</a>
Seebacher, F., Lowe, C., Davison, W. (2005).
Thermal sensitivity of heart rate and insensitivity
of blood pressure in the Antarctic notothenlid
fish Pagothenia borckgrevinki. Journal of
Comparative Physiology B, 175(2), 97-105. <a
6-9">[More Information]</a>
Rogers, K., Seebacher, F., Thompson, M. (2004).
Biochemical Acclimation Of Metabolic Enzymes
In Response To Lowered Temperature In
Tadpoles Of Limnodynastes Peronii.
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part
Publications for Frank Seebacher
A: Molecular and Integrative Physiology,
137(4), 731-738. <a
08">[More Information]</a>
Seebacher, F., Franklin, C. (2004).
Cardiovascular Mechanisms During
Thermoregulation In Reptiles. International
Congress Series, 1275, 242-249. <a
">[More Information]</a>
Seebacher, F., Shine, R. (2004). Evaluating
Thermoregulation In Reptiles: The Fallacy Of
The Inappropriately Applied Method.
Physiological and Biochemical Zoology:
ecological and evolutionary approaches, 77(4),
Seebacher, F., Franklin, C. (2004). Integration Of
Autonomic And Local Mechanisms In
Regulating Cardiovascular Responses To
Heating And Cooling In A Reptile (Crocodylus
Porosus). Journal of Comparative Physiology B,
174(7), 577-585. <a
6-0">[More Information]</a>
Goudkamp, J., Seebacher, F., Ahern, M.,
Franklin, C. (2004). Physiological
Then-Noregulation In A Crustacean? Heart Rate
Hysteresis In The Freshwater Crayfish Cherax
Destructor. Comparative Biochemistry and
Physiology. Part A: Molecular and Integrative
Physiology, 138(3), 399-403. <a
02">[More Information]</a>
Seebacher, F., Sparrow, J., Thompson, M.
(2004). Turtles (Chelodina Longicollis) Regulate
Muscle Metabolic Enzyme Activity In Response
To Seasonal Variation In Body Temperature.
Journal of Comparative Physiology B, 174(3),
205-210. <a
1-2">[More Information]</a>
Wroe, S., Myers, T., Seebacher, F., Kear, B.,
Gillespie, A., Crowther, M., Salisbury, S. (2003).
An alternative method for predicting body mass:
the case of the Pleistocence marsupial lion.
Paleobiology, 29(3), 403-411.
Seebacher, F., Elsey, R., Trosclair, P. (2003).
Body temperature null distributions in reptiles
with nonzero heat capacity: Seasonal
thermoregulation in the American alligator
(Alligator mississippiensis). Physiological and
Biochemical Zoology: ecological and
evolutionary approaches, 76(3), 348-359.
Seebacher, F. (2003). Dinosaur body
temperatures: the occurrence of endothermy and
ectothermy. Paleobiology, 29(1), 105-122.
Iglesias, S., Thompson, M., Seebacher, F.
(2003). Energetic cost of a meal in a frequent
feeding lizard. Comparative Biochemistry and
Physiology. Part A: Molecular and Integrative
Physiology, 135(3), 377-382.
Robert, K., Thompson, M., Seebacher, F. (2003).
Facultative sex allocation in the viviparous lizard
Eulamprus tympanum, a species with
temperature-dependent sex determination.
Australian Journal of Zoology, 51(4), 367-370.
Seebacher, F., Elsworth, P., Franklin, C. (2003).
Ontogenetic changes of swimming kinematics in
a semi-aquatic reptile (Crocodylus porosus).
Australian Journal of Zoology, 51(1), 15-24.
Seebacher, F., Franklin, C. (2003).
Prostaglandins are important in thermoregulation
of a reptile (Pogona vitticeps). Proceedings of
the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences,
270(aug 7), S50-S53.
Seebacher, F., Guderley, H., Elsey, R., Trosclair,
P. (2003). Seasonal acclimatisation of muscle
metabolic enzymes in a reptile (Alligator
mississippiensis). The Journal of Experimental
Biology, 206(7), 1193-1200.
Elsworth, P., Seebacher, F., Franklin, C. (2003).
Sustained swimming performance in crocodiles
(Crocodylus porosus): effects of body size and
temperature. Journal of Herpetology, 37(2),
Seebacher, F., Franklin, C. (2003). The effect of
heat transfer mode on heart rate responses and
hysteresis during heating and cooling in the
estuarine crocodile Crocodylus porosus. The
Journal of Experimental Biology, 206(7),
Seebacher, F., Alford, R. (2002). Shelter
microhabitats determine body temperature and
dehydration rates of a terrestrial amphibian (Bufo
marinus). Journal of Herpetology, 36(1), 69-75.
Seebacher, F. (2001). A new method to calculate
allometric length-mass relationships of
dinosaurs. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology,
21, 51-60.
Seebacher, F., Grigg, G. (2001). Changes in
heart rate are important for thermoregulation in
the varanid lizard Varanus varius. Journal of
Comparative Physiology B, 171, 395-400.
Seebacher, F., Franklin, C. (2001). Control of
heart rate during thermoregulation in the
heliothermic lizard Pogona barbata: importance
of cholinergic and adrenergic mechanisms. The
Journal of Experimental Biology, 204,
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