IFCS Indicators of Progress Priorities for Action beyond 2000 and Forum Recommendations QUESTIONNAIRE Please provide the information described on the following pages concerning your country, giving the current status and, to the extent possible, that foreseen at the end of 2006 Please complete: COUNTRY: FINLAND 1. NATIONAL CAPABILITIES AND CAPACITIES FOR CHEMICALS MANAGEMENT Priorities for Action E1 and E21 1a) Has a comprehensive National Chemicals Management Profile, or other equivalent strategic national plan, been developed through a multi-stakeholder process2? National Profile Yes X Other equivalent strategic national plan No ڤ Yes ڤ No ڤ If "Yes" to either of the above, please indicate the original publication date and the date(s) of any revisions. _Original publication December 2005______________________________ If "Yes" to either of the above, please list all ministries, agencies and organizations that participated: - Ministry of Social Affairs and Health; Ministry of the Environment; Ministry of Trade and Industry; Ministry of the Interior; Ministry of Transport and Communications; Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry National Product Control Agency for Welfare and Health Safety Technology Agency Finnish Environment Institute Chemical Industry Federation of Finland Association of Finnish Technical Traders Finnish Chemical Workers’ Union City of Helsinki Environment Centre Uusimaa Regional Environment Centre Finnish Association for Nature Conservation Finnish Institute of Occupational health National Public Health Institute Confederation of Finnish Industries ____________________________________________________________ If "No", is your country in the process of developing or planning on developing a Comprehensive National Chemicals Management Profile? 1 The Priorities for Action Beyond 2000 may be viewed on the IFCS website at www.ifcs.ch. A multi-stakeholder process is a process involving all concerned national ministries and other government institutions, as well as other interested national parties. 2 1 Yes ڤ Expected completion date ___________ No ڤ If "No", have equivalent measures such as a government investigation on chemical safety followed by legislative measures been undertaken? Yes ڤ No ڤ If "Yes", please describe: _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 1b) Has your country developed any of the following on the sound management of chemicals? National Policies If yes, please provide year completed. 1990 If development is in progress, please provide the expected completion year? 2006 (National Chemical Program) 2006 (National Chemical Program) 1984 2006 (for the Stockholm Convention on POPs) National Priorities No National Strategies National Action Plans 1c) Has your country established an inter-ministerial/intersectoral coordinating mechanism (e.g. committee or body) to facilitate the comprehensive treatment of chemical safety issues? Yes X No ڤ If "Yes": What is the name of the "mechanism"? - Advisory Committee on Chemicals; established 1990 - Advisory Committee on Chemical Safety at Work; established 1994 - Pesticide Commission, established 1984 When was it established? 2. CLASSIFICATION AND LABELLING OF CHEMICALS Priority for Action B1 2 2a) Has your country initiated work to adopt and implement the Globally Harmonized System for Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS)? Yes X No ڤ If "Yes", what is the expected date (year) GHS will be fully operational? _____Implementation in accordance with the European Union legislation 2b) Has your country ratified and implemented ILO Convention 170 on Safety in the Use of Chemicals at Work3, or instituted comparable measures? Yes X No ڤ - comparable measures, not ratified 3. NATIONAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION ON HAZARDOUS CHEMICALS Priority for Action C1 3a) What arrangements are operational in your country for the exchange of information on hazardous chemicals? Please describe. The National Product Control Agency for Welfare and Health (Finnish abbr. STTV) monitors compliance with regulations on chemical substances and preparations and the placing on the market of these products. The product register of the chemicals register (Finnish abbr. KETU) at the Agency contains data on more than 100 000 chemicals and 30 000 of them are available on the Finnish market. The registration of chemicals is based on the Decree of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health on submitting information on chemicals (374/2002). The Product Register can be used by authorities, the Poison Information Centre and research institutes. The data of the register is used, for example, in the treatment of cases of acute poisonings, in the preparation of legislation and as a tool for chemicals control. The Finnish Environment Institute monitors compliance with regulations on chemicals dangerous for the environment and has specialized in collecting and disseminating environmental data. Several different databases are available for chemical information and a publication on the different data sources on chemicals has been published by the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health. Please indicate if the established infrastructure includes: 3 ILO Convention 170 may be viewed on the ILO website at: http://www.ilo.org/ilolex/english/convdisp1.htm 3 1) website where national partners can gain access to chemical information sources, Yes X No ڤ The authorities keep informative websites, for example Finland’s environmental administration at www.ymparisto.fi, the Safety Technology Authority at www.tukes.fi, the National Product Control Agency for Welfare and Health at www.sttv.fi, the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health at www.occuphealth.fi, the national Public Health Institute at www.ktl.fi and the Advisory Committee on Chemicals at www.kemikaalineuvottelukunta.fi. Also the industry and trade as well as the different organisations have their own websites. 2) institutional directory listing sources of information Yes 4. X No ڤ NATIONAL PROCEDURES ON SAFETY INFORMATION FOR HAZARDOUS MATERIALS IN CIRCULATION Priority for Action C3 4a) Does your country have procedures in place to ensure that any hazardous material put into circulation is accompanied, at a minimum, by appropriate and reliable safety information that is easy to access, read and understand? Yes X No ڤ If "Yes": Are the procedures consistent with the safety data sheets of the 1990 International Labour Organization Chemicals Convention (No.170)? Yes X No ڤ Do they conform to the Globally Harmonized System for the Classification and Labelling Of Chemicals? Yes 5. ڤ No X ECOLOGICALLY SOUND AND INTEGRATED STRATEGIES FOR PEST MANAGEMENT Priority for Action D1 5a) Has your country prepared integrated pest management strategies? Yes ڤ No X Not a comprehensive strategy but IPM guidelines for several plants, for example for strawberry, raspberry, currant and apple 4 If "Yes", were national studies done to develop the strategies? Yes 6. ڤ No ڤ OBSOLETE STOCKS OF PESTICIDES AND OTHER CHEMICALS Priority for Action D2 6a) Are there any obsolete stocks of pesticides and/or other chemicals in your country? Yes 6b) ڤ No X Has your country prepared an action plan for disposal of obsolete stocks of pesticides and other chemicals? Yes ڤ No X If "Yes", has the action plan been implemented? Yes ڤ No ڤ If "Yes", has the action plan been completed? Yes ڤ No ڤ If "No", is work in progress to prepare an action plan? Yes ڤIf yes, what is the expected completion date (year)? ___________ No X If no, why not? _____Waste legislation exists and is in accordance with the European Union waste legislation_____________ 7. NATIONAL SYSTEMS FOR PREVENTION OF MAJOR INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS AND EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS & RESPONSE Priority for Action D4 7a) Has your country implemented a national system for emergency preparedness and response, in accordance with international principles 4? Yes x No ڤ If "No", is work in progress to implement the system? Yes ڤexpected completion date (year)? _______________ 4 No ڤ Ref. OECD Second Edition 2003 Guiding Principles for Chemical Accident Prevention, Preparedness and Response, undertaken in cooperation with other international organizations, including ILO, IMO, UNECE, UNEP, UNOCHA (UNEP/OCHA Joint Environment Unit) and WHO. 5 7b) Is there a national law requiring the system? Yes 7c) x No ڤ Has your country ratified and implemented ILO Convention 1745 on Prevention of Major Industrial Accidents? Yes ڤ No x If "No", are efforts under way to do so? Yes 8. ڤ No Under investigation INTERNATIONAL CODE OF CONDUCT ON THE DISTRIBUTION AND USE OF PESTICIDES 8a) Has your government implement the revised International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides (November 2002) 6 as the basis for a comprehensive life cycle approach to pesticide management ? Yes No X If "No", are efforts under way to do so? Yes 8b) ڤ No X Have the provisions of the Code of Conduct been implemented through other pieces of legislation or by other means? Yes X No ڤ If "Yes", please briefly describe. Partly implemented as the Finnish pesticides legislation corresponds to the European Union pesticides legislation ______________________________________________________________ 9. POISON CENTRES Priority for Action D7 5 ILO Convention 170 may be viewed on the ILO website at: http://www.ilo.org/ilolex/english/convdisp1.htm 6 The International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides may be viewed at: http://www.fao.org/AG/AGP/AGPP/Pesticid/ 6 9a) Have poison centre(s) been established in your country? Yes X No ڤ If "Yes", please indicate classification level for each poison centre: WHO Status of Development Classification well-established centres, the full range of clinical analytical and other relevant facilities A and cover the whole country. well-established centres, but lack some of the related facilities or do not provide full B coverage to the country. These centres require further development in order to meet the ideal criteria for centres given in the IPCS Guidelines certain facilities for poison control, but require major support to develop further areas C of activities, according to the criteria in the IPCS Guidelines, and should expand coverage through the country. Centre (Name & location) Date Established Poison Information Centre, Helsinki 9b) Classification initial Classification 2000 Classification current A (corresponds WHO status A but not exactly as stated because it is located in central hospital area) A A Is strengthening of poison centers planned? If "Yes", for what time period? ____________________ 9c) If there are no established poison centres in your country, is work under way in your country to establish a poison control centre with related chemical and analytical facilities for the first time? Yes ڤ No ڤ 7 If "Yes" when do you expect the poison control centre to be operational? Please provide location and date (year). ________________________________________________________ 10. POLLUTANT RELEASE AND TRANSFER REGISTERS/EMISSION INVENTORIES Priority for Action D8 10a) Has your country established: An air emission inventory? Yes X No ڤ A land emission inventory? Yes X No ڤ A water emission inventory? Yes X No ڤ A waste inventory? Yes X No ڤ A Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR)? Yes X EU/EPER No ڤ If "No", is work being initiated to design a PRTR or emission inventory system? Yes ڤ No ڤ 10 b) Has your country implemented a system comparable to the PRTR (e.g. the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control)? Yes 11. ڤ No ڤ PREVENTION OF ILLEGAL TRAFFIC IN TOXIC & DANGEROUS PRODUCTS Priority for Action F 8 11a) Has your country developed a national strategy, or other national measures (e.g. legislation, action plans) for the prevention of illegal traffic in toxic and dangerous products? Yes X No ڤ If "Yes", when was it prepared? Please indicate date (year) 1989 was given the Chemicals Act (744/1989) that obligates the Customs to control chemicals imported and exported. The Act contains also provisions on the sanctions for non-compliance. 12. Children and Chemical Safety (Forum IV Recommendation) 12a) Has your government prepared, through multi-stakeholder consultation, initial national assessments of children’s environmental health and chemical safety? Yes X No If "No", are efforts under way to do so? Yes 12b) No ڤ Has your government taken action to promote harmonized data collection, research, legislation and regulations, and the use of indicators of children’s environmental health? Yes X No ڤ If "Yes", please briefly describe: Case by case when needed. Systematic research on health effects of outdoor and indoor air pollution, also selected bioindicators in exposed groups, monitoring of drinking water, food and breast milk. CAFÉ, CEHAPE and other international ongoing processes. Data Collection and Research: Monitoring of - drinking and bathing water according to the EU protocol - sediments and fish for several environmental contaminants, including POPs (National Public Health Institute (NPHI), Finnish Environment Institute) - breast milk for several environmental contaminants (NPHI) - food intake of a representative population sample; children are now being included (National Food Agency, NPHI) - indoor air in schools and homes for formaldehyde and volatile organic compounds (NPHI, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health) - exposure to environmental tobacco smoke of school-aged children (National 9 Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health, University of Tampere) - hazardous chemicals in toys (Finnish Consumer Agency) Research on the links between exposure to - POPs (placenta and milk samples) and allergies in childhood (NPHI) - dioxins and PCBs and cleft palate (NPHI) and dental defects (University of Helsinki) - chemical and microbial exposures in school buildings and respiratory health in children (NPHI) - nitrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide and respiratory health in preschool children (NPHI) - indoor air pollution and health risks in ice arenas (NPHI) - environmental chemicals and male reproductive health (University of Turku, NPHI) Legislation and regulations: Overall, children are included in the chemical legislation and regulations as vulnerable groups. Ordinances specifically aimed at children include a ban on certain phthalates in toys and childcare articles to be put in the mouth for children under 3 years (1999) and a decision on child-resistant fastening and tactile warning in the packaging of a dangerous chemical (2001). The safety of toys is also regulated by an act (1997). Use of children's environmental health indicators: Information on basic indicators (chemical poisoning incidents, hospitalizations, rates of chronic diseases) is available through hospitalization, death, cancer, and drug imbursement registries. Finland participates in the Environment and Health Information System (ENHIS) project. If "No", are efforts under way to do so? Yes ڤ No ڤ 13. HAZARD DATA GENERATION (Forum IV Recommendation) 13a) Has your government established national priorities for information generation for chemicals that are not produced in high volumes? Yes ڤ No X If "No", are efforts under way to do so? Yes ڤ No X Other Forum IV Recommendations address: 10 Please provide brief information on specific actions your government has taken to respond to the recommendations of Forum IV in these areas: Occupational Safety and Health; Ban on asbestos and strict demands on the demolition work have had remarkable effects Binding list of concentrations of impurities in workplace air known to be hazardous (HTP values) and list of corresponding indicative limit values for biological exposure indicators; the latest version is from 2005. Youth and work-program (FIOH), specific legislation on working conditions and safety of youth in working life, occupational health care system: both preventive actions and work protection Acutely Toxic Pesticides – risk management and reduction; Special qualification needed for the use on certain dangerous pesticides Advance approval system for the assessment of pesticides Total ban on paraquat and other very dangerous pesticides by Council of State Decision 1361/1996 Capacity building; Support to chemicals control activities in Russia Support to the chemicals control activities of Baltic Environmental Forum in Baltic states and Russia INFOCAP (Information Exchange Network on Capacity Building for the Sound Management of Chemicals) implementation. Projects additional to what is mentioned in http://www.who.int/ifcs/infocap/ Awareness raising and capacity building on chemicals control on NorthWest Russia; BACCON Rus 1; The project was implemented by the Baltic Environmental Forum in co-operation with other stakeholders. The overall goal of the BACCON Rus project was to support capacity building at state authorities and industry in Russia for set-up and implementation of an efficient chemicals management system. It started in October 2004 and last till December 2005. Finnish Ministry of the Environment was one of the sponsors. 11 Details of person completing the questionnaire: IFCS National Focal Point: Yes Pirkko Kivelä X Name: Counsellor Title: Ministry of the Environment Ministry No Address Postal address: P.O. Box 33, FIN-00023 GOVERNMENT, Finland Street address: Kasarmikatu 25, Helsinki, Finland +358(0)9 160 39733 Tel: 15th February 2006 +358(0)9 160 39716 Fax: Email: Date: pirkko.kivela@ymparisto.fi and kenk.stm@stm.fi Signature: Please provide the following additional information: Does the IFCS National Focal Point have direct access to the Internet in his/her office? Yes X No ڤ If "No", does he/she have access to the Internet in the building where he/she works? Yes ڤ No ڤ 12