7 -18 October, 2002
1. WHO provided Technical Support to FMOH on the “Pool of Five”
Technical Assistance Support Fund (TASF):
 The “Pool of Five” made up of five major donors to Ethiopia (Netherlands, Norway,
Ireland, Belgium and Sweden) met with the Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH) to
discuss the modalities for translating the pooled funding for Technical Assistance
Support into action. WHO is assisting (FMOH) to prepare TOR for the TASF based on
the already endorsed concept paper by H.E. the Minister of Health.
 It is intended that the Technical Assistance Support Fund will be used to accelerate the
process of the Health Sector Development Programme (HSDP) as well as capacity
building in the Planning Department of FMOH and the Regional Health Bureaux.
 The concept paper will define TASF in line with HSDP by consulting
stakeholders, through literature review and experiences of other countries. It will
also contain issues on monitoring, management and accountability of TASF.
 The draft TOR for consultants for TASF will be reviewed on Monday, 28th
October 2002.
2. Emergency Drought Situation in Ethiopia and WHO’s Support;
 The emergency due to the drought is worsening. Three scenarios and food needs
are identified as Best-case scenario 6.8 million, mid case scenario 10.2 million
and worst-case scenario to be 14.3 million. At this point in time the best-case
scenario is dropped and it is between the mid and worst case scenarios future
course of action is being worked out. The scenario to be followed will be
actualized after the main harvest season assessment that will be conducted
between late October and November. Based on the outcome of the assessment
and in conjunction with other findings actual project will be made.
 The Proposal developed on the non-food items include assistance for vaccination
against measles and Vitamin A supplementation, the need for cold chain
equipment, nutrition survey, training and sensitization on communicable diseases
for health workers, local authorities and community representatives. Other issues
for intervention in the proposal are the maintenance of non-functional water
supply systems including quality control of safe water, particularly in Afar region.
There is a need for technical and operational costs to Regional Health Bureaus
and the Federal Ministry of Health.
 The activities in the Appeal document are now being implemented, following
AFRO’s approval of the Allotment and sticker numbers. Ethiopia is expecting the
first consignment of 28 Emergency Health Kits from Geneva by next week.
Fax to RD week 5 & 6
 Resources will be forthcoming from the Netherlands Government and from the
Government of Norway. The proposals will be finalized with comments from both
Embassies and the Health Response Task Force of the FMOH before forwarding to
AFRO and HQ.
3. Refinement of HSDP II Document by FMOH and WHO:
 The draft HSDP II document is under-going detailed refinement before
finalization. Areas redefined and redrafted included:
- Strategies for Family Health services including EPI and Nutrition were
reviewed, corrected and improved
- Strategies for the prevention and control of communicable diseases were
- Strategies for Insecticide Treated Nets (ITNs) were developed and added.
- The contents of Risks and Risk Mitigation measures and Plan of Action
for 1995 EFY were reviewed.
- The strategies, activities, and indicators for Health Extension package
Programme were reformulated.
4. UNDAF: Moving the Process Forward
 At a meeting of the UNCT, there were briefings on the current status of the work
of Thematic Groups and cross-cutting working groups. For Access to Basic
Social Services, the group agreed to strengthen EPI and Safe Motherhood
programme and to work on a new initiative – School Health. Recommendation
included the following (i) internalize the UNDAF. (ii) increase awareness, (iii)get
commitment from Heads of Agencies, (iv) explore modalities for collaboration,
(v)link with SDPs, PRSP, NEPAD, decentralization and civil service reforms, (vi)
synchronized programme cycles and procedures and (vii) consider pooled funding
and/or common areas of funding.
5. Programmatic Issues:
 IMCI: The dissemination workshop of the Community component survey of\
IMCI was conducted in Addis Ababa with 51 participants in attendance. From
the survey results, a strategic Plan of Action was developed to strengthen good
household practices and mitigate bad ones. The Sub-committee for Community
Awareness will be constituted under the IMCI Technical Committee to allow
contacts with grassroots.
 EPI: The first meeting of the Technical Advisory Group (TAG)Ethiopia took
place in Addis Ababa from 15 – 16 October 2002, chaired by Dr. Ciro De
The group presented their findings and recommendations to
Government through the Vice Minister of Health, Dr. Demessie Tadesse. They
also debriefed to major Partners. One of the key recommendations was the need
to establish a structured surveillance system specific for Afar and Somali regions
for AFP surveillance and IDSR.
Fax to RD week 5 & 6
 HIV/AIDS: The NPO facilitated and provided technical support at the
National HIV/AIDS surveillance workshop in Nazareth, Ethiopia. Twenty six
Regional HIV/AIDS coordinators and experts participated and the objective to
finalize the National Plan of Action for 2003 was net.
Ethiopia is awaiting the response from the Global fund after re-submission
incorporating all comments.
 Roll Back Malaria Course in Nazareth, Ethiopia is ongoing and the
participants are now ready for field work in the malaria endemic areas. Ten
member States sent participants.
Others: “Too poor to be Sick” Study Launch took place in Addis Ababa on 10th
October, 2002 as part of an International effort to better address the needs and realities of
children in poor countries. Save the Children UK launched the major research paper,
which highlights the impact of poverty on access to decent health care. The Government
of Ethiopia has embarked on an ambitious Poverty Reduction Strategy and WHO is
collaborating with FMOH on the issue to address the short, medium and long term needs.
At a meeting of the DAG-Core Group on 10 October, it was decided that that a retreat is
needed to discuss future task and challenges of the DAG after the endorsement of the
PRSP document. There is a need to create awareness about direct budget support that it
is a process and there is a need for experience sharing of other African countries. Civil
society should be involved in monitoring and evaluation of PRSP implementation.
Fax to RD week 5 & 6